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H't I PAGE FOUR THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY AUGUSTy H ' politically, nnruniiicAX Hl Issued Kvery I'rlday, II. W Crockett, Manager. P t Subscription, 11-60 the Year. B ADVKIITISINO IIATES. l Display, One Dollar per Inch per Month; Blngle Issue. 1 (0c per Inch; Full Position Top of Column, Next Heading B Matter, 26 Per Cent Additional. i Two Thousand Inches, to He Used In One Tear, 12 4c H I Fifteen Hundred Inches, to He Used In One Year, lEc LaLaH Pr Inch. .. . . H One Thouaand Inchea, to lie Used In One Year, 20c HI I Header and Legal Notices, 10c per Mno first In a ' tertlon; 6c per Line Bach Subsequent Issue. Obituaries, Cards of Thanks, Itesolutlons, Iltc, at H Ualf Local Heading Notice Hates. B Adlcts. For Hule, For Itent. I.ot. round. Ktc, One H I Cent per Word Bach Issue No Chance Accounts. K j Address All Communications to THIS HUN, IMttCB, B I WENT MOURNING WITHOUT THE SUN; H I STOOD Ul AND CRIED IN THE CONGKE H- CATION. JOH, 30-28. H Dismal yunterilny'H or the Wilxiin itilminlHtru- H. tion arc being bo clearly depicted by Charles H. Evans HtiKhoa that the cheerful tomorrow of re B publican restoration to power in easily discern H iblc. , H William CliinniiiKrt Hryiin dcclaros that Can Hj didatc IliiKhes is too partisan to hold a place on B, ' the federal bench. Why, Hill, he aint on the K ( i, bench 1 Didn't you rend his letter of rcsluna- HV ft tion? He is Kiinniim for democrats, this beliiR B f the open season, and every time his Kim Koes off H- ( I President Wilson calls a cabinet meeting. K j On a recent Sunday a crowd of English work- B ingmen gathered in the famous Trafalgar Square H' and demanded that Kaiser Wilhclm, Admiral von H ' Tirpitz and other noted Germans be hung. They K" should apply to T. Wootlrow Wilson, Wash In g- K f ton, D. C for iiiHtructions on how to proceed. B j 'i He can tell them how he handled Villa under the Hj same circuinstancc.H. BBBBBBBBBBU J tl ---gg H I ; fl Rcporta from various sections of the country B ) S arc to the effect that President Wilson's vaccila- rn -fl tion on every conceivable subject is the chief B 1 M cause of his loss of support among democrats. Bi1' jflj No man would have the confidence in a business H ' vm associate who changctl as often as does Presi- B jt dent Wilson and not many think a president B JU should be less dependable than an ordinary bust B iJB nemt man.' LiH "' rjH Democrats promised in their 1012 campaign bbbw nfl m'ucc ie C0Ht 0-" ving by reducing the tar- H m iff. Today, notwithstanding the fact that im- B JB portH are the greatest in our history, the cost of Bal'j . living is soaring. They steer clear of that sub- .. 1 jeet In the platform of 101G. They promised B 'jj economy, and their appropriations, even in times M ; j! of pence, exceeded all records in our history by B , I'm millions upon millions of dollars. Thin Is a mat- B ' ' dm tcr of rccortl. In the early part of 1015, with B Vm the European war raging and Mexico on the B TjB rampage, they were against prepareilncss. They aB" kJk 'iavc cnn,,BC(' tnc'r '"inds on that, and severnl bbB ' tH times they have changctl their mlndn on the tie- B t ' I7S grco of preparedness which should be provided. B ; jsA They arc now making appropriations for pre B ' Jffi pArcdnesH with a reckless anil criminal disregard aB S tH of thc whoroult,ial to foot the bills. With the H ' ' b Pr-ce of everything going up they have evidently aaB I ' mI1 decided that the tjuickcr they tlrain the public H ' ilBBl pun,u ,)y way )f tnx-I()n. the more they can iH '' iWnfi buy wit'1 tllu mo,,ey ltluI these appropriations aB' ' ''ili w ProVKlc contracts for liberal subscribers to bH KWl - tho democratic campaign fund. Isn't it about BBi' ' wSt tlmc to Httip t,lt8 801 1 of lll'ni: aiul Kut on a 8,mo bB ! IkWi basis? The republican party can put us there. B r f Not long ago a traveling salesman on alight- H ,; j m ing from a regular passenger train at Mankato, H ('if a Minn., shortly before 1 o'clock of the afternoon, bB $& handed his sample case and grip to n porter of u Bl ' ,0Cnl U)lcI w'10 Wft8 nt t,,e station to carry the B!' I 'hl 1,nn(1 uaggage of prospective guests from the Bi , t, depot to thc hotel. The porter took the articles bbB 1 '" tiM ' to t,,e llotcI am' (lro')De1 t,iem on tio Hoor of thc bbB"' fja llottl Iouly' Tll