OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, August 20, 1915, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1915-08-20/ed-1/seq-6/

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m. h AUGUST 28 t J
m : ; to Sheepmen jj
m j and Cattlemen I
I i I
M Wc carry at all limes a com S
, j plclc line of supplies, including
H I ? Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry
B j Goods, Shoes and Notions, Salt, ?
B ' ' ' J Hay and Grain. J
H It is a pleasure to show goods
K and quote prices.
Br ,', Telephone In the Store
Eton, Utah
I White House
B Bar
K,': ! '.', itirrAii, and whoi.khai.i: '.'.
m , ! The (test In Wines, I.totinrs nml !
H Cigars.
A fl"1o Agents Tor
Br i ! I Peacock Brothers!:
B ' Proprietor
B -H 1 1 1 1 in ntHH mint'
ft) ' ' I Utah Fuel Co.
Miner and Shippers of
I Carbon County Coals
Also tawkkm of Coke
Carbon County Coali aro tho
m , next
H In tho market for 1 lories,
K ' Mule (or Mines, liny nml
H, r drain, Mlno Props, Tlos,
HH1 Q Sprngs nml Vurlous Other Io-
K h oal PjoduoU,
K Howe lufelfc Patronized
t aonernl Office BovciHh Floor
H V JiiiIko HuiWlliB, Bait Uik
H i City. Mines nt Clear Crook,
JWlntor Quartor. Castle Onto,
i Utah Mlno ami Bunnysldc,
Carbon County, Utah
.i :
I8 IrLiTEil
;:1 rfBARjj
,. . o
:; KKiiiT vkau oi.n rniiAit. ::
iiiiuok viiihki:y.
Ami everything tho highest
) grade In tho Mquor nml Cigar ',
... I.lno.
m n i; charlesaverill;;
j t ritlCK, UTAH
HL J nmmiiintnntnimi
BjJ cs!HARRis'ii
H'i) Everything In
S fr ! Estimate on IluttdlnKS. Walks '.
H (r and all Kind of Contractu
H & ; Cheerfully furnUbed. Modern
fl h . . Machinery ant) MoUtoda.
B "J $ I HWH I Hill r I l
E' The Hun supplies rubber stamps ot
' " erry description, sheep tag and ear.
bB marks. liver) thing In hruss and al-
HH umlnum goods. Mall orders receive
H prompt attention. Address, The Sun,
H Trice, Utah. Adt.
1 (i l, ii
H (, What hae ou for sale or tradel
HB l Use Bun adlets.
BB -v. , . .
Methods That Are Good In the Uintah Basin
Country Are Equally Applicable In
This Section of State.
Corrtwpontlcncc Tho Sun.
VERNAL, Auk. 14. Prof. M. L. Hnrris, farm demonstrator
nnd tiKcnt-for the United States department of nRriculture for
Uintah nnd Duchesne counties, has just Issued a letter on nlfnlfa
conditions gonornlly. Since alfalfa is such an important crop in
Utah, say Domonstrator Harris, any loss through mismanage
ment would amount to a great deal of money for the entire coun
try. Men do not agree upon the best time to cut nlfnlfa, although
they have had years of experience in feeding. In our every dny
practices things have to be outstanding in order for all to agree.
One reason for this Is the lack of accurate comparisons and meas
urements. Some results secured at the Utah Agricultural College of Utah
at Logan during an experiment to determine the best time to cut
alfalfa arc both interesting nnd instructive. The early cuttings
were made when tho first blooms appeared and the second cutting
was made when the alfalfa was in full bloom, while the late cut
ting was made when fully one-half tho blossoms had fallen. One
of the great cries made in favor of late cutting of nlfalfa by our
local people Is that the yield is greater. From the experiment con
ducted wc find that for tho year 1897, from tho early cutting wc
hnd 2G85 .pounds grcnter yield during the year than from the me
dium and 411!) pounds more than from the Into.
Tho average results from the two seasons arc favorable to the
early cuttings, showing for them a product greater by eight hun
dred nnd eighty-nine pounds than for the medium and 2205 pounds
greater than for tho into cuttings. If in the average results one
hundred represents the annual acre yield from the niece of medium
cutting, the enrly cutting would be represented by one hundred
nnd twelve, while the iate cutting would bo represented by eighty
two. Taking tho average yield of the first crop as one hundred,
tho second stands seventy-nine nnd the third forty-six. Tnking
tho average results of the five years and letting one hundred rep
resent tho yield per aero of the early cuttings or tho early cut
pieces, the second is ninety-two nnd the Into eighty-five.
