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1 lmmm BHHL- ' THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE THRM f PlQFjESSIONAL CARDS. I MLl'l'- CIIAJII1I.IUjI I B . I'hinlclan nntl burgeon m m E office In Vltrlla-llonomo Illock j I t "'C lMtICK, UTAH. I . rTT" . h twiTTi ii iixnvAim I n l" t'tirnlolfin nml Surgeon I it I '4 Offke Over Commercial Hank ! t. ' " PKIC13. UTAH I lr 7 l tmTn i'. caitr.iA ' lm Dental Surgeon ti " noomi ! Vlglla-llonomo Illdg, ,. B0 PlttCi:. UTAH i iSnTll. 30I7TZMN A Dental Surgeon cf Office Over Price Comm'l Hank. ," I " PUICK, UTAH -r rf iin ni i uicKsnv i t- Attonicr-nt-I.nvv I n 717 Judge llulldlng 3 BAIT I.AKK CITY. UTAH. I' - fc f FIlMil HICK i:. WOODS I t I Attornc)-nl-I.ntv- I ' P.oomi II anil IS. Sllvagnt Illock. i , I PIUCH. UTAH t i r- ! 1 c a. mi.i:i: I t Attorncy-at-taw S i Vlglln-llonomo Illock, t i ' I'HIOK. UTAH I - ' L iSVMUfj A. KIMJ t Attorncr-al-Iaw Judge Uullillng I SALT LAKH CITY, UTAH. l j I MILKS Mll.I.IIIt. M. U..A. A. I UcciimiI An Illicit ' Vermont HtilldlnK I ; SALT L.AKH CITY. UTAH. ICUUIOV COUNTY AHSTIIXCT COMPANY I J, V. Ilamnionil, Manager. AbMrarta of Title PurnUheil to An Piece or Tract In Kaitcrn i Utah 1 nr Imurance Written In the But Companies Doing Ilualncu In the Plate. Ileal i:tnte. llontli, I Etc. nolilen Utile lliilldlng, PUICK, UTAH C. R. LEWIS PltACTICAl) PliUMIIINtt AMI HEATING S Jobbing Promptly Attended To. 5 2 Intimate l'uruUlictl. jl S Shop In Turner Wink, Main KL 5 Phono 17H, Prior, I'tali. Idtab'Si Best Coal! King, ! Hiawatha, ; I;: Black Hawk, jj l Panther. iiHMB 11 SUB! ii MKY I :: 818 Kearns Building ; Salt Lake City, Utah; Fhirtromlnif are mod mfparent. n 4 et ou wouldn't know a dog had ' it If ho dldn t make some fuw 3ut It The man who haa gpod things to offer and doean t oiHerll fSJUld think of this CHARLES E. HUGHES OUTLINES PURPOSES Tells Audience That Crowded Great Coliseum In Chicago What He Would Do If Elected President of U. S. CIIICAOO A nit S Imrlt i: Hughe tonight told an audit n that crowded Chkaima Kreat CnthKtint thf hull win re he wan nominated for the irt-f(U nry wlmt he would do If r-btted prmhlenl of the I'nltrtl !tate Mr Hughe rhargnl the preei nt ad mlnhtrallon with wante nxtnuaiwiHe ral vaHllntlon He derlareil that It had not kept the countr) out of war but tlmt It had fotiKht an iKnotnlnhmo war In Mexlm awl had wlthdrann from that war lKnomlnlul He eharged the admlnlMrHtlon with hav Iiik liDuiKht the t-onulry muh nearr l a,rtlrlatlon In tlie IJorupcmi war tliHii tin iounlr would hate been had the ndmlnVstratlnn "kIimmI for Amerban rlRhta" He deilarrd that It no more HHlble to Xpert tariff profit lion to Anorlenn Inilimtrbn from a demo, truth oonRriiw than It would ! to Kit "a nlitl eertnon out of a illor dirl) hoime' The nomlnei amMtlled the ndmlnliitratlon abi for lie ap pointment to off Ire and ibtlared that If tinted he would appoint to office old) men who were well tpiallfltit IVrniiHMitlc l'.M utlllurfo. Demoeratlt expenditure for rlxer nntl harlHir wire attniked l the nominee ' I propone that we ehall toi thin pork bulne" he mbl 'I proptw that we hall hne not em inent In a butlneiwllke