lraSxSv IPi I'iijISBK'i'lti'iMlr' TIip Sim I jjf
!S5aWS!S?a55: AIUHS&!ITll ill II
SSwT fttcr appropriations, XNy PSS3(aTS.J333jaggsay Ml 111. J!! ML, 0i to tho homo and Is read and , 5 ' 1
Ht Vi Tmlbllciitlon, Onal sottlo- u 'CS? V T T welcomed there If you wish to 1 tsW
. "'..MrW sales, etc, comoun- qai Tt., , -. . reach tho hotisowlfe. tho real arbl- "
&!& Order them print. POLITICALLY, REPUBLICAN " of domc.tlo le.tlnJe.. ,ou can . . tf
wHrfUVrkBun ' "" w--.ivull. do ao through this nowapapor and t S
(11M OIjt'Mr t. i-m... - " classified advertisements form j 2
" '' t"Mt a, .,.,.....,.,..,.,. , an Interesting portion of It IL1
KIJrLTHKCOUiOAMP8. w. the Petition of General
- .Made Vacant lly the
IjmUoh of II. O. Williams,
jrttl VTcrk Ago, Hlnce Which
r the Plsce Haa Hcen Vacant.
lioow have 1'wn persistent
iWt tb tail enmp of Carbon
-tit; nd at Met 'or tho past
r-t thit i F Healy, until quite
-t)r xencral mnnogor of tho
wwttks of the United States Fuel
Jsjiaj with hcftdqunrtera nt Illack
Hit U to become general Mann
ar f the Utah Fuel company tho
St of July. nest. succeeding II O
fffiUni. reilKned
dice rt-lnning from tho United
fj conpsnr about six vrcok
tvt Hf.lr aa beon back In Ilos
klXui, whllo hli family haio
iilsd it Illack Hawk. In tho
.Kris Hly haa been back and
irti Krtral tUnc to Halt Lnko
Ctt, tbtrc (he Utah office of tho
fit rati company nro located and
tlkB A. II Cowlo la vice presl
kti la ckirge
Ittosx- to Tho Hun, through ro
hll lonrec. that Heal) 'a family
itBUt. Hawk haa had word from
tut patUnun to bo ready to move
tStlt Ukc City, ns on July lit,
W U to Ukc charge of tho affairs
fiblr Utah corporation Hoaly
aw bro for tho United Btntei
tKfinj ome months ago from
riiracnt, U" 'a and U regarded
u i noit competent coal operator,
K. 0 Williams, resigned from
ifuh Fuel company, li now llv
bj U California and la taking
iJUMiy on il- rnnch. His movo
Uy m for tho benefit of his
Ut btaltn He had been ith
tV Cub Kucl for about pwentecn
nut Howcu'r, when ho reilRnod
I iu Intimated that tho ioltloii
miH be dono away with In tho
fc-tt of economy
' II. boirorcr Hvaly Is to go with
4 CUb Fuel company It Is likely
t i circular to this effect will
from tho general offices
riUi a few da a, this boliifc tho
(ml custom of tho company,
1tb the exception of tho record
lic er 1913, Utah mlnod
recoil in im than in any nro
kiwir The production In 1914
"MO.1,030 short totm. valutnl nt
""MM, according to C B. Iyh-
wtnlly appointed coal statlitU
f tbo United Htatos geological
TJ. ice Kdword V. 1'arker, rc
Pa Tlio decrease na compared
7..!MS Wtt" 11.79! short tons In
JUty nd $448,673 in value Th
or 1914 Jndloato a plontL
"PPly of labor, showing a .
" the aiorago of but fortj-
IVumh of lH-crtxuk.
