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191sH 'W'J SM .nH i Bp lh must complete job printing (IK I) I Hll iTIJiTSSIil 'Hi 'Kfe' 2ill.bWIXiTT Ml book binding establishment In Vv J I 111 Ij''-nSWS-fevVV -"11 111 II II III Hn a circulation throughout Kaitera tflH i Blk Mrt of l'rovo. No piece of work SSy tlkilkSS-JgjS 1 IT.A-L0 rHVrSaZL 1 II y 1 1 III Utah and Carbon county that It Is not ILffl H Ufte or too small for The Bun. u " L 'NT Jr oihnmcd of Advertiser nro Invite fFaVfll pfettork of legal blanks. Pam- POLITICALLY, REPUBLICAN t0 Th Sun'" ,,rrW' tm n rrld,lr" Ekl trkf nnd book work a specially. ncdjwSccond.riaMaUer Juj i im. at tho IVstoff., at Price. Utah Under the Act of March 3 l79 when this publication comes from the H ' vfL- VOLUME 1; NUMHEK 27. "nwrmmv " press and I. mailed to Its subscribers. M- EEIt IIUDA'V DECEMBER .1, 1915 HIE SUPPLY 15 ; UNUSUALLY LIGHT ,;, MIAMI to (iirr nv wirn K COl NTKUKKITN. Bptid IjiiiiIm In Very Mglit Hup ) 3Hj, tl tbt MIoiirl Itltcr nml ttio ) jHfrpiIrm N tt Aihnnco In Prlco HtB Iomk tlio I.lnc IIokk Atlvnntvtl B (t llrt "f the Week Ten Cent. HjtionJcn.c Tho Huti. lAKftAH CITY, Mo., Nov J9. ' Bwrt was mi mo shrinkage of value iHieMrly tvery grade of cattle last ' Bxt the ugh declines were not rccro ' jflf toy kind The supply today U ', Bttit) jnc thouiuind head, the small- 1 4f ran in nearly throo months. The I flwktt H ilendy to ten eenle higher A tilling tattle, and strung to twenty ' -Wit rents higher on Blockers nnd Jfjtni, the lower edgo of tho stockrrs . Hil frtdcrs getting most gain. A J-tturc brought out In the lunt week !!Hiih iff steer trade Is that bu)ers ' 'Hd t" a firm price for prlmo steers ;;B-Up 140 today but canned up ', Hktk tell at a larger margin below ' 'H prlmo cattlo than heretofore It Mit to linposslblo to rfet by with , .wttrffltx, The wanned up tattle i wiling at 17 DO to 18 00 nnd plain Hdk that hne been slmpl) held up . , ivturi'H failed bring 16 25 to r ( us nrc m-nrre nnd bring ! in cs Host heuy tows l 00 I It ! good conn fG.St to $5 8S, jikt I 76 to fl.00. bulls $I7S to J .IS oltrn bulls 11.10 to It 00, I i .,i H 00 to 19.50. There was '-& tr p In receipts of lowit nnd n 1 1 slot kers nnd butcher cattle ,gp U) ..'out it hundred nnd fifty car- iii rrhlng These sold stronger, S2 xk irs largely at Ifi.26 to lfi.75. . k s nnd heifers $6.00 to $6.00. u- r ifiml t'oturndo ytKirllngs nnd ' J at $6 SO to $6.90 nnd choice SibIhi lie are still quotitblo up to IS th ugh none Hint good were rr i li Cumiuou grades of stock . tt II nt $E E0 to $6.00. Choice . k ' .s and heifers bring $1.50 to nwu" !' iau white face heifers more. .ii ills oul hist week Mere thirty i at ' 'h'lUMtnd head, us oonipurml with ' at -,ii j -two thoumind the saiitmeek 0 k tr ago HITI " 'KM ""'l tiyo '" l"1 ,'0,llH higher jlK' v )((- Ipts twelve thoumind six Miilred head There has been con- tt iblv relnl In lh order bulug MIU ,,: '" "' 'n ""' '""' "'',k- d tlie four kk !N "' "liparcutly need more ilder ,'"1" "" "r Kettlng. Top yor i' t iilio was $! 