bi i iBbBJ
tfrWSliNG" ffll&tSfGBB& ., LEGAL BLANKS 'jl
'?, k nd nualU of work nt VliV F , I I llxL rT$3w2SMGF? j3wfiV II II I II The Son carrle In atock nil legal V 1 fl
1"" itf Ml"'"1'"1" Mtho- N$bSc,' Ik II I l3:IiI?rrVr'-tarijl jrVl l II II I II lilanka i-omirwnl) In u deed morl- l 1 fl
mt Vto k certificate nnd en- VAlfcS-SJC . XJHT SsZZLyfJ MLvllL, Jl IIL, gage, location notice lcn.pi.. ion- .
Jddln ' nnt' th0 '""" N-yNj, j, J"T J, '-rrJ S tract nnd the like The moat com- . J fl
Bi .,,-, i, PP tnB nnd ecr- D-M itiaai . .. ,. ptete stock In Knatirn I Inh Order I ; B
B. mTui '' rlhl ,r,cc" POLIT CALLY, REPUBL CAN. " n' """' 'v rc1,,, I
B1 ,Er l t.rt.nic l done The Hun F-re,l M , m, c - i nfc-i w ui-i vl-lll. tt The Hun fill ). or legal blank or- lr ifl
Bvv W,,r ' VHf itn i"v, ..... u,,c ' '5 nt tho I'oitoffl entlTIco ftirti. I'ndcrtheActof March J. 187 dcr When l.cll.r printing nnd bind- ,'lfl
fcr ' OMJML 1; NMHMt .l DVEUY FIMDAY " MAKCII 21. IMG "" '" ""'" T"'-H"" "'" "" " ' 'W
Bm club
Bv ""' ,,,wl' ""', W" l'"1"
MH p,i. Mninjuj nnrt ()
nnlcJ r ''" lw",,nK 1,,,M lm"
BywV-"r " ' p,,"', rrv",rm'
I j g, jx f i ptrt 'fli n wiU
If.iU vt rM nd he ri porta!
nt ihf tlU'm" " Mohslniid
,1,94 Htaihi arc rentl lm,-
Bglntl "" "' l,uJr ,,n!"'
uujiliililmwng ln ffttrt out nl
Bci Cirl'n l'oaiit llaacbnll
'"" Tke t.nln at Hio l't-
k4 Buu I-ufI cinipam niaK
lulhit Inmuch n the Mohr-
.1 nnil dim rfirrinu nkimt ihte
Sth uMlf 1- alf thiiil n-
Blot fin th.t It w CooIWi
Bt-tlMW mot to wiy tkf leant
M ..tin ludo tlmr team Ahol
fltii' m.i.lli lit manoii w
B ui trlii rrc run front Mihr 4
uc to I 1 that drought iWi.n
(ttVil 1 1 vie who ttcfc nl-
Iim wilimf i apuid n few Uol-
flf ur srd tti riUt miv thi.t
Hrtkt lutlnc nun en ron'lil.
Bfl) i" ixinrr
The f I if the I'lUw d 1
HftitH I-ul (nminn iuuii
SuttrUiuI aixl I lln. nt Im Imwi
j win tarn irl frit cully fo
Xjm fniritiK Oir vtlnti r monthi
ft r i twri mil hrletn tlu
Hjt. am iiul I'rlte, nlid tno
H djri ntil tin r intfrtnhunintH
Bf tff urrr i rnth iKiltonlavil
,B h the .1' i imp tirnple 'f hr
BJ '" that II r iMMk tlulr lnni
Bt '' m the I k tli rent of the
BJ hit t tin l It
HV F kttint v I lit It M illnvv
Bl c r( aKd nxxloii wi)h Hax,
Bf that hN trait lioiili) ! n pri
fl r-,c I I J I willd lie ux
HI ' "" in Kith lelln mi" 4
W hr Imitation lu etitvuil-
. II l r n H)itmirA lmt
W IT t r i itliilpiiwlnu from 0 .
