Newspaper Page Text
M ItSfl S!! 3 iSL'' I Increasing Each Day :: I T""?' MSSSfflSj JUL M, 'l ,,.,.;,. !',. I lul,'fMl " reasonable B u uV "( 9 7 V' "' T ri arc enrolled by The Bun. The ' f 9 UV , V)d right, will bring DM lTI.i ... buy merchandise. The Bun goe Into I ; ' j . BJ BlWTii. merchant thnt uc . "CLITIC ALLY. REPURI IPAW the home or more people than any ' . llU- '.The Sun " ' "-rUDUHH, other newspaper of Eastern Utah. BJ a"v, VOLUME 1 NtlMllPP in Subscription book open to nil ndver- ( U1,' l "UMIJER 13. pVrnv ,-.inr4 tbier mid patron or Tho Bun. 4 WrZ-rr- fa VERY IR1DAY AUGUST 27, 1915 1 I ' r-H fpUMPS JSJ!I0CATE JJM: ,vti:iiiti i. JbEu w.ll That 'Tobc" jB ,l u",cy '" I,,P "WlMrii I. Illllol t Clo-ccl M ...-trf (lr IMnltcr oclnllt 7jjKu.ilMM '""" bLuis.! """ ,J 7hc K,,n I1'" 'Mjiw ro n" reason for lBE?itMir, Botii'lst llenfer him H LLjrf his Ncw-AdVocntc y"h0( local bull mooscr," jPablln nnd democrat Kfttol bee In Ihclr bonnet. Tun three thousand dol- TukioudJ nnJ n ,lko ..rp(,nitr or k tuber, next. QHt-Uxni assuming a mortgngo IBMiU ftirbu. k estate of l'lorldn 'HH,iitKlrttl to n thousand dol- iVrvmli.C f the new mnn -Kd(tlit New Advocnte there iullcof new pre.", linotype H iid the general rchnbllltn HttepUtit, the cit newspaper -uppened and all urh kind Ht Tab Whltmoro In ntip Bjtl 'l gm At leant Hkf depended p n to edit the fthfcllifr.i thnt nre long on H. fill to i in. through. Hfeuilit lirn'cr Is to have the Kx ttitr him I evidenced In ttVtuMt f r some time lie hait JB-Hilrtn' alioot n lorntlun In ..jVu4 -Umhere It would be n '!Utl thai tulil ithelter the (Bblmtte aggregation of poll iKflU there In n little of -B polUkni among the irowd. Bj. ttr re agreed thnt llenfer JW.ii policy of the NcW-Advo--Bt.Vf the change come, The jBt'mint renfldclh not. How. tB (returned lie principal ml. I HOW t runtlnun to Krnft Car-B-trUi)rrii out of sufficient cBi trta Mtortinnate printing und BUm till to try to keep the t&t ThU l) ilmrKlnic 30 to m Mt more fur rotinty printing B Kit be procured for slue il the itockholdem will be ih prrnent rounty offlccru iH vllllnx hoard of county kMr, if not directly flniin- iWftitnl, ihlnitj may u itlonic -1 for the NrwR'Ailvurnte nnd 'fr, Kor three year there i w ramptiltlou on enunty (iij the ribhery promlHcM to frt Irsat elKhteen montliN i W mttntlme the tuxpnyvm of Mr trt f Clinic the expenwa "d In inaintalnlnK n "kept" f Willi hUM)X OI'IVK hmia or m:.t vi:i:k ! of plnehenn, willow Krouo I'Vin will opened to uporta 'Wtountlra of rirth Hcptem (iM cmtlmie for fifteen (Mimlwiuner I'red XV. Clmm tn Ute fl.h nnd same de. n that thru,, l.lrtlq are ih J Uh nt the prruent time. tint thai arK0 flockM urn In wnuini. J of the exceedlnitly dry nme Mrda have all taken w wountalna and nportamen '0nk.y the flfieen-day open ' illlott- rraune, pluehen and I. , . ntxx TuM'l' will linve ' "! the inounlulnH ufter IHtiSED KH11Y Vm T,u Vi-nr I'or Tliwe "Iw I'llII Iklllllll. 4. 4. r;fr taxpnyera who per- 'Itl;. '? u m" a l'n. iuV.. iH ,jf " "mount of tan. ii ,.i ''""' becmnea d Mfh after the tuxea I M.J .I'""'"1 nn' mimt bo irtopertyti eared. If the J property U old. then tut.ur ' 3 per ?