m&piiNG"AND BINDING TKetfissB, 'I legal blanks M
lioiitoIVrvB?lBSij!"afhS j j I II ILjSSpl$m illll iMlf TiWHt.rT .ik .11 i.i jf
'""tljrWJ ; r .! and en. 5 JIL L1KSOT?ShS ffeSE!) llJIl I II blank. In use. deeds, mort- .jH
t r"t,h'J ', , good mill the like. x55' tSS aT AJ.lT J-JffagSfcl y lIlkvIbS L !iv """ lmHtl" notice-, lens-, con- 'AM
S0rt' " ncJJ'ng ,", u - S 'T T T tract and the like. The most com- V9fl
KsW'BBfl!'Tri.Mi!ri. Pfll lTlrAI I t nrnnni itvi plflr Mwk In lintlfrn Vlnll. Order. JU
Klnf I" ncti goods .'''"" ' POLITICALLY, REPUBL CAN. filled and malted the day received. , M
Kttn UK r ir.nlltiK Is .lorn- The Hun I , iriU M(l(i nJ ( 1 . w-xs . f( j j. j
WillHrlKl" lt VOI I MV I. VlMHiM. - "'" ' ,9'. t the Postcf.i entProe Ctnli, fnderthe AUi.f MnrUi 3. 1879 der When better printing and bind- ,
. 3: ' "'- VJPnP EVERY FKlllAY MAY l-J.'ltnT? '" '" """f T'"' """ "'" "" " Jl
Article Appearing In a Local Paper Contains
B Many Statements Which Are Not j
igeB In Accord With Facts.
M Thrnrli .in.'iirlng I" " Inst wc.k's IhhI Hixr in ret. re. the t-
'uHltsAtet the Price municipal plnnl m.iiIhIiis mnn statements Mhl.h -..
''"Jtlnit M Itli fact, fndouhtcdl) It nt t ! intention nr the signers
slKrtnl urti ' t mislead the citizen ir Price However, if n inti.iinil..n
;iB4d tccn n iil' f nit tin' fact In coiinectHin wlih the operation of . it
jM; v of the stntemnit In Hint article would not have been mml.
HJ The tit, rciiriltr keep it n accurate statement nf nil expenditure In -ii-.tlun
vv.tli tin said plnnt. Also nil receipt from lit. operation Thepp
Bctn arc en flit' In the reorder' nfflrp nml nrv puljppt tn pwrnlnnllon l
Bnvof Ihr (ItitPllM of Price.
iHjH Thr til) uiiiiivll lipfun IclvrinlnliiK wliptlirr It w HllHtlilr to mibmit
neittrrti it 'f Milt' f tlip plnnt to the I'lllzenx, hnd mm aMillt iiwJe itivprliiK
Bhcrntlrc i xenillture on the plnnt and the mm! uf "'TMtlHK miht plme
' Hl.iilblj, n In the fall of 1010. After koIiik ,m'r tlh nhiIU hihI flmiltiK thut
' HTvf ,Unt w heliiK opprutpd ut n I'onKlilcrnlilp Ihh nml riwIMtiK tht h eon-
HJtnliiP nmuunt of money would hiue to he pppttt ltlh fr ritali nml fur
Bttcr.tion uhlih money either would tme t ! rtilMl hy the mlp uf Ixtrnt
rty Utati in, It nn decided Hint the qllpptlun of mW ihiuM Im militnltlpd
mB'thr clliU
SbHj The nuililor h report referred to Iihm Ii-pii uvmIImIiIp for pwmlnntlwn ") it'iy
'"KfthPtJt 2ni nt nny tlmo durlnic Hip two iihiiuIi nh4 h Imlf. V prem-nt
jy,B.rraltli Hie Importnnl flKiireii Inken from the ell) lmk hihI Iiowh In Hip
.UiHudltor'ii rrport
uBJ p ti lehrunr) I, IVIfi, Hio city hnd Meiit In iilrueloH Hutk on Hip
JHie-trl plant nml dlMrlhutlon vyiilciii l,S"ii.8. HeprpelHtkm for Hip flip
KB"J w third )enr dtirliiK which the plant lmn hppn opprtilnl. MmounlH to
UHllCCI enliiK the pri'nent hook Willie of the plHiit nl ISS.alM..
i &Bj , .e n'l know the plnnt hnn liven opi rnteil nt Um duriiiK Hihi perhMl.
