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bbW i ' THE EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE, PRICE, UTAH I I LEARNED CHINESE I '' TONGUE AND WAYS H That Was Why Two Young San H Francisco Boys Hado a uV Dig Success. B INSPIRATION IN DOCK YARDS HB i Determined to Conquer the Markets HB of the Orient, Roaencrantx and HB Keegan Accomplished Their HB v Aim In a Dozen Years. Hi Oy OSnOflN MARSHALL. BE) ,, (Cep) right McCIura Nowspnpsr Byndl SsvH 1 ml) BH It was In tho naluro of a genuine 1 romance was Milliard Itoscncrnntx's friendship for Joseph Keegan. They found each other when thoy wcro rchoolboys In San Francisco, and In H i splto of dlffcrenco In rnco and tradl- BBf tlon they both know from tho atart BH that they were kindred spirits Elgh HB tccn years ngo thoy used to candor HB down to tho docks of tho port of tho BBg ( flolden Onto and as thoy watched tho BH i Incoming steamers rich with Uiolr HJj oriental cargoea or laden with ba H ' i nnnns from Tahiti, thoy would drink BH ' ' In tho spirit of adventure and achieve- BH ment that vaa waftod In with each HI bnvtth of tea air HI , "Tho very bllgo water of thoso ra HB I clflc liners," says Mr Keegan, "used H I to term wllh romance enough to fire BBl our boyish Imaginations." HH It was In theao rambles In tho dock HI l yards of Ban Francisco that Illlllard BBY Itoaencrantt and Joicph Keegan first BH decided to learn to speak Chtnoso HB They had already determined to mako HB monoy; they had also determined to HBf ' mako It In soma form of morchnndls- HI' ,' ' Ing. nut down thero on tho docks, HB f ' with their lungs expandod to tho fresh HB i (T raclflo breezes, they decided with ono HB ' accord that thoy would nover stoop to HI ' tho pettifogging, small dickering and HB narrow scheming that they felt would HB bo necessary to win success without n HB cant of capital In their natlvo land H, I Thoy would go out to the vneqnqucred HB l markets of the Knat and dff.Thlngs In HB i a big. magnlftcent stylo. Tnny would, HBL,! therefore, thoy decided, learn to HJB speak Cantonese, the dialect of Chi BBv v. neae trndo BBl ' 01 course In thoae days about tho BBlK c only Americans who learned Chlneao HBp t- wcro mlislonarles, aud they didn't HB r usually attempt to Irarn It till thoy HH T. reached China. The men who traded HBu V with Chlneao merchants usually cm HHr ployed natlvo Intorpriiters, and so By there was llttlo precedent for young HR Ttosencronts and Keegan In tholr now HB; ambition BBT'' 1 Learned Chlneao In Chinatown. BH f "There Is ono good way to learn HB t to talk Chlneao," Itotencrantz, whon BBv tholr minds woro mado up to study BBl tli (J language told his friend, "and BH that Is to gel aomeono In Chinatown BBV In teach us" BBl Bo whenever tho two young men BBl j had a few hours to spend and a lit BBf tlo ready monoy In tholr vockcts they BBv ' would mako nn excursion to China- BBV p town where, under tho tutolago of a BH ' venerablo old Chinaman, they took HB , tholr first lesions In Chinese BBv Heedless to say, Chlneao Is not an BBv enuy language although now that Mr BBf Itoscncrantx has beon master of tho BBv . languago for mi many jenrj ho Is un- BBl able to see why It should be ronsld BBf ered vnusunlly difficult Hut the boys BH i , wero persistent. When they becamo HB ; a llttlo proflclont In the languago they BBf took advantago of every Chinaman BBf . thuy met to practice their nowly-nc BBf I I quired method of expression. Ono BBffi ii Chinese laundryman almoat dropped BBV I W la flatlron with astonishment one HE . j. day when tho tresh faced young Amor- BBV j , leans began briskly to address htm In BHFe'' his mothor tongue BBf I ' r At boat "lld na" nn unccrta,n nnJ BBf1 slow mothod, and when tho Unlvcr BBf slty of California announced an ox- F j toniton courso In the Cantoneso dla BH lect tho two