s for - '
mtv:: At Which Your Every Want Is Given::
UI:j Personal Attention.
and Representative Lines
AH.;; in all kinds of merchandise i:
7?l? r'ccs Always Satisfactory, Service the Best
ft "Four Good Stores in Which to Trade." ii
. Wasatch Stores Co.
t t ::
Hand ,, stores at Sunnyside, Winter Quarters, Clear Creek and ;;
:i( t Castle Gate, Utah.
) Hand
o Foot T
i, Loans i i 1
' Crock ;;
BEST '' Civcr All Utnh Ail a lllanki t. Auk
I' About Hate. Cheaper
Iktin ! ! nnd Quicker Thnn Writ
family ; ; Ins Letters.
inds jflBflfflSO:
block .gUQgmJUKSM
trceta. uijil,iiwnpii'
pfcw Tho .High EMcloncy
M 43X Govt. Equivalent, 2104 1'oundi.
Unequalled (or fitorago.
Will Not Slack.
' Beit of 8toiualnB nnd Hcatlnc
- Qualities.
! Independent Coal 5 Coke Co.
- V Mine at cKnllworth, Utah
aon. OMcofc, Walker Hank Hldg.
I Rubbers For
- Women's, Misses, Child-
ren's, Men's, Youths'
s j; and Boys, at prices
!s never before offered.
S, Y
Y Mackinaws and Heavy Storm
C J Coats for Men and Boys.
& Also fine assortment of
'N A Children's School Coats.
! Youths' and Boys Under-
Y wear, Come and look over
Y our stock and get supplied
beforr. some of the best
numbers are gone.
jf f '
i V
3 II Madsen Mercantile Co.
.: I 1
Agrkulttirat i:Krt In Tr) Them Out
At lo.l'lio-pliali-x.
All of the colln In I'lnh nre In bo In
vestigated to determine whether fer
tlllicr tmt In- mndc without the nld
of phosphate nnd the same result
(ilitiilniMl. Dr. I" (' Cameron, who
for fifteen mrn wna nt the head of
the noil but can of the department of
nKilitilture nnd now In In I'tnh, Mill
go Into eery iiKrknlturnl count) of
the stnte nnd mnke chemical tost of
the hpIIx to ditcrinlne whether or not
potash In it Initor In the growth of
the prodmts, or whether milphiirlc
nrld cannot lie mibstltuted for pnlnsh
t)r Cameron refuse to talk of hi
lentil tit he in n lie In thin stale
One of the parties connected with
Cameron mild t hut iIiiip would he
nothing to give out for mure thnn two
wrtk. iim IiIh prliulpatK desired to
mnku the lentil without puhlklt) The
hlRh irke of potash nnd the Inability
of the ferllllier works of the t'nlted
State to Ket potash from Oi nun ID Ik
the reason for the experiment heliiK
nuide It wiih thoiiKhl best to start
the experiment In Utnh, n the land
I more or Icon Impregnated with pot
nnh deposit mill the sulphuric mid
test will reeiil whether potnnh In
essential to the glowing of Krnliin or
not nn the uild will neiilriillze the
potnnh In the toll.
hdiooi. iioAituK Am: fiu.i:n
io vni'.M tiii: ro.NVi'iH)
ltlem ore hclnu nildrenned hj
Trenldeiit llownrd It DrlKK of the
I'tnh Ilduentloniil nwoilutlmi to nil
the liidinlH of edueutlon In the ntntn
aakltiK Hint the memlier nttend nil
vnpeclnll)' InterentltiK eitlon of the
cuperlntendenu' nnd nthool hoitrd'
nectlnn of the nnnunl convention to liu
held nt Knit I.nke City till month At
tendame nt the coim nllun ihl eur
I ex pet ted to exreed t tint of nu other
midwinter guthcrliiK.
The i (invention iiroper will le held
on Mondn), Turndu) unil Wednendii).