wn) We will not have nn more If I ran Mop It of Hie 'kin me and I'll kla yitu' appro priation In toiiKreM" The nomltite aald he aloud for a huidnillke reionlble budget IhipciI on fact "I do not want nn ho( air In mine," he added The tlemoernlU part Mr llughex fiibl a apprimthlng the Idea of a prolet the tariff llkt a eklttUh home to a bran IhiiiiI " In 1912. If nddtd. tin di iiiorinllf platform had Mid In tffett llmt a prolix Hm- tariff Wa tin ttinalllutloiml The) In effeil now that the Kuropiun war had rhanged the ion etllutlon of the Pnlled Hlalie." he iiuillniitd "Hut do ou Ihlnk thi) are loinirled'' Pont )oii trim! them a lltth minute with prole ting Amer ican Indualr) Thi) haven t Bot'lt In tin Ir iMine' Mr Iliikhe rellerutetl mmli of hi Dt troll pnih regnrdlnK the iidmlu IMratlon Mexltan polio It had no right. ' he nabl, to ttim mil thi toiintr) to a couree of i un did t uhli h landed Mexico In aniinh), left our iltltn h pre) to the ruuige of nolutlon and made our name a word of contimpt In u eUtir rt pub Hi ' We have Kone forward' the uoin Inrt ald. In epeakliiK or the uilmlulii- ration a Mexican polli). "wllli u ct. tirinluatlon lo be diatruttlve, pot tim KtriutlM. to dmlro) all lhi hud." I I'olli) .Hmilbil. Am In the ailmlnlntralloii fori iKn polli). Mr llughi wild We liaii nllouid our work to l can n up b) henllutlon b ilehi). We liux aoint ho or other tnnxlitiul the world that our talk U theap I proi""1 that we hae u new birth of Amerliun purpow and iniiruK) We have no iHuunlon lo fear war In the ai rtlon of thoec right, wlilnlt all rein,nUt and onl) renput u for maintaining Hut If we are glib In Mpeeih. If e In illt ati Hint we ure not nnd) to meit (hi full renponidblllt) that our word Impl) we nre punhttl u Utile f urlhi r and a little furthir until noinu flnt da) tMnlM twHiir whlih artiuee an linplniubli reHtntiuunt from o nd or the toiintr) to the oihir Thut I the of war mi uilmlnlxtrutloiv, lum come iHiirer landliikT uh In war b) II weak nee than It would cer lne com hnd It flood raltliflill) ror Amtrliiin right and hud lit It be known that the) would be 1 ft titled 'I itllee that with our peateful purpose, we have no oicuhIiui to be ilrawn Into etrlft ir we ure preparctl If wt arc dlKlilfled ir we how Hint wt mean what we mu) And I dealre that a wt look to the future, we Hhall hat Amerltan iltlxenalilp the proud eat title III the world Amirltiin ad mlnlatrutlm a t fflclent a an In th orld, nnd American honor the iher Uhed HinuKht of eto Ann ri tut t Ill ten " Mr Huxhei Mpoke for nearly nn hour He entertd a luill that waa an I Jarnnud thut t )en the ateel iron glrd- 1 era terc u'HIUed ror at at Iho nu- tllente ilitered him for flvt mlnuu- before lie pokc A Draw bond perch ed In a loft at the far end of the Imll pla)id thret atnnza of the 'Star Kiaingled Itanner" during the demon etratlon but the mualc wn hot In the whittle of other found Nomination I'iimiucIH. I come to thi hall with petullar emntlon Here, a little lee thiiii two month ago tluv republican national roNitiitlou tiomtnated me for tin of fice or prealdent or the Pulled Stale I had not ihiukIU that nomination I ditl not deelre