OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, April 14, 1916, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1916-04-14/ed-1/seq-5/

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.B- iiiiiiiinMiitiniiiiiiii 1 k- 3H
' pijM 1 1 FOR OLR PRICES.
Jim J . '
'1 1
;i s .
S?I McKune Forwarding Co. We Do II Now ::i
' Phone S3
"Bl IB
't-t kfl ' -- " ''"''' '" " '""
"MJB Mr nil Mr Wlll.ur ItUKK nre en
It rUvH KttilnliiR ii new Klrl ut their home on
ti .B Vrth Ninth aln-et.
"iHvlH l'r' 'ml,,,v fs l,",xll ln lli
.Bubal ttfdfr lfumbor) company' re
4l,M m'N r.lKiie.l .WV M. Ulnik.
m The Hlto Jewelry rorninny linn In
.(JB .tailed n nt'v ihronometcr nt Itn ntr
? !B on Main atr.rt. The time there Ik
t,.B ! urrei I
"kB Mnm.iRc Ikenap xxn laNticd during
B the xxeik to T II. He)mour nf Hprliw
tf'B H,M II f and Marie Hartley of
B I'otint il l.hlll. In.
tg H Mr nml Mr. Frank Junim arc en-fin-B
ttrtilnliiK n Kit I bnby nt their home
U-H Jutt eff Nnttli Ninth Mrrrt the flrat
W'-B ,1rn MtlT and child are doing
1MB met'
lir.H Dtmrr tnd lllu Oriimle ticket mil.-
t hB t I'l i f r the month of March were
t tfH "ver fix th'MlNtnil dollnr, while the
,,fe receipt fur freight xxere In exec of
,MH r urtrrn thtiiinnd.
BB I'r I J (' HoKnnacn of the AkM-
,.B -"! ' dime of t'tah at Iiicin In
1 (H htlctul.it nil lllu way to Kmrry toiin-l
? IX Mth I'ruf II. II. Htrwurt, Inenl
H farm u us mtruinr. I
"ltH The t Ulll'llle Cllrlri met lit till Iiiuiip1
m cf Jltrolllli Wnkel) Monday evening. '
J hn fi trill member reecltcd Ihrlr'
''mM '..-Igtt'it" degree. One new mernlii r
W'H lik n Into the order
H J M II 1 1 lord wan In town thU week
M fr-m Ml null lie hooM for the V 1 1
0H lw Crtik roml, Imt inatrtict for-
oH warier t end hi freight out hy
VB xxaitrilu I'rhe and M) Ion route.
,JH I l (Ire of thl.Vlty nml Dr. I'.
I iflH Tn "h Die denllnt. have uhoiil eon-
K fluilfil a deal whereby the former
ijB " In trade the latter' home In
JB i'tka ( ir Midt e' home In Halt like
JB ntr
rH At the ri(iiet of WiimIi'Ii Htore
H omiuns Mini) HrvKlr Kennedy wan
IH l "unn-. nlde thla week with u prlii(
.M line f millinery itoodn. Hhu found
l.uilnf? . milltlona nt the camii ox-
H ctllcnt.
CH Th rimt hand concert will he
.Hi il'.rn nt the 1itnil atand on Main
tH itrtrt Hnturdit' eynliiK from 7 until
H o ! k Utinllhna l.een recelveil
M that tin new- tiulfAuiK will In- here In
M ':Jt ten dnN.
H I'r .ink Mdlhuney exieita to have
B aiir throiiKli the Price Itlwr IrrlKii-
trn r iiipnii) canal hy tomorrow', Hat-
urili nimewlmt enrllrr than he luid
B lit In Town. Hatha In Con-
rt tlun. Try C Kor Bervloe.
J.G.CALLAWAY, I'reprlctor.
I :: Is What You Want and ;i
I Is What We Give and :
I It Costs No More,,., f
t ..'
H 'a wiut ton want and' In whut '.','
H i! , ' kiu and it in.u no mure
H ., The t unumicnl coIIIhk of sro- T
H frleN hnn been reduced to .4 ..
H ;; : Itnti at till more. It U the
j 'ki ai reHuit or loiiHtieiiitouH ;;
j . mdiawir to iwtlr) our cu- ..
V ;; Innttrn and kIm them the liet
.. I""lhle returna fur theli mono "
It l the reault of leurnliiK from ..
;; rxierlfiiie how to liny the llKht
., article nt the rlKht time and lit T
H the rKnt price, ami It unable
:; us to cell to ou UN wo buy. I'.- ?i
.. -r thing (n kooi! Brocerl, '.',
y 'unned Kooda and ureen Ntuff.
