Newspaper Page Text
rSHa CJTTSunAds WTHii',-Klir They Read of Values! ' fl ,tore advertisement tench V y . I II g-- pSryVVN ,-C II II III T U Ul Whinc something that linn a N3S W JllsS. JIJLllkSaSJg . tJTAlifi;SLW 11111 II II, Women win. study the storo ndvcr- "MM upon the principal business 2 VN' a li 2 " F llnoment with as much Interest and M lr'nf -..maker's life tho business r-i Intelligence as they devote to other flH ef Zrtha right thing at the right POLITICALLY. REPUBLICAN. Interesting things come to "know ' A In the right stores. " " valuca,'' to "senao" right buying op. HI UmfJ,n . VOLUME 1 NUMItPn I " '""" purtunllles. r : '""" ' NUMBER 1. EVERY FRIDAY JUNE 25, 1915 I M ROAD WORK PLACED OF RECORD FINALLY Price Man Motors to Helper, Finds "Bill" Ham ilton and Meeting of Commissioners Is Held Tuesday Evening. K. Utln after Tho Hun. In U Issue iitat ltth hail Riven wHo puMlclty m iv f t did h" boru" of "" ZZtusi nc r make ony record of It jrt with UKKlcaton c Matthew ,Ttt .pending of tho thlrty-one Zaani dollars bonJ money on tho IZHTof Carl.on "ounty. Ui to Juno Iii two dam beforo Inst week' Hun .uWlntdl. thero wan nothing on tho Jntit nt the court houne to show nny IimMfmenl had been made with tho ftorJo contractors. Questioned Sot the Minn County Clark llorelcy, ill li also l'rk ,0 lh" ,M,nrJ of c,mn" , wmmlralonern. wild hn knew no iStjeMt . ,. . I the meantime, however. Kgglo- t Matthew were assembling their taitock and scraper and tho llko nt M and having tho same iwnt on to iMWlun, which OemonMtraU'H bo- doubt that they knew what they undoing and had tho nuthorlty to kltawork Thin was started early v k and beforo tho general pub- k nMhcr who might liavo wanted iiUnce'o bid bad been apprised, ox npt through The Hun, that tho road mi to Ik Improved. Tho contrnct Ul nldent'y been given outside of a ttpUr urmlon or tho board of com Wsioners. Utt Tuesday evening, however, fen u a meeting of the eommls amurt at the court house, after N. A maims of Trice bnd gono to Helper u4 brought Commissioner Hamilton lrf In an automobile. Tho records Aaw that the work la given to J. I). Utthw and that the greater por tal of tho thlrty-ono thousand dol an bond money la to bo apant on tho UUund trail and tho road lending to fa Uintah Haaln cuunlry. Tho Mat U4 outfit U hired by thv duy, thu tur reviving aa compensation 10 rcnl of tho money expended. On i bull tf thirty-one thousand dol an nnl Matthew will reclvo inasd three thousand dollars for Vonlnj tho ' i Matthew Talk of Work. II J a Matthew, tho contrnutor. wua In frl-c HAturduy bint from Wulllng Etoe. In rimtrraitlon with n Hun rep ItutnUthe bo atuted that tho work Iu4tiun Monday or laat week on tho Md oit uf WelllnKton and Hint It In Imv progrrmlng at tho rato of n mile fiT At thin rain It will noon bo bo S th big Hprlnga ranch of Com ; nrr filiarp und clone lo Wood- I'p to that time ho had em b)rd file Carbon county men with Xttthew aluo atated that when h t to Wellington with hit outfit to fla ox-ratlona tho people thcru nt Indignant over the manner In "'kh the contract had been nward- but nlncn avvlng how hlmaelf and ti outfit wire doing thlngn had "aoft l" down connlderably In their at Unit towardn him. He, or course, U that no ono hero was prepared i do the work aa ho hlmaeK la. Ia-1 "r. h eipecta tho people of Welling 'on to auk him to grade their strceta 'r them. Uthhew la a very pleasant gentle ". knowa his bunlnetui and In re- KOMINENT CITIZEN PASSES 'Vtwioiiiu Clulmn W. W. .McCo At the Home or I'n-nton Nutter. WMUni Walter McCoy, ngod 78 ' anl a native of Now York ntutt, ' t thu homo of Mr. and Mrs. Won Vuttf r In the Nine Mile nee. ' List Wvdnrsiluy nrter un lllnemi .' pnt jinonia of only ubout n week. J ,'ly In b. lug brought to Price to- UM11' 'or Inbrnii-nt In tho I'rlce City ""'rr am tho funeral will be held "I- tho illrietlon of tho Masonic i aB-'ucr H. "'fa-til vsua ii man without fam- L ir,1n,i h:iH no known rolatlvea In this I Kl, " "f u,e Went. Ho lived up to ut Iwenty-two years no nt l-end- ' "I"-, and had a brother there. ttflW" hnher tho brother lu still llvlnir -rvni1 ht'r'Bl,outs knows. Ho talked aWi. " rVun with those mimt In H" with him or bis relatives or wily connections. ).' 