HH f . f 'J IYM1K TWO . TIIB HtVf I'lUCK, ITill MKHY I HIDAV - T J 'h ' 1
H Creditors of One of the Qualifying Bondsmen
H See An Opening For the Collection
H of Long Past Due Notes.
B , On Saturday, May 29th, last, II.
K . W. Crockett, no trustee for thu own-
B ', m of a Mcrgenlhalor linotype ma-
H ehlno which was In th possession
K of Fred h, Wntrous, replovlnod tho
Hj mAchlnc, giving Rheriff Honry a fl-
B, ) dellty bond In tho lum of five
B' t ,i thouMml dollar. Later Wntrouo
BBBf, . furnished a redelivery bond with
BH "Tobo" Whltmore, A. Dalllngor, C,
HBSjf .! Btcrenson, Mm, Ircno l'rlce,
Hj Thomas Fouls nnd II. It. McDonald
Hj a sureties,
V ThUbond wn completed Init Mon-
H J dny, which moans that the property
H ) aaught to Ih recovered will remain
K In tho possession of Wntrous until
H "itch time an title Is settled by
l t Judgo Albert If Chrlstonson In the
E district court. Judjcv Woods, tho
J attorney for Crockett In thli lit I-
1 gallon, excepted to tho hondstuon
H Utter these iKJiKlmncn nppnred be-
B; i fora District Clerk Ilorsley nnd Jua-
B&V Thomas Fouls In Hvrorn.
B&V Clerk Ilorsley Mr. Fouls, you
Bb' ' ro ono ot tho sureties on thU un-
a dorloklng for ml urn to defendant
Bmfl; on claim of dollvory of porsonnl
H. I - property In tlio cam of It. W. Crock-
W, (, ott, trustee, plaintiff, vs. Fred L.
i .Wntrous, dofondantT
' i "Ve,
' 1 "You nro n freeholder?"
H i . N "Yes. lr."
v 1 "Own property In Cnrbon coun-
PH j! "Yen.
BBS 4 'To tho nmount of one thouaand
BBB ? I dollar ns hero Justified In tho un-
BflB)- l( I dorlaklng?"
BBB' J . "Yea,
BBB ' 1 "You ro worth that ovur nnd
i T above nil your debts nnd llablll-
BBB ' ) "Yea,
BBM vkE Attorney Hoffmann hero called
BBBk Attention to tho fact that In thU
I cam tho surety whs liable for dou-
( fM w the amount sot oppoilto hla
9m name,
aa . SS "You know that you nro Itablo
BBB I 8 'or double tho nmount not oppotlto
t MB your nnmo as auroty?"
BBB' ! 'IB "Yea, air."
BBV 1 U Judso K, K. WoMla Mr. Kouto,
BBi Jw ou nro n married man?"
BB1 1 .'1 "Ye.,
BBl .! $m "wire?"
BBf l' t $1 "Yea, air."
BBm Pi! "How many children have you?"
BB (Lll "Throe."
BB .-II "Minor children dopondont upon
BBl 2ft youT"
BBl ' "Ye, one,"
BBf 'I tm "0f ourae, you underatand that
BBl Mil "ucn you nro "nll"ol to cortnln
I "fi -momptlon nccordlng; to UwT"
BBf ' m "Ye, air."
BBl , t5j "Of courae, you underatand a1o,
BBl dtl t,ukl tnti Juatlfuntlon that you aro
BBl reaponalblo or Itablo for douhlo tho
BBl T amount aet oppotlto your nnmo aa
BBl II Auruty, ond that you aro to bo
BBl I worth ono thouaand dollara oror
BBl f Aml Abovo nil of your dobta ami lla-
BB1 J bllltlva oxclualvo of proporty ex-
BBi ' A mnt from oxecutlonT"
' 1 ''Yoa, air."
BBi, ' '. I ' "You own real catato hero!"
BBj' S "Yea, air."
BBI " "Your homo."
