OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, July 02, 1915, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1915-07-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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wal kbbvbVbbI
ifcality, Service, Value,
The Kind That Mother
B Likes to Buy
I Mot Always the Cheapest,
Possibly, But Always
fl the BEST.
The Garden Store
alfl rtKCUTAI
a Manufacturer ot
Brick of All Kinds
a Yards nd jolnlntr the Dcn or
B ind Wo Grando Ilaltroad coin-
SSr on the Bouth. three blocks
B Sit of depot. Offlco at home,
SScr Main and Sixth atrccta.
Estimates Given aai Prices
S Quoted on ApfHatta
P.O.Box 93 P1iqm43x
1 Sunny side
Liquor House i:
Retail Liquor Merchants
MM Bttnnxildo, Caatlo OaU), Wla-
W Ur Quarter and Clear Crook , ,
flno Wlnca, Brandlca, Beora "
f ind Cordial for tho Famllr ;;
jM Trade.
IB rool and Billiard Tabic.
iMMMHSttttMttt f
)RjE f. chamberlain.
Physician and Surgeon
Office In Vlglla-Bonomo Building.
Boom 6. Bllvagnl Block
Jloomn H and 1 Hllvngnl Block
Mgllu-Bonomo Block.
II Judgt IlulMlnK. Hitlt I-nko Clt).
Umucl A King Claude I KliiK
Attorney h
Commmlul Block. Bait tako Clt).
Civil and Mining Engineer
on.) of oil kind. Minn xumlnn
Ut lion ami report on coal land.
' 0. Box 32 rUlCi:, UTAH
BdrTr. c. green r"
fflie llouni 0 to 12 and 1 to S
'xmi and S Vlglla-Bonomo Bldg
I One Dollar i
Bj Buy. Insurance (Accident)
Mm Fully Paid For Ono Year .
HZ VJt tho Policy Covore:
H S2G0o For Loss of Llfo.
I 11000 For Low of Hand
I 1000 For Loaa ot Foot.
BE S1000 For 1.06a ot Itand
Bj and Foot
t '!000 For I.oaa of K).
MR 1500 For Loaa of Ono Hand
1500 For Loaa of Ono Foot ;
f FirclnsuraBcc.RcallstnlcLeaas :
Mi North America AccMeit Us. Co. :
Hateni Utli ItrprefcentiUlve ;
; Everything Flrat-Claaa and
, Up-to-Dftto,
B ; Cortcou8 nnd Fair Treatment ;
: to An
B ! ProprlotoM.
W. . Sharp No Doubt Itr-ponMblo
For cry IYompt Action.
Bml6?,0'." ,thnl lh0 VnM Bati
Bmeltlng. Bcflnlng and Mining com
pany ha made arrangement to for
ward carload of com and other food
stuff for tho relief of It, four thou,,
and cmpIo)c at Pachucn, Mcx, Indl
cato a seriousness with respect to tho
company's operation at It Important
silver producer which la not quite In
accordanco with the facta. aa)s a Boi.
I that tho United Ktntea Smcltlnit
company ha offered to co-operate
to aecure foodmuffa for all tho real
denta of lUchuca, which number
about alxty thounand
Of this population tho amclllnjt
company la rwponalble for about
four thoumnd emploje, and their
fnmllle, A couple of month, ago the
imcltlnK compan atocked up with
foodstuff a, well n, mnterlal, necea
aary for the operation of the Bachucn
property, and the difficult) In renew
ing theac auppllea U the chief olwtaclo
In IncreaalnK tho company1, output
At the present time the I'nchuca prop
crty la operating at alout 80 per cent
to 66 per cent capailt), which I, a
material lmproement ocr condition,
obtaining a month or more ago
V O Bharp, well nnd faornbly
known locall) la prcldent of the
ameltlng Intercut, aboe referred to,
na well na being nt the head of tho
United Htnten Fuel compaio operating
In Carlmn and Kmerj counllea. It I,
no doubt direct!) duo to President
Bharp that tho relief hero outlined I,
being given At the time of the great
Boofleld mlnn disaster In Carbon
count), It waa through W O Hharp
that thousnncl, of dollar, were dona
ted to tho fnmllle, of tho men killed
ItrllrliiR Coal Mine HiiKrlnli iidcnl
(iolng to Fanning.
