m I
M iTl Watches TTT
Wt :l Are Not a Iff
;j I J Luxury I 1
' :! ft i HI
- W VAATCHES arc not a j A
L 0 M' TT luxury. They are ft i 1
H H 13 A nn nc,un' necessity, ci- J 11 5
H' 't T nccially nowadays when f! I A
H fflj business competition is l i w
H " rO ' so brisk and every minute l fl
H " !w counts. Time is money. j
H I - i?5j $ That we all know. fi C (ft
B &ft A In laying in our stock V g j
H lW' W ' wn-c-,cl wc were par . I '
H Ju. 4 ticular to examine the r U A
H U X cit Prot'ucts of the V M
1H al manufacturers who could fj 8
H W j be depended on to sup- h x j
iiH 3 M, T ,,ly oniy !r,t c,tm nrti W I A
IH W i c'cs ConJcquently our U t i
Wm O 2 watches rfo out into tho I) S
H wi A world with a trustworthy 5" I I
HL HJ f reputation backing them. A
H fJ 9 Men's watches, worn f
u ' if' $ en's watches, youths' and W $
1 OT X mines' watches, open or m ! ?
H O U hunting case, all at rca ri (H n
H I I I L sonablc prices. XJ s n
H CtHrKi K Kimn itrht lii Hiiiii-
M xlile )flT(tn mi hunlmA
H MrK Charlen ,V1iiil returned IIiIm
H MHirnliiK front Trlnnlad Coin
H' MrK. John Hut of Prleo Wlctl
wltli frlcniln nt Helper hint wnk
Hj Mm I A I-ro of Ililptr xlnllitl
H Willi friend In Prlre hint Hulunlii)
H - l V Otirtmn of Mnhrbunl wh h
Hf menl lullnr In the lt mill n khwI
H nl tho Tnxrrn while hern
W Mr uml MrK It K I.0M1 of Ilia-
i w 11 tint wen tllorn In Prleo Tih-mIii)
m Uat Tlu-i Hire ill tin Thmtii
J Mr. nml Mm Mlltnn W. Mllli-r of
Hf ItliKk lliiwk lltnl vllh nlntlvm
HVk Mini frli'inln nl Prlrp Ixm Kiiluriln)
L MIm llitxi'l Jnnrn liim rrluriipil In
H Htorr iifur 11 UII In l'rui llli hr
H( iHtrtnti). Mr nml Mm l II Jnnrw
L Mr. uml Mrn. I'. O llnimllKt- or
Hf HlHWntllH Wn HIIIOIIK tlin Thvith'm
HH ' niiinrrtnin iriuln ilurliiK tlu wii'k
HBf , Mr nml Mr. J M lliiimvii luwi-
R lk iiimmiI Utrk to Prlrp from C nlnnil.
B 4R whirp lli(r lini lrrn rmlillnic for
K a& oImmiI u cnr.
HK '' J H IhomtiiHMi Kriiprnl miirrln-
Hf fU tunilnnt of I'lnli I'upI iommn prup
Ht JYl rrllod. urn. n Ultor In Prlu- Tiirmlnx
HK , ' i nml )itrrilny
HU Mr. mill Mr. It T. Ilorki iihaKon
H iiiiilorril iliinn to 1'rko from llilirr
D l TiiikiIr In! Thoy foil ml Ihp ronit
; IT) M I liruffrl. KcniTiil willi llor
Bfj 1 V for Dull I'iipI minmtn). mum In Prlrp
B I W TiipmiIio nml mpiiI from lit rr to Hun-
Hl I jl ii)nlili pnliriln
Hj l WlllUm Itpiittv. nMllnnl tiix
1 M niient for Urn Dnnrr nml Itln (Jriimlo
Hl M miih In Prlip Wriliipmlii) on IhihIiiphii
H? ' 4 jj" for til loriiorntlon
Hf f J K. Pfttlt. Iap minx lnipitor,
Hj i oh n Kiipt nt tin Tiirrn Turnilii)
J1 while on one of hl lurloillml trlim to
K lllu inlnrH herrnliout.
