Nsiilt The Sua Ads M U44Mi' They Read of Values I . " j&
r. ,toro advertisement teach 1 IF I III n3SSmViN t-ip2V ill 11 III ill ;8li
"i2.W 'mTf Tt uslnes", IWlSW 11 ft ill IL Women who studv the store .dv'er- j pfT
'3 in the right tore "BUWHW. value' to -rente" right bu)lng op- Lf
l VOLUME 1; NUMBER 0. T, "" portuntiir. P.
- EVERY FRIDAY JULY 9, 1915 , 'bK,
J,: wwuc at tiii: iuvkiu
uralM From the ArUonu
try I flood Imand, Hip Lnt
TaiO w Ten Dollars Fccil-
Ut At lrccnt Priw- May
In, lmh I" Vnluo Iiatrr On.
rHTonitncc Tho Sun.
ifflAB CITY. Mo., July 8. Cattle
M well as could be desired today.
it tcthe and price Htcndy to
t(l torn ! ,pn ccnt" ,,lhpr-
od market today follow n rlso
fifteen to titlrtyflvn cent last
nJ notwithstanding a weak to
, report from Chicago. Feature
' wre the sale of prttnn Hirer
Ati on era. Ono Instance vena
tir of the MlMourl method, very
.wintered steer, fed out on tho
J ' thlt sale being made by J. K.
lltt riatuburr. two load of
rtlllt pound averaice. at $9.SB, n
, top on heavy teer hero for thla
t The other featuro nlo was
n finished by tho Kansas plan,
it wintered, and turned on tho
la thla case April 26th, without
r feed. R. If. Lehman, Hosnlla,
siller, one carload 131S pound
nt- tt II 35 Hulk of tho native
it II 10 to 19 2S. Thero I a dc
4 for f'ehy steer from llllnol
frt. some of these today at 18.40.
k tteer are firm, but quality I
,rmlly lacking. mot vale nt $7.00
ll (I, dock calve at a wldo range,
tt to II SO. In the quarantine
Jon sixty carload arrived, Includ
food weight North Toxn steer nt
tl to II 90, price fully ateady,
wintered Oklnhnma steers nt
tt tnd 17 SO, and some gross
rjfrom loth Toxn and Oklahoma
II It to 17 10, Immense amount
til kind of meat. Including- freh
f, ire being sent abroad, and ex
u of live cattle will soon bo nil
unt Item, condition that tnuko
rket prospect promising.
iieep nd lamb mild ten to fifteen
uhiihrr today. ncclptM 1400 liond.
e km) nf ArUonn spring lamb
Included todny, selling ut 19.05
It 10, native springer $9.76. Nn
- ewes are north 16.00 to IB. SO.
m feeding stock In nvnllntile, rungo
Jtot limtw veiling nt Id. SB to
II, and breeding ewe $5.00 to
tt, choice young breeding eweir up
M tl Feeding lamb nt present
n will prove to bo cheap llttlo
Kmn City Market.
CAVSAH l-tTY, Jul) 8.Catlle
TlpU, SS00. market, nteady. I'rlmo
ftrrm l SO to $10.00, dreMted
f teer II SO to $9.60, Winter n
'tt II $0 to 19 SO, vn $4. SO to
. helfem 17 00 to $8.00, wtooker
I feeder $( SO to $!.&, bull
II to 17 It, calve $6.00 to $10.25.
Sep llecelpu, S000i market
er Umb 9 00 to I9.7S, year
n l( to to $8 00, wether $5.60
Hit. rwr IS SB to IS. 00.
Omaha 1,1 w Htm'k.
'MA1IA, July I. Cattle Itccelpt.
': mirkel higher. Native atecrw
to $10 10, cow and heifer
Mto II 30, Western ateer $6. SO
41 10, Texa iteer G 00 to $7.60,
md lulfer $5.76 to $7.40,
1$ 00 to $10,00.
'!P Itecelpt. 7800; , murket
Yearling $6.60 to $7.60,
'ri it, 75 , C 7C) ew(. E0 ,
. Imli $9 00 to $9.76.
