OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, April 14, 1916, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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BB)k . Issued Etery Friday, It. W Crockett, Manager,
M fTft f Subscription, $1 CO the Tear.
KM ADVi:ivrisixn hates.
WmW Display, One Dollar per Inch per Month; Single Issue,
ItyVM' 0o pr Inch; mil Position Top of Column, Next Heading
IjMm Matter. ir. Ter Cent Additional. "eaumg
tIBSi Tito Tliousand Inches, to lie Ured In Ono Year, 12 Uo
1. per Inch.
BBS Fifteen Hundred Inches, to lie Used In One Year, ISo
"-" per Inch.
One Ihousand Inches, to He t'sed In Ono Year, JOo
.- per Inch.
VHKt Headers and I.egnl Notices, lOo per I.lno First In-
fWl aertlon: 60 per I.lno Each Subsequent Issue.
L t Obituaries, Cards of Thanks, Resolutions, i:tc, at
IVBv Half Ixeal Heading Notice Hates.
Adlets, For Sale, For Hent, !.ot, round, i:tc, One
B Cant per Word Knch Issue. No Charge Accounts
WMW Address All Communications to Till? SUN, IMHCn,
He -
H Again at the Mormon conference the question
MB of prohibition haa been brought prominently to
H the front. At least two members of th: npoHtlca'
i quorum frnnkly counselled the members of the
H church to elect men to the legislature who would
H carry out the policy of prohibition. These npos-
H tics nnd others who have spoken in the same
j tenor, are well within their rights nnd no one
H can question the propriety of their advice to the
f members of their faith in moral problems. How
B uvcr, the question of prohibition for Utah should
not bo settled cither at n church conference or at
B n session of the legislature. It is a matter that
H involves every resident of the state and, as such,
HH 1 should be passed on by all the people of the state.
HE In this connection, it is interesting nnd im-
D portnnt to remember that the last legislature,
H , .which passed a socalled prohibition law which
M later was vetoed by the governor, was pledged,
km not by the platform of the parties which supplied
H the representatives, but through pcrsonnl prom-
BM , faes made by legislative candidates to constitu-
pM outs to submit th" question of prohibition to the
H voters of the state. After tho conventions in the
HI different districts of the state hnd made their
H, tiominntionn, the betterment league obtained
H I pledges from u considerable majority of the men
H who were elected to the legislature to this effect.
H t Those men were explicitly pledged to submit this
H' question to a referendum of the public. They
H 'were neither expected nor obligated in any way
Hi to nttempt to pass a prohibition law.
B Nevertheless, this is precisely what they un-
Hv dcrtook to do after they reached Salt Iakc City
Hr ' for the session of the legislature. Governor Spry
HL urged the members of the legislature to submit
Bf the question to the people, and he even prepared
Hg for them a joint resolution, the passage of which
Bfc -j would have insured the voting by the people of
Wr. ' ' Utah on the question this fall. Furthcimore,
f thu resolution as prepared by the governor, pro-
PJm" vfded for the absolute elimination of both the
Hvr 1 manufacture nnd sale of alcohol forever in the
jj i utate, excepting for medicinal nnd mechanical
Bf ( purposes. Instead, the prohibition leaders in
Wfrni ' the legislature insisted on tho passage of a law,
BK weak in different respects nnd powerless to cure
KAW the evil which it was designed to reach. Cover-
Bt nor Spry' friends in tho legislature forced from
H ,j. a committee pigeonhole a bill previously Intro-
K jy duced, nnd forced its passage. This bill has been
Lm i'iB nn important factor In preventing the shipment
K i of liquor into dry territory, and has proved a
Bf i J valunblo auxiliary of the local option law already
B i on the statute book.
B' j The Tribune is not advocating prohibition, but
Hi' j 1 if a majority r tho people of Utah wish to try
B1 , 1 prohibition and so declare at a referendum on the
K I i subject, this paper believes most sincerely that
Wf tho experiment should bo made. Wo do not be-
9?j j .13 Hevc, however, that anything less than a major-
Htjj iM ity of the voters of the state should have the
H ' , j jfijl power to impose prohibition on it and we hope
V '1 and insist that, if we are to have prohibition in
H IB name, it lc mado prohibition in fact also. De-
1 TJ1 liver us from n legislated prohibition such as
HHh IB Sccemiller and his allies nronosed. which would
B, j, transfer tho liquor business to tho drug stores.
