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B J ' THE EAiTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, PRICE. UTAH .,- . Hi Eastern Utah Advocate H1 PnED L. WATK0U8, Publisher. D' Subscription Rata: One Year, $1.60; Six Month, 76c; Thrco Months, 60e B ADVEMTISINQ RATES IN EFFECT JANUARY 1, 1914. IH DISPLAY ADVERTISING rer Inch per Single Issue, 25c; per Inch per H Month, 20c Each Issue. H POSITION Full Position, Top of Column, Next Heading, add 26 per IH cent to abore. Alongside Heading Matter, add 10 per cent to abore, H HEADERS ror Lino, Ono Time, 10c; Per Line, Subsequent, Cc. H PIIOFESSIONAL CAnDS Not Orer One Inch, $1.00 per Month. Hi LKOALS Ten Cents per Lino First Insertion. Five Cents per Line Each HV Subsequent Issuo. S OBITUARIES Carda of Thanks, Resolutions, Etc., at Half Local Read. St Ins Notice nates. Address all Communications to EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, PRICE, UTAH. H , STRAIN SHOWS THE WEAK SPOT. HV ? An amazing picture of Dritish industry and liritish workmen i.t HS 1, now spread before tile world by persons wbo arc assumcil to apeak ST 1 with authority for the nation, says the Saturday livening Post. j i Men in high position arc declaring that drunkenness retards all H f sorts of government work, and arc piling up innumerable instances S j to prove it. H , Tliat a country so saturated with and impaired by alcohol as K these rc)rcscntations would liavc one suppose could have led the S ' world, time out of mind, in exports, selling manufactures of all sorts H over the globe in free competition with every other country, sccnu S. y to us incredible. T .;( Probablv the war has increased drinking not so much through J ,1 higher earnings as through the excited, abnormal atmosphere the H war begets. When a nation lets itself loose for destruction the or- H i dinary moral restraints on individual conduct arc doubtless loosened J 4 ' too. Those who praise the moral value of war should devote a cliap- H tcr, for example, to explaining the increase in illegitimacy. J , War is a terrific national intoxicant. Its effect on individuals S ( can hardly be to increase sobriety. (Wc suspect, too, that war is Hj on the nerves of those who make the most sensational statement" J, about the ravages of drink among workmen. In a calmer rtatc they S would probably draw a less startling picture, t After all rational allowances, however, the evidence is over- H: " whelming, in this intense strain, that drink docs decidedly impair J, national efficiency. If it impairs it now, it always impaired it. The Jf strain simply shows the weak spot. Temperance is the outstanding J) j lesson of the war, hut strain is followed by reaction. In the reaction H'" j' J that will follow this war temperance may actually lose ground H ' t?0 among the nations now belligerent. ARE YOUTHFUL AT FORTY-FIVE Vj 'Women of That Ags In This Genera- m ' tton Do Not Look Over Thirty If I Thsy Use "Precautions." V' ,1 Tho American woman of forly-flvo a ' '. generation ago saw hor for y-Ara yeara a" '. " ., unmistakably reflected In her mirror Sff, t ' ' In worry lines, flabby throat, graying I hair, and sagging facial muscles. Tho SB I woman of that day turned away sadly fl I t' enough, no doubt, but hor predomluat. I Ij Ins fueling was a sad resignation to V ' , tho lnovltablo law which decreed that ' it was not ouly natural but right for a JKj woman of her advanced yeara to ap B j jtcar old. Tho woman of forty-flvo to BH ' day, yos, and even tho woman of (If ty, V ' r would laugh U ono advancod so absurd H i ,' an opinion. Tho Ufa of today Is nioro Jl ' wearing, moro active, than was that of fl, a generation ago, but her mirror ro- M, fleets a