Newspaper Page Text
lljii""NTEE$ ITS ADVERTSERSjETWEgHJWELVE AND THIRTEEN HUNDRED CIRCULATION EACH AND EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR 1 IfiifiNTAN? BINDING ttlg&tmtt&& legal blanks 1 ; , slr,mnUltlng card to a K I I SSft ITNSrVLtiKc a ill nnd a quality of work nt ll V 1 II II J IjLWaSfcjjfPkrx A3bI1 Hll liKlll ,., a , T . , ... . , H M bound I '"' -fl.i.factory. Idtho- TOV ) j I II ll--JTi-3?Ww;W(rV -IssN II II II II Tl,e Hu" " l "took all tcffal . wp.idin Rood, and tlic like. 5 $Ti-ay falk' 1L' W J""5?' ,,H,"! nl,11SoHc '""""V COn" IH nuted "l" "...,, .-, ,i ,.,,.. T7 -cr "CiX r tract nnd the liki The mott com- 'OSS tk' wm,p!' !'S. t ,iht nrliM. PHI ITIPAI I V D IT m I r i Am Plcte sto. k in Hnstirn Ptnh Order. M ' 'mcULi;?,0niV?donThoBSI; . . rULI ICALLY, REPUBLICAN. "' ' me.l l" received. f ttt r printing I dono The Bun Knteretl -, Se.ond ( iHM Muter Juno t loir. ..,., , U l The Hun fill ) our legal blank or- ifSH "ill Jo I' VOMJMF I. Vf'MiiLM, ... ' ,9. nt tho I'o.tofnce nt I'rlce. ftnb. t'mler the Act of Mnrch 3 l7 ,ler When belter printing nnd hind. Iflfl ' 1' ' ftLMI"- EVERY FRIDAY MAY 2.5. ISM "" " ""nt Tl,f H"n "'" d0 "' Iprigesoncattle I MKl advances uiiiii- sii'i-M is a holt un: smi s last m:i:k. H, Ulllloti Hllen !l ' Hc fill H on i:ir)lliliiK Tmile Wn. AttlU' B .uid Cntllf Went Over the Settle H ('jirT)lne tin Whole I'M Mhti H VntUt I'trni nnil Prlte Higher. H t Sun "I" Ml Hen Ice. I KANSAS ( ITV. Mo.. Mn) 32. Cut H pti f) n.lvniiccd Hround twent) H j cent lust week, nnd closed firm. H e ru('l-t todny . Ik ten thousand MlH 4J Mtne n on Inst Monday, nnd .fonK condition nre ugnln effective. trsiH utilJItion svllcnt got ' hovy fill on H i tnthlng trade wn active, nnd cut Bi rrnt over lliw nculet cnrrjInK the J If shole fill Tho feature todny uhk n Hi H train of tnrnly-Mx rurn of rattle and jnrrin llroketi Mow, Noli., ulikti H r id', til) three hundred II ml e.nty , r H r,i. run In twenty-two hour, nnd H nUlnul Miem nt I9.0& nnd $9 Xt, K rj latter t.rkt top for the da) Colo- rj pull frd Kleem ueru not n nu . H r ri. n- .n recent Mondny, luont of ,TB tb m nt G0 unit tV.CO, n few nt ? j:5 lilk of tho beef utter rntme jTM om 75 to ID. CO, there being no l ncr ntiMliltiK that can be willed ," heap Idaho pulpfed uleern brought v.1 t 19 IoiIas a ns'oril price, and Mme .H M IJtl.J fed Hteerit brought l!l.!0, . . ' ithrnt riu on record for Montnnni ,. fun fur tenlH Quarantine r- HlH 'vl' nln"1"" '" marcel)' an) thing, M Njttli Tix.m feederw olmenlng with iaM . Jre the trend of the market toM "1th rrfi rente to their own eallle. MH rtaily In Jum Kouth Texn uhlppvrii ,,m llh tr fin rattle nullnble for iimr y.BuUMil oklnhnma grninierii uol et gB r tlj tiKkem nnd fccdern held up ftB i'Mng !.it week nnd nre firm toiliij, VH -.J if there In to be n fwimmalile ,tm rtak In prlie thU month there nre l,,H x elm of It et. Hnleii range from B tl'.t t l 75 In mimt enneK. jH Shirp nml liunbM fold MroilKir e uM V'la; Imt wiek, and are firm toda), nm m' '' " hlgliir fat goutu a iunr aH r hlln r No fancy uooled In ml tB tro off. ml toda), but iiin arc worth i H round ft; SO Cllppul Wenteriin ,H (Idling tight) .eight pouuilN brought wH MO H, n new high record, nnd native (B iprlng linilic. mt ilium claim, Mold at ,H lltSj T.xa wtthern of iiecond grade ,m tO'JKlu s SO, iholce oneit worth B II 75 or more, Arlxouii clipped )eur ,M ti inlay nt .10, elgh(yelght ,M l unih nvtrngf, Angorn killing goalu tM t- IS75 to 16.35 toduy, hlgheiit range m a rr nl, Angorn brunhurM IS. 10 to 11 116, Mexican bruHhem 14.00 to iH & 0t inken mouth imnnli'it