B, X If wo nre to have prohibition give us not n pnr-
Bj It Mai prohibition, but an elimination of tho traffic
B i'l so complete that the sanctimonious gentleman,
K ;! who wishes prohibition for his boys nnd liquor
Bj . for himself, shall bo compelled to the same course
Bj i ii of conduct as his sons
B "t "3 Let us have tho same law for old and young,
K 1 J male and female, nil alike. Let us be entirely
Bf 1 "J honest in thiri as in other things. If wo are to
Bj j adopt prohibition let us make a law so drastic
Hnl iM ' that a Utahu can drink only by leaving Utah.
HmW 1 j Then, if the constitutional amendment nroviding
Hw for this is indorsed by a majority of tho people
IjH , ft " of the state, tho law must ho rigidly enforced,
KmV '- for the will of the majority shoultl be sacredly
HmV 1 A observed. Rut, wo insist, a law of this nature is
Km I too far reaching in its economic effects to bo
HmV tf passed by a stato legislature chosen alftiig with a
HmV T multitude of other officers, in whoso campaigns
ftHjj j many other important issues were involved. The
HHE ( question should be submitted for the deliberate
. judgment of the electors of the state so that
HW j every voter may bo recorded and an honest pub-
mm lie verdict rendered.
sjjjjjvni i' .
HB , ' Prof. A. Rtirgcner informs The Sun that his
KmW ! , Prico band is ready to commence its summer con-
HH certs, nnd is now only waiting for someone to
HI designate n time and the place for holding the
H i same. There is nothing that gives more plens-
W 1 ure to the whole people than a weekly public
vw , v: band concert, nnd the place and hour is thero-
Yw fore an important matter to consider. The band,
HjjW ' under thu direction of Professor Burgcner, is
HH, . second to none in Utah, and there will bo many
Hj raro musical treats locally during tho next few
HHt months. Professor Burgencr is ono of tho West's
HyVj! M greatest directors and musicians and Price peo-
Hi , pie nre justly proud of what he has done and is
mm ' ; doini? with the youth of this community along
HHj, -1 musical lines.
1 ONL.W ESTe.tAN 1 SOUb K fTVKB.S W14TO ,V,t??til?r W
-'vv- nvjw j V HVHgW-EtC-VN'T QH WM PeNSg AC CT J
SPOY poT. FyA DAMS, CAN VA' ,' r T
s- -? J t I'M
Carlwn (County's democracy, so far as The Sun
Is advised, is not shedding any tears over the de
feat of W. R. Wallace as state chalrmnn or his
understudy, C. L, Olson, who was put forwaid
for tho place provided Wallace couldn't land it.
Wallace nor Olson never did anything for this
section of the stato and each will go back into
political obscurity until such time ns something
else with some money attached bobs up. They
are democrats for revenue only.
There is no secret in tho fact that Col. C. E.
Loose has resigned the republican state chair
manship because of his close friendship for Gov.
William Spry and that to remain in the position
meant embarrassment to the Provo gentleman.
From this distance it begins to look as if Smoot,
Nlbley & Co. hnd delivered the double cross to
Spry's further political ambitions.
This government's consular agency at Christ
church (New Zealand) reports shipments of
wool to tho United States from that country
during 1915 valued at $3,602,190, compared with
$095,307 for 1D14. With wool mado duty free
under tho democratic tariff law no revenue was
derived from these Imports.
Carbon county republicans, so far as The Sun
is able to ascertain, are willing that the "bull
mooscrs" come back into the pnrty with no ques
tions asked. But the erring political brethren
must not expect in returning to become the
whole thing politically.
Ptcsident Wilson's assertion that the repub
lican party has not had a new Idea in thirty years
makes interesting reading in view of the Ideas
ho has thrown away in the last few months in
order to take up republican ideas in their stead.
It Is tho duty of every good citizen to inquire
into the details of the proposed snlo of the city's
lighting and power system and then to vote ns he
or she thinks best at the special election called
for May 10th.
Ono of the "best selling" novels of the the
year is called "The Real Adventure." Without
having read it, The Sun bets it has something to
do with marriage. The title, at least, looks suspicious.
There are no differences betweon republicans
throughout Eastern Utah. They are organized1
and ready for political war on the common enemy
of democracy.