BBl ' M "Yc lr "
BBI ' "What would you cotutder It
BBh' i ''5 -worthT"
aw J 'I "I auppoao It would bo worth two
(J thouaand lolUra."
Jfj "Two thousand dollarat
W "Yea, air."
, yl "Tiint Ja nil tho property you
BBl. Il Imvo all of tho real cAtnto ou
BBr ! til bBro?"
f !fj "I have n lot. Ciui't k!o Uio lo-
r yi Acrlptlon."
BBT 4 l "I)o you Include that In tho
BB ' m i raluo you Kuve, two thouaand dol-
BBl 7 "What la tho worth or vuluo of
BJB J, j tlmLT"
BBk ' m ' "I jtavo five hundrtnl il oil lira for
T H It. Think It would bo worth two
BBl B hundred and fifty or three hun-
BBl BJ lrtMl dollura nt thU time."
BBl ' Bl "What other proiwrty lime
BBl - H
f BJ "1 imvo ten ahurea of onpltnl
BBf BJ tok In tho Buioot-.N'Unn I.umbur
BB i xlJ compjuiy, par vuluo la ono hundred
BBl Tf dolliim n Hlmro,"
BB .a.) "That la ono thousAiid dollnraT"
BBI K! "Yea, air."
BB Wl "la It worth thnt?"
BBl I Ml "' J"11'1 (nnt for H "lul 'conalder
BBl ,-'1 X worth thnt."
BM i "Thla la fully paid for?"
j i u "Yw, air."
BBl j Vi "And you havo no iiumbraneo
BBl' i 0u '(n,r ""' oatnto?"
BBl f "No-alr'"
1.1 , "That la nil."
BB . ', IliillliiKfr Wiim I'rt'txutil.
B 1, 1 Clork Morale)' Mr. llalllnxer,
BB ' .ri y aro n Tealdvnt of thU atutuT"
BB v Hi "Yea, air."
BB ' Kg "A .freeholder?''
BB t ,19 "v'. lr"
, if "You aro ono of tho sureties In
BB J tl1'8 undortakliiK on return to !t-
BB i SI fwulunt on claim of dollvory of per-
BB II f onnl projMirty In tho onto of It W.
BB fi Crockett, truiteo, plaintiff, . hrtxl
BB n) I'. Wutroua, defendunt?"
BB 1 "Yea, air."
Bfl.f 1 "Your Justiflrntlon In thin un-
Bflr I dortAklni; hero U one thousand dol-
Bwh I Larr"
BJ" , "Yog."
BB, -'! "You aro llnblo for doublv tho
BBf ' i' amount, two thousand dolar?H
j : "YoivJ.yLj.v i 4 ,
BBf1 ' ' "ThoJnmounU f. your itlflc-
BBu' C 1 'il0" horo" Is'dvor an'd nbofo nil of
BK rv.'1 Tour debts and llabllltlcitr"
BBk; Yes.V " .4,.i ---n-'
Judjc WooIa Mr, lull Inner,
you own consldorablo reol estnt
here, do you not?
"Juat briefly, how much voluo?"
"t Anticipated that question nnd
flxured It Awhllo ngo. Aaldo from
nn equity or partnership proporty
which I wouldn't caro to declare,
about nevonty-flvo hundred dollars."
"In renl estntoT"
"This Is unincumbered!"
"flcronty-flv humlred dollars?"
"Soventy-flvo hundred dollars, n
conscrrntlvo cstlmnto."
"I find, Mr. IlnlllnRcr, that you
slRneil this tond with ono thous
and dollnrs opposite your name, nnd
of course on tho bond Itself ns It
appears here you nro Justified In
the sum of two thousnnd dollnrs.
Double tho nmount you signed for.
Of courso you understand. Mr lint
linger, that notwithstanding the
nmount you havo Jiuitlfled for you
nro llnblo for tho full nmount of
tho bond?"
"I understand thnt."
"You, of course, nro tho bond of
n family?"
"Yes, seven jnlnor children."
Wlillinorv lt the Unlit.
Clsrk Horsier Mr. Whltmore,
you nro a resident of this county?"
