Newspaper Page Text
S- T"R SUN PRIE. UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY PAGE SEVEN fM Fyou ARE PUZZLEDj I ' sdf Pra5sc n0 rccommcntJfttlon but then it t EM mlghtly unprofitable to hide one's light behind I i curtain of modesty. If (he rooster didn't crow J I Je would nc or get your attention. I We have claimed and pi oven over and over t I gitain that we are conducting the moat up-to-date ""- wtabli9hments of their kind in Cnstorn Utah. ye nft e 0iovv n that vv c have tho inclination, the I Mil and the means to gratify your every want in e M the general merchandise line. " I whatever dealings you have had or will hnve Wuh us are backed by our guarantee of sen ice. t 'We believe that we merit your patronage. Every- 1 I thing in seasonable merchandise. i ' masatch Stores Co. Sores t Sunnyside, Winter Quarters, Clear Creek and Castle Gate, Utah. X t.mM K T0 V TI It CHKHS Diclnwrii Office Halt Lakes tun. July SO 116 Notlcn Ik -jren that Mr H. J Vnn Wait iIom pontofflce nddre In Hun j. tuhrtnailr ni)llrn(lon In uc jft llh the requirement of the UM Un at I'tnh, 1907, nn lirl trlhf H salon Uiwk of Utixli, HitJ I'll f appropriate otio ntiil ulf il4 rulilr-fret of water kviJ from Icelander Creek, Car oit. luh Said witter vvn to tna dhtrted nt n point which HlMI fret south of the southwest A-roffcc J. T IS South, Itange infill Lke base nml mirlillnn, Kibtrr It wa to haw been con iXDinni of a ditch for n ell. Hetf H fret and thrrc used from tin to D"rmlirr 20th, Inclu H rfri h tear to Irrigate seventy Hi t( Urn) rml raced In Bene IS HttTvp. 18 South Itange 13 V.ant, Ukf base and meridian Bald Hwit now make nppllcntlon In riiB- with tho rciiulrcmcnt of itllill Chap 62 H(iml(iri Ijiw nk. i9 t divert the Mild wn- lt I pint which lie 2940 fict ltd 104 fret south from the -itnt corner of Hoc II Twp IS ilunre IS Paul. Halt Iikn base ctrMUn and nun ry It by tncnnn iub fur a distance, of 2140 fret. i t I used during tho period Hr peclfled, to Irrigate seventy I Hi tf land embraced In the south- tirltrof Per 14 and tha south S wrier or Her IS, township and Bn ttorrulil ThU appllratlon la ull In the statu engineer of Hua i!t All protcat against rrnilnr of Mid application, atn - u reaaona therefor, muat Ik . T iffldav It In duplicate, nc 'ul by a fee of 12 B0, and filed .Bliofflca within thirty (30) day tt completion of tha nuhllcn- this notice W D. llKnitH, jB Eeitntrr IBtXef flrit pulilUntlon Auffuat 13, W t of completion of pulillcn W(trmbcr 13, 1 9 1 S na or tiu sti i?h sami 3 nolle la hreh ulven that I, '"J Ie trtirtee, on ncrount of ult In tho pament of tho 'w "rmin Htolt nnd Kminii Ji the county of Carlton nnd , wltoh, datid the ISth day of A. 1) 19H, for tM0 llm nf W hundred (11200 00) dollam, the inlted Kavlnxa nnd In JM company of nrnnil'Juno ,,' cujntj fiilo, and on uc ? Jn' default In thn pumeut Intercut thereon according to rmi flnd on nctount of the or other agreement or co !l;.!!"n,l,n, In ld trust doed Jr described, which note la fa . IU""1 u,,,1 at ' Harmon ,? f mma Btolu. recorded In of MortKngea. Inge 382, In w!lBtr Vtah- " tho 23d day ?v i " ,9H- ftt o'clock p fciUi 1 ,ne Property hnrclnaf uT..M wurltj for tho pay si In. no,B according to It iU, i" Jn ,ho 10,h y of Hep V..!' ,91B- ,,8,, tle heroin--tlon.r.u .'' PPerty nt public i' thn front door of the county a2 "tnte of Utah, fpr the 'tilt V..1"1 pric" the name will th. . f"r ,no Vurpoae of pay HiB.,,1. r,M,d InJebtedneiui and itiln. lnni1 P,1WM of iiald Bale, t ,:! '"" onderalgned a truatee Hnr . .alt("-noyB fee, Tho u' ,'" Hold ta a fol. (.. ,Klnnln nt the north C'" ''", Number Two (2) I' Ton ,e" 7)' Stlon RUteen mTm V""r,een ! 