.Mr fr m a UUlnif card to h K I I "ll II N a 1Mm&$ WS tK M ft Sfcr ,flM
. . Hurt M,'m nl t fc - J1L ML iLlrOlay?) I II I II hiM -omm..nl in uf deed, more- 'HI
hrf "Jk rrt' L "nd lw llki N5 k STJSAPQS3y JlkIIL -ML Uv '""'"" ' lenses, con- ffifl
KC(I wcdchn good ""' S " U u"- &?' T NT T "" ' " I"" The most com- 9
brumphwi tnBnnii ecn- PHI ITIPAI IV nrilllnl ,., I'letc Mmh In I astern I Inh Order. HH
Kinmcul miodii t rht Price- rULI I IGALLY, REPU BL CAN. filled nnd mulled the d received MM
, RBbftlerirlntlnKlSdoncThe8n I ntercd gt tlld f ,., M , .. .. ', ...... Let The Hun fill )..ur legal blank or MM
' Mln VOLUMF . VI iiipi .. 1,ltr Jl,Bc 4 1' t1ieIVtoMlentlTle flli.l'iiil.riheAclofMrc!i3 1 d,r When belter printing nnd bind H
uau i, .MMHLIt li CVEUY rR,DAY - MARCH .11. 1010 '"' " ,U,"f Tl" """ ""' ",v " ffll
BIM'l -I I MA I A sln
lltl T unss in
Hi Ion tn Jill lii"rx tin Nlltr
HLThin liirMiiiM I lini' l'.il t
ourl IIHr Miirl.il Sum U it.
l li-rtlir In I mi Hi nl Demiiuil
HYrtlr" id tin' --""I Murk I.
Vn Hi i pml.c
Hlt.S i t Miii Mur.li 27
HE r J :T g.r taut Wick nflcr
HT" tl p 1 iin c In Iiik dm tn
HJ.rMl' nt nil points Htnck
HJ-td ft r s- Id higher nil Week,
Httit r. ii ring the vvctk In Oil
HJ Vinir : nil mKk of htitv)
HJr nt M'0 to I &n Hccelpt
HJ- are t ti tliniiwind e utile mid
HJ ue dr ng t ti " tent IiIkIi. r
HJr ttcrM mull fU SO Indil) mill
HJt (tiirr htitm wnlllil rem h
HJ (1 rit tuthi fill Mum mild lit
HJ anil J nr If Thrru wiin nil
HJ fjj r.n (nun (oloritdn and
HJ' rf!inl v.in miiiil to I he IiikI
HJlhn uir filix riwiKliiK inimtl)
HJ l t K2 Homo itiiln
Hi il-. r v cnt at 18 IS, ('(iturmli)
HJ nt I j In l 00 I'litiirndi
Hi iSj t 17 75 imtiN tn sr. tu
B T im nrrlvtd In tln
Hr.i;nc ill ft n tin flrnt run nf
Hti n ( i iki nnil tnrnfid iiinr-
H' it ir Tin lieM (..iiil nt
thi I Ir im .Mrn TtX To-
f ti tn rt nil thi mnrkrtN In
rr t !i tit in n M.k iik.i, anil
Uat n fi r m llrrn mur.' tliim
l U. I c k iiIUiiiiikIi It uiin do-
I that tl li'irnl run tin- llmt nf
rtK 4i trniuriir Him kirn
(tl I) tnrt it k ""I deiunnd InM
c-1 t rr. i liiiuid li dux. I)
Btr r iiik MrnllKer tmlli)
iBl'Mli I 21 lllimtb One
J3 t t IS H f. O.I.TH 17 71 to
c 1 i I hui uli.m iiImim
ir r i uiIuh lirnki' hnir ii
r I !: Tin I ml nuu uroiim!
I lar
vl nil IiiiiIm miIiI tin . nl
r t 'i it tilt r m IiIkIi Inp
J n In 4 ut til ! Dthir
at III c N. fani) wm r'
t IS ii r ! iiiutiilil. up to
Ut prliiN nrc tlm IiIkIi
1 t r. t !: inn Hi ti iptN urr
lh j I hunt tudii) nnil tin
't ii f r Imlit i iitm nt thin mur
Ml i run hiixliiK In lunu
la' txlivjtt d TihIid'h re
in lurp mid liiinlm from it
Irrr I r ( lunula in IYxiih uud
"il rn lut Mult k mid tin
I t til i KKmiN ixirunv Munll)
II W III' (OI, MMlltl.T
'1TIIN Mim. Mnnli :8 -l'riif.