,!!.lf'uwd production of coal
liii . D ,9H HB compared with
", ippcars to ha been duo In
"2 to general depression of bust
!!' last nlno months of tho
J", resulting In a docroaso In tho
S'wry to meet tho r
nti of tlie railroads and, af-
wSi?.Iuppllsl to arKO OOP
"r ,n u,u, md Montana,
' tbe rewrt
W.I f8 contributing to tho
U if.,',a 'ro,luctlon In 1914 wore
r ller demund for domestic
ntk l th Kvnornlly mild
WtaJL,hroi,Bhout tho jonr In tho
Vi Zi!Znv l,y u,uh o- '"'
iuwr1,mcnl of u curtain nm
ut J. t Uh 00"1 l tho I'aclflo
Join .i u b) reason of tho ro
M iC ho ,nrUf torelgn conl,
W ie,li.m."!,ou ot r uy the
CwifiL "r"Uh Columbia after
;(tlement of their labor trou-
vtltlutamilnK tho decrease j
5iu0ln'r(Uc,lon for the year
jjwiount of Conl mado Into coko
'rtuti lncr''w of 32,224 tons
, first monthB of tho year the
W tokin co,ko Wfts "o Krent tlmt
ti,,'nK I'lt were oporutul
Jmnt fBailucll. "ut with tho cur
M fin ?.ppvr lxlutlon the
'' off sharpl)
flr,my Ucort, nrtUr,
:1iri.'t!iclDcy fwxrd ' the Utah
H u!!" n consldorablo gain In
'' In c??''!ar1 with other recent
f ! ,ai,the output per man
" taL l!L ',,hor Tllro were
'"is ".""'liloyed in 1914 for an
"ot two hundred and ten
' o? pW,u ft ""eetluis of cltl
Mi I',1 t City Hall, noU
lbftCo ",i., t0 rrftnBO r the
, tewih.' Fourth of July.
' vror r'."? ' ll by direction
'Sfers of riQ" 9u"lorson and the
Kvry cui"1 c'ty wunJl, 4
'JW,'n r 1'rlce Is uskea to
Hthi,ul anl to participate In this
Speaking of (he Enemy Approaching Under Cover of Asphyxiating Fumes
The Sun is being sent to subscribers of
the Eastern Utah Advocate for the full time
for which these subscribers have paid for the
Advocate. The manager of The Sun considers
this an obligation and his duty, inasmuch as
Judge Albert H. Christenson of the district
court, has decided that the subscription lists
and books of the Eastern Utah Advocate are
the property of C. R. Marcusen, Receiver. The
Sun's advise is not to pay any money to the
Advocate management on subscription.
days, and tho aicrago output per
man was 76S tons for the year and
3.0 tons for each working day. In
1913, 41E8 men worked an average
of two hundred and serentytbreo
da) a and produced an average per
man of 783 tons for the year and
2 87 tons per day. In 1912 the av
erago production was nlno hundred
and six tons and 3.18 tons, respec
tively. Tbo Increased production
per man per day in 1914 Is ac
counted tor by tho Increase of the
use of machines and In tho quantity
ami percentage of coal mined by
Progrefn of Induitry.
The Industry was practically free
from labor troubles in 1914, as on
ly a hundred and fifty won were on
strlko, with an aiorage loss of tlino
of tweho das each during tho oar.
Tho ninth United States census
(1870) recorded the first produc
tion of coal In Utah with an output
of 5800 tons. Tea years later the
production nmountod to less than
16,000 tons It assumed some Im
portance In 1882, when tho produc
tion amounted to 100.000 tons and
reached tho 1,000,000-ton JUln
1900. In 1909 It exceeded 2.000..
000 tons In 1913 It 3'"4,8.'8
tons and in 1914 It as J.tOI.OJfl
Uicul Italian Patriotic- miiiI MM
right IVr Hulr Omnlr).
