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PAl llalB,".rth.brt .' ((TIP Iit5(IS' Increasing Each Day lv,i WrJrm 0 '."'.n county and Eastern LU LI IH&ri?fKES?5h sSC TH II W - WP . P W.r lnfnler. An advertise- V kllNt-g5:5ilcSlJ iw J .fly ill) KO&iZ-k ,W II H H 6 H W wPl Min prleM on seasonable ' Ts -WT V AiC SEJgZamyW ilkllL. ill 111 Not n day passca but new aubscrlb- gji ft, GrjfMmfr '".V.J "if sold right, will bring "D-"oT C- N 5 cr nr enrolled by The Bun. Thewi W'' I4- MA n, lhp merchant that uses Z2C lTlrAt i r -v. . buy merchandise. The Bun now Into ( . P 2 Tmn. of The sun. - ULITICALLY. REPUBLICAN ,h: hom" of more ,eo',,' than an? I -SH L"Blamn Vriit., "- WULIVHI1. other newspaper of Kastern Utah. f?' ' , BMMmMM''Bj VULLBIE 1; Nt'MHFlf n - . Subscription book open to nil ndver g; ' L BBS BWBS iBr""! . "EiH li, pypnv piiiniii Users nnd pntrona or The Bun. t Bi BBfl BBBf W S i .wa iiui)A august in. loiG U r.. ABB IjiLL MODSEHS" 5g I MiJP SOME at . Brit down oi-i'ini or wun: Iff I Kr-vsT,:i,X(,i:N'T,'i:MA I Bj.uo,,,,!'-.! Tlint the Ulnh Ifttncli of Tl"" VnTly H,nl"' l,jr """ Hnrtnciplf A Heretofore Kiiiincln. E'B-l-nirtlin Wltli IH"r Henry A. in of Whlilm (Kim.) Uonn. I Sntdttlanitiun that they Mill pur- Ffp lU j.Tto sit tltctit" nml n suggestion pW., tha Nrd It.ndolph Wood, rcpubl.. 4nr n I i K. m1(rtnator" from Phlladel 3Cn KUlei SLaYta the rmt suitable point to ... 1 i. BvaVrre future of a meeting of thd ls to the Kwn f f"vne.,, ,,,f !:r i: ldVanfa( Ehr In n0"- ,h0 Progressive UVa,USC Kernel ffMd, respectfully, hut yet Cil nOlCn, 7iht)l.lghangclnthH..calle) JH THAT (ixm)r"" rpbllran party before L IIIAI KrrroirrrI,, "aA oven connldcr inlf.J i BniUr of going back to th old iPCMCd 10 Kwltt'l'"1- Then they handed Wood KttUt niJ exprraaed regret that he Tlio TnxMit Wcrr, Ht., . T mwllng In a aenae wiuin unique r ,. ..i many of tho big chlcfa were Htt. Around the connullallon table r ! ,thfriceaof V I). Mvlngaton were fc ( x notertaon, ecretnry of tho atato '"" C Blttf; Allen T Hanrord, member I lie Me committee; 8. It. fjve, y,aUr of the atate committee; W i. Urintn. prraldent of the atate rM of progreiwlve eluba; W. K. mi hH. kkpi. wcMary, nnd C. U Hood. 1 1 OT Mrerer of the atato 1eaglo of pro- I fJt twJu rlul. Mra. Uly P. Wostcn- otoe. member of the legUlnture, ,,. Mo Oeorgr V. Goodwin, tncmlr C k (ttt lgWture. Itoberl II I'orter, 1-3 C lD lwun of the county committee; VJ LA. McMlllln, aecretnry of thn atatn K! Mhe rrHe, Kphrnlm Itnnaen pitlKS, ' tJ L li 8inrbuck, membera of tho I rni tMj cummlttre; Mra. I'addlaon, 7 b( 4"" of ,ho HaU Ij,lB Clly Wn' Vic S ' rl"1'! John B. Corlcaa. aherlff; i in. Turner member of the county , ,n wHtltteN Clarence Ileck and David t lOe, )T 01Irt. G"iC C l"1"' "rlrf nml (ilngcry. ' Th meeting between tho reprven , uihrt of the party nnd Wood wn VlC I wl and full of "pep." Tho Utnhna 1 not ts bat at once by Inquiring of l fl'1 mltamalor" hnt tho repub -c .HVtn parly purpnuod doing for tho HftocHMhra if they would ngrvo to t Urk Into the fold. According to j Biki official report of the meeting. 