Newspaper Page Text
I joECEMBERJ I PAGE SIX THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY . DECEMBER 17, n;S. I Co. g of Goals if Colcc am tho Horse, ny nml , TlM, :lior lto raW :li rionr I Inko Crtfok, le (Into, ntiyslilc, JWSJW, RN jj Prop. I acr. g iquors : realmcnt J !! S.R; cini.ut- ; i:y. hlRllCSt ' nil Clijnr ', :RILL j t : -H-H in'sj I in : : m '. nicer ; i( than ; 'Come : r line. : : -as- ssssBasM I I to $6. : by us. : : IS ' mi i tail R ' :: and (t ; ; alien- ; ; irge or ; ; landle. ;; Attention. ; ; 'EASTERN AND SOUTHERN UTAH " CASTLE DALE "J I'tlTliB HAI.K !) It Mrs ( --ll- Thnyn wMow of the Into Jo seph I! Tlmyti ixvsiwl nwiiv nt her hnmr In nmiiRpvllle, Decemhcr -till, nflpr a IIiik'Mhb; Ulnum of nrcr n )nr. mirroumliil r nil hr chlMrmi, liru thsrs nml frlsmls The funeral sir vle err held In the OrnnKeVllli meellnK houss Itorember 7th. with llbtlHM II M Hltl lirestillnK Hhc wns me of the pioneer of OrnrmeVlllo. having mntnl there something like twenty-five )raM ns;ii Wllthtm J Keel traveling state mi-. illtur. sirnt the fore part of the week In entitle ttate representing hi hr-1 thr llyriim In lite lulter'n henrlng li.j fore the rrnmlslitien relative- to the eh re 1 1 assessment It wnt itcrlitcil the, 1 ntwMtment win. n double one nnd the ! I tax wnM ordered redttned neeordliiRl) . A eoroner'n Inquest over the Itmlr f Chris Jensen nt Molen. who wm I found dead on the Hun lufael rmiil lent week, wmi held before Justin. J II Cook of I'erron Inst TtietHlny. the derl4on being that the derenee.1 rams ! hi denih from natural can. (I V lll kmnn wna hiirrledlr ritlletl lo I'rmn Inst Hundny mnrnlng lijr n imil turn In the condition of hi mtt I her Nhe beniiif miinvwlmt lielter. howeMM", nml he wan able lo return Inst IMilny lilahiip llrlnkerhiiff of Hmery nd ' V. trftreon of Cnstlc Dale, nrtlng it Jnr rumintolonrr, eeleeled iinmen tills week to iiiihiumm- the 1910 Jury lint Cnsllo lnle now linn n pulillc mrk, totiK printing niKotlnttoiifi for 111 inr f hnne of the Don (' Hrely Idoek lmlnK horn lonrluded the pimt rrk IiuIh J irttrnm'11 iimited thrniiRh Cimtln Diile thlH mornliiK hound fur ltelei('lt) whirr he nnd hli mother nlll nmkr their home JorRrnxrii linx been prenldriil of the Young Men H Mu tun I Improvement niuoilntlon of Kmrr for pome time nnd n part) unit Klen In their honor Tueedny lilKhl The lt Vlrw tmillnf lull mrt nt the home of Mr A l Kltrr Unt Wedneedn) nflernonn A fine hiihy Iki) urrlvrd nt the home of Mr nnd Mr. IVtcr IVtrrxon lnt Hiinda) morning 1 Hum Hlngleton, the rnterprhdng , I "i iron mrrihiiul. wn u Cnnlle Dnlc lnltor lnnt Mondn) I'nile" nnd Mr. Drnngc Heel) nnd Mr nml Mr. J WelllnRlon Heel) nt- tended the funeral of their lntrr. Mr. H.irnh H Tlduell of WelllnRlon. whit It , tun lit Id nt thut plnre Inut Hundny nf- ' trrtioiill On liul Mondny wn held the nti- ! mini hireling of the Cleveland t'uunl - nnd Agrleulturnt nwrlntlon. nt which j lime offlrrr wrre re-elreted Oliver ', Jeturn und (lenrRit T Ovhktt nnd Jolt Oliver of Ktmo were eteited to fill ' the plHie of Wllllnm T Ijiniih nnd ', Uir I' Ijirmm, vvhone term hnd ex ' plred The Infmit (hlld of Mr. nnd Mr. ! William Know or Htnudardvllle wn i broiiKht to rirvetnnd for hurlnl. the flinerul being held TllrwhtV iieulge White nnd Mr. Otuf Jrnveit i of Cleveland were ihIUhI to Mohrlnud IiinI Mondn) to the betlokte of their biolher-ln-luw. Tnll) Kvnn. who hnd been revere!) Injured In the mine h few dn) prevlou. A RHine of hnktlN(U wiw pkt)ed ill Duvln II ill In