x11'")'1" Hd not check his B 1 , 1 aB baggage, expecting to finish his bujincss in time BaVr MttB to tnle "n nftcrnoon tmin to another place. He f ( j ?f$ did not finish business in time, however, and B , . Wjj& going to thc hotel ho opened his sample caso, bB !"IS wrote orders and handed them to thc clerk to H , j, "g1 mnil, used the long distance telephone and sat B ' !VnJ about the hotel chairs, all without charge. He bK liiSKl took ,liH cvcn,ni' nu'al elsewhere, and for the KMK fir8t time rcgit,tuml about 10 o'clock of the bbB 1 IBH '"OAIi MINiatS IN WYO.MINC bB jl'"W N,nV HIN: NA'Il'HAI.I.KI LBlli ''IkI I)rsilt Ihi cull of their ri-spcx'tlvv LBJi Vffilt 'ountrles, the coal nilnera and rail LLVr 'llON bl1 opt'ratltf of forelcn tilrth In LB T nEiw VjomliiB are drlrrmlnrd to nualiry LBlii J'fSjP ' ' United Stutcs cltliena, nc-irdliiK to1 LB' irii au' ArmntroiiR, naturullxatlon x B, tl'il ' -miner of the federal Kovernrnt-nt, fti ; 3 .vlth headquarter In Halt Lake City. fl 'i Armstrong left Halt IjiKi Pit)' la.t LBm' ftt ' lift,' "ueartuy nlKht for a trip to Ken innv I j L ij it. md Hock HiirlnKx. Vo, Accordlne' LBIi V (' !h' ,no rrcord there are fort)' aliens LBIl ! i ' (t Ilock Hl,rlnK8 ",ul thirty at Kent J ' Rj , nerer who hue tuken out their first LBi ''till' i lapers, and uho ure now awaltlnt? the bB) . ti'f m '1,U ot ,ha f,-',ernl "ff'i'lnl to aK, the LBi' ' liwBjfK rellnilnary examinations fur the final LB '( IM r mpt-rs, LB ' ' y ! ' no ot ,ne hlg tt:txlUTr of ,he rl Bj i' W '' - Armttron; will be the co-operation BHKditJat ' T"n Ila" anJ lcll 'Iclals In the BbHuSbW ' bbHbbBc bbbLIbO evening and asked for a room. At that time his grip could not be found. In nction to recover damages for its loss, the trial court held that the relation of innkeeper and guest existed from the time the salesman handed his baggage to the porter, but the supreme court of Minnesota re versed this ruling on thc ground that the sales-1 man did not manifest any intention of becoming . a guest at the hotel until aftcr.his grip was lost. A new trial was therefore granted to the hotel-keeper. CHARLES EVANS HUGHES IS GETTING TO THE THINKING PEOPLE. "Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor." So ran the old ' nursery rhyme. And so Charles Evans Hughes is running through the country. It apparently makes no difference whether Iiih audience is made up of highly specialized mechanics, such as he found at the great automobile factories of Detroit, Mich.; whether it is a huge crowd col lected from the cosmopolitan population of Chi cago, as his hearers were at the Coliseum; whe ther they arc thc farmers whom he met in the great agricultural states of the Northwest; whe ther they arc women endowed with the franchise and seeking to grant thc same privilege to their sisters; or whether they are professional men ot political managers or any other of the groups whom he has met since he began his speech making tour. He gets them all. Judge Hughes is showing a varied and high-, ly sympathetic personality as he goes about the country. He is forceful without being didactic. 1 He is sincere without being fanatical. He is! thoughtful without beUig dull. He has a real I message for every class of people and he never' speaks as to a class. He is addressing himself! to the great American people, of whatever con dition or calling they may be, and his words re, inforccd by his manner, are reaching the intelli gence of the electorate. The people are reacting to Hughes as they have reacted to no public speaker in recent years. Charles Evans Hughes is getting to thc peo , pie. And in consequence the people are growing! more eager for the day to come when they can ' get at President Wilson. 1 President Wilson is still shouting for "forward 1 looking men" to stand by his side. Men whoi look backward, especially those who look back-' ward over the administration's record, are most, distasteful to him. , , 1JRYAN NEVER IS ASHAMED OK ANY' ' THING IT WOULD SEEM. 1 Ilryan declares that he is not ashamed of the "deserving democrats" letter. It wns written, he explains, to a man who held a position out side the civil sen-Ice and thc jobs he was trying to get for the faithful were likewise unprotected by civil service regulations. Ilryan misses thc point. These places that he wns trying to bag for the "deserving democrats" were not places which were