8o"th WUbT ?' lm ot ,ho Bft" k t to ih. ' su"''. running thence t ik, "e ''rrtheot corner of aald C .;, :"'i'h "" (so) fet. HloL ih r ,ho Wt8t boundary of "t Bllel"'"? .n0r,h f,fty (60 feel Ciri ' f ,,(lnnlng Dated nt MAu.?.V?l,n,' U,ah thl 13th iiS:!.eA n ,9u' auvhur 'ry n.ni1 ,00,,0 lef device ' "nf 7lp.,lon Tho 8"n' Pi"" ' Ailvop..!" " e fornier location of '"tnd i .f; nxt to Trice Commer 'ts promt. " bank- Ma order8 . fic?Pi,.'1k"nt,on Addrca. Tho I'tah Advt. 'W,'i "one cent b word. H vr wnt known through thH . ARE BUVIIMOIITSIDE Oiirboii ( iiiint) lliiaiii Ii ii Iciim-nl lly ttonil ('(inlrnnorn. rggleaton A Miithrw, thi ("nlornilo contrnitlng firm that linn the nmd work under arrangement 'with ihe boinl of ciitint) commlneliinerit of Cnrlxin iinuit), taut neek muted a portion nf their forcm from tin Nine Atlte rcillon to u point betneiti Mil per nnd Price. With thl romplctid It I expeitetl the) are to go further on tnunriln Cm tie (late and the I'tah tount) line, hut at Junt what imriliu lar point It I not Mated IIiih Atidcnom, who wnn In Trir liikt Mondny from Koldlir Can) on rfl)i that ho did not go to work with hi Warn under Kgglentnn ft Mntheu na he told The Hun u churl time ago he fxpected to do Me had three ti'itniH whlth had bei u promliud work out Mm Mile wa but uhen he tulii to go Into detnllN the) wanted him for but thrie or four dayn lit woiildn t accept the ahntt time Job From what he inn learn hut a ir feu CiirlKin count) people am given empto)iiunt I'rlco inenlmutK gi t no benefit from the Colorado contrmtorH nlme the) are shipping In groctrle unci other aupplle for thilr uimpi from nrnnd Juuitlon, Coin., and elucwherc not uven biolng In the matt Mont of the thirl) -one thnuaand dnllnra bond money will go ilmuhtre thun Carl on tount) Ktevenmiu lumber ) nrd, oun d by thn nount) 'bull moone" tlialr. mmi. of lourre I raking off the turn, her nnd tuliert material rale, ulihh Ih billed ugiitnat the loiint) dlreit No other Trice or Carbon count) firm la glin n ihane nt thla. EfflAIHE UV I'lflcoi Iu)n Miimiii lor sum In MM i:tt-pt In Two CmintlfH. Hngehena and inoiimlnK doxea limy be killed In Ithh and rintuh iviiiiitlea from AugiiKt ISth until Htptimbtr ISth, nicordlng to Information glvtn out b) I'rul VV Chumbira Mate flnh and Kiime ommliiiloner In till otlur countle the neaaon for iwgehi na, ruf fled grouHn nnd blue groui o en Kiptimber lat nnd lo 8ptimbr 16th The mourning doe law Ih Unit. In nil othir lountha of the atute the) ma) bo killed from Augu 16th to Auguat Slut. The bag limit for wige hena la eight, while, that for mourn Ing doea la fifteen "Man portmen do not undi ratalid that llceneia are huIiJihI to ihange from ear to )nr," iu)t Cominlaalom r Chamber. 