V. lcon Carpenter, NUpcrlntendcnt
of the mine at Black Hawk nnd Hia
watha of the United Htntea Fuel corn
pan), tendered hi resignation to den
ernl Buperlnltndent Bobert JlcOraw
some ilii, ago and li ft lait Hunday for
the state of Waihlngton, where he ex
pect, to purchase n ranch and cngago
In farming He I, succeeded by Clu,
Ooodart. who has been mine foreman
at Black Hawk for n considerable
time. Ooodart waa formcrl) with the
Utah Fuel company at Homerset.
Colo, na local superintendent of the
company, property there
Haturda) evening last, before V.
Ion Carpenter a departure for the
Northwest, some two hundred of the
emplor of the United Hlntis Fuel
company at the four camp, of the
company Mohrland, Black Hawk,
Hiawatha nnd Carbon met nt the
rifle club building nt Black Hawk
nnd presented Carpenter with n twenty-one
Jewel Howard movement
watt h e ngritvi d ' K U C '
K. Hanlschl, Hr, made the presenta
tion speech Following the rcpl) of
tint retiring aupirlntendeiit, there wna
a general good time with refreshment
nnd good cheer In nhumhtme
tiii: coi'mhy 11 s Kurncii'AT
stobix of Kt't.Mt iu:irr si:i:i
T It Cutler, Kvnernl mnnagtr of the
Utah-Idaho Beet Hugar compan) und
C V Nlble) rcturncil to Hall Ijvko
Clt) last week from tho convention of
the United Btutia Kugur Beet Indus
tr. nn eirgnnliAtlon composed nf the
lending manufneturera of this com
modity In the United Blntea, Moro
than n acore or nig protiuceru repre
sentlng ever) beit atigar (.rowing tate
. In the union met at tho convention In
Denver on Monda) und Tuiidn) of
Inst wek.
Cutler stats that 11 dlscuaslon of
the preaent Kltuatlon revealed the fuet
that the principal beet operatnra have
store a of arcd on hand sufficient to
tide them through 1310 A ahortage
In powlble, however, among tho small
, manufacture nt Thn porslblllt) of get
tins the nccouary suppl) from ltusxla
I, rather problematical, said he, be-
. cauae of thn great difficult) nnd cost
of transportation.
flrrman agenta who attended tho
meeting declared that Kngland a
blockade wua too stringent to permit
of any hope of supplying the demand
from that quarter.
'. Itccauro of tho heavy truffle to and
from tho Pacific Coast rullroud, of
I the United 8tate are considering ft
. proposition to defer placing the now
' baggage declaration law Into effect
! until Augurl 1st or even later The
. railroad, maintain that the new law
cannot bo plnccd In effect now on ue
' ,.., 1 ,.r ih Iimiv (ravel and thn coll-
. fualon that would result from the
' change Itullrouds are voting on the
I question of whether to conform to tho
new law on August 1st or wall until u
later date Man) of the roada want to
! wait until October 1st buforo uvuklnr
the change ....
Under tho new law which ha been
I Interpreted by the Interstate com-
merco commission for the buneflt of
tho rallroadH. a poskcngcr will not bo
I permitted to check his baggage until
he shall have first signed a doclara
' tlon of value, setting out that tho bag
I usee la worth not more than a hun-
dred dollar. In cuho the baggage U
worth moro than a hundred dollars
' a chargo Is made for excess baggage
For the benefit of the farmers along
I Its line, the Denver and Bio arande
railroad la arranging to ettab Ish ft
; farm market bureau tovUrm dUposI
. tlon nnd Interchange of high quality
eeda nnd grains, as well ns blooded
' dairy nnd beef cattle, sheep and hoes.
. The bureau will bo under tho super-
vision of W R Olln. f grlcultural com
I mlwiloner of tne road, nnd will be In
operation nbout August 1st.
I The Bun supplies rubber stomps of
every description, sheep tags and car.
' marks Kverythlng In brass and ul
lumlnurn goods, "all otderai receive
' prompt attention. Address, Tho Bui.
Price, Utah Advb
Out West Wyoming Chps Are Bringing Around
Twenty-Seven Cents and Sellers Are
Correspondingly Happy.