to kill iH 'fJt 13 00 lleitlpln are nine thoun ,B C'J I !r but the NUpply for u week ,H "' fcls.. n u Mg Hhortage from reieiil B Otlll IIIMIUKI) IIAMIK TO H III. T CIIICAtJO t'ONVr.NI ION H T H m IIICAIIO, Muy S3. Indlcif pB l! 1 1 nre that tho republican nn thnjl tonxentloii of 1K10 will bo J t cm if the noWcKt nnd the mot M '! King of th imrtj Willi nix. U n tundldiiteH ror preiildent In M the ff.lii nnd with tho remit In B '! It until the limt ballot lum BSj Ittn taken, there In likely to bo t an iimmtmi amount or noUc and J rntlnislumn every day the con- - tiliiin U In neiMlnn. I'rdl 1'phnm, chairman of the romnilttee on nrraugementK, wim luf irmed today that plaim have tun mnilo to bring more than 11 li--iilrf.t bamU and fifty glee n,R' mnrthliiK clulm to Chli-ngo C -ring the convention wctk, Kv- 'r- titalo which linn n favorite ' m camlldnto for prenlitrnt will J I Dug from flvu to ten bauiU with 1 iiiimerubte marching cIiiIm nnd tm .T 1 (lub. Tin demnnd for convention W f lutK inntlniicB to IncreiiHe To K 1 r UH)n tlvkntM for the con- B J viiition were iiioled at two linn- r. I nml fifty dollar eiich H.rgeunt ut ArniM William I' . nn toduy began tho appoint- Runt of hi nineteen hundred H a istantH. which Inohido fifteen hiimlred moilKliint nergeanl nt M nrma. mm hundred doorkeeper, j (.ne hundred tuhera, one bund- J r. nieHHonger nnd one hundred V I3KIH. 9A Uu lum received flvu thotlkiind t AppHeatlonN for tho potltlon, J ' hlcli will ho filled from tho r.c- 4 H muinendntlon mado by mem- B J ltr or tho repulillniii national ( rommlttee. Notu-ea or contct rrom the (Uth, Heventh nnd rourtcenth M uutrkiH or Ttxu Involving four iU legates to tho ropuhllfon nn- tlonrtl convention wore received H fy Becrctnry Itoynolds. Tho B fight !h nld to be between pro- J grtimlvo nnd old organization k zntlon faction. J, t f 4 x 4. 4 B ,,A"",!-vern Honnett, daughter or Jir, nnd Mi. William llennott or Hun- K "'de, .was taken to Halt J.ake City tni morning by her father. Bhe will V " operated upon for appcndlcltl. -- WON'T FIGHT. WONT THEY? ' 9' 'ifl3 Ib1, f Ml S I ZWA til ,sF 1 I STUB TRAIN BETWEEN PRICE AND THISTLE WILL BE PUT ON JUNE 4 The Denver nnd Rio Oninde will put out n new time curd Sun tiny, June -Itli, trivW Improved sorvlce to Sunpete and Sevier countio, to Price aud other Carlwn county nnd Enstern Utah point. - Train No. 512, the Sevier Valley train, will leave Salt Lake City a at present, but will be a solid pnaKciiKer train throuKh to Mnryavale, instead of a mixed train south of Mnnti. This train will arrive at MnryHvale at 4 ::15 o'clock of the after noon, instead of (:.10 o'clock, as at present. Returning this train will leave Marysvale at 10:.'10 of the morning, Instead of 9 o'clock, arriving t Salt take City nt 0:15 of the evening, as at present. There will be a stub train from Thistle to Price and return, connecting with the Maryfivale train In both directions.' This cuts the present time to Marysvale about two hours and gives an ad ditional passenger train to Price and other Carbon county twIntH. This stub train to Price ought to arrive about 12:C0 o'clock noon under the new time enrd, bringing the regular editions of the Salt Uke City newspaper to Price some nine hours earlier than at present. The Sun will publish the new time card in detail as soon as the same is Issued. PRICE YOUTHS QNJIKING TRIP MONDAY The deed or 'during tin pirform cd by Ho Hi out nn where were eellpnul but Monday when lloh.rt Crockett. Jr. and Vivian tlubl-r. aged eVetllveli M-ven nnd lx )enr took It Into their lltll" bead that the would explore the wlldn