Over two hundred thousand r
servlits of the Italian army no ll
Inu In tho United StaUs "IHraturo
to their native land to tako part In
tho lighting against Austria, accord
Inn to Fortutittto Anselmo, Italian
consul for Utah lloueen six anil
seven hundred of these w II eo o
from Utah. Few huvo left tl l
stuto so far. but the oro .get! nB
roady to go In a body In about ten
',aKery Italian Is subject to mil
Itary service In his nathe "' ' P
on otUlnlng his majority he takM
a solemn pledge that even though
ho emigrate ami become a "'
of another countrj he wll I return to
mllltar) service In WDM"
war Furthermore he plwlges o
send every one of hi. whs. H
though thoy may bo born In no 'or-
clgn country . , . .
Anselmo says, however, that for
tho most part, those ho ov re
turning are slnglo men Ult8 i
aly botomes hard presBed, ho saw.
he did not think many mnrrlwl men
would go. There are many l.tnttmj
In the coal camps and eluewhero ,
Carbon county that will nlond to!
the call of their country
(i(kk1 lVrtlon of llcuutlniiiK Thirty
One Tlieuwind Dollar lkiul Iimue
Up Prioo lUvrr Canyon to Utnlii
County Line Horenetu AmonK
Tlioy Vlio Voted "Hull SlMe." I
Judging from the action of the
board of county commissioners, Al
bert llryner. J II. Bhsrp and V. T
I Hamilton, there Is no Individual or
iflnii or group of moil In Carbon
county compotent to do the road
work planned hereabouts and for
which thirty-one thousand dollars In
bonds was recently voted.
Matthows & Kgglcstou, a con
tracting firm of Denver, Colo , und
who had comldarablo work undor
tho Utah Construction company
around Illuck Hawk recentl), are
unloading their horses, scrapers and
the like today from Denver and
lllo Qrando c.irs. proparator to
making a beginning
It Is understood the) aro to start
on tho Nino Mllo rflod out of l'rlce,
whore nine thousand dollars of tho
recent bond Issue of thlrty-ono
thousand dollars Is to bo spent
first, Iator they are to have most
If not all of the work In Price lllver
Cunjon above Castlo date.
Ilcsldents ot Curbon count), men
with teams and men without teams,
who need the work nnd are by ev
ery right entitled to It, oro given
the "horso laugh " It s doubtful
If Matthews & Kggleston will om
ploy any local men or teams
Huch Is the reward for man) who
vo'e-d last )tar tho "bull moose (
Tho Midland trail log book for
Colorado and Utah has been re
ceived by The Bun PrUo and Col-,
ton and tho towns cast of Price aro
given considerable- space However.,
Castle date rock and other scenic
attractions along I'rlco lllver Can
yon. Including the coal camps of i
Carbon, Castlo date and Cameron, i
are almost entirely Ifinored Tho
ook s purely an advertising .fake
of tho first wator. which man) well I
moaning persons ut Price and elie
" liero have fallen for, us It were
Ciipt. Knill V. Johnson Driving
lUck With Prisoners Who Mut
Anivvrr the Charge of (Jrnnd Ijvr
ciii) -One. of tlu KiUovvn Want
M nr AiHrtlier Marlilnx Tlieft.
Three young men, ech of whom
Is about 20 years of ago, wcro ar
rested on North Ninth street Wed
nesday evening about 5 o'clock by
Bhorlff Henry as they enmo bowling
Into town at a speedy gait In a mn
chlno stolon from the city and coun
ty building grounds at Bait Lake
C ty last Tuesday afternoon from
Clark L. Whitney, city license as
sessor Sheriff Henry had road a
description of the stolen automobile
In Wednesday morning's news
papers. Yesterday Copt. Kmll V.
Johnson of the Zlon police depart
ment caino to Price to take the
young men back with him. Thoy
W,!!J charged with grand larceny.
They gavo their names as Joseph
Peterson, William Perry and Kred
Kelley. Tho Carbon county sheriff
reported to the Bait Lako City po
lice that on arriving at Price with
the machine, Peterson declared ho
and bis associates were on their
way to Kansas to fill n harvesting
contract. After reading the morn
ing newspapers, howover, the sher
Ifi found that the machine bore tho
license number of tbo automobile
stolen from Whitney.
