OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, August 11, 1916, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1916-08-11/ed-1/seq-8/

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Try Our Jitney Plan
m ;j
H' , When ho started our JITNEY PLAN vc made
B; ' i fa jump that curried us far beyond anything ue
H I ! expected. Thirty-four have cast their nickels
B at the plan and nil think it the beat thing that
FFFm, ' j ever happened. And how much more they will
B like it at Christmas time, with $10.50 to their
B, J credit to upend for anything in the store, and
B j such a stock as we will have. Already have or
V 1 dercd it and wo assure you c will have the la-
K test and best.
H Keep coming, we have plenty of the cards that
H, I will keep tab on your weekly installments.
I Elite Jewelry Store
H 1 Price, Utah
H , 1 j
PPPF A It V. Horn of Humi)sldc Km rex-
B a frlcrrd nt the Tavern tliirlnx the week
FFFA H J II Mnnsott returned Tucsda)
PPPfl i '" trom n hiislncsa lrli of several ilnn
JH nln lo Hip state lonventlon nt Ox-
i Ami ''" returned )cterdu
iH -Mr. (1.V. Mnrllii (if Mautl wn
m i ma h xurst uf Mr. J. W. Mi (lit tin mill
PPPf in Mm. A. D. Hiitlon )eslrrduy.
PPPX ' jBf N. H. Nell son of Mt. Pleasant enine
PPP j JM In Itiln innrnlnx ni business ninl will
ffPX1 lM I" I" Price for several iliin
PPH- jm Pelrr JculiseluiuWii III Colton
PPH i JH Jlomla), xnlrix upfin re in lixik nfler
B l LjBj hi ahrep herd l(i IhfltMilnlt)
PJJJJJHJ Wt A. J. f.ee returned thin mnrnluK
IHH . fitiM Jom Oicilrii. where he liail lieen In nt-
PJJJJHJT ' jHTI trndnnie ut the state convention.
IHIH ffW Dr. (.. K. Hiniilillnir, veterinarian
IHl ffimi 'or "" '""', ,'"p' ivmpnny nt Castle
HBHi ' ! .niH (late, n Tiivern Riimt Tiiesthi)
I - MM
bbbbbbbbT J7" Mm. Waller Iliinilloy uf Prlte
IHH t&Xi wo, the Kiiriit of Mis Minnie Dukiiii
HHlB , U " Pruru Inst week. l'rovo Hi raid,
B 'Ml
IBB ' ih3i i-C II. Ulliba, gcoloxist, hiin down
BB ' oB from Hall I-nke City' Manila) on bml-
PJJJJJ . 9M nr, KtiiipliiK nt Did Tnxrrn while
Wi ' Jrv h,rc"
!)llHJi TlmninM TMnlilnlr of (.'mile (lnt
JH M (tntipltlK Kt tlm Tnvrrn dlirlllK the
' iStM urrk, liclnic Imra mi liU mi)' In Hun-
BVJ i u nynlcle.
HhVJ ' tvliffl JiiiIrp V. K WimmU In Imitk from
IJJJJHJ Jifw "lp HoiiiI CoiMCrrwIonnl nnnenllmi
yjJJJJJJ 'i'jfl nt 0l,"' "leri he- went Turwluj n
IHH iJEHl ili-lfKnte.
BVAl I ' " Mr, (l(nme (7. fnindnen U iimii)
PJJJJJJj ' 'mB '"I '"'t nf eM nil rkn with relu-
H" 4HbI tlm nml frlemU In H.mete mill He-
IHB JB t'lllinllet
t ! IjBK Wllfnr.l Huff of (.intle (lute uim
BVi 'iISh ,"1"'1"'" laltiir In I'rlie Weilnen-
IBB I ''fijEBI lll'. hrlnif rncUteri il ut the Tmrrn
M qH hlle In tnn
iJJJJJJJ' ( .aBHj U A. Mi (lee retlirneil )vilerilii
Wi I ' WH from Oicilen iH'IniC u ilelexute to the
Hi ninnrenlniiul iiinventliin whlrh met
M ' ''I-JH Mm. Don l Wllllumn Iuih return-
W '' 3H "' from " trip tn I'rlie uml IVrrnn.
Hi I'' -.Si where Mhe xlaltetl relutlMH fur ten
Hi 'tMLM Ja. I'rcno llernlil. 7th.