) is tttltiK wiih ImtiRlit li Amerl
it llio Uxiilun Kiilo which tlohid
i as im He-rum tn ulllp won)
rui Ihmk.iI iheru for iminthn.
H ltd h I In tlic nrrlMilK ut
l"rl fr m the I'nllml KlnKdnm.
"J f driippid ninrl to tin
iUiik i,l The third lmilim
i r lir. Mill i,,rn April Ith
fin ma limit) d to iIkIU) thnu-
is Tin lint for thu coinlnif
" 'I hint Miindu) Nn tniro
11 Aimr un wihiU mwied li (It r
' ha i' letidUf iivulliildt', nnil It
" t ' mull rxtiinil thut the. prop.
n t nil ih h, moriiKP of theno
" l tin Int. rn.il HlcmmrH In
' ir I'luli linn nil. veil tho ultil
1 Offrrlimn of Duello Alre
" m n tinii loin nt rflH lentu,
1 frelKht, nrt noted Thene
''K' in lu.lt fn. rirtl m. 3d per
lirlikaK furlj.fiiiirH to fort
- ir out HhrlnknKe, mid for-
I f rt ftmrm 30 per nut nhrlnk
i offtr In'reporltd lo ho
in idi. frnm IIiumiiih Alrm of u
'1 ishune of nxfM in cot fiirt
ft tht rt or uliout fort) .two
' luri Thine wimiH will Nhrlnl,
r IU An u Kood nixed lot of
krule huh (old her lunt w.iek ut
rlulu cent, the lut.nt offer did
"rut faiurnliln mtentluii Houth
ri in Mio hint. Iieen In K"od
nl Dm pnat ie(l trmiKfem ex
it K it inllllon pounilH One hour.
"i iniiiiifrrH iiBurt gating nix hun.
ni fifi thousand poundH, muln-
' "Inn miii mruiKht nunrttm.
" 1 1 line on top edKi lluenim
'wool rendlly hrlntc fort) oentn
liiKiilim. fort) -tun tont for
Kill iiuarter and forty-thrco to
the tenti! for high qunrttm.
"ri of Hetrnl hundred halt
witluii t lna )urKl, HU,B nutr,,,
ime hun nindt at thw quo.
irlni? Iia lonuneneid In Ne
tthtre miut of tho nuw dip
" un ioend h) roiitrnct Thco
j U were placed malul) on the
' 'aU of ueunt) to ent)-two
' t onnlderahle actlvlt) hu hetn
' In Arltona. where MhearlnK hail
'did Mendll) HaleH In thut Mate
etn mado at twtnt)-iieen to
l'elBht rent with one Omlio
l'rtvd to hae hrought twtnt).
cenu Thin, as eUuwhero In
terrltor) wool iiettlonii. unnveni
fix on Mint) cent or bettor
II urth of tlulr clip U make
mrtrence whether the clips run
nu medium or medium 8ome
i reported tn huu been done
ti around Ultr Timber, Mont
xtreme prlte. but buylnif him
Hill. t. d to n iiinldt ntlil. txlciit ltu
t rn fitl llmt Mil ii w Iihi renthed h
ditiiKeroiiK point No furihtr mill
Iiii)Iiik In rtporlttl In Drrunii nnd
WiinhliiRtou The nttlltide of Krowirn
In t.xptttetl In leml tn iiiHlKlimeiitn
to n Rood extent
In thin uutrktt u fnlr miIiiimi of lei
rllor) WtH.I linn htn-u linked The
le.ul I UK WHrehotln. Ililereet reM.rt
trannf. rn rlnlinf flv. hundred thuitnd
p.iun.lH, iiiuliil) fine ntnplt nnd hnlf
lilo.id ntuple MniilmiM Tin fnrimr In
.nllnml.'il tn tiMt full) elKht) iiuln
thiiu nnd the Intlt r reenl-elKht
tenln or Iwller oilier wleii of ler
rllnr) wixdn In. linl. flft) thoiiMtud
poundn nrlKlnnt VnliilliK Hi tint
next n ttnln III the wreiiw lit noft
poundn Hilmm Krnili, at prltuti
leriun. 10 Oil il iHiiuiiln i.rlKliml Mon
tana nt prltate lennn, hut fmlnmte.1
