Newspaper Page Text
' '1 THjSUNGUARANTEES ITS ADVJTjSEjjSjETWEEN TWELVE AND THIRTEEN HUNDRED CIRCULATION EACH AND EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR P1 TFlrf&&&., " I LEGAL BLANKS 1 4n th.sff tnt ft MlttnB card to a fp I fil MP rT'frSwW JC $K. ft "SSlSl 21 "dl g nnd a quality or work nt l ft 1 I IL rSWcS iJ?&V III II ll III The Hun carries In sto.k nil legal WM "., tlut nro satisfactory I.ltho- x II I IISr4JS?jbCSaJy'&J II II II blank eoiumi.nt) In use deeds, mort OH L,nhfl ' ccrtl IciUcs nnd en. St &$?bVj Jlkllk. JIL Ilk' "H"- ,m """" ,,",k,, len,c,, con' Issi E!d wddlng Roods nnd tho like ' NT Nyx-- u v tS?5 $ T trad and tin like Tho most com. BH rnbberi tnps. hcrp tag and ccr. D., .-.,, , " .. .. . T-. tct t k In Laslern I tali Order SH ?Mnln ut:ta1 goods nt right POLIT CALLY. REPUBLICAN. "' " 'nllfl "'' ''n '" iH ffhVn Utter printing is done The Sun Pntered a e .i r, . ,. .. Let Tin Hun fill . ur legal blank or- iH w.?,2 ,t 7., ,. , nu 1 1 ,m m itter Junt I 19JB nt the I'oitoffi ot Prl.c I tali t utir the Act of Mar h 3 1S7 dene lien I otter printing nnd hind- 'UH - - f """ "-l:Nl.MHEU5i EVERY FRIDAY M U lit. 19.6 ing is dmc The Hun yin do it H DISTRICT COURT IETSJN JUNE Mtl.l (IHMINU. I l.l Mlt l( iii ntsrosi:i) or. Jgdxi " litllin Will lfiitito (.outl 1'ilw ' !'' mill Tin" t-ual Niimher l)f 1 41" mill Motion lVc Will Occup) llli linn Nat irsll'allnii turning l'. Jul "rt II ('hrlnteiiinin will rwrnc i urt here on thu ISth iln 'Jut when thu following rase will me up fur henrlng SUtc v Ton Ollvottni fornication t on I ill qtste x. Ham Hcllaro, furnkntlon t on lull 4uie v Wllllum nnnnon: Injuring ulltinil in custody. Ulr y lnienxo Monturo, voliin- sry manslaughter In rtislod). lute mi I'aiiI llatterson nnd Kdillc ft Urn I urglur) In tlic third ill grcc ' 1 1 usl d Sutc x Ocorgo W Cnr)li, burg ", In the third degree. In custol) Mkc v Hlcve Pavlch, hatter). A li lt 1 1 Out on tmll Ijiw nnd Motion Ciim. rank Hmlth v D H (1. row, Ptnh iiIna i mimny nnd tin I'lnh Con jiti n ionipnn VwVrk lllower (ompnn) v Car- 1 Cunt) High Hthnol District, C Jlsr ii n .Sell M Mndw n, f MWhlnim A II llunteii. V K i V and other )I.ik liiwhr xc. Dunlil l'ord, Mm V krrmiin. II Aikirnmn. J ' l!r ii nnd II A Cm In Dlmo I'jpnkontoii Tom Uhokin r Ii Wlm h h A lfc llnrkir nnd J.iic Ihu darker, Karl M Crnimtnn i Ih Hnxel Hlutf Hank of Chlm t Jvilin Suirplno Jim- .Mlgllun Htelt I'iiIIIok m. the Ditmr nnd 1 llrimli rri m Nultir n CurlNin tniiiil lull MMKlatlou of (.'ndlt Mm x i t l tlnlljiiklp. II M ii'dii mi. (' II llnrrla. 'I rial Ciimii. nclchim I'onl lonipnn) h I'htiw t a!o Coal coinpui) Jind 1'lnli l ( nipaii) PtJ o Itlter l'rult tompaii) " H ' nei, Tb Cnllaghtr Mnuhlnn iiiniiHili) I till I'olllerlex rtinipail), II A I n? truntti, mid otlii rf. VtuiiH WUIInmN m. Dux lil Williams 1' C HuIIUhii h. II II Mi Donald J thf MiDonald Itiiil tnti mid ' .Mnuiii ioniian Pri I hr l'rult iouiHin i t J -1! till XfxKlallon of Crullt Mm xh. 8 xir mid .Vittlu Axrj Wiailuinnr .x. Hon . Vnlerlo ft I mi hi I i innii ri lal and Hux lng Hank i 'r UKixllle i'o.)i. J. II rraxxrord all w I'ox ii ii I'm I i inpan xh Htandard ' iM miin and O V. HoiiiIh ' i til