'On the IIchimh Iwnied and aold up to March llth there wa a )nopala of the old Inw to the ffct that aghen ould be killed In all countlt from Auguat 16th to Oitoltr Slat The law hit been ihnnged to read that the) ma) bo kllltd In Itlih and I'lntnh countlea from Augiut 16th to Beptember 16th nnd In other loun tle from September lat to Heptember 18th" lEASTERN UTAH TELEPHONE CO. Coxera All Utah A a Illanket Aak Ua About Itate Cheaper and Quicker Than Writ- Ing Letter J. REX MILLER, Mgr. THICB, UTAH. ALL URGED TO KEEP I BREEDING RECORDS! Good and Timely Advice Comes From Live! Stock Department of Agricultural I College at Logan. i lw iSFiM' Au.K l6'T,M n, mnttor of "fclv lost nnimala houId . Snr '!,?. r (1?m'JIon nb,ollt th time the are to give birth to1 Jt?0Vn,r, nfh 2? lr?- U' E- CftUo11 of e Utah Agricultural then poniblc under thee conditions to give aid. Very few faim ?m' ""CN;r;I tnc tho trouble to kcip an accurate recortl of the I Liw l)rcC(,inK the r female animals which would mnke this jwft s ble. As a result they have only a general idea when to expect the oung. In some cases where the animals are kept close around ,Y, ..TV ii j8 not nonouH handicap, hr they can be seen every in- i m?i (, F,l,nB Wrth cnn ,,e fniri' nccuratoly deter mined. Without this information, how cv cr one is nt n loss to know when to bring thu animals up from pasture. I or milk cows, it is essential to know- when they arc to freshen ii order to be nble to dry them up nlwut hK weeks before this time, as it has been proved that Cows do better when given this rest. A th mares, work the last month or six weeks before foal Inp should be much lighter than usual. It is, therefore, vcrv de sirable to lniow- almost exactly when the colt is expected.' Sows also should be given some preparation in the way of elenn quarters, bedding and feed, just n few- days befoie the litter is expected. Willi sheep, less preparation is usually mnde than with other classes of animals. A little memorandum book w ill Bervo very w ell to record the dates of breeding. With this information the follow ing tabic can be used to good advantage in determining when the young w ill arrlv c. The table is considerably abbreviated, but from the dntes given one can count forward or back and get the desired date. , HANDY IICI'EKENCC VOR STOCK I.KCEDEIIS. The average period of gestation with horses Is three hundred and thirty-seven days; cattle, two hundred nnd eighty-two days; swine, one hundred and thirteen days, nnd sheep one hundred ami forty-elght days. Date On Which Animal Is Expected to (Jive Ilirth Service. Marc. Cow. Sow. Ewe. Jan. 1 Dec. 2 Oct. 8 Apr. 22 May 27 Jan. 15 Dec. 1G Oct. 22 May 0 June 10 I c b. 1 Inn. 2 Nov. 8 May 2.1 June 27 I'cb. IB Jan. 16 Nov. 22 June fi July 11 Mar. 1 Jan. .11 Dec. (J June 21 July 25 Mar. IB I'eb. 1 1 Dec. 21 a July 6 Aug. 9 April 1 Mnr. a Jan. 7 July 22 Aug. 2G April 16 Mnr. 17 Jan. 21 .Aug. 6 Sept, 9 May 1 Apr. 2 I'eb. G Aug. 21 Sept. 25 May 15 Apr. 16 Feb. 20 Sept. I Oct. 9 June 1 May 1 Mar. 9 Sept. 21 Oct. 2G June 15 May 17 Mar. 23 Oct. 5 Nov. 9 July 1 Juno 2 Apr. 8 . Oct. 21 Nov. 25 July 15 June 16 Apr. 22 Nov. 4 Dec. 9 Aug. 1 July .'5 May 9 Nov. 21 Dec. 26 Aug. 15 July 17 May 2J) Dec. 5 Jan. 9 Sept. 1 Aug. !l Juno 9 Dec. 22 Jnn. 26 Sept. 15 Aug. 17 -Junc2 Jnn. 5 Feb. 9 Oct. 1 Sept 2 July 9 . jnn. 21 Feb. 25 Oct. 15 Sept. 16 July 23 Feb. 4 Mnr. 11 "Nov. 1 Oct. 3 Aug. 9 Feb. 21 Mnr. 28 Nov. 15 Oct. 17 Aug. 23 Mar. 7 Apr. 11 Dec. 1 Nov. 2 Sept. 8 -Mar. 23 Apr. 27 Dec. 15 Nov. 16 .Sept 22 