1m' sri-fntl up lmp to imy out of tin titxp i-hi-Ii ypur irtiffkp-nt moiMry
Bmmakp . p Huh loim. A totnl of Iwenty-fHe thouMind dollMr hh mpil l)
hf wle e f I .indu on Hip electrk' plnnt. The HintHinl Hmt Im Iwh kl !
"7Biit!)ti I irdH conmriutlon nml operntlon of thp Unt U I,SS.S. The
JLBMln rntliiB Hip plnnt during thU perlo.1 hiiioiihu to il.lM3. Tlita U
'Btthr r.ilt r 2S.SC per eur or HoT.tO per muntli or ten doHnr p.r iy.
fn tllli) rllin tlm iillilltnni eredlted HKtlHt ptallt mthIIII Mteet
IBihllnK nt Hip regiilnr rntvH clmrKed plwwhere Hi the mhIp l- prlVHle -im-MHtnlMr.n!
the illy pumpliiK nl tlm miiiic rHte. If hud nwumeil Hmt wp
-JH'ireer. r.HK ulrrrl IlKtillim nml pumpliiK for m.lhliiK or lotnl I.mmi InMend
BV f llnit I 07 50 per month would lp IiutmimmI ! i"ie :7h. h month r h
Ri'lal ff I.V7 50 n month or npproxlmnlely nlnelepn doltem -r iU. Tlihi
IHtwi! .irt Hike Into poiiidderiitlon Hip fml Hwt If h prlwtlp poinpny Iwtl
B,4"r "t ilnnt Hint tin olty would hnvo tpppIipiI ihxpi from wld purv.
tBv"ti. h i id Iiiixp koiip ii loim wny townnU nolnu for the rtreet IlKlulHif.
Mwrhe c t I (.irnliiKM ! wri from the elt plant lwp Ipph iw folk.wn
'H ivt I . IIX IVU I9H ll TotNl.
,r.,r ,.wd from stouter M.W I MJJfl I .I-W "." M-JJ --J
.! ay p,rr.i lighting I.M ''"ft ; ; ? ;J;5 '
lo 'Jp c - pump Hervlcp, wnterwork '''"'' ' I
m Tjlt.) ,)... I 7.I0I.H7 I.I.H' I .fc0.0i. M.H0.7I l l.S7 S
B Tli :tintlugpxpem.,Mi iilivo l.een hh followni u m m Tomj
.,... tfll-si tt.e7it.37 I !.IU.0 I I.6M.I5 t t,UB.N l,kl.ii
BVinterr i ,md depreciation '"'" !. - - -
T), M TTktTo tii.ki0.x !. "WISH 03.u:s7s
H X 'r The 1911 operating oxpellM were l. !" I" '' fH, "" ,,ur",,f
iliat ir! d Hip properly win. Iacil. The pnrnlim Here ...rrHindliiKly M
HlurliiK the Mine )pnr for the tuinm riiif TIip ll operutlim expen- wprp
Hl'llih, dm to the fact Hint I3:H.J2 wiih upeiit for ldlr nwl Plmllr rewlr
lurliK the inr Hlmllnr will lwp l' " M,,,' " ,Mr ,"'r""
H i-.h r of the city council wunt over Hiip flKHr wl rch.d Hip .-oh.
H : -i Hint wo wero nut wurrnnled In riH-omim-ndlng Hint Hie rlxy ...ntlnup
Htioii ntP Hip plnnt when uumldr pnrih offered lo huy tlm pkinl nt lu pr
H'M i ,. Iin,i furnuu eleetrlilty to Hip oltlwm. of I'rliP t h I-- f1rp lhn
the r tut coat
We fe. I that Hip cltlzcnw of I'rlio nlmulil h'k t thU. nwller n iHMdnpwi
m .mm nml not allow pollilnil Influenee m Hfft their dp.Wn In the
"Ml.r if u, .mien aro willing to l. luxwl leu doltaw d to make up
" I ri on the operntlon of tlm plant. Hip city -"i,ll ' "' ""
ng follow their l.utructloiu nml continue to openito the ptant t tlm niMiv.-
'"' n the other hand, we h.dlew Hint ll mlvhwhle fr the Ulliem. io
. v.i, mnney and to dl.po of tlw plant ai n lime hi-n H'-rp l hii
I I" ft' :.H tu receive u good price for name.
