Newspaper Page Text
Hol' PAGE TWO THE 9UN, PniCE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY --25 l91 BUSINESS HOUSES AT MYTON BURN B TOTATi M)SH lMTMIATi:i TTIIIIl TV THOUSAND IXI.UIIH. Rnloon Sinn, Where (tin riro Origin- ! otcil, Buffers to tlic Ktlcnt ttl Ttilr- Iron Tlioiisnnil llernlo 1'tfortn of tho Volunteer lrinrtiui lit Sine BBB 1'ronOljr of Many IIukIiio Men.. MTTO.N. June 1 Ilrt. of un- ft known origin rtartlng In thq renr of H f aTitkioonJMrncd by J. V 1 leaver' ulioiU J 'o'ctocK thin morning iilmoit totally BBS dctro)cd tho main huslniaft seitlon nf BBBb , Mytou nml caused dnmage intimated K nt thirty thouMml dollar. A tank of BBBs gsxlln In Ilin heart of ths fire ill" BBBl ' trlct foiled to explode, uilthotigh tho BBj Holder melted away fiuit THlKhl frnme BBBj buildings wern tiiirncil In tho ground BBBfl nnd another ni turn down to prevent BBBv tho fire reaching tho big hrlck strue- BBBJ lure of tho Maxwell Morr-anlllo com- BBBJ pany. BBf The flro was dimwit urml by the BBBJI night wntrhmnn. who Immediately BBBJ turned In an Alarm and amused tho BBBj residents, numbering five, hiuidred BBJ A high wind wit Mowing', however, BBBj and the flames uprrnil rapidly to nil- BBBj Joining buildings nnd noon tho entire BBBj Mock was nflnme Tho flames leaped BBBj ntroM tho narrow street, and only BBBj ' with much dlffkull) did ilin people BBBj, succeed In protecting tliem buildings. BB Practically ever) atom window In the BB; town Is cracked and tho fronu or tho BBBj! buildings nrrctM the meet from the BBBj flro are ohnrred nnd blackened from BBBj tho Intent heat BBB After tho iltlicns hml worked sev- BBB cral hours lrlnit to extinguish tho BBB i flame. It wan nnllied that tho fire BBB' waa beyond control nnd the entire row BjBBi ) , of buildings adjoining tho Mir strnc- BBJ 1 ture of the Maxwell company wax BBB '. doomed In order to save this build- BBB I U l"K the rlrutturc adjoining It waa torn BBB i f lown nnd plica of muka filled with BBB , t sand were placed against the walls BBB "f the hrlck htilldlnir. Tho open space BBB f j botwien the flro nml tho brlik liullc. BBB , Inr. created liy tcarlnir down the f j hulldlnir, succeeded In checking- the I j flume. i J. 0. Mr AVer, In whose saloon tho fire la helluved to have originated, BBB1' f suffered tint In n lent luita from the BBB , , fire, lie placed Ida Ion tonight nt BBB ' HJ.OOp. A. T. Well' butcher nnd BBB Keneral merchandise stock, estimated BBB ' k' to bo worth 110,000, waa it tolnl loss, BBB ' with no Insuraiire. Other locsss run BBB tntned were by J M Hryunt. I)r Cro, BBB .. 1,1 nnd Dr. Ilakcr. with hut llttlo Inmir- BBB I' i'i nnce. The Merchant ft AVImmer lmr BBB l" 1' Ixr ahop nnd rixturea wero ilctro)ed BB' 1 V with n lot rallmated nt 13000 Onu BBB '' rewldence wna drulrojed f ( Tho only property taxed In thn row BBB ; ' waa tho alock of tho Mytnn Kreo I 'rem, BBB I I The prlntluir plant, Incliidlna connlder- BBV J I " uhlo new mnchlnnry waa remoed to BBS 7 new quarlera n day ao on account of BBS -I dancer from fire It U mid tonight BBh i 'j that modern brick hulldliiM will bo BBj ! 5 erected on thn alto of the old frame BBl 5 hulldlnira dratrnyed thla mornliif BBi ' " The M) ton Free I'reaa la til be !, i, printed from tho offlco of the Vernal I Kxprraa until auch time na tho Preiw 1 Ifl l received Ita nowi maohlnro to f!f j take the place of that burned The BBj ' Hun nt l'rlro tendered Editor Cook BBl ' 1 uny awlntanio he mlKlit want, which BBf iM I" not only appreciated by IMItor BBJ , i ' Cook but by thn cltUnna of Myton aa BBM well. Numcroua leirul publlcntlona BBI . I ' tlnif run nt thla tlmn In tho I'rcaa. BBf k t hciiooi, iio.MtDK t siirirr H "j Tx)uimii:u m:ximi:iniiiy H ( The Carbon county hrxh eohool BBf A board met conjolntl) Willi tho board BBf i IP "f education of thn Carbon county BBf Hyk Bttiool dldrlit bint Monda) The re. BBJ I hcnntlonH of 11 U Heed nnd Mlllnn H BBf I Kliler n tenihirn of the Hcofleld BBf4, 1 branch wero read it ml nccepted. On BBJfjl f recommendntlon of John (1 (luhlrr, VII( tm ' " Mimr nl Helen Owene. boti BBf! jj am of Rait I.ake Cll) wero elected to fill BBM 1 J tho vacundcK Tho election of n mtulc BBR I ) teacher waa Referred BBfp' fi On recommendation of tho hoiun BBj.