aspirants to fluency I BH j tho Celestial language wore delighted BBf f$ Thoy Joined tho claas and worked BBm '' B "ko TrJ,ina at mastering the put- HB W ales of their task Other men In the BH' S course were taking It as a hobby or HBl I fi na a sldo Issue To Keegan and nosen- BH m rrnntx It was tho moat Important bust- HB' i m ness In Ufa. And between lessons nt HB f the university they bauntod China BH , town In search of natives with whom BH ' I to convorso. BBV, n In the spring of 1R99, nt tho end of BBk- ff the term, Rosoncrantx stood head mnu HB' , tn bis class, and In recognition of his HH ' ' achievement tho realdent Chlneao HH consul ot Ban Francisco, the august BBY ' and honorablo Ho Yow, conferred a HH t apitclal commendation upon htm BH, ' Not only had Keegan and Itoaon BBf crnnts learned to speak Chlneao, they BBf ? had learned In their lntorcourao with BBf , the Inhabitants ot Chinatown romo- BBf thing quite as Important In their fu- BBf I turn work as the languago. Thoy had BH ' i become familiar with the peculiar HB i-' temperament unfathomable unless HB j .) yon understand It of the Oriental. B Conquering, the Oriental Markets BBf i Then for a fow months tho two BBf icon served tholr apprenticeship in BBf , San Francisco, buying chop Junk BBf and selling It In Chinatown, thereby BBf ' increasing their knowledge ot the BBf wayn of the Chinese mind and also )"" accumulating a llttlu capital ' Their ultimate objoct that ot con sj, ' querlug the markets of tho Orient i' was ofer beforo tholr minds, and be- I j (ore. long thoy wero ready to make a l': I begtnnlug. With their hard-earned HH' It savings they laid in & supply of cheap ' Lis hh;shIBh Jowolry, elated ware and trinkets, such as they know would be In de mand wbeVever Orientals were to be found nod as a crowning stroke of good luck, they secured tho agency for a largo watch manufacturing concern. Then they engaged pisaago on an cast sailing vessel, packod their bags and bnggago, sent tholr wares Into tho bold ot tho ship and for ono fool lah day on the ovo of their departuro thought they had done all that was necessary They chanced to meet a mnn who had been In China and know some thing about tho methods ot tho coun try. "Or courro you aro taking dinner togsT" ho raid "Dinner togs dress suits!" echoed Ttoaoncrantt, looking anxiously at Keegan Dinner togs were Included In tholr dreams of things which would be added unto them after they had won success, but which had no part in their present wnrdrobo "What should wo do with dlnnor togs7" ' Only this," explained tho man who know, "tho Chinese merchants have been doing business with English men, who havo educated them to ex pect a man to dress for dinner The English always do, ott know, and if you expect to get In with theso mer chants and compcto with tho English men yon will havo to do as they do." Whon tho two young men wcro alono thoy regarded each other sadly "Wo havo spent all our money, Keegan," sighed Roacncranlr, "but If wo must wo musL" 8o together they went sorrowfully to tho place In San Francisco where dinner togs wcro leant cxpcnslvo It wan a serious matter, for whon thoy had provided thcmielvcs wllh tho new nrtlcles or apparel they had but $G0 In tho world to speed thorn on tholr venture They had not boen long In China, however, beforo they realized how fortunato had been this eloventh hour warning, and how wlso thoy had been In heeding IL Succeeded From the Start I.uck was with them from tho start. Thoy stopped first at Honolulu, whero thoy managed to soil goods upon which tho commissions amount od to II.GOO. Then they went on to Japan, whero they received a chock for another $1,600, and from that tlmo on they wero nover In need ot funds In China they mado tholr greatest success becauso they understood the language, although at first tho pros- i VT V