Newspaper Page Text
H PAGE SIX THE SUN. P. .TAII-EVERY F1.IDAY DECEMBER 10, 1915 1 PECEM I I Utah Fuel Co. I B Minora and Shipper of H Carbon County Coals H Also Manuraclurers of Coke Ht Carbon County Conls nro ttio B llMt E In tho mnrkot far Horses, H Milton for Mine, liny nml B Ornlti, Mlno Props, Tics, H Aprons and Various Other lx- B ml Produota H Homo Muslite Pfllronizcrt W (lent rat Offices BoTcnth Floor B Jiiilgo Utilldlng, Bnlt Lnko t City Mines nt Clear Creek, H Winter Quarters, Casllc Gate, H I lali Mlno nml 8unn)sldo, K (arbon County, t'lnh JnorthernI ..BAR.. M ;j 5. W. ROBINSON, Prop. ? B ? DAN FORD, Manager. H 3 i m : Choicest Wines, Liquors H : and Cigars. H : lair nnd Courteous Treatment H v v.v1WiWAw.VJWw.w.,. K uiih niiimmiinniK- BAR;: H :: i;kjiit vn.Mt oi.n cm ,ii. :: H imooK wiiisuin. B Atul everything tho highest i; Krmlo lit the Liquor nml Clear '.', H i! charlesaverill;; 1 ritict:, utaii H tin 1 1 minim n itijijfri H I Waterman's J B 1 Fountain j II Pen iHiV t H I You tan carry this H t Safety Pen upside down I H 'i ur any way in your I: H pocket or purse. It is ii H sealed by the cap and ii H cannot leak or spill. I K i ;; B I Priced from $2.50 to $6. j H I Sold exclusively by us. j H ; ! lie Sun! filler Mm i m I TRANSFER M 1 and DRAY. 'B Give us your work and it ;; B will receive prompt alien- ;; B ion No job too large or ;; K X too small for us to handle, ;; :B i Freight b Clvcn Our 5?Ul Altentten. ; Q " M-H-M Ur.- EASTERN AND SOUTHERN UTAH CASTLE DALE T (WHTLH DALK Deo 4 The stork made his appearance nt the homo of Mr nnd Mm Utuls (Jii)tnon last Krl iln) nlpht with n fine hnhy hoy nnd on returning the next evening visited the home of Mr nnd Mm It Y Hnlrd nnd mnde them hnppy with n hrnnd new linli) Rlrl lleler Frandscn, who has recently been taking enref the roads In the vlelrll). suffered Tn Injury to his leu Inut flnturdn) while worklnK rnnd His daughter Oohtn Is nlso suffering from n hfld foot, cnused h) stepping on the tooth of n rnke. I The rciRds nro In excellent shnie now, thnnks to tlio tlmcl nrrlvnl of the recent storm nnd the unexcelled work of our rortd men Mr nnd Mrs. Melln Hill, now to tqted nt ItlKh) liln . spent Inst Hun iln nfternoon In Cnstle Dale lrltlnit with Hills relntlves nnd old friends. Mrs. O I llkkmnn loft esterdn for it short Unit with her dntiKhter, Mrs. Vera Hnow, nnd family nt Htnn dnrdtllle Hlie wns neeompnnled 1 her little dnuKhler. UoiiRllne J M Cnwlo, Jnmes C Jcjisen nnd 1 1) rum ttterstrom of CleMdnnd were nmonit the county sent lsltnrs the HMt week The lntters eldest dntiRh ter lllliln Is unite serlousl) III nt her home Mrs Kmmn t'hrlstensen entirtnlneil the crochet eltih Inst Thursday een Intt Mr nnd Mrs Orange Olsen nre en Ji)liiK n IMt from Mrs. Olsen's sister. Zlnn. T O Wnkefleld wns nmoiiR the HuntlnRton contingent of Cnstle Dale lsitots icstcrdny The threithlruT season Is nhont oer nrntind OrntigcNlllo nnd Haturday will hear the Inst 01 the hummer for an other ear The Kraln nnd seed crops hne heen ner axeragc Miss Pelpha 1'etty entettalnid nt a dinner party Thanksgiving tn). The dining room and ladle Mere henullful I) deeornled In fruits nml flowers Two Pilgrim mnlds sened the illnnrr Covers were laid for Misses Dorcas nnd Tlliln Ohiep. Ilniol Aeord. Cecil Hlngkton. flarnh ()wiii, I'ernellle Thompson. Jennie lemoii and MIsm Itolierls and Mesxr. Hells. Clell IVtt). IMwIn Hodmiulst. Ilnrold Jensen and IIrl Aeord Wedding hells were ringing on Thnuksglvlng lny Miss Val Hitch ok and rioyd of Ksrrou were the Impp) iwlr The many frlemls of Mr. and Mrs t'hrls oitewui of Huntington will he pleased to learn that their son. Orrln. Is again nhte to he up U has heen