rinlrk loiupau) xk. Harr 0 C e lunilitril Coul lompati)' xh. Carl on 1 1 ' iiimn mid U I' Italnn. Jjii in MathlN h. Dmxir mid Itlo 'i inli- I tih I mi iompiiii) xn Alpha Ihil ' " r treasurer of CarlHin ount Xnlrin Oman xk. niorgo (I. I'm ml- M iria J I raiiden mid otht ri tih I in I iimpau xh C.irlHiu t tn I 1'ali riiimti r n Hllxiihith w ! Hmr Wad., mid I It I'ull t r 1 in TiIoiiIh xn lleuxir and lllo ' til T Olson xm A. O. AniloiKin ii oilwttn xn OiiHlmo llodlo. Vtur Ilarliog'lo xs Ilmr I'oiita- I'rolintti ClIM'T. i ili- of D.iinlnli' Mlliiuo ltd mid guurdlaniililii of HiiIiIm ' i and I'ather Carlnou, mlniirf K of (lulmpp lariulnto t iti nf Harah Juno Cramer l'i lllloux I or Nntiiriillnlloii nil IMno Hunii)Hldi. tontlnuid r I ml tirm to in quaint lilmwlf h nnlurt of goxtrument 'In ItoxMk llliuk llaxxk, roll' 1 t Kit ilipoHltlon from CoIoihiIo iiiulnt lilnihilf with iiaturo of rrnnunt in M oliiidiH Hioflild, rontln 1 l' iiuiunlut hlimxir with naturi k-ixirmnent MaKsln 1'rkoxloli, Ulaok llaxxk. r ntlnucd to take tho testimony of tT Ilarliogllo and to acquaint him- ' ' t Hh tho nature of the goxcrn- . t Mlki 1'iiHilln. llliuk Hawk, uinllif ' '1 from last term Jihn Yatis, Caslln Oati , lontlniud ' m last ttrm OuUeppo Mlgllore, Hunii)nlde mil ' uid from last turm Martlnn Chlono, 8unnlih. ion t nuea frm aat u rni 51'lnlii Manhettl, Helptr. iontltf I from last term MeMos Nik I'nlloH, WillluMon. uimied for tho term i'etltlontrrt hlmtt iJt Itrm. John Jumer, Winter Quarters, wit- . Charles Moehlo ond Noah I'ot- I J)hn lilijuh Winter Quarters wit- A REAR GUARD ACTION. nwwi Charlti Mmhli snd Nmih IV I ter lEriHut lnher 8mnilli wit iniwiti. I'riil l'atirmler and I rid I Pirelli r Camlllo Harnfolo HIhhhIIim wit-iimmh-1 1'rnnk Urt-MHi and Hnmuel S J l'wuk- Henr) Monnii I'rhi wltnei-M-s. W Iihd and J II Irf-MMiMud VmkiiI I'jikIui. Helper w linen It M Mrtlntw mid Chrto I'lmuii J huh ThniiHis ClMtrlet.iirth Hi I hT wllneitten. linger I" Hi) Holds AmmiI Pasha Helper wlliies-i' H Klie) a and I O Hoffmann Jacob More. Hiawatha winners It M Mi (Iran and Clirls l'SHiti (leorge Henr) HIiiiihhmi Wlntir Quarters wltnesws S'oah Totter and llirnard .Newnn MiIiuIhs IMer I'ltlinwuN Winter Quarters wllnesM-s Nimh Potter and llernard Newren Thomas IIIkk. Jr Winter tMr ters w linen Nh Potter and llsr nard Nivxren I'mnk HhiiIh Itoffaih lUimldnn Heliier wllnesees. I'rank (Irossn and I'reil Palerolir Celeste Oiloelssl llelar. witnesses. Prank (lrossii and I'reil Paternoster (leorgi alio tllorgldas. HuniDSlde xxllnisses lit lonard and J II Mi Donald Annll-ale Piiolasso HuniDsldi wit nessis. Prank lglla and I'red I'a-tirnosler (mai MOT mwsnioi Ciinilxnl In .liino lodir ii.iliv or I I it Hi partiin nt t a muting of tin lt loiinill Tuisila) .xmlng at whl.h tin maor and all th muiilersweri prestiit 11 II lunxlll. repr. suiting ti Boutin rn AmiiMimnt ititiiimn) was pnseiit and askul a wok's datt In Jum In put on a gmeral lamlxal slum Th. council uii.plNl his pmiHisltloii and the ar nival will l held iind.r the of Hie Prl.efln .1. partimnt The de iwrtmint Is lo lec.lxi a lln ral iom mlsMion out of the grH- milpts of Hi. slum and n-celxis a giiaranlee that hundred dollars