- ( i ' iMmmlttee. Walter I law waa elected BBJ ' Janitor for the enaulmr ear nt a mil BBJ J 1 try of ninety dollara per month Ths BB) , rcft-utar claims for the month were B k J allowed B j The meeting ndjournul until June BB f ' 30th, when inenibcm of nil the achool BB i board of tho count), tho hluh aehool BJl i 1, board nnd the consolidated achool BB nz board will meet u one for the pur- rt Mm ,iob nr ",HKlnB tho neieviuiry trnimfer Bj" Sb of booki, toronlk und proper!. H,j I K ANpi.D rim:M can.notix) a' I Bj; without I'uicirH mis r I'Ai'itit B W WrltlnK to tho editor of The Hun BB J i j'ti under recent date from Hlawntha. BB. I 'I John 1. Illle. well nnd favorabl) BB known throughout Ituatern lMti, de BB r,l llvern hlmnelf of thla. which U token BB' ( i' ,n tnn Kame Kn1' l'lrlt ln which It Ir BB "f Intended: "Thauka for the copy or BB; , Tho Bun Inir may It ahlne 1'lenae BB i i. i end me two dollara worth I waa BBf ( '') truly glad to Ret It, and nlmi Klad to BB Sj know you arc In the nowapaper bul BKf " neot. thuiiRh norrj to think that aa BB. t K'' iv MlnnAurlun na you I'lould Ret BB? ' '! "ff " far na to bo running; a repuMI. BB . can nevvapaper I ruent a mtmt en- BB f I 1 fu Joynblo nx month Imck In Ht IxjuIh B, ' J und vlelnlty. M.ltlnK wmo alaUr nnd flf An "ne brothnr. whom ! had not men for Bfl sixteen jeaia Am Klad to b l. k In W I Mm Utuh H"d ,nlnk ' s,ml1 NtA' In Carbon BB 111 county. Heat wUhon for )uumelf and ' ''f.'H The Hun " tr j HV THKIUrOItt IIHUIhlON. j" M The Importation Into dr" ttrrl BSJ f m, ton of bwr or other Intoxicant, even BSJit In a lunch baitkHt na part of n phnle BB '! ' lunch with tfubsequent conaumptlon BBrt. ih "f ,,le "'luor '" beld na u lolatlon of BBriil! i ' ""' "tatu "iuor lnw nd lolatora are Bb v ? liable UB,dnr Its prollone. This Is nu BB'' 7 M& opinion given last Vrlday by A. It. Brjll I Harnes, attorney Keneral, In nnswer- BbI! ' i'S'I 'ns a Question submitted by John BBBf , jl Wnlsh, probation officer of Pavl BvHtJL i Jj' county. Violation In this case, ac- BflE'L cording to Hariif'B. comes under the BCC I ";. ' new Funk law. SCOFIELD ROADS WORKED UlRlmny to Cotton Vow One of the ltct In IfiiKtcrn t'tnli. Hnndaj lart Nell U. Mndaen of Reo fiold, Chris K Jonscn of Clear Creek nnd other public rplrlted follows of thn upper coal rompe. Including Win ter Quarter, did nny nmount of Rood work on the road toward Colton which will make that thoroughfare nocond to no other mountain road through Carbon nnd Utah counties And, tho work dono will not cost any one other than thosa who contributed onn cent, though rovers I hundreds of dollara In labor nnd materials have been expended. Chris K Jensen of Clear Creek, for mer county commissioner, was there with thre teams nnd ten trn. Win ter Quarters sent two lean's nnd five men nnd Hrofleld had thiio teams, eight men nnd plows and scrnpers employed the entlrn day Itocks were removed, dugwn)s cleaned off nnd tho road gent rally placed In thn 'test con dition It has liwii as long ns tho mem or of tho oldest Inhabitant of that section runneth back This mining Hominy tho Mime vol unteer force will go after the highway from Hcofleld to Clear Crick nnd put that In condition for automobiles and wagon traffic In alt of this work, I'tnh fuel company has contributed no small amounts In powder, teams nnd the like (lenernl Huperlntendcnt Thompron hits Issued carte blanche orders for powder, scrnpers nnd teams, nnd In much Interested In thn movement lletter roads will mnke It enslcr for peddlers nnd ranchmen to get In nnd out of tho camps with their products. Taxpayers of thn upper camps, al though contributing their proportion to the taxes of Carbon count), reallxe that they nre not to get much from thn thlrt)-ono thousand dollars bond Issue money. Ifownver, thiy want good roads nnd nrn determined to build tho same themselves If they are not to be had In nny other way Afle'r next Hunday automobile, tra vel from I'rlco Itlver Valley to Clear Creek by way of Colton will bo n pleasure. Man) will undoubtedly avail themielves of tho opportunity of n fishing trip nt least. It