to be treated like or dinary political spoils. They were offices which the United States had taken over, for temporary administration and for the benefit of the people of Santo Domingo who were to pay thc salaries. They were, in effect, positions of trusteeship; and they should have been filled by the most capable and energetic and altruistic men who could be found to accept them. To treat them as partisan swag was to stultify the entire intent of our undertaking in Santo Domingo, to cast a shallow of distrust over all our relations with the peoples in Central and South America, and to endanger the success of other and later negotiations which were bound to arise In our relations in that part of the world. Bryan also misses the point In thinking that he Is the essential target in the attack which Charles Evans Hughes has made upon tho epi sode of the "deserving democrats." Bryan was a subordinate to President Wilson, who had to assent to tho sending of any man, "deserving'' or undeserving, democrat or republican, Jew, Gentile, Greek or barbarian, to the Santo Dom inienn customs service. It is characteristic of Bryan to take up the cudgels. But he need not defend himself in the matter. It Is President Wilson who requires de fenseami It may bo noted that Bryan says no thing about President Wilson in the case. He is apparently going to let President Wilson take care of himself. i-HtulilUhineHt of nlKht si'hiHlM In or dr that applltmnt for oltlienshlp may rift-lvf every opportunity to iimllfy to take out their final pa pern. .ovi:h.mi:nt r.riir-itoAi, NOW CAUIIYIMi "DIAMONDS" WAHIIINt.TON. I). P. Auk. IS. Thi' Komnmenl'a Alaskan rullrr tl Is now enrrjIiiK r-i-al from the .Vat in lu.ka fields to the harbor t Anchor 'bkc. Secretary l-ane announced to da that the first coal train was mov ed Aukum Uth from (loose Creek or the new lint. The opening- of these fields." he said, announulnic the event, "Is re KaMed us a most Important and valu , uule benefit to both A'aska und the Pacific Northwest It means cheaper fuel for that general rounr and lt U confidents preulted that It lll be followed by Industrial and mining; expansion." I'oini Kecuro Coal I.M111L. Th ! le ar only about thirty. five bundled acres of patenttd coal lamia In Uintah county. Decently John T I'ope, Franklin Popo, Sarah Pope und Minnie Pope each obtained a hundred and sixty acres of land and secured the putent on It. Tho land they ob. twined nhlle secured under the coal land designation Is said to contain laritu amounts of Kllsnnlte and sand usphaltum also. Most of the remain ing acres la held by a s)ndlcale of Heber City nun. The roan without business resources will not be one to uso Urge spaces In tho papers. People know this and feel they can depend on the store that advertises with larce spaces. REPUBLICAN TICKET. tgBBBB atogyjjf BttflftBH SbTVV P.rT7 v4bk1 F. r Pre:! lent en i.m h I.Nash 111 am 3 of New jrk I ur l a nt (MIA KM H N'Alil.l.V I'AIIUIANKH c r indifltt.i HOW THE-WILSON ADMINISTRATION HAS PENALIZED OUR PATRIOTISM "Having In view the potslbllltr ot further ajcirenlon upon the territory it the United Stales from Mexico and the necessity (or tha proper protec tion of that froutter," President W1I 10 n, on Juna It, called out the mobile irmi of tha National Ouard for federal errlet. He did not call them out at their listing peace strength, but at war strength, which li practically double, lacking a system of reserve, the National Quart organization Immedi ately bad to dart a campaign of re cruiting, to bring about the desired In create In their number. ' Patriotic young cltliem, under the , urge of the cry. "Your country need I you," volunteered for service In grati fying number. According to Senator Chamberlain, chairman of lha Senate Committee on Military Affair. I hnj re mit I that about 135.000 clttten Mi ller have been mustered Into the federal icrrlco and are now 00 tho Mexican border or In camp In their aome slate. There may be mote, but the administration refuse to make mown the exact figures- The movement I costing the public treaiury many million of dollar; It 1 costing the Individual cltlien Mi ller many million more, Thsy went jo Ibe front believing the cry, "Your .ountry need you," for war service. They sacrificed advancement In their :lvll occupation, severed borne tie. luffered. In thousand of IniUne. treat financial lost. The