"Yen. air."
"Yes, air."
"I sco that you nro ono of tho
sureties on this undertaking for
tho return to dofendant on claim of
delivery of personal property In the
onso ot II. W. Crockett, trustee,
plaintiff, vs. Fred I.. Wntrous, de
fendant?" "Yea, air."
"And I sco that you nro ono of
tho surottca for ono thousand dol
lars?" "Yes."
"You ore Justified In twice the
"This amount Is abovo nil of your
obligations and property Injunc
tions?" "Ya."
"All right."
Judgo Woods Mr. Whltmore,
you undorstaml that notwithstand
ing that you havo simply Justified
for the nmount of n thousand dol
lar that ou aro llnblo for tho sum
of tho entire umount of the bond?"
"I didn't understand Hint. If
thnt Is tho taw I will Ui bound by
"I ny. you understand, I sup
pose, thai notwithstanding tho fact
that you hnvo signed this bond nnd
plnccd opposite your nnmo ono
thousnnd dollars, In Justification
doubto tho amount, two thousand
dollars oven although you havo
only thla, If It wore a fact that
none elso wero worth anything thnt
If thoro should bo any damago ac
crue that you would bo liable to
imy U all?'' i
"I didn't understand thnt. I
thought I would bo liable only
only for the Justification. If that
la the law, I am willing to stnnd for
McDonald Unrnrtlis Property.
Clork Ilorsley Mr. McDonald,
you nro a resident of this county?"
"I um."
"Yes, air."
"I see ou are one of the sure
lies on this undertaking for return
to defendunt on claim of delUery ot
personal property In tho enso of It.
W Crockett, trustee, plaintiff, va.
Fred , Watroua, defendant?"
"I nm." i
"I eo thnt your portion of tho I
undertaking hero t fifteen hundred
dollnra and that you Justify In dou
ble th nmount?"
"Yob, air." i
"Do you declare that you nro,
worth this amount over nnd above
all your Just debt, obligations nnd
property exemptions?" !
"Yea, air."
"Tlmt la nil."
Judge Woods You are u .Har
ried man?
"Yes, sir." , , w,
"You hn a wlf?M
"Living?" i
"Yes " i
"And ou lmio ehlldron? How
many .minor children dependent ui
imi )mt, members of our family?"'
"What amount of renl estate do ,
you own. briefly?" i
"I would any ten thousnnd dol
lars worth."
"Whnt does It consist of?"
"Whnt do ou want?"
"Designate You can say lot,
farm laudsso many nores briefly. ,
You own your own homo hero?"
"Yes." I
"And whut Is tho nnture of tho!
rest of your proporty?"
"Well, I own a half Interest In I
forty-three lota In Hillings, Mont.,;
of tho vnlue of about forty-three i
hundred dollars." !
"WhoreuboutB In Montana? Stato,
location " I
"l!no )ou A deed to It?"
"Yos, air."
"You figure thyn Ujo lots worth
two hundred dollars apiece?"
"I would say ono. .hundred dol
lar npitwu." J l nrl'xZ
"Thn jbur,undlyldtajhai( Inter
est would bo half otlhoforty-lhree
humlrod dollurs?" 1
- "Yes." ,...ii. i
"Any Incumbrance on It?"
"Hlght hundred lolIar."
"Is thnt Incumbrnnoo on your
undivided half Interest or on the
wholo thing?"
"On tny hnlt Interest."
"All right Whnt other real es
tate?" "One-half Interest In ono hundrwl
and twenty acres In Cnrbonvlllc."
"About how much U that land
"About twenty-flvo hundred dol
lnrs, my Interest In It."
"Is thnt Incumbered?"
"About nine hundred dollars."
"Your IntorcAt is worth, twenty
flvo hundred dollars?"
"Yea, sir."
"Any other real cstato?"
"About ecntcen hundred dol
lnrs collateral."
"Collateral? I don't understand."
"Notes, mortgages or what?"
"Is that Interest connected with
this ono hundred nnd twenty acres?'