Mff leujr w uU 1 1 tlie itrant KiUner
H " "" t n run hh Mirfirlund
Bt c J I Jl in r thnu Imlf t
' tHir niiiM h n
Bff4' -
BJ Th. raft,! i mm lUneiiull 1kkUc
MkiwiJ I M it Aitiiritii) iveiitiiK
Vi In ru 1 1 r tin Oarloi Countf
,, wall J.( .. formed fv t to
,Br.MITc"a txtrameW ttrht ilir
BM" ?' ,f " '' teuni In fart
r r Irarur fh,u, itf the tii Unit
'"mtllr t , ,iri, ,! .f 10 ulh r
f " u -'rtrd to Tim Hun U Umt ha
f yra fliat I In tlUwuUm ileilded
r th ,,(,u,i l( ,, WM,a thitf-e
Bt "'N0 and It una planned fo
BT1 ' , Jlirlund ;itm pln lt
J IIUnmiM Uhen the lepreNetitif
Bl.T! "!' '"' "'"-J'rl". Mobr.
Bf lt Oate. HuntijhJJe nn4 Hel
BfI FV.,1 H4"f "Ht nt 1'rk.
Bffi ., "" "f " ne-dub leaKHe
Bli i.. 3rl1 am, '" ' matter
Blokrl.1" " "', ll "" f""'
.Jiit WU1 Ufl oul Wn 1U
.''" f-1 he.l Die Uohalnnd res.
bUTm.'ii' V"."k "" J' ttv
Whtr ,1,1 nL,,.,t' '""tlnif ad it the
BE i" "j "i ,w' 'eH. Kinney und
Kinl t.V'i ffom Morkuiil. Kd
Bt. i Mm"nai from I'tutle
Bf.rt'ui ? I'1" ,rlr'' " ""A
Mm rr l U"" m"n" n,'',
BTlr ''irmnn 4 in, uitiK nt.4
u '"Mi. nu ,r i-y n -rt,
B 'ld l ml. r J'rotr.1,
t'ni 'J,r!.t"wr ' kindled
. (l " ,"' nnd foU). three
fl t J ir ,. '""'"" I" Have betn
I'm. f i1l '" ' f"r" tmt
Bm B ' M"r ' n tho
Bjlch h i. V ". hlx "tatemenk l
Bd i ' " h i! - " UKtle n,ul tw-"'
aitle ?,?!). f,,, hundwU lieu.
" hun rei'" "f,Ulr, 'o-"'l
"a-l !' " J ' ,nt " ten
B in ,1 ,,udrea ami fifty ,il.
B'rl l,T "'" alue of mi
Bs? SO to 1,1 hn n'feady paid
Blr , 1 Foun, Teaaurer tin.
B f ,h?1' ' now ulnK for the
B I ratfM i ,,,u1wa oerchargeil
.,!,' ' '" I'talmiKB attorney.
B' hl fI,,,'.u,,1.,wk" n divorce
B" a IK lU7httlf Antolnetta De
E Ci; u"ll0n Another c..a
B '""uhT ' n wh,eh I'ouU 'e-
"efnJnt I. le np,,e,ianu
J fr'lx. LOOK AIL f vTD
l R16WT POT? Till j j If S" ' --
U Mtnmf 'i irMnrv flirth llh
1rul of Kim) nifl DkMh the per
livinevt offl.a r of tin iwiim u Mtr
rtiotrn Dr It 1'. Ihm1 of K. till
uortn a mad tr .1 nt and liki
C oiiiik of Id lp r wl,lnn and
tTnur.f The ( and !
I of ll nr t'HrlNm-Kmrr
b uiriw en ndovlml InmIII) with the
exteptlitu tnHt Hie name f the IntKUe
hoh ihaiiKed to CitrlHin t'oiiiilr
leiiKUe Ullfl the nhlnle for tni ea
Noa uaa nrraiiKed to l. alii AH- lith
and to iivl H. pteml.r 3d A rm
Ullltie mhk HpiMiliitml to ilraM t the
mli.diite for III. iiinihiK m-hoiii 'fhe
luamtiera nr. it rehead of ChI'
iliitr. U'l of IMiwr ami MrKlnmm
Of I'H.e
1 hi t.tiiH.rr; w retar le Whit
iiiki hhh lo lra up and
forward to va. h i luh a rewdutloH ex
pr.'Mlni: leuri-t at the neeell of
dropplmt mi) i luh from Hit leairtie
and partlmlarl) that It IkoiIJ lo
Mnhrlalid and ixprewInK tlie "hI
will of the Ira Km- ilulw ami extend
ing all ln nation to n -enter the
UlKIK the opMirtoiill)
aliould prenent lt If to pro tire idx
l' II (IoiiIiiimII a repreeenlalUe of
Kpulfllna- HrvK .itliie out from Htilt
Ijk Clt) to utlind Ih lileetliiK aad
aanoumvd that hi eoiaixwi) prof
erf id the winner III the t'allHiii
'nliivt lenaile it cllu r elip III of.