In tuM went)-elilht if nt n t l.ttli He
tint entlinut.fi IntlU-Hti llMt full) 7t
p.r lent of Hit leriltnr) wool report
td iiunold In thin market on Jnmiur)
I, IWlti. han been i-'M nln e that date
Corn lit limitation for ttrrltor)
wool on the wnured Imnln lire nlM.nt
elKht) ttnln for fine nlnple. nevent)
ntin In nt wnt) nlne t.ntn for half
blood Htaplt. netnt to neent)lhree
tent for thrti-ilKlUhn-hlood ntuple,
nlxt)-elKhl lo nevent) ttnln fur tUnr
Itr-blood Hlaple, went)-three to -t
nt) -five ttnlii for fine tlothliiK mil
neelil) to netnt)-two tentn for fine
mtdluni i loth In if
i in r mi iivsin siu:i:i' mii:
ThoiiiHindn or nlntp iwnwed ilimuKh
Mlon thin wttk tn mute from the
feedlliR platen to the wlnltr nnd
nprliiK ruiiKt Hlnn from the middle
tn the lant of Januur) tht) have bten
entliiR ha, ,niln und ttiltonneed take
huh M)Hiii'h I'rtf I'ren of lunt I'rl
da) The nhtip net m tn hne fitrtd
wt II The Ion I not roIiik to be n
hea) thin nprliiR rxct H umoiiK
nlutp llmt wire tauKlit In the Willow
Cr.tk tountr) and II In not bt Hexed
the Ioim Ihere v III be nli)lhliiK Hke ut
flrnt reported The normal I'm I"
uniiall) iilmiil 1 lr tent If It renchen
7 ptr tent thin )eur Ihi nloikmen
innnot afford In mmplaln muih The
price of wool and mutton are hlghir
than lant )enr M)t 'f l" f'ouk;
nuultrn In the I'lntah IJnnln hat nold
tlulr wool nnd the prim han rtiiiKiti
from around ttnt-fli' I" J
pound lo tw.nt)-wen and u Imir
it nu I'nr thrte )ern ,""'
prlitn hue betn Rood In 19H tne
ton nolih wum iiround Ufa linn in
IUI5 from 2JH to ii ThU )fr the
prim will go t tlitrt rent
Hid the nhttpnun Rain or lone b)
beliiK fumd In fni Hir iwm lnnrT
There In hurill) iuentlm but that
oer)one of them mude nionty Hie
I'nt. I'rtiM made Imiulr) lt eek
a to the i out of feeding The aver
nge prlc. of the Im. figuring from
lam Oitober ut four nnd four and u
half dollar a ton. until .. week,
when It reached the ,n.tlonal prlte
or twent) dollur u ton In Hu tutk,
la been about eight dollar Grain
a quite high before the nloikmen
were forced to bu) When grain nnd
ha gave out n few ton if "
take were nnlpped In And b) th
wu). the tout delivered In thin I'nrt
of tht. bMln a ninety dollar ptr
ton liutead of nlxty dollar a per last
week' paper The lxt) dollar wa
at Watson
In the. Uintah llanln there are ap
proximately two hundred thounand
head of allien It I a e to a) that n
hutidnd thounand head were fed thl-
Inler One heepman Informed the
lVee I'rew that It tont him titty cent
peTheaWfted during tn. blj jnow
Ihe chance are the lruge io Mwu
flftv cent per head That vvouiu
mean till Ihou-and dollar turntd
luone here In Ihe banln for ha) ami
(Continued on page eight )
mm it not lis i imi inn.
I.MOsl IMP -s m,
(.nil I Minciit hold In lit Makliiu In
qulili. anil Will lll.il) Sihiii luUf
Souit illiui I or lit lining ric-tnl
S rtln Ihii .lloiilli ( iiiiii:inlis.
iv ( oiirlluilluu In linpnii. nu nl.