&" aale pen. lrunri Ctt im rH. &.,1J "" w provl. Cp, 'tt lled because ftlr t.5'r,",n" ,,avo Permit- l. th.n " M ,,ecmo delln- Ww.'i .a w"'y-"ve. 1 I'ndei K ,,U5 Property w bw,'n"newlw. If th wr but !rna.,v f0 ''Ptatity ,0,tl'Mt Mio 3 Per dllnonelv ,nw ,uxe u '" M b ,"T Uh nnd "' lll thiM ,a'fora that ''ou- " 3 pr cent penalty. J The Winners. SHEEP AND'UMBS HT G00FIGURES AfhTI.V nuns. MAUKirr r.KHIT CAIIS I'ltOM WYOMINd. C'oiiiiiiIIoii Men Aiillt'limte 'Hint 1'iiilcrn Will 'oiillnuc hlrong I'niiu llu I'll el Tlutt Tlu-n- l Almo-t An iriilliullnl Ociiinud I'or Tlii'in "nt llo Decline Tncntj-I'hi1 (Vnl. CorieKpondence The Hun. ICANHAH CITV. Ma. Aub. 33. Cut tle kcIIIiik ubove rlitlit dollam declined ten to tvenl).flve centii lant week, but xtecro under that price uld ulendy to firm. Cowii nnd heifer were RlronK all week. Today the supply In fifteen tlmuwind cattle, nnd the miir ket on kllllriK Kruilen U Mraily to ten cenlH lower with Miocker and feedem BtroiiK. The ntipply today Ik below x pectatlonn, but It lllimtratea the Inde pendeuce of the Kiimum cnttliMiiyn, who will not wlilt until the market In Kood, liecauao they have plenty of feed to keep their cattle Indefinitely. Not only In Krntw extra Rood In Kan. HitM, but there In uti liuiuenHo crop of foraxe of ull kind und corn crop proxpectH ure ImprovliiK dally, nnd u blir crop Ih practically nwiiired. White fuce Panhandle iale are helllnK up to IS.BO. middle Knide at I7.S0 to 18.00. veal cnlvea IH.00 to 110.38. wet eowH to country buyer nt 18.35 to lfl.36, breeding heifer nnd cow ICDO $7.60, yearllnK hteer und two 17 00 to $8.00, feeding fcteer $7.35 to $7.76. n few up to $8.38. Vnrlou vlilpment of Idaho and OreRon cattle hne been hero In tho week, three load OreRon experiment atHtlon here lam Tuewlay at $8 SO, 1397 pound uteniRe, a train or Idaho which Included nicer nt $7.35 to $7.88, nnd cowa at $0.35 to $0.75, five car of KUinfleld ulcer, 1338 pound iicniRe. ut $8.00. Hlx londM of the Htanfleld cattle are here todu). ImludliiR teer nt $7 90. l.U, pound nVeriiKe. nnd cow nt $.. to, $8.05. flheep nnd lunilt receipt today ure, eleven thouaand head, market ten to fifteen cent hlRher. All the Rood lamb will nt $8.60 to $8.00. Including eight cur Austin ro. from Altn-j mont. Wo.. at $8.00. fifteen "'. Utah nt $8.60, feeding lamb nt 0 breeding ewe $6.00. nlno cur Arl-, sonu lniig. end of the eaon hlp., menl. fat end ut $8.10 to $8.30. fee. em $7.85 to $8.00. Demand for feed-, er I exceptionally heavy, nine load of Nevada yearling B"nB '"' '"" , week at $7.00 and lamb rinding u ready Hale nt $8.00 to $8.10 be.t young breeding ewe $6.60 to $7.-5. 1 CommlMlon men expect feeder to, continue Htrong. n there U nlmot un unlimited ilemund for them. Wool Market Is l'lrm. According to ndvlcea aontalnetl In a letter to C. II. Stewart, secretary or. tho Utah Woolgrpwer' uiwoclatlon. from John D.llolllflay or the National Wool Wurehou- und fitorage co n punj or Chicago, the wool market till hold It own. Holllday m that the he top price or $8.06 on lamb ctaMed UMocllitlon ho reprcent PI" dlapoe or wome of the choicest ellP (Continued on pneo elijht.) J "TAXPAYER" PULLS FIGURES ON THE EXPERT OF PRICE WATER COMPANY fMlfflr The fiun " IMtlCIt, Auk. 30. A leading nrtlcle In the Nen,dvoeale laat week give figure purporting to allow that the city of Price I tti.rrcrlng from n hort age or water, mid nlo thnt thin mu nicipality ha been using 739,018 gal Ion per day more tlmn It I entitled to, It I iidmltted In thl statement or the .VewR.Advoe.tte that Price N en titled to 310,013 gallon or water dur ing twenty-four hour while the canal I low. The amount or water used per duy per capita In Iiulsvllle, Ky., and other cllle In the United Btute I one hundred and ten gallon. If Price city hu n population of twenty-five hundred, on thl hast the umount or water leuulied per day I two hun dred and Keventy-flvo thousand gal I Ion or n continuous flow of forty. Ithiee one-hundredth