Newspaper Page Text
,,, lfllL':,S X rfr gfg, TJTAfiT llll Jl IL Ihiii wiiiiii, nn.1 IliMirii tuh people fl V K CWiS,l iwifa Mm. " St gTi 4&y $y&' Qf T limn nn) titli.r m vim, minr .ublll.oi1 k J Kitxl ii"rr,',,,(,n .J-inlir Inr DrM l-r-l-v,. ... '?"' Xjr " niijMluiv Tin- mttNirlptlmi book ' re ft.A,wortrSinwiX ,., , POLITICALLY, REPUBLICAN .r n.c s BM. .., ., . ii.Mon , Bttcht xrriloc Jk Hif wimiM"' hnlered aa ger0nd riaw M .,,- ---., nurUDLIVHIM. tr mi) uilvtrllt r or propcethe one. i 1 If) ." H"" ""' VOLUME 1 NUMHTI o - ' ,m at ,no -'oBtofflco nt Prl.e, Utah. Under the Act of March 3. IS79 Ml .iMIio ihj. of tl.M J H lu - ' t-l""l-it M tn7m. ,i77r. - l of Inn wt f "M I! 1 I LVKR. riUDAY MAKCII 17, 1910 J IHSIDE TOWN i SINCORPORATED t C o(.OM1IIHH'" WHIN .' rrMiHiiTivr mrcii. K 'c Vita-I, I'rvlilcnt ' ' Ihmnt, K i mmwl IliiRiniiit , . I. Ilnil GwW illlticliiittt J. M. 1vTr4iT"MiilliiRTIil Week ' mdk- M'H'"1" r"' te . J U jjf carl n i unt)ii InrgeM K mJrol(m 'M -n"P "H" una of r utll lM tllOIIMtlll A h now n in rM.rntpi1 low n t -titlon tf the rroidinw there for ,fnmnt, n It were won pre- to lh liourd if lount) cummin. " i bit PaturJav nntl wan mint !J (U rMil There were two j ti tnd lwnt two nlBtony Of ifiom who had the rfijlit to r, but did not Mgn were seven 1 ho m ill nml two nun ) .itti'U fnm tli Biii whin -tiUott ru cir u'ated IncorporMl n Ink.H In nil of nit of ItAh I nil rompun) hut jhr nd a li) a Itrd niml I n keii Acrom ,L t I U rri km hpfori' the '. f unt i mmiMionrrK wrn UU n iimi n it I r of I'mli l'uil 0mv it Halt Ukr ( It) J 8 H in n1 ipirlntemlrtit HKl of thr i lil i iiininliHilani TH HH) II Hharpnnl tlrt llrjnrr H Him t n I'ti ttliir iiirinlicr of Hiri,ain tm itl nilmiii The .Jk rl b fur im the 'Bi ' mi ff nn i thr Hiiiinyiililc ' Utit t tpi rliiti-nilmit or 1 mmr i i iiumI ux prel ,,,'11) ' arl II r.nir triuloc mt I Jm r. I inhiip of Hun " -r I II. innuHKfr aH Wiwt h Ft r miwi.) : J M lfl 'ItfUn it if the eokn ,.H r4 Of r ( iMnttliuin for H it Mit n nint The B I i.l' tllilr MlnrwHirn , 1 ' i lJ i, a iflril 1'fw.llli lit ' ,c3 ir li nre to iiih t '' "i " ! their Nppolnt "B ' nunrur !ml d,rk of the " rjl lr r mil on M'.'" "" "-Ull Ulf IHtltllllf " ' ;41 rJ null in eon. M ,'', f' ir iiko, whin iJH !.!? I kr I t ) lir mode town '.'"'f f'l nl It iHimne nee. H t Ukr thi muttir to the mi- 'B. url In ulitr HunlN, It up r1 mm"g" nrlmi proflteil "'t trlcn r. Ml nut thu line. B.i."' ' uk' "" i"iiuUiIiik r .Whl h ,,,r ""' ' lie H.k l,,',,,', "V ! outiome cM '"lilcils , r l',utle dale W"rnrd duvn I Coiiinilmloiu t m Mnlf It'll nttd Hamilton nlmK tht .cimi, the (ount M '7'jnrri "'lo wxrrul rniumtii V.r K ' "" '"linlnutrntlon. BdM'i."1 '"! :rlik. ,M Vk r,,r Th uifooii and WIU i 11m '"'I'oriiint of Hiiho m?l","r''' ' l.ilu.t from .T' ',' h '""1 ITiutlcnllj rri. ,,h.3 k"ur" '-,nue of K li l." ' ,,,,,K ,l"""' f ' .K. ??,;,, " " ehill) Vruri , f ! ral,,,,nH "" 1 iTh L ,tr.,wl"' thnuMind h L .RUmUr "r ""'' ". Hut li i r rr "'"'I'" ',"'' M, ,'' ' Ir'iB III ion.lderal.le rtlh "'""'rl",", l'Wlem M" irr , I "i " iii rernum, ,,.,. . ""' "rent nihiintnue K ti , " Mx "' f romU f hrsiih " ?ml ,l,u Impnue. ""Vn. :,''? "f ' I'caie nt ,i V'1! x'Utt,,, ' ' li wn " MfClurir. the ,, " 1J,,n" ''"w 'w to mi i'7 .'