10c f H'ooil replied to tho general effect ,'1 tli rrpubllrana would pat the Mpofmnhea on the buck, forglvo them IMl running uwuy nnd Inll them how uiole In the future. fl 'Nothing doing" waa the comment l". H Turner tit thla point, and tho H4taMlon then beenma general. Tur fltr mne It plain that no far oh he I yuitncernid he would prefer golnK J h4Bvr,rt0 "' priigrewiUo element of the I VW'BMtrtlo party, rather than back to K UjMrtpuMlran organltntlon, If tho old A jl tndpat" crowd waa to remain In ' hi W'"01, ll ""d ,,'" fr ycnrn and I UJ,u,hl time. J aJW KoMicnlr IICMlllltloil l'BfcMMl. f HJ0llU',, of 0,,"r dlacuaalon along F .rVUr "nf" nnd " adoption of a MMQUnuiriilr resolution for Wood to VV "long with him. thla waa nil that l "done at the meeting.. Tho reaolu- t " follow f "lleiQlved, that It la tho aenae of thla h y,," ,ha tl'o progreaitlvea of Utah cBj nd b their principle and MB, ' "00, l'1" requeated not to nay !? wrrlng nit hla mlaalon to "wold LjBS,,I"",1,l,i"n i,art" 'hat 'cro ' iT; i T of nY member of Utah go. rM i,, ,'" th" wpuuli-an party." md' ... 'n "' afternoon tho progrea V t off cuia held a coniultntlon with tSoA""1 of Wichita. Kan., who J H&iii VV1 ou Political mlBHion for ml SI ' Wwll)'. Thomoetlng. It wna I M ' WM "lrely Informal. isk I WWFTIIE HIH I Wl r"b0 "",)' KeprcaeiitntUr. Mnkca c 9 Trip to the Koutli. 'ttl'iif . MaU,U of 1,r,ce' wh wn" C citi of ,ho week appointed aa tho I) U tm ?? 1n,y '"ember of the Carbon IC W V .Vf ' ul1 aaaoclatlon. U now over rTjWu,,00""' outH working In the JC yBid.! ,,r "'" fn'r". wh'IIi Is to bo PHmaobik lr,ce lhe 'f Part of next )C U1lh-fll'tembcr. hfi U hA v!,'harl dft,B fr " rfioetlng haa 5C ii M Hor.i.1 '" "'elded upon, auya A. W. SBW' l,rldent of the naaoclatlon. IC MtUlJ. ..' U U B,med to have It Just Ui, ft,"! lT,fth 8"H c'alr -at Halt 'c Hi S C " c,1'". that the dlaplaya W M lalbUed 8 '",nt on l0 tnal rUy to h0 S 4,S',1 '"'"ntlfled with the fair c tttnV!2t f working to tho end that i-j Mi imtu. t Ul ,,e,t Carbon and Kmery C ZjUiuS.S?,.i'y"rihJ1' Th nppro p mtm ih. i. ,ho eot',commlalonera C kHM. i"v fflcll aa aerved to lit, ,e Intereat on' all sides. CllMiltid? ''Hria haa about twa " I !" wl V ,,eU of 'W fnn w"et l W.hyrJ,,,cut1fro, J,dry farm on B',hl dri "ch-'Khii(ben exceed- S ". li H" there thl enaon, how- aJaA&WM and i.. falr Proapeota for pota- VTT1l-",d lar crgpa and vegetable. i"' "BATHING SANDALS IN THE NATIONAL COLORS ARE A FAD THIS SEASON." (Fnshlon Note.) BUND Gl HAS REIILeSftTl KXIMvltlllNCKTIIAT Wll.l. .NOT UK SOO.V ItlltKOTTUV. l'ln (iollg. Itlngo Wlilli Shi' In In Scat of Chcmlciil Itugliie of the Salt Ijikc City Ih'pnrtnu'iil Well Known In I'rlcv Where Mie Hot Ilnviilly VI. Ilctl Willi Niiinrrtiiit I'rlcniK Mini Marie llanaen, a hlghl) eilucn ted nnd well known blind girl uhoxe home 1 at Mnntl, Iwul nn experience both.iinlqtiti nnd Interfiling Inat Mon dn afternoon at the central file atn thin nt Klmi. Ml" HnnM'ii la for the time bulng the guent of her frlulld. Mr. ('. J. Thonma. nt the capital city." nnd n the two Mere returning home Monday evening Mra. Thomaa Mopped at the Motion to greet a fireman nc qunlnlance. The blind girl, who aeea with her lunula, had never beforo been limbic thn atatlon. Hhe aaked and received permlanlon to 'look' nt the iippnrntUK, na aceorded the inott i-purteou attention, the friend of Mm Thomaa wotting Jier from one piece of fire flBhllng muchlnvry to unotlu-r, With Joy and kren Inlereat he ex amined the big tenuicrn. th. hook and ladder truck, the svift