Thin reiit M-m-m and the Mim
ing Minim, r and irnin i on glvt
liruinlM- t tin henvlent traffl. ever
knnwu.ovtr the I'rlte tu M)tnn khkhi
rtNtd Thmigh thin road ban ni-elvetl
but lllllv altrnllon frflni Ihe ntate
nliite It wan denlglHsjetl ayftHle thor
iiughfalt It hi niltt)lheiil rtwil In
to tht t'HIInh HnnliV-fTver whlth a
riHinotiable IihiiI en it bt handled nnd
nnl) elkht mlltn of the rond Itttweeu
I'rlte and Mjtmi fun be itll.il hud
rood tndit), while tin other milt It nd
vtrtlntd route lire nlmoiit Impiuwrnble
und will If for monthn to t nine 3 It
In mild tu hi more than prolHibttrthut
the llilptr nnd Dmlienne mall will
noon bt ilivtrtid via Ihe I'rl.-e In M
ton riMiil for nevrrnl ninntlin. mid be
ginning In the near flltlirt Ho about
all that will be mill) mitm-ar) to
make lllln road nultable for autumn
bllt truffli In the iiniuil method of
draxKlng tn fill the rtlU made b)
htsiv) irafflt while It wan noft from
melting mow
(llxmlli 'liulllc Itc-iinutl.
Hhlpmenl of gllnonltt urt regular
I) In tran.lt Into 1'rln from the Ha
ven mine nt I'nrt Duuhemie, mid a
lurf.tr output In being iirrunked for
uud ntvv miuhliiir) han betn luntulled
to make the Inireuned output ponnlblt
Tho I'lntah Anphallum iiinipaii) dur
ing Ihe pant winter ha ilnm man)
thounand of dollar worth of tlevel
opmelit work at Ihe old C'antle Peak
mine, and In now hnl.tliiK on for
nhlpmept mid will Inntull it line of
laterpirtar gaHollne truikn to handle
what ore innnot be handlid ti) Ihe
limited number of teum nvnllublt for
the purpone Haik are thin wttk go
lng out In large quautltle for milking
the ore Jlanager llruie A Magnan
hun ordtrnl platform pnparul b
the Milviine forwarding lomimii) ut
l'rlie for handling und Muring the
ore produit when turn ore not avail
able for loading to the Uantern mar
ket and for export llure U at pre
ent a htnv) demand for the product
ut high prhe. and the I'lntah An
phultum i-ompaiiy ha ilgnlfled it
wllllngne to donnti a thnimand dnl
liar to road Improvement north of
'l'rlie If tho ntate and count) official
I will put the hlghwa) In good hii e
for traffic
I I'm It ham In Wiitihlng.
I Thin roud ha never received tho
dragging common to tale road,
though It I the moil traveled b)
heavy traffic of any In Ihe lount)
'nnd bring more revenue Into Carbon
county than an) otlur two roud at
the proent time, and promlm to be
about the onl) itvenue of ommerie
feasible for month lo come between
Grand. Kmer) and Carbon counties
'und the Uintah llanln settlement
iMoKune rorvvurdlng company sa)s It
I finds It the only mute at present over
i which 'do It pow" service tan be
(maintained with the settlement and
town merchants In the north country,
who am now routing most of their
supplies through I'rlce In tare of for
l warding agent
Uncle Ham I said to lw keeping hi
e)es open to developments our this
I road, which has u record of mall ser
vlte Iv wagon threi hundred and
idxt) flvt davn In the )ear fur several
vi urn with but Vtr few tltt itiu
In tin harden! of winter Irnv. I hm
it In r r.Htdn w. re ltnHiM-Mblt And
tt llltlr attention nnd Im nulla) for
rt Mtlrn han been glvtn thin big arler)
of inmnur.e for yearn imnt b) either
tht .tiiiiily or state rtatl t.fflelaln.
I'nr tht lieiieflt of nil ttinrerneil It
In In Ih Imped that iHilltlrn will bt for
mice overliMiketl and thin r.wt.l he
given Ihe onte tivtr" at Itwnt with
the HHMimnve that the nviniie will
Jiintlf) an) rwtnonublt expniillttire In
make It hh k.mmI an man) tliorniigh
fare In the ntate with lens than half
the irnrrii
M)lon lliiliif Mm Mitt',
Knl.trt Mt Kune of l'rlie )elrrda)
had a bller from U U Carmod), set
ntar of the Myion ('ommeri inl flub.