'Coy was born In Now Hump- 'ul ' ?l 'arl' w"t I" Now York 'iloliviiya referred to tho latter Kpi fe hl nom- Il hnd been con Hiiv.'ih l'ton Nutter about Hlov i - Cftr" B"d eame to his em ), ' Coljrudo. Ho was treated f A..!. x " member of tho famll). H l,r y,m """ounil Price a couple ., fC )revlou to ubout ten das li n hB wcnt to Nino Mile. iB'itT?i,B ,,r K0"K out the"-0 that 'Bbir), . "f Pneumonia camo on and Hr: ii1,'rn,l,,te fatally. Ho ivus i ,if0T.w" In his dealings and H'. '.""led an ono of Carbon coun .pn. ii ,ln', numt gubstantlal cltl 'I'nle w,", u "number of tho Mo H Bun at Ll,n,,vllo, rolo. As vtaB'nta fD.K ' irM8 'h arrange 'le, lne ri'neral are not com- iponalble rinanrlally and othern'b fO" anything he undettaken. I load work la a proramton with him. ami twbly blnniea him for taking the eonlmet when he could get It. Tho kick, which la not confined to a few ly any maatw, la that thrre are any numlttr of enm petenl men In Cnrlmti euumy, tax payers and other, who need the work. They should hare been given a clmnee by the commissioner. The three thousand dollars which the Cotonido firm will pull down from taxpayers here will leave tho county and state. linn I'nld Tni- l4M Year. Contractor Matthew was here again Tuesday and called to see Tho Hun. He thinks this newspaper has done him an Injustice In stating that his firm pays no taxes locally. Matthew states that during I VII he deducted from the payrolls fur the men em Ployed by him lt.90 poll taxes for Carbon count). The same eor. he imys. the firm or Kggleston A Mat- iimw iwiii into me county treasury 147.41 personal property taxes, and $17.10 to Kmery county. Tho Hun Is glad to Kile the matter publicity. However, this doeri not alter the fuel that the board or county commbolen era gavo this work to oulsldi rs. In stead or to home taxpayers. Matthew does not deny that his contrai t with the eommhwloners was made before there was any meeting of the board on June ltth. wlnin the same Is sup posed to have been entered Into with bis firm, and which Carlxtn County's News und other npologHIa for the commkwloners are kept busy explaining. lU'M.ICTIN IKStlKS O.Y TIIK cd.m.vii.i.i; irr.ii, nm,i One of the oldest cool nflnlng din trluta In I'tnh Is alwut thirty mllwi .nurtheMst of Malt Uke City. In the vi cinity of the little town or Coalville. I High grade bltiimlnoiie coal has been I mined In this district for or fifty years, und the mines now operating lire large and well equipped. The coal beds. boweer, are Involved In extensive roek folds and are broken by faults of conMdrrahlo mngnltude. Tho oxtont and limits or tho coal bear ing urea have therefore been In some doubt, and a study was undertaken by Carroll II. Wrgemanu or the United Htntea geological survey with a view not only or making a general geologic study or tho area, but ir working out In detail the rock structure, outlining the probable productive areas and making estimates as to tho depths or tho coal Uds within It. Ills report, entitled 'The Coalville Field. Utah, has been Issued by tho geological sur vey as llulletln Slll-i:. a copy or which may be obtained freo on application to the director of tho survey at Washing ton. D. C. John It. Uoolln of the office forco oif the United Btatcs l'uel company