M yc have a splendid trade on clothes designed for young ! I
and men who would be young. We do not carry the rah ; I
,h kind of clothes because we know the average young I ',
' ,3ocg not want to appear freaklBh, and we do not lwlievc ', ',
at anyone cares to be so clothes marked. ; ;
The many kinds thnt nre Incorporated In our big stocks ; ;
e recognized as within good taste. We want you to come ; ;
id sec us and by n pcrsonnl demonstration, illustrate to ; ;
ur mind the test garments suited for you. ; ;
We will put our time ngainst yours in this endeavor, and
e trust you will give us an early opportunity of proving to ; ;
)U whnt good rcady-to-wenr clothes are.
iVasatch Stores Co.
tores at Sunnysldc, Winter Qunrtcrs, Gear Creek and ::
M Castle Gate, Utah.
feiiiucky Liquor House
M Harry Qesas', Prop-
iidufnionn Rflfli! ,er D,sc 2 Urc 8ol,,e$' $550
MUlltloM VWl Per Case, Snail Bottles, 5.50
""AHA RAAttJer Casc 2i Larc MilcSl ' ' ' MM
Uljj UUtl Per Case , Small Botlks, 4-00
I $l.t Rebate ob Case ef Battles.
feniiicky Liquor House
B action of th stato attorney
1 In sustaining tho decision
I B CsllfornLi limurnnco depart-
hst Uio Norths ostorn Mutuiil
itBMoclatlon of Bcjattlo, Wash.,
MB entitled (o a license Is on
fcBeather In tho cap of Inaur-
KommliBlonor Phelps, Bays Un-
tere' Jtcport, tho, loading In-
ritR4 Journal of tlio Pacific.
M published nt San Francisco,
iJBuo of Juno 3d. Tho conuuls-
JH already liwn Uphold b"
f Van Fleet Rf tho fodoral
n)n hi attltudo townrd tho mu-
IjPd the attorney general' rul-
iBk Indopondont Unto reached
Bm conclusion
t wan tho second court action
PBblch CominlMlonor Phelpci
ulmsclf beenuso ho had rofus-
cnseii to companies Ylolntlne
HP"f laws nnd that ho wait
Hf'u' In both cases, Is an olo-
"tcetlmonlnl to hi discernment
"termination to safeguard In-
DlK" uucr of California. This
dV13' been too lone tho camp-
pund of oft color Insurance
r' with both Urn Insuring
m and logltlmato underwriters
nK frcin tholr efforts. It ro
IIB commissioner Pltolps, hlmsol
''tcal insurance man, to Instl
rHK nnd Callfornlans will
rV l' in zeal und cournuo
M. u'wr public officials who
rermined to do tholr whole
MVown?r Commissioner Phelps
B1n criticised nnd lampoonod,
'locs not llo In tho mouUis of
wrsctors to attack his motived
nB 'Ustlon his slncorlty 80
f 'Printed organs nro purchas
Oiieat offlrlnU will bq ussall
rB uns of ommlfmlon as w"H na
;"0n but Intelligent Insur-
sK ,1 a.1 un8t w"l o "' t
R no bruxei note of tho hired
iJBfui gives publicity to tho
irwn n,u underwriters' Ito-
cauB0 0, th0 fttottha t)lo
Khf" Slltunl hus r9cently
)"d an agency nt I'rlro and
"sM , ,,ccun buslnoss In this
WM af l 'ah in. palt I,ako qity
and olsowhero whero tho company
and Its methods are known, the
Northwostorn Is a Joke, except to
tho mnn who has a policy und n
flro follows.
.Vortlmeftcrn Slum Pay Up.
Tho supremo court of Washington
has rofusod to relievo tho North
western Mutual Fire association
from paymont of a flro loss on
grain belonging to a Whitman coun
ty farmer and tho company must
now pay tho lattor's Insurance am
ounting to M72S.89. Tho (armor
had obmlned a verdict for B523.80
against tho mutual In tho superior
court at Colfax, Wash., last year,
but tho company appeslod to tho su
premo court, which found that as
tho assured had a sound vnluo of
olght hundred dollars under his
policy, thlo amount should be do
ducted from tho original vordlct
against tho company, which Is now
affirmed. . , , ,
The enso attracted considerable
attention because tho company re
fused to nay tho grain grower after
tho flro, alleging that ho had set
tho flro himself for the Insuranoo
money Tho company subsequently
had tho policyholder arrested on a
charge of rrson, but tho Jury
brought In a vordlct of not BUl"-
Next tho policyholder filed ji ctul
buU against tho Northwestern Mu
tual to rocover $6000, tho amount
of tho policy. Tho trial Jury found
for tho. nruln grower, awarding him
161523.89, tho amount of tho policy
and Interest. This vordlct was ap
pealed by tho company vhch eot
up tho counter claim that tho as
sured hud not paid his promlums
whon due, although It evOjopl
that tho company had accepted it
nrtrWwnUl bo noted that flrot tho
mutual refused to pay Its POJ'ho:
der bocause It P:,n J" .