onMtied to his led for thre weeks Mr and Mrs. IC. A. Howard of Hun- llngloii entertained nt dinner on Tliaiihsghlng Day Mrs. Howards r enls Mr nnd Mrs. J W JaekHin of eiili-e. Mr and Mrs J W Jackson of Uiiwn. Mr. uih) Mrs. J. IC. Held, and Mr and Mrs. J II. Jewkcs of cirnnge vlll A Mg turke) illiumr mm en joyed. It was the first time Mrs. Hold anil her brothers had eaten Thnnks giving dinner together since thejr ihlldhood. ns the) were pioneers hire In. the eurl slU.' Mr and Mrs. K. K. Tliimuis of Cf eland spent ThanksgUltig with tlulr Mm at rliimoslde. Mi. Man Dnxls of Halt Uike City Is Mulling with relatlis and friends In Cle eland Most of the'shkness around Cleve land Is sumewhnt atwtlug. IVter Johunen and children of Castle Dale lulled with local rela tives In Cleveland Inst Haturdny William D Htokes of Cluvclitud was n business vlnllor In Hnlt Ijike Clt) last week Mrs. Clara Adams nnd children of Cleveland hnvo reiently returned from mi extended visit upstate Joe Jensen nnd fumtl) of Cleveland nre visiting this reek In Kwcry. Mrs. II I'. Jensen nnd children of Cleveland have gone to Hunnysldc, where the) will spend the winter with i the huidmiid and father who Is cm- 1 plo)ed them. Mr and Mrs. John It Ward of . Cleveland have Just leturnod from ' Castle Clnte. where the) were called ', to the bedside of the former's father. - who Is very low Miss Utilise Chrlstuusen hits Just ', retained to Cleveland from Helper, ami Miss Jensen has returned there from Hturrs . AUOUNI) GREEN UIVER UltHUN ItlVKIt. Dec. I. A young 1 in mi who wss beating his way on the ; rods of h freight train was thrown from his KjIUun nml kllleil near hlleliiiuw Moudii). CttlliHHl b) H Slid- ', den ,stopimge of the train. The WI) was IkuII) iiuitllated and as )et has 1 not heen Identified I. A. MiUee. the l'rlc-o iittornc), was a business vUllor the first of the 1 week Misses llnihuru and Mary K Twad- die of Hunnyslde spent Thanksgiving ' Nim the week end with their sister, ; Mrs. W 1 MrCue Kd Hhe)H has bought the Celeste Delplas resident e proper!) where he ', lolde Consideration ISStO Mesirs arant and ltrunner nre In- 4t tented with Alfred I'orsman In the ', iei.itlng of n group of mangunese ' Inlms nnd will spend some time get- ' ling that project under vva) AD Lewis returned Haturdn) from Halt Iike City, where he wont to be "llh his daughter Anns, who was In a hospital at that place He reports that Miss Lewis Is gutting along nlcel) after nn operation fur the removal of her tonsils, and thnt she will be able to go to her school nt Illnghnm next Monda) The operation relieved the trouble tJie had with her ear Vlitor ISnrp Is now running nn en gine on the Uintah road having re iently been promoted to the position of engineer Victor has Heen rapidly since going to the Uintah road and Is i ounted one of their most trusted em ployee. t Mrs. Leo Wltenkorn and three tblldren of a rand Junction uro gueete of her unele. 1) V. Miller, and fninll)'. Wultzunknru la new imphliXd n linotype operator nt Munlmltnn. Knn lb Is quite well known in this city. having visited hero at various tlmen during the several )ear he was cm plo)rd on the Grand Junction Dnllv News. The city fire engine Is now kept warm by electricity. The flro ,11c partment will be reorganized tonight Jim Warner of Ban Itafael caught n fine red fox In one of lilx traps Issti Monda). Dr A If Knslowltt bought the fur I'eter Hnrbogllo this week brought In five cars of cattle )oung stuff from the Mnr)svnte country and will rnnge them on the Knn Itnfael rnnrh A. O. Ilrndley and Wall Hull re turned from Hanpete county Htintlft) i with three carloads of entile whlihi 1 the) purchased for their