H 'w 3B Knrl A,rl11 retlirneil thU rek
HI' I jlffl 'rim " ,r'1' "f "x,-rnl eek upent nt
Hi! ! ! iHy Otfilen, Coalville uml other iolntn In
!' t liHH ,,,r mirt'"'rr i,iirt ,,r n, "tot'
mWMt ' Mr. iHulielle Murplo retlirneil tn
Hi I -iSflf ,,'r ,lnm, "' Hull tjike I'ltj Moiiiln)
Hi i niH "'r " v'"" "f '' rBl " "t the
HJB( i SHB hnmn of her hrothrr, Tlininun I'lU-
Hi ''IB rrnlil.
H,' j9 Crl II. .MnrfuVi'ii l Uuk from
BH ' i WW ""' r'"llll,l"(',,,i vntule iunentliin ut
HJ Sm Kilrn. Miiri'iien ink en lid ilefeut
Hi t HHi coniilnentl. wQih'H iiiurkM him h u
BH' 1 'f Kiff iwilreinililliun s
HJ ! it S June Wliltmore uim In from the
H I rt w K,rk ""' ""' of ""' Mt,, "" ii-
HM'l ' 49 n'"' 'r,,lll'"' mt III" nre lookliiK
Hi ' ! JIB "'il. he wi)ii, with iellt of mulHture
Hi ' HTB "" '"" fl'" clo1'
Hm HH Huiiv WiMi.lheHil. muiiiiKer of the
PPB 'vBUw Wamitoh tore ut I'lenr Creek, nun In
H' ' jV! ITIto Moiiiln), lift nml ChrU K. Jeii-
Hjl ''JBBtf J" ue'nir ''eliKuti'M to the repulilliiin
HjfB o JbR rounty romentlon from that preelnit
H i i SHI CUrii Ji)hnuivr(. HprlliKtllle U
HA fl VrtaT rUltlnic ut the liomtO of hU t hunt.
PJHJkj 'IfflBSK '''" ''"I'', unuth nt' town Ynunn
IHlJ 4UBi iohnton li the hoiiyif I'rofeiuior uml
HT1! HrUI Mra. Wune Johriaon, fonnrrl) of
H) (otB 1r,tv
VA'1 (,fltt Mm Kriink Curroll or S.UInu ami
H JMt i,r- "U11 Tuttle or Cntle Pule were
BB i ' JVK v'lsltora from Kmery ouunt) ilirrlnu
BBl ' itWii I'1" Meek, Mrs. Curroll belli on'hir
BBrt (- p' f'iit ay 1"mt wl'll" Mnt. Tuttle cnm thU
Vfl 1 'i' IbL nr with hir.
Vfl f'fcl ""v " 1ait u,fl ,aul TuihhIu) for
BBl I I vim 'lar Clt) uml WiinhliiKtun count.
BBl i wtt " w',$!r' I"' "'" xl'" u"n ',l '"other,
HHHii wvH ' nur 'f" Mcx. Vsnf will accompany
HI mH ll,m '10"10 " lilf return -Delta
Bit ml ffiron:H-. 3d.
-Mrx. (I Hiliulti or lllawntlm
In I'rlrp' Tiirmlu)' on her wn)
home from n trip or neierul nerka at
Halt ljke (Ml)'. herr kIip hud lieen
with her hnlx- ror trentinent ut n .Ion
-N X NVIIwiii. W It Cumllnml
nml the Mhnen Irene nml llentrler
Nellwin motoreit to Muntl Tuemtny.
While In Miilltl the Inille Were the
ajuerta or MIm Jowiihlne HornuiiK
Mt I'liimnnt 1') rum hi. 4th
Ile. Oarnr Hnilth, hn him lieen
pnator or the Mi ihuillut ehurih In
I'rlrp iturlnK the punt ')enr, left luM
Hunilii) ror I'nuiilwiiiy'iiln , where lip
tnkra up tila new ilttflea im lent her In
Nmnrene tTnliimll) In Hint tit)
Minn ltele Krnneil) left Weil
heiln) elenlliK ror IWp of M' trill
weili o k'nnxn rtf ninl Ht. l.ulu,
Ini) Ilia; aiMiiln uml limlflnv the full
atlra In inllllmr) 'lle uwi he
Hill llt her pnrrtita nt ttrtmawli k.
tleorne I'hllllpx la In fnmi 1'rlre
to Ult with hi family uml ntteml to
I'rlre-l'lntiih Huxlii Auto line hll.l
niH l'hlllli Ik to U the ajeheral
manuKer or the roiiipiiii) with hrnil
iiuiirlem nt I'rlie. Mytnn 'rr- I'rrm.
