Newspaper Page Text
Hi , PAGE SIX THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY AUGUST H, 19l , Ht, tiiiiiinnnKiniiitnii mwmm K' :: PRICE, UTAH j i M General Engineering ; m and Geology mmm J Bj I ','. Colli Minn Hew tnpiilt lit flB , )) Irrlgnllon I'liRliiirrx BflB Muntjx BMBMB ., Wnltr Minxurriiieut BMBMB Mnw MJH llrlitgr mill Hlglittuy CoiMrut- BMBV llott B CnnttntllnK lliilliltrx BMB , . Aiinl)xe BPB ( ', Mint ml HcHltx llinmlniil 1 m rntloii I fflcleney ','. (.rut ml Contracting ! m H ' j Second Floor uilmpii Bid' g. B Mlllltllllllllllt.lllHtf' . I Utah Fuel Co. BBBBI I a Miner nml Hhlppcrs of I Carbon County Coals - . ,. Also Manufaclurcis ol Cote K" Q Carbon County Coali are (lie BBK 1 P ' BBSBC "tt '" t,, nTll hr llnraoi. Mulct BBB , S for Mlnex, lln nnil (Irnln. Mine BBH j ' HJ Prnpx, Tlet. Hprniri nnil Vnrloui BBB 1 1 sim Other I-ocnl Product! H x lorno hkfm Patronized B 'M General Offlrei Hcventh Ploor f II JiiiIkc IIuIIiIImk, Hall Ike Cll) t Mine nt Clrnr Crrrk, Winter BBH n Quarter. Cuille Onte, Utah BBVB jf Minn nnil Hunu)ilde, Carlton BBH i m County, Utah B ' fl MHIHHHIIIIHIIIIIIIM Elite: ,, JSAR j B t hJ '.'. whit qh oi.ii ci:nu J . (I nitooic fiisici:. IBB 'BJ Am" ''"ltlnir the lllghpft BBBm ' laO ' (1rai,( I" M'lunr anil Cluur ' hSB flH 9BJ o H lH jjCHARLESAVERILLi BBBl 1 HwH ' ' i'uici; Utah BBVJ i r i I .'flj Miiiiiiiniiii in M I LARSFRANDSEN BMBMf i flH Manufacturer of '1 , Brick of All Kinds BBBft i fiitsvl BBB JH VnnU iiiljolnlnic the Denver H i fflB nnil lllo Ornmlo Itntlrtuiil rum flfll JKB !"" " the xoulh. three, Mot Ua 1 I jBH rn( "f '''I"" ffl('' nt home, flfll UaH" eorner Mnln atut HUtli tret. flfll i SB9 ltlnialiit (.Urn nnil I'rltr ppa , 9 Qimltil On Aiill(atloii, Bflfll ! .a$m v' ' lUtt 03 'i in 1Ilm ntici; rru flB i ?o ( flfll ! "IMS! oiiiiiuii Mitm mm WnKri Gbrisleiisen ( H9 TRANSFER l;M and DRAY. K ' ' 1W ii 01ve " our M,rk nml It vl ill '' flfll ! i-j- ffl. " rert,v, prompt HttmUim .No flfll t. tlr 'Mt ' Jo1' '"" '"rKr 'r (,K '""'I for ' ' Hu Mlw ' ll" '" 'mlu,,, BflV'1 ''aBHi ' l'rillit in given our pe lul ' flfll I Pvwfi ' atteil,,un ''lill Mioiic hih.' I :' ' ljd --- ? nn4 I The Utah Saloon BIB ll 'WfS J W- Ocn try, Manager flail' 'Siffi BflW ' vOl ' ' I',nrt Irt In Intern I tali . H fpH WIMCS, MQUOUS OKI VHS Vi) luf ' " Wlini,K,SAI.K AND lU.TAII, flfll ' '' JBfM PM VI, IIUVT. 11UHU OV TVI . m'i F L lil HOl'TII M.N Til 8TUI.UT flfll '' Hi BflwMr'Jil I'lticu. utah ft ! I'liono 7I.. flfl! !l(ii " 1,,llltr ",0 f1 HBii 'T? oimiiHiiiiiHiiinini BflKvll UP IN THE AIR ON IMMIGRATION BILL : President Wilson Is Opposed to the Measure and Wants It Put Over Untjl the Next Session of Congress. The Him Hpfilnl HiTWir WAHIIIMtTOS l C Aim 7 I The iltmiirrnlN nre up In the nlr In 1 the primfe on the ImmlKMitloii Mil i the fmt Unit tin' preelilent lx nppiiKeil ' to the mennnre nml whiiIk It put ner ' until tin in xt eemlon of ctiiiKreeo him i tntlxiil eivarnl ill mnrnille iiiiiiIIiImIw for the finnitte ll Rrenl iliill nf HllXlel) The fnet thitt Hie reptihllrMtin will nt- tempt to link the hill In ItM tntlret on thr ihllil tnlior Mil Imp iIImiiii. urtiil the iiilinlnlnlrillnti wiiliifi Thin