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jgfllN GUARANTEESJTS ADVERTISERS BETWEEN TWELVE AND THIRTEEN HUNDRED CIRCULATION EACH AND EVERY WEEK QF THE YEAR M Bm 7fflm&GS&tf& ' LEGAL-iLANKS , ' 1 .., f, m n 'HnK cor" t0 ll I I 'nil 11 m&SfiWQPszA. S2&Sw( ll ill lU The Hun tarries In tik nil legal vjl A'"J d n nunllt) of work nt V Y II llln3?HBiKrU Kvl II II II II blanks ...mmonb In u-o deeds. mort- jH erllfllM ami en- gyS-ALSk: .VJHlk W T' T trn.t. nnd tin like T lie most com- HH lf,h Him Roods und tho like. ' NT N-y - 'u v- " ? "nT xT ,,,,,, ,,, k , ihMcrn I Inh Orders 1.HH P" .(.n-n sheep " nna cXer PfM iTirAI I V DTDIIPI irAM fitted mid mnlle.1 tin- tin) weneJ, IbH RMrtW, " nt riKht price,,. rULI 1 IL-ALLY, KbrUBLIUMIN. i,,t Ti.n huh nn ur ie.ti ''""J,0'- .H l1DnW'r,nUnB,SdOn0'rhe8Un lnUfl " ' ,H,C " M'w Jun" 6 h roiUtfi ealPr. I till Vn ler the A lit Mt.h 1879 tiers. hen t'r .r' nil UK mid bind- . g" J VOLUME 1;MMBEKJ9 EVERY FRIDAY MAY 5. llH(i ' ' ' 3l REPUBLICANS MEET IN COUNTY CONVENTION Delegates Arc Chosen For State, Congressional and Judicial Conventions, Last Saturday I The Meeting at Provo. J ml ll i i ' ll " ,mrl nf rMr i 4 in tut vnmimlKn this .. h , IkI nfid hVuIIiO In bi. J,nl fr m Hie UfK Utendunec ..f .JntM T m lli'l vuilous preiliutN , ihr nilv u.lbcilon liold l"t itunUv afternoon llftlm lourt room MHf . -iinl building nt l'rlu?tim. it tonirnlK ii r tlilu kind thn nl- nUn.T H mcnKir ns the voter have uwtrint warmed up lo Hip work In ud It augur wull for the rtftM if Hip republican Unit mull tthufwrm was dlsphoed curl) In v tampaiir,n Dtlirmlimtlon In w n u written In iviry nitlon of tin .vrntl n A minority nf the pre .ftd.wir. represented by full deli- ntlvns and Hiiwp who wro utmlilp t tttfnil wrn nprnmUptl ! lir Promiiiu rriiulillintiN urn ii1wiin mpt-n i " 'lk In tin- nfur- n ilui inmi It II Klrkimtrlik ll Ihr iDiirntloii to ordpr A rt- x of Irn niimilPN wn liikin to nl- tluiK drliKnlPN who liml rldiltn nx dirt imp lo ituloinolillp nnd MJ lrfd nrrlvpd In I'rlop to kp! to i ion inllon hull, mid lit 2 It Dim tjittdiiiKi wrrp nimtiiiil Aftor tin iding if Hip mil It It Klrkimtrlik ivWforitp I" NpIiii wpr rpnppitlp- K-itrl ilmlrnmn mid spprrtiir) of m Unit TIip flmt IiiikIiipkn whh iH wlvitloii of it irpdinlliilN iMinmll- ml n in itlmi tin- ihnlr iiiiilnt i H i indi win of I'rltp. W N iil if HiniDnlili nml (leorKo P tUtmuml f llliiwnlhit A rp wmn uKtn In nl p HiIn Imiiortiint ninimlt- v tlmp ti nport DurliiK HiIn In- 'r the drl. tfiilPN wi r- lnu) illiwim- mallirN i rlnliiliiK In th" r"i- nf i tmplllKII Htld KtttlllK lliillllltll d Vihtn the nport of Ihu oonimltln on ff4nllaU liml In pn iidoplpd Hip iIpI- nit wr. wnlul nnd upon iiiotlmi llni drJdid that piuli d puntln -a i nli d Ihilr full oti HirmiKh lt luirmin m Thr tli-itlun of ilttliiciitPN to tlii Mt(4 (iutrnlloii hiin prowi ded with n iui k tlmr An noon n rluhttpn mcn hul hrrii plnopd In iiomlnntlon