shall I . paid 1,1 tin lamlxal ooman lln I'""' nes mm of Ho r ei.r. '"" mome from this outfit as the) do ol as do man) other organlsalKins of ii similar loilur. hrliiK ViT. tir dining and sle.plng -MrH. hit tho r ""." ...V..,.u... ..r iw.. hundreil people :, r; w i.n.uih.,-1 .. ...) ., thus not all the mun.) " -a? ' itMkenawM) from town The sl.o will alo atlract man) i.pU from Hinrn " ,,,, lh" H,UM"", '"Tir.oiin.llal-o.nshl.r.d th. ad- xlsalllll) f I"'"""-' lt.l"'H,,'n,1;l r,m "ulxerts on all th. Mala .tree rllnss whl.h an to I. slU) feet! nT"ii After som. ,lsuslon th. miterwasi.ferre.ltoth. ...nimltl.t on streets for action . Ma)r llorsle) has exl.l.ntl) in , looking into mailers that cm rn tl. health af the - InlwM tints lid IU Mln',', l'l'"n'' 1? was l.Hl.le.1 that th. dumping f . I garlVe on the old Kmlth .lumping irouml south of tho railroad should j Vomlnuid and lit. .ommll e on t'eallh xx as MWrnrXw iliimnliig grounds win re the KuriwKe. 1 l?e out of sight of the p.ihll. and otlni from the regular!) traxeled roads As h" """ "V?"?' mo selected lhlr K-llt will he -tfiiW " - main tl?oUK Ithi Poxx, II addition was HI cot In the neighborhood of a ''"cout.rmHourned to meet nt1 noon next Monda) to make n kta canxas of the xotcs cast at tlic recent j special election OPIUM SMMER CiiT I nlliil Mull"-. Hi i line Old. ir- ircl I raiiU Sam, u ( liliiauinn n Weiln.wla) morning two t nlti.l Htate nxetiu mi u J M llodgirs and P Mmigsil.l slipped qui. ll) Into anfl atir making a few In sp.Htli.lw oil til differ, lit saloons, the) entered (lie frame hiilldlng In the rear of the New rk Cafe and placed Prank Ham a dapper llltl. r.ll.m from the C. I .ml hi I Kingdom under arreel h A warrant wns IssiimI Ii) Hi put) I nlti d Hiatcs CominlMloner Mlildleton for his arrosl and Ham was held until the ixinlng. whin D. put) I'nlled Stales Murshal Ixixld Thomas arrlxcd hnirlug was Imnuillalel) arrangeil for hut It was found that liMsmu.h as It as lmpowlhle lo g. I an) pert-ill hire that could piopirl) ail as Interpr.lir In was takm )es tenia) morning to Hall Ijeke Clt when hi will appeser l fore tin eom mlveloner to ansM.r to tin eharg. of wllfull) mikI f. loiilousl) haxlng In his hh-iIh and under his control threi iHiunds of gum opium, eoutrar) and sofurth " ll seem that In nnd nnuth. r China man haxc leeni'iig u regular Und ue of shipping ilplum from Heattl. to Halt Uike Cll) Iflld Og.l. II Hi tend his iNtrtiier exIUeiill) got wind of tin fact that I'm leHiim" men were on their trail and he skipped down here lo hide 'It Is nut knoxxn where his partner Is In hiding, hut the are eonflilint that the) will git him Papirs and note laioks and xarloiis otlnr articles wire found on the man nricsted lure, mid the) uru of such a nattin that Hodge rs Is eonxln.ed In has the right man cni) iiitiii xim: itciiii mii.i: SHOW INK (lilting see olid place III the delet ing eonlit which took phi., on Thurula). l'rlda) and Hatitrda) of lust weik at the stale high school meeting held In the I'nlxerslt) of Ptuli htilldlngs In Halt Uik Cl Is no small honor (11. nil Harmon mid Knima Johnson were the Curiam high school repreiilatlxe mid Professor Hunt of the unlxirslt) stated