meiiKiire In one of until pulilli Inten rI nml lorn nlmimt the eolht mip port of tin repiilillnin mi mh rx or the upper lirHinh Hoimtnr (InllliiKir Imx hIhthv he n MrniiK for tin hill nml In one of the repul II tin lenilem who Ik forrliiK Hie ill mm rut In in- lion nt prinl on IIiIn proponlllon The ill iiiih rntu In cniituii time utteil eil to the lnhm of the prenlilent nnil oliil lo pontpont Jt until the in xl emlon, hut the rrpllhllinn propone 10 put lliem on retoril nnil will Torre 11 tote nt thin eemlon If piHwIhh ltetentl it prominent tltlien nf Mulne mix n Riirnt of one of the re piihllenn lotiKreiuimen from that Mute HpmklnK of the oiitliHik there he Miht If I tun Jililxe niilhlliR from the n people nr tnlklnic the ilrnimrnlii nre ilue for nn nwful Jolt Ins ilio ii I n Maine In Heptemher I'rnetltully nit of the pnKrelr nre hni k In Ihe fohl There are not enoiiKh left for n toroner'n Jur Willi n unlteil part), I liHik for n tletni MMeip from one enil of tin Mute to the other I fri I tonflilrnt Unit nil four of the tinmrmMlipintl ilUtrlitN will he ii Kill ii rt piihllenn The rn onil ill.trlit now reprietnteil h Con Krrimmnn Mi(llllliiulit ttlll return u 1 repuhllinii We Minll elert IhiIIi t'nl ' letl HlnteN einiilom. Tlntl'n the wn ' th (people talk tlonn In Mnlne" Ih iiiih mi) I'p In the Mr. lleprrrenlnte Jme T l.loil of Mhmourl one of tin eli rim mi mlrn of the. limine n ilemotrut In polllltw ! nml n former i hitlrmnn of the tlrmo- ; i mill tiinuri Mntiul lommlllee. In not er optlmlxtli nhout Mlwmirl Hi Kne the other nieinhem of the ill lr. Kulloii mill xhlvern wtnn lie ntnteil puhllib that there In nut n thoiiMinil illffimne hit wren the rrpiihllitin noil ilemnrrntli xntin of the Mute While he Mnteil Hint he thounlit the ilemiuriilM iiiIkIiI nirr) Mliwourl III oriln were not tlnitril with i ti t IiiimI- imm nnil iippnrrnll) were not filled with Krent hope CohiIiik from mill n Kotine It In Utile woniler Hint the id morrntN nre iiliirninl nlMiut thut mate rien O c iMiiurii of HitMiur Kan n frhml iiml lonMllmiit of lteprit nliitlxe I'lill Ciimphell of Kim mm wim u retent Ullor In Ihe nnllonul enptlol Hpenklnir of the outlook In Hint mate he milil Knn um will KUe elKht thoiiMinil for the repuhllinii nnllonul ticket nml I llilnk thai flicure l tuiioiTMitlte Teh re l no proKriHMhe Hirt left In our Male ll In unlteil with repiiMltiiiin nnil thut iiimiu mi nwrwhelmluK vote for our th kit In Novtmhtr llimhtw U it popular hlol In Kunmm nml the ptople win for him before the lomentlou Whin he ho, nominated thul neltleil ll I urn of the opinion thai im Knn mm In iptlnif mi In koIiik Ihe eouutr " lion llnrr I UtHiilunnl of I'nr keruhurK W Va who fornurl r- il In loimriwi Iihh heen r lv the n pill lh huh In Ihe roorth tile irl I or Hint Mali Hi wim u ritint MMtor nt Ihe iMpltol it ml hihuKIiii: of I tin ellliHtlou In Ilia Matt In Midi I I hut Ktu tHinpulKiiliiK nil otr nn Ii tlittri t f r Nomi tlim I lnte tonn ' In tontntt with the people I hne not the nllKhtett ilollht uhout whnt H KoInK to happen In our Mali In No emlier lluKhex nml l-'nlrlmnkx will win l n Mtlmtnutlfll mnJorlt Our Mali U In favor of protertlon Our Atnte tltket will nn