little tar that cnrrlea the chief In aiiawer to an nlnrm. In the coume of her liupcv lion h marveled at the heavy wheel und the great number of lever. bruKoi and other ntcewlble parta of tho up-patatu- She came to the client liul engine, nnd u oon aa abe touehed certnln iortlonn, aald. "Vh, If nickel plated" thn of touch giv ing her thl Information. Mlaa llanaen waa led to the front of the engine, and at her requrM wa nwluted Into the high at. "What If the gong ahould aound?" ahe quer ied, and wua given the naaurnnce that ajte would Imi all right. Then tne gong did ring, loud nnd clear, u genuine alarm. Hho heard und felt tho ruMi of the firemen a they tumbled from their quarter nbove and quick ub a flaah alld down tho pole. She felt them hurry to their respective poat. heard them arranging the engine for their atart. All thl In a moment or two of time. "May Clod help u nil," he exclaim-j ed, liivolunturlb, and tonfed to, trembling n little. The next lntunl he felt hernelf gently lifted from her, high Heut. Another fraction of a ec-, ond nnd her feet were on tho wild, floor aa the englnea ruahed away. j "I think." aald Mlaa HanBen, In tell-1 Ing of her experlenre, "that not many I blind peraona have aeen a fire do-, pnrtment a I have." j Mlaa llanaen, who I an extcnalie, traveler, having been alx time acroaa, the continent, haa but recently re-, colved her dlplomaa from Dr. Klnira Bchool of Oratorj In IMtUburg. She U a personal friend of Mr. und Mr, j U A. I-auber of Price, and recently visited them here. It haa been the ln-i tentlon of Mlaa Hansen to return to Price soon nnd give a nerle of enter- j talnment here. That patent! Issued for state landal aro not wubject to the war tax stamp I tho opinion of the United Btatea lu te ruul revenue department In a recent ruling, a copy of which a recebfd at the stuto land offlca recently. nh the wai tax was first Imposed, tlie de. partment.ruled that patrnts were sub ject to the tux, but It I set out In-the litest ruling that a mistake ha been made. PAY NO HONEY TO THE NEWS-ADVOOATE Th Hun onre more ndlm aulwerlbcra to the now defunct Kastern I'tah Advocate to pay no money on subscription account prior to July 11, 1915. to the 4 XcftAdncMle or W. I. Ilenfer. The ihattel mortgage under Mhk'h the Kastern Utah Advocate plant nnd fixtures waa foreclosed Included "Mailing Uh nnd mib-crlp- lion liooka of the Ijiitcni I'tah Ailtmitte." Tho nllegeil sale of the sub- 4 iK-rlpllon nnd mailing llsta of the defuiiPt Kastern Utah Advocate la simply nn attempt upon the Kirt of W. C. Ilenfer nnd the gang oaaoi luted with him to get something for nothing. I'n) no money to Hciifcr or the VcuH-AiUiK-nle on Mibtcrlptlon account to I'jinlcni t'liili Advo- cnte l The Suii'a nihlcv. OLD TIE GOAL MINER IS DEAD with iTAii rui:ij company iiiii MOIti: THAN TIIIUTY YIUIIK. Sniiiiicl Combs, Br., Iliirletl Prom the Twciily-rourtli IXvlolahllcnl Wnnl At Halt Inke City Wciliutiloy of the Present Week Had Woikiil At Kcoflcld, Kiiuiiynlde nml ('untie Onto, Funeral services for Bamuel Combs, Br., who died Monday laat ul hla home In Salt Lake City, were held Wednea day afternoon last from the Twenty Fourth Ward chapel In that city. In terment followed at City cemetery Deceased was C$ year of age at the time of hi death, which resulted from