' I rittlngly ObM'rttM Ily Our
VeUhbor on tho Fiiht.
l'rliu natal duy wa flttlngly
red Ian Monday nt Wellington.
ft'tliiHe beginning early In tho
rnd winding ui with a ball game
' fternoon Thero wn a mnniter
"e In which appropriate float
'luracten, took part Uncle Hani.
ei of Liberty, Utah' beat crop,
" lrui. boy dcouU and Hundoy
001 A imtrlotlo program waa
' t tho meeting hou In tho
'" with numerou aport In tho
"noon, Iniludlng a ball gnme Ik
n ,,Ur Crct'k nu Wellington,
"f Creek winning. J. W Hill
,B v. 0TRi0T of tne ay ""d K- '
ncn' mter of ceremonle.
AT H. )ii:(jo NOTAllIii:
V..,,e from Ban ttlego Tuewlay
,7 ,tl that five thouaand dol-
irtly huK i,M.n expanded at Ban
l, ln. PParatlon for Utah Day,
. YJ .M lno ePOltlon official
.W"1."' ln mnk that day no.
In their nchedule.
iuiiV-nor ".PTy ,nd "'" ". rel'rc
lt i"Y" f he Utah comtnUalon,
deliiJl lKh ch00' cadeu and tho
th. ,lfrnilcln choir will tuko part
en i.lwmi A reception will b
in f 5". L,ttn hulldlng tho after
.. ida'' Jul' lt'. or tn"
wC i " ,nc member of hi pur
In n..tave fQr 8a Iletfo by apeclal
" net tti
Cuwt. City HallJuly'nth.
Why Not a Periscope For the Corpulent Qolfer?
CVremoiiy C'oini ,4 n KnrprlM to
I'rlcmlt of Couple.
Harry HanUchl of lllutk Hunk yr
terday aprung n aurprlao on hi rela
tive and n hont of friend throughout
Haafern Utah when he went to Cattle
Dulo and wn theru married In the
afternoon to Ml't Dorothy Craig.
Ilrldo n ml groom hor leen aweet
heart for mime eight year.
Ml Craig had been Inxltvd to
tpend the Fourth nt the mime of tho
groom' parent. Mr. and Mr. Hugenn
Hnntuchl, Hr.. at lllnck Hawk. Ye
terday they went to the Kmery county
xrnt by nutomoblle, where the knot
wn tied, loiter there wa a big din
ner ut the Hnntuchl home at lllnck
Mr. mid Mr, fluntuchl left In the
evening fur Halt ltke City and nrn
today nt the home of the bride' mo
ther. Mr. D Craig It It antli'lpn
Icd that bride und groom will vlult
tho expotlllnn In California, nlthough
little of their plan are known lorally.
Mr. Banttchl I the daughter of
the Into Dr Crulg, at one lime u
prominent phylclan of Halt like City,
and I from one of the old fumlllc of
Utah. Tho groom ha been practical
ly reared In CarlHin county and I a
mot excellent young man.
Tito 1'uurtli N DlM'reil In hmall Way
The Fourth of July wa obacrtril
In n Miuatt way In 1'rlce lutt Huturday
and the program a publlihed In Tho
Hun ui partly carried out, the chil
dren' uport being the featuro of the
day. The program of the morning
u carried out ut the city hall with
the exception of tho orutor of the day,
who failed to rvapond, but hi place
Mit ably filled by unothcr.
The band wu out early In tho duy
and dUeouraed trocet mutlo on the
Ntreet before tho exerclte took place,
while the Kko orcheitru played ev
erul HeleectlmiM ut the hall. Taking
It oil uround It wa a tniat for the
kiddle" a well u omn of the
grownup, but there aeemed to bo a
lack of Interett all uround by the
lommlttee In i barge.
Trice junior beat the (.'untie Dalo
nine by u neore of five to four. Ill the
gamn between the 1'rlee leaguer and
the BtBiulardvllle team the I'rlco team
won by eleven to four. On Monday
a good number of oltlen went to
HoJiur. when- a bit celebration wa
A. J llogun und Otto Hungary, two
liaieball plaer who were connected
with tho Kunika team u few week
ngo, are now In the county Jail here
nwnltlng trial on the charge of burg
lary In the necond degree. a the
Kureku Iteporter. Tho night before
they left Kureka the Kentucky Liquor
rtore w broken Into und a contlder
able quantity of liquor, a well a ome
money, wa aloUn. The liquor, or a
port of It, wa found In a ult ca
belonging to Hungary and the arreat
of the two ball player took place at
"oft lt.110. Ma. They wero brought
tack to nurcka by Hherlff McDonnell.
Hungary I well known In I rite,
whero ho .pent ome time pla Intf ball
will. tin. home tenni i and wnn I of
tho camp team. The K''Wck U
quor atore'U pwned by Haro -Omm
of thl city, proprietor of the Ken
ttuiky Liquor Hou.
