m j I Issued Kvery rrlday, It. W, Crockett, Manager,
Hl , Subscription, $160 the Tear.
Hf; advmitisino katks.
B Display. One Dollar per Inch per Month; Single Issue,
M JOo per Inch: Full Position Top of Column, Next Heading
E. , Matter, 26 Per Cent Additional,
kW Two Thousand Inches, to lie Used In One Tear, 13 4c
Hd Fifteen Hundred Inches, to He Used In One Year, ISc
Btki per Inch.
2 One Thousand Inches, to He Used In Ono Year, 20c
B ' Headers and Legal Notice, 10a per Line I'lrat In-
Ei aertlon: Ec per Line Koch Subsequent Issue.
l Obituaries, Cards of Thanks, llcsolutlons, Btc., at
JH Half Local Heading Notice Hates.
HHs, Adleta, For Sale, For Itent, Lost, Found, Etc., One
LHtA Cent per Word Kach Issue, No Charge Account.
Hr; Address All Communications to TUB SUN, PHICC,
m ' UTAH.
v. GAT10N.-OH, 30-28.
B9q Price vutoi'x have by tlielr ballot expressed
Hflr tlicniflolvoH in favor of the city rutninlnir and
HBI operating Its own electric tight and power plant,
H7j Mont people voted on this proposition without
He first acquainting theniselves with the real facts,
HHj and were inclined to listen more to the appeal of
H tlesiirninfr politicinns, who arc anxious to rcUtin
BH the plant to be used its a political football, than
BE3 to look nt the question from a purely business
H point of view.
B The Sun does not think that any election
H would have been held nt this time had it not been
H , for the efforts of business men and some of the
M ' members of the former council (who had had
H experience with the operation of the plant), go
H inpr to the mayor after thu council had practical-
H ly decided not to call an election and urging him
H to do so. Some of the very people who formerly
H advocated the sale worked hard to defeat the
Rta proposition and it is hard to understand the at-
H titudc of these persons.
HI It is up to the present council to do the very
H best it can with the operation of the plant; cut
H , down expenses where it is possible to do so with
H out interfering with its efficiency; place meters
H In nil houses so that everybody will pay for just
H i what they consume, instead of giving a twenty-
H i ' four hour service under n flat rate. All should
H ' i be compelled to pay their bills promptly or have
H '' ," their service discontinued, as is customary in
Btl other laces. The Idea of allowing bills to run
H I j for months is wrong. It makes it harder for the
4 ,Jj consumer to pay and tho city eventually loses
5 . :M the account, because the party cannot pay a bill
w j . for n largo amount where he could if paid as it
R g becomes due each month. This is fair to all, and
Bjj ,i? the council should not show nny favorites. If it
Hj i i falls on a city of ficinl, let it fall where it belongs.
T ., . ; j This is the only way by which the city can get
M j j j the money for current consumed.
B U The Sun is not sufficiently conversant with the
HHt H situation to say whether the expenses of opera-
BJBf ' J Jj 'nK can be cut or not, but in order to make the
H Sm plant pay its own way the cost of operation must
W ' MH bo reduced or the rates raised in order to take
Mj . J care of the deficiency. The people will not stand
K ) t(w fr n reduction in service, and since the lines and
H ,, transformers are too light to carry a load suffi-
K I 1i! , cicnt to furnish current for heating and cooking,
Hft, ' la ' whereby the revenues might be increased, and
B i s ns these revenues can be raised only by further
m .1 bonds, we see no way to Increase the service at
llKt I "W 'ie i)rcHcnv "nu
H ' 4gH However, the council no doubt will be able to
Hj fwP CPU w'-n -nu situation, and if the plant can be
H ,jji run proerly for less money, that body of busi-
B 'jjffi ness men will be able to do it if anyone can.
Bj! gp Therefore, all should get behind them and give
B; , them moral mipport in trying to accomplish this
Hj! ( i jCw end. If our lights are cut off because of failure
B ' if? to ,my l)'"'s Pron,PtIy, let us smile and take our
Rj tf medicine. If it is necessary to raise the rate in
K1 t luL order to make tho plant pay, let us stand by the
B' I ' Vm council ami give them a square deal. They are
HK ' ' ) all business men of ability; taxpayers on whom
H1 the burden will fall as well as ourselves. Invosti-
H' ' v! j k'ato the situation for yourself, look over the
H ( j j books of the city and convince yourself that they
B , j .' im ni'e nut doing the square thing before condemn-
M ' -Ib 'np t,icm for '" which you do not under-
iiH i ' " 18 stnnd.