DecemlKr 3Qtlt SUt nnd 22(1 The
flrnt hohkIhii of the department for
Hthonl lionrd unil nuperlntindeiit
will not he held until 7 30 o'eloik In
the tnrnlnK of Deeemlier 2Sd, ufter
thn rtKUlar ((invention him ndjotirned
Thin newiliin will he held In Annumhb
Hull, nnd two prominent idurntnm
will he pitnent to mnke uiUlremti h,
Thurnday mornliiK. Deiemhcr S3d, In
llurrutt Mull unolher meetlnit of lliU
nectlon will he held.
Tin: uimir.hr ur.nmi:i)
Iiuert of wheat and hnrle) ure
paying tho liluli-wt price eer record
ed for grain In the field, according to
J, K. McAlptno of rocatollo, Ida., n
Imjtr for the I'onnlanla Klentor
compnn The high prke nre at
tributed to the grent foreign demand
for grain. He predict an Increnve In
the demand for wheat hy Januarj
According to McAlplne n high pn
nlnt-flo lent a huihel hn lieun
paid for Utah nnd Idaho wheat In the
field thl ear Tho exporters hne
homo the iot of the freight nnd the
trannportatlon to loading utatloin.
ii ij. c.hi'i:nti:'ii, i'iuiii:t
umii:i statix rum najiko.
It I expected that a large attend
ance of tnemher of the Utah Chapter
of the Amerkan Mining congren will
he present at Wnshlngton. 1 C. Oe
cemher 16th at the convening of tho
convention whkh ha heen tailed to
coiulder the matter of rellon of the
national mining law. Tho delegate
appnlnttHl to repreeut thl Htato nre
C II Allen. B. I Cnrpentir. J P.
Cowan. John Dern, U It. Hccle. It J
Kvunu, Walter Pitch, C II. ailih. P
J Hagenliarth, Thoma KearnH, J
William Knight, C. i: Ixiose. D Mae
Vluhle, J C MtChrjttal, A 8 Hon.
Bolon Splro, C W Whitley and Wil
liam Wraith.
"I consldir Chamberlain' Cough
Ilemedy t far tho heat medlolno In
tho market for cold and croup," say
Mr AlUert lllOMer, Lima. O. Many
other nre of the ume opinion. Ob
tainable everywhere, Advt.
Carbon papers and typewriter mip-
pile. The Bun. -Advt.
Dr. Frederick of Agricultural College Goes
To Beaver County Where Disease
Has Made Its Appearance.
Correspondence The Sun.
LOGAN, Dec. 6. Dr. II. J. Fredrick has recently returned
from Mil ford in Beaver county, where he was Bent by the Utah
Agricultural extension division in compliance with an urgent re
quest made by County Agent Christetip.cn, to stop an outbreak of
hog cholera. Dr. Fredrick reports that two hundred and fifty or
more hogs died from the disease or were killed to Btop its spread
before he got there. If more care and judgment had been used
the number of hogs lost could have been greatly reduced. All ail
ments among live stock should be immediately reported to the
county agent, who can very often remedy the condition in twenty
four hours or less. If he cannot control it, he immediately si'cures
experts who can. Hog cholera is a very dangerous hog disease and
no chances should be taken with It. Hog owners with experience
enn inoculate their own hogs with hog cholera scrum which can be
obtained from any reputable druggist. Do not use the virus to
inoculate your pigs. Many times it only spreads the disease, and
is dangerous when applied by an inexperienced hand. Keep nway
from places contaminated with cholera germs. You can carry them
on your feet or clothes, or your dog can carry them into your own
herd. Pigs that die from the disease along with pens and fences
used for the diseased hogs should be burned. Plow up the runways
and get rid of the germs. Safety first is the important factor so
first of all use every means to avoid getting tho discsae in your
Prof. Byron Alder, head of the poultry department of the Utah
Agricultural college recently returned from the convention of tho
American Poultry association which was held at San Francisco,
Cala., from November lGth to 20th. An important work of the
convention was the adoption of a utility standard for competition
in the exhibition of utility birds nnd eggs. This will noon nppcar
in book form and can be obtained from any responsible poultry
magazine publisher. On November 22d Professor Alder gave a
paper on "The Seasonal Variation of Egg Production" at one of
the educational meetings held under the auspices of the exposition
live stock department. Professor Alder visited Petaluma, Cala.,
where a million, five hundred thousand single combed white leg
horn hens arc kept. These hens bring their owner about $1,000,
000 a year, $1,500,000 of which is clear gain. ThiB says tho pro
fessor is a concrete example of what any community can do by tho
intelligent collective production of one thing for which it is adap
ted. Probably more stallions arc mistreated during tho winter thnn
during any other season of the yenr. Many seem to feel that the
stallion, after the breeding season, can bo carefully stowed away
until he is required for next season's breeding. The life and use
fulness of stallions can be much extendctl if they arc given proper
winter care. The horse should have sufficient nutritious feed to
keen him in good condition. Usually only n small allowance of
grain will be required provided good alfalfa hay is available. One
of the things which is most necessary is exercise and association
with other horses. If it is possible to work the stallion, so much
the better, otherwise give him the run of u paddock where he can
see other horses and In which some shelter is provided. For a ton
horse the ration may consist of about twenty pounds of alfalfa
hay and from six to ten pounds of oats or n mixture of oats and
bran will bo found sufficient.