77 Vi. bulk of sales llJ to $6 70 Choice heavies bring liighrst price, with the medium KOIt !" close iKihlud, and best lights llur ''i rn than it dime below tho it or '' Hug receipts show a ilinrease ' ) per tent si far this month from a wine dii)s lust November, nnd for OK resent the hug market has u rroi, long appearance " la Sh'tp and lambs uro In light sup r lite thousand Ininl lure today, , vl rkes are going up, ten to fifteen "".J -U higher today llest lambs here " ie tome selit)-(lgbl pound Kan- f I wtstcrns at $K.0, ;nost of the ,!., jw at $0 60 nml upwards. Tat w"' in ire worth up to $5.65. wethers 'uh ,;" "Knl 'nr",,KH $7.!S, stimo "n i') ng iiini'tj-foiir pounds, today ,, i I? 00 I'tedlug lamlm nre scarce, U - at $7 50 to $8.32, feeding ews SDR "' $ 5 bred ewes up to $6.50, itrlt K icnrllngs $0 10 to $7.00 rcUl ;,d Some 111k Wool hales. Hun '' I OI8. Wyo. Nov. 2. A iiiar ' . a million pounds of 1015 wool, . 'ki ' has beon stored here uwnltlng 'Oil "iproNement In mnrkot conditions, isk en sold to a Chicago hoime for i lib 'lr not minoiitu'ed, but said to be ltr j to twenty-five cents jt lxmnd and 1 dial involves eighty thousand ml "ui u owned l John Morton, sixty rlct Viuitt iinunds owned by the Hoot I ' tnk compnny nnd a hundred Cost ""I ' n thniiHond pounds owned by If M irton it Jonno Hheup company, ijf. Auuin tlireo hundred nnd fifty thous- njTs 1 i mills of 1915 wool remains In let- "fK" here, as . A Ml(,tovi:itH IIA1,I,VIN(J '1(1 Till WTI-COYOTi: CA.MI'AIIJN rnrn I wuiie has been received by ('. J ' Ktwart socretan1 of tho Utah J o,Kriwers' association, from prom- 1" S1" ""'growers of the Htuto that , p1 ill lo-operato In the movement i, 'r tu extermination of predatory J, Wlm.n and will bend every effort ! ta ' ' lne ,'"tructli of cootM dur- JJ C l mber nnd Jauunry. Htevvart Ji " t ilriuliir letters to tho wool- Jj ''" ' Inrormliig them of the co)ote J nil 'Kll JS Th dimtruttliin of iierdatory unl- ij J,l ill lie the principal subject of t. i i . at the t'tah Woolgrovvers' 5 "v 1 1,.,,, wnUh w,n l)0 i,o)(l nt sait 1A u' U January tSth. Htowart y ' III ask the iissoilation nt that '" rutsu a fund of fifty thousand '""' i r waging war on io)otes. J ' i Utor animals lake n toll of 10 y,x nt from the I'tutt fluelts usth i !' S1,1 8ew" "It ? af l,al iH1, " '"" t0 "l0 "heep Industry Hint i uld bo exterminated. Y , ' d suggest raising the bounty J "wn m oo to $3 00 or $1.00. That )! i noourogu trajipers to be more J1"1 Then as tho cootuM beeomo T iuhr m numI'or I would favor grud- "llji in reusing that bounti r T' funJ raised ' th slier pmen. 1 rr I think sho i i e uned i In- J BULL; "MAYBE I'D BETTER THINK IT OVER A LITTLE LONGER." m .w"--" - ?? dlvblunU and wiUsldtarles of Hh ( arRNiilsittlAn far putting ml mIm and purrhaslng tmm." l)r H W. MrClure, socretar of th National Woolgrowers' iissocUtlun. sahl he has received assurniifMH that practically nil the western state will co-operate during the coining lw months. Tin notional convention