BOSTON, Maas, June 2 Consid
erable activity la noted In the local
wool market, though the business la
not well distributed Some large
house, have had an excellent trnde
tho pant week, while others havo
found lesa demand than In recent
weeks. Ai cording to tho best esti
mate,, total aalea foot up from three
to four million pound. Demand con
tinues to be malnl) for foreign wools,
but I, brondonlng Into terrltnrj clips,
espcclall) fine medium and medium
grades. Bu)lng In the West eontlnuea
at top prices All market, arc
strengthening and tho chance, of any
cheaper wool this season nro lessening
dall) Ihe June J.ondon auction will
open next week and predictions nro
that Merinos will ndvnnce full) 10 per
cent from the last series Australian
market, continue firm with quota
tion, above a parity with Boston
Current discussion In tho trade runs
much to the ponslhtllt) of n break In
the wool market during the coming
light weight season Opinion reema to
In) that the strength noted In Boston
Is but a reflection from abroad, and
that Boston'a wool trade Is following.
rather than leading the procession
While manufacturers have been claim
ing thnt there wan nothing lit the
goods situation to wnrrant high prices,
the) have tiought freel) In tho West,
and while refusing to consider even
the most desirable lots of domestic
wool nt sacrifice prices, they hnvo ac
cumulated n great volume of fine
Merinos at prices that seem high,
though possibly below tho replace
ment point, either here or abroad
Oroweni (letting Top Price.
In tho territory state, medium wools
of the better class nro being rapldl)
absorbed. Tho best have been secured
and the rest are bringing top prices.
Khiarlng has Itegun In earnest In Mon
tana, and Is prctt) well over In other
sections. In man) Instances growers
nnd idler are apart over Ihe values
of fine territory wools, but In tho
main, flno medium und medium clips
nro bringing wolt up to the growers'
Ideas. Not all seller are Inclined to
be reasonable, nnd It often happen,
at the public sales that man) bid are
rejected and only part of tho offer
ings sold The highest prices reccntl)
have been paid In the triangle und In
Montana, whero twent) -seven to
twenl)-nlno cents has been given for
midlum clips. In man) eases line
clips urn being held nt top figure, but
bu)ers balk at such extremu price.
An occasional cholen medium clip
has Mild as high na thlrt) rents. Home
Mosttrn biijeyi report that the) nro
getting some good wools on the basts
of lxt) to slxt) -three cent fur fine
medium, and f If O -eight to slut) rent
for medium Others ra) that fine und
fine medium French combing wools
are costing much more thun the
above on the clean basis, the quotublo
range being slxt) -three to slxt) -seven
cents, these nro selected clips, of
light shrinkage nnd good condition
Hiav) shrinkage wools are offered nt
prlies In tho gnnse thnt mean rami
lous prlcis clean, but such wools nro
m glrcted Ho fur n tho new tlrrllor)
wool have been sampled, the) nro
found to bet rather deficient In staplo
and not well grown, though sound
nnd of light shrinkage Public rales
are being held In Western Idaho nnd
In Oregon, and conrlderabla wool Is
being picked up b) the leading manu
facturing lntcrrU ns well as b) Fast
en dealers. Public sales havo been
held tlile week nt Mldvalc, Ontario
and Caldwell, Ida, and Condon, Bhan
Iko and Heppner. Ore.
In Texas, bu)lng appears to bo at
a standstill. A sealed bid salo was
livid nt Ban Angela recently by the
warehouse association, but all bids
wero rcfurrd I-uter In tho month a
mile Is to be held nt Kerrvllle. The
Kerrvlllo wools ore gene rail) offered
without rcerve, while at San Angola
the seller are ivldom willing to ac
cept dealers' bids. Borne new wools
uio reported to have been picked up
at prlvutn ale at seventeen to eigh
teen cents for eight months' nnd
twenty to twent)-two cents for twelve
months' This means n scoured cost
laid down here of nbout f If I) -five
renin for eight months' and slxt) rents
for twelve months'
llli.li Values of Hceevs.
Conditions In the fleece wool Hates,
specially In Ohio, continue to be
very umatlrfoctor) from tho dealers'
standpoint Medium ellns aro malnl)
out of farmers' hands, though a few
uro still being held at thlrt) cents and
above On the ears these wools after
being handled nnd sorted to some ex
it nt, are being held at thlrt) -two to
thirty-three cents, nnd In somti cases
I White House j
I Bar I
' ' The Best In Wines, Liquor and
! Cigars. J
I" Hole Agents For I
i! Peacock Brothers
; ; Bioprletora J
as high as thlrt) -four cents. The lat
ter price Is reported to hnve been
paid for some choice wool on the cars.
Not much I doing In fine wools, either
w tutted or unwashed In many caaca
farmers are asking twent) -eight to
thlrt) cents for their flno wool,, at
though demand for them Is much Its
thnn for medium wools.
