Newspaper Page Text
HP , PAGE FOUR THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY - - -RC"JUJh K- j ----. - . a . .. .. ,. A AA AAt A A .. . T-aBP- Hjj rOMTICAMiY, IIKPUMjICAX Hjf Issued Every Friday, II. V. Crockett. Manager, uttWmS Subscription, J 1.60 the Year. BffRj Ai)Vi:imsi.vo hates. BflBI Display, One Dollar per Inch per Month; Single Issue, KHHm Per Inch; Full Position Top of Column, Next Heading R3 Matter, 25 Per Cent Additional. iflVMI Tw0 Thous-ind Inches, to lie Used In One Tear, 12 He m Jnm per Inch. Afttfi Fifteen Hundred Inches, to Do Used In One Year, 15c Hn per Inch. WWf Ono Thousand Inches, to Ilo Used In One Year, 20c VH per Inch HH Headers and Legal Notices, 10c per Line First In- EvJB sertlon', to per I.lno Hach Subsequent Issue Ml Obituaries, Cards of Thanks, Itesolutlons, Ute, at Halt Local Heading Notice lilies. W Adlcts, For Sale, For Hcnt, Lost, Found, Klo, One E Cent per Word Kneli Issue No Charge Accounts KM Address All Communications to Till: HUN, I'HICR, IBf UTAH. IjH I WENT MOURNING WITHOUT THE SUN; in I STOOD UP AND CRIED IN THE CONGRE- IjM CATION. JOH, 30-28. HH The Sun guarantees its advertisers a clrcula- ESH Hon of twelve hundred copies. New subscribers H are being taken every day. Something fur the H man with merchandise to sell to think over. Bj Price needs a modern ice factory and cold stor- BBj hkc plant. The man or firm that sees the oppor- B tunlties firnt and gets in will do handsomely. B Besides a little competition i not always n bad thing. B Carbon" county in to get five thousand dollars B from the state for the improvement of roads. H About time for Commissioners Rryncr, Hamilton B and Sharp to be looking around for some Colo- H i rn('0 contractor to do this work. HJI i Uncle Sam complains bitterly that Rome folks H ' are cheating him out of income taxes. If there B .ire any such in or around Price they nrc invited H to call at The Sun office, and if they owe us nny- W thing, have their incomes reduced. H Next month rural Utah is to be drained of its H surplus cash a semi-annual occurrence by j those who will be lured to Salt Lake City through H numerous attractions there. The Zton merchant H will be ready for the crowds with last year's left H , over merchandise, Hj As Myton's Free Press very truthfully rc- H i marks, the Price to Vernal wagon road is open H the year mound not a day but what it is pass- HM able. The nutting on of automobiles between Hl here and Uintah Uasin points would mean the HIj securing of the mail contract. k Candidates for nomination to the several poll- Hfi t ticnl offices to be filled at the county and state Hf elections this fall are reminded that the adver- H!; tising columns of The Sun are open to announce- S ments from those of any or every political faith. BHii The desire to serve the people in any responsible j! ' office is an honorable ambition and if a man or B1' ' ' woman wants political preferment it is proper VL that lie or she should let the voters know of such B ' wishes. This idea of tho office seeking the man HB I is a good deal of fiction at best. The person H who gels out and seeks the office is n great (leal HB III more likely to get the job. The Sun will play no HHJ 'm " favorites. Advertising rates are the same to all, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING UNQUESTION- AIILY AHEAD OF ANYTHING ELSE. Statements of advertising exports and adver tisers who have used them all tend to confirm the ever growing conviction that newspaper ad vertising not alone pays, but pays better than any other form of publicity. This thought ha been embodied time and again in the columns of The Sun. A