Newspaper Page Text
H PAGE EIGHT THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERV FIUDAY - DECEMBER 1Q, 19 J I Notice! H Patrons of the City Light and Water m service are hereby notified that all H delinquents will be discontinued on H December 15th 1915. B By order City Council, I A. H. Hunten, Treasurer PERSONAL K I o. Ilnrfinann returned Hntur- H ilny frnin n iihnrt sojourn In Hnlt Ijike B J. II. Mnnson of tliii Price Klcc- B trl oompony spent Humlny with tiU B nt Provo. B Mlm Killth Causer returned lit BBS Helper Tuesday evening nftrr it llt BB Willi her liruthcr, John Causer. BBS I'nrlo)' llhrnd of Ctmlvlltu linn BBS ' omo tit Prlen to make hi home here. BBf I If l n brother of Mr. II. II. (loctx- BBft BBv Mr. nml Mm. William Parry went BBVc Hptlllgvllln KliliiU) mi n. tlslt. Thry BBBJ were recently ennncolcd with the BBBT Tavern BBS Mm. J. MfOnnn iltul children nr- BBBf uved thin week from Ml. Pleasant to BBBt mnke I'rloo thrlr home, McOnlin In BBB& hik In business lieri'. BBS Joseph Allen of Conlvllln U ii re- BBBZ "it nrrlvnl nt Htorrs. where )n has BBB taken a responsible position with thn BBBf Hprlng Canyon Conl company. BBB Congressman ntul Mrs. Joseph BBBj Howell uml daughter Huth nnd nun BBBJ Wesley Irft Knit I-nko City last wcrk BBBJ cir Washington, O. ('.. for tlii winter. BBB Mr. nml Mm. Prnnk II. Ilnrsluy BBB relumed to thrlr homo nt M)ton luitt BBBJ Hominy uflcr attending thn funeral BBBJ hist Thursday of the former's inothrr BBH nt BBBJ -Mm. I-eonn lilnck mul lur sons, BBBJ Elmer mul M. I). Illauk, of llluwathn, BBBJ l 't Thursday Tor Dawson, N. M BBV wheie they Intend entering thn dairy- BBBJ business. BBB lias Anderson was In Oil week BBBj from III Hnldler Canyon runeli. Live BBBJ stock out that wny hitvo no for ilonn BBBS well thin winters It look na If losses BBBM' would Imi llicht from now on. BBB. Hum l. JewkeM of Cnslln Ontu BBBh wit transacting business nt I'rloo the BBBM 'lint of the week. The mines urn BBBa -oiklnn fairly well, he suys. unit the KABJf men nre satisfied with conditions. KBBK -Hubert llowurit. Inspector for the BKBv I nlleil Htntes I'uel company mines, BBB "it In Price .last Tuesday front one BBm f hi periodical trip unit spent the BBS ! with his family who reside here. BKBT Mm. Durham rorrcster, county BBBV leportler. returneil Tuesday from an BBBM xteliileil vlult of iieVrafweekii In the BBBM Weit. While uwuy ho) UI1im1 Han BBBM l"raiirlco. I'ortlaml. iihiT Hvnttle. Hhn nlo lrlteil nt the home of her inn Ihcr In llrltlnh Columbia. Almn II. Ilumlry of Idaho Knlln, Ida., nml Mm, Agnen luhter of l.uiut, Nov,, returned to (hoik rrvpectlto homen hint Humlny nftrr nltendlnic the funernl In thin oily ufjliielr mother, the late Mm. 8a rah HarroMa Ilumlry. Mm. WIIHnm Hhleldn mul thlldren were hern Wednemlny on their wny to Mohllnnd, where they will renlde, Hhleldii recently ImvtiiK necepted n poiltlon there with the eonl comiHtny. They have hecn locnted nt Cameron nlxive Cimtlo flnte Oeorne D. Ilnymond, Keliernl mi pertntendent of thn Cnrhon-Mmery MtoreH with hendiiunrtem nt lllnwn tha, waa ilolnn ImihIiickk nt I'rlrn Inat Haturdny. In thn cvciiIiik hn loft for Kittl Utkn City, whero he upent mont of tho prctent week on mnttrm with hln prlnilpnlK. Thr nilniH or the Unl led HtateM Kuel iiimpany are worklnic Kood nt thU time nml with the rail rond vnr phnrtniie ocr with, there will ha mi Inrrrniieil output of lilnck dlnmiimU from nil thn rnmim of thnt company. . CITV (OtM MM Niiiurniii IVrruiK Would I.Ike Homo Wnler llonil Money, At the moetliiK or city council Tiu day nlKht thn mipeilnlendent of wnter mum ordered to put nil leaky hyilrnnln In Rood tepalr, ami to keep n clone wnti'h on mime durltiK the winter Um Tlilwrll of WellliiKton mudn tho council nn offer on one econd foot uf wnter In tho Welllmton Canal (Kitnpan'M ditch. Council nuked him to tate hl price prr ihnre and thvy would