"Woll, yes."
"What part?"
"Farm of forty acroa."
"Out of this tract? Was the
wholo tract ono hundred nnd sixty
"I think so"
"Then forty ncrcs wctc taken
"I thnt collateral claimed In nil
or pnrt by you?"
"GInlmed In nil."
"la It notes secured by mortgage
upon this property? What proper
ty la It n .mortgngo on, thU forty
"Who owes ou this seventeen
hundred dollnrs?"
"Ho litis executed n mortgngo on
, this property to you for tho money
due to you?"
"How much lo you owe? Your
"I would like to give this all
first. I havo It and will give It to
you nil In a bunch If you will tnke
what I have."
"Well, how much stock In the
McDonald Heal Kntntc and Invest
ment compnny?"
"I have eighteen hundred
"What Is tho par vnluo?"
"Twenty-flvo dollnrs a share."
"What it tho value of that?"
"Never sold any."
"How much U tho McDonald Heal
Kstato nnd Investment company In
corporated for?"
"Twenty-flvo thousand dollnrs."
"Do you know Its vnluo?"
"I know Its vnlue."
"About what Is It worth?"
"Worth twenty-five dollars n
"Market value? Cash value?"
"I am not s-'olng anything About
the cash."
"Of course, 1 mean fair .market
vnlue. Whut would you say It wns
worth to you?"
"Would say It was worth twenty
five dollars n share."
"How much?"
"About sevcuty-flvo hundred dol
lars." "Then you would say tho eight
een hundred s tin res ot stock In tho
McDonald Heal lUtnto and Invest
ment company (shares of stock be
ing valued lit twenty-five dollars
per haro) and real estato valued at
lwent)-ono thouasnd, six hundred
dollars aro Its holdings?"
"Yes, sir."
"And you plnco thnt as tho mar
ket value of It?"
"Yes. Tho holdings of tho Mc
Donald Ileal Kstato and Investment
compnny are twenty-one thousand,
eight hundred nnd twenty-six dol
lnrs." I "You aro tho solo owner of tho
"No, not all, I nm tho owner ot
thnt much."
"I Just understood you to say tho
solo holdings were worth -"
"I fluid the real estate holdings."
"Any other holdings, fixtures?"
"Yes, fixtures nbout seven hun
dred nnd forty dollnrs."
"The holdings and Teal cslnto
witch you estimated nt $21,000 odd,
aro they Incumbered?"
"About fourteen hundred dol
lnrs." "That Is all."
Clerk Ilorsley Yes, that Is nil.
"Steve" .liikt Thinks H".
Clerk Ilorsley Mr Stevenson,
I nro you n resident of this stnto? 1
"I nm." I
i "Freeholder?"
"I nm."
"I sc that you nro ono ot tho
suietles on this undertaking for re
turn to defendant on claim ot de-l
I livery of personal property In the'
;ne of It. W. Crockett, trustee,
plulntlff, vs. Fred U, WutTous, de-i
"Yes, sir." (
"And Unit the nmount set oppn-.
site your nnmo U five hundred dol
lurs, and that uu Justify for dou
ble tht nmount.
"This Is over and ubove all jour
debt, liabilities ami proerty ex
emptions?" "Yos."
Judge Woods Mr. Stevenson,'
you nro worth tho nmount mention
ed over and above nil ot sour lia
bilities?" "I think so."
"Tlmt Is all."
.Mrn. l'rlce live Hundred.
Clerk Ilorsley Mr. I'rlco, what
relnllou nr you to Mrs. Irene
"I nm her husband-"
"You are u resident of this state,
and Mrs. l'ricc Is n Tealdent of this
"Yes, residents nnd freeholders "
"I see that sho Is or.o of tho
sureties on this undertaking for re-l
turn to defendnnt on claim of de-1
(Continued on pngo three ) .
Tho Sun has on tho wuy a com-,
ploto lino of office supplies, etc
The Bun's place of business Is at the
old Advooato building, Main street
Mall orders for stationery, printing
of every description, blank books,
4ogn blanks, deeds, mortgage and
tho Uko given prompt attention
Address, The Sun, l'rlce, Utah.