Tho yields of tho medium and early cuttings stand In tho pro
portion of 100 to 109, an average rntc per acre of nine hundred nnd
ninety pounds in favor of tho early cutting method. Till. chows
tin that tho old oft repeated claim of the man in favor of late cut
ting that more hay is obtained is entirely groundless. As wo
shall sec there is jiotlrfng in favor of late cutting, but it is highly
conducive to failure and poverty. One of the first essentials of a
pood feed Is that it be palntablc, and n second requisite is that it
be of the right composition. Somo arc readily eaten but do not
strengthen ns others do, while some aro strong feeds but are not
rendily eaten. Lot us sec how the composition of tho feed is affect
ed by tho time of cutting. The protein, for which alfalfa is noted
ns n feed, was 14.2G per cent In the early cutting nnd 12.77 per cent
In tho medium nnd 12.92 per cent for the Into. If the protein in
tin. enrly cutting cquul 100; then tho medium would equal 89.r nnd
the into 90.G. This makes a difference of nlmost 10 per cent in
fnvor of the enrly cutting between the early nnd the Into cuttings.
Thero Is n difference of 10.5 per cent in favor of the early cutting
in compnrison with tho medium one.
Tho fat is n very important part of the feed anil wo shall seo
that it is tho greatest in tho early cuttings. The early cutting lias
2.G3 per cent fat and tho medium 2.43 per cent, while tho late con
tained 2.23 per cent fat. If the content of this valuable food cle
ment bo represented by one hundred in tho Into cutting the medium
would be represented by 108.9 nnd tho early would be 1 18.4. Again
if wo take tho carbohydrate content or nitrogen free extract, wo
find tho highest values in the early nnd medium cuttings being
represented by 41.78 per cent, while .the medium is 42.82 nnd the
Into cutting .19.09. If the Into cutting be represented by one hun
dred then 107.0 would represent tho medium cutting and 105.2
would represent the early.
Tho fiber, which Is non-digestible, stendlly increases with the
age of the nlfalfa. Tho early had 31.23 per cent fiber nnd tho me
dium 32.78, while tho Into had 30.G8 per cent crude fiber. Tho
third cutting was very similar in composition to the early cutting.
Tho protein wns 13.G8: the fat 2.50 and tho nitrogen free extract
was 42.G3 per cent. Tho amount eaten, however, was greatest In
the third crop. If it were represented by ono hundred, then nlnetv
represents the first crop nnd 84.5 represents the second early cut
ting. This bears out tho nlmost universal impression that tho
third crop is relished most. If the chemical analysis shows tho
early cutting to bo the best, it ought to be borne out by feeding
experiments. Tho early cut alfalfa made a dally gain when fed
to steers of 1.18 jwunds ut n food cost of 20.86 pounds. Tho me
dium produced a gain of 1.00 pounds per day nt a feed cost of 20.58
pounds nnd the Into produced n gain of .89 pounds per dny at a cost
of 20.18 pounds nlfalfa.
Tho early cutting required 1G.82 pounds nlfalfa per pound of
gain and tho medium required 22.07 pounds, while the late required
28.52 pounds nlfalfa per pound gnln. Then it would take n hun
dred pounds of tho early cutting to product 5.9 pounds gain nnd it
would take 131.2 pound- of the medh'm cut nlfi'tfa to produce tho
snmo gain and tho enormous amount of 1G8.4 pounds nf tho late
cutting to produce tho same toIii. The ield of the early wns 889
pounds greater than the medium and 2205 pounds more than the
Into nnd it requires more titan one-half more of tho late cutting to
make tho same gains, therefore we nro driven to conclude that It is
n very serious mistake to let alfalfa go too long before cutting.
Why not hive three good crops of nlfalfa instend of two crops
of far less value, and n partial third?
Ouihrrnk of Tool mid Mouth UImnim
(Hviir In tlio IJtM. '
WASHINGTON. 1). C, Auk. 13 To
forvvtull the shipment of Immature
live stock to stook)urds and to re
assure hunkers, President Arthur O.
