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Hft 1 jfNB It , t ,' J I'AOK SIX TUB BIX, 1'HICK. ITAH KIKUV 1-'1A :-lL HIE BRIDGE M . READY FOR AUTOS B IjAHT LINK OK TIN! MIDLAND H THAU. IH IINMIIIID. B'. Cllini of VH.,1lilc I 'ii I I'lnMi. H' "Ititf Tfltirlirn to the Hililge Acnnot H Uio li Ire Itltrr Tlirir IVw At P j tend tin (ViriiumliN nml All tin H ' Hlnto Official llininlii At Home. H. Bolt Lake's Trllmiio of ftundny, B which hiul a ropresontatlvo on the H ? ground, say thnt In Hip prcencjp H (,. ofonly a row militant of BasU'rn H 'Utnh nnd ono lono Tesldonl of Bnlt H Lnko City ri a spectator, tho bridge H ncross tho I'rlco river t Woodsldn H ' In Bmcry county wni completed, no H fnr a the structure Itself Is con- H rented, nt ft n'rlork Inst Baturdny H' ' ' nf (or noon. There wns no tinvoh- H . making nnd few spectntnrs to tho H driving of tho Inst null, whloh wan E cent homo liy n wnrkinnn who had K donnted several day' Inhor to tho H' . work In hnnd It hud Imtji planned H to nccord Oov Wllllntn Hpry or L somo iiiemher of tho stnto rond H commission thin pleasure, hut nil H ' were ntuient It wn nliu plnnncd H ' thnt tho Carbon nnd Kniory county H commissioners would present tho H hrldgo to tho stnto rond commission, H , but as thrro wnn io representative H of the conuntMlon present thin fen- Hh turo of tho proKrnm wnn nlso oinlt- Hu ted. Hut the brldgo In completed H? ' nnd all thnt In needed to put It to '1 prnctlrnl uo In two days' work on H'l KrudlnK up tho nppronchei. H 1 Tho brldRO In ninety feet between H Viorii and twclvo nnd n hntf feet i I t nbovo low wntor nmrk It U up- V ' 1 ported by four stcol oabteii ono nnd ' three-eighths Inches thick, tho en- HL , ' ' bio being Imbedded In concrete, re K lnforce by rn 1 1 rond Iron, nnd run Hll ' .' : over Jour concreto columns (ono nt 1; ' t each corner), In ench of which liavo H'tNi wn Imbedded two atoel rnllrond H' f'iK 4 rn,t' Tll "oor I lf two-by-fours, V K stood on edgo nnd nplked together. t It ' ? Tho structure weighs fifteen tons H . i ' nnd U deal pied to enrry wifely twice H J Hint amount In nddltlon to Itn own '. Kclghl. H , K H. Murphy, chief onxtneer of Hl , tho IndetHindent Conl nnd Coko f J ' ,t compnny with mine nt Kenllworth H And ottlcci In Bnlt l.nko City, wn jf ( ' tho only porton from Knit Uiko City T I . ,, who Attended tho ccromonlc. Front Hp I " l'rlco thero wnn County Commit- i H i itonor Albert Ilryner, County Clerk sBi il " i' Honloy, I'roildent lwU of (ho f u Iowlt KnxInccrlnR rompnny, who If , J dMlxned tho bridRo, A. U, (luthcll, Hlwri CI mnnaxor of a locnl Rnmso, nnd Ktl m ' Iki tor Henfor of tho Cnrbon County ssKea' ? Now. Prom Qrand Junction there Hf 2 tfi cAmo Wllllnm lluthorn, I.. Antlet KJr nnd a nmn nnmed Unnuioy, whllo H a (Irecn Hlver wni ropreitontisl by Kl County Commlttlonor Olllcpto, T. Hl M . Wlmmor, V T. Thompion, Bnrl Hf'n ,i lUrbor, MMirs. Krnnn, Ilyen, J-ndd fK And everl other. Tho re wni nlo HT'l on nian lreent from 0 Ion wood H ' .! j ftprlnn, a iiotol man who en mo to H , nauro hlmnolf thnt thti much tnlk- H'i' ( ml of brldRO wni actually completed. i1 4 Whtlo tho Conftolldnted Fuel com tj A PAny, tho Independent Conl nnd t ' j Coko compnny nnd tho Denver and ,W i K(o Ornndc Unllroad compnny art B-" entitled to prnlw for donntlona of Bi;! uA material nude, nnd tho Bait Lako SVf " j Commorclnl club for cnh, tho rc)l- m dent of Woodnlde, mnny of them ',' il very Pi' nro entitled to much ( 1 credit for Uio donntlon or labor. A H j number of thoto peoplo havo iieRloc- B v ted their own work to labor on tho ; 0 brUlgo mul they nnd their families ' woro on hand to aco tho cumpletlon m; J, of n work well and cheerfully dono. Hi -5 FLAG DAY IN UTAH H i 1 Uotvntor Kpir Nmn-H I'riKlniiinlloii j ' f UikIiik OliHrnnure. Hi ). 