. I All the Htaplea. Our flour U "I
H . the bent ', ', ,
B - "
I I Farmers' and 1
I ii Stockcrowars' Store
tMutteil when h. ..ld The Mun U.
week It would h. Nr..iiM.I the :th of
riniHh illlnmlu Atihltiim mm.
pan) U offering ten dollar H tn tn
frelKhterN for IiuhIIhk IIn i.mImu
from the latl (k mnru tn f te
An iiihrrilminnnt In thla effet ap.
penr elwhire In Oik liiiH4oM (
The Hun
Kour l.l IomiIn of w.h.I mine in
TueNdii) from the K. I lay Ie cormW
nt WelU with mure to follow from
iiImiiii forty IIiihinmihI bend of .lieep
to be aliorn there. KrelKhler Hate
Hint the road In In kihmI eHdlthm for
HiIn time of jenr.
JiiiIkc TIIIiiihii I). Joluiwin or Un
united Htntif) dlclrht i-wurt )eNterll
ordered eontlnued for the tt rut b)
atlpulatl.in, the itie of Walter V. Ilent
HKnliiNt the t'antle Vnlle Owl com
pull) riHlntlff reek to prevent the
mericcr of that coniHin with other
I 'tali fuel eiimimnb-N
J t'.iiner-m miuilla of Itlmk Hawk
In Ki IIIiik mIoiik " well m lilltfht be
expeteil at llol) t'riM lliwpltHl Ml
Halt lilii- rit, pm)h -HHihly" Mae
Iamiii. who hrar from there iIhII. Mr
Hehulli liHelitl) UHtlerweut an opera
Hon for nppendhlll mid whn later
threHten.il with pneiimimlN.
Hen Ice nt the MethiHlb-t i hun Ii
next Hiiiula) miiriiliiit at II o'lbnk
Hubjeit, The I'.ire Treliiend'iu " At
X o'tliHk n plfKHint Kundtty eteiiliiK
with liiNimnieiitMl ih.I.hi li Ml Ad.
NewhoUM- mid reMillliK l Mhw lllex
Hcolt. Pulpit editorial. ' I'eiiwimhlp
of Die Moth-." Itrt llm-iir Hmllli.
I'lrtll for the thre- new m Ihm.I
lloUNeN o be eretteil In Killer) i-olllll)
ut HuntiiiKtoii, Uhno and I'erron. to
Ki ther with the pelflcHtlon. ma)
be e II b) thiHH Intrretitml at the
himluciM office of The Huu lltner)
I nllllt)' tuxpiDel recentl) oled elxt
thiuiNMiid ilnllar In IhuuIn for thei-c
ThroiiKli the effort of lir. It. I',
t'lialiilierlaln. city luiillh i-oimnla.
Nloner for I 'rice, the atreeta and al-
le and lack)urd are In eleamr
ciinillllnil than the) haw eer been
nt thl msi h. i ii of the wir at any time
The I ln Hcoilt Imxe iliilie wiilf irood
work iiIoiik them lined and are to be
commended fur their effort.
t'tah. Iihilm HiiK-ir eompaii) laat
)tur i'onumed nt It fuciorle hIhiui
a hundred mid fix ih.uiMind tun of
coal that coat liot.i"?, mid more than
thlrU-elKht hundreil ton of coke for
whlill III, UK wh apent. Mot of
the i mil and ok- iinmI wa from Car
bon count) mine and furimn-. Vo
mliiK furnUheil wime of the i-.miI,
Motion to iIIniiiInn the ae of the
rtle Valle) I'onl iiinipany iikiiIii"!
Truman A. Keldnim wa taken under
niUlaement by Jmlk'i' Tillman l
Johnwill In the I'lilltd Htute court at
Hull Uke I'll) lut Hatiinhiy The
motion wa made by altiirne) for the
defendMiit, whom the plaintiff eek
to rralmln from lalnK claim to icr
tnlu coal hind at Cnatle lt'.
Prom lorr, Dela., lome the In
formation that a oomiwny lulled the
IHnli Petroleum hua been Incorporu
ted there for the purpiwe of eiiKiiKliiK
III the bllalne or primpei HllK fur and
produtliiR- oil and natural w. The
pupllnllnitlon I the million dollar.
It I Mleiid Hip oliiain hu In
ew the workliiK "f "II "hale In Ham
cm I'lah on an extimdie wiiIp
I'rl.e Cletlrli ioiiiimiu) ha xhlpped
It Ninall Moik of eleitrhal k.mi.I to
l'roo, IiIiik l"lt the name I.moII)
I) I) I'lenner. the inanaKer, will in
with the ame isunern lo eome ioliit
In Idaho Price Kleitrlc ioiiiiii
wa owned at the lime of It denilae
nt Prlii' h) II W- Nlil of Halt l-ke
fit) li It Klttil loinpam neveri
I.. II. Mil In HtUvrtlalHK P'a'c t' II J
nhe. ,
N'lWM WH reled III I'll" W. d
li.NdH) laat that Ml J"b PlUinr-,
aid former recorder of Cariain iin
t. had underKone "an oMratlon for
upl'Mldl. Ill the flrat of lh week ut
Halt Ul..' fll) Blw I at llol) r,.
