OCR Interpretation

The Sun. [volume] (Price, Utah) 1915-1932, August 18, 1916, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091025/1916-08-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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! ' HH
xhere Is much advertising value In fflwi I 5wMKS8BiSy ADVERTISE fll
H win bus). The merchant ho has III II I ySSK&KtKS S. -As. Ah. 4 Every store haa some one who Is UAH
.. 5s W Ptch hor!',hM" I" Iho yard If II I 'WL f fe a TSS?' R2e--J al'Kv lfl lfl f ll ' more or less Interested In pushing thei HlH
iffl tick of M 8t0e, or t0 K0 ''lng V F I 111 W-lL rA-SBEEiWl,G3r 8lL Wl II III II II business Kvery business Is worthy ffl
H ut the neighborhood In business ViX II III I ISnjTrTJf'1'' JTlU jnjjyli II JM II ll to " greater or less extent of being lflH
Jours, may make quite a reputation 5 yV CfaT9 WjP Zy JStvAlX M Jlk' enlnriced If the right person gets the JMH
ff Cn!flllt but. when It comes to a ' " " " u J 'ET k r T business In hand and pushes In the IJHEH
sitter of business nblllty. ho will Dm TlrAI I f nrniini I r A rvl right wn he enn make of that bust- RWH
rrobsbly be unablo to deliver the rULI I IOALLY, REPUBLICAN. ncss a cr decided enlargement and fflH
The moral I.-ADVEIIT1BB BM-Jnd..,.,,.,. June . IMS. a, the Postoff.ce at Price. Utah. Under in. Act of March J. 1ST,. nUge" hlm"0" "" """" "' !
1 ' "MMB2.NUM11E.M2 BVERYtoTdAY AUGUST 18, 1916 !
H " " - - - ,. .., . i . fHiH
21 riTiTX'4M,:N in siii'i:io ntv
ST)( Kl US M I I'l 1)1 Its
jminiuil I'aolKrr Coiiilltlnn Nnr iii
' irliig Hecelpts Along Cvcnl) ami
I lfliv l H'"1 " ""Slut Tin In
I Tninll l (mis Nmi ! l
Point While Hoes Make Ills (lulu
-r riiti Spcilnl Scrvln
SANHNK Cm , Mo Aug 11
l vinK nine In town anil Illinois IhkI
. k and Knnsns had good ruins
y r 1av night The mttlo market hrs
- n hloil ver) muili, as tin ruins
Oi-t of us have put stocknnn In stiupt
I lav MoikeW mill feeder while tin
ji ruliiM iri t string rirrlpi
nsng venl mid support the ninrki I
fh it frfist Wnk ilneed Inwir
it tivent) tun thousand inttli lure
inlay sdd Mind) In fifteen cents
Y ihrr Iikiiiiki of the lmproid eim-
i u n. Itest turn fid slrt rs brought
II is hrnJ gniH ntuts 18 00 to
l 0 a shipment of l eurx uf Idnhu
f tr' jliim from I'lenlx), 1090 pimmM
k rnrnr lit $7 10, iomh Ini lulled In
1 iMi rtiltimenl, 11S poiindK, nt 10 SO,
ml l)6 pounds At IS 75
hrep rrivlptu eri nlm- ttmuiMind
' jj I'rlns err tin to twentfle
' nts Iovm r nt all the markets, hut
u th're was a kooiI demand here and
' rrjthliig sold high In nimiuirlmin
' wit i sales nt ntlii r markets Three
n of liitnlm from Josi li l'eir of
rdrn sold Mralght nt S10 90, eent)
iuiils iiernge Top In Chliiigo to
it Is III 00, Umiilm MOflO rli-
na rredlug la in I is, rather nmrin 67
r il nerage, brought 9 SO and
Atuuiii brndlliK ewes II' IIS M
truils ltuilils he leen running
r light nt the shnp Iioiini bin,
tiii relli rs lme ot ill pit d ll rr
lit ng pusltlon On lust Wulnesdii)
f iv mr airing of Western la in I m
nJ hrre strnlKht nt til IS, uhlth
M III! Ill Mlxt) KlltM lllll.M.