In whli h that gentleman iwjn "WV
are aguln making i ffnrln tn git our
i ml of the 1'rlre In M)tou road In
nlmrt- und hope that the petiple of
l'rlie will Ih able In ttirr nut their
plan tn etiilillnh it stage line brlvvttu
the two towiin If suih it move I
lini.li the hunliiMM men of M)tnn will
Ihi. k l'rlie up und 'will take stotk In
addition In giving tht Ir moral sup
port Thin proposition vital lo
I'rltt an well it to tin, mid we lire
more than willing in tin all In our
powtr In aid )nu"
Would C'nt Odium On I iirim r 'Irun
ltt of lllgli NliiMd.
Carbon tnunty'n ititikolldutt.l tnuii
t) nthiHil board met In udjournrd sen
nlnn at the tourt house lant Monda)
and wan In si union Ihe greater por
tion of Ihe da) (' II Mim if nun, a
A I vernon, Knoih Holier, l.evl N,
llurmou and W'llllum Norton were
prtM-nt to make an explanation nn
several mutters t tuning up In connei
lion with the doings of the former
count) high school board while the)
were numbers thereof C II Mar
nineii was the main spokenmaji for
the members prtsent of the old board
Hi went Into ditall of ever) thing In
qulrid Into and explained from his
and the former membirs' standpoint
tin apparent dim n pant lis nn shown
bv the Kdmund uudll I'lmt, he
lorn bed on Ihe nlltged overpa)iuent
b) Ihe old iMiard on the high sihool
hullillng iHintrnil Hetond, the mat
ter of taking n bond from the eon
traitor, Kckerl, and third the alleged
ovtrpotment of salaries und mlleuge
In the old board member. ICvtr)
thing was gone Into vtr thoroiighl)
In the end no nttlon was tuken b)
the present board, whom, greatest
aim, It would appear, Is to cust mi)
odium possible on tho old count) high
si hool board members
Miss floldle 1'h u x of Iriigan was
emplo)ed to take charge of the high
nchool domestic science department,
smteeding Mrs Anna Otte, resigned
lltr salur) Is to be n thounand and
flfl) dollar unnuall) Miss liux
Hi oils sular) was fixed at one thous
and und forty dollars u )eur Hhe
was Informed that the (Hiard b) res
olution would permit her to attend
un) sthool she might desire At u
previous meeting she was cmplojed
undtr condition that she attend a
Ilcrkeley, Cala , Institution Miss Scott
tenches ph) ileal culture and l.ngllsh
I'ruf John O Clubler, principal of
the high school, was authorized to
exchange the t)pewrlter now In use
at the high school for new outs nnd
to pa) ten dollar eah 'to boot"
Lee, 8. Thomas was authorized to rent
a piano at Winter Quarters during
the summer months to a local music
teacher He Is to use hi own dis
cretion The board metis ugaln on the tltli
of April, next
Manager Kinney Cites Some Facts For Price il
Citizens and Carbon County Fans ' ' II
to Seriously Consider. ffljl
The Hun Hprthil Hcrvlee
M(!llUt.NI Marrh SO Manager
Irt-ti Kenney nf Hit Mnhrland Istne
Imll team telbt Tlw Hun tlwtt hU eiiliip
In gidng to have iHinelmll thin yenr If
tho Imv. to have two teHiun In ramp
but IwntlHtll he In going to provide
for Ihe amusement of the people lie
state that he knew before the meet
lng of httnehull represcntatlvea In
I'rltt on the 1Mb Innt that It was n
foregone cimlUnlon Hint bin ten lit wits
going In I., excluded from Ihe t'nr
linu-ltmir) lengut And he puts II
up to the fann of I'rlee an to whellur
or not he got a square deal lie
wlnhe tn draw nltt litlnn to tho fait
that wire II not for the Initiative
shown b) Hupt rlntnident M l Oar
ve) of Mohrbtnd nnd I'rttin Carpenter
foruurl) Hnpirlnlemleiit nt lllnwitihu
thin would not have bten a Carbon
Knur) league In ll He points mil
that these gentlemen sent mil the
first It Hern priiplng tht forimtilou
of nihil a league This he given ns
one reason wh) his tiiim should have
I een shown more ctiimldirHllon
Manager Klune) gn.-n on further
und links tht I.UnllieMl lilell of I'rlce In
rtimmhtr that It wna Mohrlaud that
brought the While Hox team tn Trite
on the Slat of Mnnh 1916. mid It was
Mnhrlmid that put up the two hun
dred dollars forfeit to gel the Chicago
pla)ers In stop off here He again
nsk l'rlie petiple In remember that
five full iihiiIi loads of fan mine
from Mohrlaud and Hiawatha In wit
ness Ihe gamt not forgt tllng Ihe large
number that mine from nlher points.