of one cubic . foot per second, and one cubic-root per second will supply a city or fifty eight hundred people. With the nddltlonul stock recently I purchased by the city wo have now sufficient for u population of about I son en thousand people. In cllle like Milwaukee, Wis.. Cincinnati, O.. and ' PI. Worth. Tex., the operation of me ter, ha given u fair test or the con sumption or water per capita. In these nnd many other smaller cities the loiikumplluu per capita I close to thlity.flwt gallon, which would sup ply u city ulmost three time the le I of Price. HOKE rlUOHlid Ciirhou County lo !el Her Portion or Three Millions. More than three million trout will be planted In the slreum or Utah rrom the state hatcherle next month, uucordlng to Pred W. Chamber state fish und game commissioner. Tho fry to he planted nre black spotted native trout nnd are grown nt the Murray. Hpilnglllc. I'lsh lJke and Pangultch I.ako hatcheries. No particular stream will be favor ed by the stute rih nnd game commis sioner, who declnre that hi deputle will distribute the rish through the different stream or tho state, where they will stand tho most chance or linking. The fish will be large enough when plaied to protect them, selve nnd very few will be destroyed. These flan will be ready for the sports, man' fly two ear uftor being plan, ted. Commlwloner Chamber also state that report from the Fish Lake ror est. Nebo and Uintah roreat Indicate that the elk. placed there during the past three ear by the tate fish and i game department nre in excellent shape, nnd thut there me over forty calve thl year. The elk. which were brought to the Utah forest rrom Wyoming, were , n lot or from twenty-rive to thirty tiioh car for the past three year. Commissioner Chamber ald last Tuesday he did not know wheth", Sow would he shipped Into Utah thl '"'The' "preMi't herd are Increasing J rapidly and scarcely any of those' If the city of Price ha been using the 316,033 gallon or water It I en titled to It certainly ha been wasting the water In n manner thnt show ex treme extravagance nnd carelewneso. Where the NewN-Advocate obtained the figures purporting to prove that Price ha been using 1,076.080 gal Ion every twenty-four hour I rather puxillng. It Is a well known fait thnt owner or property using water un der the Price Water company have applied the water In a haphazard manner, not knowing whether or not the water they were consuming wa In proportion to the stock owned. Wh do they nut state accurately what t.ystetn or measurement they employ, ed In reaching their conclusions? Can It be shown that the water Was prop, erly applied T ir there who agltale this city Witter shortage matter would devote their attention to the correct method or measurement, the proper application, und the efficient management or the water rystem, they would he serving a laudable purpose. On the other hand P they bring the question be rote the public for the purpose of "bulling" the price of water stock, with a view toward getting their fin ger on the ten thousand dollam for which Price wo recently bonded, by unloading the stock held by certain Individual upon the city ut n flctl tlou price, then their ef foils nre to be tondemned nnd exposed. TANPAVKII. brought rrom U'jomlng ure not n counted for b) the department, de clares Commissioner Chamber. CAREIESSNKSIS SHOWN PuiiliiiUktcr Complain or Vcgllgeuct of (icm-rul Public, Calling attention to the fact that carelessness on the part of iiender of letter and purcel post puekuge not only delay their own mall, but