hr tnnrkit Im hiding rhltugo
jkirs bnught feeding liimbs iimi
' m ( iiinlr) bujers Inst uetk In
i uf shortage In ritelplN Inn,
nod tin tint iihlpplng In lumlis IhiiikIiI
H jthir miirki Is fur tin mime rw-
Mills miiile n big Kln lust wrik,
iidk up tn M0 37H on Thiirsdn)
fine then prltis have diilliinl, unit
i liml wild nt 110 IS loiln), that
fi alil fur light weights. Ilest
s dliiin might hugs broiiKht 110 Ot,
(f,i toi hinvlis mild nt tioon Tin re
i k mil unit r biilug ill maud from
i n i urers and frish meat ban-
i 'rs wlilli the rigulnr imikirs ore
I ttuig bin fun Igu lontraits whlili
mlie thilr nieils luiirrnlli The
luatl hi In the hog murki t Is nn
M lg
WlMlli hill' VI ION IS hlllOMi
uim an 1 1' mid ti:nii:nc
I wro.N, Auir 10 TradhiB In ler
t r uihiIm Is xputt) Hume houses
' V rl li mx uitUlt) and otlnrs u moiU
Ti- Imreatie In bulng Out house
made Iransfi rs or about a iiiar
r ,f ii minion pounds uf new li-rrl-
r j mi tin. ili-un Ihihls of US to hi
! I ilit ho and V tuning illps In
,h rlglnal Iuiks. Other houses have
'ii salts uf Mining amounts In
Jing I tith at 27 In Si tints, Nil
).i nt St, to 2d itnls, mid Arliona at
1 "3 until, the Minimi nmt In
m (imi-ii lii Iiik around SO to MS
nt (Iran Montana wools lire ar
r iing mthir sloul) Modintte mum
fft.i are nottd on the basis of 3G to
i ills fur miitliim nnd 33 to 55
- 'a lor fiiui medium and half-
ilcm havi tnktn advuntuge of
lh Uli tone during (he ' heuted
to Kt the new wools sorted mid
I I (loud llni-H of wool now are
1 to In shown, ulnreas Hint
1 1 lutw been Impumlble u fori
tit uk i Hi pit ml tr Is expiHttd to
itle month In the wool trade
tli leiidliiK houses art making
i i-ordliigl) VuIiuh im so
k'r K Unit un mati rial Im rensi In
k w mid tind to lift prlies
' i He the nlow trailing, tin un
' lo the miirkit Is txtnmel
r K Hi alt rs net no reason wh
" liould Katriflit huldliigs whlih
'' rtiiln tn In iifvdfd b) the mills
1,1 r Hi uiireil Milium of terrltor)
-' are ipiutable at about 85 to 90
lit" fi r flue staple, Montana and
tn r wouIm of thi luwt grade In lug
" Utile at HK to 0 cents. Half
J stiiin u iuotuble ut 85 lo 87
'' threi .ilKhtliH.liliiuil xtuple ut
.J ' 8: ientn, iiuarter-blood staplo ut
' ' 75 ipiits, flnt 1'lotlil'ig nt 78 to
.'J rnta and flno medium t lothlng ut
' ' 78 ctnts
rt mtlUt) Is niled In Ohio
nnd (onsldernhle wool of rer-
j n xraileH has ehangid hands on the
' P lice of riient uuotatlons flnut
"rn m has been dett loped In theso
' 10 ot n U having betn rt fused
r 'luarter.blood lomblng and 36
"I for fine unwashtd delaine
Tr nft rn ure noted of 76 000 pounds
"i l rit-ilKliths lilffud iHimblng ut
mis Linn) Biioil lots of three
"N.lintid combing ut t! nnts
" liulMiiood tombing at 3D ctnts
11 holdirs would be willing to
It a llttlH It km If hard pressed by
" K" it rutomr, lilt undoubtedly the
"nitlon U vur strong with an up
irJ tendeiuy
Jrrtnt quututlous for Ohio fleeces
havi In en Hilvmirtd Htalers now
luoti l tu in mils for fltu WHhid
diliilne 35 to 3C eelils fir NN and
abuvi 3il tu aim ivutn fur fine till
washed ill ImIih 31 tu 32 nuts fur
flint iiiih.iiiIiihI t lothlng 3 tu 10 trnts
fur ImlMilnuil euuiblng II n-nls fur
llirieelghlhs.iuud iiimblng II tents
fir iiiarli rbluod tumblng mid 33 tu
35 tints fur medium tliilblng
In tin flene wihiI eouulr) thtre Is
sumrtblng i f a diadlotk over the ills
I kiwi I ur tin retnalndi r uf the tllp
The runaliilng wimiU are prailliitll)
all In neeond bands and theiu are be
Ing In Id at what are regiirdnl as ex
treme prlies HuMim lui)ers geiur
nil) ulijiit to pa)lng 19 lu 4 it nuts
fur tuidliliu dips nnd 31 tu 35 tents
fur flm, thuiiKli then are tin flguris
ditnundid fur bunth lulu tin tin ears
In Ohio, MIiIiIkhii Indiana ur I'emi
s)lnnla Tixiih wnols pnvlousl) Uirgulneil
fur an In Ing mpldl taki n un lh
ileal! IhihIh of SO tu t trnts fur IS
months' and 70 tu 75 tints fur tight