Ituhert Menle, Thoinna Heller
ami lllnhop T J. Jnrmle)' err here
Momlny from Winter Uuartera na del
eifiite to the repiiMlitiii lount) ion
entliin, Mrr. fiikpN uml I'urm
ley ImiIIi went to Oitlleii to the utiite
Mr. Henry Krleknen of Mtou
wik Mopping nt the Taern thU week,
helnc on her way home from n lnlt
or aeierul week lit Halt Uike I'll),
where alio hull Iteeu with her little,
Klrl who la umter trentinent ut u hoa
pltiil thrre ror npemlli'ltla.
K, M llroun, iimiiitKer of the
tlohleii Utile ture nt Price, n turneil
from the- Kimt )etenlii) moruliiK
from u pun IiiAIiik trip of aeierul
week While nwny he ImiukIU hetull)
for Ixitli the I'rlie nml liureku ntciren,
On the trip he llt.'il Ht U.liU. Ht
I'uiil. New York Clt) nml I'lilliulel
phln. 1 II. Jiikiin uml lter uml MIm
l.'lUn I In) i a of Kinllnorth ure homn
from u trip or two week to Yellow
Moiie I'urk. The trli wn muile hy
niilomolilte l Urn Mhlliuul trull out
or Cnrtxiii fount), throiiKjIi Moutunu
uml on to the purk They report n
inot rnjo) uhle outlnir with no ucol
ileut Jinltfe I', rilluuml Krloken nml
fumll) uml Mr. Camilla Nolaml mo
turril to Halt Uikn City Hit inurnliiK
after upeiutlnic it pleaaunt Ult with
relative In till lilt). A. W. I'rot'tnr
uml fumll) ulo went with the purl)
In their unto uml will Ult u hort
time In Halt l.ake Clt) Mt I'lenwint
I'jnimlil. .(th.
H T. lliirkenhiiKen wife uml
KrumUon hue relurneil from u nine
ilu)' riahliiK trip on the While rler
nml oer on the Cottonwool! near
Provti It mini it niiirl) eery ihi
while the) were Koue, In aplte or
whli It the) uiiiKht ii fair atrliiK or
rih uml liuil mi enjnlie outline
Helper Time. (Ill
Mr uml Mr W W, llrown uml
thalr ilniiKhttr. MIm (lenlel uml Mr
Ho) Cox. or Muntl urrheil In Trlre
Tuemluy, lomliiK h) unto IhrouKh Ha
Una Ciiidoii Tint) were tin Kllefla or
Mr uml Mr (leorice !.. Itomli while
here uml ileHirteil thl inoruttiK Tor
th reeriuilon imiiitr) for u jhurt
llt with frleml.
V W CliHiilinan. Trunk lliuklu,
U K I IIIU uml Crank Itohlmioii re
tlirneil Tueailu) uflernoon from n
fiMhlnK trli of ten ila on iJike Fork
In the former reervutlon The) re
port hulnK hail a plruaunt oiiiIiik
with plenty or rUhliiK In fui't. the
fli-h were ho plentiful In Ijike Fork
that , wu n vhuniu to outuh them
Ihomu Hell, Kellerul auperlnteli
ilent of the Cameron Coul compnii)
wn In l'rlre yeaturilu) on liualiieMa,
The mliiHi, he wi). iin- wurkhiK full
time, hut there I n avamlt) or men
The new lottUKtw remntl) ereuteil
them ure now reuil) ror ovtiupunu)
uml ure rilllnif up rusfldl) "ConUI
Hiiiik with u ure BBtienill) ifooJ."
au)a Ilell I
NATION. (Contlnuod from page one.)