'ii Hie nrtl le referred to the tiitiuint ! "''' ,,l ,'"' ,"',',M"'!, ! '', . '
" . ruled .an py Inlere.t on four Hum- prp'"t " ""'J"1"'
-r . ki of only mno.OO per .s.r. phi city wrW. amounting "' '!!'n r
mil will, operating ..sphiim amounting to hellr than M.)OO.O0 1 per
a deprerlntlon mid lnlcrel lo more limn l00.00 per pr. h" n
i-.rg f $200.00 per month referred to In Hm MHtPiimnl y lnlerit on rour
J1'7- i the preiteiit aluo of tlm properly?
K4ln. In referenco to fnuiehliuM. "nder the Male law no pxchirt . frail-
.m be granted. PoHP.,uenH Hip city of I'rlcP .an mikuw Hi '"'
M r- iKht l.u.lnon it any time In th flrp Hi '1,,lr,", "r K",nt
J "f - hisp to n competing company at nny lime.
The. .ignern of H,p .latemrnt referred i al Mt "" '' "" fH ' '"'
" 1'rop.rty hnd Lpph lea.ed at a Hundred dollar- ppr m-nlli the i-1 ouw
' hIm. ha to pay Inters on Hip Inrnd. and would haw had to tak ,rP
' "... .inking fund proiLlnnii of Hip ho.ula. Al. dr.rrtatln .in th M tanl.
n reference to Hm ..ueHtlon of tlm hid of -even hundred dolUr- wn
oration f , ,,, ,, ,mrt. making the Wd ld t " " " ' "
farniih a bond and tlm ,lty council did not think II ndita-M. I- ' " "j
dm ,, rty thuuWllu, lU,llnr.. worth of 'H) .n.rl' ,,n'u """'
hM the city would l protected In ca.e of poor Imndllnjr of W "
Wo or of , opinion that tlm que.tlon of " rllr4" ' ' V' ",?,
W ,n. no conneoilon wtlh the .Ip of ! ''trl ;:,a1n, , ,)),' "'"'",,
K,od iiwrnt of curing well n rood whether l'" rr " j
nder ,he , lftw. If the cltlzeh- ote lo -ell pl" re. "In
I" ""V-MLo for Healed hid. ConU..tly we hale not felt It '"8
R' ' U.flnUe offer for tlm property at tl.U tlm-. knol K " '
.. .1 .ell the property for lea. than the out.mndlng uond. m r f-rl "
rprau,a value. W have nppolnled threo of the good ourim- mt M
7 to appralae the property. We have Men Informed .y th- !'
. Z r
II .. X , IF
and Light ..ini-nny that they would make a hid lor Hip property If Hip cltl
en .Willed to rfll. Thpy lwe alwi nwnirnl tm Hint llto rnlpn for elpetrle
pnlcp would h nmrp favornhlp and luwpr limn tho' now phnrgetl the iltl
wiMt V I 'rice They a.hlm uk Hint they will mnkp pxlpimlomi nml Inxlall
transformer f..t elwlrle raiigpn and Klmllnr .ervlep without requiring tlm
puotonier lo w for mid elenln. They nlm mm lire mi that they rpqulrn no
imlrr leMHllK from proerty oHiicrx mid smaller deponltM than now nuked
from nonproperl imnirn. They i.utp that the refl.ou they can do HiIm Ik Ihf
fail that I hey are geiiernting current In hydro. electric plant In large qtian
lltln. nml nienieiilly will he aide lo operate the plnnt cheaper Hihii the
city lutu Iteeu operating.
Wp nii.lrlntHl Hint Ihey will maintain a good of flip here and will handle
all of the llnicry county huolnew, an well u Hip local hu.lnp, from thU
office, with a rpMill that Ihey wilt iqicnd con.ld.rnhlp nuiii of moup) In IIiIm
fit) each par. I'urllierniure. they will lulng In u Inrgp line and connect with
the Hl line, mt that at any time that fmtorlcH or other large powvr u.en.
.IppIip to tovnlp at I'rl.p plpclrl.' perxlrp will lo nialtnhlp nt Hip wiiiip pIiihip
(Hiwer rat ex Hmt exll In other parla of I'lah. Again, they hate In their em
plo it largp corMi of phiIiiIUIm well Informrd In refereme to all faclK of
plectrle M'rtkp, who will ho available for helping Iho cltltena of I'rlcp In ref
i re nee to the mhIIiIp um of plerlrlcll) ttlllmut coat to im. Again, If a prlvnte
eoiniMii) own Hip electrlu plant wo will he able to collect n coiiklderahlo ium
of money peh r In tnx.t. from wild plant, ron.fqueiitly wp nre of Hip
opinion Hmt It will be ailvlwible to ll the property and wp can mnure Hip
elllim of I'rlcp Hint Hip city council will make the bent pomdhh lertni. nt thp
time blil are opened and beforp agrtelng in cell Hip plnnl
Your for tlip ll liiiprei-lii of Price.
i'.si:.M;i:it hTAi.i: ucns ut u
v. r.vKitv i.v.