SisiwBlfasssWSBBkrMvsa4.Bk Took Their nrsTLeiaons In Chlmia. poet was discouraging. They found that most of tho agents for Imported goods woro Englishmen who under stood llttlo or no Chlneao Those men dealt with wholesale dealers who ompldyod native Interpreters So whoi .ecgan nnd Itosencrants ap peared, young Americans selling a new lino of goods, tho wholesalers favored tho established English agents, and Keegan and nnsencrnntx mado few ealos. "Lct'a play a trick on the Engllih agents," suggested Itosoncrants to Keegan "Lot's go straight to tho Chinese merchants, talk, '.o them with out an Interpreter and sell the oods choapor than they can get them from tho wholesale dealers becauso wo can cut out the wholeaalo dealer's com mission." Eton this was not always easy to do, but tho young men had boundless enthusiasm, and In the end it was a policy which brought thorn success. From China they went on to India, and beforo long they were dealing In various lines ot American made goods, always working directly with the mop chant and leaving out of consider tlon the middleman A dozen years after this first ven ture In tho Orient tho names of Keegan and noaoncrantx wero well known In business circles tn Japan, China, India and Australia, and be sides dealing In everything from watches to wireless apparatus, they nsre reaped additional harvest! by importing precious stones from the I Orient to the United States I One thing Keegan and liosencrant: had Impressed upon them during their years of experience In the Orient I no matter how successful American I push and bluntness may bo in this country, It Is different in tho far East I Thero tho trader must bo keen, po-1 lite, diplomatic and leisurely. Ho must, above all clco, understand the peculiar temperament ot tho Oriental, , and tho first leson ot this difficult art ' Keegan and Iloscncmntx learned a more boys In tho streets of Ban Fran cisco's Chinatown. GOODNESS FOR ITS OWN SAKE Dsttsr Live Up to Duty Than Have ' Correct Ftellglous Beliefs, De ' clarss Writer. It Is not supremely Important, how-1 over desirable, that any single ono of our beliefs In religion should bo cor- rcct, not oven our belief in Cod; but i It wo try to live up to tho rule of I duty, which Is lovo, ws shall bo ao- coptablo to Clod whether wo know any , thing about htm or noli and wo shall not bo acteptablo to him, no matter ' how cornet our knowledge ot him, If lovo bo wanting ! Thooloffy may bo tbo queen ot sci ences, but it is all a matter of opinion I or belief based on evidence, as to the valuo and bearing ot which good men may dlffor. It Is a noblo study, worth ' gltlng ono'a best thought to, but tho enforcement upon ono'a soul of tho ob ligation ot duty until It is natural to do right and Imposalblo to do wrong hero Is task, hero is primacy. , . . Yet, as It appears to mo, our pur i poao and aim should bo to lovo and cultlvato goodness for Its own sako, becauso It Is good, rather than bo causo It will socuro happiness and avoid misery in tho future life. In tho answer to tho first question In the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, "man's chief end" may bo "to glorify aod," but It Is hardly "to enjoy htm for ovor; however that may bo the result To glorify Cod Is very nearly tho samo thing ns to magnify goodness, for CJod is inflnlto goodness. That is his nil Ing quality. To bo utterly, totally good, loving, helpful, self sacrificing, good ns tho holy God Is good, to do Justly, to lovo mercy, this Is to walk humbly before Ood, and this Is "man's chlof end;" and this the promise ot the II fo that now is and ot that to come William Hayes Ward In the New York Independent. Poison Tablets Cuirdsd. Various methods t'oslgnod to pre vent the mistaking ot bichloride of mercury for medicine, or somo other harmless substance, have been pro posed with tho Idea of making