iml tit i wiin tin mimliir nppor nnl to thU (ount) l the Ntnto htlrmau immlniitloiiN wrp hIonpiI nj the lumilnrpN wrrp iiniinlmouNl) h tn in ilf lrKiitfK. Tim wimp ilt 1" rtci witp diourn to nttpnil thn ton r Mtmnl -onpnllon, huld nt l'ron hi ami iiu iin the ulnto loiiMMitlun, My U TIip ulKhtPPii ihiMnn wprc Urlm (lundiriHin, )llTi h- Turin r, l'mp O I'mmUvli, CutLiUjklilhJii' n. rilnir J U. A V llowltiyiinil I A M-Uik of I'rli-p Itobt rt Mcif i' und Alfrpd Npwreiy Winter Qunr r It ll Mrkpiitrlk nml nullm Jjiim ( iiNtln (Intp. Hnmupl lu' mor. und V, V tpl. HuiiidnIiIp ' Tim I llili AiidV N Cook. IIpI wr I HunlNchl, w , lllixwntlm, (' K. J-n i imr fripk, und t'lmrliN llo n of Hi irrit Ttu nrxt lnmliuMt In fori Ihp ion nihil win Urn nilfitlon of ulno l"l t4 1 1 nitrnil tl)p NPVPiith Judlilnl ilrl 1 1 on Pillion lo ln lipid ul I'rloo 'n Ma S7th. A lnrnu numliir win u i I In nomliiiitlou for thU honor and n u ia neieMiry to ballot tho iir nppiilnlptl J C Mooro of Bunny J" ami furl It. Munuieu of I'rlio on t-lltrx The rciultuut ot wun that A J Ui, r i:. Woods nnd U A. Mi- ifl'rlip, II II Drnpi-r of KpiiII Uli t" K Jpnn of I'lwir Cmrk, 1 li Mrkputrhk of L'lmtui Cluto A f "ul n of Blorr. 1 V. Tucker of imvsidf mill k. Hiintsohl. Br, of I l aim went itllOHUi BnlltNchl tllPll "" "1 Hint tho duleifutPN to tho Judl- ll mention he instructed to work nl . id fur tho placliiK on Hip tp- hi Hi kit of r i: Woods of r' ns tho iholco of Curium coun-l ' r publicans for ttm office of dl- ri t iitlornp Tho motion whs n-i i with uumUtiiknldp munlfpNtu-1 f npprowil l lh ioiivpuHou II Murium!!, Koliprt MpiisIpn ,rM A McOch spoko eiirnestli I" I n f f the i onentlon's -cum Iiik thn t whlih wax donu upunlmounb I! n to limtnut the iIhIokuIi lo 'n f r ttm nomination of Jmnwi W I rrr for dlnrkt Juditu was wllle ii ufier neMTul talks wire mudu iiik tlmt such action would loo leloly tin the hnmls of tho del- fc i h!ii Woods made a neat und up- prluti littlo spteoh thunkliiK ihe intlon fur the honor ronfrrrul 1 nlin tin predated that nutlonnl- In the Ntatti and ulwi In the couu- ' tin republlcunH were destined to lo tiriud in powir nnd urut'd nil of faith to do tnelr utmost for the rt h Interpsts, thn return of whlihl lit pun i ih honor nnd pros-1 r(i I nhiir J .e iiIho spuki mid sllr- ' up Ihn enthuiilasm of the iisiom- J tli IikuIwi. He stutod that the 1 of the present Imiyiiibcnt ijf, the " hltntuii ihnlr was llko n new !' whli h he described ns bolnB lfp furnurd then hcsltuti one ntep lmkril then hpltnti auln nnd rcerp I. A MrO A W llorslp 11 I'rnpfr ncorsw Col IIiikImhi Nml J Tom I'llrh mnde tH-pphm lh )! nsmed pvplslnlnic liml lw hull return! to the rvpubll ihh putt)' In HPronlHHrr with hl ' stHlptneUt innde nt the kw of the Inst I K hi I urn when he reprpprnled l'firlMn eonnl lleforp tlip mrpthiK niliuarneil thn ilitpKHllon to tin poltKrplniMil ill. trlil iiiiiifliUiin whs Intrurle4 to Murk for