Newspaper Page Text
IfcArrY 2, 1915 ' , THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERV FRIDAY ilt Trial Order Will Convince You of I the Economy of Ijfl Buying Here, t iB,, ire rprndlng cola cash to j I ' I Hii vou of our Ktore, our good. 1 I I Ernmlce Wo want your gro- 1 I'll Efr iraJf tto nave tno Kr0 2 I aErirs. iow' cforc ya discard 1 1 1, Ku ppf' m"k8 out ft.n 0,?'r' 3 I K don t euro how mall or how j l I -'"'II tako caro of It, unci 1 '' mad or phono It Into u 1 i All B,,k ta cnanco to con 2 rltnce lou that wo have a most I i KmpWe ne of both 'tarl4) ftn'' 2 7. (I groceries thnt you ran J Iff Kit ureJ that nny order I i Hi1C(d with uii will bo handled ' I'K mont untlnfactory manner t .j Ktt you II Ret full measure, nnd I IjllB-jjit what ou order that "If 'B'e hvenl It. we'll get Itor It JuKnt In town" Z 'vm ttfnt)ou to know that you I llfiBn depend upon tho good you T 'I Bar trom u" "IBt you nro fr' T I Wfrttlt welcome. even urged, to I kturn nn thing that proven un- J j K,iufctor that wo da not fill J enter with nti) thing that lit ml "u, ''ll 0,u'" Your Knrne l handy Call un up. X II Farmers' and $ " Stockgow8rs, Store last of Ooldcn Itulo. X J3ee,I tM But My Feet pfl Feel Good S)ou want your feet to feci t,.,Mod-tav and comfortable uCfl spftc of hot weatheruse JJ Rexall 'IW Foot PovOder " iBj )ou don't find it grateful Hlitf for tired feet, aching Jt-your money back. ,4 25 Cents. tkHV o JjBld in this community only by Sl.B.Roberts fl The Rexal Store. M" M i " i im 1 1 n t Ti 1 iTk J The !! JjCozyi! Wor good cooking, :: I prompt service, :: I courteous treat-:: ment, try the :: B Kozy. Buitarjr, Ceaferlabk, Pleas V. ant Place to Eat. WftJ as and be Ceavinccd. :: BhwitWhhhh min PRICE AND NEARBY Fetor Camped,., 0n recently nr rented at Helper and fined tw"n y I iapftr" ",,0hln't ,rout ,n " Everyone- In cordially InvlteM i i. eTcnhV Ht h' U,lHr,Wl,' lh' E copai'nrhr: J J Wolgmann lino received hl . I'Hcr Th-yarr handsome and amonB ; the latert thing out monic I li Hantfchl, Hr hai. wecre.le,! K I hM!H ,,r,'n",r President nf the town board at lllaek Hak. l"c . Hantwchl an a triuton, Mr and Mr. 1 l,,nnrd of l'rlt , are rntertalnlnR a new bnbj at their , home on Houth HUhth utrect The y'uniwt.r U now about ten da) M , and Ik hale and hearty ', Tw.nt four Kperlal train are r. ; inc through l'ru, thin week oer the Uenver and lllo Orando to the exponl t otw In fallfornla Troel la at thin llmo heavier than at any time In the hlHorv of the road Some time durlnic the flro of , Tutmlay buritUn. entend the I'nrbon bar, outxd by Uiula l'rleknun, nnd tarried off n nuantit) of liquor, ehtara. a tywritr and hum mono) There In no clue to the robber. HfKlMratlon at the l'nnnmn-l'arl ; flo exKxtltlon durlnic Iho lant few ilnn . Included Mr and Mm. J ll Mlddleton . and Mr and Mr. B 11. Jtppnon of rrlccundd W Mlddleton Alno Mr. Mai Hw)lman of Wellington Horon K Atnood, formerl) of Diwrt lAhe, han b.en awarded the contract by the rnllroad company to bundle the mall to and from the depot at I'rlie III family ha recentl) moved Into the A B HorMe) place on North Ninth utrect Mr and Mr. John llehllnc nnd Ml Lillian Nelnon of l' rron nre re. coverlnc from Injurle Kiitalned In a runaway near there recentl) Tho three were on thilr way home from CaKtlo Unlo. wh ro thoy had been dur ln the lat eewlon of court. At Mohrland