fer ttiw iniirrull) nmpted The alu
Un lll now he n'ln the Howl
i.u j nr. i'Wh m.f.ui.T nu:
The llmliiatlon of Mohrlimd nnd
Itw failure of lllawiillia lo lme a
tnm I rrrett.d l nil the fun of
the iunl, n IkiIIi team lt umiii
put up hlK leamiv Iwll and were tin
doiihlMll at Ik.- i lone of the Jar
nht it eoil n Mimh if pl.oar
n were fo he found III mi) part of the
countr oulnlde of the lanter Unifiim
llefore Klnne) and Pa I left J'rtie
tWt Intimated that Vohrlund wn
throuirti" Tie Hun Tiopia not, and
aluo lipf tknt Worra nnd atnndiwrt
llle mil) t Kit tiam lKfthr, unfl
when thot hupp. n Mohrlnnd will
come lititk Into th fold aid welcome
IVwilbl) lllivwatha mls'it he
to Tietvildr and tha the Oarhon
Kanf) l.aKMe woiiM bi rld
Foiirw M Miaijalde to "U"' lfrMl
IinMifHiiU l.
h TtlrJnci In The Huh
M'.NMfilllr., Mm if rmk
I'uel eniapan), lltrmiBli VT N
W.Utl, NiioirlMtindi'nt lure, an-
' nounti that lAi lompunj wfll
employ wral more mtn load-
InK coWe nw Mured at tlie oil
hara Wolk will lomnunia til
a(v !.ral more miner win
he Bhen emploxiunt at tie
ilnt . J
' The tmplo4nat of more la-
Jiur. and mlmr a lure an-
wl nnd la ronflrmtd h J H
Thompii. Kineral miperintend
ent of all the Vtnh I'uel iom-
,an properlk. who wa it
lamp titerda nnd left here In
the titenln for faatlo ante
J M Hlapp I miperlnteiulent
of coke oien at 8linnlde and
to him nppllcutlon for ponltlon
Mlioitltl ho made nnd to V N.
Wetxel, Huptrlntendtnt. for em-
plo)mont at the mini
Ire inntrait for toko from
tho ameltcr of Utah, Montana
and Neiada I given a the rca- ,
noil for the Increaae of forie nt
Carhon vount Breatct coal
camp 1
4.4. l
i-l i i- it, unaiiiial atat. in. nt of
the I lU Hi- lulll n lalloll for till
month i Jh mum I rliror and
Manh Thw l imldMieil h The Him
at the rntueat of the aiNHK-latlon hh
Mr In order tliat the Hllillc- i wpe
ilally llioee who hale eiiiilrllmtMl
ma know what t IhIhk done The
offklali. of the aMMlalhin are U It
WtoMl. preiakleiit U It Whltmore.
necrelan and treaaarer and O K
Nairn T V Werlll. A II Hitmen
the flnanee ititninlllee The whole
IhmI at., fm in the ixeeullu mm
tnltlae Monlli in Juiiunr), IIMil.
Tiirne.1 oier h I'rank Aer-
III, proril Want lull
(lanee '
llalanri from It IS. rrom lr
t'hamlw rlaln treoMtrer 1 1
'toe rrelpl. rfnure Janu-
ar it IMfi ou
TS7 t8
Htatlomr) ami tauiHi I -ii
I'rlntliiK Idll "Wid tlrkel I ihuire Januar tt 100
Item Cll 1111 ame 3 8
Halam on hind t) T
$ S7 IK
Moirtli of I'lhrium, IVIII.
Ilalame on hand 8 78
(Iro raielpt. J a nee I'oh 7S
(Iro rwelpr. danu I'eh ti 17 Bd
II, ht I'K) Hall Veh i J J 00
MnI., ilHliie Keh l 00
dame Klien) 00
Hint ntjl Hall 1'ih !!d S 0
MkkIi ihuiie Fib Jo 8 00
I.uailior and dan nr (reit
iHuiner ft
IMIaiua ail ImnJ 07 01
I08 0I
Ylanlli or Marrli, IVItl.