Ilimpllal and I aalil t" '" '"'"K "
rlirlit Hme leavlmc heie to make
Her home at Halt l-ake Pit) Mlw Pitt
Kerald ha been employed In the or
flie of the National I'uel lompail)
More than a hundred Imitation
huw been ent out the .ommlttee
in .harse of the danje and aupprr lii
I bo kUcii ' 'ip Mamiiw of lllack
I lawk ..ii II... -vnlnir f ''"
April Slh. at that tump II U are
T. inNiiul t' mfi'ib.r f Ihf orAn and
their when and la.D frlri.il- The af
fair wu 1.1 haw he.n he .1 loinorrow
(ft.iur.la rirnlnir. iml '-I";""'"';
'on account of thr lllne of J lam
eron fichulU. e of th.c orlKlnatlnK
' the entertainment-
! Andrew Oman of thla ill) unU til
'brother. Aaron Oman of Call" Hale,
reelo-acd their blrthd). In Price
laat Wfum-aday. the date belnK h.
Mme. The former w preaented
wlO. iraieh " chili hy reUtlvea
and ri-nda win. gathered nt the home
LI ,1 Mr" Andrew Oman for
dinner The father AubuiI Oman of
.Iwi J- . int' ,wo '"other. Inlel
M Karll from the rem-nntlon eoun-
u .".? ",,,''r Mr" ylrnn f
'i i leaaont. Her. nmonK those prea
etit The Mammli entertainment which
rr.!." "",'' ,wn Kl'n " "ki.k llnwk
lfci.tr 'r"?1" f April ISth. mid to
... all the Ma, ,id their ladle
of tarbon and Mmery counlle hntl
neen Imlted hn been M.tonel until
naturdat 'eHlnK. April th, on ac
count of the erlon lllnem of J Pam
eron Hehulla. who la In H Hnt tke
'it) hupltn after an otetiitlon for
appendleltl. Mr. Hchulti ha been
prominent In theee ntfalr and It In
expei led he will Ik- home b the date
The Pleamnt Siiml) Ktenln"
feature at I he MethodM .Imr-h next
!im. nlKht will Im h ewle 1 1 milt
anl dramatic readlnR i.y Mia Intx
eVott frk. Trumt mid the Deed."
'lln nd -l,e iVinffMhiiMl ' 'Hie
InatrumenUI mwele will In- i pi elude
and an offertory enecuted I.) Ml
Ada Newhnutr In her iimibI manner
Then- will abm Ih. two flee nlnui
p.ilplt eillloflHhi by ,e' IllllllMer. "Pan
Truthful ami lloneet Men-lmnt
Make u.M-' an, Cenwirehlp of the
Thret imey..r from Halt Iikp
'It) In the emplo) or Ptiih Power
and Uuht rammn). W H JennliiK.
J J llurrte ami A W Hheepf. Went
from hre l. lllawatlm yptcrda. it.
romtwnlefl hy J. 1 1. Matteon of Price.
I theik Up the work of the party
thtt ha been working on the urey
of the power line fntm Hprhm (Hen
to Hiawatha Thb. will lo- done
within the next few day. Hie under
Rinwth itemed off mid lh pole put
Into the around and the wire alriuiK.
Act oh I i-onftrttilhin of the line Irom
HprlnKvllle to "HrlH.ii count) I well
under way.
Iloltert M. kune. tuitlHIKer of Mc
Kune I'orwardltiK .ompaii). Inat Tile,
da) lalkwl to licnv.r. Polo, with A.
P Mhkimui. uuiunKer of the I'arlcttr
mine out l.e)ond Hie Well. Manual!
told Mi Kune Hint hla iiiiiih.ii had
retentl) IhiiikIiI two of the larRo cut
etpllbtr uiitomobile tru.k Ur r-l.-e
on the road between I'rlic and
Hie PaMle Peak mine, and thai the
tnnk bate been hlppe.l to Price.
He ha alHiut two mr of Kiloiille at
the mine to come In and ore belli
etaeketl tli on the dump ever) dny.
About five ton are ut Price for ahlp
ment IChM. Mi Kune add Hint talk-.
Itm with Hettter now I a plain a
with Halt Mke Pit).
AImmiI fill) meliilH-r of the MhwhiIc
onler at I'rhe and of the aurroUiidliiK
town were out lnl nlnht to nr.-e. the
Krand I.mIkc offhei who mld it Mt
to ParlHin UhIkc No IA. The lltor
Includeil P P OriKK'. Krand mauler.
