Newspaper Page Text
j V .ir.PST 23, 1916 H g THE SUN. PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE FIVE j ; . M ,"" '" Minium- ALWAYS RIGHT ALL WAYS Itoynl unci Ilat'voNf Flour. PiiyNoii (riiuult' u ml WIkmH MunIi. SaUy Ti.blr Si.K. KIX2 KOAL, Itluo Drjiy Service. MV Do K Now IMioite SS 3Ii. lirNlS FOItW,(ltl)L(i co. ': k Sure of four Clothes- ti i in l mirp of them, If v are datum tailored, diatom ,,. I .the are MAIM: ItlllHT. ; m.i If to I tt ,1 1 1,1 nit 1 require SU nlul whrtl )ntir rlntlirK iirp j t; Flit ou IndlvlduutI), oii a If ure of them. Frank L. Buckio Price, Utah I1AMM U COMPANY. CHICAGO ) Sunnyside Liquor House ! Itrtnll I.lquor Mrnlianl in;lde, CaMle Onto, Winter Quartern ntnl Clear Qreck. JOTIIIMI HUT till: IIICST ti. Wine. Hrandlca, Ileer vA Cordial for the Family ' Trade. J Pool and Milliard Table. ', ' 1THEK1 BAR 8COFIKM), UTAH. Wfmes, Liquors, Cigars rocket llltllarda In Connection Courteoua Treatment Flihlng 1'urtlei Conducted. M0 Bert lev Iletween Ocofleld and Cotton. "II meet train at Colton on call. Chone 14. L AXKMiO.V, . Manager. Eat Heartily I n ou buy It here you feel " utlng eerytlilnic In alghl, '.', ' IT 13 UOOD. Wo have av- . . iJUiins that li both dainty and 'Mltaome ; I Buying Your:; Groceries !; ''"'Plfi eoay and economical ,p,.h' 'lore. There la but ONB ; ; "KB, amj tnat uppe to ev- . . fPtrson. und li reduced right ' lo the lowest poialble fig- ; ""below which no one can . . ' It . . u "Qllclt jour trade and will T " Jou we, Farmers' and SlockgrowGrs' Store jj PHICB, UTAH ', '. 44 . ! ohhiwmi: o. ah n Onlhniniv (.niiulnc m t till Com. ir Light (oinpaii), li Slice... or. mill .Ikii., mi nitric l.lclil. I lent nrnl Cowir I'niiiililM-. mid ll iK'nlhm Onlluuutv No. .,., Ch. 'I iiciim II. till... t.rmitliiK I'niii. iliK In xiilil I mil I'imir .V l.lclil Ciimpuii). Tin H.wr.1 .( County Comnil.m. em of Cartmn ounl ordain a fo. low Heillon I Thnl th, rp I hpti-hy grnnlid to I'tah Cower A I.IkIU dpii wn It hin ...rn and mh-Ikiw ihirp. In ( ailed th, iinuitei ). tin right, prlvllige or fmnihliv until Augiinl a, li, to imiitriKt niHliilHln ittiU op. irnti In. along uhmi hiiiI urn Hip prtcnl mid fiitur i.m.Ih hiiiI hlgh wioh In Carbon i,tuni, ftiih. hiiiI Itn kiik 1'worn, outid of liKiirMirHttil cUIpk . I trlt liKht hiiiI Miwr linns toKithrr Hlth nil thf iimwhd or il Klinlih Miiptitli imix- dm ImlliiK tin derKriiiiiul iiiIiiIik hiIw, toftir. lrri irHtiimimiii Urn mid li-l-Kruih hiiiI trli'iihuiif llmN lor ll own u). fur tlif iurHw nr ciiiIIiik cliittUll to mid lount), tin- Inluililt. until thereof hikI iiirwniM iml itirimr atloim Ik ond tin- llmltn tlu-riiir, for IlKht hint, MiHrr nnd othir lnirmiM Hi i : I'olm and towi-rn tlmll ! , o iri-ttnl .i to intirfi-n- h llltli- im , ihimIIiIp with muili mir mid riMilit und lilRtiwit Tin liH-ntloii of nil ; poli'K. towirn mul niidultK rliHll lr flxfd umlir tin ioipirUlon of Hih llimrd of fount) iVimnlwIiptii m of ) wild t'Hrlum iount hut not po h iiii. rrHKonulil) to Intrrfer,- Hlili th.