will im held the Ihlee days Immediately following tin state convention mid Dr. McClure said the predator) niilimil iiiestlon will be extensively discussed. I'rltv or Meat AiilninN. WAHIIINOTON, l. C. Dh I. The nvenige pike of moat animals hogs and cattle, sheep nnd chickens paid to produtels decreased 7.3 per cent from October IStli to November ISth, the ilepuitinent of agriculture todn) announced. Hogs averaged d.J6 per 100 pounds on November lElh. That Is 0.3 per cent lower than it )cur ago; btef cat tle $5.85 or 1.8 per tent lower; veal calves $7 69 or 1.1 per cent lower, sheep 15. 18 or 10.7 per cent higher; la in Its $0.70 or 10.1 per tent higher, and ihiilieus $11.50 per 100 pounds, or 3.6 per cent higher. hheep On Winter Itaugr. Most of the sheep of this slate mid Idaho to be wintered tin the range are now on tho desert vest of Halt Itke City, according to n statement made b A. A. Callister, secretary of the state IsHird of sheep commissioners. The few not yet on the range will be fed either In Idaho or Utah. Mr. Cal lister says. There are proltablj fewer sheep on the desert this winter than there have been before, a large num ber being fed In Idaho, where the Imy imp was unusually heavy this season The deseit Is reported In flrst-eluss sIihih. Cuttle Viliv Will I'iiII. Hugh 'Wood, generul manager of the Wood Live Htock lumpany of Ida ho, expressed tho opinion at Halt Uike City last Tuesday that the sudden end of the Kuropeun war would result In the fall of out tie prices In this coun try to such an extent Hint many buy ers ut top prices In this country would be big losers. Up sns the past ear has been one of the best In the his tory of Idaho In both utile and agri cultural pursuits. Quarantine Is I.lflnl. WAHIIINOTON, 1). C. Nov. 27. Federal iuurnntlno for foot nnd mouth dlneaso has teen lifted entire ly from Massachusetts and New Jer sey and modified In n number of toiinllei In Illinois by an order effec tive November 27th. NMtlimV (JAl'flU LINKS TO UK MAIIK STAMIAHII OKNVKII. Colo, Nov. 29. I'lnliS for Impiovumeut and extension of the Denver and Illo (Jraude system were announced today by 11 U. Mudge. president. Auooidlng to the announcement. sovenD-twa inllos of new road Is to be built In ftuuthwest Colorado, con necting Juanlta on the Durango branoh with flouth Kork nn the Creed line. Surreys are being miulo on till the nairovr gauge llnet. In Colorado and I'lsli. piellmlnury lo estimating the tost 'f ouveitliig thvtn Into standard gauge "BOARD YARD" STEVE; "HOW'S UNCLE HENRY ?" There have been various Inslunccs nincc the election or 11)11 of inlHinnntiKcmcnt of the county nffalm ly the "hull moose" officials now in power In Carbon county, hut an echo of the campaign that sIiowh to what HtraltH the party litis arrived was heard last Monday when C. II. Stevenson, the hlf; thief of the "hull moose" herd filed a complaint In Justice Middlclon's court in which he sues Sheriff W. K. Henry for Hlxty-flve ilolliira and Interest for the lattcr'H share In the CAMPAIGN