that la) lo tho north or Price The oil.ig explorer, ellhel through moilem) or gull", did not adverlM o the world that till exploration wa In, takn plai There wa WiiUi" crowd or wellwlHher. reporter, high l,row or m.) .Imltar kind uX nuU antra Unit umiall to w U I. Intrepid argonaut farewell. Oh. i No ulvo of clutr. no tooling "f tho mnw Hire.., no he.hllng or tear nor hjmcrlcnl weep. No .Nobody e , n Jumped Into the tanal In the x J't tvvoturd little men itarted on their flrt Journe). Ihclr f rt reono to the cr.ll Ihnt roomr or ltr conte to the white man And the) Hlnrted alone. At 10 o'clock they vvtre oir In tho meantime two ramllle al down to Snner in Price Hoy that mnJo on tho nlmcnco or the no) inai TJ mZln from l,U ml o hair n tho reipectlvo famllle. tso auxiii) a MUM bo) during vacation, or unlike notion to dine out and ver fw rormalltle IV obMrvcd. lint h.nfur,Tp.r tlmo nrrlwd ,ln. . o un naine were mnnlft. nwiani in nulrle were inndo and It wn found ?hnt the )OU..gtcr. had lat been wen ittng out over the hill to tho north, v .,, iiirtv wa Immediately form S and ho ravine, gulchc.. K. cellar nd r.h r. Htemflllcnlly enrched The ncarcn- er wtre, nt il o'i lock, about a mile north of the city limit nnd nearly dlHoiuiiged One or the party tund log on u knoll it lllllu higher thun the Mirroundlng tountr). pled the kiddle plodding wearll) ho.newurd. It wit omi jell one not only ot weltome, but or idler that burnt rrom the throat or the remue iirt The ex plorer were oii urrounded, grub bid and humled ufr to their renpetllve home, where Die) were noon rilling their iipectlvo tilth tummlntt with their reel under ll.elr rwpeellve r.a nut' table. , Twohn mile I a long trump ror omu lulu It, but that I tho dUtunte covered by the bo). They got to Kti.llworlh without mUhap, gave the uin.p tho "onte over," liupteted the varlou mine building and werei gieiitly lntereled In the operation or I the tramway that lead rrom the mine to tho tipple. They report tho In- I habitant nt Kenllworth a being quite up lo tho Price itandard and ,.re I genuinely appreciative of tho couruay Mhovvn them. Tho return Journey wa 'commenced after they had quaffed 'n few pint of refreshing mountain I water Two marriage license wero lued b) County Clerk K. H. Hondey on Tuevday ono to KlUhu E. Kdward of Hunn)ldo and Klliabtth'J. Mollard I of Nelen In (Irand county, and tho other to Joo Ilonaccl nnd llonlna Scolio, both of Hunn)slde. Tho for- mer eouplo wero married by Illnhop Albert Ilryner whllo Judgo A. J Ie tied tho knot that mado tho latter eouplo one, WAS IHH BLOOD llii.l Man Willi Carting Unire I Nmiii Subdued. Jut ab.iiit tho tlmii the good peo ple or Price were wending their way homeward nnd to bed about 'J 30 o'clock lnt evening inline or them were luirprhicd to ee nn exciting run ning ruco bctweon tw( men turn Into Main Mrect front lllghth The race wa not txclllng from un nthlellc Ntnudpolnt, n the loan ahead hnd u lead or about fortlfivo feet on the man that brought up tho roar, but the mutt In the rear had n carving Jyilfe fully ten Inche long In hi right Wnd, y Tho lnrt wa made nt the Carbon llottl nnd tho entrle worn Peter Ititriiugo nnd Juan Oarcla. liar nugo had u lead of about twenty feet when the Mart wa made. Ho took the m Mil lo of tho atreet where the going wn good nnd nx ho turned Into Klghlh Mreet h hud lnureaed hi had to thlity feet. The pacu wa killing until tho Hllvugnl block wa reached and the dUtnnce bitweeu the two aprlntfr had Int rennet! to fifteen jard. The rinUh wa mot ext 'Ing aud Npciitniulur llurnago dunhed utroM Main Ntrttt and Into tho