P I' JeiinlnK. depul) Krand maeter.
Parle) I William, punt Krand mas
ter; I' A MiPari). ur ml aetretHr).
and J. U Patllii. Krand marvhal Prom
OUUIde tow n there were pr.-eellt P
W. McKlrane). U II. llr.-eii. (1 A
HallKaX. r and IC K. JoIiunIoii of tlreen
Itlv.r. A H tlllHH.u, William Hleeii
ou. l V. Hall. William II Hilton and
Thoma lb.th of Hlorr, I'r. K. M.
Nehir. William l.llllej.ihii and IMIo
H. rre of Pantlc dale and (leorKe M
Mill, r of HllllllllKti.il After the lii.iKe
work ii han.uct wa eerted ul Ma
aonlc Hall, ,
i:.cr)inu- lii.llcil to Hu- Pit) Hull
Next Tucxlu) K.cnliiK.
Pari It Mar. linen, titahler of
Price Pommerilal and HuIiik
hank and one of the cxecutlte
committee appointed at the Pa-
He Dale meetlliB to take alep
toward the ccurlnK of it atiKur
factor) for Uant.rn t'tah und it
railroad throiiKli Kiiur) .oiinD
mUlfc The Hun thut there will
be it nu.tlUK of iltllell ill I'll)
Hall at Price, next Tu.-adiiy ete-
ulliK, April lath.
At that lime the tontruit for
f plantliiK hiet next )ear will
be Kiine imr und exilalne.l In
detail, and at which time thuae
who care to may alien up for the
u. renKe the) propoae to plant.
The Auatliu hn)e written local
pi.iple thut the blank contrail
are beliiK prepared mid will be
lute b) Hip date named
It dealrol thut it roualiiK
nicitliiK be hud ul I'r lie mid c-
it) one Inteiekted und ull oiiKht
o be In the upblllldlliK of lal-
elll I'lnll I lirKfd to utlend
Tin re will be men here from Halt
iJikc fit) und elaewherp to ex-
plain the work to be done and
tlllntf to he aicouipllidied b) the
illlxeii and the .ommltlec
, " -
", Thin tr "lie of our mldda J
i. lunihe ut u iiuurlcr of u dob ,
lar Thi) ate fit for n kliiK
II or c will aervc )u uny hour J
,. of the .In) or evenliiK with
Hlmrl ordet '
;; pitiPK. ;
, , Ho ure our man) kind of pie. ,
tuke und the like You will i
J! nnxer know what the beat to J
rat la until ou tr thu Koa ,
' where ladle and Kcntlemen 'do
I ', conKfrKute." ',
i We cater to the ladle und ,
" children Prlxnte table. Polite
',', and conalderate emjilo).-,
i 1'rlica In keeping with the heat ,
' ; aerxlco and the iholcet the
, ', market afford. ,
:: kozy lunch :
! ' North Side Main Street, Price 1
II. O. Smlili QiiIIn Plnli Pud Coin
pail) Send Work in IEiiriir. In llu
lne, M Ion Por lllniclf ltoml
Work On Midland Trail Alxnc Pn
He (.'nip TiiwiiSMlal nml I'cnKii.nl.
The Hun Hpeclnl Herxlie.
HP.NNYHIIHt Apill 1 A dallilllK
part) wn kIxcii Thurmla) I.) the Art
Hmbroldeiy ilub Tltoee preaent were
Mr and Mr. T N. WeUel, Mr nml
Mr J M Hlapp. Mr. mid Mr K. II
Holme. Mr and Mr. John Little
John. Mr. nnd Mr. J It Pemetlo. Mr
nml Mr. K. V. Tucker. Mr nnd Mr.
M. II Dctweller. Dr. nnd Mr. P. II.
PnhrliiK. Mr mid Mr. J. W Wcl
f Ii Id Mr and Mr. IWwnrd llrenner,
Mr and Mr It A. Itorhol.l. Mr.
Charle Hnow, Mr Mnud llit)e. Mr
mid Mr Hmniiel OoukIi. J P Moore.
Ionian Varmr, Mutt llrumdrl. h. O
W Mile. John Tennnnt. Prcil Wood,
A. W Maxle. II A Hill. Joeph Wil
liam. Pl)de Itolicrt. Mr. J. II June.
Mr Jume William and Mlc llnr
barn Twnddle, Pbtre llarrl. Knthr)li
IMelmnnn, Mnela-lle mid Itmll) Uir
eii and Knthemi YerKcnacn.