dropsy, after an lllm-m. of about three I mouth. He wn one of the pioneer coal miner of Utah, having been In the employ of thu Utah Fuel company for morci than thirty year. II) was I actively engaged during the period of .opening and developing the mlnee ut CaMIe Oute and other Carbon county i coal properties. He waa u native of Koutli Wule and came to Utah In 187C. since which time he haa resided In thla state continuously. , Decedent I survived by his wldoiv, Mra. Mary Comb, three daughters, Mra. Mary Decker. Mr. Jamea Court ney, both of Salt Mke Cly, nnd Mra. , II. W. Mallard of Ulack Hawk, three' Hon. John, Bamuel, Jr.. both of Bait take City, and twl of niaik Hawk. Samuel Comb. Br., waa born , In Merthvr Tydfil. South Wale, Juno 20. 1849, and waa united In marriage to Mary Dolling In 1171. They came to the United Btatea In 17 wh their two chllilrcn nnu semen in nuiw, Sanpete county. , From there they moved to Bcofleld In Ittlf following the occupation of miner until aoout three montha prior to his death. He went from. Sunnyslde to Suit take City In 10. Miss Helrne Henney will entertain her pupil in music at a plcnlo;nt City Park thl (Friday) afternoon. I STRANGE DISEASE PUZZLESDOCTORS phi:vai.i:nt in uox i:i,i:h and miMjAiid cou.vrnw. Ik'llcveil to Come Prom the Illle of tho Deer lly nnd Coiirlilcml to Ho More Serious Ttian Itocky Moiiii lulu HKi(nl IVvcr .More Cnsr of the Ijillrr Now Tlian Kvcr Hcfore. Member of the state board of health are baffled In attempt to com bat it new ilfsease which haa sprung up In Hot Klilcr nnd Millard counties. The medical fraternity know no namn for It. Dr. T. II. lleatty, secretary of the state board of health, aaya that the deer fly la responslulo for It and that It I aa bad aa typhoid to handle. The fly In nearly every caso bite the victim on the fare nnd thla la followed In u short time by blood poisoning. In rome cases death ensues. Dr. lleatty haa notified federal au thorities of tho disease and made a re quest thnt n special government phy slclan le nent here to confer with the state board of health and examlnn ex isting case with n v(ew (a dvlcrillllt. Ing what, con I'n done to prevent and Combat the disease. Last summer there were over fifty case In th two counties, and there aro numerous C&hvii At lilt present time, according to Dr. lleatty. The sting of tho fly perforates the skill and In a short time, he saya. the blood become pol noned. "The dtseaae I even worse than the Itocky Mountain spotted fever," said Dr. lleatty. "Thla dlseaan 1 caused by the blta of a tick nnd at certnln times I prevalent In some of the state of the Intermountaln country. At present there are moro casea of thla deseaso than aver before. Uaual Ix the cases are moro numerous In vicinities where there are largo sheep herd. I have also requested the fed eral government to send a man to do vise mean of stamping nut thl dls ease, or to combat It." Nothing but exhaustive research on the part of the medical profession will determine Just what the disease I that haa Ita Inception In the atlng of the deer fly, said Dr. lleatty. Three Inspector are now In the field In the Intercsta of the cleon town campaign. They will visit every Incorporated city and town In the atatn to aee thnt proper sanitary work Is being carried on, and to give Instructions