If you havo houte to rent or want
to rent a houio tr' Hun adlets.
Halutf nml Flag ItalMng At Pnbrvnk
OlH'ii Duy' hMirtn.
With tho pceplo of adjoining town
dwelling her own, Helper took on met
ropolitan air und celebrated Indepen
dence Day In her own utuat manner
Monday. With n milute of gun ut
(iinrlte and the unfurling of Old Olory
the day wa inhered In. After n ntreet
parade nt 9 o'clock the crowd niwem
bled at Lllierty theater, where the fol
lowing program wa carried out;
Selection by Helper band.
Hinging of ''America" by ehoru.
Invocation by Julio Hheppard.
"Htar Hpangled Ilanner" by Mr.
Heading of the Declaration of In
dependence by Henry llttrgerl.
Hong, "t'tnli, Wo I.OVO Thee."
Oration by orutor of the da).
Hong by Mhu Myrtlo HtolL
"Ited, White and llluc" by choru.
DUlrlbutlon of candy and flag to
children a they puxaod out of theater.
ln tho afternoon there were port.
Including many conical for the chil
dren a well a for tho older folk.
There wa nlno freo dancing for tho
children, moving picture ahow. merry-go-round,
etc. The vporta for the
grownup wai a ball gamo between
Hunn)ldo and Helper and Price limi
ne men va. Helper bualncua men. A
large number of I'rlce people attend
ed, the town lelng nearly depopula
New Kcliool Houe Will Occupy Kile
or Old llulldlug.
At u meeting of the couniy tchool
board held Tueaday the matter of
changing the location of the building
from tho corner of Hlxth and J ntreet
to the lt of tho old building recent
ly burned wa dlncutxed at wmo
length Architect Miller and Con
tractor Ororgo Ityland vlalted the old
tlte and after talking It oer among
themaelve contented to the change.
Work had progrcened o far on the
new lto that tho foundation had been
put In. Thl will be ubundoned for
tho alio on Hoventh and J Nlrect und
tho new building will bo erected there,
fronting to the wet. The new building
will be of twelve room, modern In
every way and work will atari on name
at once.
The hoard dlnc-uitt.rU tho erection of
new aohool houe ut Kenllworth,
Htorr und Htatidurihllle. no decltlon
wa como to on thete. After talking
over tho tax lovy for the coming year
the iMtard adjourned.
Tom AmtIH Tut One -r Xephl
Tcuin I" rimM)lc.
Tom Awrlll, win of Mr. und Mr.
Charle Averlll of thl city, I pitching
good bull, a w III be en from the fol
lowing by nn eyewltnen to n game
played latt Haturday at Mt. l'leawinl
between Jfeplil and the former place.
Averlll wa pitching for Mt. I'lerunt
und ot the end of the ninth tho game
ttood one to one. In the flrtt hulf of
the tenth Mt. IMeaaunt wored one. and
In the latt half Averlll got three men
on bane and then utruck three out In
a row, thu ending the game by a core
of two to one. Averlll wa picked up
amid theer from the Mt I'leuaant
fan and carried from tho diamond on
tho fhoulder f the enthutluttlc
crowd. Tom hu certainly won him
neilf a home among the Bunpeto fan.
jy tho Buntloman wh vltneed the
Concvnlon (irnntcil Tnrnt) -Fourth
Coitimltt(i Other llu.liii-nM.
Cll ciuncll met In regular biulne
leiwliin Tuetday night, all member
except Mayor OutideriHiii nml Council
man Wilton being prcMcnL K. H.
Ilomley wa ihonen to pretlde. A lit
tle later, however. Mayor (1 underpin
arrived mid pretlded for the remain
der of tho evening.