IkJiince on hand Miirnh Ut 07 01
flroa reieTvIrs ihinie 1 1 III )U 7(
Tfckit al Bame of Illlt 'I
fenili,rlptliin lo date 402 SO
mi: ii
Mimle. dante lllh I "
Hint I'll Hall llth 0
IvubbIbk I all ark I TUi
Htandiirdvllle team expema t M
I miilr xiene Hi per f lit I 00
Vetir Lumher fo Witt 700
Tietir l.unthar l'o lir nil
holla " iu
IIuUiii. oa hand Manh :?d 107 U
' a a WW
I 'rlii I'm JU Out htiiiidanlilll.i nml
I ll,lxr I'lakiil Mne.
Ijiat I'rldaj afternoon aeAeral aiore
'l.UHelmll fan wltneiwed a irivlt Booit
Kumi of hall at Hy I'.tk. whin ii
team ompowl ofome lleliier nnd
iHtundardillle plaier crowed hat
'with I'rlce, letorj reatlng Alllt the
home tiam b a, if ore of eight to file
Homo irror wek madejAtlueo li
Btandnrdilllo and TourJjy'Prlio Ihl
in Kood imnalderliiK the want of
prut tire llapp. who pitched for the
llaltor. atruck out twelie men
r.wina the I'rlce pltchir. copped off
it ii n
Standardillle 5 2?
Price ,
Coimill Dln-ilK 4) llnillli OIHiir
lo hturt niiiuiluii.
I'leau up' t'li mi up' Ihl I tin
wol.l helliK PmmhmI illoliK 1 1) (.'Ilk
Vli li lau t'liamlierlaln mid the
of health The ill) count II ha cuiied
itotUe bi he hOlitil on all illUi ll to
i lean up tin Ir primlaea h) April lOlh,
at which Him. thv hoard of health will
make an olfMiil lnaie4tlon of the ill)
and tahe note. If ir, mle tire not
ileahr.l up that date owiur or
property nnd liiiunt are due to set
a itilllnK down
fit) Attornt) F K U'ooil hn
penalon hut n vrrilie
preimrr.l nnd prii utetl u reaotutlon
lo the ioiuhI nt the meetliiK tall I'rl
da) ii.iiIuk proildliiK for ii Wourd of
uppralaira mid it apeilal lvt,lkui to
M'll the mtralulpnJ Unlit anfl power
plant A majorlt) of the i .illicit felt
that the people are entitle, lo knoiv
alHiiit what the) would he taxeil fo
Unlit nnd (loHir under prliule or tor
IMirat owmmhlp iunl alno the ioh
alili expeuae f wtreat IlKhlljitr fuun
ill felt thai It wa preputed lo iu on
the mutter of iuIIIiib nn cliillon a
iuHin n nn Ink ItlKint xireaalou could
he hud on tluae iUeHlon, hem th
riMilutlon uu I ild oier until th next
mittliiB of the loumll, April ltd
Morxan King waa ritabiod aa mi
le, tor of poll taxe.
The atrnt lommltlte niithar
lie.l to ha tile IralKallllit lateral
tuniiliw north nnd vovth tlrajird out
nt once
The atnat aprlnkllnit win nferrad
m the atrti auprrilaor until uiU
line a iernianent vprlnklliiB ar
ram.emeut ae made
The jiurk ctaBinlttte u author
a it to eleit n virttahlu inrerukir of
fit) Furk, nnd in rtvitrt audi npiiolnt
input to next maotlnB of count II
Th purehuae of a ttine-nii) driiB
for trt purvnae wn auihorUed
I'armiri UtthniiBu and Implement
iNiinpuii) wu Branted permlwlon to
put Ui wnaiin Hdilr it the alrtet hi
fr nt of ft firoanrtt
Tin re wn pnwnt u reprentlitutiie
f the White coiiipuli) of CJalvlHiid
ti who made urKini it In faior of
hi fife flkhliiiB machine fount U
now ha two definite fo appuriitu
irioaltliai one rota the WhNe
flim uml alio from the .mi rleaa-I-a
Fianto to n corn The oriler wllV proli
aid) ho placed nt the next naelliiK of
i1r)oiii liiillril ut to the liibta
I iiuilo hiinilu) I'tiuliiB.