Make flo' Connitlloii. Willi Tral.n.
Al 'IhU lliid ami H.lrlbiilnt l'a
iron to All roliit or Hm ItcM-rin.
lion Itoute lln .Many rnvnlt' At
irn.'llon and Will Ho .Mo-1 I'opular.
lleorge K Woail of Hip I'rlcp.l'lll'
tali Ha. In Auto line wan In Price to
day and Mate thai hu.lnp on Hip
line which ktarled operation lo nil
nwerinthm point la. I Monday kt
gradually uumlng Important pro
portion. Tlm paiwenger atago I to
leave I'rlre dally al k o'elm'k In Hip
morning fiom Hip Utah-Idaho Mo
tor compnii)' gumge. hut, If mitlfled,
the tlmo uf ktnrtlug will he delaed
until the arrival of No i paaaenger
train of the Denver and lllo Drande
! that nrrlvp here al S:55 o'clock, pro.
ldlng that train I not more than
' thirty minute late. A one way rate
I to M)lon of J7.50 ha been etabllh
ed and 1 11.00 hu been fixed a the
return tlip rate. The Mage that leave
the ipervatlun In the morning I
auhedulfd to arrive In I'rhe to nmkc
iHiTinuctlon with wp.t bound iiaiwen
ger train No 13 at ::: o'olock In the
'evening. 'The time eatlmaled to muke
the trip from I'rlie to M)tou I
heven hour.. I'aa.enger are boo kiwi
' for all point In the rexorvutlon at
regular rate on paable road, The
paasenger truck ure rommodlou and
comfortable and Mr, Hluan naaure
The Bun that paafehger will be given
the heat aervlco poaalblo and receive
ut nil tlmo iHiurieou treatment.
Kxcmm baggage will be handled at
very reasonable rate and a an In
atance the prlco quoted on mien bag
gage I one cent per pound from Price
to Mylnn. Tho attention of the Price
merchant und other I drawn tn Hie
fact that the company will alo han
dle freight and expre at very rea
nonahle rate.
It I not generally known that the
Price to Mton road traveraea Nine
Jllle und (late Canyon, which nbuund
in wonderful weenie heautle. Price
boo.ter HhoiTJd do till they can to'
I adverse to tourlats that tho acnery
I magnificent and especially that In
MOrillllts' DAY I'llOintAM.
M theln' lH) Will U' ob-erved ill
Hie Melhodl.t church next Huudii)
morning by Hip iccdltloii of Hie fol
lowing program, at II o'clock.
Inalriimental nolo. Nocturne Mlm
Adah Nevvhouio.
Vocnl polo, "In l.lfp' tlnrdpu"
Ml. JpmIo tlnlllnger.
Instrumental nolo, "A I'crfocl Day"
Ml. Adah Npwholi.p.
Heading, "Mother" and "Him'
Hood I'liough lo lip Your Hah) Mo.
Iher" Ml Clara llanaou.
Ilrlef pennon, "What Jcau Chri.l
Did for Motherhood" llnv. Ownr II.
Hinlth At k o'clock In Hip evening
there Will ho a In) men' goapel aer
vhe. Itcprcvntntivc clllten will give
three to five minute talk on live
topic .tich a "The Chrl.tlun Mo.
Iher." "Thnt Niilanncc," mid "Thp
Kverlnatlug Kick," after which till
mil. leal program will l rendered by
pomp of Iho lp.t male voice In Price.
Duet The Hong My Mother I'm-iI
to Hlug."
Male Uunrtet "Hchool Life fall
lng." Mate tjunrtet "Oh, Home IteloVed,
Where'er I Wander."