it pos sible to use this deadly poison m. an antUeptlo without Incurring any dan ger. Two ot tho latest ot these are extremely simple but evidently effec tive. Ono method consists in string Ing tho tableta together and then bot tling them In the usual manner. A tablet can only bo detached by cutting tbo string, nnd thla apparently does away with all possibility of mistake, Tho other mothod la to lnraao the tab lots in metal guards so that it Is im possible to swallow them. The tablet can bo dissolved with the guard In place or can easily be removed from tho guard. Popular Mechanics Ilaga-ttno. Approval. "Of course, you are aware that tho king lias discontinued tho use ot al coholic beverages" "It's high tlniiv A man with a par ticular Job on his bands like a king's should never hove been allowed to touch liquor In the tin. pis --w" CHARACTERISTICS OF A MULE Endurance, Vigor and Easiness to Keep Depend Upon Mare De msnd Is for Dig Animals. Mulo breeders differ to somo oxtcnt over whether the mulo colts charac tcrlatlcs aro duo most to the Jack or to tho maro. Several Investigators who havo asked mulo breeders for their experiences and opinions havo received Information that was atvarl ance. Tho weight of opinion, however, seems to Incllno that tho external characteristics ot tho mulo colt aro given hlra by tho Jack, whllo bis en durance, vigor and easiness to keep will dejend upon tho marc. So !t will bo seen that tho scrub mare, tbo cat hammed, washy type ot llttlo weight or stamina will not mako a sultablo mother for tho mulo that Is to sell well. Any sort of ii maro will not do, but that Is rather a popular Idea among somo growers. Take a big farm mare, ono that will stand about IS, 1S4 or 18 hands high, and that weighs anywhero from 1,400 to 1,800 pounds, and bred to a good ' Jack sho should produce tho kind ol mutes that tho market Is always look ing for. When tho Jack is scloctcd he should bo ot fair slzo and weight at about 1,000 to 1,200 pounds, and havo tho right kind ot a pcdlgrco back of him Ot courao thoro aro good Jacks that are somewhat smaller, but tho IS to 164 band animal Is tho ono that Is most certain to produce tho typo of. mules that a farmor likes to bo ablo to offer. Whero an animal is bought It is worth tho buyer's whllo to spend a nttlo moro and get as nearly what Is wanted as jiosalblo. It Is Just as easy to ralso a big, rug ged, heavy mulo aa It is to grow tho llttlo mules that aro now ured over much of tho South. Thoy call them "cotton mules" In tho southern states, aHHvBsVstava-sV Bflvsvalr excellent Type ot Mule, but the demand In that section is now tor bigger animals because ot tbo Increasing slzo and weight of farm machinery. In tbo cities tbo big mulo has tho call. Tho llttlo mule Is not wanted and may soon bocome something ot a drug on tho market PLAN FOR WEANING THE PIGS Youngsters Are Allowed to Drain Sows' Udders, and Next Day They Are Put In Qood Pastures. Many ot our beat bog men now wean thelc pigs early and vcan them all at tht same time Tho day bo tore weaning thoy put tho sows and pigs together In a pon by themselves and glvo tbo sows little or no feed that day Tho pigs aro allowed to drain the sons udders and the next day the plga are put In a good pasture by themselves and given a nutritious ra tlon, sklra milk being fed It It is avail ablo The sovs are put on short pasture and for tho first day or two are glton plenty '.o drink but llttlo to cat In short time they nro dried up com (iletely and then may to given a good ration to get them In condition for breeding or for market MANY STALLIONS IN INDIANA BUte Is Third In Number of Pur- chasss, Against Tenth Place Last Year Illinois Is First Over five hundrod registered Perch eron stallions were transferred to In dlana owners according to the report of the Percheron Society of America at tta annual