1 S MrK. J II ItolnrtH ri'turneil lait
Bli P Mimlii from 11 (hurt llt with rein-
iH! U (wi nt Kmimton, 'i. Hopping ut
ft Halt likc Clt) en route
1 I)r nml Mrn. B. M NMipr mo.
torpil ilown from Ciutle date )nt Hun
ilu TIib nwrt liptwcon Hip two
w 1 1 pin cpk 11 rp now In flnp ulinpp
Rf t OiorKu l llnmonil. mnnuKir of
HRi, ' V tli Curium. Kmpr utorrH. "nn In Hip
llj 1 ik til) from lllnok lluwk Tuwtilio mul
9 ilf topptnl ivhllp Imrp ut the Tuvrru
Hfll! K Mr uml Mm AV A TI11011 uml
H 1 5 Mr. nml Mr. WllllHin.Norton of WpI-
i llnxton iro umonic the qimrtrrly
t (wnfprpiipp lllom In Prlip Huiulu)
H ' Mi uml Mr" W" M,,m"",u "f
Bfl Siiiiii)U1p were thv RUPft of Mr mid
I 1 Mm Alliprt HiiKlprK from Kntonlu)
I ' 1 until Tiipmln) HpanlHh I'ork Prp.
Hl ij K WnttU una T l'nnp of Stand
HHl' 1 nnUllle uero iIoimi to tho hall khiup
Hi t1 at Prke last l'rlilu ami were regit
Bf " i trrpil nt tho TiiNrrn ilurliiK their Hta
Hpl j I" the city.
Hb) A n Muillej nml Hum Olaier
1, j1 More umoiiK thane from Hunn).Ule In
i 1 , the clt thin week Tho roail he
HBijIr? ' twiten Price uml there are In fairly
Pfl i 1 J W Ornke left yentenluj morn
! lint for Wood.lde Willi 11 load of llU
Bll household effevU llo will farm up
; there thl ear. Oreen Illier l)U
K ' putah 16th
B ' j 1: Pettlt, utate coal mine In
1 apeutor, recently Mulled with Judge
'1 and Mm Krout at lltdper Judge
H rro.t and Invpector l'cltlt arn lro
H' 1
HH; L c Ie wu In from hl N'lue
BH if Mllo poMe.lon the flmt of the wctk
Ir 1
KpIIIiik niipinliitid with lllu fnmll) uk
It wrn Turinem out Hint wn nn
will nlmiK with Hit tr uprltig work
1'rnm Imllintlnm nt Hi In time thrrt
wilt lip mi Kmrdl) of wytti r for Irrlgu
lion nml for rniiK" xtotk thin Hummer
Mm Arlliur H llorl of I'rlii.
nivompnnli il l Mri C'hnrloM MopIiIi
or Hiollrlil rrirlitl) lilteil K A
Ortinhnlgh nt llplppr, n hrotlipr of
Mm. Ilomlo
W H Alir) wiih down froiu.llpl
pel the flmt of III" wnk lie rlHtml
whlli lorp Hint th limn nrt phklng up
ronnlderuhl) In 11 ImiIiipihi wn nt tho
mllriHid town
June llrjnir iiniLtrirr) llryner
lift thin wk forht iWrtillon
(ouiitr) to tnkp llliol The InttHf.