Will the mad coyotes the thousands of wild animals afflicted
with rabies invade Utah next spring and howl around the farm
ing communities, biting sheep nnd snnpplng children, ns they have
done in Nevada? This is the question that hundreds of sheepmen
of the state and, in fact, practically every farmer is asking, nnd so
serious Is tho threatened danger that some extreme measures may
have to be adopted to keep out the coyotes.
Fear that Utah sheep now on winter range in Nevnda will bo
followed back into Utnh by the diseased coyotes is expressed in
letters received by A. A. Callistcr, secretary of tho Utah state
board of sheep commissioners. Information is given that the
problem is such a serious one in Nevnda that school houses have
had to be closed for fear of the coyotes. The nnimnls, otherwise
so nfraid of humans, nre made r M by tho rabies nnd Bwnrm like
hungry wolves around humnn habitations. The toll taken in
sheep, cnttlo nnd other animnls is henvy in Nevnda nnd many dogs
have become infected with the disease by being bitten.
Cnllister explains that several years ago some men in Oregon
inoculnted coyotes with rabies, thinking to thus kill off the pests.
Instead of accomplishing this object, the disease spread bo that
mad wild dogs are found in nearly all tho Western and North
western States in particular, except Utah. Dr. C W. McClure,
secretary of the National Woolgrowers' association, is inclined to
think there is no present dnnger from tho coyotes, although ho
1 ndmits the Nevndn situation is a serious one.
1 "Tho coyotes afflicted with rnbies aiill have a hundred or bo
miles to travel before they get into Utah and we have none of
them yet," explains Fred W. Chambers, state fish and game com
missioner. "However, that ia a comparatively short distance nnd
Utnh farmers will do well to be on their guard against them."
Drafts of the proposed new county tax deeds have been pre
pared by Lincoln G. Kelly, state auditor, to replace the old deeds,
which, according to a recent decision of the supreme court, are
void. State Auditor Kelly expects to have the new deeds ready
tills WGClc
The old county tax deeds, or the deeds transferring to the
county property bought for delinquent taxes, were recently held
void by the supreme court of the state, in upholding the decision
of the lower court in tho case of E. A. Wall against M. M. Kaighn,
in tho matter of mining property taken over by the county for
The court held that the deeds imply that tho county is a com
petitive buyer. The law prohibits the purchase of property by the
county for taxes unless there ia no other bidder.
m mm tiiis
I'lali IHvlilon Dcmrr nml lllo (Irnnile
N "(JoIiir Some."
The Denver and lllo Ornnde on the
t'lnh grand illvlnlon nnd the Oregon
Short Line over thn entire nntcin nre
the two tnoit economically conducted
railroad In the United State. The
Oregon Short Line ha tho lowent op
erating expense, of Bn) rnllroad In the
t'nlted Stnte nnd the Utah grand dl
v It Ion of tho Denver nnd lllo Ornnde
hn the nectind lowel operating ex-penre.