Dr IC M NVhet nf I'mMl (lull hn dnlcKrtte to tlip ndttnnal rott- ptillon TllPfr sre the lIl'li-KHlm wlwteil d) the wvirnl retliilN n itekRnte In tlip poiivviitlon I'rlep A W lliimley A J liw. (liHirKP (I I'mmUpn Vliv!!Sl1lkH' Cnrl OiimleixiH It J TiirSJr. X ftnx Miller T It McMillan U A Mcfle-s J II Ini-p mid I n WIvnkiiI CoMlf (Intp It II Klrkimtrlik. I W Itudwii illl)m 'Jiiiin, Ihlwunl IdlHurdN. J A TlMiri J " Uifln. J I! liHihebir U'llllsm I'min sml WIIIIhiii J downs. Hiinilnltie mhihiipi imumwr N WelH-l J I' Moore. I!. V Tukpr. A l Vmi Wnkihut Nkk Knwiif. Kd ward Honer nml ( J lloHerts. limwHilm (ImirKe li llnyiHiiHil. It hMitliMhi Hr. ilu ili-ntari. Vf K. Khok T W Uwfc uwl Martin Mil btikh Wlntnr Qtwrlern ItoWrt Mentis. John Hlsley Alfretl Ni-wreh W J I'mlit mid IWwnnl Kltnnr. Clr I'repk llober Wnnl J Join. (Inner U-wls and O IC Jph wii Hiiiflrl.l Mlnn .MnikwM. tleorKe Ilium und I' W HIhI4. HlnnCliHrleN llo) In ihp und A. IC (lllfMHI ICpiillworlh A II limppr llilpr W N Cik nnd U 15. Kil wiirds. , In Hip HMllHif of tin IIpIimt del KHlloll Hip iinnmltlee mi credent I run onto tlulr only niniif J Tom I'llih wun down from llpltwr nnd wiin u nmtplnl lipforn the minnillle-A. The loinmlltee n imrleil Hint IW words nnd Cook sIhImI tlml the) were dul (lilted iin deleKilleN from Helper priMlmt Ml n riKiilrl enlled prlinur) nnd Hist Hip ilmlrniHU of the prlmr Muted Hint thi did nut need tredell IIhIn nnd that the Miretar refued to Ip Ihem nn J Tom I'IIiIin oh- Jiitlim lo the sealliiK or took huh ii wnrdN wiin ovirruled ns his (ildeme wus onl heuriHi) nnd not con.ldered IMnurds nfter Hip iimipnllon wus imr told Thn Bun repreeeiilntHe that CHiudp ilaker of Helper liml muile , u.p ireilenllNls for J'.M.k und hl.n rndf hut that Joe ItarlMinlli;. the Phnlrmiin. n fused to nttuih hl sIk- T llliiRton. CurlMin mid furlHin Mile wire Hip onl preilmls without r irN illation The wire eueh en tllli d lo one di li Killi com i:iion ai rito 1.V,MM(II'H IN rilllHIth l,.iiilPN At Urue-fl" vlllllw," fipry. Benntor IL4 Bniool. Ke.mtor (leorKP Hutlierkind mid Muyor A I. Htwood of Oudeli .,,. I'lrst ('oiiKreeionl dUlrli I KrrJLman J.5-I.II HoweU of Cuehn. und W l fmidUind of Hji.m-'J Km nml Coimriwlimul lW"tT1l Wl l'rlce nnd llnrr H J ph 'f ! jik tlt i.uovt mh i -v;u,,1,,,"! trZ" nil .nir Hip slnte hcW Mtt. " p"r here i.hIh in s.utn ..... I Krensloiml dlsirhl nuntloi ,,...,1.1 of elKht dellKilte l the rei'"1 ' lUun ,uHI..iL"imiII..h ; '7 PrrdiitloiM wen frpl na' J""' V " i,PXt of Hip I'n M ""J .oliMieure. Hn ' '' Wilson mi'l " 'lnioerutli 'W'1"1" ,,dinl..Utr..ll..n .Unuume'l will. ,nr!:::"nmp- r h- ru'll nnd lo. t were .HS.Hill) himI I"'!-""- ?l"ll m in Hi- tl" ; us pow.ll.le prpsldeiillnl no ..