EXPENSES of 101-1. In brief the complaint alleges that the progressive party is and was a political orKitniMition and that C. II. Stevenson was elected chairman of the parly and that at a mcetlnK of the candidates each candidate pledged himself to contribute ft per cent of his first year's salary to defray the expense of the party and that the in debtedness of the party more than equalled the amount which the candidates promised to pay and that all the other candidates have aheady paid their asscsscments. Sheriff Henry when Interviewed by a representative of The Sun emphatically denied that he had ever made any promise or agreement to pay the amount stated, and asserts that the case Krcw oul of a disagreement between him and an attorney named Price, growing out of his (Henry's) refusal to do something that he considered was outside of his duty. Sheriff Henry says that the filing of this suit is a matter of PURE PERSONAL SPITE and that there Is no person or persons who can make him do some thing that HE CONSIDERS NOT IN KEEPING WITH THE PRE SCRIBED DUTIES OF HIS OFFICE. The public will now see that the disintegration of the "bull moose" party Is complete. Even the complaint says that not enough money was obtained by the assessment of 5 per cent on the winning candidates salaries to pay their expenses. In fact the whole proceeding sounds like the DYING GASP OF AN AL READY DISCREDITED ORGANIZATION. ACCIDENT HAPPENS TO RESPECTED CITIZEN OF COUNT! 001 SOUTH J. C. Jenson of Ferron, n prominent and highly respected citl- zon, usually known among his best friends as "Long Chris," left Gr.oen River Sunday last and camped on tho San Rafael river Mon day morning. i He insisted on going on to camp In Temple Canyon and got out about sevon mlloa, where he tied his horses to n troo.. On Wodnos ' dny the horses were found still hitched to the tree. We are advlaod that the body of Mr. Jenson left Green River at 8 o'clock this (Friday) morning in an auto, and may come by way lof Price, or go directly over tho cutoff loading to Ferron from j Green River at 3 o'clock this (Friday) morning in nn nuto nnd may come by way of Price, or go iIlrecMy ovor the cutoff leading to J Fen on and Green River COAL LAND CASE I COMES ON AGAIN I . lB Department of Justice Is Requested To Get B Early Action In the Sweet Case JH Coal Notes and Personals. Hj Attorney rtrnernl Ikirnpn will nuk i th dpimrlinont af Jnntlco to nxpcdlte ltd n;iHHtl ti tint Hulled Hlntr-s mi- i lirrmr court In tho t'tnh tfml land innttt-r. niinniunlr kniiwn iih tho ! mh. MnuillniB the itrimrt mrnt f the Interior In withholding m thin on niillrnthin for inliinrnl Iambi In I'lnh which full within thr mhool land Km lit tu thlx MnU. Tho nltnrnr Kenrrnl'a nfliiu linn hern ko mllNd nnd nutlro uf thin ntlliin tvim pptrd Wednomtn) Innt l tho ntntp iHNttd uf Innd nuiunliiliiner fruni Clny TnMinnii, (iiminlralnnor (if tho Kenurnl Innd ulfli-o In WiixhlnKtnn. The nttorncy Kfiicml In nnxloii tu hitri) tho HimtI ouno enino hoforo tho minroino cnurt