Tho Sun Is tho "organ" of between twelve and
thirteen hundred persons nt this time who re
ligiously read and pay for It. And, growing nil
the time.
Emerv county people will give the right of
way to tho first railroad building into that sec
tion, whether for hauling sugar beets or conl or
anything else.
That old problem of what is best for n town, a
baseball team or a band, is likely to break out
hereabouts. The answer, of course, is "both."
What has ever become of tho efforts of Sena
tor Smoot In behalf of a public building for
Price? .
First thing we know sugar factories and rail
roads will bo coming to Extern Utah in flocks.
The Hun Hu-lal rirlt
liiinlful mull In llliiuntlm Is Arthur
IMinlsmi, who hits In his ilmrKi' tlir
Inntruitlmi nnd mlm rrnotic oar, mid
lirtitmhl) no limn In tho illnlrltl Is
lirllir fltlitl fur the iliilli-x than lie Is.
IVnnlsmi Is n mrnituT nf the National
Hafrt) con lit 1 1 nnd hits Ik in mlUel)
tiiROKed In lhi work shut 1911. uheli
lie took i hunt)' if far No : if the
Fulled Statin llureuli of Mines then
stationed nt Htitrkxllle, Colo, next
Mill I us with thn Colorado I'md nnd
Iron eoniimtij nnd wlillo with ttiat
toiKirn lookul nfirr n row ne tar In
AUKUt. I HIS. Ho (ontlnilrd Hrfi-t-line
himself In his profession nnd wan
when the ntviislou presented It hi If
and It did on imoI.it ::, 1913 Ihor
ninthly tnpulile of mielliiK nnd uer
loinllllt the ninn olistiules that I'oine
lip to the nun who follow the ilnilKrr
ous occupation of trrlnR nlil to men
worklnK mult ground nnd of wife
KtinrdliiK proper!) On the dale
mi ntlnmd un explosion oiutrred In
the HtnKK Canjoii 1'iiel eompan's
mine nt Dawson, X M , In which two
hundred nnd slxlt.mie mliurs ami
two n si lie men lost their llxes. Tuui.
l-two men were rescued nllve from
the mine, sew u of whom w re hroiiKhi
out h the n hi lie team from n ills
tame iinderKrouml of one mile The
other fifteen were lirotiKht out l the
presmre of mind of a roolhemlid
Dennlson, In telllnic utioiit this i.
nster, takes no Kreut irnllt to him
celf, hut on tho tontrnr) Is extremel)
It tit rut III rfKiird to Ills own inpulill.
Itles, )et It Is Just mil mi u us u rule
Unit prove their mettle ami ian he
relied Upon to he nitwits "on ilet k"
win u the livtestlt) limit up In the
fire Unit hroke out hut ii eur iiko hi
lllsik Hawk, Kriiiid sirtlie whs iIoiii
l Dinulsou ami his men nnd hi Uihi
lime he mine newr IosIiik his oh life
III Ills attempt lii rew.ue h ntemlitf of
the rest lie leuill. who KIlMlllnlieil to
the iHilsmjuus khsws On that im.h-
mi. !. i. riticus itinritsh A
lr U I) I'rhkM. who whs stiit to
I'IhIi h the I'lllted SlHles IkhIIIi tie
liwrtnielll lo IntesllKHte tin nthles
sltiiHtlon has returned to Hull lke
Clt from h trip through MhIio ami
NevHilu lr l'rliks Is workhiK In
niieitlon with the health ileHrt
nieiils of the Hutci In reducing Iho'
'Infetted area whlih lucluileH (Mir
lions of Netudu miuI Maho,nml Iwh
now extended to NorlhwMitein lth
Or l'rliks sas that the sIiiIkm arc
dnlllK KtfDIhlliK piMwIhle to stHinii
out the Infwtlon
KollowlnK iHiiifertnres held lutweiu
Dr T II Ileal!), state health utiinmls.
sinner, und Attorne) Oenerul llurnes.