burning property, but a "ward
adopted tho dolnnse ht P
rolum had not boon iald on tho date
U rUsdnmV year and a half slnco
tho gra"rgrowers' proterty was
After Sl Wrekn of Knfortvnicnt In
t'tnli tlio Htnttitn Appllnic to "Dry
Territory Found to Itc Moot Ktl
fnrtory nnd Hmiiltn Kfrcclltr
liolc-nlcrx nnd JoMk-m 5tny Act.
The Punk "dry" territory law, whlrh
han been effect about M Weckjt, my
bo tented In tho ctnirtu by Utnh liquor
dealers In len of a decision handed
down by the supremo court of tho
United Htnlen In tho enno of tho Adum
KxpreM company nrnlnat tho com
mnnnealth of Kentucky lat week.
The decbdon In the Kentucky rftre
thrown open all "dry" territory to In
trrrtalo uhlpmentn of liquor where It
Is purchRFed by Individual for their
own ure Attorney (lenerst Itarnen Is
of opinion thnt under thin deelnlon
liquor could be phlpped from points
outride the ntnte Into "dn" territory
In the state where It In purchased for
Individual une. Hut tho attorney Ken-
vrai rajm inni me r uiik iaw win noiu
any cnoc where the purchnfo In made
within tho stnte nnd shipped to nny
perim whether for Individual iipo or
not. The Punk law does not prohibit
a ptrnon from carrying liquor Into
dry territory In this state for III own
personal use, but he cannot dispose of
It or deliver It to nny other person
No ArrrM As Yet.
Hlnce the Punk law has lieen In
effect there hna leen no arrests In
the vtste for xlolntlon of Its provisions.
The rnllronds, the express companies
and other transportation companies
han refused to hnndln liquor except
where It Is shlppid to rcxulsr phar
mncUts, who have a rlshl to sell al
cohol, whisky or wlnn on prescription.
Tho breweries aid wholesalers refuse
to ship llqunr Into do' territory except
to pharmacliits who ptnee n written
order as required by law.
In n srrot man) Instnneei', how
ever, tho Punk law Is being violated
by Individuals who carry liquor Into
dry territory for their own use and
the u no of their friends. This Is being
pushed to n great extent In sotno dry
localities nnd nil effort Is being mndn
to catch the violators. Homo persons
going Into Halt ljike City nut of dry
territory mnkn It n practice to carry n
bottle or two back with them and In
many tunes rell It, whlrh Is it viola
tion of tho law
.Mint i:rrmli ouutde.
Ill nutlvlng counties, however, the
law has had the desired effect. A great
many drug rtorrs In dry communities
only sell alcohol on prescription, rr
faring to hnndln whliikv, beer or wine.
The physicians In many of thrso com
munities hnve agreed not to prcscrlho
whisky, beer or wlnn In nny case, and
only alcohol when necessary. In
other communities both the drug
stores nnd ph)slclnns nre violating the
spirit of tho law by giving prescrip
tions for llqunr.
Thosn who maintain that prohibi
tion does not prohibit nre having a
hard time getting liquor In outlying
Hook nnd brief work n infinity
with The Hun. Ask for estimates.
Mall orders solicited and given the
tloiort attention Addnss, The Hun,
Price. Ftnh Advt
tttg Ijlcrn Coniimny Taking Hold of
Tiling N'cnr flnfii 1th er.
The Western Manganese Mining
company of Denver, Colo., has acquir
ed through a tiond and Icnuo tho Great
Wonder manganese claims rccenltv
located by l,oreni Hatch nnd sons of
Oreen Itlver nnd are building a good
road to tho rlnlms, preparatory to get
ling out twenty .five cars of ore per
month. The Great Wonder group Is
In the vicinity of Needle Mountain,
twelvo miles south of Plo The new
road will branch off from tho Valley i
City road about three miles from
Floy. Hatch has contracted to build
the road to the mines, which perhaps
will take lers than n weeks time
The deal with Hatch was mndo as
a' result of the company being ablo to
open up their other properties In
Grand county fast enough to compl
with Insistent demands for tho ore.