Wobdslde ramh Mr. nnd Mrs 15. V. Grant nnd little diiughter of Denver. O Itohblns nnd O. riant, both of Huntington, nnd A U Itrunuell nnd wife of Denver were arrivals from the Henry MountHln mining district early this week. The Grant and llrunncll families will re side here while assessment "work Is being done nn n group of uranium claims out nt Han Itnfael. H. N. lin ker of Denver, also Interested In the uranium deal. Joined, his nsMielnte here Monda) Mrs Will Mnttson, now of Helper, spent n few days vhdtlng the Ilarhers and other friends MANTI t MANTI. Dec I. One of the elun nets through which Ihiuor has Iteen coming Into Mnntl came to a sodden ending Wednesda) when Marshal Harmon "pinched" W. A. Mornn. an ngi nt on the Denver and Itlo Grnndr pnseenger trnln The tnnrshnl got n clue In work on n couple of wctks ngo nnd has since run dawn two eases on which he felt sure he could secure a conviction If Inken Into court. The offender seemed to think so too nnd derided his best course wns to trust his case to the mercy of Justice Mi Alllster. who Imposed a fine of sev en!) -five dollars. - Judge A II Chrlstrnsen made an order this wick munltig John I,owr of this rlty nnd J V. Jensen nn Jtir (iimmlsloncrs In select the Jurors for I B1C. He nlso Ismied nn order ap pointing I I' D)reng of Mnntl. Ilenn Jnikson of fountain Green, and J I' Hansen of ICphralm as state npprals eta for IP1H to appraise all estate In Hanpete county which are subject ! the Income tax. Mnrrlnge licensee were Iseucd the pas! week lo Irveu C. I-itrsou and Theodm la K. Anderson, latlh of ICph ralm: John Kollet of Centerfletd and Ajinle llsll-vell ur Attel; ta tfarenm n and manda Koreneeu. both of Hprlng rit). D n. Hrown of HAllim and DeU) Kwanoi or Guiinleen: O. W Hmllh of Utgnti nnd Hlelln Mndsun of Manll. IMwnrd H Chllds nf OHtinlwin ami Itvvllim l'etetou tireoti of Itph reltn Dra U llnnoen nnd Uikt Tuft, Utth of Mt. Pleasant. Mrs U - Daltnn went lo Idaho Hlindny. where she expects tn remain Indefinite!) with her sou Sheriff Hums went to Hprlng City this morning to Investigate a rewrted loliliet) of the J M Johnson store Inst night. M II H perry (nine home from Provo Hatuiilii) end priHeedeil In Hevler rminly, where ho Is "doctor ing" planiM. Ilnri) Hmlth has returned from Halt l-nke Cll), where he has been cmplo)cd during the summer W. M. Tn) lor wns a Manll visitor from Moroni Huudii), coming over via uulomoblle. Ilnrold Kelt motored up from Hal Inn Tuesilay II K. Pomguard wns up from Hnllnn for Thanksgiving The M)stlc Mooks mt with Miss Kdmunds Wixlneadu) evening Mrs Krnnelh lllrd went to Itleh field Hunda), where lllul Is tiiichlng. Count) Cletk T. J. Mm ley wns a busline visitor In Halt Uike Clt) Inst week end The stake Young l-utlle' Mutual offlreis pleqsaull) surpilsed Mis Ma ttel HlnimouiuWednesdii) evening. Im 1'ildn) evening n irowd of bo)s gavu their girls n chhken ronst at the Pi. T. Parr) home U I linker nnd family spent Thanksgiving In Mt Pleasant Mr. Decker emtio baik Krlda) and Mrs docker and the thlldren remnlned un til Holiday Mrs M)rlle Ktevens came down fiurn Hall I-ake Clt) for Thanksgiving nd In tailing for u couple of weeks. Mr and Mrs. Ward Hall came In from Two Itlvers. Cala , Hunday and will remain In Mnntl for awhile r'red Keller. Kdgnr Clark Wllford Krlechkneiht and Milton Hums were home from the unlverslt) for Thanks giving I IC l'ox nnd Perry Warren arrived lust week from a trip through the southern counties, where the) have been selling groceries Prank Petersen, Pred Tatlon. Pele Ahlslrom nnd Kd Tooth went over to the YuIki dam Monday, where the,)' have employment t MT. PLEASANT f MT PI.KA8ANT. Dei. L C. V. Hnrensen sustained