New clip fleece urn arriving hero
with more freedom, nnd denier, will
aoon bo able to offer good slxetl lines
for Inspection It Is claimed that antes
have been made but stlhr refuse
particular. Borne cleanup nnle of
tidd and end of fleece have occur
red the past week or two, nt price
whbh have no sUnlflennce
Michigan grower have lieen espc
clall) strong nnd nro getting rather
better price than hnvo prevailed In
Ohio, powttbl) owing to tho fart that
their clips run mom to medium In
other fleece nnd seml-brlght wool
section,, extreme price nro llng de
manded atid paid In thl market,
thlrt) -five to thlrt). six rents Is being
suggested na thn probable value of
Ohio and Michigan comi.lng medium
wools though dealers cannot glvo a
faith bar Is of quotation Missouri
quarter blood and three-eighth blood
wools nro quoted nt thlrt) -five rents
landed here.
Arrivals Arn Incrranlng.
There Is lens difference thnn usual
between the quotations current for the
new medium territory wools In this
market Several lAindred thousand
pounds hnve changed hands. Ono
housn report transfer of alxmt three
hundred and fifty thousand pounds,
malnl) half blood nnd thrre.elghthi
blood Another ha sold nbout five
hundred thousand pounds territories
of various grade, but mostly fine
medium and medium Quotation nro
difficult to obtain, but thn scoured
cost Is estimated nt not fur from sixty
five cents. These transfers hnve In
cluded iKith grnded wool, nnd origin
al bag lots.
Dealer bnllevo that nothing la
needed to bring manufacturer Into
the market but nn Improved tone In
the goods trade. Arrival of new
clips from the West nro Increasing and
are likely to bo heavy from now on
Thise wool aro being opened ns rap
Idl) ns possible and n good selection
will roon be available.
abovi: tui:my.hi:vi:v ci:ntk
The Ktmmercr (Wjo ) Kammern of
latt.Fr ld) ha, this concerning wool
Ktles In thnt ice tlon. whlih I of con
cldcrnhlo local Interest 'The wool
situation Is now taking on u definite
solution und n number of clip have
been sold during tho past week, but
none so far roporttd hnvo come up to
the thlrt) cent mark, except a small
clip of nbout ten thousand pounds
which was sold at Bodn Spring last
week at thlrt) rtnt Several clips
wire rold nt Komuitnr Including
those of Salmon I Iron, about eighty
thousand pounds nt 27 ' cents with
out an) deduction, while Km nnd Jua
Smith received ST1; cuul for their
clip of about u hundred thuusand
At Fossil the prevailing price was
from 26 to 27 W ce nt nnd those se It
Ing were Ou, Linden, 50,000 pound,
Bono Hill, 20,000; II. O. ( oudltk, 22,
000, Amo Mursdtu, 20,000; lleur)
Barker, 13,000 pounds. The mil)
clips there remulnlng to lx sold are
those of the Standard Live Stock corn
pan) and the Burrrts.
"At Cokevlllo It Is reported that
John Stoner, Fred Bobe.rts nnd T, M,
Mumford havu sold nt twent) -eight
cent Thl make leven clips from
this district which havu gone to bu)
irs, with a large number nut read)
to soil.
"At Opal thero I still about 2t0(
000 pounds In tho clips of Frank Wex
clbergtr, Oeorgn C Watts, Jimmy
Jumleson, Frank Pumero) end Al W,
Gardiner to be sold to the imye r on!)
offering twent)-flvo cents.
"The thirty rent spirit seems to
have left some of thn sellers, nnd It Is
a deep question whether or not the)
are Justified In holding for It. but with
thn contract made the feeling that u
bird In the hand Is worth two In the
hush seemn to pnvull nt least tho
vurpenin Is ovtr '
Hurr) N How, purchasing agent for
Utah Fuel tompuii), lust Saturday vis
ited Price on his wu) to Suuii)slde
from Bait 1-uku Clt) and vvhll hero
bought fur his company's use at Castle
(late u carload of brick from thn
FrundMin Brick compan) The) wero
loaded the first of thl week Mr
How also bought liberally while lure
of hardware nnd Implement houses of
merchandise used nt the compan)'
camps In Carbon county. Later ho
will Interview local farmer and deal
ers on ha) and grain for feeding the
compan)' live stock ul tho cump4
during tlo coming fall und winter
Utah Fuel Company aim the Wasatch
e.jrm are liberal patrons of locul peo
ple und the business of tho two con
cerns amounts to man) thousands of
dollars during a )eur
The Bun carries a full and complete
line of pencil, Inks, mucilage, pen,
blank book und office supplies In
general Mall order solicited Ad
drts. The Bun, Price, Utah Advt.
Book and brief work a speclalt)
with The Bun. Ask for estimates
Mall order solicited and given the
rlosest attention Address, The Sun,
Price, Utah Advt.