The Hewlntf club wn entertained
thb. Wt-.k 1 1) MIm Mar) Dnwd Tll.me
preeent xxere Ml we Ixettn Punk,
Mnr Ann June. I 'cor I Nulnr. Helen
lliDe. Hetty Dond, Violet l-wl. I.lla
lla)r and Hue) and Pel.-xtlna Iter-Ih.kIIo.
Mr. Maud Hae aiid-iht.iKhl.r,
Helen mid l.lta, of Tnhaaeo, Polo.,
who liaxe been xMtlnK Mr. and Mr.
J. M. Hlpt. left for their home Wed
llewlny Mr. J. II. Vuriier entirialned Hie
Irfulle' t.ljcrur) club Hatui.lii). Thoi
preaenl were MIm Knthimi YerKeii
ii. Mr, tl. D. Wood. Mr. J. M.
Hlapp. Mr. W. N. Witiel, Mr. K. V.
Tinker and the lioMe. Mr. J II.
Mr mid Mr W O Mile led for
llltt.k Hawk I'ridii).
Iliell. Itmma and KWe Johimin,
l'-x Dlmmlrk. Jaine Whlliiker, Wil
liam PlirltlaiHH-ii. Maud Itxnn. Idn
HobertiHin. Hubert Iktird, Annie He
an. Illllt.it Mt. Mullen. Melxln HIiikIp
ton und Verl KIiik eiilertalned l.il
tile Dlmmlik Tinduy ufleruooii.
Mr. and Mr. W. II. Klrkmun mid
famll) left fr Twin Pull. Ida.. Ial
ThuriHlay to rcalde permniieiitly.
The Art Kmhrolder) club xvn en
tertained ut curd Hatiirdit) by Ml
Kmll) !.uimm'U. PrUe Wire it warded
Mr A D. Iliidle) and Mr. Hitmuel
(IoukIi. TIioh pi.-M-nt wen- Mr. J.
Il Pceito, Mr. P ir. Pnhrlmr. Mr.
A D lladle). Mr. K. II. Holme. Mr.
Haimiel (IoukIi. Mr. IMwurd llrenm-r.
Mi. M. II. Dctweller, Hie Mlwca Km
ll) mid Muelielle Iiaaen and Knllir)ll
Kdclmmili mid Mr. J. W. Wctfleld.
Mr. John II. IViwelto eiiterlulned
ul dlnnir Monday
W. O. Mile, who ha been with the
Wuaiitcli Htore (ompiiny ut Hunii)
aid for three )eara or more, left hern
)c-atrrdn for lllitik Hawk to take
ihiHKe a loial IllillliiKer there of the
Parboil-Killer) alore He I Ull excel
lent btialnew. man mid will be mimed
hero b) it h.rKi- number of peronal
friend, who will, him well In hi
I ll.-W pimltloll
Hitmuel Nuylor wa kIxcii it aiirprUe
party Tliurada) h) member of hi
Htinday achool clu Thoai' prceni
were MIkncm l.)dlil Mi-Mullen. Pearl
Na)lor, Helen lli.)c. Mary DeluiiKe.
Altllea Tit) lor, Klleen Hlexenwill, Ia"
unit PollliiKhnm, t'liloe Ame. Mar
if met Hiipklnaon, Delhi D-unlon, lau
bell Johnaou, lllnlc Julie, Marie Nay
lor. Violet l-ewl. Kmnm Johnwill, Ut
tern Htitchlnon mid Kmma P.leraeii,
U-onard McDnnuM, IIiikIi mid Drew
Phrlateiiaen, I 'red Joiie. Herman
Prrett, ThomuH III. hard, Hilton
Mi-Mullen, V-rl KIiik, Pruiiil nnd
PI) do Parr, William Phrltenaeu, Hal
.lane Juhnxon. John Preaton, Owen
DeluiiK.' und John Nu)or.
J. K. Holme, c It It f clerk here, wu
tailed Into Halt Iritke Pit) oil tompuny
bualne Ilif week. Ho write back
thut the ball kuiiipn ure lmiiicn.
HiiKe elit.k of cokrt ure n.H-.imula-HllK
here udjiitelit to the ox rim lit
em! of it la. ! of railroad cur to
mote the proiiu.l. u Kri-uter portion
of whlih Koe lo Hie Plah anil Mon
tana amrller.
II O Hmllli, male expert who re
mlltl) qillt the elllpln) of Ptull Puel
itunpiui). hu Intel) located at abttt
Iiki- Pit) In IiunIiipmi for hlmaelf and
liu tuiiipiiriir) iiuarter at I ID Houth
Hecond ICI He I one of Hie fllitt
fellow on earth anil Hie bet whdie
for hi buellie NUivtHM are held It)
hundreil of friend not aU.Hi In Hun-
in Hide, but all oxer PnrhoH count),
where III MitUll.tame I extelutlxe
, It I uil.lert.HHl he will continue lo do
M.uie woik for the Pulled HIhIhh Puel
tompaii) ami ome of the other mine
', lot all
I Kxei) miner upplylMK fur work at
, thl camp I beliiK put on Coke or-
deia ahead promUe to inuko work
I KO'ol ull eiir
', Pp Around Pilrtl.' Cull-.