- pro- PIT opiTHtloll of Mild llliiw. , Hit 1 All line nitMriutiHl mult r thin Krmit idiHll !' in n. iiinliiuii with -"luljlli. il pnu Hi i-4 , ulth rrMii to . l.iirl.'Hl i ouniriii.. Hull l Him I CirlMin ii.unl (.hull lii no wu In lliihli or riiponllili for itny aiililint or ilmnnK' that mil) miur In ', I ho riiiihtrintlon, up. ration, or miihi. tfiiiimi li thf ilntntrf of tin Hnm ; and uppurlfniiniTii hfrrimdi I, mid III.' ', uccpptanie of ihl franihlHK mIiiiII In dri'infil an uKru-mrnt on tln purl of mi Id Orniitii, It Mum-Morn and nlnnm to Indemnity Mid fount) und hold It hurnilrw. uKulnut nn) mid ull lUlillll), Iom, runt, ilmnunr or rx. iinn wliUh ma) urcriii to nuld i'diiii ty hy rcunoii of thn nigleit, drfuult or mlri'iuiduct of thi flrmitif In thn tonntrucllon, operation, or inuln trnanci' of It llnm and Nppurtin. ancm hereunder. Hit- t. That tin nrlnln ordliiunti panieil by thi- Hoard of County Com mlimlonera of Carbon loiuil) on Auk ul 9, I'Jli, I'liiltlul "An orillimmr Krantlrik to I'tah 1'ouer I.IkIU Compnii). Um tout f.)m and umilKiiii, an I'li'Ctrlr llicht, hi-ut mid pom r frun. chin'," bit mid thi unmi' In li'iiealrd. Hec. n, Thi' llruntri' kIiiiII fllo It written mrt'ptumr of thi fninililM. with the Count) Clerk within thirty (30) till) liftrr ItH pumilKi'. Her. 7. Till orillnumi Hhull Ink.' rffrtt flfteili (ID) da) itllir it ih uki' mid upon nui-ptiinii' im reiiulrrd hri In. I'aind b) tin lltwr.l of Count) Commlimlnn. r of Cnrbon county, utuh, thi nth da) of AiiKum, lum. J, It. HIIAItl". Chalrmmi of thi llimrd of Count) Comml loner. Attent KIINHHT H. IIOIIHI.HV. (Hial) Count) Clerk, nk-offlilo Clerk of thi llimril of Count) CommlMloner. Htato of Utuh, Couni) of Carbon, . I, thn iindumlKni'd, thi duly "iiuill flid mid uitlnK Count) I'l.rk of Cur bon uoiinty, Utah, euffli lo Clurk of tht Hoard of Count) Commlilonir of uld count), do hereby cirtlfy that the foregoliiK U a full, true and i orrovt copy of an ordlnumi udopted by thn Hoard of Count) Commbi.oner of unlit miuiil) lit a mit'tlnic dill) held therein on Hip 2Hh da) of AiiKUt, 1018, mid that Commlilonrii J, II, Bhnrp und Albert llrjnir voted for the puiwiife of raid ordliiaiui und noun nted aKulnt It punuiK In Wllne WherMif I han hirn. unto Hit in) hand and nfflmd my of ficial ceul on till the ".Mill da) of AllRUKt, 19 16. KIINKST H IKHtHI.HV. Count) Clerk, ix.offMo l-'lirk of the Hoard of (Heal) Count)1 Commlloner. Those Koine to Halt IJike City da) before eterda) to attend the Charlew Kana IIukIiph reception wire lion. Frederick B. WooiU, Major A W. Hnmley, J. W. lUmmond, U A Mo. (Ice, W, K. Anderson und John II. Itedd. The two latter automnbllod through. Carbon coifntj Kpheok for five thouHand dollarnai been acknowl edged by JekvO i) Jewkea, Mtate treaurer, A uvintlilerable portion of the money wllll RalUbli' at once for the conmrucTion of hlghwa) lu cally It. 0. WllMn hat token oer the Bavoy Hotel Cafe Hun adlctt brine reiuiu. t "Cftit Sten. Uenjfowl lt Ba Up la &t Air Almeii Tour Turtf Ct'lll M lltfMtM SHIVSKSHTIICS Mlni mill On ii. Working llunl sm It liiiliiz. In Cnmp. HI'NNVHIIHt, Ahb SO The mine an' worklnx full time ntnl more mil illKifpr are Iwlnir put on the) np. pi) for work i if nolo ou-r) thing here gin Into ...I., that keep III.' 