3 Qovcrnor Hpry liiueit n proclnmn- H If ' at Hon lnat Mondny dealRnntluK Juno Wfl K Hth ns nap day In Utnh. In thl sfl I ti connection tho Rovurnor . H a Jj "Kvery pntrlotlo Amerlcnn cltlten ssMiHi- enee hl obllRntlon or ulleRlnnco sB Hi fti to tho Roornment, but iluco loyalty H 'll will lend him to do more thnn mero i a 1 ultoRlnuco could demund, It Is lm- K J " 1 portnnt thnt hU obllRatlon of fldnl- 1 ) If Ity and obedlonco to tho Rovern- B Xy inont for tho protoctlon ho rceelvo i' Ml bo supplemented by an ever burn- UV i - , 3 1 Iiir lovo for It and nil Its Initltu- aHi'V ni tlons. f Et "A wholciomo resoct and deep fl K rcverenco for tho flnj; of our cnun fl L ?. try should be enrly Instilled Into ssliB M' "' hearts of tho children of tho t nntlon. Lovo of tho flag will pro i B. nioto loyalty and patriotic lupport flj, of tho government. tmi t ?9 "I urRO, therefore, thnt on tho j, ilt day designated tho American flag 1 ' ,H bo appropriately nnd eonsplruously Hl rt5 displayed on the public buildings, H i Jf,i tho vlnces of business nnd tho H k i 9 1 home of our cltlrens, and thnt H J ' 3 wherever iosslbln flag dny oxercliea H U ; I bo held for tho purjxxH) of tonchlUR f tho slsnlflcnnco of this nntlonnl em 'T i blom." ' - ( vf PAINTING Till-POLES j' '. I'Ulc Trldc r J. II, Muiimui IUIiik J" ''J Hhimii IhU Wit'k. It; in J. H. Mnnson, In ehnrso of tho VK 'V munlelpnl lighting plant, begun tho 1 first of tho proseut week to paint sBvi 'ft "'" telephone mid light poles In tho H i r busIncM section of tho olty. Tho H ' ' J start wns mudo on South Mnln H i street at tho Denver nnd lllo arnndo i K tracks, running a block north of H m Main street. Tho poloa nro given n t ' 1$ coat of black for six feot up nnd fr' tho balaitco of tho way to tho top 1' ji tiicy aro whlto. Thoto on Main Kt' street from Tenth street to City BfF.! v . Hall nro to come noxt. Manson It PHUi i doing this at his own expense, tho Laf" ', city ntot being out u dollar. Tho r i J liuprovomeut In appearanco Is not t only citified, but very noticeable. It ;.' . Is now up to tho city fathers to ul completo tho Job all through tho P , city. Hi .r4 HI' 'I- ii GOV. WILLIAM SPRY AND TWO OTHERS WANT SENATORSHIP J . -j J HjiHilLv vHHIiLLI 1 tiOV. WU.I.IAM Sl'llV. I I Thnt United Btntcs Bonator Buth orland Is making all neexlful pre liminary preparations to retire from politics nt tho closo of his present term and tnko up tho prlvato prac tice of law In Now York, U denied by Bvnator Buthorland'a associate nnd political frlonds, Is tho story given publicity by a Bait Lako City newspaper thnt Is supposed to bo on tho Insldo of things political nt Zlon. During his tenuro In tho sennte, Bonator Buthorlnnd has In creased his fame as a constitutional lawyer, nnd na a speaker with Ideas and tho Ability to express them. Ho has formed friendships nud connec tions during his long atny In Wash