' The Hun Hpeilul Herxli-e.
i PAHTI.K (IATK. April IS'hn u-
loon of HarhoKllo & llluer xxu bru-
! krn Into on Thureduy nlKlit lunt after
the . Iimlntf hour uround It o'clock
I mid about twmity-flxe dollur worth
, of xxhlak). wine, i hear und like mer-
uhaudlae curried uwu) A tlie
' local of fit era liaxe no chin a to xvho
i did the job
; Much Inlerwtt I beliiK hown In the
i bah) content ut Oruhunt' mux lea
' Prautlially itxt-ry baby In tcjwn will
appear on the acrien and u number
of them will be entered In the xutlng
' t'onleat. Prize will be Klxen to the
', moht popular buby or the ono re-
celvlnir the lilKheat number of xotca,
' Castle date Oun oluh hud a large
. ratherlne of apevtatora laat Bunday
1 J MH
The Credit Man's Judgment 1
Credit men who pass on new account know -VJH
Hint n new customer witli nn nccount in a stronp; ' IH
bnnk la likely to be roo1 financially. 'H
This Institution welcomes the accounts of new JH
corporations, firms and individuals. It offcrn IH
every courtesy consistent with good banking.
Come in and talk with us. We pay 4 per cent stt
on savings account, Interest compounded 8cm(- IS
annually. SB
u M
Price Commercial & Savings Bank
Price, Utah ' (H
nml rVeiltl allow n Krndunl Inrreitac
PonablerliiK the poor ground tn ahuol
oxer, wore xxere conaldrred n Xir)
Kood. Hire nre the wore made, on
tw enl) -fix n iniK. t John HplKnrelll.
31: Krneel Head. II. J II. Mnralmll.
JU." Pari Hchoenfelt. ID, Jim Cowan.
11. J. P Hnow. 17. P W Dn)ton, l,
nml W J. How ii, 15.
tleiirml Huperltilendent TIioihimh ii.
Mine Hiiperliitendetit l.ltllejohn nnd
Dr. K. M. Neher xxere up n fur n
llorp Pnn)on Hatiirdny lookliiK nt the
rond through Price Pun) on. They
rrport road In fair condition with the
exception or it number of dirt mid
rockalldr. xxhl.ll will liaxe to be
dentin! out nnd eexernl lnr:c Ihi.i1-d.-r
whU h xx III hnxc to be moxeil.
PaMle Hate I allll btinMlliK Kond
rond. and It In hoped alnte and coiin
t) iillnni'p xx III Im- f.irnlhp.l In
kccpluK Hie wilile III Kood (ondltloii
both wu) from Pnalle (lute. Two
men arc now up the cnuion alioutlnK
rock out of the rond.
Mr. P. It. Iloclthotd entertained
the Ulnar) ituh of Paalle Hale re
ceitlly Mr. IC. M. Neh.r kiixp a talk
on the "Ho) Hcoill of Ametlco." Mr.
J P Hnow Hike on the "Pwmp Plre
Ml KillHt June ha retiirnwl from
Halt lke Pity.
Mr. K. M. Neher hit returned from
Halt Utkp Pity.
Mr ami Mr. William Pox liaxe re
turned from Halt Utke Pity
Ml Helen Wullt- hu relurn.il
from Halt Uke City.
Mr. N P. Phrlleiien Im Iwell
XllllliK frletitl III Prl.e reeenlly.
Ml Nlla PhtbHeiiMiu mid MIm
I'lorente lludeeii Here reeenl xMlor
ftoiu Prl.e.
Mr. J. P. Hnow ha returned from
The elKhtlt Knule of Pitatlt- Hate
Kuxe it hull b.al Hatiirdny.
Mr. mid Mr. Hubert llendrron lire
Hult like Pity xl.llor thl xxrrk
Mr. Utlxxur.l IMwurd xxa lit Prli
thl xve.k.
Alma llurdy hint a nexv nutumohlle
dellxered at hi home thl week.
W J. Ilown ha placed an order
for n Hew tar which he expeil will
be dellxered III about two week.
(leorKe P l.lttlejollll und Alfr.nl
IHce nre home from Halt Utke Pit),
xx here they HiiKerrd nwhlle after Ki
Inc In to hear the lloatou On. ml Op
era company They report n moat
pleuauut xncntlon,
Hob nrnham' "Hipulnr baby con
lot" ha nrouae.l xery much Interrat
locull) lie I allow InK about forty
Iditur.-N of liable thl xxrrk nnd the
i-onteal for honor I keen. The muni
popular h) x ote, will he Klxen it prUe
or twenty dollur ami the mother n
Kohl Hiik.