cause trouble for the postofrice employe. Utah postmaster make these sugges tions "The semUr'H nume und uddrena must he placed on all fourth-class or parcel post mall matter nnd on all registered mall In the upper left hand corner of the envelope or wrapper, "The department ha printed form of add res for both letter And parcel showing that the uddre to which the article I ont should occupy at least five time n much space a that of the sender. It ulsa locate the return card, or vender's addreK. In the upper left hand corner of the race or, the en velope or wrapper. "A panel wrongly addressed might be sent from Bait take City to Doston und ho taken for a Utah addres In th last hundred miles by a tired railway mall clerk trying to throw a much l.inll nn hour a may be expected or him. In thl event It would he thrown to u "dt take City suck and sent back. "Kully 98 per cent or the blunder In handling mall are due to Ignorance or the regulations or the service or. to caioleMnrs In preparing, uddreiuilng or mailing their parcel or letter." "AUDITOR" EDMUNDS I FINDS MARE'S NEST ( I Proposed County School Tax of II Twenty-Three Mills to ' r'm Be Cut Some. f I Carbon county school board met In adjourned session Inst Wednesday with nil member present. The re port or J. W. Kdmtind. the auditor emplo)ed tit go over the book or the high school trustee, wa submitted to tho county board In writing, was re ceived mid ordered riled. The report claims nn overpayment to J. K. Kck ert. contractor for the county high school hillldlng, or $4909.00. Also, to the several trustee or the high school $1110.81 more than the trus tees nro entitled to under the law. The amount with which the severnl trustee ure charged nre herewith given nnd It is suggested In the report that these minis be paid Intek by the trustee. They nre Nell M MiiiIihmi $IJ0.71 (' It Mnrctisen 131.00 Levi N Harmon 111.70 Hamuel Nnylor 00.00 l:noih llryner 67.06 William Norton 66.70 Itobert Menxle 4 1.00 John It. Doolln 44.00 P T Dennett 38.30 John T. Itovvley 30.00 Andrew Young, Hr 37.30 W. II. McClurg' 31.00 tl. A. IveriMiu 30.05 Hamuel Woodliend 10.00 Cul Criiguu 13.80 It W. Powell 13.60 Uive It. Kvnns 4.00 I'liidlugH nt Auditor IZdiiiund. Prom the list given above It will bo oecn that Nell M. Madsen I charged with $130.71. the largest of tho severnl nmounlM going to make up the $1110.81. Thl I accounted for In tho fart that Trustee Madsen wa it num ber or the board rrom It first organi zation und wa nltvny In nttendanre upon It meetings, sacrificing hi tlmo to net upon the committee nnd giving much of It otherwise to the succen of the school nnd everything connec ted therewith. I'dmuud find that the board paid J. i. I'ekrrt. contractor for the high school building, four thousand, nlno hundred nnd nine dollar In ex cess of the general contract when It Mettled with hi creditor for sixty cent nn the dollar with the exception of the claim or the Continental Na tional bank nt Halt take City, to which the board paid the full amount of It claim, which wa well known nnd understood by nil It member. Their reason for making such a settle ment, a stated by a member of the board ut that time, wa that tho beet Interest of the district und tho lax. payers thereof wa being served. Many suit had been Instituted by Kckert' ciedltor ngulnst the school dlstrlrl and membcr-i of the school Imnrd, To huve employed counsel, subpoenaed wllnessc In large num ber und prolonged trial would have consumed In court expense more than tho excess appropriation made to creditoi. Thut