a broken leg Wed nesda) Inst week while riding a horse out near Hprlng Clt) The animal slipped nnd fell on Horenson's right leg. breaking It above the nnkle. Ho manuged to get his foot out of the stirrup after the horse rained up and with the broken leg he i limbed upon the animal and rode Into Spring City, where he received medical attention. Later he was brought to Mt Pleasant b) James Motvsen In his automobile. At present he Is doing er well nt his Inline in this lt llegular iuailerl lonrerenee of the North tianpete stake of 7.1on will be held at MoroHl nn Saturday and Suuda). Peivmber 11th and llh. J P auudereun hue moved from Clear Creek to Altonah, where he ox ppcte to remain for sumo time The bore of Compn n and the I'lrsl MllltHi) bum) of the natlenal giisn) of Utah are, making arrange niutits far a Ujr mUltury ball which will bo given during the holidays. Puneral etnlcee for Oeorge Simp- ..n Hr who died at his home on Thursday November Mth. were held in the talternacle on Haturday Nn Ihnn Caiix. Isnlel Anderson and Horen C Chrletensen were the speak er" besides lllshop firlando Ilradle) who officiated Adeline llinnd and Venelln MorlcK relumed Monda) to their school work nt Westminster Judge Ferdinand Krlckeen of Halt I,nke City Is spending n few dnys In this cll) visiting with relatives Mr Mnd Mrs Ilex H Jensen ar rived here Thureda) from the coast, where the) have been attending the extoltlons since their mnrrlnge nt Long Pencil on Thanksgiving Day Dr John it Anderson, who hns been nt Afton. W)o. for several months Hsl, hns recently moved to Hphrnlm, where he Is practicing his plofeselon Alhln Italhdriim, who has been working ns nn electrician In Iowa for n year or more, dropped Into Mt. Plensint last Krlda) and vWted with relatives until Monday, when he de palled for Halt Uke Clt) The Twentieth Cenleury club met )eeterdy nt Ihe home of Mrs. George Chllstensen ami n very Interesting program wns carried out ' FA1RV1EW. "T r.MHVirW. Dee I Mrs. Ashlon of llilgham Clly Is v telling her daugh ter Mrs H A Cnrler Miss lola Allred of Kphrnlm spent Thanksgiving holiday at Palrvlew Untold Cheney came home to spend Thanksgiving Da) with relatives. Miss Addle Morle) and Miss l.lllle Morle) of Price were Knlrvlew visitors Ihe asl week Hldne) Mower leaves this week for the reservation, where he will prob nlilv locale If the eotintr) suits him. The play given under Ihe of Ihe relief eoilcty. November 28th, was well received h) n Inrge and ap preciative nuillencc. The ladles' llterar) club met at the home of Mrs. Jesee Turplll December let A stor) wus given by Mrs. Mary W Henderson "The Hmllh Unity's Webtune" whs given by Mrs. It. W. VhdeiMin Nine ladles enJo)ed the wmIrI hour and refreshments served. MORONI MoliONt, Dee. I. Mr. and Mrs. II C Walker ami Hoy Hcoll of Hall l.Ke Cll) have been spending the Thnnkeglvliig holidays nt the home of Will Irons. inr of the attractive imhIhI events of the week was Ihe dancing party given lt ihe K. o. I) club at the high i hof.l assembly Itell on I'riitay even ing. November ttth Will ChHalenewn of Palrvlew was In town an Friday. Ityrum Marteen or Mammoth was In town for a few days this week. Itws Mullens returned In Halt Cll) Monday. IMIIIi Irons v ltd led with frlemls In ICphralm the first imrt of the week. N P. HelellHiu of Irfilil was In toHH for a few dnys this week. MIsh I'lorn Draper or Halt Irftke Clly Is lug with relatives nnd ft lends here this week Miss Orate Prestwltih came home from Halt l.akc Clt) iiv spend Thanks giving Willi her iHirents. Mlsa PloMtie of Hphralm wus the guest of lVrrj Phiix for n few da)s this week IjvIii llltlendiirf of Halt like City spent Ihe Thanksgiving