Muili Intercut I IicIiik allow ii hrre
In the opening hull Kami- of Hie Par
boil county IcuKiie und all ure iinxlou
for Hiiiuhi), April 10th, to roll nrotind.
Mr, Duiilel Perkln ha returned
fiom (IiinuUon In Hunpcle count),
where he r. telilly uttemled the
funeral of a rclatlxe.
Mr und Mr. W. II. Jnhnaon mo-1
torcil down to Prl.e durliiK the xxeek.l
They cay the road ure III exielleni
colidillon. ,
The uiliifH ure working two mid
three dio It xxiek.
hlorr Note nml PeixmuU.
HTOIIIIH, April a. Mr. ami Mr.
(Hen Knox, Dr. mid Mr. Hutherland,
Mr. and Mr. Ilrlmit Hlrlnuham, Krlc
Weber und Mlnw Hit Utraell nnd Hu
ae June attended tlm dunce ut Hel
per Hut unlay.
Mr. und Mr. !. P. Hull, Mr. Hllit
Daxl. Mr. Ilhodii Hoiitliworlh, Mr.
HlulH. Mr. Kdward and Mr, lieu
MitUKiim attended tin- Inalllutloii or n
Itehckah lodge at Helper the other
Pupil or Ml Maud Wulraxeu Kuxe
a retltal at Mr I' T lleliuell' Wed
lieatla) Mr and Mr. Uml Hlorr and Mm
ll.owel Hlorr and hlldren left Tliur
day for Provo
Mr and Mr Hrlaul Hlrlngham ut
tendetl the uiera The Drum Major."
given I.) Hie high w-IumiI pupil at
Pi lie Prldu)
1171 1 P HUTfltSh PltOXI
J K. Pettlt. atute nml mine limpet -tor,
returned from mi luapeitlon trip
llirough the mine of Hunn)ldu unit
Cm boil ctiuiit) to Halt Utke Pit) luat I
Wednewhty. Pettlt the mine
with the exception or thoae at Hunii)
alite. where coke I made, nre run
nlng oul) iiboiit half ahlft ut prrent,
on uciiiunt of the falling off of the
demund for coal
With the advent of warm xxeuther
lea coul I uaed, mid the Utah proil
net I not exported to any consider
able ilcKiee Then uguln, Inapectur
Pettlt auH, the electrlfliutlon of rail
road and other Induatrle ulao re
duce the demand for coal, u well a
the Installation of gaa und letrlc
raiiK-ra In horni-B.
The Bun Ruarantet-a It adxertlaer
a circulation of between twelve and
thirteen hundred coplea weekly. Cir
culation booka oxn to all.
: 1 M
Mr Olive Milter eletila) nftrr- fH
noon rntrrtnlnr.l n number of her tH
Ind) friend al card ut her uimrt-
mem In Olnon Plat. Klvp hundreil H
wu pla)rd, followed b) ahotie re- "''-Xil
frehmenl. 'WM
Mr J M U.v.rlilge. rortnerly or Ipl
Hcofleld, enlrrlalnril TlturiHtiiy even- lil
IliK of but xxerk at Proxo compliment- IH
ear to the grand thief. Mr, Mliuii. IH
tloff, nnd the grand Junior. Mr. fH
Johlimin, -of the P) Hi In n Hl.terx Of jl
Hall ltke Pit), who xxere lit Pmxu on IB
nn Bl
About forty Itrbekith met Odd P.il- Jal
tow lnxadeilrlll(i "linun- of .Mr. ami I ' IH
Mr ' H.ilarrl ac Wednra.ln 1iiJH
exeiiliiK, where the tlltnjl wit irltt III j B
game, alnkliig and liiotf.rr annimv- lLB
ment Tile .rovxi) toik. ab.uic many IB
Kood HilliKiKto eauvriie t.valin whmj jB
Mr llarrl' mnhUhy unit the ta.thrr- IB
I I UK wa n complete taitprtwi In lllu JB
famll). ItiB
Mr. Krlik llundermir. enteititlueil I H
nt nn elalHirnte illutu-r rmuy lit tumor Bl
of her mother on the alxt)-n(ntli nn- ijB
nlxrrMiD of her blrtll. UntvU Sfth. BB
Thin..- present xxere Mr him! Mra. J. J
II. Winkler hf HhIIiui. win. cxinw. up ( 'B
eiet lull) Aor the oxunIoiO Mr. ami ' H