- in hut'tZ oonNPntlun ""'"",'" delentlon goes lo thi ClilcoKo " -AVriLCrK'U.HynKreed Hir. tne " '' ...ool. 0f Ogdeii rould lie the d.e,ates at larj,e. there re no .loe contests to thn lh l&fiTSfSfeSS oralU "aHonnl ndmlnlstrnl Ion a r rlB? ri!SW - -wnshed' aatamaMl rat--aa-a BUSY IN TWO PLACES. Unelt 8smi "Dsn't you kntw my srmy Is busy In Mssleol' ire.llle.1 umoHK the nnthin Tin r.s olHlkmN denerilieil WlUon n Mi Mum IMilley w "Idmiilnrliitf. elupld mid un warranted ' for the repillillPHlw In t'luh the rew.lulloHN derlureil for IhoroiiKli mi preNireilMpe. for the Btiwin II AhIIii.h uinendmeHt fur i.hIUhniI wo iiihi.'s MiffrnKr mid upheld (low r nor Hpr for 111 conduet of the lllllntrom mw The BWprnirN imhiip wnN loud I) iherrwl 'Hip riiitforui ilopliil. Wp. the deleKHten of the ripuhllinli IHirt). In iiinvi'iitlon asseiiilileil ri- ufflrm mir feu.l) to Hie rmi urn" slruptlK eluteniilMiinhlp mid prlmlpleN nf the imtliiiml repuMlPHli mrt tin Avt wliow wIm Kiildan.p our niillon In wealth. proMUn mid iMiwer. as in. oilier nation In the Ills tor) of Hie world eer li. fori ml- VHIlll.t Tor the kit thru enrs we hiiw fell nnd suffpr.d Hip rpturdluic mid Mirllkitlnic Influpiiio of the purl) In iMiwcr, whone weak nnd spineless timiiMKeineiit of forelicii nnd domesllc uffulrs hnN c 'IP reduced the prestlKn of our imllon, nnd fnlled In protection- the lite nnd proper!) of our i III- n ns ellhcr in Mexico, inner i upon the hlidt sens, W rent Hie mid unwarranted Intirfcrcnte of l'r sulent Wilson In purel) slut. und commend Ihe stromf nnd Just tours piiraueil h (loicrnor Bpr In his for Inw und order V fnor Ihe mmem.nt for the IhoroiiKli pr. iHirullou of our nuuil und mlllinr) Mtiibllshments ns the mirpst mwins of muliiiulnliiK ptNiii Wc tll Hirtlinfr utlinllon to the fuit Hint the republicans' who first lined this uctlon were .lenounie.l I.) our oppon.nls ns polltlilnns seeklnu to iduiiKP Hip lounir) Into wur Wc iwll attention U llm fa. t that I .i.. .......Illliiity In Mux Hie pre, ni iiuiii.i'- " ;""",,'. ire Hip direct result of the l.lun tlerliiK mi'l unwarranted Inlerft rente of Hi" president In lh domestic af fulrs of a iieltthliorlnif counts Hit us ...IxliiK in H.e polllUal establish, mint of u soverelmi power our ex.c- I c utt.rl) ne.i.ptle.1 He proleHlon ,,f Miierlcan llvt and proper!) In i lu.1 unhnpp) rouutr) Wc resenl ll... .r..NHMHl ,!'. rcll...lshi..Pnl of ll..' l,hllli'lJ at Ihe end of four years as it sure ikhuun of throw Inn our Tailfl. pos IwaVliins li.lo H.p throe of .mart h or nTlnS them ulHH.rlied I.) som.. otli.r imwer . ... ..... u..... We faw.r the ssae ... ... II .Million) resolution Inlroduced In ,. V'n lle.1 Htaten senate I.) Hsmilor llcorKe Bi.lherk.nd. for Hie national! cnfriim lilseinent of women. Wp must Letirtll) U"!"'