II. n. Uwlt, .N. A. William and
Henrj' Flack, acting In tho capacity
of general commltteo for the Twenty
Kourlh of July celebration, wero pre
enl and had many favor nml rcquot
to ntk of council. It I the Intention
of the committee to uo a portion of
the main ntreet tin which to havo tho
race and other game, and inked for
tho privilege of roping certain block
nnd oloilng them to travel during the
program. Council wn In a pleawint
mood und tho requett wa readily
grunted. Then the committee nuked
that the illy flag bo placed on the
light poler. that the rolnred light lie
hung In feitoon from tho lamp pott,
nil or which wa granted. And be
tilde, they naked for u donation of
fifty dollar mid got It. If tho Twenty-Fourth
nlubratlon I not "the big
gett ever" It will be no fault of tho
city dad.
lul !.owenatcln uppeared before
the council nnd mado a atrong appeal
to have the water rate aaaeatod ag
ulnit tho Havoy Hotel reduced. The
hotel I already favored with a apodal
rate, but the matter wa referred to
tho water committee to uncertain If
the requett I merited, and If o, wu
empowered to act
i:ieotrlrlun Manton reported that
the work of Inatallatlon of tho alee!
boiler aeltlnga wn completed and
that tho engine und boiler room were
now In a model condition.
City tnamhal waa Instructed to no
tify all property owner to mil down
the weed In front or their premlae.
Thl Include cleaning up nil vacant
Street Huporvleor I'aco wo tnttruc
ted to put the wagon bridge at the ex
treme eattrrn limit or the city In
good repair at oncn.
Heuewal liquor bond and applica
tion or the Havoy. Hlxly-Hlx, Topic
and White Houe bur were prevented
and approved.
City Jiittlcii Leo miido a report for
the nix month ending June 30lh,
ahow lug fifty dollar In fine collect
ed and four cute referred lo tho Ju
venile court. In which the clt paid
$S$.40 cott.
City treasurer" report for Juno wu
wihmltted nnd approved. The report
Mhowed a balance In the treutury June
lit of $911.97: cuih receipt for the
month, $2504.16, total receipt. $3,.
446.63. Warrants paid during the
month. $3554.45. leaving a cath bal
ance on hand July lit of $1192.3$.
The total claim allowed at thl meet
ing amounted to about $3180,00.
Attorney IS. K. Hoffmann of thl
city and Han Tuft or Monroe re
turned Holiday from a two week'
vlalt at Duuhetne. the rounty Meat of
the new eat county In the atate, Hay
the lllchfleld Meaner Attorney Hnff.
nvann repreaented the dnfundant In
tho flrat criminal cate to o tried In
the new Ducheme county and the fuct
that hlM client wn ucqulttcd gae him
Just cnuw lo feel good over hi trip.
The cute wn tried before Judgo A. II,
Morgan and u. Jury. Hoffmann haw
oomlderable of the new county while
on h! trip and formed a very favor
uble lmprelan of the people and the
oountry In general.
Plant of the Defunct Eastern Utah Advocate l
to Be Sold Under Mortgage Next h flf
Wednesday, July 14th. j
Judge Clirltlennon adjourned ill
trlct eurt latt evening, going from
here lo Mantl, where he hat tin Impor
tant cae el for hearing today. Mon
day latt wa u holiday, nut the balanca
of the week wa taken up with the
ennc of Karen Frandiwn (deceased).
Incompetent. Thl wa nql flnlthed,
but will be heard nt Halt Lnko City
on the 20th ot Atigutt. a the ntlor
no) for both pnrlie concerned can
moro conveniently bo there Tht aale
of tho properly known a the Uattern
Utah Advocate plant It fixed for Wd
nedny, July 14th, next, at 2 o'clock
of Ihn afternoon. Helow Is tho order
of Judgo Chrlttenten In the en to:
In the Heventh Judicial Dltlrlct
Court of tho Htato or Utah, In and For
Cnrlion County H W. Crockett, tm
tee, I'lalntlff, v. Fred I Watrou and
Meda O. Watrou. hi wife, Defend
ant. Decree of Foreclosure- and Or
iter of Hale.
Thl cnute came on regularly lo bo
heard In open court on tho 29th day
of June, A. D. I91B, F. K. Wood. Kq.,
appearing a attorney for the plain
tiff, and none of the defrnilnntt ap
pearing, either In pemon or by attor
ney; the court having heard nil tho
evidence and proof produced herein,
nnd duly contldercd Ihn name, nnd be
ing fully ndvlted In Hie premlne, and
It appearing therefrom to tho until
faction of the court'
Find. That the munition In wild
action, together wilh h copy of tho
romplalnt therein, hn been duly
torved on all the defendant, gnd that
all of the mid defendant have, been
il ii I v nml rxsulnrli ommoiied tovan-
awer under the pialntlfr complaint
herein; Hint the time within which
nld defendant or either or them may
appear herein ha expired, and that
all or aald drfenilnut have made de
fault In that behalf, und that the de
fault ut each und all or aald defend
ant for not appearing and nnawerlng
under plaintiff complaint ha boon
duly and regularly entered herein.