Morn or Vlglla I Iron. A he went through the door he )clh-d to thona Innldo to uliut the door and ran through the ntnre and out ut tho back door, Prank Vlglla, who wait willing on the coun ter talking to Kome frlunil. eelng thnt the rugltlve wa being followed be u man inrrlng it huge knife, clout .1 the door (larvlu wa determined to get hi mini anil finally munhed the plain gla, lie mado it thrukt with hi knife ut Vlglla, who caught hi arm, and an exciting ntrugglo enrnied ror the pnelon of tho knife Prank Vlglla' brother ramo to hi omitt ance and finally (lartla wa dliarmed. fleorge PraniUen came up nt till mo ment a ml he undated In quieting the trended man A call wu ent to Hherirr llenr) mid he, uulalud by I'mndHen, toled Onrclu off to Jail No charge ha been filed ngnlnat the mull un )et. Juat what the tall no of the trouble wn tiinuot bo definite ly micerlalned, Jl'ltV LIST DHAWN I'OIt JU.VI! THH.M or tiii: disthict couiit The Hat of Juror druwn to aervo at tho Kocond term of the Heventh Judicial dlatriut court follow i Price--II, It. McDonald, Hubert Mc Kline, Ul II. Pace, A. W Hhlntr, John llaiut, II. J, Turner, O. II (luy mon. A. II. Ilunten, Hunnjalile Prank liuretlch, Anton Tcrtk, William W. Illankett, Alma Pel. ron. Helper J. If. Hatvoraon, August I.IIUxettl, Peter Iloione, Jame Ho lando, T, H. Warren nnd Jnme Mar tello. Btorr Hamuel I). Mellaril, lien Jamlu Mangum I Cnatlo (late J K. Know, C. K. Iloa wlch and John I'land. I Hcofleld Prank Urabloh nnd II, W, Crane. Clenr Creek Sam Woodhead. Ilwell J, W. Uuttler und Hyrum Hansen, Wellington Melvln Drnper. Winter Quarter O, P. Anderson, BEET MEETING TO BE I HELD AT WELLINGTON 1 Emery County Enthusiasts Will Journey There f I Tomorrw (Saturday) to Enthuse the M Farmers of That Locality. It behoove the farmer nnd bind lie men of I'nrlMin count) lo be up and doing If the) ex pet t to keep up with the ItniiT) count) atignr beit enlhiiKlaat nnd do their Just propor tion or work In the tiimiHtlgn that la now on tor the building of n eugnr fnelot) und then n railroad Into Min er) tount) Advlte from our slater ion n I to the south nre ctmllnuiill) nulling In telling tho people of Prlte. Wellington nnd other agricultural toinmunltle of Citrbon tount) what enthusiastic meeting nre being held nt Cleveland, t'nattc Dale, Hunting ton, Kniery nnd I". rron unit how eu t rgetlrnlly tho people urn entering In to tho tampnlgii for ncrenge. Thnt n augnr fnttory I In be built I nn estnbllahed furl, providing of counte. thnt the requisite amount ot utreitge I slgnetl up or contrncler for by the farmer. The t'tnh-lihiho Hugitr coinpRiiy I seriously toulein plating till t ntcrprlt ut some iiolnt to be selected by It ellln r In Itmery tount) or Cordon county, but two condition must be fulfilled b) the people of both counties before till enu lake place Plrsl. seven thousand ntre must bo pledged for the raising or sugar beet nnd second the Denver und lllu (Irutidn railroad i-ompimy must be tonvlnted Hint till ha been done U fore the tonslructlon of 11 road will In gin Tho contrail that the t'lah-lditho Hugur tompnny make with tho licet grower I liberal to it fault nnd set forth that In the event thnt the augur company shall In tho )enr 1017 con struct unit Im kIii tho operation ()f n factory nt some point In be selected In tho future either In. this county or In Hmery touiity, the grower shall In each or tho enr 1917, 10U, nnd 1019 mow to Hiignr beet it certalh lilimbt r or acre on land lo be aolected by the company nml will aell hi en tire trop to the corporation; ho wllf be paid ror hi rop nt tho some term