I Helou la the progrum to he Blien
at tha vahernacte aext Hunda) iiicn-
I InK March 26th, at 7 o'cloik h the
I Mutual Iinproiement naaoclatlon.
I The proKram I In addition to the riB-
itilar exertiae. The public I lordlul-
l Inilted
HmiB I Know That My Itedeuner
Idieth," cmiKrcKutlon rendltiK el-
! it li'il). I)lo llenth, local aoln (o
prano) Mr Wllllum II Fare, ad
tire, 'Topic of the Uh) ' Otorgo
Uootton Mualc tinder dlreitlou of
Prof A HurBener
I,evon, 'Science and Kconomy i:
Hernial to the Profit Margin In Hotter
Method of nualneaa, Carl It Mar
vuaen, director
Castle Gate People Proud of Their Welfare As- I
sociation, (heir Band and Orchestra
and Many Other Things. J
-m H
forteoiid.n. The Hun
f AHT1.K OATIC Mnrrh 1
For Jl I fnatle (lata atoKnn One
aiar nn"K Hooat for whnf Tin all
wer oi would reeelvc here I Uli)
ierthlnn And the nsipte here
Hiiro do hooat Thr) hooat their camp
nt eler) otiortunlt) hooat It nt their
work, hooat It nt their pla nnd It I
the wtlfcr firm In lief the) nitunll)
hooat It In their alirp The reaon for
II Ihl I that Cnxtle (Inte ha n
'welfar. a mik I nt I on ' And It I In
real truth an orgiinliatlon that la in
vomtdlalilnR' wonder fir the com
milnlt) mil ll aim I to promote
KMirral iiimmtinlt) welfare .liter
lalmiieia, flral nld work hand ion
rett Imaehnll nnd liaakellinll ll
would he n dlf fit oil matter for a more
i nriif-at and eniahle . I of men to he
found In nit) loinmunlt) that nre hel
ler fitted tit the tank of tinlllliR the
population of n lalnliiK camp mnd. up
of repriaeiitntliea from man) illff. r
ent lintlonalllle Into n great hlg
heat I) hoapltnhte mid cheerful hnp
i fitmll) than lire tin officer of
Ihl iiMMKlatlon In fact the) all tr
to mutate the example i I h) the
pneldetit of the naaothilloti Hupirln
tetident William Mttlejohu who I ii
l)4tal Hoot and hailing from u iiuin
t (rahlte) that U famuli fut II
lionerl men nnd in tt) girl In Tint
, Hohirt liurli wroti of the town of
Auld )r, wham ti er n toon aur
puiwe, I or lumed men nml hnnnle Unle-
The) nre J A Thorite atcrelnr)
and tritiKUr.r. Ilr K M Neher, J U
Hiiow, Otto llerre. (I I Itiemt. W
It Johnaoii, William llurr), hoard of
dlrerlor. William IMiiian niannxer
of the hiikehnll iluh. W H Voiing,
prealdi lit of the flrat nld iwiaot lallon,
II J Wllatend malinger of the haa
kitlmll team (1 l llieae inannger
and director of the hand and the
hooatlnB lommlttce, J C Hnow and
W It Johnaoii the former nlao lielnv
their loi nl pre agent The nmoila
tlult Ipriing Into helnif on Jul) IJIh
laal tear ntnl hn had n gradual nnd
health) Brow Hi from that time until
todu) It la a moat proprr.tu and effi
cient organisation From nott on inn
irrl nml etitertalnmi nt will h glicn
montht) nml he) will undotihledl) he
of u high order, It I well worth an
one' time to nth ml the affair.
They tare NoJelidldl) conduct, il nnd
ilaltor wilt nlwa) find a hearty wel
come Moat of the effort of the ua
Moclutlou Oil enr will he directed
toward the ileielopiaent of n alroiiK
hiiKehull team The ilu)er nre In no
aeuae a paid organluitloii, lint are nil
emplo)e In ii atrlct wetiae of the word,
and It might he uijl lo mention here
that the Joh the l'o) holil are It) no
mean alnecure. tSo) muat p. rforin
their .lull) laak Jul a othi r i in
ilo)e In nnuther plait' lia Ihl hn
prvaalon la bIicii uii aciount of the
tinnd lonrert nnd inlertnlmnitil glion
lat Haturdn) and In amttlur month
aicn lUiae Intend Bulling on a chor
al program lth a tholr of nhotit
twent) nr more No doiiht It will he
of the mime exielliuce it luat Huhir
du) iierformitiite
I'rouil or the Hun imm.