im mton iih ihmmIIiIo. Hurnm In ronfldnit tlmt tho ntnto'n mntntliinK will ho uphold l tho hhihviit trltiiiiml. nn thoy wore hy tho tJnllfil Htatmi onirt ir ntonl for tho KlKhth dMrlrt This dorlnlun. It will ho rMnllfxt. wrm n KreHt vlotnr) (or tht tnto In Hit offnrtii to retain whmil ImidH iMiitnlnlim or hollocd tu mnlnln KNil nnd iithor inlnrrnl dv HHdta. Tho foilernl Kicrnmont -tlmt In tu w). tho Konrnl Innd of tiro oiintodtpd tlio tntoM rlKht to tho land. v lili'li In tho iiKKreKiitH In of Im nionii vnhio mid iiimiiin inlllluna tu tho M-hmtU of t'tiih. Tliereforo t lit i!oHMttnonl "f tho Intrrlnr kho nutlro that It would ntiival tho dochdun tu th miiiioiiio coiirt. Atlurnvy nnornl linriiM rwnilvod word Wdnwlii) from tlto dfimrtmont of tho Intariiir that the ohw Imd nl roady loii turtiwt ovop tu tho doiart innnl of jutli-, with liiNtructlmw tu curry It to tho inprmo euurt. Tho nt lonmy k'HitbI hud iiNkml tho iiwoiu trillion ( Hi lund uffloo In oximdlt IllK tho HiimiI, hut nil ImiIiik lldltMl that tho diiiirtuioiil of Jimtloo now Iimm i-oniililt rlmrKo of tho rum fur tho Koiornuiont, will twok of tho nttorno) Konorul of tho t'nllml HtutoH In KutthiK a final did Ion on tho inuttor u tHion nn piowllilo Tho Mtitto hind iMinrd In lirotoKlluK nil iiiilloutluiiN inndo In tho fudcrnl Kooriiniont for inlnttinl Inndi uffort Init tho Hrhool KninlN In tie pinto nnd wmh udklKod ly CoiiiinliMliiuor Tull i nn n uf tho Konornt Innd nfflco Hint tho iiiillcntlon of Arnold draff, now poudliiK, nnd nil ollurN pondlnK would ho hold up until tho miprcmo court Imd hoard tho iirKiimrntH In tho ion troiomy and roudurod n doiinlon Doixcs or vi)i, ritoi'i.ii. Tho off leer nnd oxooiitlxo rninmlt tio of tho Utnh Hoctloii of tho Ainorl onn limtltuto uf MlnltiK KimtnoorN for tho onmiliiK )our will ho V. V. Whit toy. ohtilriiiiui; Walter I'ltvh. Mco (hulriiiHii, Krni't (lnford. ooorotury ii nd trmimiror, William Wraith nnd K. U Corpontor. prculdont of tho I'nltod StntoN Kiie I (ompunj with milieu In Curhon and Kinor) counlloN. Tho ex oiitlo rouinilttoo will moot IliU month, when a pruunim for tho fiir'H work will ho laid out. Tho necllon now Iihn oiip hundriHl and ton uuuii Imtn. and nn IntoroKlliiK yonr'a work In oxiuotod. TIiiiUiiio UiH'k Mlnlnif otunimny uf SprlnK L'lt) In dovoliipliiK a conl iroN pot near rnlrvlow. hi Hanpato (utility. (' II Ollil. KohiKtt fur tho Utah I'uol iim;mii). rwcontly rttturnud from an fxliuulvo trip to niiilio. Arlx., and Itoop Crook nnd Bly. Nov. II I' tlaiilo of Halt ImU i'IO.khii oral uiannifvr uf tho KoMtonp Conl toinpaio, has raturuotl from a Mini iicmi tilp (o Oion The luiupuny ro poita mall in darn fur aetouty-flvo ar lomU uf ooal nIiioo Ortohor Ifitll. U I'. ItuluH of JJalt 1jUo rit. kpii ral miiuiiKiir uf tho Curhon l'uol ituu laii. roKirtN that tondlthinii nt llnlnti aro ry KnttlfyliiK. Tho Standard Coal lumpanj roport that mm uvulhthlo for MhlpmoiitH In h Im tit Tl pr cnt of whut would Im noioMMiy tu fill order now uu hnnd. Tho mllio In loukltiK wull. nnd thr