who Iihn lii 11 1 milo(pil nyllinwnlliH
left thnt pluiiTiUrdV S
J II Hthlnupiu Kpmrul mnniiKer
of the Wnmitili HtorpM loinimn). wim
hprp from Hull IjiUp CI I) TumnU uml
win regUli red ut thp Tuxirn nolug
nml coming from Hiinnldc
Mr. w MiCurt) uml Ihrpp thll
ilri'ii were Hrrlmln Huudn night from
Keoler I'nln, nml will lnlt hpr pur
pntK, Mr uml Mm .SVIIm oinou
(lnui Itlier ninpuKh 10th
tlporgp M Mllhr of Huntington
Htm it Moiulii lullnr In Prlip llunl
v pondlllon In the Hint ry touui
town .ire good mi) 11 he, nml fnrmrm
nre going right nt thilr vprlng work
-A U MuMullpti or the Koi) wun
u xlnltor nt entitle (late lant Hnturdu)
p piling, going up to attend the doing
of the IihuI welfare nwotlutlon there
He report n good time unit n hlg
Churle T Kirk I down from
I'rlto doing nimii lement work at the
ilpitilt light plant nml wilt uhm rulp
the porth on the Woodruff renldpiitc
nml repair It Home Orpen Itlier DIh
putt li. 16th
C If aihl'K. gtologUI, A C
mi tin. 1 Ml tnglneer, nml Wllllnm
J.lttlpjouu, on pi rlnti mti nt at CimIIii
Clnle, all with t'tuli KiipI ioinpnn,
wern In Prlte on Tupd lut on com
pitn himlnr
Mm. Agne Hill. MIim Kate Mtr
Mllhin. Mliw Clorn Curtis nml Tom
MtMIIInn were down from lllnwnthn
lunt rrldn to ntttnd the damp, re
turning the mime eienlng Prank
An erlll accompanied them nml turd
In llluwulha until the next tin)
Hum 1 Hnow. Jr, the Ctlp Dulo
tlruggUt, wn a AVedneMli t lullnr In
Prlu llunlnek tondltlon ut the Km
er) tount) eut. y.t Iip are good ami
Killing better right nlnng The farm
er of hU MTlInn or the tount) are
welt nlong with Hit Ir Nprlng plowing
l'rank llrewtr, 11 prominent cut
tlemun nml wife arrived here )tter- !
tlii) from tin Ir runth mirth of Atthtt
The) report that the l" or t utile ;
there will uveruge SO per it lit on ui '.
eount or the hiuv) torm thl winter
Orand Junction (Colo) New 17th
P C ChrlMtin.cn of Hint k lluwk
u In I'rlte lt Huturdit) uml re
newed nlltglitnte to The Hun which
he a. he tannot well xit nlong
without He U a "on of Charles Chrl
tenven, nt one time In litudniiM at
I'rlte. and l n )ouiik man thut I
making good
K J and K It Powell with their
fumlllp unit J I Hum It ft lu Price
for Pa)ette, Ida . Mondu) I. J Pow
ell Inn u rami ut that place whlth he
exptcted to dlipone of when mining
here hut the vale fulled to materlullie
and he detliled to go haok M)ton
I'ree Pre. lth
Mm J I Ooruaii ' t Winter
Quurter nut regUtered nt toe Tuern
TiicHilu) en route home from Halt
iJike Clt) Man) perioim going to
ulid from the upper coal cuiup on
account of poor train connettlomi,
now tome to Prlto In preferente to
stopping off at Cotton
J. K Wallaie who U leaning the
Cook ranch fle mile nhoe Mton,
left Montla) morning for PrKe to
meet hi win nnd fnmll) who nre ar -rMng
from Knnn Mart) Wall went
aIHi Wallace to help tiring In the
houxehold good nnd other freight
Mjton I'ree Preeo, 16th
Mr Walt Itutt and children
enmc down from Wood-lde I-'rliU)
rtd to a to he proient nt lto)l Neigh
Nir lodge nnd to take In the mipper
nnd good time that followed Bhi re
turned Hundn) nfter Wtlng her !