Becond. That there I now due nnd
owing to the plaintiff. It. W. Crockett,
Truttee. from the defendant. Fred U
Watrou and Meda O. Watrou, hi
wife, upon the promUaory note act
forth and drcrlbed In plaintiff
complaint, the turn of llX.30n.21 prin
cipal and Inlereat, nnd the auni of
$800.00 attorney fee, und $14.70
i out and dUbiirvomenU herein, ag
gregating the turn ot $12,160.91, and
that ald defendant are personally
liable for the whole amount ihereuf:
that aald aggregate amount It a valid
lien upon the pemonal properly In
plaintiff complaint and hereinafter
de(Tlbed, and I fecured by the chat
tel mortgage mentioned In aald com
plaint. Third. That each and ull tho term
and condition of aald chattel mort
gage have, been broken by aald de
fendant, and that plaintiff I the law
ful owner and holder of the promlt
aory note et forth In plaintiff com
plaint and of the wild chattel mort
gage, and that plaintiff I entitled to
have raid chattel mortgage enforced
and forecloiod, und the peronal prop
erty hereinafter deerlbed void In the
manner preecrlbed by law, nnd the
proceed arltlng from Much wale ap
plied to und upon the payment of ald
turn of money no due u nforeaald.
Fourth. That each and ull of tho
allegation and averment In plain
tiff complaint ure true and correct.
Now, therefore, on motion or K. U.
Wood, Kaq.. attorney for the plain
tiff, applltatlon therefor having been
It I hereby ordered, adjudged and
decreed, that tho plaintiff have Judg
ment ngalnxt tho defendant, Fred L.
Watrou and Meda CI. Watrou, hi
wife, on Maid note nnd chattel mort
gage for the mint of $12,366.21 prin
cipal nnd Interest, for the aunt of $600
uttorney fee and for $14.70 coMt or
ult. making a total or $12,660.91, und
that aald defendant ure personally
liable for the whole amount thereof,
und tho name I u valid lien upon the
pemonal property In the complaint
and hereinafter described, and I se
cured by tho term or said chattel
It I further orderod. udjudged and
decreed thut all and lingular the
mortgaged personal property mention
ed In aald complaint and hereinafter
deecrlbed. or o muih thereof a may
be sufficient to rulte the umount duo
to tho plaintiff for the principal. In
tercnt and attorney' fee, and coxta
or thl suit, and expense or the vale,
be aold at public auction, by tho sher
iff of Carbon county, state of I'tuh,
ut and In the room and building occu
pied by the I'rlco Bun. on Main street,
or what I called Main tret. In Trice,
Carbon county, state or Utuh; that
raid sheriff give public notice of the
time und place of said sale according
to tho co u r so nnd practice of the court
und the law relutlvo to sale of per
sonal property under execution; that
plaintiff or any of the parties to thl
suit may become purchasers at ouch
That th sold sheriff, out of the
proceed of sold sale, retain hi fee. (BR
disbursement and commission on Fl!'
said sale, und pay Carl It. Marctisefi. (J9B
receiver, heretofore appointed In this jfaov
califcc. (he sum of $14.70 cost or muII, BL
tho sum of $500.00 attorney' fee, and 9SK
$12,360.31, tho amount o found duo , jHHJ
a aforesaid, together with Interest IfliiH
thereon at the rain or 10 per cent per r fSBII
annum from the data of thla decree, IB&H
or r much thereof a tho said pro- . ISSsiH
ceed or the sain will pay or tho same. nHI
That the defendant, their heir nnd fflBI
personal representative, bo forever IMiifl
barrrd nnd foreclosed of and from all H
equity of redemption nnd claim or, In, flapil
mid to said mortgaged personal prop H
ert), from and after said sale, I flH
And It I further adjudged and de- pfl
creed that If the mane)- arising from j aHfl
the snld sain shall bo Insufficient to I
par the amount found duo the Hl
plaintiff, a ahov'c, slatsd, with Inter- I H
est, attorney fee, cott nnd ex- f H
pontes of sale a aforesaid, tho aald apiil
sheriff shall specify the amount of ias!
