OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, August 20, 1915, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1915-08-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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iSS-SB R I f fP "ft 'W IncreasiugEach Day i,,
0" ,.n!ltonnwunty and Eastern N$fcs--V JI S. llUllkaKpiSTDJ 642lf iLMM. II ift Nl n day pnw but new ubcrlb- , H
..W of Cr.der. An advettbw rs A T ieSS? p52 fc' f' T or nre enrolled t- Tho Bun. These T H
mh n i prlcri on neasonnblo " CT -' r" buy morchnndlc. The flun goes Into f , H
l ,UiVJ! ,f sold right, will bring DrU ITIAI I f rsrnnni ls-Al the home of more people thnn nny J J hH
".he merchant that uc rOLITICALLY, REPUBLICAN. other newnpaper of KaMern Utah. I BB
U w If The Sun. . ' Hulmcrlptlon book open to all adver- J i H
M column0 v ..-, , " "- tlacr nnd patron of The Hun. ? I H
iji"vmhk or tiii: voi-
-. rrW Oiib IW HnlldliiK Alnnt
Cd iii i-i-'f- ';":
S- I- ""''"",,"r M"""-f
jtwrn-m w Hltelit I-c
,.... ,(wr midnight Tueda fire
Wt in Hie old Price Club bar
tfjte t aide of South
77. .tree! ami but for tho good
?.! the volunteer flro department
j CMf Mow King the building
"conUnlN and much adjoining
J,rtf "oul' hate been a totn loan.
K ,he I'rlco I'lult bar building
ItartJh.f .. hlle tho Bmoot
SUTuimlier company wn conalil.
,ltf Kilned n wa tho Krcd J.
iuu bunding to the north.
"th Price riuh bar property la own
j br Gun I'appaa. 1'cler lvl and
7 8 Then. It carried Insurance, of
Z, ihouwnd dollar. The Inaur
i7u P)lle to Price Commercial
.. ...i. Imnk under n mortgage.
SLt Nixon I" to burned Ice
Zm building I around u hundred
uTfiftr dnllnr with no Inmirance.
tot dmge to their lumber stock by
itrmt moving la alight, nnd la
mtt.i by Insurance.
rcr time It looked na thought the
tewl-N.ion ard waa doomed a nlo
rThomM building, but n change of
t wind helped out the fire fighter.
1 dimufi to the Thomaa building
iirund a hundred und fifty dollar.
nntM ' Insurance Theas, I'appaa
at Dtl(i owned the content of the
dak IUr place They carried n thou
ail dollar Innurunco on (hi. Utah
alucn had mi r. Uht dnmngo to
BrtchindUe and fixture by water
uJuuoko and the removal of good.
TUre l the umial myalery na to the
rttn of the fire. Tho I'rlco Club
Mttlnf w occupied on the vecond
(Iwr a lodging houe. vhlln the
tr floor a n pool hull nnd Greek
home number of Greek
Kttrrpttd there during the evening
rfTida nnd held high revelry un
id ih early morning hour. Thcro
irt t doien or more way the place
c!lt hae tan Kht fire
Much dcMrwil credit I due the fire
fcprtmnt und the boy lonnvcted
UVnwIth f. r the prompt repone to
aUrm They worked excellently
u4 undouMrdl) aed thmmund of
MUri In property for Hmool. Nixon
ul olhrm adjoining All of the In
nrtT tx ept u thouwtnd ilollar
khJ V Hammond, wu carried In
innry Bf It W Crockett & Co.
Tilt iiMkra the third lo the lutter
ittl hae paid on the Price club
WUInr XdJiiKlera uro expected
Ithla a dat or two to kettle with the
rtTii Itlu-r VUluil ly riunicx.
Otftu Ui r nlm had n. fire of
i'trlou origin early Wedneday
wrsing The todgfug houae. reiitmir
uunil aalnin of Jim Kheyn, recently
Hfl"r, are nlmoat u total loan. A
kkk onr-tton building adjacent and
Mwiclnn to Hheyn went up III flume,
lath a titwrctc ilwelllng wa nUo
iUcd li (Ire. water und moktt to
i wiulJcralilc umount.