Clnvelntul between Hun IIiirIou IiIrIi mhmil nml Olevelnnd I'lovelitnd won l n MMire of fori) nine lo folirtren John Uimph of Clevekind left taut week to Join hi brother. Dnve. nt Ihe iiKrltultimil college nt logun Murk I'owell nnd fnmll) of WrllliiR ', ton v lulled relative In Cleveland till weik llert Cowle) of Hlurxr I vUlllug ! relative In Cleveland I'ennl Uhilntemien of Uleveliind ; met with mi iiwldiiit Haliirila) , night while pholng Imnkrthull. fall- lug und lt Iking hi hend on Ihe tep nud tutting iiilln n evere kunIi In hi , forehiMid ; " . i AROUND GREEN RIVER I ; . (IHKi: IIIVKII Kei II Hllver III in Iron work at Halt Uike Oil) ) hu been offertd u two million dollar . ntrait for he)U und nhrapml f..r ' Ihe fuit that thl firm I tonlrtutlug for ull the mungnnetx ore the) mil Ret . mined In the Orren ItUer dlntrht l( the) unept Ihe contnul It oiiRht to ) make thing llvel) nroiind (In en . Illver thl winter Mr. Nut livl piiiuul tliroimh here tjii mlnv night n route from Ther- . mopiill. W)o. to Halt Ijike Cll) und ' left lur llttlii Rrundiuin, Kendrlrk, ! with hi other gruudpnrent, Mr und Mi 1'uul Wood Mr. Kendrkk lvl ' I In the hoxpltal at Thermopolt nnd I Mi. Nat Unl wn cnllel to her duughlor In Halt Uike Cll) who hnd been taken quite III A twept)-flvo font bridge will be built b) tho count). pannlng I'lvo Mile Wnith, nlo u number of culvert up the ulle) W It Newb) I building nn up-to-Into dalr) burn Iloth building nnd burmnrd will bo lighted by elec libit) Ciuhler II K Hllllman of the l'rult grower' fitate bnnk left today for Kunnu on n icvcrnl weeks' builneiuj till), his little von Kenneth nocom panning him W. C Olllesple la not ing ns cashier during Hllllmnn' ab sence. Charles II Dnrnnt wns nn arrival from nifle, Colo., )otcnlay nnd I visiting his parent. Col. O W. Dur unt nnd wife Dr. T II Hlmuiu Is u busy praotl tloner this vviek, qultfl a numbor be ing 'under the weather" Mr Hon Collier returned to Cali fornia last week, after n pleasant visit with her parents, Dr nnd Mr. T II Hlrauss. The Clrnnt nnd Hrunner families have moved nut to Iho mnngnneie cump for tho winter. Miss Itnogene Miller hits been III this week with tonillltls. Dick Hood nnd family loft lust Sat urdu) for the I.'enst Col a. W Durant wns nblo to rpmo ovrr to town Monday with U II. drecn nnd hi man) friend hope to see him oftener now The Infant child of Mr nnd Mr II J. Oatep has lieen quit III, but hi belter now. Mr. and Mrs If. J. ttdney have re turned to (Ireen Ittver nud rtnted the J I fqrsmnn houne. , John Hlte wn up from the tower liver country tho first of the week He ) that I'rnnk Htoddard wn Imillr kicked nnd irngged h) a hurse Jimt In fore he left. Hhrep nre torn Ing In slow I) nnd about two hundred thousand will lie wintered thorc Tho flro department met and reor gnnUed, Chaster Trans being the new i hlef nml Walter Iloston, niwlstnnt C D llalloik of O rand Junrtlon ratne tin I'rlda) and ta)rd until Hat unlay with Oramlma Perrell, Id mo thei -In-law lie InJureil hi foot while here before hut It teem to It getting along nlcol) MIm Maude Wolverton arrlvwl Hun day evening from Halt l.nkv Cll) and vWted her former friend here a well a her lit oilier, N'onrel Wolver ton, and wife Hhr wa on mute to Can 1l. Mo, where rlie lll lie with her staler Knld Wolverton Her mother I now at llankmtlle with Mr Wolverton ami Ted 1 CPIIRAIM t KPIIIIAI. tin II Mr. H W Mpnrk has atinoumeil the engaga ment of her daughter. Ada, to ICdgar lllatkhnm of Moroni, the marriage to tnkc plnov In