hlRh ror or Bfrnlimt (lnvernor Hpr),
ami the Imltte wna ililentl) ilrnwn on
thoe line Ihilliitlnn ror icoirrnor
wn nerompnlilril hy n tumultuoli up
roar mot or the tittle Till rem h cil
the t'llmax. howeier when the final
fount wn nnnotinrul. the Morrl peo
ple wnvlnit linta nml lllnn In tri
umph. The Hpr) inipporter Jeereil
nml howleil
The tend that the Morrl crowd hail
ovr the supporter or Ooiernor Hpr)
nml other did not Imllrnte In mi)
wn) the hlttcrne nml ltilenll of
the riKht In the lonientlon When nt
the end or the Mrtignle the Hpr)
roree hail lout the) miuilfecteil keen
est rellietiinee to nil It the flulit. nml
nlmiml to n mini dlxiTiitid to the ole
to make the nomination iiuanlmoiia.
Nomlnntltuc apeethea were plrlteit
II H lllnekte) plni'ed in mimlnalloti
Mr .Morrl. prulalna: the mmrntlon
ror reapomlltiK i Itohl) In the olre
or the people ' nml ilerlarlliK hi nut
dictate ritleil ever) ileniuml or the
plntform nml or the part) Curl A
Ikulxer munid Mr Jenkln. (Urn Mil
ler nomltinteil (loiernor Hir) I T
I'drnxwortli plmril John C Mnekii)
In iionllnntion uml II. A. Hmlth nml
John Jensen Hindi' the nomlnutlna:
aperrhe respeitllel) ror D O lyde
out nml Ooenr W CnrlMin
Mr Miller reviewed the reeord or
floxernor Hpr) na nn rxerutlie. de
I'lared lie had t-urrled out to the letter
the platform or the part) and Imd
lirotmht onl) dlunlty to the nfriee or
Koiernor or I'lnli With the exception
or Mr. Miller nml Mr. Italian r the
speaker were freiiiontl Interrupted
with hlwe or Jeer hy the oiposlnK
force. Tllise Jeer, howelir. were
reserved In 11101 (use until nfter the
apenkrr hud exieeded the time eon
aldered sufficient ror the nomlnntliiK
speech, when the ilelrKnte emxiixeil
In 11 pastime or JoshlnK nml hefud
illlnil the speuktra. Mr Miller nml
Mr IIiuIiot li) no miiin escnpnl en
tire!) iindlsturlieil, hut their lutrrriip
Hon were lesa frequent mid less ltl
terou than In the other disc
Hull Cnll Vole Tnk
Halt Irfike lount) wn railed first on
the roll nml cheer rmiK throuah the
Altinmhrn theater whin th, Hpr)
run 1 showed Kreutevt strenxth The
rest or the roll however, wmt less
rnviiruld) ror the Kovemor. Morrl
takltiK the liir;er roll rrom Ululi. We
her, Cm he, Hevler nml J1111I1 tiiunlle
Hpry won, lu.ivever In hoth Ciirlxm
nml Hutnmll
Hope or the Hpry func that thn
iiinventliin would result In 11 three
cornered riKht were dashed to pine
oil nnuouniement of Hie resultn or the
first luillol. Not until then had even
Hie opponent to Jenkln tlmiiKht hi
supporl wn so vveuk It wu at
thla point, nml on leurnluaT the nitunl
atreiiKth of the Jenkln crowd, that
the Hpr) people received the first
ahiN'k of rear In the convention, or In
the entire riant up lo Hint time It
then heuime apparent that .Morrl
would rnll win the nomination,
there heliiar no other urgitnlted
MlreuaTth na-nlnst him than Ihut or the
Hpr) people
Convent Ion lukrw llrcr.
rollowliiK the luillotlnK u recess or
an hour wua taken ror dinner, when
the lonveiilloii reionvened uml the
work or mimlniitlnar u sinretury or
stale, utlorney xenerul. slate treas
urer, atate uudltor, superintendent or
plihllc Instruitloii uml four presiden
tial elettnr wu dlspulthed with n
inuih haste na possible
With rive cnmlldate In the Held
Hie flxht ror aecrelur) or stulc wuxtd
wiirm In the (onvintlou NomlnallitK
apeeehc were limited to three min
ute. John C. Child or Weher coun
t) present, d the miine or David .Matt
son, Alnnio llrlnkerhorr or Kmery
lount) offi red the name or Jesse ll
Jewke. J. A lUxkwood or Halt lJike
nnmlmited l.lncnln (I Kell), Duin T
Hmlth or Halt !.ake orrered the mime
of lleUr I CummliiK or Hall Uike
lount), uml T II Merrill or Cache
count) nominated II A I'ederseii. al
so or Cliche One liullot wn ull that
wna reiiulnd, the result llna: Kell)
310 Vi, I'ederseii 110, Jeukca tORS,,
MuitKou tOH, CummliiK 30.