hut Hunila) the Cantle (lato club lont the Kamn or ball tight to one In faor of the miner. At Helper 1'rlce won Ulit to neten and nt Hunnyrlde Hiawatha took tho game 'fourteen to three Ijuro crowd were In nttendanci upon all the icarnc. Tho little 3ytar-old win of Mr. nnd Mm. I A I'atrltk of Htlper wnn no unfortunate u to havo tline of hi finger maehed In a wanhlng machine ono day Iwt week Thi flngrr will not havo to be amputated, honccr, and the little fellow' I getting along nicely Prlco Itlvtr Irrigation xiiiinn) In making advertb-ement In the Dtucrct New of oharrii of delinquent to.k holder. Tho atcwment at tliln time for repair of the tnnnl )tom amount to fifty cent a hare. The lint of delinquent In tint largent for imo time Krlend In Trlco will Im glid to know that tho little daughter or Mr nnd Mr. fVed A flw,et, now at HoN lywood, Cala, I vir), rr much Im proved In health Mr nnd Mr Kred Hwect are at the homo of William II ttwret lloll)wood I Junt outaldu nf Ixi Angoli. Illo kit of compreMud wilt uro Ulng mailed by pircel pout Into tho Kin Juan country for hc l nnd cattle I The block weigh under flft) pound, nnd tho pontage In flft) -four rent. They am mailed from (Irund Junction ix Thompson. Irge quantltli or lanncd good are btlng hlppd Into I the Han Juan In tho tame wi) Cantln Oate' flrrt aid team urn getting In nhape for the Twinty ronrth. when they ex put to nllp an eary ono over on the other team of thi company A I Ig time xpected there on that dato and man) attrac tive event will be pulled off A largo i rowd I expected from Homenit t, Colo, and Hunn)clde and Clenr Creek Mr. lUnn. Vance xuffertd Intinno pain thin wirk from blood polnou In her hand nnd arm th renult of pricking ht-r hand while picking root eberrh a couple nf week ago, ra) Cantlo Dule' 1'rogretm of lait Haturdny It wa fisred for a time that he might have to hao her arm umputated, but that danger reem to - our now MmH-M-n iiiiininmimiiiimminmn n-n-t- ROYAL FLOUR IS LIKE A GOOD WIFE m WHY? H Tor the best answer delivered to our office, either by nail, foot or horseback, by f o'clock p m , Saturday, July I4lb, I9I5, v,e HI ghe tfto 8 lb, sacks of. ROYAL HOUR. No strings at H lached to this offer. IIN THE MEANTIME save enoagh woaey for that hot weather oatiiig by baying all : : JOdr FLOUB, MILL-STUFF, MAY, MAIN, SALT, COAL, TENTS, WAGON COYLHS and WATE1 BAGS where your dollar does its duty. ; : Phone 88- Blue Drays fcWe Do It Now." McKune Forwarding Company I rVank 8 Smith of Hiawatha I re ported wounded In an action near j?... . h' Xwllwrn 1-ranee, on Juno .! 'n Thrl) Hat 0f cnjtualtle among the Canadian at tho front Tho o,ri!. ""e.d from Ottawa. Can. by the mllltar) department Judge Ferdinand Krlcknen I ono of the large stockholder ef the recently organised Moab fitato bank Ho I ? ,1 l" In a aulwtantlal way wl h the Mt l'Unnt Commercial and slngn bank nnd tho 1'rlco Commer cial and Hating Tho Moab In.titu ton ha u cnpltal or ISO 000 with V t t'lHmm""' " President and Olen J Hudnon, fnnhlrr Hherlff Angu McDonald of Juab county wnn in Halt Ijike Pity lant Hal urda with J it ,ogan and Otto lungan wanted In Kureka to nnnwer charge ,f burglar) He wa return ing from Pownc) Ida, where the two men en ptaccd under nrrenU They are alleged to hae broken Into tho wloon nf Harry (I. men nt Kureka. who aim hn a place In Irlcc Tlte tern her