I Captain Johnson, who Is taking
the three men accused of tho theft
back to Bait Lake City, together
with tho automobile, sajs ho has
evldenco that Peterson stole the au
tomobile of K. M. Ilagley. claim
agent of tho Utah Light and Trac
tion compan), from in front of the
Kiarns building Monday evening.
The machine was recovord lato
Mouda) night.
Police officials say that In this
Instance efforts will bo mado to
probocuto Potorson, Perry and Kol
It) under the new law which oipo
clally outlines tho theft of an auto
mobllo ns grand larceny, under a
separate section
When the thieo men arrest d
passed through Cotton, It Is charg
ed, thoy took a valise belonging to
a passenger bound for the reserva
tion This wnB recovered when thoy
wero arrested.
After leaving Bait Lnke City tho
mon had mutllutod tbo number of
the machlno In the hope of avoid
ing identification
Itev C. C Hartzler will fill his
pulpit both morning ami evening
uuxt Sunday. Morning worship nt
11 o'clock, Sunda) school at 10
o'clock, Kpworth leaguo at 7 o'clock
In the evening und evening services
at 8 o'clock In tho morning tho
subject will be "A Little Member "
All are Invited to this service to
hoar what tho lllblo teaches con
cerning tho tongue "If you hnvo
'troublo In controlling your tongue,"
sa)s tho pastor, "como If you
know of someone whom you think
has need of control, come." Tho
evening service will bo ovangollstlc
Occasional churchgoers and strang
ers to the peoplo hero are especially
Invited and welcome
The Order of tho Eastern Star, re
cently organized In I'rlco, s In
creasing Its membership rapidly
Several applications are coming In
from Helper. Mohrtnnd, Hiawatha,
Illatk Hawk, Bunnyslde und elsewhere
i I
General Superintendent of the Denver and Rio j
Grande Talks Entertaingly On Most . !
Important Local Theme. j 1
? . o
A 11 Apperwin, general superin
tendent of tho Utah lines of the
Denver nnd lllo Urande, came down
from Hnlt Lnke City to Price last
Tuesday evening In his private car,
"Wasatch," nnd with tho exception
of going to Woodslde In the after
noon to tnke a rubber at tho recent
I) completed brldgo for wagon nnd
automobile travel, apent tho balance
of his time In Price, leaving In tho
iventng for tho west Ho thinks
the cltliens ot Price ami Kmory
county and others who contributed
to tho work are deserving of or)
great credit for whnt they lmvo nc
compllshed with so tittle aid, nnd
ho plodgcs his road nnd hliuilcf to
do anything within their pawor to
better the same He suggests that
the Kmery county commissioners or
those owning land upon which the
approaches are built buy the same
and chnrgo a small toll to travelers
crossing until such time as n suf
ficient fund Is accumulated as to
make tho brldgo what it ought to
be Fifteen hundred dollnrs would
bo nmplo for this
Wcdnosdn) evening Iu compan)
with N. A Williams, formorly divi
sion superintendent nt Helper of the,
Denver and lllo Orande, Apporson
spent n couple of hours nt the sanc
tum sanctorum of The Bun. Apper
on is very much Interested In the
water supply of this section of tho
state, not for his railroad nluno, but
for tho general good of nil Ho bo-i
llnvim no country clt) or conmunl-
ty ever amounted to much without i
good water and cites drnnd Junc
tion, Cslo , and Ball Lake City ns
striking Instances While lie be
lieves In municipal ownership to a
certain extent, It Is 'a condition
nud not a thtory" that confronts
Price, Helper and tho settlements
from Cotton to Karnhaui and Wood
side. In vlow of the fact that nono of
these places have the bonding pow
er under tho laws to put In such n
water system ns the places require,
It would be wisdom for all to get
together and giro a franchise for
a term of years to some corporation
that would voustruct such u plant
ns would supply all tho people con
cerned, Itntos might be based on
prerent population and as the towns
and -coul camps and settlements
grow, might be reduced to conform
to changed conditions. Tho plan
would be, In his opinion, to go to
tho hills for spring water and to
pipe It down the vatloy. His com-
fiany and tbo soveral coal compan
es, ho Is confident, would Join Iu
such a plan.