:: Of keeping track of business is such that HI
:: we never allow an insurance policy to lapse HI
:: or go by the day of expiratian. Few peo- Bl
:: pie remember when their policies expire.;; mm
:: This is a part of our business and we noti- KM
:: fy the assured. A fire might in the '. afl
:: meantime come. I
:: Policyholders in this agency are invariably :: H
x notified of the date of expirations. The:: ' H
:: moral is to place business with an agency :: H
:: that keeps track of your expirations. L
:; We represent eight of the best fire insur- :: 1
;; ance companies doing business in Utah. :;. Lm
We make and maintain our own rates, in- : . H
:: dependent of the fire insurance trust, oth- i '
': erwise known as "the board of under- :: H
:: writers." H
:: We also write plate glass insurance, execute :: H
:: court bonds and do a broad and liberally :: Lm
:: conducted general insurance business. j H
: : We're the pioneers in the insurance business l I H
; : at Price and throughout Eastern Utah. I H
:: Ask us for rates, by letter, telephone or i 'H
:: telegraph or personally. i H
I R, W. Crockett & Co. J
!! "We'll Go Your folds." Main Street, Price, Utah ;
t ' 'iial
4 ' t ail
Mini) Car Iolng Through Over .Mill
lanil Trail to the Const.
Tho long expected tourist travel of
(turtle going to and coming from the
big fair on tho roast has nt lust be
gun tu materlallio nnd there arn rrum
five to eight such ear pnaslni; through
the- city each da) now according to
the estimate of the people In charge
of local garages. The) are mostl)
folk who are out for a good time and
aro quite liberal In their patronage of
our locul business house nnd places
of amusement.
Contrary to reports that havu been
going out the roads In all direction
uie In good condition. O. H, Warren
of Montrose, Colo, who came In Hat
urda) from Oakland. Cala , state
that the Midland trail between here
and Salt Lake City I In good condi
tion. K. C, Fads, who also came In
from thn west, state that he had some
troublo on the Lincoln hlghwa) west
(if Salt Luke! Clt), but ho had nn trou
blo through Utah.
Beports from tho east are fully ns
encouraging, B C. Wecdon und par
ty of Indianapolis, Ind, who passed
through Suturday In their touring car
und Charles S. Sweet of Utlca. N Y ,
In n roadster, statu that whllo they
had soma trouble i ual of Colorado,
where heavy rains made tho road al
most Impassable, they got nlong nicely
through Colorado.
It la thought by thitect who aro In
closest touch with the tourist travel
that hlnco schools have now closed
nnd thn time for warm and settled
weather bus arrived that It will be
only a matter n a short time when
from fifteen to twenty. five big tour
ing cur will visit the city each day
Be ni'lltcel By Cliambcrlnln' 1 Inliiii nt.
"Lust winter I uicd Chumbcrlaln's
Liniment for rheumatlo pains, stiff
ness and soreness nf the knees, and
can conscientiously su) that I never
used anything that did mo so much
Knod " Edward Craft, Elba, N A
Obtainable, everywhere. Advt
If you have n house to rent or want
to rent 11 house to Sun adlefs
l! Ml BED SUITS 1 1
, f p IHI
: Thl la tho place for your Palm ; '1
Beach Hull made to measure . , tiB
For hot wi other there Is no- iiB
: thing as cool and comfortuhm a DB
n Palm Britch Suit . , ' lH
A Palm Bench Suit for Bust ' JB
net. iUWM
A Palm Beach Hull In the . vBB
; evening. SBB
A Palm Beach Butt all tho ; ; rBB
time In the summertime 4B
Better than tho Brady Made. ' ; tfBB
' Ijimm Tailored," Chicago h BB
If you don't know what Palm IBI
Beach Cloth I, come In and wu ' ' JvH
. . will show )ou. i fBfl
i : Palm Beach Suit 2 piece, : ; ijmm
: : made (o measure, $15.00. : r JbI
Tailor 01iUBI
ft I I 1 I i-satajiajijai a T , H
UBiiimimmiHHiiii. liJan
I The Utah Saloon I IU
J V, Oontry, Mnnaeor. ' &
: Finest Iteaort In Kaatorn Utah $ '
'I W1NEH, LIQUOU8, CiaAIlS '.', OmM
pnicE. utau t 1 mm
Phono 71-A. I Kl
Wo Deliver tlko floods. B U
MHMimminnii ;i liM
: - '.ill
:: Lumber and Building Material properly ;j jlJH
priced. "One foot or a Million." mm

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