Manager William IMinnti of the
faatle (Info hall team I mighty proud
of the aggregation he hu got together
for the aeusoii. In fait, o ure I hu
thai he ha the winning 4i am of the
farhon Ceiaht) league that he hu
hten our hca nl mdIiik "When we
win the pennant- ", A looli nt the
mutcrtul will hiiow that hi optlmiam
I JUMtlflailile Three goml outflihler
of Inat )eur teal l.eo Hhehan, Juik
DuCan unfl Jaik lloach, nro to lug for
Ian, Jlmni) Mnreheud, formerl)
of KltlJ- Knight Ogdi ii team Hi
tit TLnioii aaaoalutlon und u hitter of
rliiM, will prohuhl) illaplute one of the
lioaitlona. 1411 jH'iir men will fill
Infleia poalllona, Carl Olaen at the
InNliil auck, llalph Jatolialiagen oo
onil, Harry Iitt, Hhortatop, und Jim
Pierce, a new recruit from Pointellu,
Ida at third. Clarence Johnaoii will
wear the ahlnguard und Kd Noon
will he oie of Kdmun pitching ataff
Kellogg, who healed for Magna laat
)iar and arrived luat Hunda), I the
rther FIib more men will tr) for
poaltlon and taking It ull In nil the
'Oate 1io)b do look forinldahle
(inn Club I (total One.
Another feature I u ruttldl) grow
hitf gun club In the general aport pro
Brum of tho tamp uml twelio mem
her nre alread) enrollid Tlie) are
William Kilniun prialdont, J C
Huow, aecrctarj and treaautor, J It
Marahall, I W Du)ton, Carl Bohoen
fell, U A IIaaame)er. W. J Down,
M O Carlson, K Head, Humuel Whit
ton Ton) Hplgorelll and Or i: M
Nelur IjibI Hunduy hIx memher of
the iluh were out Tho aeon were
not u Bood a imuul, hut conaldorltiK
the high wind that waa blowing they
were I en in tillable J II Marahall M
headed the Hat with lwent)-one, J, U. ,1 M
Know F liaytoti nml furl Hehneti : B
fill had fourteen apiece nnd It. A. ' M
llnMtnoir iitmo In with eleieii lo hi H
iredlt Tho gun i luh hn b.i n iirgaii- , Ba
lied for nbotil file mouth nnd the Bl
member nre ler) enthualnatle nml , H
feel confident thai aotno tall aeorc Bl
will he mnile during the isintlliK en
mm JiBfl
(lihl lillott and Kulglit. i 1 flflj
fiihlli' tlat, liilge No 11, tndetien JHI
dent Order of Odd Fillow. I lit ffll
itemtld eoii.lllloii nnd htmat n tuem 'ABB
herhlt of about n hundred The flBl
tn.lge wn Inatltuled on Augunt 13, vWB
HlllO. h) Fnat (Hand Maatir W. O. H
Unrhl iimler a pe lal illnpriiwitlou, llBfl
naabttid It) W (I Moore Brand ate- itBfl
ritur) nnd the memh. r of Heofleld i fjB
lidge No 32 and their degree atnf f. ' Bfl
The flrat nrfliir of the lodge went ''IBB
Hutu rt William, tiohte grniutl WU- a'CBfl
Hum FiMth. ratline. Hie grand. II (I ifBfl
Webb wiretnr) uml II Flnlm. trrn- ifBJ
urer During Hu aelenleeii )enr the hiH
lodge hn In ell 111 exlatelile the nielli- iBB
berhli ha alendll) In. renae.l nml the BIBB offlr, r pre I tile) llulf, .V. (I J IIBB
Albert Heeil (I Thomna l)lekon, bBB
It H llohert HinilerMin F H i John flBfl
Htagg lnaunr John ltfle). It. H nBB
N (I Kd Firkin UH N (I, Fetir BBB
Fl.iloiil It H V (I N A lleber. U ' PBfl
m v it iiownni I'lrKiu. t iiapiuiiit "IBBI
John trifle) llobirt lluilul und I'eti r i'JBBl
Pltt'lonl IriiRlee nnd the relireaelitn i BB
tin to the Brand lodge I John Htngg f iBBl
jl will he of lutereat In man) tg uUo Mfffl
lure (he nniun. uf the imat nohhT kRVfl
grand of No 31 The) nre Ktlward lIBj
Ferkln, John Hlngg Hubert Ornhnm, iUBwB
William C'rotv, Hubert Crow, John f&BwB
ltfle) John Yale, John liielaud, taDBvi
Fetir I'liilonl Jamra Cownn nnd " kIBBJ
Charle lloiigliton It IBB
hlioiig IMlgi of Ff tlilaii. f ialll
Another aetrel organUntlon In the frnfla
ramp I thai of the Kulght of ly. laflai
thlaa, who were orgniilied nboul the Haa!