at lllack Hawk was doing business ut I'rlco Wednesday. He Is a member of thu retiring Carbon county high school board and hns made an efriclent mem ber or thnt orgunlxatlon us well as tho local board at Hiawatha ond lllaek 'Hawk. Tho coal situation at the 'three camps or tho company to the south Is picking up. more men ar. being put to work und a better reeling ! generally P-nades the eumH. aa re 1 Kurds work ror the men und u market for tho output or the company. -Mr. and Mrs- . " W"r w? hu been visiting with Mrs Voters orsnts ror the past two weeks, lef Thursday for Sun Francisco, where Zy will attend the fair and also f'lmmer s huol at llkl. -H'Per Times 19th WHICH WAY? UNIQUE BRIDGES FDR MIDUNDEHS OIIAMI .IL'NtTIDN, COI.O., .MHN AlilVIC TO COXIUTIONH. llcvliv I'rrfiiicil That .Make Husy Croulug or WnliT Hwollen Wnbc ThroiiRli (iniiid und Hmcry Ctiiin tics In Itnxtcrn Ifiuli Cliainlx-r or Coinnicriv Kniloix-H Yolimtccr Aid. An Ingenious loose endMiutomoblln bridge to be used on the sandy Imuks of several washes In OrnnJ and Winery ouunlles east or tlreen lllver anil ThomMHin on the Midland trail has been devlMil by M. C. Ilamsey, II. I. 1'lalt nnd H. K. Wlntcrburn or Grand Junction, Colo., und the device has been officially adopted by the cham ber of commerce of the Colorado city. Hevornl of the bridges were construct ed thero last week and were put In placo by volunteer lalior last Hundsy. The creeks and washes on the des ert do not require regular bridges lis they uro dry pructlcnlly ull thu time. However, tho banks are uulte sandy In sumo places for twenty feet or ho and the approaches to the washes un less kept In constant repair glva more or less troubta to motorhts. Tho new bank brldgu Is unchorcd safely to the ground level several yards rrom tho stream by a "dead man," but tho lower end Is so arranged that It can bo washed loose by u strong current. U a freshet sweeps down tho wash und lifts the end of the bridge out It merely takea It to the bank where It can bo easily i-urrlcd buck by ono man to Its placu ut the buttom or the wash. The tires or the car travel In troughs, giving easy traction for even tow powered maohlncs. Those who have seen the model unite In tho belter that It will prove the solution of nil tho sand bank troubles on tho Midland trail. Two Hud Accidents. The deep nrroyo which the Midland trull crosses about ten miles oust of tlreen Hlvcr was tho scene of two palnrul accidents the other day when a party consisting or Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Clark und ohlldren. Mr. und Mrs. !'. (1. Woods nnd ihllilrwn. Mrs. M. 1. I'nwlerand Hlumley fln-en. driver, all of Moali, were motoring to Creen FOR THE CHILDREN MAINLY Cltlictis of 1'rke nrc to make no spci lul effort to celebrate the Fourth of July thin )enr by reason of the fact that tiurrotindliiK towns are figuring to have ohserviincca of the day, es pecially the camps or lllaek Hawk, Mohrlund and Hiawatha at Itluck Hawk, us will also Helper. However, that the children or this community may lt Improwed with the Importance of Independenco Day there will bo iv program observed on Monday, tho Slh, about ns follows: Program In I lie rorcnoou, K.ilute nt sunrise. Allert J. Orames; baud parndn 9 o'clock In the, fore noon; program ut City Hull 10 o'clock In the forenoon. W. K. Olson, master of cereinhnlea. with inusle by tho tand; Invocation. Illshop Albert Dry ner: selection, Hko orehestra; read ing or Declaration or Independence, Agnes Mnclcun; girls' chorus, dlrcc tlof or Mrs. U A. Jones; oration, C. H. I'll.e; male quartet. A. I Heppler Itlver. As the car struck the bottom or the nrroyo tho occupants wero thrown against the top or the car, and Mrs. fowler nnd Mrs. Woods wero severely cut