The Riihion und reatutirunt bulldlnit
Hrntrlu lielongvd to Beth Pace, who
M It In t'eieate Delphi, who In turn
d It to Shtyu for Helper prop
r The brick building wu thu or
jwl t(or of nuuderaon llro. und
' u Mfart). before tho boom nt
ittn Itiver The concreto building
tat former dwelling of Krunk Cook.
Mh rr,pcrtv wu In wlint I known
old town
carried ubout I7B0O Innur
'ail p.u Then. U no water for
' PUfiwua nt (Ireen lUver. IJd
? f lltlpir wu temporurlly In
J,f if the liulncMM for lila bro-
' The diimugo and loan Im eatl
'wd at irii thouaand dollnrn
ioirt w, KK1, or 3a,ui riulin HlK
h""i I nun Iah-iiI .'oiiituii).
Jmn MoggHir of Mnntl ha
ljkVo.U ,n "' ltrlct court ut Halt
Wr,o "s ""' ho Price lllver l-
. iu m CJ,"l'i und other for the
In i?.n. ' r tt 'N'' ln "ln HU,n "f
"' 1 ui i.KPq to bo put due.
in.. m ' ceil to liav been
l-anfit0""' Um HK" nt "' ,lm" "f '"
5iiJI"!. fr m 'ogan of tho old
. "" crv,)lr "lt0 in Oooaeberry
i tnu fort) ucrc of putontod
iiTMl,,rnsa,to occurred when W.
Mh,r.ulf', !' T " r-IUgernld nnd
Irrinii ro '" l'ntro of Price Itlver
wii. , """I'any nnd before the
wto lhetjn,r " "f ,ho company curne
loldli'.1. ftf Ul" company Mute that
Wfd..: " ","' u"lr belong to their
'Undi7M'r. uw thtt their under
Una iJl ,,ln, U wnM "ottled by Hog
lath,. it ?" ,n,r tt "I0"! f efock t
Wbti tu n oh collateral.
fclnr.,0 .Mri'' Nenh' William, now
UrriuV ;l mVo c,t" unnounce the
Uwiiulof, ,,,elr daughter. Ka. and
,., J'V, KIPck of Perron, tho
ttmou , . ,,lare I" tho Salt Uke
'" fterda
lUitiKKii.io cits orr x)MPirri.
1lt).V ON SCIIOUt, lll'MMftS.
ImiU Ak TIioiirIi the Mcinlxr I'rom
llrlHT Wiim Altciuptlng to liliert
PollclcH to III Omi Ageiic) .laid
tor An Named mill Salaries l'lxiil
In All the DMrlil of the Count).
Carbon count) 'a cnnmilUUited nchmil
board met lnot Tuenday with nil mem
ber present. Janitor for the evernl
building In the county were named
nnd the aatarle fixed. At Itlnck
Hawk there nre four. W. II. MK'lurg.
$20: Moae Hnnn, tit, J. W. Norton.
)1C. Itlchard I'nrrlmnnd. U. Kenll
worth, Mar) PaUe, 156; Helxr. Banto
Iledo, MS; Carbon. Mr. IC. Well. ItO;
Cameron, Mr. 1 .viler, 110. Caatle
Gale. Kate Golden, 130. Bcofleld. Mr.
Pugh, ISO, Winter Quarter. Hyrum
Dale. $7S; Wellington. Catherine Bui
llvnn. US. Price. Glen Blmmermuch
er, 176; Carbon. Illc. Martha I J. Mc
Kendrlck, 116, Bunnylde. Vr-A Welt,
mime n lant )ear.
Ml lila I.irnen wa appointed u
teacher at Blorr. It wa reported
that ample room bad been protlded
for the accommodation of all people
by the committee uppolnled to look
after the matter.
B, W. Goldlng, county auperlntend
ent of achool. wa ordered to mako
hi annual report to the board by
The garage ut Catle Gate wa or
dered old for n hundred nnd fifty
dollar und the money turned In to
the board.