tcr-ln-law nnd fnmll) Mr nnd Mm
A U Ilrndle) Oreen Itlter Il
pntrh ICth
W J Plwood genernl iiiprln
temlent or the mlnps at Kenllworlh
motored down to Price from that
rump taut Honda) The output there
I normal an) he with eienone
working nlmoet full time The rail
road enr phortHgi ha not linmereil
Kenlluorth the tf few month It
linn iHime of Hie other
V S Cameron and I It Ueir
or Halt l.kp lt) who 'Jut hap
puiptl to le nt Panther C'nnyvn lal
i'rlila) ennie down In Hit exenlng t
Prlee to wltneiw the fltle contp! at
n ItK-fll thentar Ther returned t
Panther Haturdu morning The mlnp
there uiulpr lenw In Caniemn I get
ting out niitMHi! a hiindrpil titii of
tt ml ilnllr
Hernnnl NewreH agent nl "
field for Hip I'likin Paijlflp Ctml 'in
pan) priirtleii, wm In ntli n(lanf
upon iiuarterl) ptmrtrpnee nl Prhe
lat Hnturdnr nntl Htimla) TIip Hun
at kuuvrletlgpa h plt-ai-Hiit mil rr.itn
the gentleman There I 1111 talk
whatever, nay he. or Hie corporation
he repreeeiit iignln working II I -field
T A Ketphum and J U I Hi
win Prlri Multom Tuewla) elenlng
The latter ha reeentl) "ciunp here
rnim Kemmirer Wyo and will lake
the wippnlnlon r the Ketrhum pr-ip
tri) In CaMlp tlutp fnmi whleli Hip)
nre whipping n few ram of etml w-ek
I) Mr Ki tehum. wn neeoinpanipd
In Prlie It) hi on Oporgc who a
)outh tiled nl Helper oewrnt )iam
Mr And Mm Hum WuiIp re
liirntd Tiieedn) tienlng from Halt
Iwike Clt) The fiirnii r ha l"een
uwn) from ktiim lmp nlxuii Hit flrt
of the )enr during the greater M.r
lion or Hint limp hpltig on hi hatk at
the home or hi daughter nt Hall t-ake
I'll) Mm. Arthur A Hweet n witferer
from rheiimntUm III man) rrlpnd
In Cnrliou count) mid Hiroiighoiit
Knutern t'tnh will lit pliii'ed to know
Hint lip I now mill It hi tit r nml aide
to gt I nroilnd ngiiln
Mr mid Mr Herman Holder of
Mania Clam in Washington count) arp
hnre Ihti wnk on a illt lo Hielr mhi
Prtf John II (luliter prlmliwl or tin
CarlHtu roll 11 ly high m hmil Whin
Ihp eUlrr (luhhm led their liom th,
nlfaira wm fully a riait high ami
wlilli the aeaaoVi anmml Prlip I "
nthnnietl I hey milk a great illti-r
eMi In the two etallomi r Ihp aim
HHllmllnn all through Honlh. in
I lah art- for lnndtil "w thl ir
Caltle eheep ami oilier Iim k went
Itiiinigh Hie winter well where the
iluiitem itiiut from
C It (In en, the (lramt Jiiim Hon
Colo, mining man wu an iirrltal al
the Midland Tiiemhi) mid with T U
Mi Cart) left for Own on IhiMiiiihi
ronnetted with tin mmigumw mluea
tin re (Ireiii alnte that (Imud Jinn
tlonlte nn henxll) rnlereted In iiian
guneee In thl Hon of I lull ami In
11 wnk or no Hit) will he pretl) will
repritH ntt d on the ground lr Ht)p
will he out liwhle of it wiek and W C
Htheu Ih lomlng within the next two
orthrtewvek Mont of Hit liKtitlon
nre eolith ot ThomiMMin flret 11
Itlier ninpnuh tnih
Ilnrr) (lpa. proprietor or the
Ktntutk) l.liiuor comHtn reteiitl)
returned from Hnn Pram Im-j Kherc
he wn fortunate In hii)lng three cur
lomU of the eholieet wine uml II
iiuom Including Prinrh Hcotth nml
Italian good Tlup llipiom wire
prlmlpull) for flewi' wholemih hoime
nt Prlip. hut a tonalderulde utiantll)
of the iotk will he brought to Tlntli
uml uddeil 10 the utrenil) large tock
of the Kt ntuok) l.lnuor compan)
Certain elaMnn of iliUor are hard to
gtl nl present uml Opmi tonsldem
hluistir fortunate In the pun hose
Just made Kurekn lltporttr 17th
W M Wolst), deput) stute en
glnrtr Is lure repairing the slate
wagon bridge turns Hip riser New
flooring Is being put In uml the strut
ture will bit n painted Walter Hmlth
of Moah I helping him VoWe Is
the man who made the tllsvoiir) of
somi Cliff Dweller mummies nl the
top or 11 high tllff Just this side of
Moah 11 ftw weeks ngo He I one of
the ftw nun who tun read tin hlero
gljphlm uml he wu gtlldtd tu the
itnt lent nllc h) these signs He I
u er) luti resting man 10 llsb n to mid
lit tun furnish murh uluuhle Infor
mation touiernlng the new I) diseov
mil nllts. (lreen Ither Hlspitttli
! Farm
; Machinery...