Oov. William Hpr de hied .llmt the ,
het wa to pretenl shlpmentH V'
diiKS from the rallies Infected districts!
of Nidu Hnd Idaho Is to hate eaih
count) Institute und maintain u quar
nutlne Such a quarantine has a),
read)' been druland b the rount)
commissioners of Ilox Kldcr count)
The count) lommlssloners will en
act a dog licensing ordinance, under
the prollona of which itra) iIokh.
whlph aru carriers of tho Infection,
will be killed, and all dog will b
muauainhould the nrrtMlty for such
action arise.
shin he nirrled the mini n illsiitun of
hIhiuI two hllllilred fell before lie
tin mil him titer to other resviio
workirs. This was no tiis) task us
the man uilchid, with his rcMiin up
immtiis und nil, ntir two htimlrrd
pounds nnd was striiKKlliiK und flRht
IllK all the lime he wus In In curried
out Ihnnlson hnd n serious time In
KitlliiK out himself unci It wits some
wicks In fore lie reiiered from Ihe
effet Is of kus.
To ihe In) man an Inspection of the
rescue car Is extreme!) Interesting,
nnd a la) man from one lnpettlon Is
not fitted to Kite nit mlctunt de
mrlpllou of Sulfite It to mi) that
Unit ure niun-ioiis iippllnmis for
first aid work und nothliiK Is our.
lotikid I'lintiislniis. w minds, frat
lures illsI'Miitlnns, spmliis. hums nnd
senilis tun he spieilll) iittt llded to
The nppariitiu used In the rest tie
work, Htith us kus helmtts, heudplects,
ox)kiii tanks and soforth, nre nil In
thtlr plans In fait there Is it phue
for ittrMhlim und etirXhhiK In Its
place Should nt nil) time an mil.
di nt oitur, no mutter where, und Ihe
prtsente of a rest lie ear Is nieded,
Ihe tur Is rnd) In f If it en minutes for
ih pal tin e Numerous duliis ure re
ipilnd or ihe one III iharitc of the nr
und besides trulnlni; the different
limns workliiK for the fnlted States
I'uel compan), Drnnlsous' duties In
dude Instruction In first ulil work In
the st bonis of the district ami In ery
truth his Job Is no sinecure
April rs HuniDslde at lltlper, Cits,
lie (lute nt Price
April SO l'rlie at rliinu)slile, llc.
ptr nt Castle (late
Mil) 7 Helper ul I'rlce, Ctisl.n (lute
at Kiinioslile
Mu H Hiinu)slil,i Ht Helper. I'rlie
nl Casllt, (late
Mu) II I'rhe Hi llelwr. Cuslle
(lute nt Ktiniirslde
Mh) SI RunnlilH hi 1'rkM, Helper
Ht I'Hstlr (late
Mh 30 MunnysMe at Huliitir. fas
tie (lute Ht I'rlce
jUH -I lrU Ht Cmrtlt, Oate, He.
Ier mi HiiniDsliW
June 1 1 Hunn)Ue nt Vrlee. Cas
lie flute ut Helper.
June 18 Helper Ht SuuiD'slde
I'rlite Ht Castle tint.
June Sl-Kunii)wld hi I'rlie. Ch.
'tie nate HI Helper
mJ.U .T7,!"N' ,U 8""'lde. Custle
(iHle Ht Helper
Jul) 1 Custle Oati. t lre, Hun.
limbic Ht Helper
,Jr!,.a",!,r.l,',, "l H-Md. Helper
at Custle (late.
Jul) 16 SuniDslde at Custle dale.
Helper ut I'rlce
Jul) SS Castle Oute ut Prleo. -
I per at SuniDslde v' ' '
Auifust C I'rlce nt Castle Hate.
Hunn)slde at Helper. '
August 13-CaMle Oate at Sunn),
side, Helper lit I'rlce,
August 30 8unn)slde at I'rJcp. Hel
per at Castle Oate ''""
August 27-Castle Hale at Sunn),
side, I'rlee at Hejptr. '
Keptember S I'rW t Helper, Sun
nielde at Castle Oate.
ciuitoi'nt-roi,s W)IUl. :
B '
hlictlnl Arciii Smlili ,,(.
I'ttllilR iiioiir u,p ,.!
I'lIN ntitl I'ow.iir, t, ??
CHi nml Klt-ttluro lnth,jB i
Crookcil Work ( 1,,,,,, ,,,?