ie p. -.rlotlc. who did not belleva the cry. or ellevlng, declined to make sacrifice, 'atten at home on these tout. The real purpoiti of the. call are tlowly developing. Tbtg tie two la lumber: First, a patrol ot the border to do the work which President Wllton'a friend, Carrama, finds It Inponlble to dp. Ilecaute the rtrornlied govern ment In Mexico U too Ineffective to keep ttt own cltlzent In check and prevent them murdering Americanr on American toll, the American gov ernment undertakes the costly task ot doing that work for them. The mur der of American cltlient on Mexican toll I another matter. Carranxa may go a far at he like In that direction. Second, a purpose of the mobiliza tion on the border and In the camps la to train citizens to perform effective military service. The regular military establishment of the aatlon I man. festly too imai: for the actual military need. To this extent the cry, "Your country need you," was correct. Ilut these fact were not made clear whea the call was Issued. The Idea was promulgated that men were need ed for actual war service; not for znUIUry twtlnlng. Deceit was prac ticed. Opposing In the open legislation for universal military service, the admin, lttratlon by Its act ha established what In essence la system of com pulsory military service. It It a sys tem all the more vicious because It operates only against the patriotic, wheret legalized universal training yirtem equalizes tha burden of mill Ury service among all men and all classes ot men. When. In lU. Europe plunged Into the greatest war of all history, and conditions In Mexico grew Intolerable, Intelligent men realized the fact that It waa Incumbent on this nation to bund up VU tmy regular army and put it other military resource In condl tion for use. National eifety demanded thl. And yet. In December of that jtear. four month after the Kuropeaa war began. President Wilson went be fore Congress and declared that all gltatlon tor military preparedness wa hysteric!; that we were ade quately prepared. After a while the administration changed It mtnd and professed to believe In the neceealty for prepared, neaa. First came an enactment to Increase the regular army by :0 000 Dot tho body ot the country, and even (41 parta o( die Dem.ratlc tdoilnle- tratton, could not change front to quickly an the head. Recruiting for the regular army lagged. Not yet have the 20,000 been secured. The need pressed. A new national detente act. providing for Mill mora men In tho regular army, waa enacted. Ilut till the men were not forthcom ing. Suddenly and without warning lha admlnUtratton lstued lit call for mo bilization of the citizen soldiery. It teemed still obsessed with the Ilryan notion that an army could be created by presidential ukase. When the call went out the govern ment did not own enough uniforms, shoes, socks, blanket, bats, wagune, trucks, horses, mulct and other thtngt essential to equip the men called: It had msde no provision for transport ing tbe troops called to the point where they were requires!. Who suffered most by this amaz ing lack of foresight, thla leaping be fore looking? Oaly tbe 131,001) patriots who be lieved that their tountry needed tbrm for national detents; only the men who are making tht great eacrlflcet. The whole dlsgracefnl story may be summed up In the phrase, the administration has penalized patriot lim. True, It Is accumulating, by sub ttrfuge, a reserve of trained toldlera, nt avtnta have demonstrated that It cried "wolf when there waa no wolf. Should It be forced to cry wir again, when the wolf la at taa daor. what will b tht result: PHICEAND CDLTQN UMBSSELL HIGH it'iinilmiiil frimi pk' thin-) liuiulrt-d hr. in the Palmt-r llros. und Mi Murray bunds In Idaho, The sheep were iiltiiokul a few dun HKD, ilthrr by u rnbld i.)iite or by u shepherd i)ik Infected with the ilUeuw. It .eleed that the In. bus now remhed the maximum. The ilnmuKe was dune In VaU niiint), Idaho, which mljolns llux III d.r lounty, Ptah. The heads i.f the she killed hae been sent tn the Idaho Mute hMterlulnKlt Mt lliil.e, Ida Idaho mii:i:i stauvim.i itvviii: roit stock dilid IIAII.I.y. Ida.. Auk. 3:. Condi tl'iiiK In thin MTtlnn reunrdlnK the "hup indu.trj urn bmomlnK ery Hiute The high price of sheep anil mutton und the nnturul Inereuee of the bands et.nihlned hue ltd the sliMpnu-n to lnreMe their ImmU far be.m.i tin .,ll i.f th .,.,. ln an eii.lem.