! ! K entiling )ou need In the .
j ) wu) of Implement tu iiutkv ',
' oiir farms profllahlt Twowa) ;
! '. plows, sulky plows, walking
',', ptowit. Monitor grufc drills, '.
I wood burrow r, spring tooth liar '.
row u tomplete assortment of
I ! garden tools, extra for muihlu .
II tr) wngons with Hie lute tin- ',
pro rmenti
:i(i, If J 1(0, j
: : Leo Leoiard, Manager. :
: ; piticK. i'tah .
. .... B(t f
. "-- . Iih
--- K &
Just Unpacked a Big Line of Very Nifty Hats
for the Little Folks- Ranging in Price WP-
From 49 Cents to $2,49. U
. - 1(
Ladies' Collar and Cuff .& Ladies' Petticoats, very W
Sets, new ones, just $sk nice ones, all colors, 1
in . . . 25c, 49c rg $1.98, $2.49 and $2.98 1 -
Auto Caps, Auto Veils, Party Dresses, a bi$ -'
a bi new line to select W Wwfi$ new line to select from, "
from, 49c, 69c, 98c W MrffiW all colors. Prices from l'
nsSi $9'9 t0 $l6,50, olhtr 1
Boudoir Caps, all col--lU drcsses $9-90, $12.50 K
ors, some beauties at f j lu and $1475 K
25c, 49c and 98c. M ; i ll - M
ill IL ll S 1 1 ew u's anc oal$ '
Ladies' Kimonas, Crepe SJIIJ arriving almost daily,
Cloth 98c. Mercerized fijf)l Thcy come in a variety ,
Goods 98c, $1.49 and (ft of colors at from $7.90 .!
$1.98. to $22.50 ;'
To Appreciate the Value, One Must See These ;
Coats and Suits B't
- - . . - yt
. . ,.,... . .,...., H
Irnlij 125 Busy Stores. P? Tie . C Pcmicj Co. lit, I
Tln HtitmllliK Itoiim Onl uluu
wim Inline nut tiiru lum Hutunlio
fM-nliiK nt ICiiIkIUm nt I')IIiIiik Hull nt
CiiNtlt (In If, it lion the irlfuri mmoilit
linn kiim it Kriinil tonttrt uml Imll
The utiiKu IVAN tuiiti full) itrtiimtiHl
with flnioi nml rinnil plum itml tl
Itnrn frnm othrr tiiixnn uml thrrt
irri miinj frum Hlnrro, lltlpir nml
Prlu werr iUiuiirnlil MtirprUtil ut
tin- tiimplrtfiifini of th iirrnnni-mi nix
Tin- proKrnm, which In Klirii litluit
fi'iituiiMl tlw Cnntlc (lulp liuml mul tln
prnuilmt limn In thi tump tlutt iiIkIiI
wun Plrttinr (Jlfii t Ittrtii Hp tir
tnllll) llrnrriril lllp llluhr-t iliKTil of
prulM pimnllilo an he hut. tnkt-u whut
ttim n intilluirr nrKitulinllnn lam mini
nirr nml lirnuKht It In nutli a Mitto nf
pirffttlnn that nil tin numlifm tir
)lavil with ii prt-flnlnu mul (InUh
that wnulil tin rrrillt to mini) luiniU
nl lurmr rltlfn In Khlnir IMrettnr
Itt-riiti liU Junt prnpiirtlon of pruUr
ont mum nut forert that ht hnn iiur
rnuniliil hluiKcIf with Home tfr tnipa
lilt mimltiunn. Mini, he itckimw It OKf ,
Iiiim toiitrlliiilfil lurKil) In thn IuiiiiVii
proflcli-ni) Th() miuli a upluiillil
uppcurunif In thrlr munmn iinlfiiriim
with lilatk uml wliltti fin linen uml Unit
tilth tin fluKu, flnwcrn nml tho luiml
miiuv BiiwnM of tho fair linden tthii
took part in tho priiKrum kau tho
vtUKi nn i xti eilliiKl) lirllllant impitt
Kit rtiui In Mind Wilcoinc.