across their races. Mrs. Kovvler, who wus especially badly cut. went on to Halt Ijvke City to havn tho Injury attended to. Hevcral stitches were required to sw up the cut MtlHiANO TltAlh IN NKVADA 1H IN hPI.KNDII) KHAI'i: NOW HALT LAKK CITY, Juno 13. Uck or rain In the last week haa done won ders for the road between Halt Iuko City and i:iy. and F. K. Weston and II. P. Drlnkwuter of Denver, Colo., who mudo the trip by automoblo from Illy yesterday, reported the highway to bo In splendid condition. Weston and Drlnkwntcr made the run of near ly three hundred miles In less thun fourteen hours and arrived In Halt lke City shortly before 9 o'clock last night. They nrc on their return trip from tho Pacific ('oust and left Han Francisco Wednesday night coming b way of tho Mldlund national high way the entire dlntuuce. ' "Tho road across tho IMuli desert Is In good lundlllon." said Weston. "We wero uble to make un uvrrago or rorty-rive miles an hour across thu reported bad spots. The worst place In tho road between Halt Iiko City mi'' Han Francisco Is the Carson link BACKERS OF WATROUS HAVE COLD FEET "Tobc" Whitmoro und tho five others who re cenSfwent on the bond of Fred L. Wn rous for (Z I thousand dollars in the matter of he re deliver of Mewnthalcr linotype machine be leiivery ui u trustee, contracted a longing to R. W. Crocjew, wu , most severe case of "coW feet alter i n y time to rcflec upon what the au Jjej to Thursday hist they sent ine r offered Crockett's attorney, F. E. woous, au i under tho redelivery bond. The maue now a part of ;; wa8 that Watrous Thooxcusoof tho bo 8"ftHtb0 for the week had failed to go out the A uyocai gwftlSiTio that he was not "toting fair" with the bunch that had come to his rescue. The fact is the bond was entered in to with no Idea of helping Watrous out. It was to discommodo Crockett if they could. While tho linotype machine wns in possession of these bondsmen a rental of forty dollars n month was piling up against them, besides dam ages to Crockett for being out of tho use of the machine and his investment therein, amounting to about thirty-five hundred dollars. Again, the machine was not absolutely necessary to tho pub lication of The Sun. L. 0. Hoffmann was tho attorney for tho bunch, including Watrous, who never had shown any interest with those who got behind him. The Sun appreciates the position of Attorney Hoff mann in the matter all through. He was fair and honorable. However, tho intentions of the others was entirely different. It was anything to annoy The Sun and Its management. and others, rending, Cornelia Htevcn son, selection, Kko orchestra. Program or Children's hKirts. lluselHill game between Troop 1 or tho Hoy Hcouis and u local team. Kxerclses by tho local (toy Hvout troops, arranged by the local scout uiastvnc Foot Itnclng Children 0 to years, rifty yards; S to 10 years, seventy-flvo yurds, and 10 to 13 years u hundred yards. Ilennbag contest for girls from 13 lo 17 years of uge. Horse nnd rider contests for hoys from 13 to 17 yearn or age. Illoek games for boys and girls over 13 years of age. i'rlxes will be nnnnunccd next week. There will be dancing also for ull ut City Hall. "It Is very desirable at this time," snya Miyor Carlos Ounderson, "that all oltlxens manifest their patriotism. I, therefore, request thnt ull business plates and residences display the Am erican Flag on Independence Day." mmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt. near Itcno, whore tho going Is mighty hard and but little time can be made. This, however. Is tho only place In tho entire dlstunco whern good tlmo run not bo mado." That tho road between Halt I-uka City and Hly, hovever. Is heavy with dust was shown by tho condition of tho travelers