that will otilaln In the )enr ineii- tluueil nt the compniiy raetorle at Pa) stin and Hpanlsh Pork The grow er, howevtr, I lint to be bound b) the contrat t iiuletw the augur company notirie him prior to October I, 1910, or It decision to proceed with tho erection or it factor) , but on the other hand tho contract I explicit In pointing out that If the grower I no tified on the date mentioned, he ahull Immediately begin to prepare hi bind ror tho tultlvatlon or beet In the )ear 1017 nnd thnt ho will deliver the beet grown either ut the factory or ut the railroad, provided that hi land I not moro than five mile distant from either Nothing fairer than this could be NEW IDK Cumpt of Ciiiiicioii mid hiundurilvlllc to Oct New hlriicturrH. Cameron und llle aro to have it Nchnol building Till waa decided on Tueaduy ut a rtguhtr meet ing or tho Carbon county board or edlitntlon. Tho coat of each school, however, I not to exned the sum or rive thousand dollar Those place have felt the want of t-oniinodlnu quarter for school purpose nnd con Nequently much satisfaction I being expressed at tho board' action by resident In the two camps Kullmalo No, 2 of Anhltttl J. M. ill sou, who I engaged In the erection of a school at Htorra, amounting to I233S.II, wn presented mid payment wu allowed by the board. Katlmute No 3 ror 1997 54 also waa allowed, Miibjtit to tho presentation or vouch er. Voucher No. I umounted to it llttlu over eleven hundred dollar, making the total cost to date about twenty-rive hundred dollar Claim or three hundred nnd fifty dollar from tho Ogden Hchool Sup ply company wa presented to tho board with tho offer that threo hun dred iionar wouiu no attepitu aa tun pajment, if jinl.l now, Tho board re rust d, a thl bill wn contracted by Cnrbonvlllo und Hprlng (lien sohool boards. The charge wa ror maps, eharta nnd soforth furnished tho achuola mentioned. Principal J O-Oubler appeared be fore tho board and naked that he bo paid an additional aum for tuklng ohargo or tho Junior high school, which ho claimed waa not part of hi duties und not Included In hi con tract, HI reqw at wn granted All school principal were allowed one week extiu pity Teachers appointed aro Dean A. Heck, principal nt Caatlo Oate; Mis Ijsura Itasmussen at Hiawatha; Olen O, Allred nt Hprlng Glen, John K. June at Wellington. Carl O. Jenicn and Mary n. Twaddle will teach next school )iar at Hunn)Me expected Mini the question Hint I10W It'il confront the Price merchant, farmer V'iVafl nnd nil other itusse of eltlten lal ' Where wilt thl factory be built 7 isl Also, riom width point on the right of 11 vvh) of tho Denver mid lllo Ornnde IH do the petiple of Price whdi the new jBJ mllroo.l to start iBBJ Next Hatiirdn) evening ('. It. Israeli BBj mid David H William of the beet- BJ growers' tommlltee will hold n meet . BJB Ing ut Wellington nt R o'clock nnd fi MM the) will endeavor lo stir up tho en- i BH thurbtsiii of the farmer there nnd ' M get it large ntrenge signed lli. Hovcil H thoiiMind lure are liteded before , Hl (litre Is nti) thing stirring, Muslim ' H nnd professlonul men In Hmery roup- ! BB I), who nre not farmers, nre leasing Mm und renting land nnd signing up In VH order to help the good work along. PH What are the buslne nnd piofesslon- JBVj nl men of Prlte going to do No mat- JH trr where the faitory I to be built, QH the new rond must start from Prlee. lB lllnnk form of tho ronlrnct can be kH hud nt the bnnk. publie offices nnd '.H bulntM bullae or the illy nnd nil 'nBVJ who can nre urged to come forward iIbVjPJ sign jffl WAWWEEK jM Pupil rrom ll Over the County