Joe llnrbogllo, the member from
Helper, made a motion whlih un
carried, that hereafter nil achool prop
erty lo Inaured In board companies,
otherwlae known u "the fire Inaur
nnce truit." Ilarbogllo I n "iHinrd"
Innurnnte agent nt Helter and n mem
ber of the trUNt Till action of the
board of. achool truatee mean that
the tounty will hereafter pay from
17 to SS per cant more for It flro In
aurnnce than the name now cot. It
ubni look a If llarbogllo wu attemp
ting to turn thl bualnen to hlmtelf
uii'l hi Helper bunk. The bank nnd
other connected with It lire nlo In-
aurnnce agent. (. J. Harmon. prel
dent of the board, currle hi OWN
mercantile buulne ut Wellington In
vompnnlc not In the truat. n alao
doe le B. Thomu. another member
of the board, ut Winter Quarter.
Count) Huperlntendent Goldlng wu
Inatrmted to report to the ImmihI the
mime or nil Carbon count) teacher
who have failed to attend the I'tuli
Htnte Teuiher' HKHoclntlon.
Ml Ilia Bcott I to teach Kngllah
uud eloiutlon In the Curium County
High achool ut u nlury of hundred
nnd ten. dollur monthly.
Clerk Hoffmann wa Intruded to
draw u warrant for I1IS8.00 to eoor
Intereat on high achool IkiiuU held by
i:. II. Itollln ft Bon.
(Uerk Hoffmann wu ordered to no
tlf) C. B, Price to make the board u
pu)mrnt of forty dollar due for brick
from the Prbe (old) ehnl build-
The board adjourned to meet again
Auguat Sttb.
irrnivt Hull Imluclng Niimernii Mt
tlcn Hi Conn to Till Siftloii.
Krnet Hull, owner of Kl.erlew ud
dltlon to Price, wu here thl week
from u trip to llutte und other Mon
tnnu town. He brought with him
l.e IJuehlund. u miner of llutte, who
haH Inveated through Hall In forty
acre of farming land out on Miller
Creek, five mile from Price Mr.
Iluchluml returned )eteida to the
Montana mining city and will bring
hi wife und family here to relde. He
vn..et to Intercut other und figure
there nre a doxen or more peruon or
hi uciiualntaiice thut will centuull.
buy und become resident of Prl" uml
Carbon count).
Hall depurtid )eterdii) for hi
Home nt Palt Iike City ufter cloalng
up two or threo mater nt Price, anil
tomorrow he will bo at Illngham. He
Im made eerul anle of town lot at
Pi lie to realdent there, und ut thl
lime Im Nome farm land deal on.
Kxerywhere Im goe. a) Hall, people
hae heard of Price and the milendld
opportunltle urroundlng It und h
expei I. to uUd MUlle nn ngrlculturul
Kilony In the near future to thl c-
ha"e not been HiM off ooner I a
mM.ry to moat people. The market,
"carbon county, right ut homo. f are
not enualed In any other portion of the
Weat. and he ha een the moat of It.
ThVwiunlO nnd the opportunltle. ex
Utlng "ed niivertlalng. not by word of
mouth alone, but In oer) other ay
Thl )cur' allowing In crop I go
,Jno,d.. much toward boo. ting
ling, papeilully after It I demon
.YtrutU Pai It will bo thl. Hean, ha
uugar beet ore a moat I,r'r'e nM, "'.
2 profltublo crop In the Price Itlver
D 'D. Iwl hu taken a poaltlon
with tho Golden Itule .tore.
Hoard Itlll At .Matbli Hou-o I Still
Cnpiild hy Aliniliiitn Jotiii-on, I'niiil
I nil In na, und Sutrcrcr 1'roni Audi
iiiutli Tnnibli I former Contlct
and Hum Heciirit the Country Otcr.
Borne tx week ago an Indlildunl
giving hi name nnd Introducing him
elf Johntxiu blew Into the rent
estate office or It. W. Crockett Co.
and made Inquiries about the purehaae
of n farm. The hour being late or the
evening, he wax told to vail the fol
lowing da) and he would be ahown
eeArnl properties which thv firm ha
lIMcd and home one of which might
ault him. Thl wa agreed upon, but
Johnaon nccr inmo back. He stated
that he wan from Indlann, wa suffer
ing from the aathtnu nnd ho believed
that from whnt he had experienced
Id thl climate Price and vicinity wa
Juat the place lie" wa seeking.
llerorc taking hi departure John
lion Inquired If there were nny people
here from Indiana. He wa gheii the
nnme of I O. Hoffmann, J. It. Mid
dleton nnd J. W. Hammond among
other, and thu last seen of Johnson
ho wa cutting ucros Main street for
Hammond' office, letter he went to
the Mathl House nnd there sung hi
farm song to M. M. Ilccc. The lat
ter took him to hi dtceve') place
south of Price. It wa just what John
aon wanted. He would take It, hut
Iteeves would have to wait until ho
made a Irntt nn his homo bank In
While waiting for the money to
come back from the draft, which was
".upturned to have been made on his
Indiana bunk, Johnaon beenme better
noiunlnted with hi new found friend.