Ltonurd of the Union Utock Yards
company lust night Issued a state
ment In which he mlnlmlted the dan
ger from the reappearance of the "foot
and mouth" disease. The statement
I.lve stock producers, country
', hankers and tho public generally may
be roassured concerning the new
cases of font and mouth disease dis
covered this week at several points In
Illinois and one case In Minnesota,
, from tho fact deflnltel) ascertained by
, the I'nited States and state authorities
, that this outbreak Is due entire!) to
i the distribution of a certain lot of
antlhog cholera serum; that the au
, thorltles have a complete record show
' lug OKoh Individual farm where this
nerum lias been applied and ever)
mlt to whom an) of It bus been con
signed mid the possibility of Its spread
Is confined to u narrow field, that the
United Hlutes bureau of animal Indus.
tr and Illinois state board of live
stock commissioners have absolute
control of the situation nlread), that
all anlmuls thus far Infected and ex
posed huve been slaughtered and
butted and ull suspected counties
quarantined, that this outbreak will
necessarll) be limited In extent and of
short duration
"All those having srowlng or feed
ing stock should keep It until ready
for market. There Is a great abun
dance of feed for winter and a scar
clt) of animals to consume It. It
would lie foil) to ship Immature stock
now. Ample provision has been
made by both the United Htatts.nnrt
the various state legislatures for full
and prompt compensation to allow
those whose stoak shall be slaughtered
on account of foot and mouth disease."
Carbon papers and typewriter sup
plies. The Sun, Advt.
Get tho Jmllt of uslng"8uu adlets.
M8iMCv mkv ro.vruim-ii
TO St'ft'KsS or PICNIC I
Affair At Clt) I'nrk i'mtnl t '
One of the ttrratct Crowd' i:cr
Seen In I'lloe tMfiil nml l'rn Il
eal Offerings Ai " O'" '"
Make irt Mir.1 liitcri-lliig.
JVlow The Hun gives the prngrsm f
sport with th prtw to ! V
t the renlo I l !
FVIWK- ami Hebekah ha to
held at Clt) Park on ".. A"
ust Mh. ami at whleh on of the t.wc
Kt crowd f the year In Price b.
expected by tho-e having the affair In
.barge All of the bntges f "'"
count) are to j-rlleipale while num
erous vWtorn will be here from ftvlt
Ijike City and efcewhere
OlrK rare. to 1" ean f tig,
first prise, a doll Riven by the arl
ety store, second prise. "t candy.
A Paternoeter
Hoys" race. to 10 years: electric
flash light. Price Kleetrle mmpany.
three dercn Iwnana. Chris Papims.
OlrU" race. 10 to II years: one
rocker. It M. Huinner. basket of
grapes, Vlglla lire
lbis' race. 19 to I years, tool l.ox.
II II Hartley, watch. J. J. Welg
mann. , ,.
Pal IndlcV rare: fifty imiuiiiIs Mesa
flour. MeKune Porwardlng rompan);
pall of bird, Carlion Count) Commis
sion company.
Indies' nail driving contest; fifty
pounds Menu flour, MelCune Forward
ing company; white enamel pall, Far
mers and Btnckgrower store.
Men's 100.)ard dash, free for nil;
lap robe. Htudebaker llros. eompan);
box cigars, Kentucky I.lquur House.
Men's 100-)ard dash. Odd Fellows
onl), pair shoes. LowenMeln Mercan
tile company, four (fifty-cent) meals,
Koiy I.unch Itoom.
Half-mile walking race, free for all;
box cigars, Joe II. Huberts; pall of
paint. Hmoot. Nixon Lumber company.
Fat men's race. 100 yards. Odd Fel
lows onl); sack flour, Price Commis
sion rompan), metal tape, Stevenson
Lumber company
Tug of war between Htorrs and Cas
tle Oate Odd Fellows, box cigars,
Utah saloon, Ihix clgnr. White House
Tug of war, free for all; box of cig
ars. Northern Itar. no second prlie.
Itarrel rolling contest, free for nil;
hall rack, Kasterrf Utah Furniture
rompan), 13 BO hat. Price ttlylc Shop,
Kgg nice, for ladles onl): IS.S0 cou
pon book. Price Trading company,
twenl)-fhe pounds sugar, Price Co
op. Hack race, men nun free for all, hat.
Doldeh Utile store: accident policy for
i:S00. A. II. Hunten.
flurried women's race: flft) pounds
flour, Price Commlsalon eompan).
two and a half pound coffee. Garden
Peanut race, for men only, one
) ear's subscription to The Hun. one
dollar In laundry work, Clt liundr)
llread and milk contest. Ihix cand),
Pallns Candy comimli): suck Imported
corn meal. Vlglla llros.