-- 1""" rv deleKatlon our effl.lent repul.Hminte a.lmln- Ulw"""onmiulalit our part) upon llm" present tonipltle harmony of all s elements, both national und total, whloh unity f Pun" nd aillun nVsureN rou.InK .V"". ", "pu$ I i an prlmlplps ul Hu polls nexl ' Minber The Bun In unolher tolumn of Ihls Impression VUl Indies Hie unnou.ue-1 ""i '. ... ..iiiii..n uhu U n candldule for nomination on tin re publican ticket for the offl.o or slur-1 ff of rarlwn wunl) This Is Ihe frlst newspaper announcement so far of candidal) of nn) aspirant to office In th"s count) Mr MoMiillen. lw haa been n resident of I'rUe for the past, hree ears. Is a prospirous business man nnd Is well known lo MrrlHMl. le has had expcrlenie In I he line of work lhat H.e offUe tulls or .ml If elected would no doubt abb fill the I offb. GOOD PROSPECTS IN CAM MM.MJ whom: i.isr on ruM. TIIN lfcST WltlSK. Main suim Miowc.1 Molt hinimtli Than llrn WtlKht" Miccp nml Uimh" Ailuimv lNi'iit)llt ft nl UurliiK IJist I'nrt of ttU Uilltr In HlB Himnuil mnl Sell (Jolikl). The Hl.ll Hptllul Ber.lcc ICANHAH CITY, Mo. Ma) I Cut tin closed last wcik with Kood pros pects, which wero reallfetl tmla), when the ten thousaml head that nr rbed sold stind) to it shade lllxher, lllld lintbtl) l.lKllt WelKht sleorn honed morn slrtl.Klh than heu welKhts, but nil i lasses sold ns well us iiiDonn could usk Tho feature wus n heu) Sltppl) of Rood to iliolco pulp- fed steers from Colorado nnd the West About flft) loads of Colorado pulpfcd NUeni sold nt IS & lo 19 I". hlKhest niliKe the) have renehed Ihls )ear, nnd iibout leu lo f If lien tents hlKlicr than las! Mondu) Beitn curs of Idulu.N wild at 00, nnd (Ixht tara of sUKiir i.ulpers from B.olts llluff lintUKlit 19 38 strnlKlit Thte pulpfcd steers runKed from 1116 to MI3 pounds In wtlght. Cholte na tl.N were loadlmc toda), but If email ty Is Kood tlloUKh Hie) ure tllKlble to 7B. 'Allied wus the top rent lied last week Hulk of Ihe niitboa sell nt t BO, down to N on. ine sietrs un sell under 00 wry lommon Quar unllne sleen nre HO scurte, two loads of IlKht steers, under u thous und pounds, ut IB and IS BO koo.1 quarantine slum worth up lo IV 00 llutcher Krndea show cvu.l (trenler NlreiiKth than beif steers, prime hen.) lows up to 18 3S, bulk of the tows 10 BO lo $7 78 Btoikers und feeders r. iiiuln iiillc firm, fulrb Kood slot k st. era uround 7 76. thiiie ones 8 B0. feulers 8 00 to $8 76 flesh) feeders nt IB 00 The whole tultle list In on u slltthtly hlsher pUine llinn u wnk hko. and llm hlKhesl rent lm.l Ihls )ear. wllh Kood prospetls nlipail. In lew of the Kood outlet for inetu Bheep und lainl ailluiueil IwenD fbe telils the latter purt of last wiek. nnd Jumped up fifteen to twenb-fbe cenln toda) lleielpts 9B00 head, In cludlmr 3B00 urouts iJimlrn sold' Hilokl), larwely ut IU.IB to 111 ; 60, Pine doubles at the top prlie, Includ Iiik welnhts up to elKhty-threo pounds. Bheep were siurco und wnnled. fed ewes worth 8 00 to 8 88 Texas wsthirs ure worth up to $7 7B ew.s 7 ti. thoiiKh none were offered (louts sold u shade l.lKlur wllh a Kood oullet for bolh fat Boats uround I6.C0, mid Anuorn brushers, some welghliiK seent)-lwo pounds nt IB IB. others fifty-nine pounds nt IS 10 und Mexican slick haired Boats ul 1 1 00 to4 75 THIS UUIIH WOOli CM!' IS MUCH CIilUMUl TIIN I.Kr Ituports from seeral of the prln-' ilpul stutlons nlouB the Salt lke lloulo where sheorlnif has been fin-1 Isheil show that this )ear's clip Is mueli oleaner nnd In better market londltlon than last )eur. A totnl of ( 2 800,000 pounds of wool tin, Ikoii tuk.n from 31.' 