will bo eu to go nnd como In onn day Itt'KHIA Ml'riT HISNI) VH oi'it ni'oau m:i;r hi:i:i l)i:NVi:it. Colo, June J I. Tho problem of procuring sugar ltd reed for thn 1910 crop was placed In thn hands of the executive committee of the United Htntes Manufacturers' as sociation nt ii meeting of that associa tion this afternoon nnd evening, 1'or the entlrn day officers of vari ous beet sugar manufacturing com panies throughout the United Htntea dlrrursed tho problem of getting suf ficient seed for next )ear, nnd they enmn to thn conclusion that the one posslbln source of supply Is llunln According to Truman O Palmer of Chicago, secretary of tho association, approximately 11,200.000 pounds of RUgar beet seid will have to be Im ported Into the United Htates httween now nnd next spring Hald 1'nlmer "Unless this amount of seed Is ob tained there will le n scarcity of sugar In tho United Htntea In another )ear" TWI'l.Vi: THOUSAND I'OUNIIH Ol' ri.Ol'll IIY I'AHCI'l. UOhT OKANI) JUNCTION, Colo, June 32 Thn largest slnglo parcel post ship ment which ever left Mesa county went out )esterday morning when thn Mesa Uluur Mill company shipped twelvo thousand pounds of flour to M)ton, Utah, pnjlng flCS.Ca postage on the Mine Tho great load of flour attracted a lot of attention Two hun dred nnd forty bags of fifty pounds each comprlred tho load COMING TO UTAH FOR SHOOT VISIT KritAw mum v vi.i.i:v I'uojkct is to hi: i.Ki'i:rn:i. (iowTiimcut !ti preventative to View und 1'iik Umiii l,ntcr (Jrcnt Irriga tion Projects of tho West, Chief Among Willi ti Is Onn of Tills State Have Been to ,ortlmit. nieven members of tho appropria tions committee of tho national house of representative, together with the four members of tho rtulaiiintlon commission, urn muklng a personal In vestigation of tho great Irrigation and otr.r reclamation aehemea that have !een put under wn by the national government Ihe party will be in Utah next Hundu), June 27th This Is purel) n buslncen trip The memlxra of thn appropriations m mltteo nre nnxlous to nmiualnt them selves nt first hand with the works that they have sanctioned nnd may bo called upon to sanction In the near future The part) Is carefull) avoid ing entertainments nnd speech mak ing The members Uft Chicago on June 1st. and will complete (lie tr tour on Jul)' Uth The Htrnwberr)' Vulle) project will be the principal Interest In Utah tiev eral da will be apent In an Inspeitlun of that great undertaking Oregon. Washington. Idaho, Nevada. Califor nia. Arltonn, New Mexico, Colorado ml Wyoming will ho vlaltwl The part) la In Cultrurnln ,at the piesoiit time Inspecting the Orland reclama tion iroJert In tlwt slate The party will li lamath 1'ulla. ore North Yuklina. Wash., llermis ton. Ore Caldwell, Nainpa, Jerome ind Mlnlduka. Ida. before they reaih Salt Ijike Ct Krom there the) will vo to l'rovn and Hprlngvlllo. then to Montrose. Polta, Qraud Junction. Oale Hiding und Dinner, Colo After Denver thu members will make stops at llrldgeport und Tor rlnKtonv uh, I'owefl and Corbet. W)o. Great Kails. Olacltr lark, Mai ta und Drowning, Mont. They will finish their tour at Chicago on July IMh. r H People Are Not Investing ! ?T ft utterly useless to attempt to interest Investors unless the "vestment rraCTtaMiM U i Holutcly sound, something exceptional, something of big returns JWyjl H be something thnt will interest the spcculntor of big profits nntl nlso something that appeals to f the conservative, hardened investor. l II Such an Investment 1ms just been offered to the public on a tempting basis. JJvf8;" ii offered the opportunity to investigate this sound business Investment. lie" ""iSp?.