coiuldrr It nl next mertliiK. Andrew Oman In ulm ilcnlritim to ne to the city u half cond-foot of wit ter In thn Allrrd cunal. Hn wan 11U0 utked to make hlii offer on the price per vhure. Albert llryner mul A. W. Horuley offered four hundred Hharm of Prion Wnter company utock itt i SO n than. No nctlon wan Aken on nuy of the propimltlonn, hut the council will probably connlder the matter further nt It next mrctlmr. Klertilclnn Mninon wax Instructed to place uddltlonal utrect UkIiIh lit polutM where niont neediHl, nml to ex tend the ncrvlcc line In thn southriut purl of the clt to thn reildence of Joe Wolf 1 VB Apparently many people do not as yet i H : know that we carry as fine a line of 5 B ."; popular priced, strictly hand-painted H . CHINA as can be found anywhere. $ HB J: For this reason we are going to give H : for the balance of this month I ! 25 OFF ON I ALL CHINA ) H Articles from 35c to $4.50 less the ' H discount. Gladden the hearts of your H ,? friends with a artistic piece of China. H i Nothing more appropriate. g I I ELITE JEWELRY CO. j BV AVVVVUVlAAJVVVVVVWVVVWVVVWiVUrtrVV i BBflB IltHINI8 COXDITIONR AUK AH OOI AH AT AXV I'ART TIJIK O. W. Van I. aw, erond vice prenl dent of the United Htatcs Smeltlne, Iterlnlnx and Mlnlnic company of lion ton, Ik nRaln In Utah on a trip of In gpcctlon to the meUI mine and the Rmeltcm of the company. He iny that the nmeltem In all pnrta of the United Hinted me running at capacity nml thnt tiuelnrmi condition nre a good nn nt any time during the pant ten yearn. He would not mnko nny eittlmate of the tonnage that Is being taken tal-c of nt the nmeltem, but re ferred nil qtieiitlonii nf that character to fleorgc W. Helntz, the general mnn nger of the concern. The' prosperity of the countr) U due to the gicst nrdem from nbrimd for steel nnd for grain," saya Van "The blockaded condition of the KttMern' railroads tcftlries to the great amount of limine. One would never think thnt great railroad y tema with every convenience wpuld bevomo so congested that they cfitild not handle the trnfflc. Tho prosper ity which I with us Mill continue for at leant two years. After that I can not say what tho business condition of the eountry will be." Van Ijiw hns twlpo recently been n visitor to the mines of the United Htntcs Kuel company In Carbon nnd Hmery countl6s. In company with IS. ! Carpenter, president of the fuel comer n, nnd has expressed himself ns more than pleased with condition ns he found them on both occasions. With the smelters doing well the conl properties of Unstern Utah nro bound to prosper In tin n. Ilotl thn coal mines nnd mcltcm mentioned are In fact owned by the Ouggenhelm Interests. An Increase of a million tons of coal In the production In Utah Is expcUed by operators In tl, according to Krederlck A. Hwcet, president of the Htnndnrd Conl company of Halt take City. This Increased production, which will run the total In Utah to five millions for the )enr, Is due to the demand for Utah coal In tho Pacific Northwest nnd California nnd nlso to the rtlmulatlnn of nnd addition to In dustries In Utah mid Idaho. The new potash factory In Houthern Utah, commencing operation tho first of April, will consume from fifteen hun dred to eighteen hundred tons of slack n dav. Kstlmntliig the consumption nt seven hundred thousand tons fur the year nt one dollar n ton seven hun dred thousand dollars ensh will be turned otcr to the coal Industry from this source nlune nnd from it product much of which has been wnsted In tho pnst. With the ImreAse In the total production of coal thn companies do not fear nuy Inability to furnish the slack required, although under plesent condition the demand might exceed the supply. W W. Jones, thief engineer Tor the Carbon Conl company nt Itnlnes, was doing business nt Prim last Halurday. Ho slates that thn company I getting along well with the construction of Its tipple, mid