recent issue of the Fourth Estate brings further proof of the contention. Under the heading "Does Advertising In the News papers Pay?" it says: "In n recent issue of the Fourth Estate it was shown that the Calox company, manufacturer of n dentifrice, experimented in Boston, Mass., and as the result of a brief newspaper campaign in creased its sales in Boston nlonc 400 per cent over the entire sales in all the New England States for the entire year 1915. "The figures for the past year of some of the large advertising concerns of the country, which nrc gradually being made public, prove interest ing and incidentally demonstrate more clearlv than' volumes of arguments the wonderful effi cacy of newspaper advertising as a business builder. Prosperity for those who have the nerve and foresight to bank on it is the unfailing result of judicious, consistent and continuous newspaper advertising. "Occasionally wiseacres are met who say the Gillette Safety Razor idea is petering out; that the Gillette company had blazed the trail for a score of competitors, with cheaper razors, that arc getting the business, and soforth. The por trait of King Gillette decorated almost all the magazine pages a few years ago. During the past year or so newspaper announcements began to appear. "The answer? Well, eight million Gillette ra zors were sold last year against ninety thousand the first year, and in 1015, the net earnings were 2,127,173 against 51,073,435, a 45 per cent in crease. "The Victor Talking Machine company began flirting with newspaper advertising several years ago. The result was a recent extra divi dend of 10 per cent on the common stock this in addition to a regular quarterly dividend of 5 per cent. "The B. F. Goodrich company has used large newspaper space to advertise its tires. last year 17 per cent dividends were paid on the common. The capital is sixty million dollars and the divi dend for the previous year was less than C per cent." Docs newspaper advertising pay 7 It certainly does. Purely through a misunderstanding, The Sun last week failed to give publicity to the fact that L. A. McGcc, a member of the bar at Price, is to be u candidate for the nomination to the district attorneyship before the lepubllcan judicial con vention. The gentleman has a splendid record as an attorney locally, before the bar of the state, is ambitious, energetic and a hard woikcr, and if nominated, which means election in this district, he would unquestionably fill the office to the satisfaction of the people and with credit to himself and the imrty. It is anticipated that Attorney McGcc will go into the convention with n strong backing from the five counties com posing the district Carlton, Emery, Sanpete, San Humi and Grand. The Sun regrets the mis understanding because of the fact that it was especially desired by Attorney McGec that nub licity should be given his candidacy by The Sun, the only republican newspaper in the district. Too bad that Hucrtn had to die so noon and not see whnt is happening to Villa. , "KID" IRISH PUTS HIS . MAN OUT IN SIXTH Bl J Correspondence The flint . H j y scopiki.p, Murch ::. Th people Bj I "f Heofleld celebrated St Patrick's H X Day In it iiiunm r that brought buck Bi M memories ir tin' good old du when 8) rj the town wus In Its glory. The inula Vj 1 Mttrnrllun wus u flftpcn-rowml boxing J ' mutest between "Kid" Irish mid Jaik Bk'i Carpenter of Hull Ijike Clt). This B bout nns ii good line. It lasted six Hjj J fust mid furloiir rounds mid th big ttm' i irimd "f fiiim irrtiiltil) got tliolr Hi I money's worth During thi first few HB I rounds It looked bud fur tho "Kid," 9 1 jU but