B ' , 51 Attorney L. A. McGoe has come forward with
m km nu announcement, which appears in tuiothor col-
H '" limn of this improsslon, that he is a candidate
!', , for the nomination at the hands of the republican
'O county convention for tho office of county nttor-
r ' , '( ncy. Attorney McGec has made an enviable rcp-
H ' j ,- Kgal utation for himself since coming to I'rico to prac-
IIB I 'Bi 'co 'aw anc' " nroscn s serving tho city of
iiH f 3i Helper ns its legal adviser. There is no doubt as
m 2Wji to '" fitness for tho office and should he get thu
KM i . Jvl nomination lie will receive the support of all re-
B i -, jV'j ! publicans, he having always been of that faith.
iHl ' MW i ' Some jieoplo don't see much chance to put one
Hn ' v' , over on the city unless the light plant is re
Hfl ' i 1 tained.
HH ( dt yi Politics and piffle seem to be thu rocks that
HH' 1 'nHb.P'l 4'ie B00(1 H!,i,) oroa-B 'H l'av'"K trouble with.
BBi 1 rUn Trouble is free, and it comes without asking,
Whether you realize it or not, the time of the
sweet girl graduate is upon us again. This is
one of the most inspiring periods of the year,
when' the lassies look their daintiest and their
wisest. Who is unable to appreciate the charms
of the girls in white? If there be nny such, he
should be hunted down like Villa, and treated
with approximately as much respect. For when
one's cogitative eye glimpses coronets of hnir
perched nbovc brows trnnscendant in learning;
when one notes the ingenuous glances and the
softening smiles radiating upon one from .the
sylphs of the platform, one easily forgets the
panoply of education that surrounds these fair
daughters of Five, but merely sees the elegance,
grace, symmetry and loveliness of our girls.
Extravagant statements? Not nt all. It is
utterly impossible to make extravagant state
ments about Price girls.
Says Luke McLukc: "The old fashioned wo
man who used to wear a hole in the front of her
apron while baking u whole wash pan full of
cookies for the children now has a married
daughter who wears n hole in the rear of her
kimono while she feeds candy to a poodle and,
reads the last installment of "The Passionate
Pup" in MUck's Magazine. And yet we wonder
how all the divorce lawyers make a living." To
n certain extent this may be true in Cincinnati,
Chicago or New York City, but in Price we are
under the impression that poodles do not con
tribute to the divorce record hereabouts, unless
they nre mnlo poodles on two legs nnd wenring
If unybody in Price is in need of instructions
to build n nice little bungnlow for two, be sure
to write to the department of agriculture, Wash
ington, D. C, for plans which your Uncle Samuel
is distributing free of cost to all citizens and
cltlzenesses smitten by cupid. Your uncle's "dove
cotu" plnns are designed to save unnecessary
steps and n lot of other things, nnd they nre
proof thnt the government Is doing nil it can to
encourage homoJniilding. Hut don't expect the
government to build it for you. You've got to
do that yourself.
Several weeks ago a number of republican
newspapers challenged any democrat to give a
list of public questions which the American peo
ple deem of importance and upon which Presi
dent Wilson has not changed since he was elect
ed. So far as observed no one hits undertaken
to moke up such a list. There is still plenty of
time, nnd we should be delighted to read a list
prepared by some of President Wilson's mi
ni irers.
Price's philanthropic "boxing contest" pro
moters evidently think the time is about ripe for
nnothcr odoriferous exhibition. The majority of
tho fans seemed pretty thoroughly disgusted
with the last two "entertainments," but some
people seem to lay a lot of store by that well
known expression of P. T. Harnum's.
According to n well authenticated story going
about Price on election day, the city of Price will
get nnotherNopportunity to purchase that won
derful water system of the I'arkdale Townslte
company. Meanwhile a banker of Zion is on the
anxious seat.