M-ore card, l which teacher In the public nehooU of Utah are to le rcored on their arloun nc eompllnhment otlur than nctunl know ledge genernl appearance, op tlmlnm. otee i nthuHanm etc hn been Indented ! Moh Hall, ntatn high nchool Inspector It planned to nine tin teacher ncorcd b) tho prlmlimtn nnd nupirlntcndent Ml Addle H Wilcox, formerly a teacher In the I'rlco nubllo achnol. wn married lat Tuida) opening to (leorge W Kobert of Halt Iikc City The ceremnn) wan ixrformed nt the homo or the bride parent. Mr and Mr. I. 1 Wilcox, nt WelMfter (Irovea, a Miiburb of Hb Iiuln. Mo It wnn a I'nlm lleaeh Wedding with all the at tendant Including the officiating tnlnlnter 1U Chnrlen U Klo. In whiter Hexernl frl. ml of Mln Mnud May le r.m ef Halt Ijtkn City gae a part) In her honor nt the home of Mn fHndy Nelm. daughter or Mr and Mr (Je-orge K Nelm. Innt Monday exenlng Home twent)-llo of Ml Nelm friend were prencnt. nlno UUlte it wrl) eif Mlwe Ieron. Minn ler(Mn the elHiighter of Mr nnd Mr. O A iMnwn returneil to her homo at Halt l.nke Clt) Tuedny Innt The Hppeal ef Mko l.uktch ngnlnnt the t'tah Coiintructlon compan) hn leen ellrmlnneel by tho Hiipivmo court on the ground that plnlntlff neiught to appeiil from im order of noimull nnd not a Judgment Under thn rule of tho cettirt. It I ntutid, appeal eutl itund onl) from JudginnntH and not from eirder The tone wo ono for pernonnl Injur) elnmngen, while plnln tlff wn In tho employ of the. defen dant In rrtltrimel timntriie Hem weirk In (.'urlHin count) lant enr The ear of Kuril unloaded here Monda) b) the (luthell-Hroeker Auto compan) wa old In tho record time of two du), two going to tho Hcofleld Auto compan) at I'rovo, two to the Alklre-Hmlth uto comian) (both Korel ngentn). one to Dale I'arrlot, Moab one to John Htc-in. Kitnin, and one to I J Olwn nt Huntington A (1 iluthcll will lesiw toda) for Halt ImU Clt) with hi fntnll) to make the drllcr of two car old there Ha)- hot Hcitunlu)-" Dewrct New 'When the nocretar) of mate' off ho cloned tnda) only thlrt)-two hundred automobile hd been rrglnterrd tin el i-r the new nglntratlon law There are mom than revolt thounand nuto mobile In un In the ntiite, o that there are approxlmatnl) four thou and ma'-h'ne hIIM unriglntercd, Thn ownir of thcHn machine hac until Jul) Int to reglnter A (mh on the time limit expire , the necretar) of ntute will begin prosecution." He eking a Him re In the thuunaud dollar reward offend by tho clt) of OmIcii In tho blnckmulllng coma tin re I A Mctlee, former pontofflco In Hptctor uud now n practicing attorno) at I'rlie, liu flbd n elulm In bi hHlf of lilmxiir, John II Cook nnd Chnrbn Hlreing of Ogdvn nnd Herbert Krln brook of Denver. Colo, with tho (tg den iiuthorltlc Tho claim, a others thnt have Ixmui lecelved, hi been filed with tho clt) attorney and the city oommlinloner ich u commute c of the whole Cnt.Hi Dale' I'rogriNi of Ut Hatur da) make thin correction of an article In which a I'rlco gentleman In con cerned Wo Hero mlnlaken lunt week In our aMcrilon that Ji'm Wooel of I'rlco would Iks nocm eouime'l with William J Heely In tho damuge milt I rought ngalnnt II. A Houthworth of Devtert Icku b) John Ilcnllng of 1'crron whom ho hot carl) thla nprlng and who wa acquitted b) a. Jur) at the recent term or court Our Informutlnn came from very reliable nource and thlu led u to make tho