tniuirds the end of the wrap he HB J f punished fill pi liter Hierel null III H1 I J' Die sixth th latter chuekeil up tbe Hn I f j spongi After the fight there wn it 1 ! j dnmr ii sure enough HI Pntrli k's H datiM Mini tho hull uis olio pro- K j ; fusion of green Dumlng uus kept Hb M up until ithom l o'diiik tho next B y morning mid u splendid puni Ii ux H ' j. seiNeil Ihut hud H klik' to It. An H I " " rxeursliiu truln mis run from Cliiir Bl J' Creek enrl In the Hvonlng, whldi D ' S bntught In two rtmilie imill lth M j j people and tht iltlim of Winter U I Qiwilvm turned out In grMt mini- f I , belH lu lltuko th ebbrHtUiH n m- H , I Mr mid Mrs. Noll M MhiIsoh oh- HHM j tertuliiiHl Ht tlmir huiuo HuntlM) even- OH i lug IhkI III honor of tilt IihhI wIiimiI PHVB j ' lonchem. Tho omulng whs spent lu PPPJ i miislf, r llHtloim mid khiiihn with pil J ,imi) giMHl things to out wind 'It hod PHVB I ,.i In. TIiosa iironuit were Prof mid BpJB I , Ii Mrs. f) II Moro Mr hiiiI Mrs. O H2) I K A. Curtis, Mr und Mrs. Uim Jonsiu PHWH Mr. uud Mrs. J K Whaleu. Mr mid , Mrs. U It Ihirnttt. Mbwes Vlulu l ; Whlttuker. Indru Whlttiiker. Mur PHSJH , ' IIiohii, AlUo MiuIhuii, Jnhiiiiiiuh Mud- Bl son, Kutluryn Jenneii. Oiom Harnett,, PPB ' j Afton Curtis nud M emirs. Anthon Mud- PpH i' 1 son. W l Jensen uud Wills MuiUon H9 ' 4 Hcodelil h sihool lms retentl) Hfl I , made u ilunil) eollectlou for u base- pBfl ) I ' ball outfit, und from the wai tliey PHUPJ are starting out one would linuglim pKsV the're going after u rouut thum- lr plonshlp !Mr. und Mrs. fattr Canuee ur rled from Helper the fore part of the week to make Hcofield their home Tho former relieve Harry Walravon hki as conductor of tho locul truln crew. H) j Superintendent Hennls of the Utuh PPHj t j l'uel company mines and Dr I) It PHE1 . I Murphy of Clear Creek were down for Hi ' ' 1 nkaW BBBBBt "'HBk. vaBVJBhmhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVJ the fifth eiitortnlunioul at Hcofield the uihir evening. U W. Patiut hus been relieved us Hgiut for the Denver und Jtlo (1 ramie It Hcofield. K. Durum takes his place. Will Prlto 11111I fiimll) sint the pant wek In Suit liko Clt) lsltlug with relatives mid friends. Illshop Parmlej, siiperlntiiident of mines nt Winter Quarters, wus seen looking over tho town Tuosdu) lust H, W Uolillng, iHiuut) supi rlutou dent of whools, wus u Hoof (old Visitor tho first of tho week. Mrs. J It Whulen mid son. Junior uro making an extended visit with ri I allies ut Provo. Halt Uiko CIO uud Ogdeu Mr mid Mrs linger ItejnnbKAmiw Dunn und Charles V4iimIom wire up from Helper Thuisday. i rt'Miiixi, himvit ics i'oh 'i hi: lailt IHtM.KY (.. IU'IIVHMIN i'urivsHindoni-e Tho Hun WINTKU (H'AUTKIlH. t KMHernl pntim nolo hold In the wurd thaiiel tmls) for Oeslo) (I HiiiI vhiimiii who dlod MuruU-Ulh Ilo won nnrn In Irelmul. Murtli II IH6K, unit tuliio to t'luh In U93 Ilo ilnd tho 1 hun h In HiwnUh Kork lu tsys uio to Winter Quarters shortl lif ter where he iniido his home until his dentil Ho wus tho father of nine 1 hlldrou und Is survived b his wife uud uUht thildien, four hoys und four gills The speakers at the ser v lies were C I'. Auih rson, J II Huff, It J Htono, J l Purr) und Illshop T J Pmnile) Muslo wus furnished b the wurd uholr The piillhcurtrs wore members of the seeond eldir's quor 11111 of ivhlih the dtMosd was u mem ber. Interment wu,s lu tin' Hcofield remotel) Horn, to Mr uud Mrs. Hurry Hull, Mnnh ISth, u bnb) bo) I'l.NUS Vlil.N r COU KKMMKItKlt. W)o. Munh 21 While digging n well last week on the ranch of James Mlohelsen, near Illg Pine), Charles Iicke), a well digger, struck 11 four-foot vein of loal. The vein was u bout