Apr. G May 11 IS fi01NnOEUR0PE (.llMinlu- nml IMiili rite I IiiiIh Murkt I IIiiiim. I'lilnl Mali rlitK nmiKH.NK Ante 11 U I' Mini ID, pnalilrnt ntiil Kfiitntl muniiKcr of tin- Hum ii Mliilnif i-mpan inim In from fhliiiBo lh flrnt of tin wk III wa nut at I'ort Dm Inane b M I) Xl.irrli'in l.lnilhi iiuui- h wi of I lu Moffat roue! h liu tnK ln uriffil in look owr that line ullh n l of MiutlnK Kllconlte ahlpniinla from I'ort Dm lufiio thut He na nut rlroiml) Impnwatl ullli tht atiKkia lion l.lnill)) wilil thut CO per tent of the lnt rite output m the Hlmw lnrr una IX'lliK alllppeil to KnKlanil, then behiK a larBe Inireaw In for rlKii iltnniuil alme the behlnnlnic of the war Duiniath ileniunil fur thla auperlur h)ilrotnrbon produit hua dnreaaeil. owliilf to the fait tlmt formrrl) tnuih of the rooflnjr na niaile from It At the preatnt time rooHiiK manufuitur. rr are aubrtltutlmr KlUonlte anil a n reault an Inferior product la being turiud out I.lndle) I making- a complete exam. Imitlon of the c.ompunH propi rtle all of which hae now Item patented with the exieptlon of lew thun half it iluin ilalina int nr.nioTMi:vr sum: to mnr mnv rvuMi'its That thi dee!npmnt of the ilalr und ireumir Imliiatr) promlaea one imunn toward thi aolutlon of Krttlnic Ihe prniluit of tin farmer to the oiitof-the-atate market la the opin ion of O K rnert, manufarturlnB xpirt In ilalrj work with tho Weattrn dftlr dhlalon of thn department of oKrlculturi Knvtrt wa at Halt Ik Clt thla week from un official trip through Idaho during which ho Ma lted Jirome Twin I'alla, Itupert and AiNiula .... He aa II t Idaho farmer are lomliiK t nalUe that the beat way to make profit upon the ulfnlfa la to feed It to dalrj cow a and k t n produi t thnt ian be handled lie bellewa that the dnlr Induatrj throuKhout'the In termountaln countn la due to buome one of tho leading Induatrlea of thla aeolton for the reason that It will shorten the dlntanco between the farmer and hi markt wtacii triiTinoATix Ptoik lertlflcate. bonda nnd blank book of any le or at) I- to order i:enthlng In commercial printing and office atatloneFj Tho Bun, Trice. Utah r SEES LANDJANK WOHK h iintor Itlilniut I)Imiimi III I nl Ia kMiithc llobb). Ii ( Itldiout. author of the farm bank bill nnd the farm aavlng bank bill, paawd by the taat liKlalature, ha returtu d to Utah from Wlaconalu wh re he examtntd tho working of farm bank A the 1'tnli law ta haad on the VVlMonalu luw ho fiimlllarln il hlmaelf with the worklnga of tho In ml bunk nt Kail Claire nnd tho Kiivlnifa bnnk In conneitton with It, na ho I. Inti n at d lu tho orgiiulxntlnn of Und lanka It la proponed to oatabllah at Draper nnd lhl ' Itldeuiit Hlntrii that tho bank at Kuu Claire ha ulread IkhuiiI bunda to the1 extent of eight) -four thouaand dol lam and that It huxlne I Intreaa-1 Ing er ila .Nothing deflulto hna been done towurd tho eatabllahment of n bunk at Urn per. but n committee la at work on the latahlUhment of n bank ut lht The hank at Kau Claire aeema to lie In good working condition," any tho aenator, 'I wa mirprlaed at thn great number of bond aold nnd ut the numirou Imiulrle Iielng receUed from outaldo aourii for bonda loana uro made to thu farmer for twenty j i ura nnd the bond run twent) year I wua told h 111 one In charie of tho bunk that It la inuklng inone