holhlios with Mr and Mrs. Jumlsnn Mlsa Ida Hparks of Hphralm was the guest or Miss I'.dlth Irons for a few days this week. George Hlmpson. Jr, came lo Mor oni nn Haturday to nttend the funeral of his father, George Hlmpson, Hr. Ma) or D. O Ijirson, Will Tn)lor, u ml Mr and Mrs, Martin llrndley motored to Mnntl on Hunda). Hugcue I'nux was home from Ihe llrlgham Young University for the Thanksgiving holidays. Andrew Nelson came home from Provo to spend Thanksgiving with his parents. Mrs. D. 1) 'Iirsen entertained at n dinner on Thursdn). Covers were laid for eight. Charles Horenson (nine home from Mammoth tn attend the funeral of George Hlmpson, Hr, Hiiturda) Miss ltutli Duvles, who Is leaching school ut Hprlng Clt), mine home In spend Thanksgiving with her mother. KIM I R AIM 5 UPHItAIM. Dec 1 Puneral eer vices for Mrs, Bona M. flohult were held In the tabernacle on Wednesda) of last week Mrs. HchulU died ut her home In this rlty nf general debility Hhe wus born In Denmark In IK 37 nnd emigrated tn Hphralm nbnut thirl) two ) curs ngo. It. W. Patrick, Importer of fnc) live stock, left this week far Canada, where he will purchase shorthorn cattle for Importation lo this state Patrick nnd family will return to ICph ralm next spring to make this pluce their home. Mrs J. A. Weslerman unit daugh ter, Louise, of Bnlt Iike have been the guests of Mr nnd Mrs J C Kel sun the past ten da)s, Mrs. II)rum Thorpe entertained ut dinner Wednesda) In compliment to Mrs. J A. Westerinnu of Hull Ijike City Sirs. Qulllan Nlelson of Mnntl is v lilting her imrents. Mr and Mrs. II) rum Thurpe Miss Devpda Olson entertained a number of friends Monday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Oru L. liursen were given a shower b) a number of their young friends Hunday evening The time w'm spent In mush and games nnd the uuug couple were presented with tn hand painted tups and aam era. Twenty-three guests were pres ent Mrs, V. J. Colvey has Uten appoint ed librarian by the ICphralm Carnegie library hoard, tn succeed Mrs. I Car I Anderson who has resigned. pint Tuesday evening a vll attend ell farewell dnnoe vvne given In fioelal Hull In compliment to LaVur Itrson who left Thursday for the mission ; field After the dance n pleasant , prt wns given nt his home. Mrs- Hilda Dyreng entertnlned Krl- ; dnv evening Lunch wns served, cov- , crs Itelng laid for four Miss Ituby Jessten of Mnntl was the ; guest of Miss Jessie Olson Saturday ', nnd Sunday tirn to Mr nnd Mrs N. O. Hall at ; Salt Lake Cll). November 21st. n girl , .Mrs Hall was formerl) Miss Hazel Greaves of this city. Mr and Mrs W. G Held entirtaln eil nt dinner Sundn) evening. Covers were laid for fifteen The mnrrlnge of Krvln Ivrsen of this city nnd Mrs Unrl Anderson, for mer city librarian, whs solemnised Inst Wednesdn). A wedding reception In their honor wns given b) relatives thnt evening nt the home of the bride's mother Mrs. Jens P Peterson returned Hntuidfl) from nn extended trip through Northern Utah nnd Idnho Miss Orn Olson entertained the members nf the I 1) club Krldny evening In compliment to Miss Grace Jensen Quite n pleasant event of the week was the social given by the I ji dies' Mountain Kcho bnnd In the band rooms WedneedH) evening The rooms were benutlfull) decorated In green, nnd luncheon was served to forty Dnnrlng nnd gnmes were the features of the evening. Mrs. Ilerlle Ileal entertained rela tives nnd friends Sundny evening. Mrs Itnslnus Hnnsen was hostess Tueeds) afternoon nt a pleasant so cial. t UINTAH HASIN SECTION MYTO.V. Dec 4 It C O'Toole, the building contractor who hns been cm pto)ed In construction work nt Du chesne tlio takt summer, died slid