forty feet from the surface of the ground. It rmy be mined for local use. conditioksJe foul noilnr Cleanup of Curhoii nud I'm i) DulrloN Onlcrtil. Very poor conditions exist In mid mound tho farm dairies of Carbon nnd Kmer counties, ui- cording to 11 report this week made to lleber C Huillh, tato food mid dnlr) Inspector, l O I', Peel, his fhlef depul, who has just completed n storing of several of tho IoihiI com crns. Pool hns given sov trill of these dairies ten du)s In which to iIoaii up, mil nt the expiration of this time they uro to bo ugulu scored If nt the end of this ton du)s eondltlous uro not Improved proe minus of offelldirs Is to bo Instituted Tho dairies were stored in cording to 11 card pro- pared b) the tlulr) division of the Polled Hlutos htireuu of mil- mill Indtistr). Not one of the nine Willi h were Visited wored tu per tent Homo ran us low us to per tent It Is tho rule of the doiwrtmont to prosei ute nil of those Morlng In low So pi r tent 4 Must of the dairies found IhiiI uro up ruled ii llrovks und Vus- trluns who suppl) milk to mln- lug tumps cieunliness is th -h pilmlpul point ioiisderd In the w ..ring MKSONHIEMl Mitlm of uiill Willi Poker lliirlotl lit Home 'limn, POCATK1.I.O Ida. Muith 22 Tho Unit of James Juikson urrlved todii) from (Imiitl Junction, Colo, unit the funeral wus held this afternoon Juik son was kllltd b) 11 iiiinHinlon Jumes Pa) ton. Ht Neslen, having been beaten to death with 11 poker It Is wild that Pu) ton will fight the inse on a pint of self defense Jaikson was 11 bur Ii r, mid wus formerl) 11 resident of Pouutello Ills mothir, four brothers and two slstirs survive him '! IIUII.I) IIHill THNhlON'. PltOVO, Munh !1 Tho I'lnh Power and Light eompan) Is making arrangements to build a high power tiansmlsslon line from Hprlngvllle to the coal camps In Carbon mid Kmery counties. The line will be run through Spanish for). Can) on. Construction work will begin next month. IPnICES OF LIBS N Ll W WORKING UP , 1 MUtiurr vrr.iY v nntM 1 ivi: nvis iiiMiim. Illnliol I'rlivo Hier Htallrcil In the Hnnii Clt) Mnrkit Itetfirtlitl llur-j log lli PiiM ik 1-oiH'"- I'lKun-s Tor Man) KlmN of Cuttk- Pnilhtitl II) I'm king Houe Hu)ir. Coliesponileme The Sun KANSAS CITY Mo Mnrtlt JO Cuttle reielpts were (lev en thousnnd head td and wles were stead) with the 1 lose of lust week or twenl)-flve to thlrtv-ftve cents lower than n week I ngii on sleers. stead) to strong on but her grades and n iiuurter lower n stotkers nnd feeders Killers bought tho steers rehictnntlv and iwld prhes would be lower Inter In the wek lietuuse uMilers are loaded with high priced beef for whlih the) are receiving offers from retailers of prhes lower I hull cost ff course whither or not the ptlte Is lower de pends on the etlppl) Total suppl) nt all ixilnte was romldertitil) less totln) thitti n week ago nnd n moderate run Is exported tJmorrow for the reason that a large number of Colorado enl tie are here totln). nnd few are looked for from that ipinrler tomorrow The tattle now t-timlng nre bringing more than owners expected In mil casts, exript 11 few cattle bought too high In the cotmtr) Inst weik. Cattle took a gootl fill totln) nnd man) Instnntes noted where gains over weights nt home were made, w tilth Is eiiulvnletil to an mil nine of ten to twent) cents with 11 iMKir fill No prime natives were here, but some ver) well flii-j lulled steers sold nt $9 IS to 19 10, Willi h might have inndo 19 10 n wick, ago Middle class natives sold nt I II 25 to IN SB. AIhiiiI slxt) inrs of Colorado pulp and ha) fed steers nr rived, montl) nt ID JO to 19 10, some nt IK 26, cows In the shipments nt 10 90 to M 00 Sixteen