Hammond. He wu for the moment
abort or fund and Induced Hammond
to endorse n small draft for him nt
Price Commercial and Balng bank.
Since then Johnaon ha not been seen
about Price. The Journal of the Am
erican Hanker' association In It
August number contain n picture of
Jnhm-on a Com. lit No. 1517 with hi
biography, which may prove of Inter
est to several perron "locall), and
through It publicity ne oilier from
being defrauded
"Abraham Johnson, an old offender,
I again operating. He I using the
same method to swindle and mem
ber are warned to peel their e)e for
hi uppenrnnce. Thl man ome Into
your town, call on n land owner und
mnkc ull the necessary preparation
tn become the rightful owner of n
farm which he Im selected and on
which ho Intend to settle.
"At tho proper moment he requests
the Impressed laud owner to Intro
duce him nt the bank. They call at
your hunk. He tell of fortunes distrib
uted In different bank of ICeutuck)
or other abite, relate of hi experi
ence a sheriff of Casey county, Ky ,
so mi) two ear proNlous, and con
elude hi well rehrarsed tain with a
atatumont that asthma I troubling
him lo such an extent that he ha sel
ected )our town for It splendid cli
mate and tin decided to tay nnd
make the bet or thing.
"'Why, or coure, he I O. K., as
sure the land dealer. Bo Johnson'
check I. cashed and nnothel bunk I
He I 66 years, five feet six Inches,
106 pound, slender build, medium
che -tnut hair, brown e)e. willow com
plexion, born In Indiana, miller by
occupation. There I n dim scar on
hi left wrist, outer, and u hair mole
to the left or hi noae."
Johnson left behind at Price an
unpaid board bill ut tho Mathl House
and n watuh nnd coat with J. W. Ham
mond. Tho lutter wu given or leH
it partial aecurlty with Hammond be
cause or hi endnn.lng the draft i f
The Bun onco more nihlse
subatrlber to the now derunct
Kustern Utah AiHocalo to pay no
mony on subscription account
prior to July II. H16. to the
NewAdvocttte or Y. C Henrer
Tho chattel mortgage under
which tho Kaatern Utah Advocate
plant and flxluriii wa foreclosed
Included ... I
".Mailing lll and Mibwrlp-
Hon book or the Intern
-f Utuli Adiocatc."
The alleged -m ot the sub-
ncrlptlon and mailing list or the -J
ilefunct Uaulern Utah Advocute
In almply an attempt upon the
4 part or W. C Henrer and the
gang Biwoclated with him to get
something for nothing.
Pay no money to Hauler or Hu
NowH-AiHocnto on suWrlptlon
4 uccouut to Hustcrn Utah Ail-
cato I Tho Him'a ndilc.
Extravagance, Incom
petency and Waste
of Funds Make the
Bull Moose Admin
istration the Limit.
The nnnunl flnancinl report of Cnrbon county
for the year ending June .'10, 1015, prepared by E.
S. Horsley, county clerk, npproved by tho lonrd
of county commissioners and ordered published
by them, made it appearance in last week's Issue
of the News-Advocate. It is buried on the patent
inside of that publication, alongside of Lydia
Pinkham, little liver pills, kidney cure, pilo salve,
pale pills for pink people and similar advertising
a position where newspaper readers would
never suspect matters of local Interest. Tho
burial of the report thus Is no doubt intentional
by those most concerned. While the report is
vague in many respects, yet it succinctly shows
that the "bull moose" administration has during
tho past year been true to itu previous history in
it reckless handling of the public funds, and its
entire disregard of tho statutory limitations
IJIIIbyil UIIUII Ull! IHJWIT Ul IIIU uuiuu ui cuuiuy
commissioners in the creation of county debts.