They wera obliged to acquire the
Hatch properties, which stand up
complctel) under reliable, expert ns
mjs. Itepeated telegrams nre being
received from New York urging Imme
diate shipment of the valuable ores,
which have created n sensation In tho
steel Industry back there. They want
five ears Just ns quick as the ore can
be mined nnd ngreo to handle not less
than twenty-five ears every month,
probably n great deal more. If thc
can get It, so satisfactory Is thi' ore
that tins been sent out thus far
Quite a large force of miners will
bo steadily emplo)cd nnd the close
proximity of tho camp to Green Itlver
has given considerable encouragement
to tocnl business conevrns.
New IVnl Cuts Out 1'rltv ItecniiM' of
(irvul DUtniicv.
At the regular meeting of the board
of directors of the Ulutnh Telephone
compntiv Monday evening It was de
cided to make tho extension nt once
from Duthesne to Metier Fit) nnd
thus Vernal will bo In direct connec
tion with Halt take City without the
bothir of the long tnlk around by
wny of Price. sns Vcrnnl's Kxpress of
Inst Friday.
The Pintail people nre nlrcady
making active preparations for the
extension nnd hnve n forte of men
getting things ready preparatory to
tho nctual slinging up of tho wires.
Tho distance Is forty miles nnd tho
estimated cost Is about five thousand
The company hns long been contem
plating this movo and It Is tho result
of inurh deliberation. Tho Inrrensed
rcrvlte given Vernal people ns it re
mit of this extension will bo apprecia
ted by nil users of the line.
The majority of tho subscribers to
The Hun deslra thnt It shall not be
discontinued when their subscriptions
expire. This Is the reason why, If
)ou want Tho Hun discontinued to
your address when tho period for
which payment Is mndn hns expired,
ou urn nskid to notify tho publisher
by riird, letter or personally. It Is as
ens) to stop The Hun as It Is to stsrt
It, nnd thn paper will not Iw sent
longir thun It Is paid for, If It Is the
desire that It bo discontinued nnd so
notify thn publisher. One subscriber
gets angry If we stop his paper, whllo
another gets angry If we keep on send
ing The latter believes vvo want to
force tho paper upon him. I'lcnsn
notify us If oii want The Hun stopped,
Icgul blanks of every description
nnd legal blank backings. The Hun.
Thn state board of equalisation hns
completed Its assessments on public
utilities ii ml thu mining Indiulr). In
terurban rallrouds show tho lurgtst
liuTcasu on ncrount of extensions
made. Thern was also a substantial
Incrtnsu In power rompnnleri and In
telegraph nnd telephone companies.
The assessment of tile net proceeds of
mines fell off this juir $1,630,400.
Kxpress tompanlts also showed u
falling off on uccount of lack of busi
ness. Following Is u comparative
statement made by tho board f'lV thn
cnrs 1911 und IflC:
ISM. 19JC. Increase. Decreuso
Hallrnuds $:0.9SO.07 ISUOl.SOB $ 721.218
Interurban railroads UK6.3H8 K.tOB.OU 1.10MI5
Power companies 2,t73,7l 2.733.710 SSti.fllM
Telephone companies 1,677.876 1.037,119 69.213
Telegraph companies 370,327 600.494 190.107
Kxpiess companies .6&0 88,019 6,931
Water companies .. . R, , 67.006
Car companies 490.398 646,022 56.254
NetimKcXfTfinlne 9,049.932 8.119,632 1.630.400
Improvements nnd maohln- ....-. .......
manufacturing companies 3.990.283 4,102,477 172.194
I61.UI9.2I3 166,023,210 12,507,393 $1,693,390
Total net Im reuse for tho enr 1916, $973,997.
alliens of Price nro to mnko no
speehil effort to celebrate tho Fourth
of Jul this enr b) reason of the fact
that uurroumllng towns are figuring
to have observances of the day. os
peclnllj the camps uf Hkuk Hawk,
Mohilund und Hiawatha nt Hlack
Hawk, as will also Helper. However,
that the ehlldren of this community
may bo Impressed with tho Importance
of independence Dy there will p- j
program observed on h.riiiii .
the Jd, about us follows:
Program In the Forenoon.