ington which would mean much to him were ho to ongngo In prlvnto practice In tho metropolis, and tho rumor has been current for some time thnt this wns his plan. "There Is no truth In that stato menl," said Hen U ltlcti, associate of Senator Sutherland In business nnd politics, "Benitor Butherlnnd Is not going to re tiro nt tho rloso of hit term. Ho most ussurodly will bo a cnndldnto for ro-eloctlon." Hut Renntor Buthorland will find that his candidacy will not closo tho entires to tho rncv for tho togn. Tho flro of ambition thnt has smoul dered Ions In tho hearts of other1 CLOSE OF LOilf AUCTIONS HELPING SUCH Irt VIKW !' TMK NATIOIS. At v.m:nt)fni:Mi:.v. MiKt Opthnlkilc View Taken of the Wool HltuntJoii Ity 'Hiomi nt the Head of tlu llljc Ktoi-ug t'oiii. puny (i'iimxtn of l4ito Utiw i ' nll4-d I'onnei" AkklnK IiIcin. , In n letter to tho shareholders Just Issued by tho Nntlonnl Wool Waiohouse and Rtornga company n most optimistic nttltudo Is tnken of tho wool kltuutlon and Informalon Is given that tho closo of the Lon don auctions until Juno 29th has hnd considerable Influonco on tho Knstern market, giving It n bettor tone, which hns been reflected In tho West at hlghor prices. Or tho market and Its prospects for tho futuro tho lottcr Bays: "Wo havo much confidence In tho futuro of tho woo markot for all grados nnd still feel, as we havo expressed ourselves many times, that growers would better wait un til wool s shorn before selling. Wo look for moro activity nt higher prices as tho soason progresses and, therefore, do not see how growors on tho wholo can lose by declining politicians Is being fanned to a blsto by tho coming of summer, and by tho thought that tho pri maries nro only a few months dls tanu Oovornor William Bpry will havo served his stnto as Its cxecutlvo for eight years, coming next Jnnuary, nnd ho wants to bo advanced from tho stage ho now occupies to a place on the national stage Friends of Oorernor Bpry point with pride to his political career and already nro painting word pictures of tho beautiful linos with which a toga would sweep from his broad shoul ders to tho ground. Whllo no boom has been begun officially for n sen atorial seat for Governor Bpry, tho fuse has been lighted and will reach tho powder bcioro the primaries, It Is said. George (1. Armstrong, Judge or tho Third Judicial District court In I Bait Lake, U another whose friends say will bo In tho rare. Judge i Armstrong has been an Indefntlg able worker for the grand old party,1 uml not n suspicion or tho tulnt of progrettlvlsm hns ever nttnehed to! his record. Ho haa served his par ly in mnny positions or trust nnd rol rponsiblllty, and It Is whispered that he hns mentally docked himself with tho flowing garments associated nl-l ways with tho Homun ruling elo-l incnt. There Is n strong undercur-l to sell until qualities and shrlnkuge can be detormlnod. "Tho demand In the West has been more especially for medium clips and many growers havo been ublo to realtto their former asking prices, but It seems clear that mer Inou aro not securing the support they nro entitled to, Speculative huyors ptefer to take the medium ''lips In .full confidence, apparently, thnt tho war will continue nnd these will necessarily go higher. If this reasoning Is cornet It applies Jus us logically to tho finer quali ties, for