Three llullol On llonicy.
Three hullots were rtiulrid lo set
He Hie fight ror attorney general (1
A heixni wna presented tn the con
vention h N C, MorKun or Halt Uike,
Harold C Kuhlun hy Cluirle M Mor
rl. hoth or Halt IJike. William M
Mt Crist li leora V Wnsson, hoih
or Hull l-tke, U I llaker h) W H
Slurka or Tooele, mid John r Chides
ler or Hevler l) lleher C ChrlNtenseu
of Hevler
On the first IkiIIoI l'nhlan l.il with
u total of IT0 lo S ror Ivrrson. IIS
Mr linker. l ror MiCru uml 66 ror
Cllldester On the seiollil Utllot u.
hlnii Jumped ahead with SID, ut the
expense or Chldestir MiCrea mid
Ivomon, nml on Hie third Imlot the
vote stood r'aldnn IBS llaker 85, Ivrr
son 61, McCrcu 3 nml Chldeater S
Only three candidate were out for
utiite auditor W A lutham of Halt
I.nke, Churle llelner of MorKun und
Joseph Jensen of Hon Klder, nml one
luillut aottled the question In favor of
Jensen The Vole wua Jensen SSttVu,
llelner, MS 4, mid lathnm UW.
I.eut ha m' nume wu presented by A.
II Irvine or Halt iMkv, llelner' hy (I
It llnlverann or Weltr anil Jemien'
li) llenjiimln Cnll of llox lllilcr.
MudM'ii the M11ncr,
Four candidate were presented for
the oftlcu of state treasurer ull out
side of Halt I.akr lount) The name
of T C Winn of Junli wua presented
hy T D llees or Juuh. Curl It. Mur
cusen or Curhon h) A W Morale)' or
Curium. Duvld II Mndsen or Utah b)
Kphrulm Homer or Utuh. mid H II
Dartgu hy O P. MiHhuiie or tleuver.
Miidkott lul on the first Imllot. hut
fullud lo vet a majority by flft otet
In nn effort to tal the t'tnh county
nndldate tioth Heaver and Juab with
drew their enndldatea on the seiond
l.nllot In favor of Mnrcusen The
scheme went nwr), however n Halt
trfike I'tah Weber llox Klilir and
other Inrxer countlc went almost
solidly for Mndsen
Tin vole on tht mi-oihI Imllot vvus
.Mad-co. .inHHl Mnnttscn, 2I", nml
Winn, 9,
There wna no fluht for the office of
stale superintendent or public In
strmtlon The tommlttee on plat
rorm nnd rewdiitlin had deilded
earlhr In the da) that the orrice
should be lion-pnrtlsnn, nml upon
the motion or (leorKe M Cannon the
rule were suspended nml Dr K O
flownn wu renominated by Bcclnm
ntlon .
I'l-i-ditfiiliiil I'.lritor.
A tin nomlneea ror state off her
were not dulilcd until nft.r mldnlftht
11 motion wna ikimciI to ihiHise the
first four hlxh men on the first ballot
us presidential elettor Hvm name
were submitted Invld Jensen or We
ber. J C Crltihlow or Halt Iike,
Thomas Hmnrl or Cache. (Hen II
HnthWfll or Hall Like. Orvllle I.
Thompson or Millard. Orrlti Heel) or
Kmer) uml A It I law ley nf Hevler.
Heel) Hartley. Jens, n mid Hmnrt
wire nomlnnlrd on Hie first bnllol
Prior to closltiK the convention mo
Hon were carried altlnx ri-ioRnltlon
to the new central state committee
nml iiulhorUltix II to fill nn) vbiiiii
ilea In nominee, nml n motion wn
carried tonkin the mrt) emhli m mt
eaxle with otitslrrti lied wlnx perched
on 11 bet hive
The permanent nf fit era of the con
vi ntlon were Prank W I'lshbiim of
llox Killer count), rlinlrntiin, llurvey
fluff. I'luh count), first Vice (hair
man, O. I. MiHhune. Ilenvir lount),
snrctnri and U It Wntta. Hall IJtke
lount). erxeanl-itl-arm
Coviruor -pr)'a Mnli nicnl.