The figure made public concerning
the operating expense of tho Oregon
Short I.lno how thnt for tho pAgt live
)ear It ha operated on len thnn 40
per cent of It gron Income. Tho
lowent record ever made by tho road
vva three ear ngo. when It uncil only
33 per cent of It gron Income for
operating expenne The pant- ear the
rond operating expenne was 38 per
cent of It groiw Income
The Utah tllvlnlon of tho Denver
nnd Itlu Ornnde hn established n
world tecord In the past thrco enr
In tutting down operating expense
Ijint )cnr the road operated on 56 per
cent of It gro Income nnd thl Jenr
It operating expenne will be lesn thnn
4& per cent of It Income Plve jenr
ngo the operating expense of tho dl
vlnlon wn OS per tent of It gro" In
tome While the lowering Of the grade nt
Soldier Summit had oinethln( to do
with the reducing of the expenne, the
greatest wiving hn been made In the
handling of train.
KTocif cnaTincATics.
Stock certificate, bond nnd blank
book of any alio or stylo to order,
Kvcrythlng In commercial prtntlnn
and office ntntloncry. The Sun, Price,
Utah. AdvU
Btnto i:nglnecr Office. Bait Lnko
City, Utah. Oct. 3, 1916, Notice I
hereby given thnt John Oalannkl,
whose postofflce nddre I Hunnynlde,
Utah, ha made application In accord
ance with thn requirement of tho
Compiled Ijw o Utah, 107, na
amended by tho He on Law of Utah,
Mot, 1011 nnd 19 6, to npproprlnto
one-fourth (U) eublo-fool of
wnler per second from n spring In
Cnrhon tounty, Utah Knld spring Is
sue nt n point which lie 3340 feet
Routh nnd 3100 feet east of the north
west corner of See 11, Twp. 16 Hnuth,
Ilnngo 13 Knst, Halt I.nko bam nnd
meridian. Tho water will be diverted
ut tho sprlnc nnd conveved by mean
of it ditch for n distance of 1300 feet
and there used from Mny 1st to Oc
tober 31st, Inclusive, of emit enr, to
Irrigate forty ncrea of land embraced
In tho west half of Bee. 11, township
nnd rnngo nforesnld. Aa much of
said wntcr na may bo necessary will
bo used during the entlro year for do
mestlo purpose. Thl application I
designated In tho slatn engineer of
fice na No 63113, All protest against
the granting of anld nppllcntlon, sta
ting tho reasons therefor, must be
made by affidavit In duplicate, ac
companied by n fee of I3.B0, nnd filed
In thl offlto within thirty (30) da
after tho completion of tho publica
tion of thl notice. W. I). IJCnilB,
Atato Engineer.
Data of first publication Nov. 13,
191 B, dntn of completion of publlca
lion Deo. 13, 1915.
notu'i: op h.i,i: o.v i:i:cmiov.
In the District Court or tho Seventh
Judicial District of tho Htato of Utah,
In nnd for Carbon County Utah
Association of Credit Men, Plaintiff,
vs. O. N. Illll, Defendant. Hherlfr
Bale. To be sold nt sheriff aln on
tho 11th tiny of December, 1916, at 3
o'ulock p, m., nt the front door of the
county court house nt Price, county of
Carbon, state of Utnh, tho following
described property, to-vvlt The north
went quarter of the southeast quarter
of Bectlou One (1), Township 16
South, Itaugo 13 Kust, Halt Ijike baso
nnd merldlnn, known lis tho Cedar
Purk, n Carbon count), state of Ptnh
W "C. IIIINllY, Sheriff
Dutrd, November 19, 1916,
Mvrirp. op ti.K on poiu:ctx)s. bHK "isB
ure In tho District Court of the Pev- f fflE ,
enth Judicial District r the State of mm," assHB