Methods of Northwestern Mutua
of Seattle, Wash., Exposed.
Underwriters' Ileport of February 4, 1916.
Tho Callfornln state Insurance de
partment has refused to Issue a II
censo to tho Northwestern Mutual
Flro association of Bcnttle, holding
that tho company has deceived
property owners by falsely claiming
that tho policies It Issues arc non
assessable. The California depart
ment also charges that the mutual s
reserves aro Insufficient and that II
has foiled to observe tho California
requirement to print Its bylaws In
tho policy. The department has had
tho mftUcr under Investigation for
six months, the license under which
tho company formerly operated hnv
Ing expired June 30th of last car,
I in mil From t'tnli AIm.
The charges made by the Califor
nia department nre similar to thoso
mndo against the Northwestern Mu
tual by tho Utah Insurance depart
ment last year, which aUo refused
to Isauo the compnny n license The
Utah department nlso charged tho
compnny with making a false state
ment or Its financial condition, pail
ding Its assets with worthless se
curities. After being denied a II
coiuwj for a number of months, the
mutunl was rollccnscd by Utah on n
shoring thnt'the company wns sol
vent under tho Utah requirement
Ulcer Clear uf (Vurt.
It tins been known for some Unto
that tho Northwestern Mutual wbs
In trouble with tho California de-
Commissioner I'helps' reasons for refusing n llcenn' to the
Northwestern Mutual aro three In number;
First That the company .misrepresents the chnrncter of Its
policy contracts by clnlmltig thnt the policy Is non-assessable.
Second thnt the company does not maintain sufficient reserves
to carry Ha policies to expiration.
Third Tho compnny violates tho California law In falling to
print Ita bylnw'A on each policy Issued.
pnrt men t which It Is stated has re
fused to license tho company slnro
July 1st of last year Strenuous ef
fort have been rando by tho mutual
company officers to secure the de
sired authority, but Commlsiloner
rholpa hits Insisted that the com
pany's practices nro Incompatible
with sound Insurance principles, be
side being contrary to tho Califor
nia laws. I'helps litis expressed a
willingness to have the company re
fer tho question to the courts, but
thus far the mutunl tins not acted
on the suggestion.
Fond of TechulenlltJci.
While tho legal authority to op
erate In California has been denied
tho Northwestern Mutunl since July
Isst, tho compnny has continued to
write policies nnd tho question Is
now raised that such policies might
prove valueless In the event of tho
company refualng to pay when a
lot ensues. Under Sec G9G of the
political code, "All policies nnd
other contracts of Insurance Issued
without full compliance by nil pur
He concerned with tho law of this
stato shall b null and void "
Insurance men might point out
that an unicrupulous company
might cosily rnlso this point should
It desire to evade the payment or
a loss. In this connection It may
be recalled that sevoral yeArs Ago
the Northwestern Mutual, which
was then active In California as on
"undcrgrounder," was reported to
havo forced a loss settlement with
II LctI Co. of 8an Francisco by
representing that as the company,
then unlicensed, had violated tho
California laws In Issuing tho policy
tho San Fronclsco proporty owner
had no standing In the California
courts. It is furthor ntatcd on tho
authority of tho Levi firm that tho
muutal compnny Insisted on a re
duction ot 12 H per cent from tho
settlement modo by the regular In
surance companies, as a condition
to the final sottlement, which was
msdo five months after tho other
companies had paid In n signed
statement describing Its cxporionoo
with the Northwestern Mutual, H.
Levi & Co. said that the comprom
ise was forced on It by the North
western Mutual's threat that tho
San Francisco firm would be com
peilcd to come to the company1
headquarters nt Seattle to obtain Its
IVimilM' of Saving Dliutl.