Hovernor Hpr) ncicpts defeat III
his orrice In the stale cHpllol Wiilnis
dn) mornlns; the Kovrrnor said he
would stand It) the iiitlou Tuesday or
the state convi ntlon lit OkiIpii. He
tild he lit n not diny loo emphatluill)
the rumor that he will bolt mid lead
11 third Hi kit
'I onl) run nwa) mite In ull m)
lire," the Ron r nor sold. "It wn when
I wn 11 'kiddle. uhollt 10 )iitr old
I wu pin) In: In the lot near 11 wltd
urreut bush IiciIkc Huddeiil) I
heard n bellow Ihk on the other side
und nt the same lime I Huuiitht the
whole twin!) rod or hedxe wu belmr
torn up b) the root. I turned mid
'1.' at If ror the bouse I burst throuuh
Hie door nml when motln r usked me
what wn the matter ull I totlld say
wu. Hoitielhlua;' comlim ' It pro veil
lo be nn ntiirr) i-ovr
"Hpcnklu; sirlotisl). Hie Kovenior
said. ')oii may sit) ror me that I will
not permit in) name lo be used 011 nny
third Ht kel No one has iipproni lied
me on such 11 proposition, mid If Hie)
should, which I do not on(cmplnti,
I should not permit It. M) friends
will not ure me to do such 11 thlnx
The) lire not Ihnt kind nml I mn sum
I shall not hear mi)t!ilnir or Ihnt na
ture. I want to mid in) upprei latloti
ror the wu) my friends stood b) mn
throuj-h the flu-lit, both those who
were on the Hour or the convention
nml those who were no there"
110YT m mui:v Mtiniu:
Tlmolh) C Hoy t or Weber count)
und Churle It. Mnbe) or Davl coun
t) ure Hie republican itoinlmea ror
cotiKres. llo)t wu nominated ut the
Plri Conxrcslunal dlsirlii i muni
tion In Oxdelt last Weilnesdn), over
whelmliiKly defrntlnif Conxressman
Joseph Howell. Ma be) wu nominated
ut the Hecond Conxresslonnl dlstrlil
convention held nt Halt take Cll)
Three ImiIIoU were retpilred for Hie
nomination ut isiih lonventlon In
the Pirsi Conxreiulonal convention
there were four cnmlldnti In Hie
Held I li)t or Weber count), Thomu
W O'm.nnrll or I'liiiuh, Conxresman
Joseph Howell or Cm he ii.unt) mid
Jmlxe Jacob Johnson or H.mpetc
On the Hisl bnllol llo)t bil the field
Willi I7TI4 vims.. )u id,. Mtxinil lie
Kiilncil strciixlli uml 011 tin- third hul
lot nivlvtil 2.111, uml u motion to
make hU nomlnatloii iinaulmnus cur
rlitl. In Hie Heiond Coiixressloiuil lon
ventlon Churle It Malev, who wu
lute entrant In Hie rme, xenerated
muih strenxth T U llolmnu ru,,
second llirouxlliilll Hie bnllollux, Ilia
supporter mnklnx u desperuti. efrorl
to xamer votes rrom other candidates
ror the snond and third ballot. lo.
man made 1111 nppriHlnhle xalu. but
not Hurriilenl to otercomi Hie lead of
On Ilu Hitul ballot MuIh) xol 2IH
of Hie HUl vole In th,. comciilloii.
"..NV K"'u,""". A II Iktniea. W.
K llydalih und Jmnea Devlue were
the other candidate In the reld. but
lt)dali'h und I Mine withdrew rter
tin Hrst Imllot
llolh IHinvelltlou were well rextl-
lated nrmir the v K runnlnx
smonthl) mid without Intarrmition. !
muih In contrast to the mpublbmi
Mate tonientiiiu Tuesda) In Oxden
Mull) or tin aame delxut who
ntteuied Hie slate lonventlon were In
uttendunte ut one or the other or the
eonxressioiial convention
CurlNiii Count) onvintlou.