The crowd In Trlit on thut da), he
tstlinaten, must have left nt least
thirl) f he hundred dollars In that
ell) Managtr Klnue) frtln that ad
vames made must tome from I'rlce
uud figuring from bin re.nnln he finds
Hint In expeusts ulone, such ns auto
mobile hire, lunches und soforth. his
orgunlzutlon brought the fit) of l'rlie
a tld) sum upward of five hundred
dollars The people of Mohrlaud
iiseil to lie more man pieaneti in go
tu l'rlie during last )tar' ball season
and he regrets exit t dlngly that Ihe
arrangemi ills made have rendtred II
Imponnlble for bin t lub to vlnlt Car
bon count)' cupltal
He asks the l'rlie fans to consldtr
that It costs the United Htules Fuel
tompnii) from eight to ten thousand
dollars annually tu ke p the two
trains on the Castlu Vulle) nil I mini
running btlwten Mohrlaud and I'rlee
and wonders wh) l'rlie fans could
not foresee the large f Ilium lal toss
thai would fall to I'rlce business men
should the United Hint I'uel com
pun) full In run tht so trains Hack
Into the Carbon-Kim n league he
saH his team will not go, and he Is
supported In this b) the maorlt) of
fans In Mohrlaud, but he would like
to see I'rlm align Itself with Mnhr
tand It Is the Intention now thut
Mohrland If It cannot have gamt lo
tall' to arrange to have gumos with
the best si mi-pro organizations of
Halt Uike Clt) and whin the team
got In there games will bt arranged
so Hint Ihe Mohrlaud people tun also
witness the Ilc-es plu) In the AA
It ague games
Hpetlal trains will be run over the
branch of the Halt Uikn dlvlnion out
of Cattle Oute of the Denver and Itlu
Oramle and thus I'rlct will be left
out of the running a far us uuv fin
anclal gain la concerned Klnne)
su)s It Is up to I'rlce
hixv m asTi.i: oti: uvn
Tu the l.dltor of The Hun
CABTM. GTK Murth 30 The
last Itsuc, of The Hun i-outulned ' Dig
Clck 1'rom the Mohrland Club" on
account of the Mohrland learn being
exiluded from tho Carbon Count)
It ague brought about by only five
team being rpresenUd, necessitating
olio team being dropped The) seem
to lay this at the door of I'rlce su
Ing that the citizen und business men
of Price will be the loser. Trice Is
not responsible for this elimination,
as II was Immght about b) the om
hilled V tiles of repre-setitutlvr from iSH
Helper Tilm Hminynl.le and Castl IKH
(late These getitlemt u Wert) of the 9fl
opinion that Inasnluih ns one teum flll
had to be dropped connldentble ex WH
pt line In the wa) of mllroad fares, ns fllH
Will as convelilt tier of Vlnltiirn, would HI
retelve hem fit from nll.h notlnn. SHI
The Mohrland petiple mi) the) have SH
two or three thoiinaud retlhut fans" HHj
In Ihln i'e til wh) tint put twti teams w SHJ
In tht league as tin) hail lust )rnrT flSHJ
The Colli il Hlatc I'uel tuliipn had i HHJ
two winning lenms In the league and F HJH
seem lo have iHtlronnge nufflelfnt lo HHJ
support Ihe n.ini . uiimbtr nf tenms BHJ
this )ear Wh) not do It? It Is BHJ
rmllsetl of fourn that b) immrii IHI
trntlng tin Ir c ffnrln In one team, they HHJ
will be nbte to put n stl I btttir team t BBJ
In the fit Id thnu the) had last )ear I HHJ
If punsllile Hut wh) not make the fiHJ
gin ne mi even one with an tiiiul lHHJ
chance for mi) ttam In come out sVHJ
winner 18h1
We rcHOgnlze tin t'ulltd Hlnte RHJ
I'uel people as being good sports, nnd !Hfl