What a wealth of knowledge will be let loose
jupon an unsuspecting American public this week
and next probably never will be accurately esti
mated, but the graduates will themselves prob
ably reduce the figures in the years to come.
I Recently a friend remarked that some men
look in the muzzle of a gun to see if it is loaded
and others fool with married women. Our opin-
Ion is that neither method Is an original way to
die quickly. It has been done too often.
I Diamonds are increasing in price enormously.
Those married men in Price who gave their
i wives diamond rings as engagement tokens now
wish they had bought diamonds twice as large.
When a rich man wants relaxation he plays
golf. When a poor man wants relaxation he goes
to sleep. And tho average poor man sleeps a lot
'sounder than the average rich man.
, If tho price of shoos continues to advance the
(country may yet discover what the people of
I Holland found out centuries ago that wooden
j shoos are cheaper.
j Something to worry about. Darrol drosses are
I in stylo this summer. Every girl will look as if
I she had boon in bathing and somebody stole her
clothes. '
When a man dios, why do wo say he "cashed
in?" Mnybo it's because dying Is as hard as
paying cash is to some people.
The boys in blue down in lexico are proving
to the country that they are not too proudTo
No matter whnt you "stnnd for," don't you
think it sometimes is hard to be taken seriously?
There is n rumor that some Price girls draw
the line at cigaret flavored kicses.
A Forgotten
I km tracllnB on n railway train.
Suddenly I felt a olmrp pain l mr
bead. Then I lout consclou-nc-M. When
I came to tnyaelf I aaw several crsom
atmiilltii.' lxut we, one, a woman, with
a hotllc of smclllnB salts In her linnd.
I tried to recall where I was going. I
could not. Then I tried to re-"all from
where I had c-omc I failed In tills loo.
Doubtless I appeared daied to (hose
atsMit me, for n woman said.
"She'll come nil right preenlly. Glre
her n chance to collect her faculties."
After I had hern nsled n few question-
I cau tho-o ntxuit me to tinder
stnnd thnt t wMicd to lie left alone,
ami niie nfler the other they went to
their seflK Then to my horror t found
that 1 didn't tnow my "W" "nu,c- -didn't
Know my nrcntV name nor who
they were Kverylhlns to) nnd the
treent wni lost In ubtltloii.
Would It nil conic ImcW? I liellcud
It would. Hut It did not. I looked la
my purse nnd found tickets to n city
and hank hills to tho muount of $21,
besides some sllrer. I searched among
a few slips of wicr hoping to eo niy
nnine. There wns not n word to sug
gest who I wns.
Not caring to go Into a large city In
sih h n i imdltloii I got off at n Kiihurhan
station, It r. us springtime. I passed
n snug collnge, In the grounds of
which were two little girls playing. I
craved some one to speak to and pre
ferred these Innocents to any ono else.
The gate was open, and I entered the
yard, calling to them to come to mo.
They did so, and I put an arm about
each of tbcui. t talked to them and
they to me. 1 cared not what was said,
I felt comfort In tlielr company.
One of the children looked up nt
sonic one entering tho gateway. I fol
lowed the direction of her glance and
saw n innn about to enter. There was
something so kindly In his face that I
fell lmctled to tell him my trouble
and ask his ndvlcaas to what I should
do. lie llstenrd to me. asked ma a few
questions, then said:
"Come Into the bouse nnd we wilt
see what can hodono for you."
Ills household was run by nn elderly
woman. There was also n nurse Tor
the children. Ho told the former to
giro me n room for tho night, and he
nnd I nnd the children dined together.
After dinner ho Informed mo of slept
he proposed to take on the morrow to
discover my Identity, suggesting that I
examine my clothing to discover If
there was n mark that would help tin.
After dinner I went to my room nnd
nmdu tho I'xamlimtlnn. There was
nothing to give any clew.
Mr. Scngrave, the gentleman, tele
phoned an advertisement to n newspa
per In tho city describing me and tho
Incident connected with me, IIo sstd
he thought my relatives would be on
tho lookout for such a notlco and I
would bear from them very soon. "IIo
also gave me permission to remain In
his houo till I wns claimed or tny
memory relumed. I bad enough mon
ey to pay my loard for two or three
weeks, but after that 1 would bo penni
less, Tlma passed and no ono claimed me.