that nomination I wa fiinttntcd with in) work and looked forward to thi- fulfilling of Hie allot led ImtIimI of lire III Work that wn congenial and of the hlgheat Impor tant e to the American pctiplt Hut when that call ciime. It did not admit of an Inatant heettutloti It meant but one thing a eumiuun in nn nb lou obligation ami, a I wa while on Hie Item It, 100 prr cent it Judge I Hun I ccame 100 pi r tent a tandlditlt I dcalrcd, If the Armrliiiu piople eo wllbd. to dedlcnte m)elf to the canae or Ainerlnin govi mint ul not for iHtrtlaau txpctllent) not for frfi ml, not for political aiipporlt re, but for tin Amerltan prople aiilel) ' I hold the hlglteat partlaiin expe illnni) to be nn iidmlnlMratlou of nt hh It) for erlte to the counlr) If nn) thing In thi campaign I real It la that we are now filling the iUtllon whether wt want word or whether wc want dieda whither wc want that which I written nnd apoken or whe ther we wnnt Amerltan action In the InttrtHt of tin Ann rlean ptople worth) of the Amirltiin name, initln (tnlnluK Hie Amirltnn hmor and but ireetring Hie pronperlt) of the I'nltiil Hlitte Would ApH.liu Old? I'll Men One or the rr) atrloii thargp w tilth might Im bild ngalirt Hit pre ent ailmlnlalrntlon I the t barge or puttlnK men Into Impor tant poalllon That N not for tin In nt fit of di mot rat) Anil I nnu, In thi plate wht re I wiim nomliiatid, without an) rtgiiril to pollllcal future, wt) Ihl That If I nm clMttd prcl dint of the I'nlltd Hlitte I pn poae that eer man that I put In thiirgt- or an Important dt lutrtment almlt be a man mint nil) fit lo dim harge the tint) or that depnrtmi nt "I propoae Hint In tllploinullt err lte Inilnlng ahnll toiinl huiiii thing I propose that whin u man got from till toiintr) to n preat nt the Kreat Amirltiin ptople In another nation anil I do not cure whither It I a atnnll nation or a I Ik nalloii. ror we want our Inf lut ni e In ainnll and grintl I propone that thut inun ahull Im a worth) rt priaentntlve lo whom l lit piople whom he Im atiridllid to will look with rcBpfit ami tatttiu, ci lug In him the tfriileni) or the Kreat I'nl tiil KtatiH. "I pointed out laat night In in) apt is h In Detroit the bunt ntable wa) hi whli h our dlploiniitli aerilte had Im t ii dt nu ill d or men or expt rl cine hi onltr to allpd) polltltal Job I toiiut that u lupltal offeiiM II I trail lug In theiKond numi or the Unl till Htate It I trailing In the honor or the Unltttl Hlale Nobod) hit a right to pa) polltltul tit bl with the gunil muni and Hie honor nt Hie I'nl ttd .SlatiH hniiln IIiiiiiIiii.ii llciiinl. In Hiinto Domingo we luul a ape t lit I truat Wo hail taken mtr the maniiKeimnt or the rinuntt or thai little people Wc wire there till knot United Htalt mIiowIiik what thla rtpubllt i unlit do lu u plain IuikI nee propoaltlou And now let me read aomu fnmlllur word aihlrwril to the ruiliir gem ml b) tin Hun avtrttnr) of atnte lit eabl thla 'Now that on have nrrUtil and art uniuaiutliiK ourtir with the liu nilou tan )ou bt me know what poalllon ou have lit )our tllapoeal with wllli Ii to reward deaerilliK dent in rutH I do not know to wlmt t Ment Hit knowlnlgi or the HpanUh