tho Continental Na tional lisnk's claim wu ttllowed In full, wa because or an assignment made to them by Kckert for rflonoy udvuuced by the bank to go Into the hillldlng, which wa agreed to by nil the creditor mid their legal repre sentative only after the legality or tlie bnnk'H clulin wa considered by ull concerned. t'o.iiic.iMitloii of the Trustee. At one of the early meeting nf the board, Dr. It. K, Dowd of Kenllworth made n motion, which wo carried, that the compensation or board mem ber be fixed at four dollar per day, while In actual attendance upon meeting or the board, und mileage or twenty cent per mile one wny to be paid In I Mi or all expenses. Thl wn rollowlng tho Juror Hystem. A literal Interpretation or the language or the motion might bo thnt nn nllow. mice for one day only be made to each member, though nevernl day' time might bo required In getting to the meeting, attending nnd returning home. Thl wn ulso true In regard to the member rrom Winter Quarter, Htofleld, Clear Creek und Hunnyslde. nnd wa often true In regard to the member from Castle dale, Btorrs nnd Hiawatha. In each case like the above per diem ror each day required to attend wa ullowed the member. Thl wa what tho resolution Intended, though a literal Interpretation, which Kd mund or necessity perhaps must take, might be mo. Again, It often happened that a meeting wa ad Journed tit the tucceedlng day, when un allowance for that day was made. A trustee salary wu n rixed amount, It wn the hoard' opinion that they should bo paid without vert fled olalm a were tcucher and Jan. Horn. Bitlarle were paid quarterly und at each succeeding meeting the wnrrant drawn were recorded In the minute and read and approved, mak ing a complete record. Though some, payment were made without verl. fled claims, each wn recorded In the K , U minute book by consecutive number 9 jt nnd passed upon by nil of the board I H without exception. I- ' ?M CiniNirlou A tn Salaries. K ,?'H No fair minded clllten or taxpayer J I M would desire thnt member or the H board, who had to spend three day Hr -vbV time nt Price, be Rlvctf one day' nl- i 9R ," ItH nry. when the ) early Milan' would np- W IH proximate hut forty-eight dollar. iJrfl Knell school district wn paying It 1 H school trustre rrom one hundred to Br . J,'vH three hundred dollar annually, where B -'H the meeting were held about quar. terly. nnd nt home. The nmount paid m 'JfH the high school trustee wn Inslg. ; K vfl nlflcnnt. when the pay nnd work of f 'jBfl each I compared. 9k. -flBj C. It. Mnreuseii. u chairman nf the K , board, made dally visits to the"tilgh J4 school Jiulldliig while the same wa r under construction. Ill careful nt- B KSI tenllon during a period or eight B '' 'BB month had much to do with the lax- Wp mB m)er getting value received nt the H BB completion or the Carbon rounty high Hr Hfl school hillldlng, n structure second tit BB none of the kind In Utah, nnd of B flH which ever) litlxen of tho county I BL BB Justly proud. In the selection of HL BBJ teachers trip were made mid many BB s BB committee meeting were held. When t MK BB he wn elerted to the superintendence ' r . BB thnhlgh Hchoot law wn not enncted. Bf H lie wn made ex. officio member or the BK. BB board, honored with II chairmanship. BD BB burdened with II excess cure nnd BsKiflVJ ror which he was voted by the hoard BJrBBl come sixty dollar ror supeniston of pK aBJ tho building, mid some sixty dollar , BK BB additional ror meellug covering , Bb, .BB period or four years. ij . vXBJ Now Hint the high school