)car 1901, and hnie nt preaent nboul I UH
flfD-flie member Till loder ha I'flHI
ereited n fine hall whit It I nlao ua, ,1 k&Hal
b) the Odd Fellow i lodge and for en- BMbI
terliilnmenl. dance and oilier pur- IbBbI
poaea The) meet eiery Frlda) night IBbBJ
and the officer ure Tony lleder, O. IBBBJ
f, llurr) llamber V C W. J, tflBfl
Howii, pnlatc; W. II Johnaoii, M, H.l IflH
llobtrl Crow, K H H. Wllllum Crowf BMB
M F, Doinlnli Futrlik, M A.; David BBfll
Morrlaon, I O William llarr). O. O.j BflBl
W U Jonei, M II with Itobtrt (!rn- BOB!
Imm, Cliarli lloughtoii aid J. If. ,. HMHI
trilalea IMBBI
Atiotlur little orgnulxatlon that I PBBB
llirlilng nli el) In Cualle Oule I tho UHHI
mandolin iluh. F W Dayton I Hie IflHB
lender of the iluh and hn U rapidly BBBfl
B ttlng the member Into aluipr. They l
expeit to lo able In the near future RBbBj
to tuko part In the month)) enter IkbBJ
talmnint given b Hie purent wel- BuBBl
furv aaaoilutlon The member ure BBBB
W II JoluiMon, W U June, J, (X lOB
Hnow N f fhrlatenaeu, Terr) Oak- BhVBI
e nml Dr Leonard Ward, .. BZbVI
fiii via tiam rioing . HbwJ
Anothir organliutlon that I In- IBflH
(luded In the welfare aaaatilutlon' HflBl
munugement I tne flrat nld amoula. BBBB
Hon of the lamp Tho fatle (late Hflfll
teuin, a Hun reader will n member, BBBB
won aecond plate on Allgual 2lt at BBBB
Hie annual flrat aid and mine rcamiu flflBj
uintrat held at Catle nuto. The BflH
member of tho winning team thuii HBCTd
were Hubert lleiitleraon. Uonunl BBBfl
Tu)lor, Albert Warden John Ham- Bflfl
like John llrrlnsan and John Hen- BflH
demon The teiim that will repriaint flflfl
Caatlo Hate till coming ummer will flfll
prat I Ice uaahluoilal) Hiiperlnteiiiliint BBVB
I.lltlejohn hu ga.ut hope for Ha flflB
auctea BB
t"i mi mV (.in iii(. him of RflflJ
mom;v oft of t;o hiinmiln i iflfll
The territory of I'luh turnwl down jflfl
u total of 153,612 20 Hint It hud com- flfll
Iiib from tho Bovernment In 1801, and Wflfl
na a mult the only way thla tuto oun iBBB.
g-t mone) due from tlu Indian war DbA
of 1853 Ih to obtain u apeiial uet of BBBl
conBrea. H
Thla Information waa reiolied till fl
week by tho attorney general from BBB
Jamea I llet), auditor of the United Iflfl
Htnte war deiiurtmeut Ho aa)a that BBB
tongria aitpropi luted the amount, BbV
hut when tho terrltnr) failed to up. IBbVbI
ply for (he monoy It wu turned bunk tH
Into the nurplu (und
The tnt Intercut In the mattor BihBl
wa caiueil by the application of An- HbI
drovv Italic, un uked Indian war vol- fl
erun of Ft rron In Kmery county, for H
mone) he claim la due him for air- H
lice rendered In 1853 fl
An earthenware tuaaurole. or an) H
dlah, ahould be aoaked In salty or godn fl
water for twmt)-four hour befnro H
using, no ua to mold cracking Treated fl
thus It term of usefulness wilt b- H