itatomtnt' John A Mathl or thin tlty U at raltcr-du) Halnt Ilonpllul at Halt Iakc Clt), having been operated on there on tho morning of tho 20th for appendlcltl' Ho wa working In hU field (ho Krlda) before and complain ed of living III all during tho day On lug homo it phytdulan, Dr It HClow nrd, uu called Mr Mathl wa Im mediate!) taken to Halt I.ako City ae companled b) the urgoon Itoport from tho hoMpltal which nro revived dully Htntu that the patient In gottlng along quite well and ought to bo buck In I'rlco within a Hhnrt time Secrutar) AntloH of the chamber of commerce at (Irand Junction, Colo bus received rcqucotii for article on the Mldlund trail through Colorado und Utah from Motor Ago, one of tho biggest automobile publication of tho countr), and from tho flood Iload AiitomobllUt of Salt I.ako City Each article will be about a thousand word In length und will bo llluntratad with n number of excellent photograph of tho hlghwa) Thee article will reach a great many motorUU and will add much to the effective publicity which I being given to tho Midland trail "Hey There' Hay 811 ISO lb. bag $1,00. McKune'a- ' O Hoffmann of tMn city received a letter during the week from A Me CJovney at HI Centro Cala Mating tnat the recent earthquako there and throughout the surrounding country did no harm to anything In which Me aovney i eilrecti) Interested Mennr. McOovney nnd Hoffmann own Jointly t valuable ranch In tho Imperial Val . ...Ar.1?""' ,n'" llno rro" l Centro In Cld Mexico (Calixlo,o) nrw several perronn well known throughout Bant ern Utah alt or whom t neaped per notittl Injuria rrom the quake. Col CJtlcei U the wl.lo open settlement or thnt section Kunernl serviced ror William Wal rr Mc,,jr no "l or pneumonia nt the home or Preston Nutter In Nine Mllo Wednesday or last week were held from the Methodist ohurch at rrlee list t'rlday nfternoon under the auspices of the Maaonlo lod.e vt l'rlue Ilev U A Jone or the 1'rl o ncadem) prenehed the funernl Member of the local order of the Baste m Htnr were nlno In attendance an a lodge. Decedent wa n member of the Mu. ronlc order at I.cadvllle, Colo No new of a I rother who I supposed to reside near or In tho Colorado mining camp han a et been rrolvcd An oreler ha been placed for u thounnd pound of win ror tho tele phone toll line fnim Mnel. to (Irecn lllver which In being constructed b) J N Corbln of Kiultn and John K Drown of Moab The pole nlread) nre being gotten out nnd construction will bo ruslied to completion The Un follow thn Mldlnnd ttnll nnd will Im connected at the eitst nil with the Mountain Hlate Telephone and Tele graph exchange. Hevcrat toll sta tion will be openoel on the hew line and ll I onl) a matter of a short time until onnertlon with Halt ljke City Will be errerled In ki nf Prliw Tl. weirk will be finished In about rorty el a)-. Krletidn In l'rlce have received nil nouneement card or the mnrrlugo or Jennie H. Knrster, daughter or Mr. I'ctcr Korrter, to Mr Htcwart John atone at Homer t. Colo . Wednesday. Juno 30. 