thnyfFAIs it matter or but n short time fnllK shipments will bo going out or I nrljon county's new est on m p. lleirnl JMnnnger Harris, formerly with the i'rslen properties out of Thomprtiusls In uhnrge or work ut ltulncJrhn Hun ncknuwl tulge n very pleasant coll rrom Jin glnrer Jones while he wns In the county seat. II It. Uwls, general superintendent or the Htundmd Conl company nt HtHiidaldtllle, was In the county sent Inst I'lhlay and Incidentally left around rite thousand dolktnf with the dmnty treasurer ror thut company's tuxes ror the year 1810. Huperlntru dent I.ewU makes his heaibiunrtrm In thn ICeurnx building nt Halt Uike City, but hi duties call him out or the city lit great portion of tho time. Aitvici: rem r.u.Mi:its. Utah farmers run snvn much time, worry and money by consulting drain ngo experts employed by tho govern ment, nccordlng to !kf. K. Hall of the Utah bureau of thn drainage sen Ire. According to Hall, the drainage ex perls urn nltvu) glad to Inspect rami lauds suspected or being uffccteil by alkali. Ily following; the recommen dations of thn drulnngo experts It Ii I possible ror the farmers to save thorn .selves considerable, loss In crops. TiioMj KU.MMini noAiinims. First l'urmer So you nro taking summer boarders this year? Hecond Farmer Yep; wo didn't haw to. but my wife lovea to hear em talk thnt city dialect. owi Hint ooou uvjiimx to CHAMIinitliAIX'S TAIIUnt. "I owe my good health to Chamber lain's Tablets," writes Mrs. It. a. Neff, Crookston, O. "Two years ago I was an Invalid due to stomach trouble. I took threo bottles or these tablets nnd hnve since been In the best or health." Obtainable everywhere Advt. Cull, or write, phone Kight-O where the flowers grow for cut flowers, or funeral designs. We lire nearer to you. curry the largest Mock and make you thn lowest prices, Provo Green house company. Advt. Mm, I. A, MeOce has opened her studio on North Ninth street and Irf ready to take, orders or give IctaonXr Advt. - Hmoke Clk Pride Cigar, Tel. 152. STEERS SCARCE DURINeTHE WEEK (Continued from pago one.) I am receiving rrom nil parts or the range country Is vcrj encouraging, anil, unlof"! unusual storms should occui. wo anticipate n record breaking attendance." HIII!HPMK.VH COMPI.AI.Vr NOW ItUINO ItKIIHI.Y I.WIEHTUIATItl) In i espouse to n telegram he had sent the goternor or Arltona nt tht request or the Utnh Woolgrowers' bs filnllon, Oov. William Hpry has re ceded n metwagc staling that the chler exeutlvo or that state has taken up with the Allronn state live stock sani tary board the question or modifying tho recently established quarantine against sheep. The Arizona quaran tine requited that sheep shipped to that state, nten though they were dipped nt the point of shipment and pni ted federal Inspection, should be dipped again when they reached the Arlxona line. "ApiKtrently the object of the quar antine was to prevent Utah sheepmen rrom graxlng their stork In Arliona," said C. II. Htewnrt. president or the t'tah nmorlntlon. "For years live stock men or this state have been using tho Arliona mime nnd many or them hnve h priority established In fcilernl resertes there. Certain per sons In Arlxona evidently wish to ob tain the rights or the Utah men for themrelves." , I'ool nml .Mouth .Manual. Thn department of agriculture hns Just Issued n manual or Instructions designed to prevent an unexpected outbreak or the root nnd mouth dis ease nnd to assist the field employes of the department and other persons In stamping out the disease In the event of a recurrence. In cases where there nre even slight grounds ror be lieving thnt the suspicion or root nnd mouth dlsense may ln Justified, the matter should be promptly reported by wire to tho chler or the bureau or nnlmal Industry lit Washington, l. C. r a positive diagnosis ennnot Ik made nogs or cnlvcs should be Inoculated with tipcclmcns rrom the suspected