Trains and engines of the Denver
and lllo draiido and Its branches
out of Price and Helper ure greatly
handicapped by poor water at pres
ent, With better water, howevor,
there would be a great revenue!
from this source alono. Mun)ed
men aro looking for Just such In
vestments as good water s)stem se
curities and there would bo no trou
blo In floating a bond Issue up to
n half million dollars or more The
bringing of water down Price Can-1
you la expensive, but no more ao
than in hundreds of other places,
whore great systems hao been put
In, notably Los Angeles, Cala., Vic
tor, Colo , und elsewhere the coun
try over
Drifting to business conditions,
Apporson Is of the opinion that
On ii lllver Woiiiun Im Claim to
the Winn I.'stnte,
Information willed It Is belloved
will tstuullsh tho identtt) of Mrs
Lorenzo Hatch of (Irwti lllver as un
heir to the estate of John Winn,
who died many ours ago In Haiti
Lake Clt) and who Is said to liavol
loft millions, will be forwarded to I
Sidney Van W)ck, attorney in Sun.
Francisco for the Winn estnto. who1
wrote recently to many Utah post-1
masters In an effort to find heirs to'
Winn i
In dispatches from Creojj lllver
Mrs Hatch said Winn was her
grandfather and that she would nt-,
tempt to ostabjtsh this relationship!
for tho San Francisco luwjcr John
Wlnu Is said to have had two sons, i
William and Thomas O, and Mrs.
Hatch suys she Is tho daughter of
Thomas O Winn
Mrs Elizabeth Winn, Mrs Hatch's
mother, lives at Oram! Junction,
tolo, nnd it Is from her mother
Mrs Hatch expects to got Informa
Hon which will establish her as tbo
heir of John Winn She su)s the
only other heir Is Elizabeth C
Hatch of Ouray ugoucy n Ulntnh
It I- said Sirs Winn of 'drund
Junction Is tho only person who Is
entirely famlllur with the Winn
family history slnco tho death of
John Winn In Salt Lake City In
tlmea nro Improving fast On re- ! S
rent trips to the East ho finds K
money loosening up nnd believe .
we hnve seen the worst hero In tho I fl
West The fnlrs In California nnd lit
tho European war Is turning travel "I E
In our direction nnd locally wo nro i j f
to havo greater proipcrlty. The K 1
Woodslde bridge opens to travel tho 1 ff ,
Midland trail, and while It does tho jl m
railroad Interests no good, peoplo 3 EjJ
along tho route will In benefited M WJ
He Is of tho opinion that tho conl 4 tt
camps hnvo seen their worst and m tta
that by fall, when tho winter tmdo IE I1- m
sots n, the Carbon county proper- It 111
ties will bo going full blast i f" (M
Tho Denver nnd lllo (Irnndo Is en- i 1'
Joying prosperity because of tho I 1
tourist travel nt this time nnd Inter I V
on will come the great harvest In I
Utah, which spells dollars for the 1
company "Price Is unquestionably 3 A
one ot the bcit points on the line, 1 Is.
and It Is nlwa)a n pleasure to come 3j
here and mingle with your business I SJ
men, flockmnstcrs nnd peoplo gen- ' 1 m
ernlly Ye, I hnvo received nnd f,
rend your first Issue or The Hun. I t. 4
consider It the very best weekly fJ.Bi 'Jf!
nowspnpor In tho stnte " 111 ill
One Un Ik rruxlittl lly Hwitcll JJ,
Engine nt Clear Citxk, & jR1)
I Correspondence Tho 8un f JLj W
HCOFIKLD, June 0 -Friday, u fi!lS
j the switch engine wni pssing un- W1W.