'iii hundred ..Vfii-i'eip h fw Hirewwiil) out of mmnilMlnti Hi lime for r-tmlrt In full l.t. I A I'HriHinii. irpver for the MlKllori"HiHrpln eiiuiHiuy. wmn u le i flit lnltor lit the fount) mil. Ho Im hIhuii riH-oered from hi nni'iit Nlllomolille Het'Menl Julie h HHmlr f mlmr who ilurlug the wm fi-H mouth wpiiI Ifaut nn- rttiriiliiic to thi i-uiup for piuploymeMt. Conilltloii nro n good. If not In iter, hen- tlmn nu,t ploim hebl out to )' hitler. C. II. 1 1 i.i.hi. c.hiImkI.i fr i, k, iiiniHiii). in it Mtor In eump thi week III iiilwlon herp w prlii i'IikiII) on uiidiruroiiud work Itepnlr to Hip "oldM ehool huum iirp going on, r.. t tit the liulldlng will lip lu "hlphnpi'" by the Him. .fhool begin J. H Tlii.inpH.n, gem rnl Miiperln. tuidenl, wu down from UmmIp Onte till week Up found p it) thing to hi entire i-Htlnfiiitlon. Folk lure iirp pnjlng wry llttli. nttentlou to pollthii, mi) more than to pn Hip delrp Hint ull partlt put out their iry lnt men for the nev erill loilllt) nffllt' to bf flllrd till fall The unmi' hliii prexuIlN a to trilti e for Hip i-ouuty ehool bourd. Tin- dlrl' Hewing dluli mi-i at tin. hump of Ml Iliiniiuh N.i)lor WpiI m du) lift. moon. Huperliilenilent W. N. Wetxi I mid fumll) lmp goup for u trip through Yi How Mono I'urk Jume I Ultlng friend In Fair) lew. Kwili Jiiiip Im goup for nn p. ti iiileil trip through the Hut, While uwit) he will I Hit relntlke lu Clee land, (. Mr. T. H. Ilimia und daughter, I.u i Up, Iibp goup In Catp ae, to I... uwu) un Indeflnllp time. Mr. V.iph TlionniM ha u her guet hir mother, Mr. William Itnni her, of Ht. (leorgp The Art Kmbroliler) club nut at Hip home of Mr. A. I. Iladle) Hat urda) afternoon. tho prment In i lulling Mr. C. II. Fuhrlng. Mr, ltd. ward Hrenner, Mr. A I llpckvlead, Mr Oeorgp Hmlih, Mr. M. II. IM weller, K. II. Ilolmp und Mr. U All red of Fulnlew Mr, (leorgp Well eiilertulned lit dlniipr Tliurdn) exenlng for Mr "nd Mr. Kdward llnnner and II, A. JohiiHin Have Learned the Danger of the Fly. Erer lnce the tplarae of fllee la Krypt and proba bly lone before It the common nouae fiy ba been a ncl a nee to mankind, but lately tnen of ctence have dla rorcrtd that It li much worse than a nul.ance, for It la both flltby and often dnngerout to boaltb. T)penrlter rlbbonn and carbon pa. pern The ."Ion ANNUAL SESSION ' OF UTAH MISSION The fort -lJll iililliliil e. ..iti of Hip fliill Mhwloii iotieiud at Hii I'HiKt .M. tlm.ll. t I'pi.oiiHil ijinnli )(. rilio at Halt Ijikp Cltj. Jllahop W O HheiNird l l. pr.-lil.Ml. ;Thii.i. who took mrt lu Hip eiTAirnOiH'luiled Hip Iti'V. Humuel AIIIh.hi. tli.. p (1. F. llHnwplIrr, Hip ltr. t. K. Mork, Dr. IMwiird Uilr.l Mill mid Hip Hex Will A. Hill. Tlip roll cull whk ippoudpil to I .) Hiimuil AIIIhoii, Will A. Hell. F. W. limit. II 15. Curler, J. I IVinimr. T. II. Cook. II T. Fl.k. II. nr) Fi)ir, U A. Joiip. It. J. Mngor, Thoiiui Mmiwur. Ing, Kdwiinl Ulnl Mill. K. It. Murk, II. F. ItiiMtwiller, Murlln Thomn, J M. Mi Donald. Tin- following offlnr mid loniuill lei or Hip iiinfireuip were mimnl. Heintnr), Hnmuel Alllxui,, ultunt Miri'tar), It T. Fl-k, -intlHtluil i.