such deficiency and balance duo plain- iADIfl
tiff In hi return of sale, In order thnt HKfl
the said amount, after deducting nil BHtii
expense of the receivership herein, H
and nddlng thereto any ti"unt re- Lsl
celved by said receiver, may be dcflu- i BHH
The peronnl property directed to H
bo sold by thl dl-cren I situated III I H
I'rlce, Carbon county, stnto of Utah, sH
In the building now occupied by the f 9H
I'rlce Hun, a. newspaper, nnd la n HH
Ono C No 6 Walter Hcott cylinder
press. Including roller core mid at- i H
lachment. ' H
One Kcllpse folder No. 1796 1
Ono 6-H. I. Hpeclat Hlectrlc gaso-
line engine No. RS336, with gasoline H
and water tank and belting nml pul- VH
lea. H
One 13x19 Challenge Oordon Job iH
press No. 664E with roller nnd nt- H
One 1x12 Cliatletign (lordon Job H
pre No. 4643 with roller and at- ,
taohmenta. jH
One Junior Mergenthater linotype kl
No. 949, electric motor and attach- Hisl
nients, Including nine hitndretl und ' iSH
forty-six pounds of linotype metal. HpH
Ono 34-Inch foot power perforating IHiiH
One lloston wlro stltaher. BH
One 26-Inch Challenge paper rut- RHUHal
trr iBpH
Ono proof press. H
One lead cutter. 'J
One hand round hole perforator. bILHI
One oil tamp and glue pot. ibSpH
One Hale numbering machine, lEaH
Two Model 30 American press num- ImBppI
boring machine. hIvbpI
One Mustang mailing machine, with pjpapi
nine mailing galleys. Hflpfl
Ono 3-11. P. single phase electric , sPasaaal
motor, No, 7146. , HH
One half-ll. I. slngln phaso electric . H
nuitor, No. 36113. I - H
One half-H. I', single phase elec- j RBpaH
trio motor, No. 21181. i '
One quarter-H. I', single photo .' t BIH
electrto motor. No, 24330. L, IpapH
Two Imposing stones mid stands, f papaH
36x60 Inches. ipapfl
Two Imiiotlng stones and stands, pspoH
26x80 Inches. lapafl
Two pair six-column quarto news HH
chase. MbpoI
Four seven-column single chases. IDpal
One cut cabinet of leu drawers. ., BlaH
One mailing galley table. EI?aaH
One galley dump, ssfSPal
Two ull hrur slnglo gallon. , SaH
Two brass doublo galley. , . HnH
Three bras bottom double gullo)-. RH
Two bras job galley. j " E lH
Ono Job stone and stand, 21x80 il: j, JH
Inohe. R . i .PaB
One case llrlte-Llto furniture. "m. (dTH
One CUM4I wood furniture. ( , fflTH
One Frost Killer heating stove. No. I' H3bH
I iH
Fifty pounds IS point body type In J ' S
one pair now case. I j PH
Fifty pound 12 point body typo In " J fM
ono pair now r ensoa. ('"jsI
Thirty-five font nil and poster type h- UtB
In cases. ) ;SpH
Hlx fontM wood type In cases. 1 H
Five font script, 14, IS, 24, 36 and l, pH
48 polnL ('"'bbbI
One font 16 point Tlffuny gothtc. ', I' VgH
Ono font 34 point Tiffany gothlc i L-1. H
Two font C point Engraver bold. j j H,H
Three fonta 12 point Hngravera bolC, . 'j fH
One font 12 point Cheltenham light. ; Hasaal
One font 18 point Cheltenham light. 1 '! ffaaal
Ono font each of 10, 12, 14, IS, 24, t M
1 30 and 30 point Hallo Cheltenham, m r' ! M
. Twenty-five pound font typewriter H I pH
I typo (Hnrilth-Premler). ffl Sj V'
One font Cheltenham body type of I pit itlpafl
twenty-five pounds. I f,J Bpal
Three font Hamburg Old Style, l j( apB
One font Kngllsh Hold, 30 point. i , j. SpaaBaa!
One font 36 point Old Kngllsh text, f , fH TjM
Thlrty-ono fonts Job typo In cab- i , " QtH
'nt. -' 1 Papi
One 26-caso steel run flat top cab- j i 'I 4B
loot- I ,; Lfl
Three doublo newsJ stand. MvH hHp!
Two slnglo now stands. M ,1 )( H
Seventy-four assorted stanl cases. Hii i I4H
t - -I. ,ln -.!,- pfBt') 'iH
(Continued on pago eighth W!S?f4 ps
ll-re" 9
PPsaaPsaaaaapMnilllllllllllllPl ' ' fWl jB