tho old law of supply and domund Is still In operation. "Klockmusters who havo been woolgrowers, as distinct from sheep growers, need havo no occasion to ho disturbed over (ho outlook. Growers who hnvo well bred, good 'hnmctcr wool, oven though It Is merino, should not bo disturbed ovor the outlook " -Mi HHIIIHmil HUM ELITES BAR ji I; IIIGHT YKAH OLD CKHAH. ;; HKOOK WIIlHKi:V. And everything tho highest ' ! ! grade In the Liquor and Cigar '. '. . . Line, ilCHARLESAVERILL.;; i IMIIUK, UTAH i HI IHHHIIIHIH41 Hi' ! rent of conversation In which the words "senato" and "Armstrong" are closely associated. II. It. MacMlllan, general counsel tor the United Btntcs Fuel company nnd prominently Identified with tho United Btntet Bmeltlng, Mining and defining company, has never attain ed tho seats of tho mlRhty In Utah politics, but ho la considered as a likely dark horse In tho race for the Washington prlie. He has been a steady and consistent party work er Ho Is said to hnvo ample moani to not only handle a campaign, but to live up to the proverbial dignity that Attaches to the offlro of Uni ted Btntcs senntor, Ills friends any that It Is possible thnt ho may ho Induced to penult tho use or his name before tho primaries. The I'nlted States Fuol company nlrendy hns a pretty good rrlend In congress In tho person of Jnmon II Muyes, progressive nnd n big ntock holder In the Castlo Valley railroad uml the United Btntes Fuel com pany, With MacMlllan In tho sen ate tho Interests behind the fuel compnny and tho smelting company iwould havo a putty good stundln,; at the nation's capital. Benutor Georgo Butherlnnd last Monday mado public tho announce ment thnt ho would be n candidate to succeed himself as United States senntor from Utah. TO IMPROVE THE ROADS Utah County tit Hpi-ml t'ouiddemhlo Money Artnnnl Odtitii, ny operating under tho now road Improvement law passed by tho Inst legislature, Utah county authorities aro contemplating the expenditure of fifty thouiund dollars on the highways of that section this sum-t mer A conference was held with I tho stato road commission Mondav i at I'rovo by Jesse D. Jewkos, state1 treasurer, and J. II Gnrdner. J F I i Hrlnghurst and Ilonjitmln Isaacs ' I commissioners of Utah count) i Tho Improvements call for the betterment of tho road from Goshen ' '.?.!. ?rnU' " 1?" "rld", Spring-j del In I'rovo Cnnjon. Improvement or tho road In Spanish Fork Caniou between Spanish Fork and Colioi ' I aim improvement or the road from 1 rvo tho Wasatch county Hue On Thursday. Juno nth. Gover nor Spry and members of the state road commlstlon will tour the coun ty by nutomobllo and locture to the resident, at various points on he operation of tho new lw. which permlta nn extra road tax of l m 2 mills on property within city Urn' Governor Spry nnd party are ox- IT04.1 .at hl8. xUn to ojtJna thetr trip Into Carbon county, when nn Intieetlon may bo made of ,?,?, , Woodsldo bridge. f U, , nook and brief work a sneclaliv I with The Sun. Ask for e imii Mall orders solicited and Vlven tho closest attention. AddresI The Sun, l'rlce, Utnb.Advt. WHO DOK8 NOT READ T1IP SAfTUItDAY NEW8T B THE HIGH COST OF Ufflfl Can be avoided to a great extent by careful, intelligent marketing. Good, wholesome, nourishing food staples are but little higher than they ever were. From our stocks the table can