000 sheep nl Pnust. HIE HU jHIIE WID Iw.i Count) I'riMiiiin I'iiJii) n l'i lloiirn of rntiloui 1'iiul Ihilterou und .Chili Wilson. Hip two youthful lixcnr thieve tlmt wire hnbl b) JlldKe A J ! to the district ttiurt on Mnrih 3Ath u.idir u thnrKP of burlar In the third tie ure. for IiiiIiik brokpii lulo it iwiur nml lllo Ormidp boxcur on Hie da) irniliiini. look rreueh lene of Dt li nt) Hh.rlff J. C. Hrn.r )espr.ln niornliiK und mudt eliher for tho hills or the soKcbrush The bo)S had re ipirsled that the) bo allowed n llllle fresh nlr nnd cxertlsn und In the kindness of his henrt Hherlff lltnr) put them In chnrg-o of Hr)ner and the) were soon . mcaurd In the IlKht labor of cnrnlnK buckets of cut Krnss lo Ihn nnr of llm county l.ulldlnRs. How It happened no one cun tell, but llrner must hne allowed his usual ..... . ....,M.a nttll U itfllflllnftlUl tfl SIHIO .. nif.ii.v-" relax soinewhal Ati)a), ns the two )ouths fnlled lo come with tin lr usuul rj-Ki.lnrliy for their next loud of Brass, ho made n hurried lnestlRatlon and found Hint the birds had flown It must hun been the slnnliiK of Hie birds, the slRht of the leais Kllsteie Iiib with verdant fnshness, or Ihe beuutlful blue k) for which Hnslern I'tah Is famous that entice d them away Perhaps (be) had it )cnrnlnB to see tho wonders Hint Ho be) mid the snow cupped penks of tho Wasatch Huiirc Who knows? Anyhow the) fell Hie call of nnturt so stroiiR In tin heurt of on lb nt this season of the )enr, una. mo jusi iimi' llr)ner with his brother deput) J J llloh, mounted In hot haste, booted und spurred, nnd look up tho trnll of tho escaped desperado. s Others wire hustlb urmed und pressed Into ser vl. c und tho hills und suKehrush wero attiuretl for miles around luite In the ufttrnoon the posse louslsllnB of Dep titles Itleh Holier und some olhsrs nuinn upon the fugitive so.nt ills tun., west of Helper on Ihe Denver und lllo (Iriinde iriuks llifBren, Nephl "latk Hoik Pair field nnd Webb, whe1- the sheorlnB I has Ixen complited -. . ... ...if.... Ij.Hu, i urn Hlieepmt.u ne ... ....... of their flocks durlnB tho Inst winter than In other years with the result that the wool Is elenner and Hunter than In previous enrs The MiearlnK will be completed nt Jericho durli.K the latter part of the week, the shear ers esllmnthiK that tho) have five da)N to run to clenn up Ihe Hoiks In slKhl IhllKHP TIIVT t.O Tlllll.l. MONTHS WITIIOinr VTI'.ll Beiretary C II fltewart of the I'tah WoolBTOWors' nssoolntlon reports that ii class of sheep culled arid land sheep has l.eiu developed on the Kane coun ty destrls that can bo thre months without water, so inai n