letilon mid the results iirefully wntched. A positive diagnosis of font and mouth disease Is followed Immediately by the assignment or n special redcrn' representative to take charge of the work of stamping out the outbreak. This representative Is Instructed to co-operate In evr wny with the stale niilhotltles. nnd strin gent measures nro npplled to prevent the dlus from spreading. The Instructions also direct that nil llvo stouk shipment recently made horn thn neighborhood In which the disease hns appenrrd shall bo traced to their defoliations mid the possibil ity of the milmul Included In them being Infected thoroughly Investiga ted. Ilernrds nre to be made of nil cms used In the transportation or llvo stock, out of the directed district In order thnt they may be thoroughly cleaned mid disinfected before they are used again. coM.MiKHioMiith' Mi:i:n(j. Notes due lecemlcr It, ISIS, one for eight thousand dollars to the First National bank or Price nnd ono for six thousand to the Helper Htnte bank, will be paid promptly by thn county on that date, ns Clerk Horsley wax nuthoilird at the meeting of the county commissioner on. Monday to di aw warrant for the mnounts with . per cent Interest. It was nlso or dered that the county attorney makn n settlement with John T. Howley of Hprlng Olen In thn mutter or ground med along the present county rond on u basis or ninety dollars and the board accepted the nrrer or MMlito Clerlco to give ten feet morn or less vvldo and eight hundred and sixty feet long to the county for roud purposes, on con dition that the county would pay the expenses or fencing the same. Aa soon us the deed Is riled to the ground thn clerk Is ituthorlxed to draw it war rant In Clerlco's favor for fifty dol lars. Them were some other matters of minor Importance disposed of nnd the board adjourned subject to tho call of Commissioner llryner. Adletg Ono Cent Per Wonl lZncli Insertion, No Charge Accounts. OLD N15W8PAPEHS FOH BAMS AT Tho Hun office; 2Bo per hundred, FOH ItKNT TWO-llOOM COTTAoic funifkhed. Phono I72W. FOU 8AM3 Oil TIMDK I CO ACHK8 near town, Oood Improvements. A bargain If taken nt once. Call at The Hun office, FOU 11KNT FUIINIBHUD FOuTl room house, I'rovo, Utah, two blocks from union station. Lights; city wutr. IM.00 per month. P. O. Ilox S0. Trovo. TOM 11AIIUON BTItAIN B. C. WHITE leghorn cockerels for sale by Mm J, J. Welgmann. FOIl ItKNT FOH A TKRM OF years, or for sale on easy terms, forty acres of land south of Price In walking distance. It. W. Crockett FOIl BAIB AT A IIAItaAIN ONK Mustang mailer with 13 galleys all In good condition. The Sun. FOit SAt,K on tuai)I4 six-nonsn Fairbanks, Morso ft Co. gasoline en gine aa good ns new, together with shafting, belting, pulleys, etc. May be Been at The Bun office BTOOIC CKUTIFICATKS. nONDS mid blank books of nny alio or style to order. Everything In commercial printing and offlct? stitlonery. Esti mates promptly furnished. The Sun, Price, Utah. The Store of Ciiristmas Gifts l l For All. The Cheery Holiday p Spirit Pervades This Store Fine Christmas stocks and attractive fMJ merchandise. Gifts for every member l n of your family, every friend and every II U one to whom you must give something 11 ii Dolls! Toys! " L ;; For every little girl, for cv- ! .. cry day In the year. I.vcry- ,,,,1, miniion diamond cap Z ,.,, ! ', thing new mid moderately lace t:MH H ''""' 1-adleV ltlaek Kid. u ti, fl top. button, priced s.I.hh llr.u, , OLOYES ; , ; OI.OVKH tor Men. Women MENS DRESS SHOES fl.'r ' II and Children. our stocks Uutton or lace, all leatlu, , fB"" nnswer every requirement. nn,j tyei., !!Br-1'k ' Our values are the ttest. Priced IJ.D8 to 83.0K 'Bon t ' ::bhdii BATH ROBES . MENS' NECKWEAR ife ' ' B Men's nnd ladles' Hath Complete line or Mcn IIB'"' ' J Holies. HvcrV number n Neckwear Just received. ,, f ;: good pattern 2.l to 9I.DH Priced .. . . 2.V to l.'