r- H (iillice l . uBH During the pnat week graduation i BBl week Prlro presented n very lively fH uiipenrance Parent and teacher I ('fBBJ nnd bo) nnd girl rrimi lllnwuthn. L flBBBl Wellington. M.inii)l.le,j Custln Oate, ' lBBBl Htorr und Ihdper gnttiered here lo . ifmmmmM listen lo nndHtrllelpnte In the dlf- vVVVfl fvrcnt programs that had bet n nf- j A9tM ranged for both tho high school nnd i f IbBBI the eighth grade pupils or the coun- 1 1 WBH IV )Tlm eighth grade graduating ex- BBpB rrclsrs were held nt the high sehool jmBM building The prog-ram which wn M published In The Hun on May 19th 'tTlafll waa exceedingly well rendered nnd J BBI the nffalr ha been voted a proiiounc- u BH ed succes. I rBBJ The high school graduating oxer- I ZMM tlse. which tommeiiced with religious !!JPBH service Inst Hominy evening, were tit- !BVPJ tendttl by largo crowd. The hoIiogI ifBBl wauddrred b) Dr. Oeorgo II. Ilrlm- i) BBB hall of the llrlghnm Young Unlvera- , VH lly nt Provo nnd thn subject or hi .iVPH ad. Ires wa mental, moral, ph)alcnl yIBBBI nnd spiritual blgne. Ho wu listen- ttVVVl ed lo with appreciative attention ulBBBl throughout. The regular graduation TtmmkmM duy program wu curried out on SsIBBI Tin a. lay evening at the high school, UVVaVasi The progrum und u Mat of the grnd- llBVaPaii nates wn publlahed In laat week' iPfBBBB ITjaTaBBl Tin: oi'i'iciiits waiihii, ttBBBI HIT KI.NO HAD I'l.OW.V VYsBBI King, tho coloreil man Of Mohrland, vBBBBI who ha figured In all kind of scraps, Isl ruction nnd whutnot during hi real- FBBBl ill mo ut the coiil lamp and hi ex- FvBBBI iiursloii to neighboring town, again f IBBBJ gave nn exhibition of hi capabilities I ABBJ ut Mohrland lust Hutiirdny evening. '' WBBJ The Hun I Informed that ho engaged , BBH In a dice game with n llusalun coal b tBBBfl miner Had blood hud existed bo- tJBBBBl tweeu the two men for some tlmo und Ril tho dice game soon developed Into JH n tutting festhul In thl oiieounler ktfVH tho czar' subject rnme off second best PfPBBfl with it fate well carved by it raior BJIHH and it alight cut In the back. After ItHBBI the fracas, o the story goe. King lvtjVH look refuge In hi home, mid when mSBBBI the officer, Morgan and Treloar, SliflBBB went after him they round him silting h9VPaPJ quietly In hi home armed with it HaBBBI rifle They tried to iersunde him to IffiBBBB give iii the weaiion, but thl King re- BIBBBBI fused to do After purl) Ing for an BBBBBB hour or so, King wild hu would go In- 9BBBB1 to another room mid change hi BBJBBI shoe. The officer sat nnd wnlttd iBBBBBI how long nobody relate but after NHH u consldi ruble time King' wire np- IHPII peared nnd salt). ''Vou'nll don't need ftJHBBl to wnlt no longtr, icing's dono gone." IRBBBBJ Where King went I u nostery. smMm lilUVUS HOCK IhliAND UOAD ISBB roit Diwnit & mo (iitANDi: HAbI DIINVKIt. Colo, Mu) 33. Prank BbBbI J, Husley, alstaiit genvrul mannger IHmBBI or tho Chicago, Hock Island and Pa- BbBBBI clflo railway, with headquartera at BBBBBI De Molne, la., ha resigned that po- BhBBBI sltlr.ii to become assistant general HHBB manager or thn Colorado line of tho iBBBl Denver and lllo arande. Vice Preal- BBBBBI dent A. tt Hwiet mado tho appoint- BBBBBI munt, which ha been approved by tVBBBfl President Mudge BBBBBI Under tho direction of Vlcu Presl- VAil dent Hweet, Easloy will have charge SBRiBBI of tho Colorado lines, dlsoharglnirtho HbBBB sumo tl (tea In this state aa doe r It, HHBBBI llockw.ii In Utah, and filling the vn- jBBBH canoy standing since last winter, when IBBBBBI Hockwell wau transferred to Halt lxke BBBBBB PBBBfl ! b9bbb1