smooth whlto brow from fi ' which the worry lines have been lan X lilicd by tho "forehead strap" and the Jl, "wrlnklo plaster," and a firm rounded fl throat and chin, tho contour of which V Is preserved by tho application of as- B trlngenta and tho artful "chin strap." B Her hatr Is abundant and well cared PH' ' for, and hor soft tkln Is tinted with n Ppfl'-'; ; kvegbiablo rougu that caunot bo do PPJI '"" tecled. PpS Perfectly corseted and llthely youth- PpV ' ful, sbo finds no dlfllculty In convlnc- PBB Ing tho most arrant skeptic that sh Is PBfl under thirty. Voguo. sssH - PBh I 1 Compliment for Grandpa, yfl Grandpa was visiting In a family where thuro was a little girl named 1 I.uclllo. Alter ho had gono somcono PBB' y said, "Well, Lucille, what do yon think J I m of graudpaT" "Oh," she said, "I think Hi W ho Is Just nwful cute." PLEA FOR THE OLD HOME LIFE Return to It Would Bs of Benefit to the Nation, Is the Opinion of New Yorker. Again wo hear tho praises sung of "tho old fashioned mother" It Is a themo to arouso tender memories aud to Insplro Imitation among tho women of today, remarkr tho Now York Mall. Tho old fashioned nother, homo-loving and devoted to hor children, caring for them In sickness and In health, from tho cradlo to tho end It was sha who mudo tho home and kept It, and who made tho nation strong and great In tho stability of tta units, tho homes. Hut thcro was tho old-fashioned fa thor, too, who found his greatest pleas uro In being by tho side. of tho old fash ioned mother, with their children about them. To him tho family tiro aldo was tho bust place on earth, and ho helped to mako It such, and mother and father were tho bost people In tho world In those days when they nightly gathered their brood about them fBr tho family hour tho best hour In tho twonty-four. Parents of today loso much by not being old-fsshlonad, their children loso moro and tho nation suitors most of all, for no peoplo can bo truly strong when tho hearthstono ceases to draw with compelling forco, and whon fa. thcr and mother and children are sep arated In tho pursuit of the exclto monts thai take tho placo of tho old fashioned homo life. o Qlant Leaves. Tho leaf of the cocoanut tree Is nearly thirty feet long; while a slnglo lenf of the parasol magnolia of Ceylon will shelter llfteun to twenty persons. rW;'" 1 : I I Black Hawk, II Utah 9 HH if t i tfjf Centrally located between the coal camps of Hiawatha and Hj ' Ji Moluland, and headquaitors for all the miners of the Ajso- B; ciatcd companies in Eastern Utah. Wc arc placing on the H i market a tract of 40 acres, divided up into lots s'zc 50 feet by B , 150 feet. Each lot faces 50 feet street and has 20 foot alley. B' i Fine business locations. The only privately owned ground near HL; this fn- growing town. H ' Residence Lois, $350.00 to $450.00 B ' J . Business Lois, $500.00 to $650.00 H Liberal discounts Jor Cash, or on time to suit your purse. PH , These lots will double in value within one year. BB vl Early choice means good location. aLB ' HBl. McDonald Real Estate & Investment Co. HH;j . j We Have No Competitors. ;;i BoTaH yHsfsVaTsal ELITE BAR EIQHT-YEAn-OLD CEDARiROOK WHISKEY. And everything tho lilglirnt grade In the Liquor And Cigar lln I Charles Averill PRICE, UTAH. Aberdeen) The High Efficiency COAL Government Equivalent, 2104 Lbs. Unequalled for Storage. Will Not Slack Dest of Steaming and Heating Qualities. Independent Coal & Coke Co. I Mines at Kcnltworth, Utah. General Offices, Walker Hank Illdg. SALT LAKK CITY. Northern Bar Everything First Class and Up-to-Date. Courteous and Pair Treatment to All. Ackerman & Ford Proprietors. - A Man With a Suit From this store hss the satisfaction of knowing