montliK Hmall uddlllunn' traimfrrs
are also noli d un the en me IhihIn
Klow prpgresa Is being made In the
dlHMal or the Hummer puIIIiiks of
lambs' II supers Mimt ut the Jul)
pulllngs nnmln unsold and Hit Aug
ust pulllngs are bexlnuliig to aniimu
luti Tlu are In Id at C7 lo CH tints
for ordlnur) and up to 70 tents fur
i hnli e hrushtd lots. In the grensi,
these wnols an iUotabli at 66 to 67
tints, wiiiii lots retentl) having
(bunged bunds on tin low tilge
Hiiiund lerrltur) wnuls Iiiim In en
retallvet) In fair demand Neural
tin ml rt it Utgs have t hanged bauds at
turn nl iiuntatlous Chulie white flnu
wuuls u ri iiuntabli at 7K to 80 trnts
fur the bmt luts. with ordlnur) fine at
73 tn 75 tints, nnd flm mrdlum at Hk
lo 72 tents Komi siiiured New Moul
in n wool has tliiugid bunds on the
Units of 6V to 70 tents for .No I and
67 to titi tints for No 2
Milling lli III hatiirtlu) Night mill a
I'Mmnini Oiillluiil,
l a meeting hold lust Huturilu)
evenlliK the lummlttw mil mid ur
ningul lln followHTg program for the
turn val ftstlvalto lc held at the
tularnutle durlrig the third wrek of
Heptiuilur itiutini luring Tuettdu), tin
Uth and bstliig Ibrougliout the
I'lrst Mglil I'urinul npt nlng I'm
HinlHtlon ofQueei (lit una b) I'm
mlrr It li. ( iowurd Queens tdltt lo
hir subjtitsl ut the carnival Duet
from Quein Ksihir b Miss l.oru llur
mini and He)iuour I'rows Court
'I wo miilds two guards, I.yli Heiuli,
UiHell Whllmon Jester Quurtitte
1 1) l.ura llnrmon, Jonephlni Madsen,
Koinour 1'rown mid llurold lninuril
Dm t b) Onudell Woods mid Ulu
Leonard, Indies III waiting Chorus
dlreitid b I'rof A llurgentr
Htiond Mgbl I'ane lomid) Ills
units nnd Hills" Jjiflell Whllmnrt
I,ola HDiier and I.)le lleneh
Third Mght nudtvllle Two
fane) dunces dlreitid by MIsh Inn
Kcotl Coon sung Miss Iila Leon
ard Comh song Anton Lund
I'lfth Mght (8uturdu)) Minstrels
Inf ouutor, John Potter, left end
men t W. Ilorsle) und Oeorge Jor
Kenson right end men L)l Henoh
and 8e)inour I'rows Male qunrtet
Music li) l(olurt MuKumi V B An
derson und C U Iwls otlng for
omen Murshul Orson (lu)mon
Htutlonery und olflce supplies at
The Bun
V It I'utnum sales mnnuger fur
the I tab I'owrr and Light cotnpun),
nut with the ill) count II TiimuIii)
night mid muile itnnther propoiililou
to i-ell elretrle turrenl to the city nt
wholesale During the punt four
wieks ii imler has been Installed at
the powtr house whlili recorded all
tin turrent consumed on the nMem
fur Hint period uf time I'rum llieee
readliiKS Mr I'litnam pn inred a iliarl
mid flgunw ehowlng what II Is muting
the i It) in kent rate JIm eurn ut at the
inint lime and what the Ctnli
I'uwer and Light tiimpan) will ion
Irnit the name amount of turrent for
on w hull-milt (iinlnut On thin basis
Dure seems lo l u tlenr saving of
about three thousand dollars a )enr
lu fuvor of iiurrhuslng the tiirrtnl
wholesale This, of inurce, wuiild
mean tin nhutllng dawn uf the pUul,
and the dt preelntlnn on this ariounl
In more or lent probli mutleul, and
sentiment among Die lunula rs of the
cumuli Is divided as lo tin uiIvImiIiII
It) of dining down
Manr Ilorsle) look tin poaltlon
that tin vote of the tnvKtim at the
spetlnl eletllnu In Id fur the sale of
Un tight plant s)stem meant that the
people deslrt d tn retain the plant and
It oprrutlun tuntlniied b) tin ill)
In view of this exprt anion the mayor
was flail) upptwed tu iIunIiik tluwn
the plunt or silling mi) lit or tittle of
tin mum, regnrilletM of win tin r the
uperatlun was profitable ur uthtrwtse
Thta laltsr matter was tliurtiughl)
ihrenhed nut at tin i let Hon and the
mu)or und ut IhuhI a majurlt) uf the
cumuli feel now as the) did thin that
tile wIm thing tu hav done would
Iihvc bun to iIIsihmh. uf tin i ntlri
plant und sysli in Hut slnte the peo
ple wllh d olio rwl Muvnr llornley
anil some uf tin council itu not frt I
justlflHl In ihungliig from present op
tratlng timdltlons. unles pert bum e,