In the work where needed. IIHAKIZMAN MAItTIN KII.MCI) IN FAM, FHOM IIIH TIM IN Stephen J. Martin, a Denver und lllo Grande hraWeman, was Instantly killed Monday at Castle date when he fell between n locomotive nnd a car of a movlnr; train. Hla head was i rushed. Murtln ue$ attempting to cross from the locomoilte .a a freight car. when h missed his footing end fell to the tracks below. The engineer, attracted by Martin's cry when he fell, stooped the train Moron was found lying crosswise on the track dead. Hla body wn taken to Bait Lake City to an undertaking eatabllshment. Martin U mi.trleil. He came to Salt take City but recently from Oakland, Cala., where hi wife and family revlde. j Mr. nnd Mr. George V. Ilencli, each of whom haa been quite tick for ten -day or two weeks, are Improv ling, though unable to be out a yet. TAVERN BANQUET IS ! I ATTENDED BY MANY 1 Some Eighty Business Men Meet , H About the Festal Board and ' ' 9 Talk Live Matters. t V II BEST OF FEELING PERMEATES THE GATHERING I m H Ik-hold, how rimxI nml how plcnoniit ll N for brethren to iturll In tinllyt It la like the pre- clou ointment iixn the liend, Hint mil down iixu tho licnnl, even Anrnn'a liennl, thnt went dim ii to the skirt of III gar- tnenls. 'PmIiiis, IS.1-1. Highly clllivna nnd luiHlncsa men of Price nnd adjoining communities were nt thn banquet of tho "got to gether" folks at the Tavern last Tues day evening. Aa nt thn two previous gatherings, A. W. llorsley wna toast master The first subject to bo con sidered wna the report of the commit tee appointed ut the previous gather ing on the Cnrhon-Kmcry fair. It waa stnted thnt the committee had met with the board of county commission era nx well a with the city council of Price The commissioner had agreed to appropriate three hundred dollars toward the fair next month nnd utso to take care of bark Indebtedness of the association Hint amount to two hundred nnd sixty-eight dollar. The council has appropriated one hundred nnd fifty dollar nnd nasumea nn In diibtcdnex of tho fair association of about nlncty.four dollar. Copies of letter to the several coat companies of the county were Tend, respecting exhibit nnd contribution, hut one reply had so far been received nml thl wna quite atitlsfnctory. The fair naroclatlon la now out of debt with no buildings tu be erected nnd with rash mi hand amounting to four hundred and fifty dollars. The matter of having signs placed along the Midland trill In Carbon county to dlrcil tourlsta was discuss ed, and u committee waa appointed to wnlt upon the county commlssloitem nnd aee how the latter record the matter Heveral Instances were re cited of where tourists hud liven mis led und directed away from the trail. George I?. Nelms went Into the mat ter of the Odd Fellows' picnic nnd re union to bo held at Price on August 18th. Tho gentleman stated that tho public I Invited and will be wel come. He asked that all buslnes houses be decoratod for tho occasion. A revolution nlonn tlieeo lines wpij tinniilpously insd, Carl Tl. MarrUsen, H, W. aoldlng, It. II. Walter and others spoke upon the subject of the Price school. e Pvclally of the Carbon county high scdool, cacti suggesting that every In dividual preiumt houd, constitute hlnuolf a committed of ulie (o "iuut" for the high school, Mut'll