Mnntl The )oung rou ple will make their home In Moroni The Uidlea' Literal) eluh met nt the home of Mr. J. Y Jensen Wed ndn) ovenlng The regular pro gram wn parried out nnd luncheon wan'served Tho member of tho 1. I). club mrt nt the home of Ml Mabel Morlcnen Thumdn) evening Luncheon wn nervid b) the hoMr-m to seven. Mr A l llertvlson entertalniil member of her famll) nt n dinner pnrty Hundn) evening Twelve chil dren were prrnent NrlghlHir nnd friend of Mr. C II Whiting gave her n plenmnt surprise lut Thursdn) evening Mr. Dell Aiiilemon wn n Ml I'lea ant visitor lant Tucedn) MU Ann Iwiarcon rntertalneil nt n kenslngton Hnturdn) evening lie freshtnent were rvrd to ten Mr. C M Jaeolmen returnid thl wtek from Hnll Ijike City, where she tindrrwrnt n Niirglcul opt ration Mr. Joxrpli NIoIkoii enlertalned nt illiimr Hundn) evening Ml Iiln Allreil eiiti rtalned at n pleasant blrlbdu) part) HtituU) ( teinoon. Ml IMIth Thorpe entertained the member of the I. D dub Halurdu) evening lit it blrtlula) purl). An o)s ter uppr hi- served to nlno. Mr. Thorvnld llrrlnhnlt wa ho- Iti' Thursda) oviulng nt n pleuiwint dinner party TwenD-four were pres ent Ml VI vii KoUlrr entertained the memlwr of the M. M club Wedrie da) evening. Luncheon wa nerved, c-ovrr being laid for eleven ruuvrul sorvUe for Harold A. Jo hnnnen 11 )er old Min of AliKiirtl und Hleim JidiiiiHteu of Halt Mko Clt). were held Monday afternoon nt the undertaking iwibir of H M To) lor At Co The servhea were conducted b) Hnoeh Jorgetmen of the Jordan high school Hand) nn old time friend of the family. MORONI MOItONI. Dec II. Chrl I'nbilur of llphrnlm wn u Moroni vUltor on Tucmla). llle Omen of I'rbc I vIMtlng with relutlve till week llrnr) Ca ml land of Chester tvn u Moroni vbdtor on Tttrsdii) Kerr) I'a u x und Kdgur lilmkhnm weie Kpbialm vl.ltor Huiulav Mono II Dnipir of I'rovo wn vIk. Itlng with relative thl week Mtlvln Draper of Pi Ice wn u Mor oni visitor for a few da j thl week. Mr. Ilenr) Ileal of Hphrulm was visiting with Mr and Mr, ltd llrudlc) the flrt part of the vviek Mr nnd Mr Kinenmn Ilradley of Halt Uike Clt) wire visiting with rela tive lure thl week Mr and Mr. Oenrge Ilradley und son Vincent of Mnntl were Moroni vlnltor Mondn), William Draper of Itedmond wns v lulling with relative und friends line thl week. Mr and Mr. Dennis Davie of I'ro vo nre vlsltlhg nt the home of Mrs Cull thl week Miss Kvn Olson entertained the H, O D girls nt her homo last Wednes day. Mrs. Julia rrcstwltch of Idaho came lo attend the funernl of her fa ther, Mnsfr Draper, which wn held Wednesday Mrs. Dora Hpell I the proud mo ther of a beautiful bnb) boy which ar rived Baturda), December tth. Impressive services for Miss Idona Illackham, IS )ears old, daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Illackham, who died at her home on Saturday, were held In the tabernacle on Tuesday "t FAIRVIEW. t KAIUVIUW. Deo. II Horn, to tho wife of Karl Hurtle November 24th, n girl, to the wife or Parle) Olscn. De icinbir 1st, a girl, to the wife of I A. I'oulson, December tth, a girl Mrs. MuKelt of Suit 1-ultu City Is a guest nt the home of her sister, Mrs. Hills Prltcliett Mr and Mrs Itobert Oldroyd and children of Cunndu are guests at tho home of Swen O Nlelxon and are vis iting friend und relative. Mr nnd Mis Omar Norman went to Salt Iikc Clt) lust week lit their nutnmobllo to Malt Mrs. Josle Mat no n. who wns oprmtel upon for np pendlultls Mrs Sam Itlgby, who Is with her husband nt Haltlmore. Md , was op ernted upon lust week