lull KUtiKi U uiHtwenr) ror emplo)e Let me know whut I reiiulalie tiigftlnr with tin alary and whin upMint ment ure llkt I) to 1 1 madi Hhould not ever) AineiUun lianK hi head In ahuine that miiiIi a thing ahiiulil oiiiir In our hlitheat ileimrt ment or KoverlllIlellt', Now there I another able thut I wlah to apenk or Willi reapetl to a bUHliieaiillke iiilinlnUtrnUon I'otir )enr iiKu the dt mocrullt part) In It platform nttuaed the rtpubllt nn par t) or witMte and extruviigMiiie Thi) nald thut the) wire going to I'"' eton onilinl When they gut In the) win more w nateful nnd more extravagant Hum an) ndmlniatrutlon evtr had In en I don't care. If I nm elected prti dent, what become of m ptronal polltlcnl rortuneH I propnae that we mIiiiII hint) kov eminent In n IiiihIikwi like wa) We wont have nny more If I tan atop It, of thcae 'kliut me and I kla )i)ii' appropriation In ion Krewi i i JBaSjmr "Say man, here's the real drink for these j 'H 5Pj hot days puts you on your feet again i IjB fSn makes you forget the blazing sun and the jr-M if r blistering sidewalks it's the real refreshment" l WflEfe!y And in the home it's good for them all! .W 1 .mHKQk 's a lrue Pure 00 home beverage. f . I MffSL HARRY GCSAS. L0CA- DISTRIHUTOR. I GIVEN LEAVE TO FILE A NEW COMPLAINT Federal Court Issues Order In Action Against Denver and Rio Grande Railroad "Teankum" Again Heard From. Motion lo til nil Hi) lomplalnt flbd b) Truman Kelt hum iiKuliial tin Dtnver anil Itlo (Inutile railroad, tlwrglng the lalttr with tinlnnftil t oiliblnatlon and rcHtrnlnt or tratte wa made btforc Juilge Tllllilali I) Johnaoii In the full ml tllatrltt tourt at Halt l.akc I'll) Hiittirdit) b) Hi nr MiAIIUitr, kciii nil wdltllor ror the railroad at IMtvtr, Colo Ihl mo tion wn nborbtd by the plulntirr through hi itttorne), K A Walton, ImIiik grnntfil flflten tin) In whltli to file an nmendtil bill atatlllK nlliKid vlobillon of Hie law b) the (ompaii) The auH la lotiahlired of Kreat Im portant c Ktlthiim tek ii tierman tnt liiJtintHon lo reel nil it the t mil ium) from trnuaportliiK In Intt ratittr trufflt toal or ctike prodtited b) It or It iillltd (ompiiiile The allied torn pitlilcM arc an Id lo be I'lnli l-'uel torn hiii) mid the PleuMitit Vulle) I'oitl tompnti) III the alute aiiirime tourt Ihertt I ut preat nt peudliiK an lit t Inn In wllli h the Ktlthiim Coal lompaii), the I'leaaunt Vitlb) Coal tompail) anil t'tah I'uel itiuipaii) an Involvtd In Hie htiprt no' Cotirl. Tin aull In Hit atate Htipreiue tourt hliiKe on the iiueallou of the right or w) to the Dtnver and Itlo Orauile railroad b the Kilthuui Coal mm pan) It U tlmrgeil that the railroad anil II allek'td itlllid rompnnle are prtventliiK the mining or tout nnd ehlpuient ut the Ktlihum proper!) The railroad nntl the two uthi r mm- puiih itrt Maid to be mining ut tin Ir propertle and h) the iiIIikhI reruaal to Kraut right or wit) art fnruilng a comblniitlon In rtMtrnlnt or trntlu anil operating u monnpol) In Hit ault at prevent limit r rt vlt w in the federal tourt, Kttihum, In hi loinplalnl Maya that h I a ahan hobltr or the Dtnvir and Itlo (Inutile railroad He tlulina that b) reiiMtiu tit tin