The people anil lnltnrn were miiilti
weliumti t Huprrlntomltnt Wllllum
MUleJnhn In u uliort dpeeth w tilth
; nhowiil plainly that lie hail the el
' fun of tho iturkem uniler him ut
1 heurt llo res lentil hrltfl) the uork
that hail Iron ilone t the elf nre iik
. iwiiiatliin uml nutllnnl thtlr future
' pullt) nml wlien lio ttiweil he wmm
1 henrtll upplauileil The niwi mlilttkt
i wan nlmi itililrtiMitil h (Itlieral Huper-
Intomlout 1liiimpnn lie told nf the
'. orlitln of tho uMiitlutlon, kInIiik full
treitll lo J C Hnow an Inn Inn iirlidn
; uteil tho I ilen He read the lilaM
ami explained tho orminliHlldii h oh-
jet ami aim uml htfore tliwlnir IiIh
) rinnirkn iuIukIxoiI Dlrtrtiir Iteent' uml
. tnmpllmontcil him Keneroimlj on tho
priifidenr) hIiomii Ii) the hund Hparv
1 will not permit neparato tlttHirlptiniu
of null numlier on tin proKram, hut
' m (.i;r 'iiii'.m PKNhioNh.
', AiHItoa (nun WnnhliiKlon I) C,
art to the tffect that Henutor Hmoot
) lum otilnlned an unit ml mint to tho
', hnnm Indian nr pension hill under
which Hint k lluwk wnr Mlrrnim who
hue iroof of nenlce or thlrtj dun
, will he Hide to iiiullf) for pi milium
Tho liou.o hilt un It wtnt to tho non-
ate hail been unieniltd throiiKli the
. effort of CoiiKroiuman Howell under
whltli theiio rttran wnulil receive
; ptnulonii. hut a nlnottla rrNto
, ' proof wan rcU red
nil wire or u rr) hlnh Hiamliiril mul
tnklm oirthlnK Into toinhleriitlon
tin tumtrt wu ono or tin hem ettr
Kliin In thin iount
'I lie Prnunim Itiuiliml,
Miirih or tho Marine, iliilltutnl
to Joint P Houmi mul Unite il
Htnti Murine Hand T, II llrnoke
Aildre-iM or Wolt iimn . .