Utnh In nnd Por CnrlM.n 'ount Mlt I HR patM
Hoffmann, Plaintiff v. M At lteeve. j wU- K
Mary A Ilecve nnd Chnrlea K l-!iK- I lEsf K
aker. Defendant Sheriri Sale To fffsUC IHf
be sold nt sheriff rule on the 37tti MbW H
dn of December, 1916 nt 3 o'clock Nh' LaH
p. m , nt tho front dour of the iiiiirt M tB
I house nt Price, count) of Carbon. WI& , HH
Mate of Utnh, the following tcserlbed KM jH
property, tow It The Southwest Rip 1LbH
Quarter of tho Northeast quarter of Uggt fB
Bet Hon 4, Township 16 Houth, Itnngo BJU TfH
10 Past, Bait Lnko meridian, together J m
with forty share of water stock In fB
Price Itlvcr Irrigation company rep- -'H
resented by Certificate, No. 637, the frf ppK
water represented thereby having B
been npplled nnd used on tho land tSfct, ' H
above described. Term of sale rnsh. .T H
W. K HP.NIIY, Bherlff U O Hoff- JEL9 HH
tnnnn, Atlornoy for tho Plaintiff j" , B
Dated, December 3, 1915 fJH
Plrst pub Dec 3, last Deo 31, 1916. V s H
location of principal place of busl- J, m
neiut, Wellington, Carbon county. Utah k ( ' H
Notke There nro delinquent on the s. m
following described stock, on account Hh M
of nn Hssessment levied on the 3d day 4 -VgH
of October, 1916, tho several amount Br? H
set opposite the name of tho rcspee- if . H
tlve shareholders, a follow: - H
Name Amount. v jBBBJ
flcorgn II Mllner 173,75 ) H
Thoma Jone 3.03 , H
John A Powell, Jr. 3.7 ft m BH
Prank Tldwelt S.30 f H
Pnnnv i: Vance 1.10 . BBBJ
V.. Dlmmlck 3,00 t . B
PrIU Worte) 3,70 H
V.. II Tlmvn xg.ir. V 4BBB
A '.. Mnrahnll 10,15 np H
Orange Tldwelt II 7.7ft W -B-B-H
W. A. Tlmvn 7.2fi if BBB
Jefferson Tldvvell & Bon 0,40 BBBBj
I) A. Tldvvell , 33,30 -. J
John Hlmmons 1,0 B.BBB
II. M V Ooold 3,30 n t BJBBB
: John C Vance 39,30 f BBBB
i W. H lllnkley 14 4H A BBB
H A. Holding 133 f BBBBJ
J. It Tldvvell 70 V . jBBJBB
Cale Pdwnrd s h BBBB
llopkln Jone ..19 90 J, ABBJ
Kra Urnnoh 1ST. RL BBBJB
Heth W Mnrshnll 16 00 His BJBflB
Melville Itninuh 3D SO ft BJBJBJ
P C Orundvlg tin ML BBBJ
John It. Pnppn 15 10 Eb BJBJBJ
Dnvld A. Tlmvn RS in W
Tlionms Chantr) 3 ku m BBBB
llrnr) J. Itlch ... 30 33 M BJBJBJ
l.lutiiln Marshall .... 17 1". Kf BBBB
Ague Hawkins 10 00 Hr BBBB
W II Tldvvell .10 00 1 BBBB
Willie Tldvvell .... 31 4 IP BBBB
Martin Itkh 31.00 , BBBB
Prank P Plsk ...343.4 J H.t BBBB
nnd In moordnme with the law nnd iui mp BBBB
order of the board of illret tor inndn Kk BBBB
on the 2d da nf October. 1916, bo MDi' BBBB
many share of eauh parcel of suoli Bjjj' H
stmk a unit be iieicvrMtir), will m BP BBBj
sold nt thn front door of the post- W BBBB
office, WellliiKtott. Carbon county. Ba?t BBBB
Utnh, on the 10l.1i dn) of Drcembir, B& 1
1916, nt 3 o'elock p m of said date. Wfet? BBBB
to pa) delinquent assessment thereon BJL BBBB
together with the tost and expenne or BBV
J. W. 1III.U Betretnry. )K fflfJ
The above I nn extension of the BV BBBB
date nf pn)mrut of tho said assess- I K BBBB
inent ordered b) the board of illree- iHp BBBB
tors August 3, 1916. J W. HII.U ! flfr BBBfl
Bun adlot nrn one tent n word. HbT BBBB
Mnko your want known through their BlP BBBB
use. Advt. MP' "BBBB
UTlipUtah Saloon j f
J W. Ocntry, Manngor. i fl
'. Plncit Itcsort In Kaitcrn Utah f H
'. wini:b, uqudltB, ciaAHH : ! k 111
' VAL, 1II.AT7. UKKIl ON TAIt '. M
Phono 7 1. A.