M forth the advantages (o he derived thete from by every buslneii Interest of the city. Theao talk were received In the good ulrlt In which they were given and doubt will bear fruit. TonMmaUtr Ilgmiey nldrved t'i uemblei1 guesl At eoiiHltUrrtlile length upon the subject of "Agricul ture." It I a matter of tho greatest Importance toMhe community and he uiggected that everyono should do ev erything In hla power to Interest far mem In coming to the Price Itlver Valley. Jle was followed by John V Smith, who talked along the same linen. He futthur explained tho method necessary to arcompllili the end proposed by Tonstmaior Horn ley and suggested that we Induco Ger man and llnhemlan farmer In colon lea to locate here. The thorough manner In which they do thing nnd their good cltUenshlp waa recited by the speaker. Down In MlllardV-'ountv tho first year they wore there the) produied more wheat to the acre than "the old timers" had ever produced In their thirty to forty enr In the sumo locality. E. J. Ithoad, representing the Cop. per Globe Mining nnd Smelting com pany with properties down near Per ron In Kmery county, explained what hla corporation I doing and expect to accomplish. They hnvo untold quan titles of copper ore testing from 25 to 80 per cent, he aald, with about thirty thousand dollar worth of this grado of stuff already on the dum The laat load of machinery for the mine goca out of Price thla week, and whon thl I Installed atiu Working the product will be sent out OS per cent pure. The gentleman expect to locate In Price, havo hi office hero nnd to become a "booster" for this community. All present were aaked to patronise tho volunteer fire department' dance nt City Hall on the evening of Monday, August 16th. The proceed are to be used for purchasing uniform for the' firemen Judging from Ihit enthusl- ?l K nam expressed there will le n, big turn- ' ., m" H out for thn dnnra.ji i It H During tho evening n letter waa fcl M. mM read from K. U Carpenter, president Hr i'H of the Castle Valley nnd the, Southern fc!k K il Utah railroad s well aa thn United " E- " H Btatea Fuel company. In the letter $t DK H the gentleman staled that ha had seen a S H In n local paper the statement that f W- H these railroads were likely tu he abail. K H doned nnd all train pulled off. He W H wished to nasurn everyone thnt audi L action la not contemplated, and that J & H there need bn no fears along thla fj' K H score, whatever. The newspaper pub- W. H llclty to the story waa given nf tar Uia L v H matter hnd Wen declared nt n pro- W Hsl Mou banquet n likely. Neither of ' K Ed the newspaper nt Price arc respond i , K H slide for thn rumor. j 'i V IH It was brought to the attention of ft Ht H the assemblage that the band from K ' Jf' jH Btnrrs in to play nt the Odd Follow' r K H picnic nnd reunion without charge, H H which brought forth the statement f H. H from W. P. Olnon that Price' hand " H would do the mima thing. The prof- f ' m M fer wna greeted with npplnUso. 