cars of Idaho pulp tattle arrived nt in SO to IK 80, bulls B 10 , string of Oklahoma bulls bought at IT U with some Pan hniullo )erllngs to killers nt IK f!0 Htotkers and feeders sold with more snap liMln) some well broil range stotkers nt 17 70 to 17 KO, best grades u f rtotkers up to K 10 nnd feeders nt M 10 Sheep nnd lamb reielpts todn) were eh veil thoiiMind head .mil the market stead) to five cents lilglur About five Ihousmid lamlt sold ut III 10 mill III It, the highest prlees ever paid hero exiept one drove lust week at till" other stiles ranged from Host to 111 It. some inetllum ewes ut lti 00 fording Imnlw recent I) it Ilo to bought for sheHrlllg Price uro stoadll) working upward nnd the end Is not yet Ilo ItulliU Mishl M111K liinlilng sheds have bten built b) I Put nk It Hooding of Idaho for this souson The rtit ds uro 11 sirles of wood mill ciinvus strut lures with t lie Irli lights mid heated b stoves. The) uro the first model sht ds to lie built b slit rpow in rs lu the West, mid wiHilgrowrrs In Western States are wuttlilug the experiment with In terest Small ears 011 a miniature railroad with 11 turntable, loading to ull tho sheds, onrr) feed directly Into the short. The largest of these shells Is iibout eighteen hundred foil long and thirl) feel wide. There uro 11 number of smaller sheds. It Is said b) railroad men who arc figuring on lamb nnd wjo shipments for this )ear that Hooding expetts his flotk to be luireused by twelve tlimis. iiml lambs this season. UiiitaH Clt) Miirkii.. KANSAS CITV Mo, Mnnh S Cuttle lleeelpts. 1800. mnrktl high or Prime fed stters, 17 110 to IV 2ft, Western slurs. 17 71 to lit 26, stoik-l ers mill ft oilers. CO to IK K0, bulls,, S 71 to IK 00, calves. 10 10 to 111 00 Hhoe llotelpts, 1000, market strong Idimbs, Itoxs to ill 11, )eurllngs. Id 60 to 11040, wethirs, K 00 to 9 00; ewes, 17 71 to K 10, Olllllllll I llC StlMk. OMAHA. Neb, Munh 23 Cuttle llotelpts, 6000, tnnrktt stood). Nil live steers. 17 10 to 19.60, tows mid helfue. tt 60 to K 00, Westt rn stters, 17 00 to 8 60: storkers mul feeders, 16 10 to K 60 Hlieep IttHclpts, 10,6110, market stead) Yearlings. K 10 to ID Nt, wttheis. 17 10 to to. lambs. 110 71 to III ii" WOOI, ht'PI'l. IIIU'ltiahlNt.t Pllll lis AIIK t.OINti HK.IIHIt The lust number of the Huston Trade lletord prints n mup showing Imw the Polled States Is losing Its sheep The dot reuse In the North Atlmitlt tilHten, between 1901 und 1911 Is given ut SI wr cent. In the Central Hlsles, 12 I per tent. Hoi. them Hlutes. US per tent. Western States SI per tent. Northwestern States, it per tent Tho mil) lm roust lias been IIS r cent In the Sou Hi Atluutli Hlutes The lletord wi)s the wool situation Is critical, mid the present suppl) must lie conserved mid wise leglslu tlon passed f tin. national demunds nre to be met The present suppl) Is reporteil 3s mil) about one-lialf of the umnunt reulrod to tovor present netds lu tlmiM of pouie If the nrni) und nav) are to bo luorousul, nnd the national guard federalUed, largol) In creased demands for wool must be mnde, with a domestic suppl) ulread) Inadetiuate. Tho thing to do Is to conserve the present supply of sheep and wool by removing the liulustr) from purtisau (Continued on page six ) .SPKINH Ih COMIMJ. Choice fruit and shade trees, grupe vines, berry plants, roses, peonies, bulba and seeds Provo Nurseries. Provo, Utah, Advt. Ever) town has Its partlcular'brand of big fool. I Rush - ? Y What's the most important to you if you want n job of Mill Work is to get it when you wnnt it, Y HftVe yur cn'rs or taD'c repaired today, We make a specialty of getting out Odd Sash, A Doors and Screens. Y Call