Much of the report deals in generalities, so
that it is extremely difficult to nnalyze, as for
instance among tho disbursements is contained
an item, "general expense $5,211.40." Whether
this money has been donated to administration
pets, or whether it has been expended for legiti
mate purposes is not indicated, and any taxpayer
who might desire to know what tho $5211.46 had
been expended for would have to go over tho
county books and figure it out for himself. There
is also an item of disbursements which shows
"premium on county officers' bonds $1,015.00."
If Tho Sun is correctly informed there is no
statutory authority for tho county commission
ers to pay tho premiums on tho bonds of county
officers. County officers nre paid salaries, and
are required to furnish their own bonds. Thcro
is certainly nothing in the defined powers of tho
county commissioners which authorizes such an
obligation to be incurred on behalf of tho county.
This being true, tho official ring in office have
by means of such appropriation mulcted the tax
payers in that one item out of more than a thou
sand dollars.
Carbon County Worse Than Unnkrupt.
Tho indigent poor fund item is represented by
$3,G2G.77. This would seem to be a very large
expenditure for that purpose, as it represents n
very largo percentage of tho moneys available
for tho operation of the coiuHy's affairs. Wo
assume that the indigent poor nre very grateful
to the progressive administration, wliilo the in
dignant poor taxpayers may well investigate tho
detail of the large item so represented, particu
larly with n vlow of ascertaining tho reasonable
ness of BJth appropriations, and in cases where
supplies have been furnished, tho prices should
be examined, nnd Tho Sun has no doubt but that
the bulk of that item is represented in appropria
tions to "bull moose" merchants who have
charged a plenty for all supplies furnished.
An item is indicated of $9,020.00 for work on
roads and bridges." Probably one-third of this
sum would represent the grand total of valuo
flowing from that expenditure. In the state
ment of receipts $258.00 is indicated as tho ag
gregate amount collected during tho year for poll
taxes. This would indicate that about 10 per
cent of the legitimate poll taxes is being collected
in the county. The report also shows thnt tho
county Ih worse than bankrupt. BONDED TO
I'ortunute That Property Isn't Portable.
The statement Ib approved by tho commission
ers nnd sworn to by the clerk, nnd about tho only
satisfactory surprise that it contains is in its de
tail of general assets, consisting of county prop
erty, which shows that the court house, the poor
house, somo county bridges and n pesthouse are
still owned by the county. It is n fortunate fact
thnt this property Is not portable. Tho most .H
cursory examination of the statement will con- f M
vlnce nny intelligent reader of the utter Incffi- I 1
ciency of the county officials, who are mnnnging h M
tho affairs of Cnrbon county. The enrmnrks of f M
favoritism, and of extravagance arc everywhere C' ' M
apparent, nnd when the taxpayers receive their f M
statement of taxes, as they will in tho courso of M
a few days, they will be appalled by the tretnen-
dous rnto of increase in tho tax levies resulting ' Kl
from such incompetency. IN THE CITY OF I . H
It is little wonder that citizens of this com- j lp H
munity have at different times effected organl- , ' j H
zntions for the purpose of entreating the sheriff Wt H
to grant permission for the conduct of business m H
in violation of law. Between the two occanB H
thcro is not another community with anywhere H
nenr as high a rate of taxation. No mnn can R c H
mnko an honest return on his property valuation, ft H
pay the taxes, and preserve his property from H
cpnflscntion, if cngnged in the conduct of legiti- Hr - H
mntc business. The fnvoritcs of the administrn- H
tion, ns might naturally bo expected, arc taxed - H
nt a comparatively low valuation, nnd this fnct k ,H
together with the favoritism shown to them in K. H
other ways by the board of county commission- V H
crs enables somo shaky institutions to survive, K H
even under the extravagant system in operation S 'H
in this county. Thnt tho commissioners pnid as V H