The Northwestern Mutual ha
been active In the Pacific Coast
stales for several years, being li
censed In Washington, Oregon, Ida
ho and Ilrltlsh Columbia. Com
plaint has often been mad that II
secure patronng by rate cutting
and representing thnt by economical
management II is able to return n
substantial part of the premium to
polio holders, thus effecting a sav
ing to property owners, lusurnnco
men who haw examined It plans,
however, state that the alleged
saving Is obtained by loading tho
premium with tho sum the company
subsequently returns with n flour
ish, as n socnlled dividend Kxicrt
who have studied tho question hold
that a comparison of the results of
tho Northwestern Mutunl policies
with those of the regular companies
show that tho mutual policyholders'
net cost Js often actually in excess
of the chnrges mail by the regular
Simp Fur .Mutual Officer.
An exhaustive examination of the
company several years ago by tho
Utah Iniuranc department showed
that Its socalled dividend feature
was arranged to Influence prospec
tive Insurers, being manipulated by
no company officer h -recolpt
of extravagant col '
ior managing IU Sufi
ahorwn that tho prlnclSit V
had a hAlf doxen .ourtc. J0"
spnnl rovenuo through W.
tlon with the company , Si "
company appeared to U miT.1
namo only, since ( llfiN
other lnsumnco departed. "
criticised tho p7acHc k
pony', officers in drawli,.
urn. from Ho treasury in ,L
of solarle nnd undcrwrlltni .JS
1'oUcyt.oJdem May Ife j
Ono of tho objection ,u?
iho California ln.ur.nS ",2
o Icenalng tho North wK?.
lual is Uio practice of ren,2.!
that policyholders ? aM
to Assessment ns In olh
companies. On tho ouuid, J f
policies tho company print. iu,
owing; "ThU policy pSf
in tho dividend. n.lVifcS
iion-AAscssnblo." 0M"'
Tlmt the policies of th. sv
wcatcrn Mutunl nro absolnt.i. 1
nsseiwabl Is denied by th tit.
nla department which sUIm
po Icyholdors may not be 1
only so long im the cornpuT!
sossca n surplus nbove llablui.
IBO.000 Should tho comp"n,
plus Jnll below this mm x
western Mutual policyholder rr
bo In tho amo unhappy ft,
thnt hns confronted pollcrhoUm
countless other mutuals called
to pay their company debts i,'
sesamont. '
Will Hiirplu l)lrrr,j
Another feature dovlopj h i
California department Is th ,.
tic of the mutunl to undmut
lis unearned prwntum rtKmt
!f ?.U know. this Is in Ibj
4lnblllty of nn Iniuranct tiap
nnd determlniva It lolvtatr
creasing th unearned prwalia
serves Increases n corapBt'i
AuriiluB, while nn Incretn U i
former diminishes the aftJflii
portlonntely. Whll th cW
laws require mutunl flro cookie
to maintain tho same unru4t
m lum reserves as regulir ce
les, tho California deptrtisnt
found that tho Norhtwcsttrn Xv
enters practically nil of lit v
policies ns annual nnd kvsUu
policies, basing Its compnUtlm
Installment premium psrmMU,
stead of tho full premium, u
qulrwl by law Tho effort eft
la to glvo tho Northwesters Mi
nn xtrnordlnary ndvsnUfe i
other companlea.
It has been estimated tbittf
mutunl charged Itself with tfc
serves required by low, 1U M
ties would be practically 4n
wlth th result that Its prcMti
plus would bo entirely wlpri
With lta surplus gonr, Calk
policyholders may therefor i
themselvcA In a rlous prelk
aa Commissioner I'helps hit 4
vl that tho company mntt rt
Ha operaltono to conform viU
Callfornln law.
S ! The Better Class 1 1
I 1 of Printing 1 1
whether it be a small bill or a large catalogue g I
j g will make an impression that will work for your r 1
g good, at all times, while the inferior kind will in- I
j S5 jure your business and do more harm than good, g I
1 We do the Better Class 1
g and if you wish your business to grow, consult j I
i US beforc P,aci"5 your next order. Our prices t
will surprise you when you consider the quality. S I
I The Sun 1 1