tomimny Iihm ujuyml a IiIk htmlncuMi tltUt full. Tho SprliiK L'anjon Coal toinpiiuy, ' 1'uelo" JiHwo KnlKht'H proper!) In Cnrhuii outiuty. In workliiK full onpa ilt, nnd tho mhm innniiKor In woll plenand with market uonditlonii, tho domitnd fur iul Imliu; much grtHitur at prevent thiui whm tho utue a yoar BO ("Hmoron Coal toiiimn operatliiK uhuo I'uktlo (lute, In workliiR full I forte and ut full tuimrlty. Tin com-j iwny loportN tlmt the cur NhiirtaKo tlmt hna hn mi mhrruwiliiK to cuul protlutoi'N fur aume time U Krailimlly docieulnK. K. kt. ltulapp of Salt I,ak, Konoral manuHr for tho iumpau, ro ontly ktltod tho oumiiuio'N proporiy DuiIiib tho mwtlnK uf tho t'tuh So lt of ICiiKlbMiit, hold In Malt I,uko City on tho lllh Innt.. S M Sneddon. Niipoilnlondont uf tht Utah Portland ('inant otmpany, prMntd h tiiMt In tiieirtliiK iwiiwr ttv tho umm and ninnii factui of iKiwtUiod etml, llluntrAllntt IliU dlicourwi with Nltirtfoptlcon vltws. William II IColkxy. Jr , itsplutnnt ohlof r tin tin imroaii of meiii.inUal In--i i tn'ii itdiot,tl IiIh t I ttiliiB tho imo uf powdrrnl eon I UN u pOittlbte 1 provontiitlvo of the loenl mnuko. nuls- H ii 11 co. iH CvitNldornhto Intorettl In holiiK din- HH pln)ctl In tho tout ruiiN holiiB inndo with tho Ooodinnn 'Vlrnlght fneo" inn- IH fililno. Tonta a ro holiiK mndo nt the ftl Clear Crook mine of the Utnh Tuft H rompany lint work Thomna M(lrnw, H Rctlvml mipellntendelit uf tho Ullltod il HtntoN I'uol cumimny mlnciti W. J, HI- HaLD wood, Ronrrnl uporlntendonl uf tho MLH llulcpondonl Coal nnd (Nike roinpnn)'. 1 nnd JaniPN K ('arprtlter, tdilof etmlll- IH oor of tho Unltod Htntoti I'uol oumpany. H nmdo a trip tu t'lonr Crook In order to ftH Hft tho tout Ih'Iiik inndo l tho nin- IH Tho aoliuol huHrtl of Hull Iiko City B Iihn noooptod n hid uf tho llniulirrKcr H Cuul eumiiiiti) to furnlnh ulituk cont H fur tho elty itchtmla nl $ J 1S a tun, nnd H tho hid uf tho I'arrott Cunt cumpnti)' HH to mipidy mil nml at $1.0 per ton. ImB Ihlrtroti roniHiiilei put In hlda fur ' B oliu k nml lump nml Jeremy I'uol HH lomimny. f I 00, ft . I'liwher-Klttlo, LH IS.tiO, f I 71. Standard I'uol rompnny. H fl.XI. lt.00, Wuodrurr-HlioolN-Murrl, H ll.flo. I'arrott cml tHiinpanr, $2. SB, H It. OS, lVtlerul Conl compnny, $3,00, H K.M; Cotitnil CihiI nnd Ctiho coin- 1 I mil), t:.7l. 11.00; ImmhurKur Coal H Luinimti), MIS, ll.7(. Mnrtln Cttnl ' ,1 comiNiiiy. 3 . $1.11. Attinuoo Conl H fomiHiuy. $i o. t H: j V. Duionn M Co ruiniHiuy, throo othutiln, $2.90, H I U n Murphy, thlf ontOntcr of the H ltidiondont Coal nml Cuke oompnny ' al Konllworth, waa tluwii from Suit H Itko Cllj- )otrdny nnd pniilrltmtcd V H ton tliBUiHintl tlolmrn to tho trenniiry i B uf Curhon ooiiuty uu tuxua fr hliprln- H olputa. Tint mlni nt ICoiilliforth ' BBSJ would ho workliiK every day If It tvoro puMilhlo tu Krt Denver and Illo Omndo 'B mllroiid earn Mr. Murphy lulled Konllworth otordu nnd will ho hack ,lll III I'rleo toiluy. : C N. Hlrooll. proitldoiit of tho In- !' dopontlont Coal nnd Cuko compnny, la