and, nt the mime time, ghlng farmer mono) fur u long time at h low rate of In ti n at In Utah 1 In lime the hind banka should be operated In oonjunutlon with the aluga bank a the latter would be able to pa) the expeuae nf the former" MiM:ith iioi.D.riuc it Mi:in TIIINIDVI) Colo. Aug H All the propertli In HiiUthern Colorado nf thn Colorado 1'uel and Iron oompan) were tlonl today to allow ita, employe In puitlclpnte In the flrxt annual track and field meet of the corporation rhrte thoumind mplo)e moat!) miner, iiiurrlud In a purado preced ing the nthletlc (onteata. Compaii) offlilala uttunded Dii! ( lerk (InariiiiKiil It. V cuatomtr ame Into my tore the other da) i J aulil to one of my clerk. hao )ou anything thut will cure diarrhoea T' und my clerk wont and gut III in a bottle of Chambnrlaln'a Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hom ed), and vald to him 'If thla doea not cure )ou, I will not charge oii a cent for It ' Ho he took It home nd came buck In ft da) or two nnd raid he wa cured," write J. If. Iierry & Co, Halt Creek, Va Obtainable ever) w here Adt i UTAH AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE i I Begins the 1915-16 School Year i I September 21, 1915 I -M SHRTAQEOF WATER I'rliu Ipal Siiiiiiik of llu" Hlati Vir) Iaiw .lut Nun I: V Torter dlatrbt eriglmtr if the 1 nlliil Htnte geologliul mrio ha eomplliil n i-omparatHi tntil of the flow of water In fit arl ma atrenma throughout t'tnh whlth ahow the ahortage of water thla )ent t) lei more proiiounied than lu nn n loua enr In whlrh rerorda hni Ix-m ktpt The flgurii) glien ioer the illatharge nf watir In rulili feet per nemnil The (Iriind rlvir nt Moult khowed II 00 iiibli frit ut thla tllili taat )enr on Auguat lat thla)enr the dlathargo wa only JiOO fipt, thn (Ireen rlir nt (Ireen lllier Inat )ear allowed A100 feet, while the present discharge I 26110) Ilearrhir near Colllnston Don feet last your ISO f e t August 1st, Weber rlxer. In low dhtrslons near Tlnln Clt) 142 foil last ear IH feet Miguat 1st The iiIm.m. roinpnrntlte figure allow tin itmtrast between Inst enr nml this while the figure showing the dbw hurge for I PI! are eonslder nbl greatir Tho Inhlo Indlinte n watir shortage In Utah thnt ha In en limiting Irrigation und power op ra tion during tin pres nt summer Tho report no luw wiiti r iiituiltiona will not hnt a serious effect on the ropa from huh on na grain haa priuthnllt inntureil nml writer will be nenled onl) for Irrigation of hn ugnr biet fruit eti Tin IHIfi flow or water la below the iiiernge while In Henri) nil nsea tin 1UM flow wna above tho average vim NT VVOOl CHOW Clt OIT. The August number or tho National W'oolgrower, published ut Knit IJiko Clt) la out On the front page ap pear n View of tho the stork rollseiim and amphitheater ut the I'tnh stale fair ground The publication eon tains article on MendiJIsui nod Him p llreedlng. b) Trof J A Del Irfsou of the I'nUotalt) of Illinois 'Trade Conditions In Montana " show lug that there will be row rut sheep to cHime out of Montana this )ear "A Henaeha Market Itald," b) J ". Toole or Chicago, showing how tho lamb innrjMl wa recently innnlpula. ti d b) Kastern spe culator to ratten thilr pocketlxioka. liaising I-ambs in tho Corn licit" b) Trofrsoor Coffe) or tho Illinois experiment station dem onstrating thnt II la profitable to maintain W'e stern i wea on high priced Illinois land for latnh raising nt n profit und man) other article Merchant coupon hooka nnd butter wrapper. Tho Hun- Advt Typewriter pnper In vnrloua grade. The Hun Advt Yes, Now Is a f'l Good Time to ' m Go Fishing . 