the rixiutiKt toine from the tuxw)ers
lu the form of u signed pitltlun
I'ndrr the preiient coutruit, whlih
has I een lu font nluut six wttks, the
Three medians of farmers In Lin
er) county In the vlrlnlt) of Castle
Dale and Huntington huve been held
within the past two weeks to discuss
the matter of f urnUhlng aid to the
Duivtr und lllo riramle In the pro-,
poiied bram h line from I'rlce IhrouRh
the Irrigated set lions of Hmer) coiin
I) that the farmers In that vltlnlt)
may take uihantune of the offer of
the UtahVIdabo hugar compun) to
build a plant there In vuse the rail
road furnish the transportation
moans und the required uvrwifce of
I tuts hi plunted lu that section Ira
It Drowning of Castle Dale, who was
lu Salt Iike Cll) last Monda) su)s
ill) Is win lint around u hundred nnd
flfl) dollara n month over the former
oiulrait fur upirntlun und malnten
ii nre, and If thin saving pruves to be
permanent a miijorlt) of the touncll
seem to be uppoiied to making uny
haiiKe at Ibis time However, the
matter of purchnslmc lurrent was not
dlspimed uf ofltlilll) mid the iliexlliui
will proluibl) culm up aguln at a fu
ture meeting
The next two vvttks throughout the
stale will In (lemiup lime In tin lu
ll rest of thi 'town beautiful" The
mii)or has Inslruded the marnluil lo
notify all pniprrt) owners to clear
their premlnes of weeds This reall)
should not be uetimuir), for nil till
ins Nliould huve iiioukIi ilvlu pride
to kiep their premlaeit In shlpahupe
without In Ing fort id to It
The druth of Clt) Treasurer A II
Huntrti will nttriwllnte the llppolut
mi til of it ireusurer, und brforo this
U done llui i mini II nskrd lletorder
U A Uiiilu r mid Arthur J leo tn
i link up the uicuunts mid audit the
hunks of the treasurers nffke, lllo
gentlemen rtpresi tiling Hie tlt)'s and
tin bunding cuiuimu) s Inlertsts, re
spettliel) A report of this work will
be Miilinilttid ut next merlins; of the
cuunell mri) In Hrtitrinber, ut which
time u sJixissur Will probabl) be up
pulnted Coiimll Is considering the mutter
of pi it Ing n platform around the
main auditorium of Cll) Hull and In
stalling comfortable hem lies this do
ing uwii) with the thulrs nuw In use
.SeiiMury roof repulm the painting
of the 1 1 meter) cottage and putting
Clt) Hull furnuee lu kooiI repair for
the coming winter wire also tirdend
tu be dune
The tit) now bus a sufflilrnl num
lir of new watt-hour miters tut huud
In put the tlvetrli )steiii on un ah
wdlltel) meter hauls. Itlettrlelmt J
II Muiisuu was ordereil to Install theee
metvrs at nniv wllh InstruitloiiH in
dlMHinneit servltt from mi) imtruii
whu nfusiHl lu have u mi li r Inslnlletl
lu his pn mine
The Cll) Hall lusiiraiiee whlih ex
pired on the Uth of this month was
unli ml renewed the lumlneiw bring
eliall) divided between the .re
Nilins lumimti) mid It K OUon
Tile mailer of completing the record
In bringing tin I'utter uddillou Into
the ill) was pasmd until the next
nutting of Hit count II
Hie farmers are more Interested In
the siiKar biet proposition mery day,
as thi) realliu the planting of btuts
means read) mnne) while the trops
now huriestid lu that set Hon mut
I e huuled long dlstames In urder to
Hi plated on the market
lixperluunts tondueled by tleorge
Austin, agrloiiltural expert for the
HUicur iHimtiuli), show that In the vi
cinity of Huntington the beet )leld U
greater to tliu aero than lu any other
part of the count) A number of loa
Angeles business men Interested In
mi Irrigation trust of thirl) thousund
aureN ulong the Huntington river ure
said b) Drowning to be experiment
ing with sugar beets
Judge W. H. King Nominated For United States HI
Senator Leaders Named by Democrats of Ol
State George Christensen of Mt. Pleasant J j I
for Judge and Knox Patterson of Moab for jt I
Attorney, Seventh Judicial District Nominees Lj I
Tor United States Senator WILLIAM II. KING of Salt Lake.