ivudlt I Bf BB rinlshed, IMmiind I to give hi at H tentlon to the hook or the severnl ' ? -'BbI district or the county In existence BT 'BB prevlou to the consolidation or nil. . B BB Thl I to go on nt twenty dollar a ' i ' B?n BbI day nnd vxpenre. This I the charge J K H ror the high school school audit nlao. . J B BB DIsciumIoii of tin Tax tatry. ' '' B BJ W. N. Ileatty. tux agent of the Den I R H ver and Itlo (Irnnde. appeared before J, ' , B BBJ Hie board and gave It a hi opinion B BB Hint the levy of twenty-three milt I ' m HB In excess or Hie statutory limit nllow- '' m BB ed. After it free nnd full discussion or i lr the matter It wn decided that the ' f Imard of county commissioner be f I BB naked to reduce the school levy to I .BB eighteen mills, which will be done. ) .; .BB When here Inst week Tax Agent Heat- , ! J BB ty staled to The Hun that attorneys ' f i BB for the railroad and other corpora. '.I H tlons operating In CarlKin county had ),. ' . BJ thoroughly looked Into the school tax iUf ' ' , v BB levy and were convinced that sixteen Iff 1 ''BB und one-hnlf mill I nil tho vohool MtV Bh board can legally hold out ror. How. .iai . -BB ever, It wa not the desire or hi com. tiT,, ''BB puny and other with whom the mat. V'i ' '-''BBJ ter had been taken up to be nt logger 5 l vt "Bfl bends with tho school board, und that V' , 't'BB any reasonable reduction rrom the 'l ' hA BB twenty-three mill proposed would be H )!: '. H met In n spirit of fulrnea ruther thati 'iMln i go to the courta. It appear that 1l9 SB Ileatty' argument with the ohool l&Y ;. r' BBJ hoard hn borne fruit. il, ' F BB deorge A. Murphy of Kenllwortlt. 1 wfll lepresentlng the Independent Coal jtl: L BB and Coke company, orrereiV,to sell the V . , f , H building used as a Bohool house at Jm , H Kenllworth ror twenty-rivo hundred INS i , BB dollar, thl to Include n ninety-nine . fliHi BBJ leur lease cm the ground upon which tttlj BB tho building stand. The offer hold- III ' BB good until Mnrch 1. 1910. He pro. f " J . BB posed n rentul or rorty dollar, n i5 ' ' l BB month, which wa accepted. J ' t h' H J. A. Korsythe wn given the fe'J f "' plumbing contrnct on the new school f ', ' BB building nt Hunnyslde, hi work to B i I' BJ cost u hundred mid fifty-four dollar. E L -4BJ William Hvan wa appointed Janitor If if f BB at Cuitle (lato nt thirty dollar a I ' f BB month. Cameron Coal company I l I ' r BB allowed ten dollar a month rental 1 i , y BBJ for a school building there. '.lit ET -BB The board adjourned to September 571 r IBB 7th. .. U) BB ciiAitoKD with Tin:rr or I jm OK'Bb watkh ritoM puici: CvN.r. I Wt 3-' M Arnold MtKwun of thl city I R 'K - 'BB chaiged with the theft or wuter from HWtt Be Hie Price Water company canal In a SKhI I BH complaint Hied before Justice Middle. IfVTB 1 H ton lust Wednesday. The case will be HXnB ' BBJ heard Hatuiday evening next. From 9j I'M U. & what The Bun learn the gentleman Is 1,1 ' BBJ gulltlesn or any wrong doing, being 111 '' ' VjB simply In the employ or other whom E V M 'BBJ he wa working ror and under whose 1 t 1 L .BBjJ direction the water wa pumped tit I I M 9 Parkdatct addition. The case wa I Vll I BBJ postponed until Saturday, It I under. 1 l&j ' ' BBJ ntood, to hnvo present nt the hearing Eli. ,U. BBJ W. V. Olson, who wa nt the tlmo nb. mn3 r'JBB sent at Hult take City, and whose eiT U9I1 CS1 denco In the cuve I considered Im. luu h Bfll portant. 1 I BJB H'DoSl. 'K ' What havo you ror Hale or trade? IlffJl'' ' 'BBl Use Hun adlets. ll'BjCiV I liBBJ ln a 'rBBfl lr1'' ' HBB I " wVJ