.1ri' n,'M, '1'iUfj to . t i ' H,1" ,,'n, CUV m the '. "J,,ff- f tiuatlon of. lh th. ,,m U wu ' "I4ti t)M ,oar,i Wl i INI ""WIS. '"rtffSa,LnJ,,i ,,a,,k f,f m r"n? '""tltutlon which x' a ami"?,Tl,,Ml,h ! 1 hh? h lwiii n wl 'duu.w " V,T ,,0,?l,n'r 't i wild i.ii i T,,elr lneM luYwt flnLkV?. Ih- 1,,,,l,u arw i. f'nanclallj - ' u i Th. I' lar" cl.ltIUtUn nptriit, nref?mm8"otloii "' the ,..VwDr, ,,,e ,urreno wan UUM ioVJ." m"u,,, "" uf th. .. A new bu1'' The b.u'" ftre "8 wain wo "W R" J'rolmbb l' p, !El!!L5iiS!LAT THE now and then. PRICE TO VERNAL MAIL ROUTE MAY SOON COME Within the item (hill) r fort ili ililiiiu iitu from tin old I'Mrlette milieu or Kllwuille for the IbtMern mnrketN will l-e whiiIhk Into I'rk !) wit) of the Veriml Hl I'rk-e whkoh roiul It will In- ImiikHl It) MUlimin Idle li ink of wliHt l known in the niterpllliir t)pe The mlwill) irf llieee nuiihllien Ih file tmiH wuh mid the) praitlrall) nmke the nwil hn the ilrlie iiIoiik A I' .Mmjimu or tin rintnh Aniihnlt iiunimn) whlih owtin the 1'nrlilte, linn one of thiwe trurkii on the wit) mid ir It l m Hin ei i nil utlieni lire to he ordered rr um loinll) t'lulith Amihnlt eomiHin) whhh Iiiim reientl) In en orcunlieil In New ork, lum iiinonK ll HtoiklnildtTH i nil nit n proiiilnuit In Die uffnlm of the New ork Ctiitrul riillrimd. It I Killd, mid him mone) ennuiih helllnd It to umlertnke mi) ordlniir) minim; prooitltliin One llioiiMind ilnlliirii I.i.n heen proftrriil Ihuhine iiiiinl) h) the itimpiin) meutlonid with whkh to help fix up tin rmul through dole fiiiijon mid on to M)ton IhU Ik wild to he iiMilluhle Ht nil) time nml Hint tin nrnil work In to utitrj rlKhl nwit) It Im hi lit Mil tliHt the (onipan) III iHinillitlon with the IihuIIiik of Hh MIDLAND H MEETINd One llllliil Tor lit Ik r Ni l Mnnilii) Cunlnir. Murtli -(Hh. Wlmt U terimtl u rioriwnlwillon mettliiK of the Midland Trail iummkIo. lion Ht 1'rlie wuh In Id at Ht) Hull hut Butiirdu) eienlnif iuIIhI at tin liiHlame of A V Homle) inanr the purpoxe IiiIiik to Imrruiie the mem himhlp lo(itll) nml to nturt work on the trail u noon hh prut Ileal where liumt nteded I'ommunlintlonn wire nail from U II Anllen mid V A Mirrlll. nnretar) and uiKlmer, n pntlil) or the Midland Trull iiwi ilntlon, In which the) Muled. ITIie wan to he alliiwed u lurite Hpaie In tho new Midland trull hmhook to he liuued Hhorll) and which will l din trlhutul throuKhout the I'nlled HUilen A W Morale) l preMdint or the loial hrunch unci CJeorKo K Nelnu nwre-1 tar) und treasurer ' A V Homle), Oeorso K Nelnu und I' II Sleiennon wtre w lifted an ii tommlttee to nolhlt momhtrahlp ror tho Prlco brunch A neeond meit (UK was tailed ror lut Tuemln) eltn Ing, hut er row pernon Miowcil up , Mondu) eienlng next n mettlnK Ih to, to held at Helper, when representa tive aro expected in he prment fronn Wellington, CuMIe Oate. I'rlce and eUewhere, and at which llmi work ror tho local will ho outlined Maor HorMo) U working hard to hao a big crow J go up to tho rail roud town rrom Price to participate In the hcsjIuij there The bodlio of tho evening drewi( ma) be mere!) a wide ah draped high urnum! the body and nupportcd ti) rapii of tulle over the houldcrf on out mid to h mIi to reload hai k ni) t ngaife In a Keitrral freighting and fiirwMnlliiK iniMneM If thin Httoilld e the nw M-Vernl buidniwi men at M)ln ami