drill) Wednesdn) morning from nn nttnek of pneumonia. The bod) will he taken to Ogden for burial. The report continues to go the rounds that n new town Is to spring up somewhere on the Duchivio near l.akc Pork. Old Tim John, n well known and nged member of the t'to tribe, who hns made his home on Lake Pork for several )irs, died Momhi) of this w eek. Word has been received of the death In Curium count) Inst Monda) of the mother of 1' II llorsle) of M) Ion Mr llorsle) hiiiI wife and daugh ter left Immedlatel) to attend the funeral Wlllnrd McDonald of Talmagr brought In a load of wood Hnlurdii) I a haul of nearly forty In lies, nnd l found n ver) toor market, as wood) haulers arc numerous this full nnd persons are finding nml the ihenper fuel Ituuehmen up the ljike Fork Vnl lev nre said to have dlsMvd of inimt of their surplus hay at prices ranging fnim five lo seven dollars per ton. Quite h number of Mylon people are at DHrheeiie this week attending district Mtu r I. District court In In setwlon nt Du chesne with Judge A. It. Morgan on the Item h ir twin, mnn would manufacture fire hundred thousand brink mnr M)on he could easily dispone of them In a short time nt from eight to ten delists ii thousand The clay In this vhlnll) Is said to he Ideal for brlik I It Tu I tie. leather ut Uikn Pork has thirl) -five ucres In Turkey Ited wheat on an Indian lease three miles west of the loka school house The field was sowed the first of October and the wheat Is up well i uough to withstand the ravages of winter. This Is the second day of December and the mercury hns not been nenr xero The coldest recorded wns fif teen nltovc There hns been no snow lo speak of In the basin, but (in the mountains there has been u. lonsld fall P H Culrns of llerkele), Cnlii . who has made real estate pun buses In M)lon, Is expected to return hero In n few dn)M and begin work on u large hotel lu In natd to have contracted for two hundred thousand brick iy. Turner! f; FOI i Abstracter of Titles for : I CARBON' COUNTY:: At w ' . o ; SURVEYING AND j CONTRACTING jj -o- :: ' ! P.O. BOX 32 jj jPRICE, UTAH.;: -r.,.ii; Prices One Dollar ? Duya Iniuranco (Accident) T " Fully Paid For Ono Year 1 ! 1 1 ff m -r What tho roller Covers 2 1AI t $2G0o For Lots of Mfo I WW t I $1000 For loss of Hands WW $1000 For Lois of Foot I t 11000 For Loss of Hand Storc8 I nnd Foot. f $1000 For Loss of Kce I f $600 For Loss of Ono Hand f , I $500 For Loss ot Ono Foot T I RrclBStirancc,RcaIEstatc,LoaDS r i North American Accident Ins. Co. EAST I a. ir. nu.vrr..v t J liisttni Utnli IU-prcscntntho f TPI PI pmci:, utaii I I LLL! sfc : Sunny side ffl i: Liquor House ii IHf ;; Retail Liquor Merchants 0 Sunnyililc, Caitlo Qato, Win- '' ',', tor Qunrtcrs nnd Clear Creek ;; ;i NOTHING BUT THE BEST '' c '""" J J " l' A In Flno Wines, n randies, Hcors ! ! and C ;; and Cordials for tlio Family . . Trado. ; ; Pool nml nilltard Tables, ''. J. REX i LARSFRANDSEN I Mnnufacturcr of g Brick of All Kinds JH Ynrds ndjoinlntr the Denver wLD nnd Rio Grantto Railroad com- $VW3 pnny on tho eobtli, threo blocks 'dUM cast of depot. Oillcc nt home, Sll corner Mnin nnd Sixth strvcts. 5jm Estimates Given and Prices Quoted on Application C P.O. Box 93 Phone 43x aovt. Eq Unci piuci; ITTAII A ( J Dest of VUL-COT Wastepaper u Baskets E! X - . Wome X . ret A Admirably'adaptcd for use in offices, m , ee banks, hotels, laundries, shops, schools ne 4 railroads, rTospitals, barber shops, 4 Y y Mackin : stores, residences, restaurants, etc. ) Coats X Different sizes and prices. Come in chiidr. a and see them. . X X ourjtt X . . t beforr. , numbe I WufflmSbaxt r; DAY AND rNlOHT SERVICE M31IS Main Street, Price, Utah. J SC0FI