Tor Governor SIMON UAMHERGEIl of Salt Lake. I I
Tor Secretary of State HARDEN IJENN10N of Uintah. IJ
Tor Attorney General DAN I). SHIELDS of Salt Lake. I
For Treasurer DAVID 0. LARSON of Sanpete. k Bj
Tor Auditor JOSEPH R1RIE of Welicr. M
For School Superintendent E. G. GOWANS of Salt Lake. i (
For CotiKressmnn 1st District M. II. WELLING of Rox Elder. II
For ConKressman, 2d District JAMES II. MAYS of Salt Lake. I
For Justice of the Supreme Court E. E. CORFMAN of Utah. j I
For JudKc GEORGE CHRISTENSEN of Mt. Pleasant. & I
For District Attorney KNOX PATTERSON of Moab. J I
0GDEN, Auk. 18. Simon HnmbcrKcr of Salt Uke City was vl I
norplnatcd for Kovernor by the democratic state convention to-
nlKltt. Ho received the nomination on the second ballot. i H
Judi'e William II. KitiK of Salt Lake City was unanimously H
nominated for United States senator by the convention after the , mS
other cantlldates on the state ticket had been chosen. There was ' )!
no opposition to the candidacy of JuiIku KIiir. HatnberKer some hI
months ao announced that lie would be a candidate for state sun- rdllfl
ator, but later withdrew and only a week ago entered the race for lHH
Kovernor. fll
James II. Mays, who was also mentioned as a senatorial con- Isl
didate, contented himself with running for renomlnation to con- Iffll
Kress. He was renominated unanimously. This renomlnation nIHI
came despite the fact that the proKresslves of the Second district I'M
had informally notified their democratic allies that they would HH
not indorse Mays. V
" conKsiirnnn from the First district former Representative liH
?",,t0lI,:Wcmn of lo KIt,er county was unanimously nomina- llH
ted. WelliiiK served two terms in the state lefflstnture from Box IfiH
Lldcr county. ntfB
e lJl? Scv-'nt, Judicial district convention GeorKc Chrlstenaen Vll H
of Mt. Pleasant and Knox Patterson of Moab were nominated for l8H
jiuIko and district attorney, respectively. wl
shall wEnonnr?
No, No, Hay tho Curbon Count) IM in.
cm nillc lichgate
Carbon inuiit) drmiiiriits met In
louveutlon )esterdii) ufttriloiiu ut
I'rUe In name iilnu tlelegules to the
stute, i (HiKreKKli.mil mid judklal ton
trillions to be held In OmWii V,,l'
(I'rldu)) The (iiiiveritloit was lullul
to order at 3 u'c lock li Count) Chair
man Nrll XI Mmlicn of Hcnfleld, and
wlthoui any purllcutur ccremoii) or
Iiimi of time the following liiiinm wire
iicieiited im Ihu ilul) letted ill li katett
from the various precincts
I'rln O J Harmon K K Olson,
H U Williams u o Hoffmann,
1C Henr)
Helper 14 T llorkcnhnMU liko
K Voiiiik, K C llr)lisr. C It Jones
Kunnyslde Samuel Naylor, Kiigene
Hlnglit,n John (llbsoii J C Twaddle.
David Crawford Jimeph Henimul
w right 1 1) rum Wilcox, l C lljuni
sou. Tall) Hmiiih. Mrs K J Naylor
Mike Hmlth
lllawnlha Itnhirt Howard
Htorrs I'rank T Itennetl
Spring Olen Hllas llowlo)
Hcnfleld NMI J Mndst n D C
Manson Tom IremitefileN John o.