elwwhere In the I'intuh IIhoIii will beeoine Miwkhidd em in a eorHirHllon that will put on a Mage HHliimuMIe line frmn I'rhe out Tlile plan matured, an effort will b,' made to get the government eontnnl for mall whkh In now han dled from llilpir Kmli at html Iiiim been Intimated to Tin Hun I'or tin iiiim.1 irt or the winter tin road over Willow Creek Hummlt from llilper ha lieili well nigh ImixiiMable and i in at thin lime the mail and Imiwm ngi r are being tranvfi rred ut lllur Mile or the miiiunlt to fnlght wagoiiH and lighter rlgn In order to get through at nil The I'rlte route Iiiim not In en lnimiHilie for wugon or light rlga tin mtln winter Prom llilper out tin preent iiintrat torn lime a flie.du) limit for puruU ptt nmtler The trip rrom Prhe would neier rnpilrt mort limn two ilnyn. All them think" an to be put up to the iMMiloffhe deiwrtment at WiimIi. Ingtnn l (" and when properl) pre Mctitiil will inline orflrlulM ut the na tion h iiiillal to nit up nod take no. the of tin I'rhi to Vernal route M CHAPTERJNST1TUTED llo)iil nh Miiwhim Now llmi n Or. Ki.nlullon t I'rlif. Ir II P Klrtlo or Hall IJike I'll) IlloMt iliellent high prlent r the Oranil t'hapter of ltinl Arili Ma HiliM of t'lah miomanleil b) K II Ooodwln or Pniio grand king Wal ter lanlela of Halt IJike CIO grand neiretar) lr Warren llenjamln of Halt Uke I'll) grand chaplain J I'unnron biliiiiu of Mohrlund grand ro)ul arch captain f 1' Dlmmore of Ogden grand maMer of the third veil, und II 0 lllumenthal ,rand muur of the flrt mH ame to Prlu laM Haturda) Manh IHh and In the nenlng lntltuled a .hapler of ltoul Areh Miimoiim Prominent membera or the frntemllli from ull iwirln of far lion lount) and elsewhere were prea-i ent to wltneaH the ureinonlw r In lltullon , , The offliern of the new chapter ure' J l Mlddleton excellent high prloM, W K llhnail. king Arable AIIUou rllie C II Btevennon treaurer, T , It MiMlllan necretur) M I Oil mniir loptulnof the ho.t J W Ham mond principal nojoun er J fam. eron Schulti, io)al unh raptaln K K Uurke maMer of tho third veil Oeorge M Miller maMer r the aec, ond veil Olen llalllnger, mu-ter of! the rirM veil and IHmald Mclver nen- At' the uoiuluMnn or the ccremonlea, an eluliorule luncheon wa wrved liji the hannuet room of Manonle Hall and a number or excellent wero made l Krand offlcer and, othern COAL COMPANIES PLAN T0 EXPAND Ptlll IOS MlKin IIIC HH'(. Ill ll Kit M, MIM.. Xiitinllug to Mor I'liiiiiiiulnii rrom Suit IjiUi- CI ) KffortN n Ik lug MiiiIi" II) tho PnaliutrM to lioiiiur. like the IrfMiitlnn of .Ni w rmlorleM Throughout Wot nml NortliiirM. Coal lompuuliM operating In t'tnh nre preparing to extend their mnrkiU on tlie Pacific CoumI nud In the Inter mountain countr), tliut the mlnen inn) be kept going in full vpeid at Itiut ten mnnthH In the eur. To thli i ml the mill lompalilrH and the rull road are (o-operating In the bring. Ing or fiuKirliM to the Intermouutitln eoiinlr), m;i)m Halt Utke'a Herald. Ite. pulillmn Ah )it the eomiianlen ure not read) to nnnounie their planM, hut It Im learned rrom a rtlluhle notirce Unit ovirture are being mude to atirn rompunlcM to iMtablUh branrheH In t'tuh and otlu r MatrM In the Iniermoiintaln terrltor) 'the I'lnh I'm-1 tomimn) und the United NtutiM I'll e I compan) have hem altt milling to