win hut lv n nllKhtl retliitetl limjnrltj I liHik for it Mtc khIii In tle itiiiKrix-lmml title kitloti No I'morlte tint rt I'hnmp I lurk ma) he n Rootl volt Ketttr In Mhtooiirl hut he woiihln t run er) rant In n entnpnlKn In Cnll fornlrt or I'lorlitu In it cpeeth In the hmiw ii few iln)e iiko he Irletl to t x plnlti Hint the war In Kurope xhiit off the Italian lemonKrowem from their ortllnnr) mnrkit, eo the) wen fortetl to ilump their proilutt Into the I'nltiil Htnlee, Willi Ihe rexult Hint California lemon proiliiteri left thtlr frull on the tree He niRletltil lo rnmtmnt up on the fnet that the ' Innlilliiim Hal Inn lemon lohhy xpent 1110.000 In tlutliiK Ihe ttemorrntlt' part) to rriluta Ihe tint) on lemnmt, nml thai, heenuioi of Hint ruluttlon. the Italian Krowem vtern Klven ntHewi lo our mitrkrt Wo inltlne Clark not to k on the tump In California Ihlx )ear The fnrmerx of California know what hit them I'rexhleut WlUon thlnka It iinwlxe for Ihe Amerlrnn people to tnp hnrxeii whllp rroiMlnK n Mreitm Hut we tlon I know whether wp nre t rtm lint or not Von enn't iromt nn ort of n xt renin on it horxe Hint t-ontlnu-nil) t hniiKi x hlx nilml nml Koex In no oppoxlte tllrettlon without nn) w ani line whnttver imamr Inloriiiiillou I'or I lull HoiiMwIifx At Till htllMIII. Hourewlvex nettl not fenr the llliih prlte of xtiKnr In puttliiK up fruit At toritliiK to Ihe ennnlnK xuh UIIMx of the tlepnrimriit of iiKrleulture mill for lixe In plex or xnlnilx or n xlewttl fruit ran he titiuiiil wlthoHt tht uxe of xtiKnr Thexe experlx Hml mi) fruit may he miiexxhill) Kterlllietl unit retitlmtl In Hi. nk l lmpl mlillliK ImiIIIuk water livuleml or Ihe hut xrup Hue nre the tllreetlonx Riven l Hie exp.rlx for Hie t'liniilnu or frullx with out xrup fan the proilut t the mime tin) ll U phkeil Cull, xtem or xettl iiml t lean the mill h) pluilnic In n xtriiliier nml pourliiK wuier over It un til It In t lean l'.trk the proilutt Dior oiikIiI) In kIum Jnrx or tin ihiii until the) nre full t'x. the hiimlle of it tithli xpiMin wooilen Imlle or tahle knife for putkliiK purpox. x I'our over the frull ImiIIIuk wut. r from a keltle, pline ruhhtrx iiml enpx In poxltlon iHirllnll) xeul If ii.Iiik kIuxx Jnrx. xetil tiimpletel) If IIK till I mix Plait Ihe ttiiitnlntrx In it xterlllilni? vnl xiii h n x u wtixh Ixillir with fitlxe hoitoui, or other rtHeptitile Improv. Ixetl ror the piirHixe If itxhiK it hot water httlh outfit, prottxx for thirl) mluutex, toiiiil tluu uftir Hit witter Imx rein hut Ihe IhiIIIiik m.iiI. the wultr imixi wiver the hlkluit Jr In eoutulner I After xttrllliliiK remove Milix venl kImm Jttrx, wrap In Ntp. r to preunt! hlisit liltnc nml xtore In it tlr tooli Plme 'If )oti nre tminltiK In ilnj mux it will luiprovt tin proilutt to pluiiKe the mux iulikl Into tohl wa ll r Immeilluttl) after xterillxntlon Win u iixIiik ii xti.iui prixNiirt ttinutr InxteHil of the hot WMtir IniIIi xterll Ii for ten mluutex with five poumlx of xttHiii prexxure Nevtr nil w Hit prexxure to k over It ll ixiuniN ONE FLY SW11TTED IN TIME KILLS NINE I Mid Summer Felts. X The early Fall Hats we are showing in the strikingly new Vi colors are so attractive that to see them is to want one. The colors are different from the ordinary run of shades, j $ Citron, one of the newest colors, is a pale lemon shade and i jf very becoming. A new shade of Rose Pink, Alice Blue, also Grey and Tan. White, too, is very popular. No two hats are X alike, as this is an advance line of samples. i I Prices from $2.50 to $3.00 I f -! 