It Is hard In limit mtiinil wh) they HfHJ
shuiild not it abb to maintain two JuHl
teninn lniinlilll.il an Hit) were so sue- iQHI
remful lant nt asoli flLai
e .M.I uiiqi Mm t.t ulna 'Hilnc in 9191
hlmM I'nr htitnu, BlSfl
The Hun Hpttlal Htrvlte Vj1
CAHTI.I. (IATK March 30 Htfons HHI
nt Ihe Castle (lute Oliu club grounds Li
were a gitl ii rutin r tow thin week on BHH
nuiHiunt of c hanging loeatloti of trap KIBJ
and shooting ovtr unfamiliar ground, IHH
Tin re was it vt ry c nthiislastlo gather- MHJ
lng, hovvevir, a ml I he shoot wa wit BHJ
llessed b) a large number of fans. DJHJ
Here Is the score out of lwint)flve HTHI
birds. J C Know It T V. Dayton, llEHl
13, W J Downs. 12. Carl Hcihntn (HHJ
feld, 13, and James Marshall, V. HjHJ
The first meeting of Ihe Castle Oute kfMH
llaseball club was held nt tho home aUH
of William i.dmaii on Ihe evening of dUHI
Tuesda) llaseball iniitli rn were dls HHJ
cusned, eoiilratu for Ihe coming sea DhI
son signed nnd a ver cn)o)able time iHHJ
ginerully wits hail The smokes were HHJ
Mrs C K Hoekhold nnd Mrs. J. U. IHHI
Hiioiv nn v Ultlug with friends over HHl
nt HuniDslde ufH
Castle Qules mines are working nt HHH
this time nrininil three tin) u week. jHHJ
(.rctU in llavo nriicmlmie liter HHJ
iIm-m Nctl humliiy, BHJ
Nt xt Kiimla) April 2d the corner HHJ
stone of the Orrek church now build HHJ
lng at Trite Is ti be laid and big HHJ
crowds of Hint liatlonnlll) nre expect HHJ
ed lure from ivtr) town and mining HHJ
camp for miles arouniO HHj
There will be two JTFfists In nttnntl HHH
ante, I lev Adomakts of Helper and IHH
IttV Jormouos of Tllebln ColtiHpe HHJ
clul trulns are In be run from Hunii) HHH
side Mohrland und elsewhere, lund HJ
lng Ihe pasnengi rs ut l'rlie carl) In MHH
the morning FHHJ
Ihere will be eXir.U.-n ut Clt) Halt fHHJ
In the fort noon from 0 to Ilt20 IWHJ
o'ctotk when the persons congrega HHJ
ttd there will go to the Oretk church. HHJ
where the tnrnt rntone servlees will HHJ
In gin nt II 30 o'clmk MM
l,oci! I members of the ihurih have HHH
engaged the Trhe band for tho da), HHJ
and tin re will be nthtr enttrlalnment HHJ
for the visitors HHJ
Ht) Hit n Htaes of the loeal Creek ftHili
Orthodox church state that ever) HHj
ulllzeu of Trice and Carbon county In HHj
iii)Mi("i(is i'iom:i:h ivi JbIhVjI
HiMHiH.r tiii: woitsr or ir HHHI
lll'NTINdTO.V, March 29 Uircn
zo H Young, one of the original pin- HHJ
liter In Utah of July 31, 1817, mid 8B9J
for many ear it resident of Hunting HHHI
ton, moved to lona, Ida. last Mon HHJ
' tin). He Is one or the two original HHJ
pioneers now known lo te living The HHJ
evening before his departure a few HHJ
friends met at hi home nnd listened HHJ
to him relato earl) day experience HHH
The Huntington high school held Its
I first annual ball I'rlda) evening In HHH
'Nixon Hall, which was vtr) nrtlstlo
ull) deenruted for the occasion. HHJ
The new twenty-two thousund dot
lur high school building will be eree
ted on the public square The con HHI
tract will Ihi let during April and the MHHJ
building Is to be completed b) Sep HHI
tember HHJ
Town ofilclal are considering tho HHI
advlsubllit) nf i .instructing a sewer HHI
and drain for lhi lovvn and In ordi r
to do so a movement Is on foot to HHJ
mako the town a (It) of the third HHJ
class iH