H.ilut at wnrlne, Albert J. Orames,
bai.d -varado 9 o-elook In the fore
noon, .jtesron at City Hall 10 o'clock
n the forenoon, W V. Olson, master
of teremonU'. with music by the
band; Invocutlon. Iilshop Albert Ho
nor, selection, Kko orchestra: lead
Inir of Declaration of Independence.
Agnes Maclean, girls1 chorus, d rec
tlon of Mis U A Jmiih. ''rtlon C 8.
I'rlie. male quartet, A I Heppler
nnd others reading, Cornelia Htev nil
son, selection, Kko orchestra.
I'rograiu of Children's Siorls.
Itasebnll game between Troop 1 of
the lto Scouts und a loeul team.
Hsvrdsss by the loeul ISoy Hcout
trooiw. urrnngiid by the loial seout
masters. Foot lluclng Children 0 to 8 yturs.
fifty arils; 8 to 10 enrs. twventyrflve
yards und 10 to 12 imrs a hundred
DeanliuK oontest for girl from 12 to
17 oars of ngi
Horn) and rider contests for bon
from 12 to 17 years or nge.
Blic k tranies for twi) a nnd girls
over 12 rs of uo. Frixes will ba
announued next week.
There wilt bo dancing also for all ut
Clt) Hall.
"It Is very desirable ut this time,"
sajs Mayor Carta Ounderson, "that
all nltUens manifest their patriotism.
I, therefore, request thut all business
pluces and residences display the Am
erican Flag on Independence Duy "
Don't Be a Pest to Your Neighbors Tj
dSscy x ... 9
' wsLH
We'll Instoll i Phone' For You WM
Eastern Utah Telephone Company SH
Bank Corner. Price, Utah. ll
CoiiMliuilonnlliy r the Iiidetcniilimte
Uiu Qiiollonett At 'loll.
The eonstltntlonnllty of the Inde
terminate sentence law of this stale Is
challenged In n petition for u writ or
habeas corpus filed Tuesday In tho
Third District court nt Halt l.uko City
Hheldon C. Mutnrt, an Inmate of tho
stato prison, Is plaintiff and Warden
Arthur Prntt Is mndo defendant on
tho ground that tho plnlntlff Is lielng
restrained of his liberty by thn war
den In the pntltlon It Is contended that
the plaintiff Is being Illegally detained
for tho reason that ho was sentenced
for it deflnlto term of nine mouths,
which time has expired. Mutnrt was
committed to tho state prison on Hep
teniber 34, 1914. ufter having plesdrd
guilty to n charge of attempted rob
bery anil nftrr having been sentenced
to serve a term of nlnu months Hee.
3 of Chap. 100 of tho Hesslon Utws of
1913 provides, however, that a sen
trnco for it dellnlto term shall, never
theless, bo construed ns the Indeler
m Ina to sentence.
Attorneys representing Mutnrt ton
tend that tho discretion which proper
ly belongs to tho court Is therefore
withdrawn und Imposed upon the
stuto bourd of pardons, und Hist tho
board, whloh Is primarily mi execu
tive Institution. Is niiido to nit Im
properly us n Judicial hod)
The petition contends that Chap.
100 Is void nnd of no effect
DliirrliiH'a CjuUkl) Cured,
About two eurs ago I had a Mvre
attack of diarrhoea which lusted for
over it week," writes W. C. Jones, Hu
ron!, N IV "I beoumo no wenk that
I could not stand upright A druggist
reiommended Chamberlain's Collr.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed)'. The
flrtt dose relieved ma and within two
du)s I was u well as ever" Obtain
able everywhere. Advt.
notici; is HFitF.nv mvi:.v, that
under n n oidlnunco of I'rlce, untitled,
"An Ordinance Prohibiting tho run
ning at lurgu of horses, tattle, mules,
asv-s, shi-ep, coats and swine, itnd to
provide, for the Impounding thereof,
I havo taken up und Impounded thn
following described animal, tn-wlt
Ono buy mare, branded II on left
shnuldKi, 7F uu left thigh. And If
the paid animal Is not claimed und
taken awn) within ten (10) da)s from
the dati of thlr uutlio. nnd ull insts
thereon puld, I shull expose ut Public
Halt und tell to thu highest bidder for
cash, the niilinal above dcstrllied.
Huon laiivto take plate n mo stii any
of Jul), 1915, ut the estrny pound of
wild town.
Dated ut Price. Carbon count), state
of t'tuli. this 24th da) of June, 1916.