-r to rellew the -U.mllon Hup.rUM.r Itenedlit i.f the Hawtnnth national fureM hits iIiw.mI up the old trail up ItHiiuh between llelle u. Hull) and the Twin bridges ?h"V,' ?M:"um "" ' Increased f the imit the number of Muep allow. forest' ""lh,Ul",1 lata on the Hit thin eniK to ha wn UN a rop In the buektt. eompund with the demand for l,re.ed ullotmentH. l'. in l li """'men hove to k.,.,.,, "n"' "f Mr lnds on the public range 0111.W, and have tht , come anugmum w ranchr, nnJ Pflun and rancher, and cuttle. J,ST TIIR TiflNi-l U niAiT. l.iinra, 1 "About lo years ago I had u .. Then."? anJ nla"hoea Hemed UKPCIIMCAN STATU TICKln- For United fltntes Senator anonoK rutiibkuvnh For Hupreme Court Justlre D. N. 8TKAIM- I'or Ooernnr NKPIII I MOItltlH Tor Recretnry of Rtnte LINCOLN O. KKLLY Tor Attorney (lenernt IIAItOLI) P. KAIIIAN I'or Auilltor JOHKPII JMNSKN Pir Tronsiirer DAVID II. MADHKN Por Kiipt. of Public Instrii. ii( K. a. OOWAN8 Presidential Kle tur DAVID jknsi:n TIIOMAH KMAItT It. HAWI.DY ' oltltlN 8KKLY .SLMNTIt JL'DICIAti TICMrr. Kor Dlstrlrt Judge JAMKH V. CllintltY Por District Attorn 1 iu:di.uick 1:, vo(tw POLITICAL lOlCEU I'or County Stirtcjnr. 1 hereby announce myself a .and,. dote for tho offlrc ot count) surve)or of Curbon county, subject to the a. tion of the republican ci"int; ion entlon. If tiumlnated and elected I promlso the peopla to devote m ben efforts to the iltltlen of (he offlre II. J. Tl IINKI. I'or County Attorney, I hcteliy nnnouncc no Mituliilv) for nomination by the republic.-, party of Carbon county for the offir, of county attorney, subjeit to the will of the republican county romentln If nominated and elected I romle 11 dcMile to the duties of the office my very best efforts, U, M(JK. I'or County Clerk. I hereby announce my candidal for renomlnatlon by tho republican party of Carbon county for the office of county clerk, subject to the will of tho republican county convention. If renominated and elected I promise to devote to thn duties of the office my very best efforts. B. H, HOItHI.EV I'or Mierllf of Carlton County, I hereby nnnouncc my iandldt(y for nomination by the republican party of Carbon county for the office of sheriff, subject to the will of the republican county convention, if nominated anil elected I promise to devote to the duties of the office ray very best efforts and give everybody a square deal. A. I. McML'I.I.KN The Hun Is authorized to announce Tho mil It. MoMlllnn of Price si t cnndldute for thn office of sheriff ot Carbon county, subject to the action of thn ilelcKnte to the coming re publican county convention. I'or Count) Itiii.nlcr. I hereby unnndnce m)elf a candi date for renomlnatlon to the office of recorder of Carbon county, subject to thn will of the republlrun county convention, und If renominated and elected will devote to the duties Of the office my best efforts. MIIH. llAUDAItA KOIIItl.hTKn. men oettllnic the disputes and fixing the money value of the dumugrt al leged, This condition of affairs It but rniuiKh. Ilut what Is Mill worse It that the public runge outside of tht forest Is now practically dead. The half starved uhrep have torn up the grus by Urn roots until even th auKebriish Is eaten down ilose to lb ground, which Is so hurd from tramp IIiik that year may elapse brfure the raiiKe tun again become fit to rut In In muuy cheep. Ilmik Prliv Hivonl. CIIICAOO, Auk. S3. IIokd sold lor 111.30 11 hundred pounds at the unl stockanl toduy, the highest price I the history of the, market since the civil war. Dealers predlil an - v a lice to 113,00 u hundred poundi la September, tin: w:st laxativK. To keep the bowels regular the but loxutlve la outdoor exerrlw Drln full gifts of water half an hour before breakfust and eat an abundance f fruit and vegetables, nlto establlih regulur habit and bo aure that your bowels move once u da When medicine Is needed take Chamber laln'a Tablets, They are phasant t take und mild and gentle In fl'rt OlitiiliiaMn everywhere Advt. Smoko Klk Pride Cigar. Tel. 11 ;; 50,000 Population; ; ; An Increase In two years of ; 100 ; : In the Uintah aIn. :: I ; I Prlee Kettlng her shsre of ; this new business? If not. " ', ! la losing on opportunlt) !! Let Us Help You Get It: ; o ; Price-Uintah Basil ; Auto Line ! Dally Pusesnger. Prclght "d ; ; Kxpres Service ; Price Office, Katt Hoom Tf Hotel. X