.c " "'xul!1 , , ' prop, r tt1 ' ! ilthou :: WHERE YOU DO BEJTER ii KT J lims n rrhl i 83 Busy WfftM'MAM Blls-v I: i: Stores Ibbb BuImREs0! Stores ij r xr.w coai. .mini: at iimniw I TOhOON HKHIHPPINO I'L'IIIj ljst Kn,turday's Drserrt Evening News loutnlns this Hem or local In terest. "A now coal lulu to furnish! the Amalgamated Sugar company with n hundred nnd twenty thousnnd tons of coal n year Is to be opened up In Hprlng Canyon by thn Kevins In terests, P. J. Quealey nnd other Wyo ming Interests, nccordlng In J. E. Prttlt. stato coal mine Inspector. A company, with I It. Italnrs'aa mana ger. Is now In process or formation, mid will shortly be completed. Ac-cot illng to I'eltlt the Amalgam- ,l,i, p I'nted Hugnr company has for some i u time expressed n preference ror tuh n f,w .coals, becauso or tholr excellent stor- ur age qualities. Thn Wyoming Interests , ,, I with which tho company hns hml coil t rl , contracts herctoforo have nsrreJ, r ii. therefore, to oputi a Utah coal mine i. "Pettll was not certain cuntrnla; . thn illfforcnt Interests represented In ,. , tho cotnpnny now being formed, list , M, wild tho Eccles people, the I'nlus ,,, ( f Conl compan) and other Utah and . i Wyoming Interests nre backing tae , ,vl movement. Hn reports that the rm- r, (lf i pnny has nlrcudy opened up lis mine." ,tll t PLOTTERS IN U. S. ARE ; SCORED BY PRESIDENT i ges ' ''lOUl ig ' Continued from page one. i- do - pR crous nnturnlizution Inwa to the full freedom nnd opportunity of m Amerlcn, who linvo poured the poison of disloyalty into the very IJ,,', arteries of our nntionnl life; who hnve sought to bring the nuthor- ity nnd good name of our government into contempt, to destroy ,tn our industries wherever they thought it effectivo for their vin- dictivo purposes, to strike nt them nnd to debnse our politics to the i oa uses of foreign intrigue. No federal lnws exist to meet this situa- tlon, because such n thing would linvo been Incredible in tho past. rki Such Ventures of passion, disloyalty nnd nnnrchy must be crushed - m out. Thoy are not mnny, but they arc infinitely malignant, and ;r, the hnnd of our power should close over them" at once." - ni Keen Interest in the president's address wna shown by the for- .ef elgn rcpresentntives in the diplomatic galleries, where every em ' bassy nntl legntion wns represented. All appeared pleased with the w, message, nnd tho Latln-Americnns expressed special grntificntton ( i over tho reference to pan-Americanism. In the executive gallery, as tho president spoke, was his fi- 1 K ancee, Mrs. Norman Gait, whose first appearance at tho cnpitol ,ro since tho announcement of the president's engagement, attracted t ru marked attention from tho crowds. ' r The address was practically tho only business of the day in ' both houses. Each adjourned until Friday to give timo for com- f , pletlng tho organization of working committees. In the brief time r a the senate wits in session more than fifteen hundred bills nnd '"; reso'"flons were offered. Measures dealing with preparedness, ;,; prohibition, suffrage nnd prevention of snle of wnr munitions to belligerent nations predominated. ' u. " IPS rVViftAftV,AAAftA'AVkPLSLSLLSLSLLSLSL mil V "i onl A. KOPF'S STUDIO All Work Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable. ! i.', I Photograph Work Of All Kinds. !; i Up Stairs Over Commercial Bank. Phone 17. Price, Utah, jj j. - 1 1 ) hhi n 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 ( i nn i n 1 1 1 1 1 ! -H ' I !'i ? Dn'tnUiri1n ' Wo sell It and gunranteo It. Ours H T I J'1 f ntllclDlcLUtiery iHtheklndyoubuvundputlntoeverv T CU A I u j duy sen lc nnd find It stands tho test i I fl Wlien Advertised f Ume. Wo hnve many styles and t U t '"We Have It, brands to select from nt prices with h s uic pront sharing. I "' $ WEETER LUMBER GO- I ,. n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 n i i i 1 1 1 I r