that it was the het team In the lute that delaited fnmi the floor on the tlxe sill, of tin question Hhollld till Pulled Hlates Mkiii.Ioii the Moliroi Doutrlni The first UHtle the CarUm team luul was with Mautl high s hool which had alreud) Ik-bUii three ihIiooIs 'I his th.) won and th.) hum tiled the (IrMlitsxIlle high school de oat. rs who had taken elexen scll.Hils Into i amp The last contest our local stud, nts had aiis with L'lntah Htakit acudeiii) whl.h also went dovxn lo def. at This reall) glxe Olen Har mon and Kimiiu Jolmson a grand xle tor) oxer sexent.en schools Heoond place In the piano solo con tests was won h our locnl high Hch.iol, MlkS Jane Mi (Ice being tin competitor, mid Mar Sillier In the domestic! sulence competition was ulile to make pustr) Ilk lit mid tooth some enough to land lnr In third pluic hl'MV Si:itItlJ AT rm: Miniioinsr cm in 11 Kolloxxlng U the program to bo car ried out ut the Methodist church next Hunda) morning Thero will be no evening sen Ice on account of the Imc oalaureectn xercls. s at the high sohnol Prelude, ' Hprlng Hong Ml Adah N'exx house Quurtet ' He Hhunhers Not," Offertor) Miss Adah New house llaocalaureate sermon to tho I'rlco .academ) graduates h) Hex, 0 1' Itassweller, pastor of the I'lrst Mcth lodlst church of Ogden I Tho public Is most cordlall) Inxltcd to attend these scrxlres Dili UP Plan I'or Coulnillliig Colorado Itlx.r Willi rs t'nile r Wn). Ilecoiiimindiitlons for controlling the waters of the Colorado rlxer and nt the same time mixing the Interna tional difficulties, connected with the' flood xxrater will be made b) the Unl lid HlntcM reclamation scrxlce In u few ela)s. The plan Include building u .lnm In Han Juan count) Just uboxe the Orand Can) on, to eemt more than ten million miliars, wiucn win not onl) glxe xxatir to the bench lauds of Hastcni and Hotithern I'lnh, hut will nliHX glxe the Irrlgatlonlsts In Wyom ing mid Colorado who laid xxatir from tho (Ireeu mid (Irand il.r,n great, r siippl) than the) haxc . x.r i nJoed Tin flHd wntirs will bo iH.usirxid, thiieh) doing uwu) with the annual spring fn sluts In Arlsnnn mid California, mid glxlug to tin Mexican government Us full share of tin xvntersof th. Colorado Will It King, chler couiimI for the reclamation serxlce has made the r.t ommendatlons, mid In letters to I'lnh residents llleeda) he die land the en gineers had round this proposition to Ih feasible A imminent Is on fool to bring nil Hie hirg.r Irrigation pmj- iili Iii Ihu WmiI under one hind that better firms ma) be made lo tlioxo who purchased water rights mid are now eiiltlxatlng tin laud I' J Pun ill or llurfnlo, who Is c ounce t.d with the Niagara Hanking corporation was In Halt I-ake Cll) reeilitl) on u trip of Inspection to the different Irriga tion projects nnd Irrigated sections of the West The plan ho Is slud)lng Inxolxes exchange of securities h) the present bond mid stockholders or tho Irrigation projects for bonds In n hold ing compnti) which will be capital lied at 135(100,000 nnd operated on the lines or u i.i-op. rallxi Irrigation piojcct Piindls declared th" mom) for f Ili um log the .iiiiipini) Is to bu ii.lxmiced b) n mi m In r or men xxho