Wo Dt'lltfr Hki (JimmIs. BBB
Krrncrivi: aphii. 1?, loiB Ei H
No, Depart f? BBBfl
1 Prom Clikngo, Ht. Ixiuls. Denvi r and tho Past . . ., fli63u. m. ) , BBBfl
Puclflo Coast Limited jL flBJB
3 Prom Ban Prunclsco, Bait Uke City and tho West . 10:07 p.m. Is. ' BJBB
Atlantic Coant Limited. '
4 Prom Portland, Ogdcn and Bait Ijcke City 1:15 p. in, ii, BBB
Ban Prunclsco and Chicago PxprtM, Carrie Mull, 'I BJBB
6 Prom Chicago, Bt. Loula and Denver 10:20 h. in, i, M
Chicago nnd Ban Pranclsco Kxp.-chh, Carrie Mull, jr BH
15 Krom Denver, Pueblo, OrufttfJunctloii 8:08 p.m. y? BBBl
Denver und Ogden Kxpreiui, Currlc Mall, fF BJBB
10 Prom Ogden and Bait Lake Clly . SiOOn, in. h H
Colorado and Utah Kxpre, Carrie Mall. F nBBB
19 Prom Chicago, St. Loul. Denver 8:33 u, ni. F& 'ui jBBBb
Bcenlo Limited. jfcfl1" flBJB
30 Prom Portland, Ilutte, Ban Pranclsco, Bait Lako City 7iH2 p, in, 3 8JBJJ
Bcenlo Limited, 1l JflHJJ
C62 Lcuvefc Cotton for Clear Creek and Bcofleld , .252 p. in. m M
051 Leave Clear Creek for Bcofleld and Cotton , 7:45 u, m. jflflflj
Train No. 5 Out of Price und Truln No. 4 from Halt Uiku n " JBJBJ
City Connect With Bcofleld llrunch No. 062. ' h JBBJJ
613 leaves Thistle for Illehfletd und Intermediate. Points 10,20 a. m BBBl
611 Leaves lllohfleld for Thlstla nnd Intermediate Point 8:50 n, nv. j BBBB
138 Prom Helper for Bunnyslde, Mlxid ,.. 8:50u in,. 5, MBJI
130 Prom Sunnyslde for Holper, Mixed ., 3:50 p in. ; ''' BBBJ
Sunnyulde and Bcofleld Ilranch '.ralna Dally Pxcept Bunda), ; JH
No. 1. No 2. ' lH
Leave Hiawatha 8.00a.m. Leave Prko 11:00 a. in ftp BBBJ
Leave Mohrland 8:15a.m. Arrive Past Hlavvathu ... .12:16 p, ni j V- JBflJj
Inve HlawatliA 8:30a.m. Arrive Wave thu 13i30p,m pwt BBBJ
Leave Ka.1 Wavatha .... 8:45 a.m. Arrlvo Morui' nd 13(45 p, in. I kf "BBjfl
Arrive Piles 10:00 a, m. No 4 ! ''BJBB
No, 3, Uavo Price . 3:30 p.m. 'tV BBBJ
Ieave Mohrland l:00p,m. Arrive Past Hiawatha .. . 4:46 p.m. j ki ' H
Ieave Hiawatha l:4Bp.m. Arrlvo Hiawatha , 5:00p,m. iS' BBBm
Leave East Hiawatha .... 2:00 p.m. Arrto Mohrland 5:15 p. m fjj; BBBJ
Arrive Price 3:16p.m. Arrlvo Hiawatha 5:30p.m. j q fljBB
All Train Dally except Sunday. ! BflflJ
Special Trains ot Sundays for tl.e Convenience ot Dall Team. &. BBJJ