1 Ort up in the hill for a work V.-:.B or two All atreeeina low and t Um rioter Tlsiilng.gnod Wo cnn Jl fill )our wants for limiting or H fishing Cump rilovea, Dutch H ilvina. Otmp ijlahe. The beat H Tlehlng TnekleU-not the heap- H ert lloek Dnlq ror Htoikmui H About ver thing In Mirehan- H dire I M Madsen Mercantile Go. ' ; SCOFIELD, . . . UTAH I . ' B WIMHWIIIHIIHIIIItf '" M Fh8 Utah Saloon I J VV (Jentry, Managor. E H '. FI noit Hiiort In Kaitcm Utah ','. ' '. W1NKB, MQUOItR, CIOAU8 ' ' ' J, M WI10I.K8AI.K AND IlBTAIh w I M VAI. 1ILATZ IlEKIt ON TAT '.'. ' ? M SOUTH NINTH 8TKKIJT J e li , TltlCIS, UTAH 1 r ifl Thono 7l-,. i ' mU VVV Deliver tU (IimkI. i 'it Wm ' iiniiiiiiiiiiini u W M TIME CARD ft ! ' M ni'FKCTlVB ATlUh IS, 11B (It H I I'rom Chlcugo Ht IaiuIb. Denver nnd the Hnat OiCSn'm' Q$ ," H . ,. Taolflc Coaat Limited. BUI 1 S Irom Han I'ranclsio. Halt I-uke Cll) and the W'st . . . lOiOTp. in. Bilr HH Atlantic Coaat Limited III mU 1 I'rom Tortland, )gden und Halt Lake Clt) HIS p in. 1 ' WPM . .. .1an I'r,"cl'!co nml Chicago nxpren Carrli Mall. H ! , . f S I rom Chicago, Ht. Iul urn) Denver I0::0n. m t I MM Chicago and Hnn rranclacoi:xnre, Carrie Mall ' MM IB I'rom Denver, Pueblo, Orand Junction 8 OS p in 'WMt ., Denver and Ogdin Uxpriaa, Currca Mall 1 ' .H 1 I'rom Ogcleti and Bait Ijikp Clt BOnjm II XM Colorado nnd I tah Express, Carrie Mall. V I MM 19 I rom Chlvago, Ht Ixiul. Denver ... s33a. m. If i ' aH . ,, Hcenlu Limited. I jf mM SO I'rom Tortland, Untie, Hun Pranolaco, Halt I.ake City 7s62 p. m. I , K mM Hcenlu Limited . ' I t WMl HOi'iZlA) I1HANCII. - Jf L H 682 Unve; t'olton for Cleiar Creek und Hoofield 2tA2 n m f ' Ii C WMt iBl Leavejs Clear Creek for Hcofleld und Colton . 7HBa.m 1 J F HB Train No. C Out ot Trice and Train .No 1 from Halt Lake. 1.6, , i mM (Ml) Connect With Hcofleld Ilrnnoh No CS2 I tar 1ST ' UMJ MAItHVALIJ IJHA.NCH I j 'mWM B12 Unve ThUtlu ror ltlchfleld nnd Intermediate Tolnt JO 20 u. m 1 Rs ' iHH 611 Leaven Itlohfluld for Thistle and Interim dlnto Tolnt RifiOn m. ftMU l" MWi HILNNYH1DI3 1IHA.NCII WmM I " IH 13 From Helper for 8u'nnalde, Mixed 8:80 a. in Hi I MM 13 i'rom Humi)ldu for Helper. Mixed . ... 2 SO p m SJljl L HIH Hunn)ldn and Hcofleld Urunoh Train Dall) Hxuept Huuda)8, i I F I iH SOUTIIino OTA 1 1 M CAKTLi: VAL! m . S I 'I W mWM " ' -no 3 iii h Leuvo Hiawatha KiOOam Iuve Trlco 11:00am Itl i J IH Leave Mohrland 8 IB urn Arrive Kaat Hlawutha 12.18 pm I . f MMM Iave Illawatha 8 30nm Arrive Hiawatha 12130 pin 81 mWM Leave Laat Hlawutha 8 48 a. in Airlvo Mohrland 12:4b Ii m x Mi MM Arrive Trice lOiOOum. No 4 m i iMMt ?0' 3 ,. . , t Iave Trlco 3i30p. m M I MmM Iave Mohrlahd . ., .. ItOOpm Arrive Kaat Hiawatha Hlpm. M 'WMm Iavo Hiawatha .. .0. I p m. AtrWe Hiawatha . 6,00 p. m ' W K H Leave Kaat Hiawatha ... 2!00 p. m Arrive Mohrland BjlBp.m Iffl N 'HHM Arr,v.011I!rice , SUBpm Arrive Hiawatha BtSOpm. 1 H , BHI All Train Dally except Sunda) '' i , jMMm Special Train on 8undaa for the Convenience of nail Team. WW nmMM KM H