(rp. tiir), D. i: Carlir. umltmit lutl(U'ii e(ritar), A. C llo.nir; treumirer. Martin Thomn, iieoUiurit ireuurer, It. J. MmMr The Itev. K. K. Mork nomlnnti d Hip following (.landing lommlttie. l'uli. Up wor-lilp. Kdward lilrd Mill. Will A. Hut; foreign mla-lon, T, Manwar Ing. Ilmry I'rxr; (diuatlon, T. I. Cook, H. T. Finks AmerUnn Hlbln no. clety, i:. J. Mngur, J, 1- Demaree; wo man' work, U A. June. H. Allloon; I em per. iirp and ilvlo rlKhtioimnr. F. W. Hro, I). B. Carter; Hundu) ncliool mid Bpwortll league, ( F. llanwelli r, Martin Thomn! publlnlilng mlniit., -i-iirl.irli und Kdwiinl Uilfd Mill; uuilltlug ui'i'ounl, Kmuiiel AIIIon, II. T, Flk. rtnolutlon. F. Hro, U A. June. The onl) cliMiigP lu Hip progrum wn Hip fixing of Hip op fi nut at 10 oMoik Hundu) morning, lin.t.u.1 or at 9-it. a wu orlgluully id Iguuteit. Four p. m. wua Hip time ot for colli mlttin meeting und for Hip .tiitl.lluil (ommlllee to reielp report. Mr. II. H. Colli r. ecntury of I he Fliih l.iiruiii of the Wuinan'M I lump Mlmlonary .iilit, wu privi'iitPil to Hip 1'oriftTeni p, und he lulrodured the following iipw workir Ml KHiel H. Ih, MIhm Curl IiIIpuiuu und Ml lllnuchp Iji Mounle. Thn rnporl of tho following were rmil und nrderul printed, Dr. B, I,. Mill, mlx-lim vupprlutendent and Halt ljki iltrlit uperlntendenti thn Hev, B. It. Mork, uperlnttndent of the Itlnhrield dUtrliti Mr. H. 11 Cottir, MHTitury of tin, Utah btinau of tho Wninnn' Home Mllnnur) Midely, Ml Winifred Cliappill of Chicago uddrtwed thn mUlou The Itev Tin. urn Murlln and Hip Hev. I). B Curler wero a (ommlttee on the advnnii ment of Hip IihbI prianhir. ' Crulloii wua made for thn dlapotal of proper!) no longer of up to Ihe church A Nppclul upprnprlutloii for five 'jiar wa aked from thn board of home mlK.lon and church xtenlon. On rmueiil of I). B. Carter, lh Hev, J, M, McDonald wn appointed u.nt nnt tdtlitlcal icrctary. At the four o'clock meeting it wa found that thn following had their atutUtlcal report In the hand of thn ktatlitlial np.ritar) and treavurert Hamuli AIIIhoii, T. C, C'ook.C, C Hart xler, B J Magor, Thoma Mauwarlng, B B. Mork (I F, Hasuweiler, Martin Thninu and J. M, McDonald Mr B, C I,p I In the clt) till wnk from the Nine )p ranth Htatlonery and office luppllf at The Bun. 11 i b-H No Guess Work 1 iB There ia no need to be in doubt about the proteo BH tion of your valuables. You make it iositive by I'H putting them in our Fire and IlurKinr Proof H Vault. ' M Safety doiwsit Iwxes for rent. Four per cunt hH paid on saving depositn comoiindcd somi- 1 annually. ,il iH ) l Price Commercial & Savings Bank I Price, Utah SOCIETY j Mr. Irwin T llnmk I'lilerlHlneil her bridge rluli WedniMln) nflernooii nt I u'rlotk lunclipon, nflpr which the nflerniMi hh.I purl) pvenlng wu IHiiwed Ht runl pln Inn. Thiw prp--. ut report h m.wt i'iiJo)-iibp tlnip. Jiwcplil'ie Futik gHM n iMirly Hundu) ultimo.. il nt Hip home of her parent. Mr mul Air llenr) I'lnik, Hip oicuelon being Hip IUHp bid)' thlrtiilith IdllliiU). - Ijiurn tlorln' guv n dinner purlt Tupdn) p filing ii the hotiip of her pnri'iil. Mii)r mid .Mr. llorp). to iiIhiiiI u