meeting This puts the state third In numbor ot purchases, against tenth place last year Tho Increase Is accounted for by the new stallion registration rules, which re quire the owner to mako tho breeding ot the horse public. Farmers have in muny case been breeding to horse of setnb HneMfe, which they supposed wore purebred Illinois leads lr numbers purchase 1, -tb 1 J117, TOMMIE'B DIRTHDAY. Tommlo wanted to go fishing, but his mother told him ho must wait un til aomeono could go with hlra, sho could not let him go atone, and that somo day very soon sho would go with him and ho could fish all day. Uul Tommlo was not satisfied, and right after dinner ho told his mothor he was going to play with tho boys But Instead of that ho went to a store and bought s hook and lino, then ho dug worms for bnlt nnd went to a pond ho knew of to flah. Ho baited his hook and cast It Into tho pond Hut the fish Hd no Intention ot biting that day Tommlo soon grew tired ot waiting, nnd thought bo would go In wading Tho water foil nlco and cool and ho did not notlco whero ho was going Suddenly ho slipped and down ho went nnd then he was frightened, for how could ho dry his clothes beforo it was tlmo to go homo. Hut ho wnlked in the sun for n whllo, and by the tlmo ho reached homo his outsldo ctothos wcro nearly dry Ho alo his supper and wont to bed early. When his mother came to kiss htm good night sho picked up his underclothing, which ho had left on tho floor, and round thoy wcro damp. "How did yon get so wctT" 'Oh. ono of tho boys turned tho hose on mc," Tommlo replied. "You should havo tuld mo when you first camo in the house; you may take cold." said his mother. She felt of his hair and found It was qulto dry, so wcro his shoes and Blockings, and though his mother did not men , tlon It again sho had her suspicions Tho next week was Tommle's birth j day, nnd while ho was dressing that morning his mother told him sho was to tako him fishing, and thnt ho would nnd his birthday prcient In tho next room Tommlo hurried In to seo what it was, and found an outing suit ot khaki, which ho had been wishing for, and bealdo It a fishing rod. Tommlo felt Cullty, but ho thanked his mother, nnd told her ! was Just what he wanted. After breakfast a largo basket was packed with sandwiches nnd other nlco things to cat, and they went to tho car When they arrived thero wcro savcral ot Tommle's boy friends and their mothers. Tommlo looked surprised. "Whero are you going?" bo asked Thoy laughed and said thoy woro go ing with him It was n surprlao picnic for Tommlo's birthday. j Thoy had n nlco ride In tho car along 0 country road and stopped at n groo. On tho opposlto sldo of tho 1 i'ff ! ffmm Tho Water Felt Nlco and Cool. grove was n lake. They fished, and caught some too. Then they went wad ng. and then such a nlco luncheon as thoy had under tho trees Evory body had a good time. Tommle en Jojd It, but his conscience troubled nlm; ho had disobeyed his mother and told her a wrong story. Ho was truly orry, and It took nwny all tho pleas uro of h, birthday picnic evory tlmo he tliouRht of it When they reached bom everybody thanked Tommle for tholi good tlmo. nnd ho felt ashamed, Em uRlUa ,raQlher wh0 hn1 Kv" ?'! "" V'f f. nnd ho knew ho lmd not treated her honestly, That n ght when his mother said good night. Tommlo said- ' Mother, I havo little. "Toll mother all about It" she aid. putting her arm aro, nd him Tommlo told her how ho went fl.hlng 11 n,Ct '," C0Xhea- nnJ ,," toll her was .orrv,LnB,0,,i "' "na thnt was sorry and ashamed. His mothor told him how bad she M to know he had bcon untruthful S? a' Obeyed ffiTat he had been very unhappy since the n cht he told her, for she felt then did not get hl clothes lDt " ,h"0 w 1 1" tM Sho asked him to proml.0 le.or to decoWe fcer nEaln -W-1 Too Duay. Teacher Have you ever sea, t,. anas growing! on ba' Archibald No ma'am. FARM BOrS ADVICE TO BQYs Do Not Forget That Little pi.... , Work Are Trifles, and Trln . " Make Perfection. ' The farm boy must learn ftom .1. beginning to becomo a skillful f, " and tako an Interest In the wotv v1 does nnd the work that Is tal. about him Dln It he docs some work that do. ,., 1 plcaso ltla father ho should not 2 scoldod bnt, rather, encourased 1 shown nnd helped to do the 1 right so ho may not make the mi,.,? tho noxt tlmo. Wl If there Is a cheerful, cncouraH. J work spokon to tho boy It uj J .' 