that he se lected It from the Choicest Weaves on the Market. We are showing 8 P R I N O STY LEO galore and Nsw Models that have originated ex cluslvely for THE DC8T DnES8ED MAN OF THE UNIVERSE. Frank L. Buckio TAILOR l'UICIJ UTAH Reduce the High Cost of Living! CASH! ITOMATOCO, PEAS, CORN AND 8TRINQ DEANS 10o A CAN P0TAT0E8 $1,30 PER CWT. FOR OTHER PRICES CALL AT THE Garden Store PHONE 104 PRICE, UTAH s Specially Designed WorH Can be had at our mill in connection with our lumber yard. We turn out everything in the Carpen ter line. Submit your wants, we'll do the rest.. When you buy from us you get guaranteed material. Smoot-Nixon Lumber Co, Professional Cards ATTORNEYS. D. D. HOUTZ Attorny-at-Law Practices In all tho courts of the state and tho federal courts. Otflcc, Eighth Floor Kcarns Uultdlng. Salt Lako City, Utah. Samuel A. King Claude U King KING & KING Attorneys at-Law Commercial Illock Salt Lake City W. H. FRYE Attorney-at-Law Practices In n'l courts of tho slate Also In tho federal courts. Offlco In ho Miles llulldlng, Price. Utah. RICHARD B. THURMAN Attorney-at-Law Will practice In all slate and fed ertl courts. 222 Koston llulldlng Salt take City, Utah. FERDINAND ERICKSEN Lawyer 717-710 Judco Illdg-. Bait Ukn City L. O. HOFFMANN Attorney-at-Law Olflco In J'arker-Wcotor Illock. PRICE, UTAH. GEORGE A. COLE Attorney-at-Law Federal and stato land office prac tlco. Water rlKhts. 921 lloston llulldlng. Salt Lake City L A. McGEE Attorney-at-Law Vlglla-llonomo Illock, Price, Utah PHYSICIANS. A. C. SORENSEN Physician and 8urgeon Specialist in Women's and Clill dren's dUeases. General Surgery and Medicine. Offlco In l'arker-Wceter Illock, Price. Utah. F, F. FISK Physician and Surgeon I'lHCB, UTAH. DR. E. F. CHAMBERLAIN Physician and Surgeon Office over Ootdwt llule,. DR. RICHARD D. GREEN Dentin, Price, Utah. 1-6 Vlglla-llonanio Illk. Offlee hours: 9 to 12; 1 to t MISCELLANEOUS h. j. Mcdonald Notary Public Offloo at McDonald Ileal Estate & Investment Co. ORUQ 8TORE TOR SALE. On account of other business I v,ll sell or trado, all or part of my drug storo at county seat A. good snap foi a live party. W. C. I'erry, Duchcsno. Utah. j o . I hnvo two good quarter blocks, will louse or rent on shares this summer to good responsible party to cultivate and take caro of; good proposition to right party. Address H. B .uWs, Price. Utah. JfSu c?n 8et a K001 tlcycla t Goodman's, at prices that aro right, tt Efficiency, Service and J Better Merchandise r Ma mu WE believe in helping the people of our B communi.y; wc have, at all times, con- K fined out effotts tolcly to the building up V of our stores by giving the most efficient service ' and the highest grade of merchandise at the B" lowest price. Wc have added line after line of Hk stock, until today our stores contain an immense V(, stock of high-grade merchandise which enables HR us to compete successfully with Eastern mail HV order houses and the large stores of Salt Lake B ' City. K B i Carbon-Emery I Stores Co. I J. M. DEATIE, Gonortxl Superintendent IE Stores at IllnWAthn, DUck Hawk, Mohrlnnd nnil East lllswitht B ' and Carbon. HL "iB. Stockgrowers5 and! Farmers9 Store I GROCERIES and FARM SUPPLIES I We are now handling Grain, Hay and Flour B in carload lots. B 'Prices? Just inquire. B 190PhoneI90 I seeds! ' But CrnPMm rl-y 0ne"bl Tested Seeds-the Dest that Money ' C ?' nPhCT,e 8T0CK' GARDEN, HELD and GRAS3 SEE0J. Just Received a Larne Shipment of Sudan Grass Seed I ' ViLnZ ADU!h R"''nB Qrass-Sald to De the Create.! 0;a oer 2.1 J. nX Purcne " able to quote you a of j I Grand'junction Seed Co.l Corner Fourth and Main Streets . . Qrand Junction, Color" J a odsiv -s a gooc me to.scnl I J in your subscriptionMjB