1 Bessie Kennedy, Millinery, Inc. I NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS! The Sun hns u number or subscribe who nre In arrears on their subscription and which should be paid, or otherwise we will be compelled to drop them from our mallinp; list. Look at the date on your paper. The Sun can use the money, so cull and settle same or mail it to us. IONMMIMI Oree Hut ,i, riu red lie and trulr 1 1 in llor HiiMis, xa.urn yoi, (Irxrx I lav you ux ittueh x I lot in)-ir (lrce-Then I am ).nnx, ilxr Orrxt.r lor Huh Ilia l itu mioun could tt,r dir lo Imix fur Cflti: I tilt Clllll.l ll MIIIHUS. When our little U,), now 7 )enra old, wax it hah) he wax tureil of thol im uiiirlHix h) Chitmht rliiln'x Colli-, Cholera nml Dlitrrhoim Ittmeil)' write Mrx. Hlilne) M i unit of I tir lluven. N "Hlnie then otlu r memherx of in) fninll) h t t nw thlx vuliiiilile iiietlltlne for eol t jnil lowrl (rnutilfM with kooiI xtitlruitloii in I I Kluill) tmlorxe It ux it rerni of t . teptlonul merit" Olitulnm . tier), where Ailvt The heit ndvertUer ilonn t olwnjj u) Hie innit thlnK. hut what lis ilon a Ii well fald. Smoke Klk Pride Cigar Trl 15 VISIT OUR STORE ! o Tin tit prexxliik i ffi ts i tin hot wtuther nn Knam rt In ni If von inulntiln a r i i r .n i lxlt our trt nnd tr x mr r our iv iiieut Htm Hu - i Iokiiu lloileil Hani or Wienrrx Our Ht.akx mui I. im- . i ,ii find wrtltiiliri pp. itiinir o Corner Meat Market j It I 1HM.I Us, I',,,,, ' I SAVOY BARBER SHOP I Uext In Town Hath. i Con nectlon Tr) li tor Hr Ice J.O.CALLAWAY, Proprietor, IMlOUVli: AMI (UMtl)lNHIIIP .NOTICI.H (Conxull rnunty clerk or the rrxpec live xlKiien for further Information ) noiki: in itrm nuts ii mi: of Joxeph I'lltK.r, Deeruxeil Creill torx will in-xeiit tlalmx lo the under xiKind nt Ketiluik) I.lnunr lloiixes Prlct CnrlHin rounl) l'tah on or In fore the :ixt ttn or Novtmhtr, A. I) IVie II A Omit Ailmlnlxlrutor of I Mute of Joxeph I'llKer, Hi i (Hi fill I lot pill- Jul) 31. Intt Auk IK, line Norm; or ihvsoution op to. Parinerxhlp Notlre x lurth) kIviii that the iti.Kirtnerhli hrretoforo ex UlluR hetwrrii Iirthir k Pllllllpx ilolnit ii Kenrrnl inertHntlle nml retail ll'liior hiixlnexti at HuuidxIiIi l'tah nml compoxetl or Krnext ltnlirr nml ltn)innml Pllllllpx Ix tills date tllx xolveil h) miiluut eonneut All tlthtx or the wild firm nrn iiiMiimeil h) Kr neM Uirther, who iilxo tnllntx nil hook netountx, notei nml otlur iimiIx of the firm of Utnlur K Pllllllpx, Dated Humilde t'tnh Jul) II lUlrt KltNKHT I.MtCIIUIt. IIAMONI) PIIII.I.IPH. Pint puli. Jul) M. Inst Auk 11. I!HC NOIICI! TO WTPU PsI'ltS Stale Himineerx orflee Hall Uike Clt), I'lith, Jul) 1 1, Idle Nolle U htrel.) if hi n thut Ititlph K Clowanl, Whoxe pi. Muff lie aildrexi x Prlie, l'tah Imx made uppllfiitlou In iiitord mile with the retiulreinentx or the Ijiwx of I'tnli 190T. im unit mleil h) the Hvlon m of Cmii. I90!i. 111 1 nml 191. to appropriate four hundred t Ulit (ISO) ntre-fett of wuttr from M lilt r Cnek, Curhon loilnt) Cluli Hald wuter will U ill verled nt u point whltli lienrx eouth 45 ileif wtxt IS:o feet from the xolitll wext eorner of Sit ST Tvvp IS Houth limine 11 IIhM Halt Uke iHixn uuil merldlmi nml eonvt)ed h ineanx of 11 lllll.ll te.m .. ..!.. . .