IN Till: Jt'hTlcirHcllTmT INANI
For Hcofleld Precinct, Carbon Count).
Htato uf V ah. Ilefore Hunt Iioirsun,
JtiHtlce of the Peace.
Alux Curtis, Plulntlff, vs. John Vur
glnls. Defendant. Hununons Thy
Htate of Utah to the Above Numud De
fendant' You are hereby summoned I
to appear before the above entitled i
court within tun days after tho tervluo
of this summons upon ou, If served
wltiiln the county In whch this iw
tiun Is brought, otherwise, vvlthlnj
twenty du)H after this cirvlee. and
defcuid tho above entitled notion,
brought ngalmt ou to lecover thu
sum of Fifty l$&o.ri0) Dollars for
bourd and lodging furnished b) the
plaintiff. And In (use of )our failure
to do ro, Judgment wll be rendered
against you iiQcordlng to tho demand
or the complaint. HBNT ItOWHON (
Justice of thn Peace.
Hcofleld, Curbon bounty, Ututr, June
26, 1915.
First pub. July 2, last July 30, 1916
Btnto Unglncor's Office, Bait take infsB
City. Utah, Juno 8, 1016 Notice it t WM
hereby given thut J M. Msnson, HLH
whoso postofflco address Is 1'rko, I SsaB
Utnh, hus mudo appllcnllon In no- BHH
cordnnco with tho requlrnments ot flHHi
tho Compiled Uws of Utnh, 1007, flHHjl
ns attended by tho Bettlon Ivw aLLH
of Utah, 100U nnd 11)11. to appro. 'HsaH
prlnto two hundred flUy (260) llgH
cublo-fct of water per second from 'H
l'rlco river, Carbon oounty, Utah. IH
Said witter will be diverted at a H
point which bents north 8u degree . BH
So minutes west COG 7 foot from 'iJaLH
tho northeast coruor of Hoc. 34, 1
Twp. 1.1 South, lUngo 0 Bast. Halt H
l.nko bnso nnd meridian, and con- H
veyod by means of a ditch for a dirt- BH
tnnco of 0348 feet nnd thero used BH
from January 1st to December 31st, c ,H
Incliislvo, or ach )ear, to genorato 2sal
power for clcctrlo IlghtlnK nnd pro- fftH
pelllng machinery In Carbon anil BaaLH
limery counties, Ulnh. Aiter hating yLH
been so used, tho water win be ro- HLLH
turned, nt a point which Ilea 3300 ' H
feet south nnd 1320 feot west front NLH
tho northeast corner of 8oc. Mr ISaH
Twp. 13 Houth, Ilango 0 East, Halt ILLH
hnko bnso and meridian. This ap- 'IfiRsafl
plication Is deslgnatod In tho stato . -ImH
iiRlner's office ns No. 0181. All N , WfM
protests against tho granting or flsaH
said application, stating tho roasontt PHiH
therefor, must bu mudo by affidavit mLH
In duplicate, ncrompnnlnd by n fo 'jKJnH
of S2.G0, und filed In this nfflco AIbH
within thirty (30) days after tho fllnH
completion ut tho publication 'ot SjasH
this notice W D DKttilR, Btatn H
Kugtncer. tflnsH
Dnto of first publication Juno 18, ' jJH
19 in, date of completion or publlca- HaH
Hon July 10, l'JlD. . H
The Hun carries a full and complete " j S
Hue or pencils. Inks, mucilage, pen's,' I mM
blank Ixioks nnd offhro supplies In jH
geneiul. Mall orders lollclted, Ad- MH
diesr. The Hun. Prbe. Utah. -Advt. " HLLl
wmummmmmmmmmmmmmmm SLI
Trout Fishing I
Is The Sport! f 9
Tho streams nbout Hcofleld 'H
were never bolter stocked,, j ,JH
Our storo Is tho plact) fox tH
flslilng Uicklo ot avory 1- tiLi
scrlptton, an well a ramp, H
suppllos. Halt Itko City prJce W j jM
Hock suit for tho stockman, I ll
eivinpliiK outfits for shwpmen sf'LI
tuul others. Coaiiploto Mno of j j tV 'H
ha), gralp, groceries nnd' ,. H
luiusaliold nnd camp necessl-t k.a' H
I L k'&JsBnl
tics You cnu ro.icli us byj firWU
phonp or letter ) 'llsLI
Madsen Mercantile Co.j ,; W
. 149