Imek nt Hull Uiko City nflor NPendliiff i Noorul wooka In California nnd In tho jlHH Nolthwont. Mo wiin nit'omimtiled on Vl tho lrli. mimtl) fur phwiHiiro. hy Mrf. 1 Wllllum ShloldN of I'uutlier lim no- H coitod n pokitiou nn mine formnnn nt H tho Ullltod HtutoN I'uol oom)iin'' I inliie ut Mohrlnnd. Ho IntondN to Hpfl move IiIn family from lunthor to hl tiou loiutliin in n row tlayit. & Utnh I'uol company thin year (111 1 6) paid Hovonty-tnu thotiHantl dol- YJ lalN taXt'H Thin miKht lo help out ) laVMfll mime" tuwitrilN niatl liulltllnK nnd KlVMB whool lioiuoN hi Carhon tounty. Don- !-H pi nml Illo (Irnndo In comlnK nlonic !)HvA with iihuiit rlxD-nlno tlioimaml. 'UDi A C. Wat In, tdilof ciiKlneer of the El Utah I'uol company, wiin laid Monday oloutod proMldont of tho Ilocky Mnun- ' tnln Cunl Mlnlnif liiBlltiite. The In- j ntltiito. tho innmlierHlilp of whlah onn- taBVJ nliitN of tho IiIkIi urrichilN of conl com- ) pnuloN opt rating In Wsomlmr. Utah nnd Culorndu, oponod Uu annual con- volition In Denver Hint day. It was ' conllinitttl Tuondiiy, cIoIiik ut n din- ' nor In tho ev online B MutterN euuooriilni; the tlovolopmont ' BApJ of coal iiiIiihm In tho Ilocky Mountain MK roKlon, aufoty applliinee iiuonthinN and VAVJ mnrltln prohlomN uro amoni; the jjBvfll linporlitnt IIoiuh tllmuiweil nt tho can- Vfll ferotico uf tho limlltuto A C. Wntta JataWMl In one uf thu hot knunn mlnlnif on- L'SVH KlnoerH In Utnh. He him lion prom- tSflfll luontly Idontlflwl with tho aitlvllloN of 1Bt9 tho liiNtltuto nIiico IIn iirKnnlxAtloii, Hfl Ah chief oiiKluvor of tho oxtennlvo trfflVi pruportloa of tho Utah I'uol company IliflVJ In Cnrhon county and ut Komoriet, UHl Colo, ho dlrovlH tho nellvltlttN uf one tVaWfll uf tho WonI'm lurifoNt InduiitrloN. The 'SaVJil output uf tlio ouiupiiny annually Ii HBj tlttt. tu ivvu million toiiH of eoul. aRU IIUli op t'lmrlou W. Nlbloy Iiiin re- taffflVJ tolvwl u letter from T. 1. Wohher, 9JH maiitiKer of tho Xlon Co-op Mercantile 'WgRjM liiHtltutliiu, ntutliiK that n loonl com- jNE i lin of Halt luk Cit Iiun boon noil- SflP i fltttl to Ntipply tho imiial ChrUtmaN -nlH iloiiutloii of ooal Klvtm hy tho Inatltll- -93 tlun to thu poor Tho ordor on I In for Nfl n hunilied and fifty toim or lump ooal . HsH ' mihjoot tu dlatrlhutlun hy the prould- ' KH I Iiik huhoprfc nHH jflH ' JACK IIOIHkXhie IX TOW.V 'faVB i iIbU ; Jack liuiluNw, editor af the 8bM1 !! Kane County Ntttva, Uj In Halt ifiVJi 1 ImU City from Kunuh on hull- ttD ' iimm. lie vpeakH unthimmiitleully 4 ivBI uf tho uttruetluiiN uf Suuthttrn fiflflHI Utuh, (timt Ittlly of the Ornpil KUVJi ! Chiooii. the wonder of which, TIpJV! he Maya, ahuuld bo hotter known JIS3J umunc II talma. Duiliiff the M p4it fow muiulw "Jutk" ha won aflJBt ! lunvldoiabio roiutfnltton In tho 'ICNP Kat fur III literal y work, wipe ! IfllKl tlall hie verae writing Tim rMHkT Lllerar IilKt leoontly repni- Hifiln . dutod hlN jtoom on the Ornnd ' RBsl 1 Canyon and hulled him uh "n L'BYmI ' true poet of the Wtt M I'm' 'iHflB nRDI : elijH