I wondered If I had nny relative". I
Judged (hat 1 wits about twenty-one
years old. Mad I In-en married? If
so my husband would doubtless inovo
heaven mid earth to (lml me.
When three weeks had gone by I ten
dered Mr.Heagrtnn my JIM for my keep
and (old him that It was all I had. lie
offered to discharge the, nurse nnd
make inn tho governess of his children,
I gladly accepted.
A ibrtnr who was called In to sco
mo said that be was of the opinion my
loss of memory had lcou occasioned
either by n former sickness or trouble.
I showed no sign of having been III,
and there wns no evidence of a past
What I hud Itecn I knew not, I
knew that I was very happy In Mr.
Bcagnne' home. I loved I ho two III
tlo girls, and I grow to love him. A
widower, he naturally pined for n wo.
man's compmihiushlp. I bad imt been
In his Iioiim.' n jear before ho nsked
me to marry him.
Alasl I knew not whether or no I
was free to marry nny one There
was n long struggle between m de
sire to lie his wife nnd to mother Ids
two dear Utile girl, lie seemed to
lime ninth' up liu mlml to inl.ii the
rhiim-c lilniM'If. nnd nt liit I consent
ed. V were married, lie. I nnd the
children were happy.
About two jeur afler my maiilnge
I awoke ouu morning nfler n long sleep
my foimer M-lf It was n Imrrlblo
awakening I hud mnrrlod it limn who
hud treated mo brutally, uinl after n
terrible wene I bud cnugbt up what
money there wus In the house mid left
him. lie had marrlfd mo In opixwltloii
to hi parents' will nnd hud thus git en
up it fortune.
I told Mr tiengrne that ui) mom
ory had returned, that our nmrrlatio
was not Icgul. IIo bade me lie coin
fortcd, that nil would come out right
I gao hlin Information to gnldu htm,
and ho proceeded to look up the rase.
Ono day soon after this he came
homo and took me In his arm, evi
dently very huppy. Ho told me that
my former husband had died and (bat
hts father had adrcrtfted for me, I
went to see lam, and be scid ha had
ought me that he might inako
araeisls for hla aon'a crtiilty. He was
very rich and at once settled a part
of his fortuue on me. When he died
I received tho rest.
. Brooke Bile prj Cigar. Tel. 15:,
1 Ply Time, Screen Time. SI
! " ! I I
This is the season to equip your home I
with screens. We have a large assort i 1
X ment of Screen Doors. 1 1
Purchase one today and equip it with t
X one of our Improved Door Checks and J
t Spring. This will prevent the door I
X from slamming.
Y 1'IIONi: 122, 1'ltICB. UTAH. V
v A
"How Is )our little bo doing nt school?"
"He gets it good mark In the toothbrush drill nnd first In brrtihi f
elan, but he doesn't seem to l.-nrit nrlthmetle."
I'or OMrlct Atlorne).
I lurcli) nnnounee my iitndidat)
for nomination by thu republican
party of the Heenlli JmlUlul district
for the office of dlstrli-t nttorim,
subject to the will of the republican
district convention, If nominated
and elected I promise to devote to
the duties of tin office my ery best
efforts. V. !. Wooiw.
I'or fount) Attoini'),
I hereby announce my mudhlui)
for nomination by tin- republlcim
party of Carbon county for the office
of county attorney, subject to the will
of the republican county convention.
If nominated and elected I promise to
devote to the dutlex of the office my
ery best tlforts. I- A. Milll'K,
I'or Count) Clerk.
I hereby unnounce my cundblacy
for renomlnatlun by thn republican
party of Carbon county for the office
of county clerk, subject to the will of
the republican comity lonventlou. If
renominated uml elected I promise to
devotn to the duties of the office my
vel best efforts. K. H IIOItHI.KV.
I'or Sheriff or Curhoii Count).