dcr the tlpplo nt Ctcnr Creek, it K
run down two Orcoks, dust dogonls i flK
and John Forokas dogonls was . HH
.thrown under tho engine nnd ono of i BI
his legs was crushed above tho knee fi ' IHl
so that amputation was nocessary. i
He was taken to a Salt Inko City t .
hospital tho next morning Fornkas f ! II
received onl) slight brulics I
Dr. C. E Mc Dcr mid Is proud ns iHi
a lark They have n baby girl, , t
born Friday last P H Hughce is ,. :M
also tickled to death They have a
baby girl born the sumo date ij.fl
J. II. Mansou was at Bcofleld , ti5f
Tuesday on builncis and looking , 111'
over his plant. ui,
Mayor dunderson of Price his WfB
een n frequent visitor nt Hcoflotd flaf
lately, getting supplies for hi herds : &L1B
which nro nearby. r C-.i n
Willis Madscn. son of Nell M. B
Madsen, delightfully celobrated hU B ' 1
twelfth birthday by entertaining iSfi'll
about thirty of his llttlo playmates, ,1 H
boys and girls, yestorday. Tho af- ')
ternoon was spent In games and re- H
freihmcnta. SHI
Mrs. Agnos MaAlllslor Is acting rwH
deputy postmlitreM, asilitlng Mis, ikWiSff
Joseph Parmley. IKI
Mrs. Lurs Jensen s visiting with 6H
her mother at Provo. IsPml
Henry Thompson, deputy game IHiH
warden, nnd Anthua Madsen, coun- D)ii
ty gamo warden of Carbon county, (inl
returned from Hprlngvlllo last week w rttB
with twenty-five cans of rainbow " fnll
trout fry which wero planted In nnd f lijOl
about Bcofleld This was Thomp- ' fB U
son' first trip Into Pleasant Valley 3K
Ho wns well pleased and pronounced 4wfl
It u most delightful spot for outings
and vacations. Hfli
It la reported that J F Ilroylcs nMM
Is ubout through with the progres- WsU
slves Ho has no uie for J Tom MvtM
Fitch. tjftm
William Jensen Is enjoying a va- fl
cation nt Mt. Pleasant.
HtniD Ha i IllgtitM to Undirflmv lH
m Ovvner'a IjiiiiI, VB
That Ogden city does not have to Itfl
apply to tho state for tho right to , VM
use tho wnters tupped for Its munlc- i
liml well system, was tho informa- '
tlou given to tho Ogden city com- f
mission this week In n lottor from Im
tho statu engineer He stated ,M
that tho state bus no Ju 'sdlctlon na
ovor subterranean wnters JlJf
In tho application sent to the Wm
stnte engineer's offlco, the commls- 1 jl-fl
slon roported the city had tapped a A WM
subterranean stream by means of 1 HO
sixteen artesian wells and bad ob- 1 J MM
talned a flow ot 9,600,000 gallons a A -W
da) With tho application tho city j MM
sunt 117.50 to cover filing xieu,es. if (
This amount was returned. fj WtV
The atato engineer snld It waa his l! IfU
opinion tho waters tapped by means
of artesian wells belong to tho soil IttfH
Into which tho wells aro drillod and lvi
those who dovelop such wells need ila
no tfllo for tho use of the (low nifl
Mntt Lauber, who graduated ut lsfii
tho Mantl schools this year with lUH
high honors, Is going Into tbo sur- Sfi
rounding towns beginning this U9
week to solicit subscrlptlonB for 3Ri
Tho Sun Ho Is to visit Oleur Creek, flH
Scofiold and Winter Quarters this fNi
woek, und tho mauageuiout bespeaks illH
u good word Xor tho young man, lie !HI
Is authorized to collect and receipt !
for any business done for The 6uu. VHi