Male quartet ".Meditation. '
Honorable Major mid Member of City Council, Price, find
(lcntlemen V Hip uppralaer appointed by our honorable bod lo up
prul.e Hip electric light plnnt now owned by Hip city of Price, have thu honor
of auhmllvlng to you Hip following report, allowing what we conalder the
pre.ont value of the ell eleclrlo light plnnl, aftor due ullovviinco for dp.
prcclatlon. We have not Included In till apprnUeinent tho city wnter pipe
thuwing machine, but have Included Hie meter In.tnlled by the city und paid
for by tho oouiumcr. Thlx money a wo under.lnnd It U to he returned by
Hip illy to con.umer in Hie amount eurh one paid for hi meter.
Total Col Value t (.000. Oil $ I.OQO.OO
One ISO hor.ep.iuer 3,800.00 I.S60.00
One ISO horsepower 3,900.00 I, SCO. 00
One I2S horsepower 3,600.00 1,100.00
foundation und .team engine. IkS K, V. A 5, 500,00 3,160.00
foundation and steam turbine, Ik7 K. V. A 6,100.00 6,100.00
feed water heater, pipe and filling 700.00 000.00
Two 6x1x0 feed pump 100,00 100.00
Hultchbtmrd nml Installation 760.00 760.00
Pole painted, not painted, native and small 1,(7.00 1,119.00
Complete, pin., crowmrm und In.ulator 166,00 100.00
llardwure ., t.6.10 113,00
Copper wire , 2,106. 00 3,100.00
tn place No, K0I8, 193 pounds galvanized wire 35,00 36.00
Copper wire No. 7910 , 3,383,00 3,300.00
Twu hundred feel customer service , 734.00 736.00
Tl ansfoi mel s
I 'He 1U K. W 136,00 136.00
Two 3 K. W 100.00 100.00
Hlx 3 K. V. 460.00 150.00
Hevcllleeli i K. W I.V55.00 1.965.00
One t K. W i 100.00 100.00
Right 10 K. W 1,300.00 1.300.00
Olio 36 K. W. 300.00 300.00
Htrect light trail. former COO. 00 600.00
Hwltehboard and 386 meter .,, 3,860.00 3,800.00
Chok.i toil and urreater 135.00 136.00
Htreet light mid brauket 608.00 613.00
143,840,10 fll,03.00
Very respectfully our,
Nine Mile Canyon are to ho seen num
ber le. evidence of the home of the
nnolent Cliff Dweller and splendid
specimen of hieroglyphic mid bur
barlo caning are to he seen In many
A The Hun ha ald before In
boosting for the Price to Myton road,
citizen of Price are boo. ting for the
material prosperity of our olty. If
they boost, and boost cousulentluusty,
It will not be long before the traveling
public become aware of the fact that
Kuatcrn Utah I u placu worth teeing.
Once seen It I tertaln that nuinUr
.Will ho convinced' that it Is u good
country to llvo In nnfl a good place to
Invest money in.
llltllf STISfltS NLIOIII'LY LOWItll ilxl
foit tii'UMMi wi:i:k. ll
lii.ll.iitloiio Point to Heat) Stern. ' JS
OcltliiK Into Hip SH'clall) ClaM At : H
An Itarllcr Hate Than f.iml Till I
Vcinw.'iiic Mievp and Ijimb Mar
kcl Held l'i Vcr) Sliiing. H
The Hun Hp.wl Hen hi- , H
ICANHAH CITY. Mo.. May . Href
steer fltiUhfd last Week slightly low.