William l.llllejohn
Hrleetlon 'Optruttu Mlimle. ton
talnliiK KXttrptu from ' Poet mid
lVawint." 'Orphoun." 'Paiint,'
"llohtmlan tlirl mul 'Cunntn"
K W lltrr
Solo, Whin Vim Plu) In Hit Oume
of Uno" ' Ooodttlii
Minn Margaret Connu
Holn, -Tho Hoi) Clt)" Hlephinn
(liorgv l.lttlejohll
IttHllattoi), 'fililpwrickid
I'rnnioU Copto
Mm J C Know
Dut I The Hint ThliiK In l.lfo"
Mlen Holla Martin mul
Murh I nrahum ,
Violin 8uo, 'AiiKoln' Htrtnado,'
Hit) I Jt line
Harp mtnmiMtuluiPUt h Otto Herri n
Helot linn llohfinlan Olrl llum
Holo 'Junt ii Wisir)liiK I'nr m"
K It llrookn
Minn '.I n u Chrl.li 11011
Hint (loud MkIiI I.Utlo tlirl Oood
Muht Mai)
Mm H I) WIUtKtiil and
Minn Dutn) I't rKUnon
Inmriimental Trio N'lKhtn of OUil
newt (OrUlnul) Morltx
Ptrr) Morltx. Clarlntt
Howiird Pcrklnn, Corml
Theoilore Heme. Tromhone i
Holo 'Hlnn Mo to Hltep" Clrcono'
Minx Kdlth Jonen
Molln OhllKato, Ita) Uttltrio
Mile Chorun Tht Hall)" I'uul.
Heleoilon ovorturr Norlhwonttrn
"-mil Carnhul' Hoiuliwtll
Ittmarkti nolettetl J H Thnmp-on
Marili Kmhltm or Peart" itooB
Minn IMith Jonex, -.itompanlnt. (I
l Iteeno, nirw-tor, Kdwnrd K.htur.K
Ctiulrman Prourum Conimltleo Pro
gram Commltteo The oiloru T ltetrne
Oeorge Mttlojohn I) It Kianx. John
lluintl and lloliert Wllmead
llio Hnnil nml Oriliikiin,
tho Cantlo date hand and Itn mom
lum are (1 n llccnt illroitnr und
troniliont. John Homel, nolo tornet,
I Howard Perklnn nolo tornet Pdward
I Kdwanln, nolo tornet, l'rank Porl
otte Holo i orm t, Alfrtd llltt firt
tornet, Pen-) Morltx, flmt tlarlnet.J
Cleorm. tlifoM, rim' tlnrlnetl 0 11,1
l.ianx, flmt tromlKiiir I j lB
vMiiml tromtiont I--r i if ti-H
third tromlM.ne It J Wu'.sJ-B
tone Thttnlori- T lie r'itH
i: Clownnl eh hu tl rx?ft-.B
John oli nolo nlto A' red UH
flmt nlto Mlko ICninr k -. tiB
nlto, Jumen Ktniix. i irp t!ra lB
Utillroo I nmn ilrum P W '"'jH
ilriiin major Cuntli date Of M
(I D I Irene illrott r nnd trex-M
llii) Ijultree violin I illtk JnH
piano Pi rr Morltx, 'itlr.t' H
nrd Porklnn, lorml nl "'H
Kinnn, ilruuin mid trai B
A II Appernnn Kriierxl x"M
or tho I'nltt il Hlnttn I ul CZM
riturnul to t'luh Ii t n'",jjH
from it three woikn' trip thrv'ltlMB
l.imt nml Kouih I nprt rilfeli-r&B
pirlt) throUKhout tho rr tlsi-jB
lleil In reported h) pi"frw. 'H
mono) plintlful for nil lnlun-H
torprlnon On nritiunt tf ,''H
hunlnenn mtltltlen Apiermn 'l
that ho hi aril no talk if v.r"H
Itltn. 1
ki:i:p mn ntii iiixnH
Ax iter) one known tli ,,V'V'IH
the xowornKo xjnlcm or the t,cH
It In or the KTeatent IniiarutH
tin) tuoiii once each ila) UH
howrlx become tonntlpiitnl u rH
done of Chamberlain Tb"B
ufter nuppor mid the) i M ""llB
illnorder Ctbtulnablii t.frrxB
Ailtt JH
You Don't HaviJI
Come to This JiW
to Select Your tim
l.eute thut to ux I lun-' H
onlir and tho tendertst. &
Hteult. ihop or un) nthr
of miat will lie on the
)our home In a Jlf''
pleuniil patron are ut
Wo tarry at all tlnnn i01'
Hlotk of I'ancy Orotrrle. -
mul Vt itetublim. In eitul"
tor uml Kk ?edti of " '
kept In mock,