win longer be necessary for them to inter for the summer nn tho national for est ranKes. furthermore. It Is claim ed thai Ihe lambs of these sheep nre even hardier than their mothers rite wart says this class of sluep will be Increased, und ho also wi)s that cattlemen nre finding that the sou thern part of this stute la better ud jupted to sheep thuu to initio, nnd nre llkel) to move northward Shearing I In Hit south will be our In Un da MASONIC SOCIAL A GRAND SUCCESS ' I " i H M'ltt. turn pi,ir.i i oh- iH i'oti. oi'I'xih Ailil MiniNi-i.t 1 1 if I'ntiinilt) Willi 1 hi lr ' Wltra, ln.ii,lilcr und Svvct tliinrtt jM (lutli.r l llliiwiillni rnmi All Our 'jl the l.l-lrlK In Ihimv mill Oil" r- ' wl-f Kujo) 'lliiin-ilu- NhIiiII), iH one r Hie m.Hit Niiccemirul Mwlnl M events ever nltempled In Onrbou ,-: count) wus the boll nml ltiiuel Riven 1 I.) the Mohrtnnd mill Hliivnthn mem- lf btrs of Ihn MniMiiiCc i.nlrriit the hitter town ktsl HitliirJa) ulKt A sppelnl fial c..iiu"llinentnr Woluns run fnx.t mH Prlec lo lllnvvnlhn lo rarr) the larRo liH crowd of Rt.estN that nlleditd tho nf- lil fair from Helper. Cnstle Onto, Hlorrs Jl nnd Prlu The bull wiin rIvi.i epc -JrnH tbilb for .Mnsons. DicJr wives. dniiKh- flaH Irrs mid litdy'iYbndsV VraH t'pon Ihe-nrrrPiiT of Ihn train nt ImH lllawitthu the KUesIs were cetorted lo ill the of filial cotlnRn mid Hit re ret t bed 'liH b) n .ommltten comptMied of Mrs, K. Vl Hitntsthl Br. Mrs Hubert In In, (leti- -ia!H irul Hi.perlnl. ndt nt It M MiOmw ll nnd A I) Miti'l.cnu The Mason of 2 the two coal enutp nnd their wlvos liaaaH then welcomed the kuIn ut the hntl JLH of Ihn local Kim tlub. w litre danelnu; VaH was IndiilRPit In Haeh Ind) wus pre- ImH nenlid will, u tnruntln.i nnd the hall , Jll was pr. till) dectiriiliil In H.e imllounl . Jl inlora with here mid there n Mmxinle illlllH .inl.lom The u.usl. whs furnh.he.1 UllH i,v i.u. Kin vr K.hiI orchtlra nnd wms lilBH of ii bU'i dcRrcp of . xiillmi'P. , H TowiirdN mornliiK Hu kupsIs mkoIii le.alllH rppnlr. d In the cottuRe vvh. rv u ill- ( H Hi Inns u.urse wun wtrvcd, rcal iifelr w dan. lug itml curd playlm: ':SH took up Hi. r of Hie v.u- ' UbH lint's proRram The visitor wero 'lal loud In ptulse of the hospltnbln UH munncr In whlih the of llm fWM two mouulnln coal iiiuil's eulerlal.i- ilbUbH rd Hit m IIpsIiI. the InrKP erowil ! SjH from Hi. enmps ulreeid) mi ntloiied I HtJH (here wun .iiillc ii sprlnkllnK of riiiwIs J XIH from oth.r plates. Anion 1 Jal those present Mr. und Mis. A. j H I) Mm 1 nn, Mr mid Mrs J. H Mid- 1H dleton, Mr nml Mrs Mult (lllini.ur. 1 tSM Mr nnd Mrs, J II Huberts. Mr nnd 'ttliH Mnt..T It McMIIInu, Mr. nnu Mrs. n t faH A llnlllriBtr. Mr und Mrs. It C. ) fi-aH Orctn, Mr mid Mr. U A MtOtc. Mr. f ftH nnd Mrs A J l-ce. Mr und Mrs A. llliH l. Button, Mr und Mrs. Thomas VH Pouts, Mnliel Mlddteton, lomi j ij'aiaafl Jiliseu, Jnn.i Mi Den Plorn ln. Hon- tlH nlo Plelds nnd Yolandc Bulton. mid IfmiJaal Messrs II J Turner, P P. Plsk mid Ifl J W Hammond of Prltc. Mr mid MH Mrs. (1 I. Hnnselmnn. Mr. nnd Mrs tlMH W i:.