extend the toitl inarkd on the Purlflc Coaat for Mume tlim but competition with Aunlrnllun and HrltlMh Columbia coat U mi Mrong that nl) a few IhotiMund tona u )eur ure Mold tht re It Im the purpoM, or tilt iihil companleM to det reave the eoM or mining l the line or eleitrltlt) that the nulea agent ten may iiuote prliea eipuil to thime limited by the eomiMtiileH whhh nhlp their coul by w liter Throughout tht Pnclflt Northwest there I- little or no Utuh nml iihimI A dirrereutlul or flft) centM a ton on Utuh coul Im pluied on ull nlilpmrnlM rrom thU tate to Wevtern Idaho Oregon und Wuhlngton ut Amerlean I'uIIk, Ida, und thli cwumcmi the prlte to be higher than the coal price quoted rrom the W dining riehU itiii't iii.icvns aiii: 'IO OPIA iiiiixruri:iis iar m'muv. --f-f CIHCAOO, March 14 Ite. publieun nutlonul headiuartern ror 19 1 C will be opined nl a downtown hotel here on Humla) it wuh unnouucid toda) Jumen II I.ejiKiUlM, (tcrotar) or the na- tloiml committee, will be In 4 charge und huilncu will begin In preparation ror the Juno ran- ventlon Chairman CharleM l illllii or the national committee will be in Chicago Mnnduy when the nub-committee or the nation- a lommlttee Im to meet. The temporur) chalrmanMhlp or the convention U aald to be the ma Jor nueMtlon beror the nub-com. mlttee i High lluwian bootH or Hoft leuther for little kIDh aro now Meen. Often I the) are dark red DEATH BLOW GIVEN . 1 FIGHTER AT MYTON I "Youn Battling Olson" Delivers Drive of Fist 9 That Results In the Death of John fl B. Babcock of Price. tH John It llnlMiHk tlleil nt M)ton limt Huturda) morning following bin fight In the prlte ring the night bcfuro with Mart Ol-oii of Price, known In fl-llc t In leu an outig llnttllng oUon ' Tin 1-inlent at M)lon wan ror ten rouiulH mid wnn In Id In building with ii i um rile floor IbtUock wiim kuoikeil out In the mviiith round mo the etor) over the lilt phone re lull, anil fell batkwardM He hiim tnlned In the fall coihummIoii or the brain ouug Itabeotk wuh IiiIi r taken nwn) nml miillcnl nld miiiii m nud He dletl iiIhiiiI eight houra iifttr Iiim Injurlea were reeelvid at rordlug to K U Harmon of the Nine Mile Million who wiih In I'rlee ut the time Hut h Infnriniitliiii nn W ol Initial l iiiiiih over the tett phone to Harmon it hmther.ln.hcw or the dettd man lniiu. in llt Hi hi, I'ollonlng the iletli or Unlmwk mi IliMiiiMt wuh held mid on Tin-win) the runaliiM wire pniwreil ror burlul The IhmI) Ih lift g brought to Prlco h) wav of Nine Mil nml hi nrrompanleil b John IkilHtMk, the rather, and neveral frit iida anil relative of the d MUMed h the roailH are In fright fill tondltlon lieytind Hate Canyon rrom Prltt the trip Im iierpjtmtrll) n lidhiiiM mid tlreeome one It wan nt flint li ti inlisl to come to I'rlee b) wu) or the llelpir mid Willow Crnk rmiti hut It wuh found that the roadn through Nine Mtje nt IhN lime nre the lielter The part) Im expectHl In Prlie In time to hold the rum ml per vitin from the tiihirmtele thin (Prl du) ) nf It rnooii Young llabeoek wiim prnetleall) nsind In the Nine Mile iotintr, und had followed the 'righting game hut u ver) Mhort time He wuh about 31 )iiirM or uge, li m Im iiImo OImoii, nnd Im Hurvlvtd b) IiIm futher nnd one bro there, Kuril, and four Mlatirn, Mrn K I. Harmon, Mr. Carl