-?! i it from 100 to 300 per cent arc practically certain, but where the possibilit cs arc tin i mited i . vrorid J it enterprise founded upon a staple business but branching out into a fabulously ric h field I "oy bo- . it fore capitalized, where tho profits are enormous and where there is no competition, nn invest- , J J ment in n new industry monopolizing tho richest field of the most lucrntive business in the world. ; j II Think what this means i i If a is piactically certain that every investor originally interested in the enterprise will get J? handsome returns on their money regardless of the amount invested : returns out of nil comparl- t II son to dividends earned on nny other safe investment. The small investor of today will bo tho II rich owner of tomorrow. II II This opportunity is offered investors on a ground-floor basis, a basis pursuant of n broad II business policy for mutual advantage nnd co-operation, founded upon the samp principle na the ti co-operative plan of all big businesses of today. Nothing like this investment has ever been of- f fercd the public before, nor has anything like this world enterprise ever even been approximated it before. t Investors are rapidly taking ndvnntage of this opportunity given them on such n liberal basis. : j The biggest nnd shrewdest mcn.ln the country nre investing In it. The chnncc is yours, too. Act ; Jt today before this offering Is taken up 1 t ; I it "I II Exceptionally good things do happen along sometimes. The only way to prove thnt this is I H ono of them, The One, is to investignte it. The privilege Is given the investing public of investiga- : : J ting this opportunity without obligating them in any manner whatsoever. Simply fill out the jjJM II coupon arid full particulars will be MAILED upon request without troublo or obligation in any i it way jf J- J. FORD, I if VJ"3j , w Newhouse Bulidiny, 1! ' '' Salt Lake City, Utah. jl II ' COUPON I it J.J. KORD, , . ft Newhouse Building, I Salt Lake City, Utah. . t , , , , In rcKartl8 your advertised investment, you may send me further particularn I rt without obligation or coHt on my part in nny wny whatsoever. I t Name .'....... IE II . Post Office i I NO INDIAN TROUBLE (Int)son llild(iits Sii) IUiliiicn m lliluriiliiR to It-M rvatlou. II T llalnes, state commissioner of Itnmlicrutlon, Intnir and statlstlrs, re turned to Halt I-akn Cit) last Monday from Kan Juan count), whtro he re ports hn found five violations of tho nine-hour law ' I vlslttd on!) Montleello and Orn eon," wild Haling "and did not so as far houIIi us llluff. where It Is reported trouble with the Indians has besun to sprout uiculn ' llesldents of nra)Min were Itu lined to believe tluro would be no more seilous trouble with tho Indians and I heard many rumors that those In dians who left the reservation nre re turning volunturll) Tear of another uprising In the near future has left the people In llluff, according to the people i talked with In nrason" Mul m wild trop conditions In Han Juan nnd flrand counties are iiniun nll) roisI und that u prosperous jear In that comiuunlt) Is looked for HunscniiiKitH' .votici:. Tho majority of aubtcrlbers to Tho Sun dcelro tluvt It shall not bo dlKcontlnuod when their subacrlu tloiis expire Thla U tho ronton hy, If you want Tho Sun dlicon llnuctl to your address when tho porloi for which payment li mado has expired, jou r asked to notl tho publisher by card, Jottor or por onolly It Is as easy to atop Tho Sun as It s to start It, nml tho pa pr will not bo eont longor than you , pny for It, If It li jour deslro that i It bo Ulacontlnuod nnd so notify tho publisher Ono subscriber sets an gry If wo stop his paper, while nn othor pets angry if wo keop on1 sending Tho latter believes wo want to force tho paper upon him. Ploaso notify us If you want Tho, ISun stopped I Tho Sun has on tho wny a c mi- ' 1 Kioto lino of offlco supplies, etc I Tho Sun's placo of business Is nt tho old Advogato building. Main street i 'Mall ordors for stationery, priming i of ovory doaorlptlon, blank books, Jegal blanks, deeds, mortgagee twU the llko given prompt attention Address, Iho Sun, Price. Utah Advt. Lawn onowors abarponed ami re paired at Qoolnnvn'a.--Advt. WHO DOK8 NOT HEAD THE SATUItDAY NEWST 1 1 Tk Better Class I f 1 1 of Printing I 1 I whether it be a small bill or a large catalogue g M . g will make an impression (hat will work for your $ ffl g fiood, at all times, while the inferior kind will in- I F I I jure your business and do more harm than good. M' I We do tk Better Class 1 1 I 1 andkifyuw'shyourbusiness to Srow, consult B j fore placinS your next order. Our prices I 1 j will surprise you when you consider t'he quality. S 1 1 I The Sun 1