on their arrival. The i-ur was thoroughly covered with dust. Considerable road work Is now being done along tho route. Drlnkwater ond Weston will re sumo their Journey to Denver after several days sightseeing In Halt I.uko City. HAKES SPLENDID SHOWING PHci Commercial mill Sat lugs llnuk On Firm Foundation. Klsowhere In this Issue of Tho Huu Is tho report or the Price Commercial and Havings bunk ut tho closo of busi ness, June 9th. It shows thv bank to be not only In it s-tfo condition, but prosperous also. Its reserve, which consists of the amount duo from banks und cash In the Vuult, Is tt,6CB.ft. which Is mure thun li psr cent of ull Its deposits, whereas the luw requires that u bank shall kep but IS per cent or Its commercial deposits and 10 iter cunt or Its savings und time deposits. Kuril six mouths hus seen un addi tional amount udded to the surplus nnd undivided profits until that Item now amounts to I25.9t0.26. This, to gether with the cupltal uf 160,000.00 and the personal liability of tho stockholders or 150,000.00, Is tho guar antee to depositors thut their money will bo ready for them when they call for It. Us louns or $'.'34,147.3(1 hue been curerully placed and ure well se cured. Tho courteous trcutment tho em ployes extend lo customers of the In rtltutlou and Its conservative manui; ment by Its officers hus resulted In tho good showing thut tho report tnakeu. m i Frunk I Ilucklo und the lienfurs, rather und son, wuro up on Jump Creek nnd tho Heaver latt Hiuulcy. The flshlnf In both streams Is very poor, they ivport. owing to tho muddy water and plentiful reed for trout They had but very poor luck. Others bring back tho same story. At und near Hcofleld tl'hlng Is said to never have been better than this season. ItcHldcnts' or the town und ranchmen In Pleasant Vulley ure going out any old time and getting good strings or the finny tribe. The same Is true at Collon ulong tho White river and tributaries. I EDWARD L GODAT fl MURDER GASE ON I mM it'itY Hi:ctiti:i) in tiii: diktuict VI COl'ItT LAST WKD.N'IXDAY. HI District Attorney Cherry Outlines the VI Position of the ProMniitlon ami ( hU Samuel A. King What the Dcfcuso , H Htpccl to Show Very lnrgc Cnl- H ciulnr in lb llxc of Tills Term. IBI District court fur Carbon' county 'H onvnd nt Price hist Monday morn- - HJ Ing with Judge Albert II. Chrlstenson :; t M presiding The grentar puritans of UM Munday, TutNtduy and Wednesday wns II taken up with the arrangement of tho 1 Hfl criminal calendar and tho hearing of 'Hfl naturnllMtkMi applications nnd tho fBfl dlsMsltlan of probate mutters. In the ) ' Hfl mutter of naturatliatlont, probably HJ tho best record ever made In the his- Hfl lory of this court Is tho result, num- ber or niqillfniits nnd ndmlulons to HJ etlxenhli considered. Mora persons I i HJ were granted cltlienshlp papers at I 1 Hfl this term than ror any like period hi BV ten years. ' 1 H Tho (lislnt Trial On. J Bl The trial or IMward U Oodat, ! charged with killing hla wire, Minnie B Oodat, nt Price laat August, commctin- H ed Wednesday afternoon, a Jury hav- B Ing been secured during the day. The t H Jury Is composed of WlUlam Molntlrc, Heron Olsen, Samuel Hhlmmons, Mat- it H thew Wuhlelu, Itussell Hlorrs, 'Alfred H Newreln, II. II. Htrlngham, A. F. John- H son, Ittchnrd lister. U A. Inuhcr, l John It. Doolln nnd Krnstus Anderson. YH District Attorney Cherry Is prosecii- ' lB ting nnd Hninuel A. King or Halt lnko ' City Is derendlug. The Jury wns se- S cured In tho record tlmo or three f . H hours. It Is expected the en so will bo 1B eotuiuded )y Saturday night In his - tBl openlnt nddrrm the district attorney fc lB stated that ho would expect to prove r B that Minnie Oodat met her death nt B tho hands or the