Phone No. 122 for particulars about the Y L-V Dust Cloth given with each fifty-cent bottle Y of Liquid Veneer. t SHOOT-NIXON LUMBER COMPANY ! I'KICE, UTAH l4irgi-t llenilomv I'or Sonif Tlinc l4it 'nttinln) nnd Suuilii). Cnrlion stake quarttrl) conference convened at Price ward, Price, t'tah, March IK and 19, 19 Hi, commencing nt 2 o'rloik of tho afternoon Hnttir da) There were In nttetidnliie the stake president?), ten members of the high council, five bishops, one pre siding elder, five bishops' counselors and with representatives nnd mem ht rs of all th wnrds hut two In ml if II Ion thereto Klder nthony W lvin of the count II of the twelve nnd Klder Andrew Jensen, of the histor ian's nflltc nt Knit take Clt), nnd Klder Kllfls C. Ashton of the gemrnl lionrd of Hunilay schools. The attendance was muili larger than nt the previous ronferome nnd n mnrkid Inttrest was manifested In the proieedlngs both of tho Hundny school convention nnd the general meetings of the conference A por tion of the time was given to rending the eetleslnstlmt histories of Prlto, Wellington, Huuuyslilc nnd Cnstlo Onto wards under tho tllrettlou of Klder Andrew Jensen In his rt marks Klder Jensen sold great blessings oil me to Cod's chil dren b) keeping Ills commandments. ImiiIi spiritual!) and tempomll), espe tlnll) lu observing tho word of wis dom Kith r Ashton said the i hurt h was a morttl. sot la I nnd economic fac tor fur the good of nil mankind Tho actual senlie rendered afforded tilth one mi opportunll) to develop mid become exwrlenred In religious mal lei s. Klder Anthony W Ivlns mid this land had bet u detllititeil, to bo n land of freedom, nnd nil people had eo,oal rights nnd no one person rule Wo should bo mindful of our neighbor evtn to tho extent dlpl)cd b) the gootl Samaritan Tho drink evil was IhiiI for mankind, and we hail the Ipowtr to reiiiedy-the uttfHVorahte con jilllliins that exist If wo will do tho I right exhort till to live pure and up right lives. President Arthur W llorste) made I report of the stake as being In u fnlr I condition with bright prospotts for the future He thanked ull for their I attendant e ut tho various meetings of .the conff rente und for tho singing I und the solos rendered Conft renci I then adjourned for time months , SHEEP nNDJATTLE WAR j Plot I. Killed Ninth of (I'miid Juno. I llllll, t tllll 1,1PM, Ml, '1(10. (HtWIt Jt'NCTION Colo, Munh IK Two hundred sheep, oivnitl by Howard Uithrop of Montrose, Colo. Willi It hnve been wintering twent) two miles south of rirund Jiimtlnu, were ilddltd with bullets Wednesdu) motnhig b) u purt) of unknown horsemen The mil) herder with the sht op heard the shots, saw the sheep full and started on the dead run to give the alarm Tho onl) lilies to the blentlt) of the sheep killers were two hundred empt) shells from rUles mid the boxes vvhli Ii show oil Heltn cost, murks. The of fliers, hnwevtr, nre ut it bow to lot ute the purihiisers. Trouble hns been brewing lu the liomluguex touiitr) for some time, but (.nthrop hud not believed Hint mi) suth violent measures would bo tnken to drive him out of the initio range He estimates his loss ut fifteen hun drtd dollars The nttuik luiurred at 6 tt'iloik Voile) nfter volte) was poured Into tho imnp where tho ani mal were bedded down mul eight) doutl sheep were found In one plate Uithrop has skinned the riircnssoN In order to preserve the hides The Delta nffhere are milking luvestlgu tlons but no urrests hnve bten mude HS )lt st. mm my mh ' HiiihIiciI uiiiI I'Ul) Ptiou I loin South ('iimps tttiiil, iiit u hundred and flft) of tin emphces of the Houtheru Ptuli mul Custle uIIh) rullrouds. hit hiding their wives