Winter Quui ters Cburles II Ikde,
W T Hvans (I I' Dorgaii
Clear t reek C M Andi rsou Hmll
Ostium! Hoy .NclUuii, Juiiilh Avcrett,
liliuer Ne), JameM Itimtnni, Henr)
Cuslle (lute Otto Ilirrts, I) It
Iivuns William Kans, Thumus Har
rison William Kdman O I) lliese,
David Thomus M 1) Kvuns
Wellington Not represiuted
Kenllwnrth .Sol represented
Of the ubote delegatts about two
thlcds were preent, the luilunie be
ing represented b proxies
A resolution b) O J llariniiii that
the delejcutes to the stain convention
b Instructed tn work for u prohlbl
Hon plunk In the stutu plairorm, vvus
dercutcM li a voto of thlrt)-elKht to
Nel M Mudsen, C M Anderson,
U O llnffmaun, K K Olson. Otto
Herres, William Kdmun Kamuel Nay
lor. H)rum Wlhox vul Hubert How
urd were the delegates elected to ut
ttnd tho convention at OkiIgh
I ho I'rlmur) At Trlcc.
At the dtniuoratlo primary held lu
City Hull Tuesduy six tlelugutcs worn
chum ii tu attend Ihu county conven
tion whlih mt I )esterda) tn name HH
deliKiiles to Hie stale, congressional1 fclH
and Hevuith Judklal district enliven- fjiH
lions vrhloti uiict In OkiIcii today. 'JflH
Those ihosen were W K. Ilinr)j K dflsH
O Huffmuun Alhtrt llr)mr. O J. TilH
Harmon, K k Olson and H U W'll- irUH
Hams Albtrt Doner was ihosen UlH
prtilntl ihalrman and J A Crockett fll
prtclui I setretnr) JH
Mihs nosi: now his is MH
mairjii in, niwioMi itisr: flll
The Itautlful diamond ring offered BH
I) the I'ooii. und Allen Carnival dim- V
pah) whlih exhlblttd iii Hunn)slde H
lust wttk, to tln( nim'fioiul.ir )oung V JlsH
hid) In Hut (amp.Vus nvvurded to Mlu : . jH
Hose Ilonvlelu. who won by it lend ot J VH
ubout (leven hundred votis over her I ifllsH
lie un st competitor There was keen fVLH
rivalry umoiig the friends or the varl- JfliH
mm ladles who were entered In the LttlLH
contest After thr award was made 'rS'l
the friends uf MIsm Ilonvlelu withered yBI
nt lur home mid uijn)nl a delightful HMI
sot lal time 1 WH
I'M'HIt I'WIINi: (Al'hlX HICH 7911
i'iik h i oit sn: I'ttonutn I jmH
NIW MlltK Aug U The pu er MHI
fmnliiH was reflect! d today lu nil iiur- iMI
Hon sale here of old paper, ordered 'tlKI
b) David Kirguson supervlkor of the sfl
Clt) Itecord One lot of ulmi thousand WlH
pounds, compoiwd of unsold toplea of 1 ( lH
the Clt) Itecord, brought II 8S a hun- ' 7 ll
drill pounds Another lot or unused m VH
old puper welKhlng six thousand 9LH
liounds broiiKht 12 CO u hundred lH
N'ormull) sales of such puper bring BH
from twenty to flft) cents u hundred j lH
The stute luud board Is advirtlslng f J IH
the sale of twetiD-flvu thousund at'les Li fl
of stuto land In Kmery count) The CyffisH
sale v be held at the court house at tlillal
Castle Dale on Heptcmbtr 15th The WlH
minimum price or Hie land will run MlfsH
from two mid n half tu five dullars an . ' JIH
uure Stute Iuiud Commissioner W I tfnH
D Candlund will be tn charge of the ! itrH
sale I Iffl
Certified coilts of two proposed Srfl
umendmenls to the state constitution. flll
provided for by tho legislature In SISsllllHI
19IB, iirej being mulled from tho office jffjsHH
of Kecrelar) of State David Mattsou lijH
us provided b) law. for publkatlon In , jflfjH
nt least one) newspaper In each county 'kilfBsH
In the stute where u newstiupur I jiffiH
printed The first has to do with . jfjiiTH
revenue and taxation and tho Hecond f iZjH
with the duties of the auditor and ' ' jAUiiHH
the depositing of public money MHShHH

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