high hs nine dollars per thousand to Stevenson H H
for lumber above current market prices is a fact v H
well known to all the people who live here, nnd is I K H
an illustration of the sublime beauties of pro- I H JM
grcssivcism as it is engineered In Cnrbon county. . , i V1 H
No Interest Paid On County Funds. I . HL H
Bnrboglio's bank at Helper holds tho county ' m H
funds, upon which it pays no interest, nt the ' . F, H
same time loaning the money back to Carbon , . B H
cuuiii. ai. o my cuui., wiiuu iiiu win uium ui niu , m m
county in tho hnnds of tho general public bear flf, M
but 5 per cent interest. That tho bank of Barbo- K M
glio and County Commissioner Hamilton is being Jf M
handsomely rewnrdetl for the trick its officers Wjk M
turned in behalf of tho "bull mooscrs" in tho last , I m fl
election is Indicated in tho finnncinl statement ' S H
of the county. Thoso taxpayers who voted the Wt M
progressive band into power aro receiving juat m- H
whnt they voted for, and they aro ignorant in- ' , W
deed if they cannot see that property values In .1 K H
Cnrbon county will never return to 50 per cent m M
of normal until theso men aro displaced, nnd nil ' m H
economical and Intelligent business administrn- l Ji H
tion is given the supervision of county affairs. j . m H
Your prutlcnt man will nover buy property in n .' p H
community burdenctl with a tax of 7 por cent, 1 Ic, H
never NEVER. Economy of administration f -1 - 'r'H
expenses can only effect a decreaso In taxation, if r'-H
nnd n decreaso in taxation Is the strongest factor .-'I? i ;.. -H
by whicli enhnnccd property values ore influ- ;!U j c "" H
enccd. Public funds aro being continuously dl- il'al ifc'';('H
verted into improper channels thousands of Hlit W , nuH
dollars have been uselessly wnsted in futile llti- iifjfj ' ''""H
gation, and in feathering the nests of tho politi- I y. -j f ' M
cal henchmen of irresponsible servants in whose 4 J ( v fl
hnnds have been placed the affairs of Carbon , . ; y ,.
county. j. j'.., f
Now the grotesque spectacle is presented of n &V 4 I
bunch of church deacons and others who make if, I , H
serious claims to respectability, seriously soak- II k -,
ing to influence the sheriff to permit tho open- 'l i '
ing of bawdy houses and the utter disregard of iiy p
law on the part of tho saloonists in order thnt mj r . M
their business may continue to exist under the fur' iU
burdens resulting from the election of incompe- jfifji M
tents to public off ice. This suggestion is not in- Bui; ' W
tonded to apply to Sheriff Henry, who had tho Hlf j( , ,
llllillliuuu Ul DVUIII1UIIJ v,..i.i.llft mvi -.i . i,' 1 't
overtures mado to him, and who has expressed fy i " .y
himself as being henrtily asuamed of the political t I . , I ",'
bosses who have sought to Induco him to dlsre- ll t'r I r
gnrd his oath of office in order that they and f j. f. ,
their friends might be nblc to reap a profit from 1 f ' I K t
criminal practices. I t 8
Benfcr's Graft Is Working Smoothly. jt j j j
Under tho heading of "books and stationery" h jL r
it will be noticed that the sum of $2594.92 was M VhA
spent the pnst year. For the same time ending Ji tjt Of it
June 30, 1914, tha expenditure was $1741.79, an L m jP 'i
increase for tho year of $845.18. For tho year 1 Hp h
ending June 30, 1913, the expenditures for books 8 Kg K J
and stationery totaled $m01.85, so that for the I IK f "
past year the cost of books and static nery was jMSS r',;;
almost double what it was when the "bull moose" ul J
crowd went into office. This is explnlned by the nj pi!,(-
fact that under tho "bull moose" nnd democratic rT - up? y
commissioners there has been no competition on 1 ii A '1
printing. Local people, nor outsiders for that 1 If K--' 4
matter, have not been icrmlttcd to file bids on m lk F' J
tho county's work. All has been handed over to kvn k M
Benfcr, socialist, of the Carbon County NewB 1 1 fajf
(News-Advocate). On publications In tho News I M nvi
as much ns 30 to 40 per cent Is paid Bencr in jn raj rjm
excess of wlint the same would cost if it had been wi ,fTJ .
done by tho old Advocate or Tho Sun. The rates (MB r jJ
(Concluded on pago tour.) ISar' '! W
I. buBSm

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