be provided with food to suit all the family, with variety to suit the vary ing tastes, and at the most moderate price. Come to us and let us point you to the way of economical and satisfactory living. Carbon-Emery-Stores Co. J. M. BEATTTE, General Superintendent. Stores at Hiawatha, Black Hawk, Mohrland, East Hiawatha and Carbon. POTATO KING IN UTAH FDR SEED HKVKN THOUSAND ACHK Hl't'D HAM II IN CAUKHtNIA. I.Ike the Hnvdlnit of Good llorMi. the Hlix-k Mut Ito lomkrd After AIniuI KviTy Thno Yenr Om Unually On lookout For New Si-l t'lnli TulxTs Kxndlent. l'otnloes nro Just llko horses new blood must Im Infused Into tho Hock nbout every Ihreo years to keep th quality up. Bo saya Georgo Bhlma, tho "potnto klnic" of Cali fornia and president or tho Japan ese Association of America, Bhlma was at Salt Lake last Saturday, be Inn In Utah to secure potnto seed with which to Improve tho quality of the spuds ho raises on his sev en thousand acret near Stockton, Cala. "I must improve the quality of my potatoes. keepltiK at It all the tlmo." said the tuber maRnatc. "The breedlnK or potatoes must bo at csrerully watched, It n person would havo both quality nnd quantity, as tho breeding of horses. Therefore, I am continually on tho lookout for new and excellent seed to mix In with my own sets!. "Formerly got most of my seed from OrvRon, but many of tho po tatoes from that state nro subject to potato dltcancs known as scab ami moss. Utt year I tried somo Idaho seed, Tho quality wns not exactl what 1 -was looking for, but It was better than the orcgon seed. This jear I urn going to try somo ttah seed nnd will look for somo seed In Idaho." Shlma will give Utah potntoes a chanco on suggestion of B, 1). Ha shimoto, the well known Japanese merchant or Salt I,nko City. Ilushl moto Informed the California ex Pert that Utah raises somo good tubers, and tho visitor accordingly will visit the farmers of tho nor thern part of the stnto and will tben go on to Idaho, l.op Inught nt locktmlths, By en body oUo cries for them. Tri n?tU."A "I0" '" 'W1 0t " l0ck I 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 w-hh . Walter Ghristeiiscn ; ! TRANSFER and DRAY. Give us your work and it : : Nvill receive prompt atten- : : tion. No job loo large or : : too small for us to handle. ;: FrtUW b Ctvtn Onr SpccUl AttcaUon. '' ' I'hniie I . i ! I Tho High Bfflclency COAL Govt Bqulvalent, 2101 I'oonJi Uncqunllel for Btorwr Will Not Black Hcst of Btenmlng and IlMtbi Qunlltles, Independent Coal 5 Coke Co. , Mines nt eKnllworth, Utii. Ocn. Offlws, Walker L'aax EKt SAITT LAKE CITY 4HIIUIIIIMIIIIMHIIH i! Sfc '' Hiawatha !; COAL :; It's the best, it does not :: slack, it does not clinker iiiiiiuhiiimiiiiiiiw ini inn i m n iiiiimw liCS. HARRIS ' ; Kvorythlng In pOWEWII ;; I'HIOB, UTAH ' Hf'mates on Ilulldlngi, Wlj :; and all Kinds of fontra .. Cheerfully furnished. Modtn. Machinery and Methods. H"rHIHIItlHIHIH"fHJ Kldollty Underwriters is An ft's largest Insurance coroprj' I'olnt of assets nnd business d ABk ror rutoe on riro Insursw- W. Crockett & Co,, nconts tot v ''rn Utah. Advt. To Sheepmen and Cattlemen e carry at nil limes a complete line of supplies, Inclad- j H Staple and Taney Groceries, Shoes, Dry Goods and No- t,ons- Salt, Hay and Grain. is a pleasure to show goods and quote prices. WASOMXU AND OIU4. yir, - Colton, Utah