nillnwil coutHui) havliiK violated the law b formini; u tombluatlon and reatritlnlng trade' thai It I ion llnuall) InturrlnK liabllll) to ault mid I In diuigt r of ImvliiK fiintlM diverted from propir ptirpotoa to the pu)miiit or luuv) ilamiigt. immUm, expeuaea forftlture, pi niiltle and fine He utan tlalin Hint Hit railroad I lltble to have It thurter revoktd nnd loael It rrunthlaea ' which think are lluble, to render II aliurcM of impllnl atotk, and t apt i lall) lt itimuion atuuk. eu Hrel) and utterly worthle, to the Kreat nnd Irrt parable dumaso and o or the plulntirr, and all other , tommoii aim khohleni In the ald tor-1 pnnitlon " Mi'MIUIt rV rguou ut. In the motion to dlimliM the com plaint made bt fore JiiuVti Johnaon, MiAIIIter argucil that the rul'road hud owiiihI the fuel tompanleM for tight )era und ror that reuHou the ahurt holder were eatoiptd b) atatute or limitation In tiietionlnK the own-! trahlp I"8 loniiuti) He uUoj tlnlmtil Hint If there wn a bual for nillon It would be the right of the govt rutin nt to Institute tiroiecdliiK The plulntirr, he nrgunl owned little atotk lu the rnllroail tompaii) HI Intt rent In the company he inula taint tl, wa not enough lo i ulllle him to be heard McAlllatt r nlo argued thai the atnteiin iiIh In Hie lompinliit of inonopol) nntl IIIckuIII) were too Kt neral anil not lu auffUlinl tletall I'or the plulntirr, Waliou iirgiud that a Mockholder did not need lu Mtati Hie di tall or nil Illegal trail at Hon Hint would be utieiunr) In n ault 1 1) the Kovirument On that Mtiitetin nt, the tourt nked Wttllon If plitlnfirr would Im ctinti ut to take u det ree gi nt rail) t ujolnlnir the de fendant from further violation of Hie law Walton replied that he would be willing to unept Miith a toiirae and pa) the coal", but he km w that the deft miaul itirporntlon would mil ton Ment, atatlllK Hint It would menu the intrlt or the iue would be tried nut In iiintempt prut ceding. lUltt r to ItiiixtlRiile. The court thereupon innaldered ft would I hi better to liueatlgitto the rail In the main ault ruthtr than lu tonlimpt proienling. Tin plulntirr wu then Klven nn onltr to file an amended bill Truman A. Kelt hum of Portland, Ore, I uannclated with the David Hccle eatute In the owner ahlp of the Kelt hum Cou complin)' mint nt Cuatlc Qate tllHJD ADVICH Kvfljfll lli-llll (Xpert all uilvl pw pl tit eat ver) Utile In uiniiir (leorg lu and It la very good ad Vlre Humnii-r Ii tlm time of yr when th cooking ailiuol graduate xt In their work i.iviat Titoi!iu,i:. I um bothtred with llvtr trouble about twke u )ear, write Joe. DltiK man, Webater Ct lu, ' I iinve palna lu in) aldu mid bank und un awful Morenea In my atninaoli I heard of Chumberlitln'M Tablet and tried Hit m Hy the tlmo I had unul hulf a bottle of them I wa reeling Hue and had no ylgna or pain' Obtainable ever) w here. Stationery and office nuppllei at Tho Sun GRASSHOPPER BEMEDV . ' jf ! H Hubert II. Sit wnri (liven llclo I'or i it M lcntroyliiK Pent. ' V H The Kntaahopper nfe commencing to dn mo muih ilnmnge In part of illll CnrlHin and Kinery cvuntlc." a) It, Jl H II. HtevVart, count) ngrli'iillural ngent, ' In ii communlintlon