for appendicitis Mis Atella Sanderson, daughter of Morten Sanderson, was operrted upon Deiember 6th for appendicitis. Tho S-jeor-old son of Philip Ostcn son died on Trlday, December 3 T. of HHHHHBHWHsaHII pneumonia I unrral servlie were held Hunda) on Mnmla) Novemt-er tli. It ' Ing the fifth Monday In the month, the off hers and member of the relief society, taking pUnlc with them, showed their respect to some of the old and feeble sister by calling on them and bidding meeting. Those vhrtted were Mr. Sweromn. Mr Hand strom Mrs Kiel Jenson nnd Mr Amanda Stewart Mr. Htewart re lated many Interesting dirt' instance of hn early youth She gave tetll mon) that le knew the Prophet Jo seph "mlth Hnd hi brnlher llynim and a them after they were killed. ' MANTI f 4 MANTI Dec It It Krlday a deer wnndereil down off the foothill Into the city lot of C P lvron on the east side of the city It wa a two-year-old doe and after calmly survey ing the prembw she strolled tetoural) Imrk up the hllhdde Mrs. Andrew Peterson died Tee day morning and the funeral was held from the tabernacle yeeteiday after noon Mr Peterson wn among the Itmmlnent pioneer of Manll Mr ami Mr, luymoml liuihanan entertained Wednewlay evening for the maiiiage of their son. Iloyal. and Ml Margaret Hoe of Hevler Mr and Mrs. N C Chrtntoneen an nounce the marrla&e of thrlr daugh ter, lilila. and 1lfonl (I KrWh knetht on Weilnemla). iJiH-emlwr Md. In the Mnntl temple John Pnrry Iih been serloH!) Ill the Htt weik, but I n little Improved thl morning The pole Imvo been moved from the tentrr to the side of depot street und we will soon have nnotlur boulo vnld C. M Htrlnghnm went to llhhfleld Hundn) to attend a mirllng of the movie picture men Kdwnrd Webb of Murrn) mine down I'rldn) to vltlt hi dnughtrr. Mi. J II llornung Mr. Ilelxr Carlson und thlldren i-amo over from the rescrvntlon lnt week to remain for the w Inter Di. Ilos Anderson of Halt ltke Clt) spent n couple of da) till wick nltlng Dr Nelson In surger) wise. Munll to keep nbicnkt of the lime, must need hnve hr Inlior Irouble. Ho I'llda) morning tha. workmen for the clt) on the power line on depot sired strut k on account of u minim dristiindlng of twent)-flve tent r dny on the wage. After n couple of hour arbitration the men won their point nud n turned to work Marriage. IUciim were Isnucd the past vviek to Theron Pickett of Oun tilsou nud Mnrthii Vim cut of Hpnnlsh Pork: lto)itl lliiymond lliiihnnnn of Mnntl nnd Margrtt Angle lloe of Hev Irr. The (M-cond of u serle of wllvi r lea glvin l the It K ilurw wn held nt Ihe home of Ml John P Hon nson Tilesdn) nflrriiiMiu Tho present were Mr. Muud llrown. Mr Knln Keuner. Mr Dhiuthn U Held, Mr A P VoorhieH Mr Kelby June. Mr. Lydla Momtt. Mm Khiiid Dale). Mr. Alice llaiton, Mr. Mar Monk, Mr l.iK Tenimnt and Mr. Ahlra I'elt The senior girl of the high school spent nn evening with Ml l.iullle Anderson Hntunlak Mr. William Perkln of (lunnlson hu lieen v lulling In thl tit), the guest of Mr and Mr l.lo)d Parry Mr. Htlu Nelson wh hostess nt n limiting Hirl) I'rldav ufkrnoou Hup per wa served tover being laid for ton Mr. Uuri'iim Tuttlo entertained the Needlmrnft ilub ut her home Wedncsdti) evening Mis Klstie Jensen entertained nt her home Thursda) night. Luncheon wn served to llertella Allnd, I'runie MiiiIhcii, Ornce Peterson, Trtsiui All led, Kdlth Carpenter, Christina Peter sou, IMIth KJnr, Ituby D)reng, I .rah liratlhvvnltc, Uiulso Iteusch nnd Ljdln Jensen Mis I Intel Jensen wn hostrs at n kenv'neton ut her