defriulnnt. That VvB thoy were married, mil hail been living n vB npart. and thnt tho defendant follow- t B ed her from Colorado to Price, nnd ':, iHJ lifter buying some poison nt, a lnt,-nl d; "sfBfl drug store ho hired n small caliber 1 Bh rifle nnd later shot her nt her room ns ft ? she was retiring to brd. It Is under- M'lfBl stood thnt the derense will not deny I ;lB) the killing, but will excuse tho net by I 1B showing thnt tho defendant was great- j ; JB ly devoted to his wife and thnt she had 2 UH deserted him nnd their two small boys. if B Thnt on nt least three occasions she A 9H hnd brokin mi 'their homo on account J VjH or her asnoelatlons with other men. j, 4B That sha came to Price and hern took f gH up with nnothrr man. That the do- t , !lB fenilant mine here for the purpose of r UH Inducing her to return to him. but be XHfl discovered her Illicit relations nnd wns B driven thereby to the unfortunate act 'Bh That whllo temporarily tnsanu h fired vBjl thu shot that took her life und shortly jkH therearter tried to end his own llfo by i jBj taking poison Ills mother, a fine J SBJ old lady, accompanied by two of his BHJ ulsters and his two little boys, urn In V IHBj ultendanco upon tho court and will i, .aHj testify In his behalf, aa will other J fiBH witnesses brought from Colorado. r PBH Htato of Utah vs. Peter ZolldakU; i' H aratm In tho first degreo. Case sot for y' Bfl Juno mth at 3 o'clock. ifj.lslBH Htato or Utah vs. Sdward Olsen; V 'nBl charge or embexilcment Caso set for If rHfl Juno 31th at 3:30 o'clock. lMaBB Htate of Utah vs. llerthu Wllsoh; , i tiVH charged with robbery. Case set for t B Juno 31th ut 10 o'clock In tho foro- C JBBJ noon. j jB Htato of Utah vs. Ilaptlsto llavliiai 1 ; JBB murder In tho first degree. U A. Mo- f, HBJ Oeo uppolnted as counsel far tho do- . ; ilIMB fendunt Continued for tho term. ' MjaBl Htato or Utah s. William Diets; Ji wBl burglary In tho third degree. Dcfen- ; , rmJBl (Hint entered plea or guilty and Is sen- u9ll tenced to six months to three years In ki HjHl the penitentiary. jIikBh Ijiw ami Jlotliin Mnttin. MIBlfl Oeurgo K. Ford, trustee, VK. Havoy liUMW Hotel companv. ronflrmntlon or sale IpmS of hotel furniture and lease upproved . f BgB lo LnwoiiHtaln Mereantlle company nt ' InHj I3B00 I ami ho terminated. i , rjHS Htevensmi Lumber company vs. jjlaH (leorgo W. nrandon: suit on account . ' !IJjS Judgment for 1183.79 und twenty-five I HCT dollars attorney fees. l 9H Albert Dlmmlck vs. Utuh Fuul oom- , Ml panv; persounl Injury case In whlgh j jH plulntlff units for $20,000 damugeu. De- HB murrvr overruled and thirty days l(1 jjg grunted In which to file answer. j . H Helper Lumber und Hardware com- ! 3B pany vs. James Murtollo and others; ' , 9 suit on nccount. Demurrer nvurruled j B and forty days to answer. I h 9H lleatrke McKlnuev vs Albert Mo- I C'B&ll Kinney; divorce. Granted. j JBSl MoDonuld Heal Kstato and Invest- ll'kfltsla ment company vs. It. W. Crockett & 4 3 Will Co.; deramatlon of oharacter. De- BffljU murrur sustained and ten days given fti'Mlfll for answerlnif. A slmllat suit Is also 'uliifflfiH pending ugalnst Q. ii. Kalms, prekl- JunlBa dent or tho lt. W. Crockett ft Co. con- ttrallH ccrn, Mil MrCornlok & Co. vs. Levi 11. Puce; iff. jWtjB suit on proiiilssor' note. Deirvurrer 'iBt'.Tiilfla overruled und twenty days given for 'KtuXU answering. iKUBKfl Denver and Itlo arundu Itallroud flrwliEU company vs. Carbon county; 'suit to 'lilBI recover dependent mothers' taxes lev- I". IB led ugulnst und collected from tho cor- tMitW porutlon. Demurrer overruled and 'KflJBfl twenty days given to answer. '-HlBH Flret National Hank of I'rlco vs. It. SIBbI It. Klrkputtlcb) suit on promissory WHI (Continued on page eight.) FwuHfl