to The Hun, that iia B I have felt It ndvlaahle to publlnli an Aft H nrtlrle In the pre Hint the farmer ''If B ma) be Informed of a nit an of tie- y HJ tro)ltiK them In order to nave their H'l irot wfll ''Make and nipl) till mixture! ( uffH Pari Krten (or while itraenlc) three ' HftH IHiiinda, bran, flft pound! rup iltlHl (tin up), four tiiartM, water, rive gnl- HhVJ Ion. It iiioiim (medium elie), ten. Mix 'SHI the ptdaoii and bruit tngfthcr white tjnfll do, tllnolve the )rup In the vvnter, iSmVJ Millet e Hie lemon Into ihl and fine- 'tffiH I) i hop Hie ptet unit pulp nnd add liiJtH them nlao, pour Hit mixture Into the XtflH bran mid pari grei u, and atlr mo n wHVJ lit ilainprii the inah thoroughly. The 'jfiRH lemon ma) be pn part it b) puttlnff iflDMHl them through u incut grimier. 1)1- 'tSShI tribute the mixture brontlinat In u iHfflH fine pnrtltlt a poaalble where the 'HiH Kruaahopiit r are moat abundant. 'vOlifl The applltatloti aliould be niiide to- liHH wiiril cv tnlng or curl) (betwten i ilwl nnd 7 n't lot k) In the morning Prom 'lUlH three to five pound or ilr bran I IrJKH iiniiall) Miiffliliiit for an acre of land. jJljlH Never dlatrlbilte little pile. SXH 'The farmer often think little good faiH tin been done betuiiae lie iloea not Yill until e the dead hopper, although he Jvfl nm) nollte that they are muih fewer f B In tiumbera, In audi tunc he I like- 1 ol I) to think Hint the) have migrated to 1 IH (time ntht r fit Id The dead graaa- I IH hoiiper ma) uaunlly be found If one if IH wilt take the pain lo get down upon l IB hi hitlid und kneiM ami look the ;f Jl Murfuie or the grouiid our i arefully ' LllH ror them apetlally I It neceiuary lijl In look iiboul the root or plunta and illH In Hie ahailtil plait wht re the) ma) a get n Utile protection trom Hie auu JI whllt In their alik und dlng inndl- flH Hon lilllH i fH Bargain Sale 'M Of Real Estate Jfl at Scofield IB North hulf or hot t Illock 3, , "stliH with dwelling houaa $800 00 Ii auHHH I-ot I, Illock 2, with frame ,( Tll building . 000 00 ,) ilH Part or U.t is, Iiloik 2. with '"afpH frame building ... . . toooo " liHIIH Lot 2. Illock 9, with frnino trH dwellliiK a JO 00 ilpH Iot 1, Illock 8, with three- iliiH room frame dwelling .. . 373 00 ."tmLI Uit , Illock 7, with frame KilpH ahaok 173 01) ' BH lllook II, with four-room dew I- RH ling houau 000 00 yH Uit 3, lllook 31, vacunt ground J3 00 ' HH M 1, Illouk 21, log liouie... S0O0O Ui IH Lot 7, lllook 17, with threo- NSiililiH room dwelling houae .. .. 300 00 m lH IM 8, Illock 17, with five- VZiiii room frame dwelling ., 130 01) Ff'tVI Iit 13, Illock 3, va unt ground 23 00 lUffltH Iot 7, Illock 3, with bum,, ., 230 00 jl jfH I-ot 3, Illock ID, vitonnt .... 30 00 A JMH Lot 3, Illock 19. vacant .... 30 00 81 IH Half of hot 4, Illock 13, vacant E flpH ground SO 0U W f H Lot J, lllook 8, with four-room ll frame dwelling 130 04) lH ImI 6, Illock 10, with old ffif XH dwelllnir houae 200 00 a flH Iot i, Illock la. wltli dwelllnir SrfpH and nut bousea , uoo 00 Si jfil I'or Purtlier Iuformailon ItSiiHia Cull On Or Write Klpl NEIL M. MADSEN Scofield, Ulas , , HjlH llllllllflllllllllllllllllllB WttMSS