home Wednesday rifleen were present Mr M)rlle Htevens returned to her home In Oakley Tuesday, after u visit with her parents, Mr nnd Mrs. Wil liam Tuttle The music section of the Ladles' Llterar) club met with Mrs. Clara Johnson Monday evening Headings were given bv Mrs. Millie Kerr nnd Mrs. J II Harming Muslrnl selec tion were rendered by Mrs. Jessie Lund nnd Mr und Mrs Hills Johnson Mrs. Arthur Parson nnd Mis Nel lie Pursons returned to their home In Klgln, Ore, Mondn), after n three weeks' visit with relatives nnd friends In Mnntl HIT. PLEASANT T MT. PLHAflANT, Deo. U Mr. Kmll Itutlshnuser entertained at a kenslngton Wednesday afternoon Those present were Mrs. Ktta Peter son. Mr. Lucille Seely, Mrs. Llllle Jo hansen, Mrs. Tlorence Mcintosh, Mrs Tressa Krlckien, Mrs. Hrma Paulsen, Mrs. Louie Seely, Mr. Florence Niel sen. Luncheon wa served by the hostess. Mr. Hlslo lirlcksen celebrated her golden weddlncr and birthday anniver sary Sunday evening About fifty rel atives and friends were present Mrs. Hrlckscn was presented with n ring nnd chain by her children. Mrs. Jo sophlne Anderson of Salt Lake Cll) wn nmong the guests. The Twentloth Century club wns en tertained by Mr. Fred C Jensen Thursday afternoon The following program was carried out Lecture, "The Problem of the Clt)," Miss Car rlo Purd), debate, "Ilesolved, That City Life In Preferable to Country Life," affirmative Mrs C W Soren son nnd Miss Margaret Candlbtul, negative. Mrs II C Jacobs nnd Mrs J II Htel), vocal duet. Misses Wini fred and Carol Jensen Iltfreshments were served Mm Wllford Johansen entertained nt n children's party Sunda) after noon Mr It, A Ilroadhurst entertained Monday ut noon for Mrs. J W Mc Oann Mrs. P M NelUou was hostess at a supper Sunday evening for Mr and Mr. II)rum Chrlstenscn nnd children, y Mr. Andrew Knudsen nnd children I' nnd Mis. Mar) Ann Iteynolds ,. The It r O E lodge Ravi n charlt) I all Thursda) evening nt the opera ; house Almut two hundred were pre . ent ' The Crochet tlub met with Mr. . , W MKlmban Tuesday evening . Those present were Mr K W Wnll, Mr II H. Johnson. Mr Ha Ander- ; son. Mr. J W Cherry Mrs ! C . Johnson, Mr. lw Woodrlng Mr. ; Krl Itasnittiewn and Maw Annie Jo- , haneen Mr II A Ilroadhurst entertained at luncheon Wednesila for Mrs. loon Hroihemnn Mr A Crane nnd Mr. . K W Wall ! Mr l C Johnenn entertained In- , for ma lly TlmradB) afternoon Mr J W McOann. who Wft during he week to make her home In Price. , wa honor guest at a luncheon at the home of Mra. Oscar Wall Monda) ; evening Mm C N Krliksen entertained nt dinner Weilneods) evening In honor of her husband't forly-flflh hlrthdny anniversary. Present wet Mr nnd Mr. IJ V r!rlk.n Mr and Mr U Itasmuiweii und H (1 Nielsen The stndent lHly at the North Ban pete high school gave a dam Ing pnrty at the armory hall Friday evening Mi. II. C Iteauman wa hosier nt iHlicheoH Haturtlar for Mra J W Mc Oann Thoae tret wer Mm It. A Mroadhiir!, Mis IMIth Monlgomerv. Miss Madeline Iwm and the gueet of honor Mr. Abner Crane wa howlee for Ihe Home Culture club Tuesday afler iii wn UINTAH BASIN SECTION f x MtTON. De. II Kb Himm of White ltik retenlly mndo n dlsiov ery of ore In Uintah Caii)on vvhlth I mild tu Ih rich In gold nnd sliver One niwn) showed nlnet)-flve ibdhir to the ton Chnrlle -Morrison of M)ton I said to be Interested with Hlmms Ollvir Dart butchered tw cut) -five head of hogs on III rnmh on tho North M)ton llenrh this week lie left Wednesdii) for Hunnsldn with them lie hn them already market ed