- Ithodes, Mr und Mrs. Honnld IflH Melver. Mr nnd Mrs. J M. Mu)- lUiJaaaafl croft. Mr nnd Mrs. J. I! Tltlelc, Mr. iflH und Mrs. A Allison. Mr und Mrs. U 3HJaaaH It. Demson, Mr nnd Mrs, I). C. nib- iHaH noil, Mr und Mrs (lien uniiiiiRer. ir. SWU und Mrs. W T llu;ulllou, Mr. nnd ilH Mr. Prank llos. Mr nml Mrs. W. B BVnJaaaaH Aver). Mr mid Mrs A V J nines, Mr. ifllkijH nnd Mrs H W I.lllle, Mr. und Mrs, flMM ft. V.. 8ndrr, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Cill Crawford nnd Misses Mlnnln Crnw- IH ford, lllnmlip Mnrimn. Prgg) Amis- N 1H ley. Nellie Howtl, Mrs. James Moore, IsJM nml Messrs. W A Portions, KeorBc aH Ilognrt, Dr P It Blopanskey, M. J. EtfUHH Mtdurl, I! A nrernhnlgh nnd Ton) IbbbI MlKllactlo of Helptr, Mr. und Mrs IHbH () P Hall. Mr und Mrs. A H. Olbson, HbbH Mrs P o Hlorrs, Miss llulnh I lite WM mid M.ssrs. Thomas llooth und W. H BbbI (llllnn of Hlorrs. Dr und Mrs. II. M BbbH Kelier. Mr mid Mrs II I! Klrkput- : bTbTbB rlik. Mrs II U llremer mid Messrs EbUbI William I.lltlejohu John l.lltlejohn I TM and Olto llerrce, or Caslln flale, Mr JQIbbH and Mrs Itobtrt Irvln, Mr mid Mr SIbIIIH K Buntsuhl, Br Mr mid Mr. II. II HHH Mensol Mr mid Mr It IC llenson IjBaH Mr and Mrs. P C llrumlage, Mr. mid laBaH Mrs. i: IC llurkp. Mr mid Mrs C. J HbHH Bihultx. Mr und Mrs. C. P. Hulntiln- LbIH ami, Mr und Mrs W II. ItoMur, Mr SaaH und Mrs J M lllle). Mr. und Mr. T , JH W l.whi und It M Medruw, of HU- IH vvulhii, Mr mid Mrs Th mins Wnke- ; lH le). Mr nnd Mrs Alex Davidson. Mr. ; WM mid Mrs William Bhleld und II. ICnp- IbHIH Pun of Mohrtnnd Mr and Mrs Hart alllllH I lilts und Mr und Mrs. I W. Peter- H sou or Kerron. ir nnu mm. v.ou.w - - biiiiih M Miller of Huntlnxton. nnd I.leut. : fH KtiBene Buntsihl of U'Rau H i.iasiw op minp.h it ifcM : BbH IIHliD I'P PP,N)IN(I IHU ISION MM At ii meetlnR of the state tund j jH board It was tleelded that no further il'LBlH application for tease of mlimrul IbHIIIH lands ulalmed by Ihp stuU will bo ufBIIIH consldert.l b) Hie loard, pendli.K tie- IbbHbI clslou b) Hit Pnlted Hiatus supreme ImBB itiurt on the Sweet case. IMbIbS The Hwvtt (Hise was broiiKhl b the IbHHIH United States tund offlie iilluekliiK IbHHH the stulo'M title to toal lands In Host- IIbIH ern UUih on the k round that when. IbHHH mi the u.lmlsslon of t'tah to the un- IfH oil ...... - IBBBBI Ion. the government Kavn the state tasH icrlaln land Krunts It did not couttm- IbIbbI plate KlvlliK Hie state title to toal or bIbH mineral land The til e of the s ate m to Hie lands was upheld b) the United a-HH State tlroult iuurt of uppeals mid ImbH thn government has nppeuted lo tlie . United States supreme court, H The Sun guarantees Its ndjrtlsers u circulation of between twelve nnd Bj tlilrteen himdrod tople wrekl) Clr- fH '. illation Look open to nil jH