Farmers' nice: 18.00 In blacksmith
Ing. J. J, l.lo)d, four meats. New York
Ouesalng contest, jar beans, hun
dred pounds flour, MeKune Forward
ing eompan) , no accond prlie offered.
Amount of gale receipts to grounds,
ladles" first prlie. 13 SO hat. I less I c
Kennedy, Milliner), men's first prlie,
slab of iNtetin, Kastern t'tah Whole
sale comiMin). girls' prlie. Ihix chew
Ing gum, F M ltume). Ihi)s prlie,
lose soda water Price Mottling Works.
Iliisebalt game, winners box cigars,
first home run, n general cleanup,
Miles" tiarber shop, first tuo.asc hit.
four (flfl).ceiii) meals, Koiv l.un. h
The majorlt) of subscribers to
The Hun desire that It shall nut
be discontinued when their sub-
sirlptlqns , xplre This I the
reason wb) if y.,o , Thw 8un
discontinued t .ur address
when the (hi i hI r.r h. h pa.
ment It ma.l. I,,, , M,lrw olt
are asked t., i,t,r) lt. ,,MmUt,,r
b) ird, letter or irwimill u
U as eas p. stop The Hun an
It Is to start It. and the wr will
not be sent longer than It la iald
for, If It . ,he desire that - Is,
I '"ri'"''"""! u'l nollfy the
publisher One miberllH,r gets
angrj If we stop his paper, while
another gets ngr f w Keep on
sending The latt.r believes we
IJ""1 "'force the Wlw Mpoi,
I ,,lm. J. ,mm n,,,,f '" If )ou
want The Hun stopped
Sure Seal.
All Sizes, Reasonable Prices
The Garden Store
PhoBellt . PRICE, UTAH
V Discussing the subject of MUTUAL insurance
X in his nnnunl report, John James, insurnnro com
! mlssionor of the State of Utah, Bays:
Y "Since the Inw of Utah does not specifclnlly ex-
empt policyholders in MUTUAL companies from
A nssossmont in case of insolvency, while the lawj
of some other states do make this exemption, It
! is thought thnt an injustice would be suffered
y by the citizens of Utnh y the compnnics should
go Into n receivership. While the court might
t dicldc thnt the citizens of other states nre liable
X for assessment for unpaid losses, it would be
! much more likely to reach thntdecislon In the
y case of Utah citizens where nonspecific exemp.
y tion Inw is found."
X This agency represents only OLD LINE com-
A panles thnt pay their losses without quibbling or
going to the courts STOCK companies. We
y make and maintain our own rates, independent
of "the fire Insurance trust" .bonrd companies.
Companies with the Inrgcst cnpltnl, nssets nnd
X surpluses to policyholders.
Fire, fidelity, pinto glnss, nccldent, health,
y employers' liability, steam boiler, nutomobile,
Y rent nnd live stock insurnnce. "We'll go your
X bonds." Telephone, write, wire or cnll on us in
A person. A representative of the agency will cnll
upon request. "No trouble to bIiow goods."
I R.W. Crockett & Co,
V G. E. NELMS, President. Main Street, Price, Utah
It W Crockett & Co., pioneer In
surance agents of Price, solicit busi
ness an) where In Utah. lowest rates
In responsible companies. Never n
contested loss In seventeen )ears busl
nesH ut Price Write or ask for rates.
I.cgul blanks of every description
and legal nlunk hacking. The Hun
PhyHlcian nnd Surgeon.
Office In Vlglla-llonomo llulldlng.
Itoom t, Hllvognl Illock,
llooms It and U Hllvngnl Ilhwk.
Mgllu-Ilonomo niock
T17 Judge llulldlng. Halt Lake City.
Samuel A King Claudo U King
Commercial Illock, Halt Uke City,
Office Hours 9 to 12 nnd 1 to B.
"" n"d 6 V'"a-Iionomo nidg,
Gas Administered
un!iff!iT BI,,vaKn WulWlnB. Price.
iiili.,we 1,ank ,,ullng. Helper
mon !h frm ,0,h ,0 20tl of S
Carbon sheets at The 8ua.-l
I Best Coa
I King, '
I! Hiawatha,
! Black Hawk
I Panther.
111 (I'SK
f L
- 818 Kearni Build"
ii Salt Lake City.

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