19U They will be at home nt Homorsrt. Colo, after July 17, HIS Tho bride wa formerly of Cnstln (Into and In a nleeo of tho late William and llohert Korrester. nnd nlso ii nleev of J II Forrester surve)or of Carbon count) Hbe I a most lovable oung woman, ' bulih braw and bonnle," and her many friend In Castlo (late, where nhe grew to womanhood, nud elsewhere throughout Carbon county her happlnew In the superlative degn e W M Kniniu, who hun reprisonleel Armour At Co nt 1'rbo for several month, hn be en tntnsferreel to Trin idad Colo and In succeeded by W II Devvi) or Halt Ijike Clt) Tho trail. rcr of Mr Kalemn rrom I'rlco to tho Colorado Clt) mean for him elesened promotion Mr Dowey ha been with tho Armour people quite awhllo and come to thl clt) with a splendid rec ord n n buslnes man und a gentle man Mr ruloon' friend regret to ee him leave here nnd vvlrh him all the goed that ma) eomo to him by ri-nson of hunl work for hi compan) Interest. A Itlp Vim Wlnkln might M). May ynu live long nnd been happ) Mr Kiilisin wan never a lax) man At tho Methodist hurt It next Hun da) naming the re In. to l. Illblo Ner vine ut 10 i.'cloek In the forenoon, morning worship ut It o'olock ami evening worship nnd league servlin at S o'clock In the evening Adult u well n children are Invited to the ii hool. Vou will find a competent teacher Tho pastor will preach nt the morning worship Tho subje-et will be "Why Im the Church " Thn evening wrvli.i will Im n general league service until 8 IE n'cloek, vvlieii the meeting will lw turned over to thn pastor who will preeieh n fifteen min ute sermon If )ou uro without a eihunh home It will bo a pleasure for the people to greet )ou nt uny .end nil of these m nines em tho Miming Hah bath. Tho prosp.H t are that then mil) bo something doing In the electric lino before long, i Castlo Dalo' I'rog re or Inst Haturday Ono man wn In tho county List weeik looking Into Ihlngf In general, taking un option on the Tuylor lntroM In the Urongnvlllo plant before he left while another mnn an engineer wn up In liwer Joe Vnlley thl week looking over thnt most admirable reservoir site There eouldn t b n better thing hap pen to thn town or thn valle) than to have them nil furnished with Juice ' One of tho gentlemen referred to In J II Manson of l'rlce, who ha In mind the properties In connection with the power nnd Hunting system to be Installed I clow Helper, where soma CHinsederuble holding have iilnud) been ucqulred and which will be go ing along In fine rhapo within tho next few week. PATRIOTIC SERVICES SUNDAY I'rogrum rrungi-el Tor tho Tube nute lei Include (tiMHl Numbers. ltelovv In tho Mutual Improvement aiwoolutlon Joint program at the Iju-tsr-day Halnt tubernacle, Hunda) eve nlng. July tth nt 7 30 o'olook Hong . Cungrekntloit Involution .(leorgii Wootton Hur Hpnnglod HanneV Oruhextru Vooul Helectlon , Onadull Wood Venation Fifteen Mlnuto Talk It II. Htvwurt Clarinet Holo I.wnn raucnlt Itctold Btory nuth Millburn Vocal Selection Mr. Ilird Orchestra Helectlon Ilenedlctlon Hun nuiii The publlu I Invited to attend one nnd all of theso meeting. It W. Crockett A. Co. pioneer In rurant agent of l'rlce, rallclt bul nesn anywhere In Utah Ixiwest raton In retponsll e ccimpanlr. Ncvr u contested lots In seventeen )ear bunl neiw at Price Write or ank for rates -Advt. 44. :: c. r. lewis f :: PlHfflblngaBd Heating:: :; Slrsp la Tarwr Iteck, Nak St, :: J Phono 60. Price, Utah . ; 4-Z LIGHT RECEIPTS, BOODJARKETS I'VTTIii; KUTHKN Tt) THI11T IIKllimt ON MOST HTM I' OihhI Hun Wnn KMtleil, Which Ma te rhellicet to the l.xtent or Kiev en rhoiunnil He ml Market On Hhccp nitil Ijeintw N Twe lit). live Cent Higher Than Previous Work Cotrespondenee The Hun KA.NHVH CITY Mo June M Light receipt or enttle last week brought n good market, nnd sale wero fifteen to thlrt) cent higher on most killing cattle Htneker and feeder were sxmrce and price were stead) to lower A gooel run of caltlo wnn ex pected toda). which materlallxed to tho extent of eleven thousand head, Im hiding n hundred and fort) -three car of quarantine eattlo Corn red initio were scarce, nnd sold stead), heaV) steer up to t 3( )tarllng If 40. bulk or steer $8 3C to ! 