1. 71,l1r,:,"',l"",1 i"u,,1 "" iillon1
held Moniiu, m .rltB , MtH, M
Kute to Hit state uml coiixreaslonul
. .invent ,,, ff wmH,,hl) un,
luirmoniou.1, Th.. cluen to it"n
the state tonvenilo,, w ft
heml. Milhoi, M11dm.11 T J I-armu!
J. H. Thorny,,, , Um
J Ie, V Horslr) u i.-i
I) lladle) 8muH )H1m(,r,, A jj
Ollmon und Joseph ltarlMiKllo
Conxrewlunal Delxatec K j,,,.
..... Kirk,,AM! .Trr:
. ladle) Samuel UuKmore. A K nib
son 1 und w T HamiHon " 0""
part In Hn'' "" Umt "I"' "k
par In the ,-ount) wnveiuum
..oH),.rrv "-,..,
AnW3 ' - '
., ''- W Horle) A J .ee ,.
I. Muriun I, A 'j, . J
Grand Carnival -Festivi
!; Price, Utah
H September 19, 20, 21, 22, 2
Comic VaaieTilte and Saj5, Farce Zmciks, Dancing Eterr N;t
I : Kcfrcsbmeat Booths, Confcclieas and Ice Cream, Melons, Fill
;: roads for (be Children, Domestic Xt, Sideshons.
Maajr Stasis to Male Yon Lann and
:: be Merry. Something Doing
;: Every Miaate.
;: Gome Everybody, General Admission 10
;i Open at 7 o'clock Each Evening,
Clovvnrd V K Wiwid. C H Price, II
II Malhls John II Pace Orson Oil)
moil und J. M Whltmore
Clear Creek ' K Jenien, drover
U'vvl. P C llrnneea, Kll (lourdln nml
Ham Wi Hul head
llliivvnlhn Hiorxe D. Ilaymond, K.
Hantsclil. Hr. W O. .Mile. Waller It.
Knox, Mr. K. Knnlsehl, Hr, Mnrlln
Mlllarli h
K'well (I A Howie)
Helper J. IbtrhoRllo nml W N.
Hiinnelde I! V. Tinker. H.imuel
Duxmorc. (Irorxe Colllnxhiim, W. N.
WcKel, William A. Diinlnp. A. D. Had
ley. A. D Vnn WTnx'Hier. W J. Kmlx
holla. Winter Quarters Itol.ert Mcniles,
T. J Parmle). Alfred Nevvren, Joseph
II Itnff. John I. Parr)
Castle Hale KM ward Ifdwurd. Y.
I- Jones. J. C Know, William Utile
John. John Plaml. J C. Irie). It It.
KlrkpMtrhk. I If lliideeii, IM II
Welllnxton Urn Tlduell
The dibxale to the state conven
tion were Instructed In u,- ull honor
uble menn to further the cumlldtcy
or Carl II Mariuseii for stale treas
urer. Pried Pat lions I'nlir.
The republlcun prtilmt primary
held ul Price last Prldn) evuilnx In
Clt) Hull wua lurxrl) nllrnded nml
tnirkid li) u complete reunion or re
publlcnu und proxrckslvea, A meet
Inx or the two fat Hon wua held be
fore the prlmur), I'reilnit Chnlrmnu
A J le presldlnx, nt vvhlih time the
dilexutes Hint would be autlsfaclory
lo liolh side were nxreed upon The
prlmur) wu addressed b) Judxe P. K.
Wood und other urxlnx u reunion or
both rill linn by s-lritlnx Hie dele
xule mimed, whlih was iloiieunanl
motisl). It look onl) tweiii).fve
inlnule to tomplite Hie work of Hie
prlmur) A resolution wua Intro
dticed li) John Potter whlih carried.
IliNtrm llnir Hie delexittea to work for
alutewlde prohibition Carl II. Mar
iiisen wna endorsed for stale treasur
er, lift, r Willi h the met HlIX uilloiirii.d.
Pollowlnx the tneetlnv n rrte dame
wu xlveli h) the YnuilK Men'a He.
puhllcuu t lub which wu lurxel) at
tended und inJo)ed by ull.