1 s . I WL H The management of thn Tavern we f Wk mM given u vote of thanka for the fine 1 ' P' H spread furnished. The next Imtiquet i , m H la to be held nt one of the coal camps, fcpi M H the matter now t elng In tho handa of ? Bf H committee to determine whl-h C ? P H ramp. Varlou other mattet of more J"1 pft H or lent Imporloncn were taken up and jl MP-. CH discussed. wTM K t''H LEONARD IS HELD H? ' I jiv- I ' H runner Price llnrteniler BIiovvn 1IU ' 1 I. A mM GniurlicM, Agnlnst HobtN'r. v'j'l K H Masked with a white handkerchief 2 il' f HH und armed with an ugly looking alx- IV i;, m, H uhootcr, n loim bandit entered the i i r V H rear door or a South West Temple vlj., i 4 It H Mreet saloon at Salt Lake City last 11 " 3-, W- mm Tuesday evening shortly after II P jir B- M o'nlock, and held up Frank Leonard, l i mM the bartender, and escaped with about ! L ' 1 twenty-five dollar from thn tilt. One b ' J H shot was fired by the robber and an i M H other by Ionard, Ionard formerly fJ t Jj H worked for Charles Avertll and tit it rt ' H other place In Pf'. t left this !f , jH city about sx mouth ago nnd ha tW'M i H been at JSIon lnc. ,hll I Dl The gunmnii made hi appearance 'mit'3 V kS when there wr but three persons In Vn , gLH tho baloop, I-vonaru nnd two custom- 2U l ' sH tr. ilia vvmmnn',1 vf "hnnd up" wLl i - gLN rang out almost before Tionard tt K H the other were nwnre of hi presence, fltuLi mmM All compiled. He went behind the lIPM 1 bar and opened the cash register, nt TAK4 H JHy aamn tltnn covering Ixionurd with I 3Jfj lilu rilUil'vH', j nU l H Watching for un opportunity. Loon- j riMli LLI urd sprung on the bandit and sue i atfft JLH reeded In wresting the gun from him, ? j .'LgB but not before, the hnndll shot once. I ffi ' The bullet passed through the cleave u ' on Leonard' left nrm, The gun bar. J& H re) hnd been held so rlosa that pow- ' IP HHH dcr mark were evident on the shirt I M -' and on Ionard' flesh. i Bt,u After firing tho shot the bandit re- IB? BHH llnqulshed the gun nnd fled. ion- Hlf' -H urd fired ut him aa ho waa leaving the Mh fLHI back door, but tho shot apparently Mr i r- glHI failed to find Ita murk, llehlnd him g h'A ' 'aLLl the bandit also left n'irroy hat bearing B X ' LH the label or u Uolse, Ida., deatsr. J , 7H After ho left the saloon the bandit !ff K -1 1 ' 'LgH went to a cafe un West llroadway. ifi tM J'Lgfl where lie stolu a hat belonging to an R L -ggB employe. Then all It ace or him was ' X LgH IB I H H whool PoPuia'noN or ,H CAItllON COUNTY fllVUN vky LH Helow I a Nummary of the school i LH population or Carhop county for the 'if M x LH yeur beginning July 1, !, H fur- Mfi W. w( LH nlshed The Hun by I O. Hoffmann. I Sri t ggl clerk of the consolidated aohool K M' 1 LH Can read and write Hoys, 1118: aWflftl I, mmM girl. 1130. Total, 2298. MOM tr H Attended school Hoy. 1331: girls. HflW Vt aLH 118); attended nn school, boy, 1(9- rWH r kkB girl. 169. Ornnd total, bojs, HOO; HI I 'HBK girls. 1340, IWff H 'H White children Hoy, 1398; girl WH P gHkLl 1339. Colored children, bojs, 2; girls, "! 1. l-IHgi Total number Children In District ill iflH Hos, HOOj girls, 1340, Total, IB Til OKB 3710. KBGeI I BHBI Dear Iietweeii tho age of G and Miji I u BSB 30 years, boy, 3; girl, 3. Total. 6. W 11 ! ' flKBl llllnd Ileiween S und 30 years, Vtl 7K 1 1 SHI " ' u ol llmaBtm I-ast jrear1 enrollment allowed 1381 WvM . inSBBl oya nnd ISBJglis, ' WSmi "' S&sH Mabel Donnelly h'ua brought' suit' In HK jIBmBI th; Jlstrlr.t court for divorce' from 'm. mWM'' iBBBfl K. Donnelly ' IfflUi ' HBBBi ggMslgllglgjlJMgMgWiMIillll ' i SIlgVlWfllflsl