10 Hutcher caltlo aro holding rirm, an gras entile havo nol cut In on them to an) extent )ct. though more grass ir will eomo each week now A train or eighteen enr or Arliona baric) nnd alfalfa fed steer arrived and sold at $7 75 to $ 36. price sllghll) better than a train or similar steer brought n week ago In tho quarantine divi sion about a hundred car or tho up pi) were red steer rrom North Texas, tho good steer welling largely nt stead) price. IS 00 to $ 75 Com petition vvn strong on these because or small orferlng or mrnfed cattle In tho native division Medium fed steer sold at $7 40 to $100, nnd Houth TeXH grurser lit $0 30 to $7 10, tho lop grosser having had n little cake und some limner steer brought $& it,, there? price ten to fifteen cent lower Htocker nnd feeder were moro plen tiful todn) nnd demand wnn strong with prhe stead) common Miocker around $ SO, desirable nicer for th.t eciuntr) or nil weight nt $7 !5 to $X00 Hhccp uud lamb arrived lit the number or six thousand head, market twcnty-tlvo cent higher Hprlng UiiiIhi sold ut $10 It and $10 30 in cluding thirteen load or Arlionn spring InmlH at thene prices. Toxn stock I coming In scalti red shipment ewe worth $6 00 to $S 78, yearling i 60 to $7 00 Nnllvn ewe sell ut $1 76 to $6 36 Tnki ' lulr Ijinib.. During the past two week approxi mate!) thirty thousand lamb huvn been piirehaned In Uintah county by Hherman Culp, n lamb bii)er from Hoik) Cord Colo, u)n Viriiat' Bx press or l"rlday last, and Hnellen John inn who bought ror him after he Hi This lake ii Inrg. portion tf the lamb crop of the eiiuntiy At firm Culp paid $ 35 per hundred delivered nt etnal but later, lamb became so plentiful that he paid onl) $6 90 de livered at W'atsou He. lute nils to plain tin m on tho marki I ut once llo Want Mon Horso. Charle Walker, the horse lni)cr from the Denver l.lvn Htock nnd Com njlmlon nimpMi) who wan In thn Ver nal i on u tr) several week ago and purchased tWenty-miVen head or ani mal 1 back again bu)lng more He ship out b) way or Itirie, Colo He ha been rlrly successful nnd ha now bought rort) head Iist week ho spent two da) In the Jcioevn district Tor butter wrapper and coupon boork see The Hun Advt Cheupcr than a rlgu and less tn i bb Hun iidlet. I.ver) thing In iiiiivu at ,M Whim j PAGE FIVE I JH The 1 Upbuilding I I This Bank! 1 '.'. I due to the ra t that we huvtj SJB ami le capital and that wo have . IJB ;; adhered to a polle) which haa fl52H '.', been conservative )et along ', kialH progrehslve llneie. Wn oHer to h! LITfcH ; our oil tomer modern facilities ' 9jV : for the prompt nnd proper ' RnhV trnnsetetlon er their financial af- ijF'JH '' ' iraH T fair, ample vault and safe room ,V Sfllfl . : for storing and safeguarding of ', tJ&nfl money, note. Insurnnco policies iMilB I nnd other valuable paper and Hil : such lll-erallt) of treatment aa la ', ) consistent