3 hlra wonderfully i Tho boy should lenrn to do H'i work honestly and well and not ; think this or thnt llttlo piece of J i too trifling to do, for tho trifles &... ' perfection u' J If ho will do his work well ir,l J honestly ho will havo a clear co Bottle Babies Orphan Lambs Apcrt elate a Kind Friend to Bring Thim ' Up by Hand. 1 sclcnco and bo happier and mart contented than If hi did his -.orl carelessly. Ho will tako prldo in tending u stock tf ho Is given a few of the fira animals as bis own. Ho will fetdtrj watch them growing wllh more eriJi than somo older farmers thtmitl-tt From ono or two animals be ni; ' have quite a flock in a llttlo time II they aro well token care of Tho boy may also tnko great In terest in raising crops If there la 1 patch of ground given him to wwl nnd culttvato. Ho may feed the pro , ucts of his work to his animals and It will feci bettor than It ho were Urt Ing the products of tho fields thalal father cultivated I do not think tho boy should h kept too steadily at work for It vD 2 naturally become tiresome sad U ' wjinta a change Juat as older pft J do, 1 Ho should bo given somo spire tt-nt to do what ho wishes to do hlmatlf, and then when ho docs work he t! . work with moro teal. I think tho boy should go to icbmI ns much na ho possibly can and ut bo kept nt homo too much for thn ho will fall back In bis studies and U oo proud to go to school whea ei j cannot Scop up with his mates ad j whon ho gets a rost In tho winter t will delight In commencing the sprlq , work. j Tho boy who lives on a farm 0 hnvo moro fun In tho winter tin 1 boya who llvo in town, for he can Hal many sports In tho winter la tit country thnt aro not nvallablo to tie boys In town. ) If tho farm boy tries to be to tented, work on tbo fcrm, and by t- holp of tho older pcoplo with boa ( ho lives, becomo a good farmtr-i will surely bo contented -Floyd Ilaiir Ago Fourtocn Yoars, Worthlngtoa, Ts. BEST RECORDS IN THE SOUTH Mississippi Youth Secures Yield of W Bushels of Corn to Acre -'rl Raises Tomatoes. A Mississippi boy and an Alabasj girl havo tho best records for lbs l year in tho Southorn Corn and T ! mnto clubs respectively, accordw to tho United 8ttes department w agriculture's offlco of farmers' cc- eratlvo demonstration work la Southern states. Carl Graves is tho young tnan fre 8oso, Miss , who leads In tbo f work In tho Boulh with a yleW , 202 bushels. , Hcstor Snrtaln Is tho girl Walker, Ala, who raised 7,037 Wu of tomatoea on ono-tontl. of an V put up 1.C20 pounds, and mado a t profit of 1HC20 Expressing Individuality. To bo oneself is quite a dlfttK thing from being unllko everjcnoel- Some girls seem to feol that theeW way to express their Individuality to bo a llttlo startling. Aa a nil. " girls who dress and talk and coodw thomaelvea In a way to make neWf turn, aro not expressing their own PT j sonalltlea at all. Tho girl " afraid to bo horsolf, for; fear bo ' eera dlffeient from other P0 makes a moro serious mlitake-i, quite as serious Indeed as the l'i who makos a deliberate effort to U Just a llttlo different from ocryo elso. Girl's Companion. I Cause for Wonder. i "Well, well," thought tho olw4 aa a queer looking customer e along, "l wonder what's setting: ", m" i Always on Time. 9 The cuckoo In tho clock alry ci'mos out on tlm.