"DtTHH I.OSI-.S M'1(MO,:
Hrniid Juneilon' Dall NVw r
last Kuinlii) Mi )r. w Wh,
r Prmta ffr, ,he ,f hu fmi
nverland iiutomoblle. hi Inslr.iment
and iniHllcal ihsi nd n nuuntlt) of
Dphold vucilne. which I tu.d lo In.
niKulnte uxilnst Dphold rever. when
lil cur wna ovirtaken b) a in men
du. Hood In ,he Hull Wuih lw ,,M "a
vvest or Mck r While w on l,a
to the xoveriimeiit Hlxh Line
wmp fmir mile west of Moi Ic und
urxe wu.h to i row it ttn,
a. runnlnx In the vvnsh nnd I wua
rulnlnx hard ut the tl,,,,. TM . J
'I'l'id whin one or the wh.el x t
Mortorpo,ketulh.. lom,
"'"r""'" "f ilmil.liurat while "
White wna tnlnx lo Kr tl,. ,.
Hie hud plaie
"The slrtnm M-i t r,,,,j,
Willi r xot Into the latbur.t.
loiped Hie enxlne ilrad Th
wnded out nml mu in ,w,
The telephone wna used nt tht
mint tamp nml in filiation, nu
n I'lnlnli enxlne lo pull thersri
It wna not rnr rrom Hie r.ilrcM
He. A team or horse uBI pf,.
the ktiveriimeut cump but g ;
rorla wer Iwlnx mnde to irttl
the inr to hold li the v,mrr ,
hail risen lo iit.out sU reel n.n
mnthlne down the wa-h stxj
iinjthlnx could be d,,ne h- nu
disappear! d, rolllnx oer and o,
wnnl the river A irctnrmlow i
will hu made lo hunt? ih nt
Iher down the wush, where lib'
the inr will lodxe Hr WhU,
wn nlone when Hie anldrntlu
id. ntn hi loss will li tlht ht
dollars ut least
.Mr James CumpMI of IV
illril nt her home HtimU) Intfui
lr tuberculosis. Ilesldr hr ht
she leave rive t hlldrrn. the Ht
belnx u linlie Her tiiollirr lift
ry Hwope of Pntton. Pa, .rrtwl
nlxht uml with the Iiu.UbJ
deceased wilt nccompan) th U
the old home In Prnni)lrU
tiii: HP.ST ittxvnw.
Tn ktrp the Iniwel rrxutirtk
laxative I oiitdiHir rvrnlsr It
roll xlus or water hair an hour!
breakfast uml eat nn abuodii
frull nnd v i Ketnldr. also nuk
rrxntiir habit uml be sure tint
bowel move once n dr VT
medicine I needed take flu
lain' Tablet. The) are !'
take uml mild uml xsntle la t
Olitalunble over) where- tdtt
Tpewrlter ribbon and rtnv
per The Hun,
Bmoko i:ik Prlda Clear Trl II
Hun udli la brlnx rvsultt
iv Tin: cirv jiKn(inrm
In uml I'or Clt) or I'rlie a Mm
Corporation. Count) of Carta. '
or I'tah, llefore Arthur J I'
Justice or the Peine Pedro lUr
Plaintiff, v. Jostph Masuro
Joe Mnsso, Defemlant -Hna
The Hlatn or I'luh to the Wr
Vmi ure hereh) silliunnnrd t ,
before the above intltlrd court'
ten ilu) ufler the a, n Ire uf tbK
iniina upon )ou, If senrd Mt
county In whlih Oil artlwi l .
otherwise, within twrnt) dm '
thla service, and defend th "
titled in Hon lirmiKht aflnt "
recover the aum of !TIH.
paid b) the plaintiff to )"
beneHI In Juim nml July, HIM
ease or )our rnllure to do '
ment will be remit ml anU"""
cordlnx lo the deniand ol t '
Plaint, aiven under n tk
3d dny or August, ll A,lT1 ,
I.KK, Clt)' Juntlte of the Pr '
Mtnec. Attorne) f r Plaintiff '
Utah. , ,
J'lrat pub. AUK , taat rpl '
We arc in a po.sition to furnish Sheep, Goats and Cattle
in lnrire or smnll amounts, DELIVERED ANYWIIE&
and at prices that will please everyone. Deinp the larg
dealers in Eastern Utah, we make prices to our custom
that save them money. We also deal extensively &
FARM PRODUCTS and pay cash for all that is tM
The Turkey, Honey and Pork crop will be a feature thii
season. We solicit your patronage.
il KUSSfcLL, Manager. KOOSEVUL U"

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