JohnMun, Mrn lltrt Ta)lor and Mm, KriiMtiiH i'tirllx Murt OImoii Ih the on of M M Obtou of Price and Ih more or It h of nn umnttur In the ring The right wuh promotid by C I) HtokfM who glvtn IiIm reMldentii iim IIiIm tit), but who In reallt) Im a truvtllng man who lukiM ordera ror the t nlargemeiit or photo grnpliM Olnon took the count or nine bffnre lundlng tht blow that later re Niillid In IiIm udierMnra deulh I'limrnl IliU AfltriiiHin. The hod) or the dead innu arrived ut Prlte hint night, uteompiiiiled b) relatlvtN und neveral rrltmU, mid the runeral will In held thin afternoon at S odoik HervleeH will he undir tho illrectlou or onion II Oiiymnu IiUIi op'M touiiNellor, and HldirK H Horn le) Tht funirul would have been at the titbernacle hut ror the run that the building Im In um In lonnettlmi with Ht Putrlika Did exert Inen The rutin r or )oung llubtoek wuh u culltr at The Hun off lie thin (Prldii)) morning und Minted lliut wluu he lift MONTUW VOLPE hiinilay Morning Tnigttl) M the iiiup of CiiMtlo Onti", CuNtle Oute wui the cene IubI Hun duy morning of a nhootlng affruy tho renul; of which U that Mlko (Wolf) Volpe Ih dead ahot through the uh domen with u mall tullber rifle and Jim Monturo Im In the county Jail nwulllng the arrival home of Count) Attorney Pout, when he will be ar raigned on a uhurge or murder 1'rom what can ho gleaned rrom different ource It Menus Unit four or five of tho frltmdn of tho deud man nnd the prisoner were having a slug parly and Indulging In a friendly rurd game and numerous bottles of beer About 1 o'clock Hunda) morning u wrangle took place which resulted In the shooting Monturo vvhh wounded In the fight und took to the hills, hut being forced to come back for medi cal attention he wuh arrested and brought to I'rlte An Iniiuest was held Tuesda) be for Justice Morgan Kvuns und a Jury The verdict was simply that Volpe cainn to his death at the hands or Jim Monturo M)tmi on Tueeiln) with tho hod) or '9 his sou OImiii wan Mill In bed, and fH that his prellmlnar) hearing before 'iS it Justlte or the pence was to bo held iiil on Wcdnefldn) Inst OImoii, he wild, wdm suffering from Internal Injurlea H Ho iiImo Minted that It was Internal fM Injuries that brought on IiIm eon' M death nnd not tonciiMloii of the M hrnln The Hun was this morning un- H able to gtt nu) word through to My , jH ton an to OImoii h loiidltlon or the re- V J suit or the coroner a liuiuest ll FREEDS WIN OUT ; 1 IN BITTER FIGHT ' 1 l'll Mil I, IONS t) it),,ltH IN 'Mgg OM. I. Wilt '1 1 1 1 S KH. tl Ihtl'loii I'niiu Nt iilur) or Hie I'll- 'IsIIIIB liilor I'niukllii K. Ijiiii- l.lti-x Hall Il Irfikf Cll) Pninll) lllh to Viict Ihaly ligH of uliiiihli (iniI UiiiiU l'i Hun. IH lliigtoii Cmi)oii In I'iiii r) Coin.ty. t'JH I'ntnklln K line eerretnr) or the i Intel lor tat Wt ilneMln) nt Wimlilng- 1 wgalH Ion, slgnetl a tiiHlnlnii giving Claud W 5 IH Plied. Ii-lir I) Irted mid UlIlM C jlillH I'recil or Halt like Cll) lindlMputed galgal title to fori) line hundred und sixty j lial atrt-M or coal In ml In Utah valued nt ' j appnixlmutt I) flu- iiiIIIIuiim of dollar. H Title In IIiIm land width Ih said to I i'goH niiinllliltii the ilihtHit IdtiimlnoUH conl IsliiiH fit Id In I'lah Iiiim bun In controversy i t'jH ror nearl) tin veurn mid the I'reed tM brol lit