I hereby iiuuoumv my candidacy
for nomination by the republican
party of Carbon county for the office
of sheriff, subject to the will of the
republican county convention. If
nominated uml elected I promise to
devote to the duties of the offlcn my
very best efforts and give everybody
a square, deal. A. U McMl'I.I.KN.
oviiu 'i hum; .million tons
I'roductrtin of uml hi I'tah In I9IB
amounted to J.I08.7I5 short tons,
valued nt ll.!tr,,fi, hi, inireaw. of
4U79 tons In iUHiitlly nnd u dctnu'
of tix.iss in value. u comiwnd with
111, HftiirillliK to the Culled Hint.-
Keob.gl.al numi. The Mln.ii.al Kuln
Has In Kmer iouul and ili.-rv was
it small imreaw. in ChiIh.h K.iinti
The production of Hum mil mul liutiib
iiinib'N detreawd in..,,- than thlrtv
IholMHIld toon.
The numlwr of mili .it.reusci
from lilt In mi .. um ( ,sr,
ami Hi,. HViTMgr niimi.tr .r ,i,n
workwl tleirtnst-d in.ni jn. ,,, .,m
The MvirnK. HtimiMl output ..r ....it
lr iiintme uuit-HM-d b"..r rrmn
:: Protect the Baby i
And Your Food ;:
f OTOn E8 '.:
mf C which sell
'.'. v vS mtat,gro
HWl . c,r,s or fruit
VfUlLV should not "
Mktw toitrati fiiit. ::
ulaSA Flohtlngthsm
uIjKM Is difficult, but '.
'.'. frjf "TvA eomeltntlous !
Cf jr attsmpts
" .j . . should bs ;;
-: bn'dr!nn,,j hvp lh,, dl ::
,.. bssrlng Inttcti iw.y from hu. ,
;; man food, th. ..mi, eonTci.n "
:: y '"d it mm, bottu. EvIrJ ::
0"lb' m.sns .hould b. .r
:: piyd is .sdud. m: ,'Z "
cr.tm.rl... m
H-'-'-t I I ti i i i,i i .. ..-..,,,,, II
755 to $73 tons, uml the mirage r
day from 3.0 to t.2 tons a hlh i
era lie. Muehlne mining has (nctj
greatly In tJtnh In rec nt trars. t
returns showing 20 per tent In It)
of the totnl product mine,) lv th;
method, 30 per cent In 1911 ml
per tent In ISIS.
Ijime bark Is usually due t lU
matlsm of the muscles if the bitt
Hard w-orklnic people are most Ilk
to suffer from It. Hellef may I it
by niasMiKlnK tho back with Chic,
berlaln'a Liniment two or three tlmti
n day. Try It. Obtainable ertr
where. Advt.
Pmoke Hlk I'rljlo Cij.. r, Tel, lit
One Cent I'er Wont lUcli Iiiwnte.
No Chance Acrounls,
roit HAi.n on tiiadk ai.v.iioMi
ralrtianks, Morse & Co. cao!!n.t
Kino as Rood as new, toicethtr til"!
shafting, heltlnK, pulleys, ef Mi.
bo seen at Thw Hun office.
forty acres of land with water stoct
and fenced; some npple trees on pltd
One inllo south of I'rlce on rti'3
eounty road. I.eo-.Velnn Co, let
VlKlla lllock. I'rlce, Utah.
IICTTKU wiaimmhIk om: llB
dred, 11.00; two hundred, ll.lt
five hundred, J2.50: one thouutt
H.00. larger uuantltles we will fif
ure on. Uncloso cash with order, u
It will savo express or parrel pW
ehurKes, I'o.tuKe for one hunlrti
to three hundred wrappers, fivscnib
three hundred to ono thousand. U
cents. NothlnK but the best lrA
ment paper nnd speclul Ink that a
not affected by salt or grosc Til
Hl'.V. I'rlce, VU h.
and meats
Whither tluiea me kooi r ' vt
winter or summer, and m '
times, it U nH'mNiry i b,r
pmvlsliiiHi. We apeil.i"e In
the I'immI line. We ilo u t i ,im
dr koiiiU nor liurdiv n ''
Klve all our intention I I ood
sturrn -I'rmdi uml Halt 'I "I
Htapie ami funo Or u
I'rnlta ami Produce. V "" ,
to Ket oul) tho best nl I "h
.Meats, una neb it on the
stiindiiiii brumlH of v imt'J
Hoods, foffeen, Tens, et- Vo
un find here Urn best to n bJ
In the county In every ll