at ten rents u pound The hog n vi raged n hundred nnd lxt)-flvc pound In weight The whoot or Altonnh nre doing fine There nre nenrl) two hundred nud flit) pupil nt present nnd It take three building to hold them The st hool house would not hold oue hnlf The ull purpose house Is full nnd one Umtlur I In the new hnll nt present. Word ionic Hint the tniilhi r of II I Dnrl. Correttlonvlllc.. la. I still vi i) low Hhe I iiIhmii 93 )ear old At Inst Hicoiiut Mr Dart wu ut her bedside Hu) mil hnve I teen ver) heavy In thl neighborhood and It I said thnt ver) little more t for mI on tho North M)ton llendi Altifuati wn luiorporated Inst month with J M Millard, president, Albert Dnstiup. Herrmnii Hchmlcg low fleorge Hlilnes and llcber Carrol trustee. Tho proposition of nn artesian well I now being dlsousscd. The M)ton Canal nnd Irrigation loinpnii) lit n contract to C. T llegg for tha coliatructlou of five mill of canal. MiCauley nnd Carter nre tensing tho Little Water conl mine, tvvrnt)-slx miles northeast of Itoowvclt They nre sold to lie doing u ilindld busi ness. Freighters report the Willow Creek road out of Helper over the hilt to wards the reservutlon In fairly good condition However, morn freight goes out of Price through Holdler Can )nn tliiiu by nn) other route. owiis Hint cool) mirii to CIIAMHHIILVI.N'H TADLITTH. "I owe m good health to Chnmbvr Inln's Tiibli ts, writes Mr It O Neff, Crookston, O Two )iar ugo I was un Invalid due to stomnch trouble. I took three bottles of theso tablets nnd hnve sliuo been In the best of health" Obtainable over) where Advt Hmuko Klk Pride Cigar, Tel IBS. -r4-4..H.,J c A T S F A C y .Turneil jgyg : Abstracter of Titles for y Whicl j CARBON COUNTY . o . ; SURVEYING AND CONTRACTING ( ! P. 0. BOX 32 ?! iPRICE, UTAH. ir Prices Ah One Dollar - lluya tmurqnco (Actil 3i Ami fl ft i Fully Paid For One Vir lflf !J V Wlmt tho Policy Covers II Qq ? $2600 For Lois of Lite I W W V I $1000 For Low of Hnnda . . $1000 For Loss, of Foot Stores at S T $1000 For Loss of Hand i nnd Foot. $1000 For Lou of K)o . T $500 For Loss of Ono Hand MHtttfti i $C00 For Loss of Ono Foot - 1 Rrc Insurance, Real Eslntc.Loans RlCTpD 2 North American Accident Ins. Co. i a. ii. iiuxtkx TPl pPHi Y rvslvrn Utnli ItcprcscutAtlvo " " u " ? I'HICK, UTAH fr-H-4-fr-f--f-H-H-f &$ vf Sunny side sffif i: Liquor House! gs Retail Liquor Merchants H x " Sunnysldo, Cnitlo a a to, Wln-B ',', tor Quarters and Clear Creek Hcovtrs All Vtnh j; NOTHING BUT THE BEST r;nJ qJU" Fino Wine. Brandies, llcen " ' ' nnd CordiaU for Uio Family Trade. ; Pool nml IJIIIUrd Tables Ij, RX Ml J IMHCI LARSFRANDSEN Z Mnnufncturcr of sjBdwBH Brick of Ail Kinds &jW Ynrdn ndjoinlnK the Dcnvir Si-ssissSS nntl Rio Grando Railroad coin- 9HHBK pnny on thcsoutli, three lil'xki nQrrT?V cost of depot. Olllco nt home, corner Mnin nnd Sixtli strvcta. Tbo Hli BUmates Given and Prices CC Quoted on Application Govt EquWal P.O. Box 93 Phone 43x ""Tm l'HICi; UTAH et ' 8la IiidonoHdowl Mine nt c . Ocn. Offices, VUL-COT :L j Wastepaper ! J I Baskets...;.. 1 X Women's, & ! I ren's, X Admirably adapted for use in offices, S v l i B6ver ! banks, hotels, laundries, shops, schools 4, railroads, hospitals, barber shops, : MacWnawi ? . , i Coats for X stores, residences, restaurants, etc. y ai$o tine A rvff l . r t Children's X Uiirerent sizes and prices. Come in ft, Youths' a 4 andsethem. - ourjtock V J before so X " 52 numbers i V ;1 I CJtSSBS'Utt I Hadsen J DAY AND rNIQHT SERVICE jA SCOFIEU V mxin street Pr'ce, Utah. tj