What Is pra.n i , , I'i
hns he'en thrown Int , ihc , j '
stnle board or mrdi il ,,,'"
C. Coulsun Mmltli ft ,,t,. " !
board Smith in h i(r,i fV""B
mltlcil since he k "& ,
nrlous ptDslclans i Kslt .
nnd other parts of u -, mi.B
Interprrtlim tin , nMln ,'
prnctltloners ns I c nit solely
purpose or rinam 1 1 ro,M?
doctors or inedlcln imtMi
the purpose of pr t Unf U ,"
from frauds. '
Thnt there has gr nn ut,
suit of this nttltudc m httl
many doctors n sir nic fwiiJT
tor of Ihe chlropri ,r n4!
tlie inedlcul board Ii lalnlr r!v
the spetlnl nRenls mmmti
report. He explnlni that ik.i
sponsible for the nnny titv,
rntor or llhRnl prncliti mr-,
them signed nnd tiruUiMw
known cltlicns
HlllliR b) his reftrrn , 0B
uf their profcsulon mmc phis
nnd nt least one nn ni'itr nf tv
board, hne nictistd Smith cf ,
tlottn tin the Job One mm
that the special aReiil hu Ur,
lenient lii Ills pros uti'in ,( ,
praetors nnd others.
"I mil stating nothing l.ut tbet
Iruth. gentlemen Hmlth w
board members It In t hd'
man) dm torn I hate talked n.
tlmiall) tnlk about the rio
t hlroprni tors nre taking la. mM
ph)sltluli cten nski I me latnH
use til) nuthnrll) Ii !urar-H
practitioner Int t gl ng U k ttH
dollars that u pathnt if th tB
i Inn had paid this ralllnM,B
his (Ihe ph)slilan.i irratmrM
pioted ii(.ciod m
In defense of his r pirl fsoil
s rls Hint the law r , irlncrtB
who pnictlce inedl in t .
ttiises from the slut lotMc'tB
till examiners Is to pr i k r-jHj
from frnutls men w tit uttsnH
or ublllt) to Hire wh miH iH
tin silk He de 'nrti II utH
some doctors hat i i" m I Mm
let! Ihe dot tors l lit ii' Ul'H
nml steer more dlrlit ir.t;lbrfB
or riRiilnr plnsint H
l'l'lt()l'ltlTI(N IMIIIIdH
The npproprlutliiu f rrtruViH
dollurs for the surtt if jiu'llB
In Ibis stale during the fUm B
ending June 30lh ha.i beta ltB
to fm I) -six thousand nt uriLtiiH
C Thorisen, siirtrt.ir (nnii mW
hopes Hint setelil) flte thvuntlsH
be appropriated for Ihe romlKB
the field work of llll offlf Bft
llltreaseil to nlmosl tnltltilrH
umoiint, H
Hinokn Klk 1'rlde Clr Ttl 1CH
One Cent Per Wonl IjiHi twH
N ClmrRc AixwaalhH
Mrs. Martha A l-urnc tewm
side, t'tull Ilox. II, HuwjV
roit hai.k oit iti:.vr"mnH
dnd shares of watir lntbrH
lllter Irrigation compsli) rsui MW
ipilre Hiiiiiiii r's furniture rt it Mm
roit hau: oii tiiadiv-sFn hH
Talrhnnka, Morse & Co. pl
ulne o gooil an new toftths'H
shafting, belting, pulloa, " WM
be seen at Tho Bun office H
roit hai.i: ai.u on ant '
of u one hundred litre traft "jB
farm laud, with or lf!c"VI
stock In'iulre Humnrr" fin's!
store W
fori) ucrts of land wllii WM'H
nml fenced, some apple rtttHtWM
One mile south of Price oi
ix unity runtl. Ie-Nrlmt Co mm
Vlglla lllock, I'rlce, I'lsh
proper!) -I lundretl nml prttiypj
farm, thrte miles lit I ' IiUtM
on Miller Creek Hpr-R l'rJ
itirta undir culm all i ""IH
in res In full Kriiln C i'l n t'rpJ
CC Clawson. Illnwiir-' I
Look Rigij
Hlne ilothts ndd w '
one's nppt'iiiam i , ' l,,u VJ
ulm to have our ilotli ' i'1""!
hide tomforl st) le nil I K0"1 "J
lug iiuulltleM, us well n" ,h" V
purlnnt requisite, ptr t '"
These spe. dilution) ar
rolluwtd nnd nre the r ulBJ
of t lissom tailored ilithr
Frank L. BocW
Price. Utah
, isomTswnii-rraTO

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