are Interest ed In the manufueturo of war muni tions and who are seeking permanent Inxestments In Western Htntes, He declared Irrigation farnw rs do not haxe sufrieleiit time In which to pa) for their xxuter rights mid that If he succeeds In forming the holding com pail) runners will be gixen ns long as thlrt) )ears to pa) for water I'lindls will InviMillgate eondlllons on the Ir ritated lands or Idaho heron n turn ing litisl si:m:hi. pi opi.k 'hii'M." iiv a oitiiius iu: ii iuisi The sheriffs office last 'IiicsiIm) kot busy and kept tin wlrea hot In all din c Hon making Inquiries for one J C llrau.loii, who bft Momla) night or earl) Tuesda) njornlng for parts unUnoxxn Whllo hfro Hrundnn drew sexernl t hecks which win on the Mllford Htato bank and sex era I or Price's business men xxero easily ta ken In uh the man represented that ho was the agent or some rich Calir.irnla real tstato men, IIo xxai treated xvlth nil the courtes) duo a pr,opecilxo In xestor and xxas drixen hero and there and shown excr)thlng In the eouiil) that xxas worth looking at N, H Nellson xxas tho one xxho found out that llraudou nexer hud an I at count with the Mllford hanlc. llrau dou had stated to xarluu people here .that hu came from Mllford, to others that California xxas his home nnd lo man) thut ho was permanenll) do micilii! somexxhern In Idaho, t an) rate ho hus decamped from herr, If ax ing mime of our citizens sadder hut xvlser Ills ahsenre ma) onl) be torn porar) and he ma) bo brought back to piirtuko or tho hospitality of tho count), us the sheriffs office Is mak ing strenuous efforts to rind him. . 'Vou can get )our guns repaired nt I Qoodmari's Adx I SCHOOL GRADUATION 1 THROUGHOUT COUNTY I Exercises To Be Held At High School Audi- ! torium Next Thursday For Entire District - H Week a Busy One For All. H ; isH N. l xxeek will b. a bus) one III Prltc among the pupil of tin eighth grade (Irmlimllon die) will b em Weiliuda) nail all the eighth grade graduate from Htoriie, Kenllixorth, W'elllugtoii Custli (late. Helper, 1 1 la wn thu and Hunn)l.le will W In Prlie on till elate set for the exercise, Thitriida) Ma) 2Sth The exercises will hi hi Id nt the high se hool nudl torium ut : o'clock for the Carbon count) school dlMrli t The gradua ting exercise for tho schools of Cleeer Creek, Winter Quarter mid Hi of Ii Id will be held nt the lalti r plaeewoii or nhoiit the same dati Thin urc a hundred and nine who will get thilr sheepskins this )eeir ch xe n nt Winter )uarters, fixe ut Htoirs, elexen nt Itlaxxatha, time nt Kcnllworlh, elgliticn nt Wel lington, four at Heofl. I.I, tin ut Clear Creek, nine nt CnMlo (late, txxelxe ut Helper, sixteen at Hunn)shle mid Ihlr I) ut Prlu II. low Is the program lo be given next lliursda) ufti rnoon nt the high si hool Or.hii.trii Hi lection High School Com. rl Orchestra Involution O J Harmon, presi dent of school Ixiard Piano Holo Verdu lloold Welling ton school Oration Htorrs school Vocal Holo, '.Molhir I.emiNi War- re ll, Help, r school Heading Jack Phillip Mlllarlth, lllaxxittha school Vitiation Hong Prlie schoot Plnuo Holo llarr) JoIiiihoii, Castle (Into school Vo.iil Holo In Ha Y Punk, HuniD sldi school Heading