Mr. I rniil I'runitwii. Mr unit Mi. . B
Ouniler iV'inilrrxui, Mr. nml Mr. Pl
Vrru Ouiuftiron. Mr nml Mr. CurtlH ' H
(liindrrwin. Jr Klale KrlckMin, Mr. tii'H
Itukle llroll.etHi.il lrn Ml-iii. lnniil. L iaTaTaTaTiTiTiBTBl
aeti, Harold Prnudeit ami M (. Al- JH
tn, lib. nnd Klhet (luuderwirt. Aftir Val
dinner the exeiiliiK wn im-u( III mil- rl
li, aoiiKN nnd ator) tellliiK- Ml. llH
I'lcuwiut I'jramld. Tilt. t lB
The Jtiatmnern club wa orgunlxeil FiB
laat week by it number of )olltiK pco- itE
pie of Prl.e. The of fleer are llunilil AiiiB
Irf-onitr.l. preldenl; llryun Olwiii, bu- TiB
Inem. malinger, mid .Mntlljiiiber. aeo- 1
relary nml trtViallrer. The mcnibrr ' Bl
nre illaae Iila Irf-niinnt, Krmii (lib- H
Hon, JanetTwnddle, Ouu.fell Wood. HI
Itella Mlllburn. Afloti WIIaoii, (llennii flB
(lunderoii. Thi-lmit Font, .Martini M
llrndley, tlroce I'rmidauH and llunilil tiHil
l-onitrd. llr)Ait lHur(, Mali Ijmlwr. LB
Hcolt Pnuaetl, !.)) Heiti'h. MuKnu MIH
PrnniUcti, Kail Knindm-n. Arthur ArB
(llhaoii, Karl Axerlll und Pert Iav. J KB
The club will hnxc dancing Ami in. r tin 1 f-WjM
ever) wrek ' JB
MIN Pauline Olxon tmtertuliieil Ihn 4 fiSI
ineinber o( the I. D. club TucMli.y aBH
evening:." u) Kphralm' Kntrrprlen '"flViH
of the Till. "The table xxere decor &K'B
uted III purple and white ami xlolet fwtiil
formed tie icnlcrplcoc. The phut. 'i. ulB
lunla annoiincpd the eimagement of Sw9l
Ml Olnon to W M Mace, wjnmc mar- Sll
rlage xx III luke plan, the latter pari of rf naB
I May. TIiohp prrcnt were Memlaiiie tMLI
P P. Poti, June Pehroii ami Itmiiiit LMaB
I K Olon und Mbuea I'lorenie Peter- jIBjnB
mm. Mabel Mortenaen, Da Veda Olaoii. lEBfflil
ln Idiraen, Kdlth Thorpe, (llud)H 4BbbI
PhrMeitHrn, Orit Olaon und l.lml Ol- 'fBH
aon." The bride to be In the daughter i'tfll
of Mr. und Sir. I- M. Olaon. forimrly IrlflB
of Price, und waa born In thl city. HaB
The coinmltlee niponlctl ut the) ? M,B
augur beet und rullroinl meelliiK re- ik m'.i.R
tently held ul PaMle Dale with Hut it9il&aB
end In loxx of aecurlng it- rullnuul f-'lrfH
through timer) count) In iMinueclluii h MrJEpM
with the hiilldliiK of a ugur futilorv ItVWI
I rnmpoke.l of A. Ilrlnkerhoff, Hm- il 4 CH
er. I P Moore. Ho. heater; O. It. t&PM
(lllleaple. (Ireen Itlvcr: II. M. Held, -MlSM
OrmiKHXllle. William llllihuoik. Cktxv- t iflMH
aon, J C U'liiou, Perron, Peter Hum- tliKilll
inun, Jr., Molen, A N. Day, U.w- bJflSniB
rente. Peter Ncllaon, lliintlngtou; ,!- SflwaB
P. Ovimiiiii, Plexelaud. II. II, Oviatt, I SB
Jr. KliiKi. Hainuel Well. Vletur; (J. 1 1 RB
II Marniaeu, I'rhe, Prank Joluieoii. B KTB
Wellington llenrv IIIiimiu, WimhI- I f 'ItB
aide. J A Auatln. Auatlit furin'i I W JB
(leorKe Mllner, Parnham. Prank Jnr- I B,tt
oine. Hprlng (II. ii. and Knoth llrviwr. 1 F
Helper The . ommlttee I deHlKnatwl 5 B-' 9H
a 'tin beet ulture i.inmlltee." SE'iB
i price : P'ril
5 Mi Kind of I IftB
Soft Drinks, Flavoriig j: E?
Syrups, Candy and B: jHj
Drum Gas. iRlH
jj HihmU Dclltcrrtl A I Your Home 5j fKi VLfll
5j Pnmiptl', ? tSf'ttnM
? " l:G9iP8
Ja 1'lioue 31, Price, Hult. S HHlH

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