er Hinn Hip opening of Hip week, I i H
though showing some strength Wed I H
npsday and thereafter lluteher stuff
closed a shade lower, and stm'ker H
and feeler mild a quarter lower Hip H
Inst da) of Hip week Itceclpl to- ' 1
day nre eleven thousand entile, mar 11
ket gpturall) ten cents lower, except Tiifl
Hint good killing' yparllngs nre steady iUH
and .lookers and feeder nre n good ' jUH
a Hip i Inst week. Home mixed ilB
)pnrllngs brought thn top, $9.40, nml 11
plllpfed Colorado steers, 1100 lo 1100 JftH
pounds, sold at 18.76 to (V.SO. Ilicllld- QH
Ing it siring of eleven load from the Wl
sugar compnii) nt Hcotts llluff. 110't ' 'fllH
pounds, nl 19.30, not a good by ten SkH
tents us steer from samp people Inst 'tIiH
Momlu) nt 19.36. Home short )enr- lkH
ling from Hip Panhnndle brought flliH
19.00. Ilpnvy qmirnulltip sold nl flll
tk.90 last week Chicago overran It tflialli
cstlmnle on cattle today, and the , jH
market there Is lower, hut the liberal 91
supplies around Hie market circle to. . H JH
day ale regarded as it temporary tilH
condition, und expedition for lomor- le9lH
row I for a light run and stronger illiU
prltes. Imllenllon point lo heavy flil
steer gelling llllo the speelnlly ('Ins SlailH
nl an miller dale than usual this , f aM
enr. Ui.l )iitr no sppelul ndvuncp RAI
wns made on finished heavy .leers flsH
till July. 111
Itevclpl of sheep, lunilw mid goals ( fll
toda) wen- twelve thousand head, of ?tH
which Hire, thousand were goats. BIIH
IjiiiiIh. mid sheep sold strong, gonl VtH
leu tent higher Top Colorado fed lSL))fl
lambs brought 1 1 1.66. some 93 pound ftlH
lambs flt.30. u very strong prlco. Ar- bJlkH
lioua spring lambs, sixty one pounds, SiH
811.36, Arizona clipped owes, 110 flkH
pounds, Ik. 00, n record price. Texas jH
killing gonl I6.C0 to 16.00, Angora MH
brushert 16.36 lo 85.(10, Hpunlsh QkH
hrusher 81.00 to i6.00. A liberal t'iaH
run of gout will arrive all through 1 4
this week r'al
IjiiiiIm nml WihiI Moving. t.'4H
Wool shipment nn Hip Oregon VjH
Hhort Line, Hall Uiko Itoute nml tho t 4H
Denver und III.) rirnnde have Inorens- IB
ed tho pnat week nml It I thought the ' flaSi
greater pnrt of the w.hiI In Hull and HiH
Idaho will he moved to Hie Hnstrrn IH
market before die end of May. The ii'lilllH
Idaho clipping season Is In full blast llltkH
and brunch line of the Oregon Hhort fESM
Line ure sending many car of wool LtH
out dull). Ijimb shipment from lll
Idaho where more than slxly-flve nll
thousand hsrnl have been contract-.!, IQH
to thu Houth Omnha arils, nre gro- CH
Ing larger dully nml thn number of ft'H
stock trains on the road Is Increasing. Ikkka
It Is rot thought thn greater part of iaH
Hip lambs will be shipped lo Hip fast- iPakH
em market, before the middle of iiH
liar Cli) People Sell. .Bkl
The Inrgesl tiiltlo deal mnde In Han Vil
Juan county for several years was 'TLallH
uloaed a few day ugo when the liar iUktH
Cro.s outfit sold out In the Jnnese KH
and Daltnn. J. M. Iledd und !. If. TM
Itedd, tho former owner of these ft ll
entile, mild ull cattle owned by the B H
company together with range nnd E H
forest rights. Mr. Ilallry sold hi in- kJLiIIH
lerest to the June boy und Itedd F H
sold to Dalloiis. Juat how many cat- ftH
He were run by the liar Cross) outfit l
would la. hard lo pstlmule, but the . jH
county record showed the assessed 3H
number to he about twelve hundred lH
head. Iloth companle purchasing 'H
these stock were .ilready heavy cattle ! 4jH
owner and with the addition of this : itH
brand they will be among thn big cat- ijH
tie outfit of Knutheaslern Utah. 1
llalley und Iledd have other extensive flM
cattle Interest.. It I understood that JH
the liar Cross cuttle brought nn e- 9H
peclnlly good ILI
Hf.N'NYHlDK, May 9. The biggest flHH
orowd Hint ever wltnessetl a lKisoball tHH
game on the local ground vva present sHH
last Hunday when Hip home team met tl
and defeulpd Cii.IIp (late. What , isH
amused the croud most and ground HH
on Iho nerve of the Caslle (lute lxi)s iBI
vva the strenuous rooting of Hie Hun- tH
nyvlde belle who cm cu pled u good flBBI
portion of the grand stand. Tlm la HH
die proved themselves to be redhot H
fans. The majority of Hunuyslde's ifl
rooter had great confidence tn Hip gH
playing ability of their team and were LiaH
sure they were going to avenge their SMH
defeat or April 33d. IH
Kv'ery time Hum. Hunnyslde' first kBkH
baieman, enmo to the hat the Castle flHLI
(latu baud plated "Silver Thread Inkl
Among tho flold " Ho played a great Ekl
game, however In the seventh In. " Hl
nlng, when Hunnyslde mado ten ll
runs, the band changed their tune, 1
The fact thut the visitors brought LLH
their hand with them wn muuh ap- -BliallH
predated by the local people and they sHnLH
played aHftH