Paiilliu I Hull, r, Hiawa tha school Cornet Dui t John Harmon mid Dullell (liind. rson. Prl.e si hool Vah dlctor) William llrum Mi Mllbtl HlllllDslde se hool (liadiiatlng Address Pror J IC Hickman, llrlgham Young College ligmi Awarding of Dlploimis Hilpt H. W (loldlng Hem .11. Hon The following Is u list of the gradu ates from each school lit the Carbon count) school district! Int. r Quarters HI. hard H Dix on, John Jordison, Valentine Antcsak, Hubert Wllllum Hnlns, (linexn Daxls, Vlxliin Davis, Mabel M, Klmbcr, Mu rial M Hies, Mar) llix)ak Mlllli. nt Harxei), I M mi Hlaley Htorrs Hdlia Klltabeth l.leehl), Vera Hales, Mao Plnneo, Hmll II Kl dcr, Oluf All. n Hiawatha Am) Isiibello WIIkoii, Pauline Isabello Hiitler, William Pul ton, ilullda (Iwendollu Hmltli, lleatrlco Ollxu Hlmmons. Daniel Adolph Hmllh, Albirt K.twln lllun.lcll, Juck Phillip Mlllarlih. Mar) Mao Heddoes, Dollle Mar) (loodart, Mlllinau A) res. Kcnllworth HllxulMih Alice Jai k son, Marian Parr, Curtis Kdxxlu HI xvood Wellington - William Hhirldaii llluekburn, Delleri I'runklln llduell Ver.ta II (loold (Had)s llranch, Ix-o-nard It 'lha)u, liffle Hraiich, Klrt land C Kxis. Je.iietta lllaekbiirn. Dunlil H Orundxlg, Alxerda Hhlin mill, M Kltou Pierce. Ida 'lha)ii, John C Hill. Ilirlhn Marshall. Hor ace Than TriNwie Pierce, Hrnist Miller H.ofleld 'I i ild) It Curtis Hub) Hlcmiior llarkness Alho Ah thu Mad sen, I. Ill) Irene Wernx Clear Creek Paul M Horcusin, Henr) Uirsui, Tolxo Hakalu John lvoskl lilsle Lewis Dorcas Marx Ora (lour.lin Annie Murlaul Hophla Jen se u, Hlla Ward Prlcer Italph Anderson, Kduiird lleiich, l-oe Downard Hhirldaii I'laek Dullell (liimlersoii Marlon (Iruim. Albert lie lux (Incur Hansen John Harmon, I.00 Uxxls, Mink ()lon Cl)de Oman, William Pace, Dennis Planner). Helma llergliind, Mario Harris, Itavn llorsle), Jane Howard, Theimu l,voniird, liachel Omuii, Mar guerite Itoblnelt, Yolande Hutton. M)tt)u Wnrrcn Harold Mutsou, James l.oi!louroxx, Claude Morle), Hllxu Walluie. Caslle (late Udraml (Iraham, Harry Hcott Johnson, Junius Claud Hnoxx, Ilumona Clirlstcnsen, Clrahum Hell, Kllen Coxxle). a Ouklc), Anltl Touehner, Mar) Olonlnl IIiMper Mario Aiiphand, Anjella M Ash, Martha Mure hello, I.onoru V Warren, Prances K Uaxls, Porrcst W, Daxls, Orma llojir Clifford M Cod), Jumes J Hottlno, llo) O Hall, Ken neth A Ht. John, Harold Wuhl Bunn) side Penelh Crnxvford, Ud ward H Darger, Orrel do U.nge, Ton) Detnman, William 11 Qogart), Ha) D, Johnson, Howard T Jones, William Hjrum McMlllen, Piter Oranges, Martha I.cxce lleunett, Izetta Y Punk, era Primor Hopklnsou, Urs- BB tnl Kofford, HI la lilll. Netwin, Hall- SlH inch Sii lor (llii'ly Higglns BisH The progrnm glxeu below lues been for the graduating ex. raise fcl or the Winter Quarti rs. Clear Creek il and Heufleld eighth grade pupils. The JH exi nines wilt be held on l'rlda). May 9l Ifith, the da) following the uxerclse flH In Price jBsH Inxoeatlon lllshop T J Parmta) lJH Address of Welcome Paul Hormstn JH Chorus "Hilgho, Hnpp) IjciicX" Ml Oradiiales. ViH Heeltatlon 'Hesl lo Know .Nothln' JiH at All' Mlllleetit llnrxey H lleiltatlon, H. hool Dn"..U hit tier fH I re tin Wernx. J'sH Chorus "Dir l.lndenbaum" lH Clear Creek (Irndiiates IH Ad.ln s to (Iriidtlate . . ll Pror J K Hlikmnii, It Y. U lll Quarti t He leeteel (lll Wittier Quarters Uraduate. 