tm have flnull) obtnlned title f'l uftir ont of tho most sluhhorni) con- ' f' teMeil legal fights In the hlstnr) of the TuHHH tlepnrtinint of the Inltrlor While iliallllll hlghl) grullfltil at their big flnanelal ligaH v It tor) In the final decision of the 'lUfl t use b) the seen tar) of the Interior, IJafll all of the I'rted brnlhi rs mi) their flrll iMpeclul cause ror rejohlng Im the nb- SliiiaiaH solule vlndluitliiii or the im me of their 'VLIaiH rutin r the lute C M Pried The 'HgaillH lute C M Preed had been Indicted sBI with othrrs by the giivcrninent soon nll after the land wuh intern!, nnd, nl tftiiLaiafl though the Imllitmi nt was afterward Kliaiifl tllsmlHsed the hi Im of I'reed ulwu)s QtfLlaiafl felt that the coiitinllon or the govern- (PfilailiH mint In the civil suit that follow id HEaiaiaiH the iIImiiImuiI of the Indlttment was u LUH reflet lion on his Integrll) The final Hl illspokal of the tiiMe by the hlglliMt tribunal t learn nwit) all pommIIiIu hiii-m- iHI Hon of the honoMt) and good fnllli H with whli li the original entrlm were KaHHIIIlH made. PHI jti)tr hiTilor luilli tcil. j (Ol The tust from Its Initptloii was HbiIIIIbH fnuglit out b) K W rienlor of Halt iangnlH Uike Cltf nn ihhf rolinnil for the IftHiia Pried Intt renin. Ht nlor wan attorney Hil ror the lute (' M Preed when the land IMLailllllH wun uiiUlrid und wuh hlmneir Indicted HijH by a ful era I grand J no IIIh Indlit IncHialH inent was illsmlnMcd und he continued iMItaiiH us uttorne) ror the Preed Intt rents HiLI through ull the litigation that fol- gslijijl low id Asnoclattd with Henlur as jt- BBH torue)H ror the I'ruiU were lllmunrik Bssta Hii)der or Hull like Cll) nnd Judge LHLjLjH John M Ituukln und William T H, olialliaH CurtlM or WiiMhlnglon I) C The tie- lifll Iiiim or the necrelur) or the Interior BH In rinul The mm wan originally liaiaiaifl brought In the fnlirnl trlmlnal court KtiaiaiaH on Indictment of Pritd und his usno IILH i lute charging coimplnity to defraud Mioiaiaiafl When the Indlitintuls wire dlMmhweil IH a civil at lion was brought h) the gov iaH trnmtnt before the register und n RiaiaiaiaB t elver or the United Htutos land off lie JisijiaiH In Halt Uike Cll) The lotul offlilalM liijH decided in fuvor or the Pretals lln HH government appealed to the oominln- ILbbI Hiuner giucral or the laud off he, who IH decided In favor ot tho government MiaiaiaiaiaB The Preed brother then appealed to &HI the secretary of the Interior and hi laiH decision In fuvor of the Priedn wun (Hstfl signed W'cdnendu) ial The Idiuiln ie Pun IiiimiI. LLflLlH The original entries on the prop. ' iiLI erty were made In Juuuur), 1900 The HhLH late C M Preed togethir with vai lLll ous members or his fumlly und sevtral HH or his employea, ten In all, riled In thu IVLaH United Htate land office uppllcutionH hKI to pun hate each from the govern- M ment ono hundred und slit) acres or fBM eoal land In tho Curliun-Hmcry Held WM The government purchase price or LH the sixteen hundred acres wan sixteen HbLiH thousand dollars. In Die same month DH sixteen other appllcutloun to iurhasu HijHafl coal land In this section were riled Lfl The amount or land embraced In bIEbH these uipllcutlons wus twent) five LHH hundred and sixty acres, contiguous to alH (Continued on pn four) pjH