with prudent banking. j fcSI NH Ym Account Cordially Settd- ' IKjfl :: ted. 4 wi Savings Accwut t -wU t HBH i! Price Commercial ij 9 : & Savings Bank, ii H :: price, utah :: ImH t I i WmM rr WfM TLMI'LRANCE FOKCLS WIN ) H Iver) I'ormirly Mir)" Town In ttw SBlH Stttto lei lie main Ho. iBH Tempi rnnne worn) n victory In ifiOLS I'tah Tuesday lunt Ifvery rormeV lllH dry" nity nnd town In the stair, H where special II pior i lee lion wero ahhl held, elected to remain so with tlie , 9 exception or one where the voth wan llll a tie. One ett) and ono county unit, H both furmcrl) "wit," went Into the fH "dry" Kiliiinu One clt), formerly I ILI wet,' voted to eontluuo tint lleenseil IH saloon, und ono liew town went "wLM iH Karmlngtnn nnd lb aver county stand ikH out mm Ibo acqulrltlona to the cau4 or I jfiH prohlhltloii Thn tin vote wn In Oun- f IIH nlson Mllford remained 'wet." nnd i nRH tha one "net" gain wa at Phnonlx, In JTkH lllnghuin Canyon, where an election 1H wn held for tho first time. VilH The clflo nnd town that chosn lo fH roinnln In the right against tho liquor jH trafflo are Provo Ixignn. Hmlthfleld, HMfjH Hlehmond and Murysvale. I ifi tho fllalllH first two named, thn two largent iltlt WiijajH In t'tuh oiitsldn of Halt Iiko City and PklS Ogdcn, tho flrrt wn watched with fmM keenest Interest throughout Iho stat.v ', Mm The mint sanguine hope of the ' fkH friend of (emperhnco In each plats .. H wero fur exceeded In the filial n riaHIH turn H I Aler lunt (upon book und buttrr ? 'H wrapper Thn Hun -Advt A' H i , IkPjV '( t the hitblt ' f using Hun ndlet , , f , -W TIME CARD I No KhTIHTIVi: APHIMS, 11116 1 i H I Prom f hie ago Ht IiiU. Denver and the Bust K?? "' MMM .. I'nciri. Coast Mmlleel , " H . J-rom Han Francisco, Halt Iiko City and thn Went 10 07 n m lH , t, ., Atlantlo Coast Limited P I ijH I From Portland, Ogden nnd Halt Ijtke City .... ,,(,. ', mM ,. rl!au Vrnnvi':0 '! Chlougo Bxpress, Carrie Mall ' r MM 6 From Chicago, Ht Loul and Denver , . 10 -0am. ''-H 15 Hr. m n l?t?, "?? H'n rr.unol- "xprw. Cat rim Mall' H l I'rtim Denver. Pueblo. Orand June Hon .. 8 0 n ia lkH .., . lit"r nd Ogden Kxprcn. Currle Mall. ' "i f H I U From Ogden and Halt Uikn City '560am. aHHH ,n ., ,n. Co,orMtl0 1 "tah Express. Carrie' Mall ! H r-.LH 10 From Chicago. Ht Loul. Denver . . S3 o m. I 'H .... Hcenlo I.lmlti d H -0 I rom Portland, Ilutte, Han FraneUeo. Halt Ijiko City 7 s ,. ,. aHHH Hocnlo Limited M HCOFIBLD IlltANCH mM 63 Uuve Colton for Clear Creek and Hcofleld SB3tim aiillH 861 Uuvia Clear Crcok for Boorlold und Cqton ... 7 46 u feH Train No 6 Out of Price, and Truln No 4 from Hut like, . H Clt) Connect With Heflold llranoh No 53. ' ' -M U MAUYHVALB IlltANCH I i H 513 Leave ThUtlo for Hlohflald and Intennedfato PolAt ". 10,30a m. I ' H 611 Leave Itlchriold for Thlrtlo and Intermedial. Point .ii.'lllaoit " , MMU HUNNYHIDB IlltANCH , . S 1' I mM 3,l Z"m I'c,pcr for Hu""lut. Mixed ..... ... .J' HLa . i mM 139 lom Hunnysldo for Helper. Ml.d ,.,t . ..,. V SKfto n IJf ,9M Htinn)lde und Heoflold llranoh TralnJ. Dally Bxeept Hundaj" ! i 1 No 3, ' : ! kH Iavc Hiawatha S.OOa m, Itavn Prte 11 00 a.m. ! Iavo Mohrland j,i6 m. Arrive East Hiawatha lltlKnm I I flkl ShSSSik i oop m.jrrr0y:a'.er Hiawatha sjssjfc h H ''InaDany except .'.,&.W A",V" Ul S l' 9H Hpeclal Train on Bundaya f or the Conv enlence or Hall Team. Ii HHj m HaH