- oixtitnie in .'c,;io feet mid utortHl from Januar) lit to April Ixl mid from Heptemher 10th to He. teuiher 11M Inrhixlte nf em Ii )wtr, in it rexervolr emhnneil In Hie north- we.t niinrler of itn it Twp IS ! South HmiKe 10 Kh Halt ltke huxo nml meridian The tenter of the Im- I' I Miudliik- dam will henr miiiHi IS ! lex- wtxt unit r,,t rrom th, north- 5 liixt orner or the north wext iimrtr I" wutir will I., releaxed mul uxeil from 5 Jiuixrj l.i t 3Ut (nilii- ! ii "feailDrar to irrlkite :oo atrex n ii Mouth Itamte (i fan Tn) 5 l'l' Mixtion Ix dexlKiiatetl In the Mate l.Kllletrx om.e N G7o'9 M.' J irotextx xKN, w KrMl(, f ,, $ 'f.r """':;".'" the renxonx thtr - 5 ti1.! """iniMtnlei Id n r t of i of Hie nui i, '".? Hf" ,he """I'letlon 5 MKHt Htut. Hnxllieer 5 Unto rf . "f1. I""' JM, ' 11C 5 l-te.r..lplell,(fp,l1 AIIKH.ISI. i Tr """'"''" f rim7lTwT7k 5 Smoke I.Ik Pride cigar T J62. '.' 1 lid S I J u, """"'""IHI.-m. dv, J I" - imiiMimtER co. IJi ' ' ' ' " vi .NOT ICi: I (HI PlIIIICUlOvl (Puhtlxher) IHpnrtm. nt of th. J tcrlor. Cnlteil Htntex Kind Offll Hnlt Ijike Clt). l'tah. Jul) o Notlte Ix lureh) Khrn that llunkx. of Prlee, t'lnli. who on d loher IT, 1918. made llnmnteu it tr), Htrlnl No. 01011, ror Nix Hi: '4 nml Ni of HW'",, Htc T 11 Houth, ItniiRc 10 ImH, 8lt Hi merhllnn. hnx filed notice of Imj tlon In make three-) ear proof, to j tnl.llnh claim lo the land abort I xtrlhed, htfore the clerk of Hit dl trltt court, nt Price, l'tah on tht 13 tiny of Augum. lto Clalmmt niri nx wltncxscx Prvnk Alr, 0H4 ItimuuiKxen, M)ron Ituxxcli anil rlxon lluxxoll, all of Harper, fid OOUI.I) II liI.AKi:i.V, Ilgut,, Pint puli. Jut) 81; H.t ,uK t 1( If ACODENTiiliSICWi'ESS SHOULD SUDDENLY STRIKt IK)V FAR IS THE DOCTOR??? With a telephone In your home he Is in tht next room., Thlsmcniu promptassistancc, relief from pain, life saved. Arc you going to let another day go by wlthouta tele phone in your home? Why takes chances? The cost ,is trifling the service to' you-prlceless Drop a card today to KuMtcm Utnh Telephone C. Prke, l'tah arid have a represents tivc call and tell jou how little it costs tohaw a telephone in 'your house. Western Electric TELEPHONES guarantee jou Ucst cfvl(f. i If You Are Looking Fori Real Estate We lire prip-ired U ho nn)thlnir from a City M Wj! Htnck Hunches nuffl Icnlly lt i for mi) one Price has seen ' totto"1;! Wo expect to me Ileal &UM,1 ndvnnce steudll) from nor on. Wo lino a few unapt lh ut very Intereitlnir an I trt ti', plwlxeil to xliow nnjthlo have. ' Office rooms fir rrnt la " Hllvmrnl Illoclt. the must pi" j! nnt roomi In the rlt) i Don't forget that we nf'wl turunce of all kin It "J'! flR-ure with jou ",l'r i nlile to save )ou nunc) o ' Lee-Nelms Co. Corner Itoom, Vigil nulW"; PRICE, UTAH ; rfWrtrtAfWVWSAVVxVV-A