und sweethearts guve their annual ball ut the g)iuunsliim of the Carbon iNiunt) high wlioo) building last I'rldu) evening Ht Puirkk's Da) it was b) fur tho greatest sot bit event of the hiukoii and was In charge or a tonunlttre wiiitpoceil of M , Oarvey nnd I.eo Klmie) of Mohrhind. It M MiHruw nnd II II Mensvl of llluwutha und A I). MuiUun und H Wllllnms or Price. Hpeilul trains brougtit tho nit rr crowd from the thrte towns over south lllaok Hawk, llluvvutliu nnd Mohrlund Tho prtigrams, us hereto. I fore, vvero In the form of a railroad time (utile, und were very attractive as well as novel. The excursionists returned to their homes, as they lame, by special truln Suturday morning, plcaied to a high digreo with their treatment (oially and1 promising to come again next car.l If not sooner. HELPER 1IN III Mlml Pnilmtil) Ittrnnfeett tln, llcRitl (mil liratnv. H Mrs. Minnie Xogi ,f ,wH:m brought down to Pr, e f r B I plnco Wttlnesda) and lodged kB"1 count) Jail Mrs iKa, utHn' Austrian. Is not tharg d wlihn fl' tlclilar crime, but on Tuttdij iB"1 she Is alleged t hue r'!! "rough house" nt the pUct iSB sided by heating up h r tnjtMKv when the neighbors i enl la Hn whnt the row was nbrut, tlxtBrl. tin in ii thorough tr r mcltt.B.1 and sent them nbut t their UeB whlth turned out Ii lc rt'MB clt) mnrshnl. B ' Iter story, howrvtr t i nVn It Is said Hint about t 3 m rsJjB' ' her huibatitl, John V g nttBn wiiman ii terrible Inline IUF! nrnsled b) Mnrshnl ( -k t ttsiK? nnd brought to Pn nrj kM'B.' for Ihron dn)s I .t th r would not testlf) igi mt hit ri band, who was later r VjkI tB) returning home Nogi ItlinB' no time lu reptntlng h 3 W nnd the punishment tir st)cjsHu nt that time seems 1 1 have . woman to lose her rrison HT Nogn fled tho toiin nflrrh.sHB performance olid It I: rrpntvt W tho woman tins hi 11 gradsoSB1 ting worst She will 1 r 'tl'rttSS to appear btforc n r mo itHB. iliilie Into htr Minlt W Adletl One Cent Per Word I'irli ttnB No Chnrgc Acconnti. H I'ou i:nt-two iifrmtB lug rooms. Close In I'ImmiHB TOM I1AUHON riTIt US' R. C TB leghorn cockerels fr MltiMW J. J Welgmann. HB I'OU HAI.K T llVIUUIXruBBt t) shares Prlio Mirr IrrfMH company stock ( A Mcflf ' TATTISn MADi: TiioiiDDB Mrs. Martha A I 1 rcn" side. I'tnh. Itox, II II -k !') I'OU HAI.K Oil TIHDK MI BV tie Nine thousand first -'HHl l.nke Clt) pressed rid brl t i I'uie, Phono K!M, Prl e m I'OU HAI.C OU TUADK-SIXBR Pnlrbanks. Morse ft Co. ptHj glnn as good an new, tctttUHl shafting, belting, pulleys, tie m ne seen at Tho Bun offlc i'ou ham: ti:n YnXiur Mm fort) aires of land wlthiW'BM and fenced, somo apple trrriHlMH (tun mile south or Prlo "tm county road. Ie-Nelmi Cl SH Vlglln llltuk. Price, I th. I'OU HAI.i: oirTUADB rOBTK proper!) Hundred and !"! farm, time miles beloiv HIkV on Mlllir ("nek Hprlnc !" aires iindir itiltlvntlnn l' niros In full grain. Call oaom C C Clawson. Hiawatha VUBBI UtrrKH WHAPPKUK -OM M dred, M00, two hunilret BJH five hundred, 12 B0, n' 'BB tl 00 larger iuuutltlrs HM ure on Kmloso iiisli v 'lh BB It will save express tr fBB 1 barges. Postage for n m to thrte hundred wrapi -rs. f. '," thrtu hiindrid to one ttioutUHmv tents Nothing hut the UAM inent puptr mid spe I l( not affi tid bv salt ir v-1' M HI'S'. Prl 1 I tub When Yon Clothes Fill Voil nre nsstind tf tl , ' 'U liuprtsslou or those l"..BB )ou 1 ome In inntnit 'rh, K'B slon ireuted b) 11 lilK ' .MW 11 lusting one und th re V VJH wit) of making this l-'l''; ,BB fuvorutde one -and th t ,Kfl wear clothes that fit ' 1 1,BB Wire this the onl) re ie'n"!BjJ be u siifriclent 011a wh 0V,11. BB wear iiistom tailored 1 Ij'1" Frank L. Bucfl Price. Utah LAMM y CWtWNY.CljBB