'H Vnlcdletor) Alice MaiUen Idl Chorus A Mght In Ma)"' 1WH Awarding of Diplomas ''Jl Hupt H W (loldlng 1 rv'ssH Hlar Hpanghd llnnner Audit nee F H Dame 'k COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES H XurloiK Pnigrniiii t Ctirlmii lllgli vll During Next We-ek. bll The fourth iiiiuiiul eiiiumi ntemelit CtH e xi re li s of the Carbon Count) High JH sehool will begin next Hiiudii) with a ajl religious service ,at the jitir-da) l Halnts tabernacle Al It o'clock In the 'il evening the follow Ing prognim will be ll glxen f H "Port st WIllapiTs" H High Hehool Orchestra ljH Opening Pra)ir, Pre, o J Harmon iMsH Kexlettc from l.ucla" ... iil High Hehool Chorus stH Herniou (liHirge II. Ilrlmhall lll Dm t Isila Irf-onard, Onadell Woods IH Heading "The Man In the Hlmdow" Sil Miss Inn Heott Ssl "Homewhim it Voice Is Ceilllng" . rssH Dais) Ferguson, He)tnour Prows ; H Heteetlon High HcIiimiI Hiring Qunrlct (TH llenidlcllon President A W llorsley M I4l At N o'clock on Tuesda) 1 xmlng the Kll program to bo glxen at the high Hl sehool b) the senior chess Is as fol- Esssh lowi ll ' Po. I mid Peasant" kIsssh High Huhool Orchestra UssH Aildre "lixre Islor" HH Mabel McMlllen iH lll.lorlnil Vlda Hryner ll Piano Holo "Maxurka Caprice" '1 Prof Pridirluk H. Woods. 'iiH Toast to the Carbon County High EI Hi hool He-lxr I'owter SH lleatllng Hmma Johnson H Cornet Holo Hhi Ploxxir Polka" 'I.H Pror Arnold llorguicr ffliiH Pupir "Die Ho. lal Value of IMuui- flTiiH Hon John M. Pace h,H Itemarks Principal J (1 (luliler rjliiH Duel Dal) l'rgllsoil, H Prows KfcLH Villi die tor) ' Ague Mm Man fil On WeiluiHida) evening the friends HH mid relullxes of Hie graduates will at- IH te ml nt the high school to listen to fH the lute noting program that has been Tl prepare ESI 'The Amaxon" il High Hi hool Oreheslrii GH luxoiuitlon Ilex Oseeir Hmllh IH l.ulliib) I.udltV Chorus IH ltinort of the ear's Work HH Principal J (I (luhlcr H Cornet Holo 'Hone) suckle Polka" ll Prof Arnold lliir.mii r with ll orchestru Acoompnnlmeiil. H lleuiarks President O J. Harmon HH Hoft Through the Htlll Nlghl' . . H Mixed Chorus IH lteudlug "The Heeond Trial' ll Until Whlmps) ll Holo Leonard H Addris o the Oriediutes IH lifter lljurnasoii Hl Confirrlng of Dlploimis M Hupt H W (loldlng IH llenidlcllon C II Muretiseu IsssH "Marltaua High Hehool Orehislra IH The exercises or the xxeek will be ll brought to a close with 11 grand bull SiH In the high school gjmnaxlum IH Tho gruduatii are L)le Heiieh Vlda ll llr)iier, Dais) Pergusoii, Hober l'oxv- lll ler, Kmmu Johnson, Agnes Maclean flH Mabel MiMlllin and John 11 Pate UH May 16th xxas the da) set b) the iH cnmmlssluners of Carbon count) sit- (jl ting is u board of cMuullzutlon, but kl tho assessor explained that there had IH been some unuxoldablo delay in put- Hl ting uut tax nntlcos In tlmo so the sH bo.i rd round It would be nocessar) H to vet tho first duy fur hearing for H May 9th, from 10 o'clock of tho M moiulng to S o'clock or the afternoon H and Juno 7th, ith and U'h at the H sanu hours IH