ieil nt her little friend Mr. Niini Mp)er gnp n mrt) Tupdn) p cuing nl lipr hump on Ninth Hixth triit, lu honor of her daughter. IlirnliP. Hip ihiii-Ioii being Hip )oiin bid)' ilghti'iilh hlrthdn) Dinning a ml othi r iimiippmpiil witp Indulg ed lu lifter whli h tlulnl) rpfrphnu nl win kitmiI tin gupt prpput. Ml M)ir wn tin nilpleiit of mini) use ful mid iH-uullfiil gift Dr mid Mr It. C. (Ireen wire html liict Frldn) Ht h dlniiiT purl) glien In honor or Mr. Itllxn MiHpp uml eon llogii, who hap bei n ipiiiI lug Hip HiiinnitT ut Hip Iioiiip of Mr uml Mr U A MiOpp. The Cnmp I'lre girl met ut Hip Iioiiip of Ml A ml re) Cooke Tueedii) PM'itlng Thp m.M'Ung wn Hip re gular i . one After the re gular order of bulue refr.nhm.nli Witp iTiiI. Adlets I Oni' Cent l'rr Word ISnrh IiimtiIoii. H No C'linrgp Account. H CAM. AT MHH. U A JACOHHIt.VH. H Hioflild. for American Queen cor- I .H et. miule to order. Chonn 7w. H I.OHT IIKTWKKN' IIOMK AND J IH (loldan IIiiIp Htore. pink pumen H brooch lleturn to A. M. Bhly nt (lol- M deli Itiilo for llbernl reward IH VOU HUNT IIAIIIIHIt Hllt)C. IIH8T Incut Ion IIpiiI rmiHinnbU. luxe. H tlgutp thin. It will pay )oii Apply H tu John Clut. Hunii)blp, Find H I'Olt ham: OH TltADI-HIX-lfoilSi: ' I'nlrlinnk. Mnre A Co. ganollne en H glnn a good n new, together with H hnftlng, belting, pulle), eto May H be een nt Thn Hun office. H fob BAWi rlST yT:aiTb;time'. IbbI forty ncre of land with water flock i and fenced; ome nppln tree nn place. ) . H One inllo nuth of Crlcn on main j H county road, Ie-Nnlm Co., Inc., . ( H Vlglln Illock. Crlcn Ulnh. I H HUTTBIl WHaT'CRHS ONB 1WS' ' dred, $1,00, two hundred, fl.COl I i H flMt hundred, IS. 60; uun Ihouiand, ) bH 14.00. Ijirgcr iiuaiitlltea we will fig. ' ure on. Bnclone raah with order, aa . Il will aitxn rxprp or parcel pot iaiiifl (harge. Coatngn for one hundred ',H Id thrrn hundred wrapper, five cent: jfl three hundred to olin thnurutnd, ten tiliiifl cent. Nothing but the beat parch. V 11 ment paper nnd apeclal Ink that It Htaiiifl not affected by aalt or greaac. TUB ki'LiH HUN, Crlcn, Flah. i J '! H I Buy For Cash and Save Money jl Wc have decided to place our bUHlnesH on a 5 H strictly canh banta and by ho doint; will be able fl, H to reduce pricca to such an extent an to make it P&iil an object for you to buy Groceries and Meata i)irtifl here. Wc arc cuttinjc down expense everywhere loiH and our customers are going to nharo with us in IrH the benefits ifjH No delivery will be made after August 20th. iiH Come to the store yourself or send the children. Tlicy will be taken care of as conscientiously as though you were here yourself. Buy coupon r books and save an additional 5 per cent over our . H already reduced prices. Here arc a few special H prices on Meats that will hold good until Auguttt i !H 27th: j Chuck Steak, per lb. lGc j H Shoulder Round, per lb. lGc H Pot Roast, per lb. . . Mc 'ItjH Rolling Meat, per lb. .12c ILH CARBON COUNTY COMMISSION CO. I,, MM mmwmm 'Jfli l HI THE UNIVERSAL CAR ! New Prices Aug. 1,1916 fl HI The following prices for Ford cars illbe J H III cffcclirc oa and after Avgasl 1st, IM: f lH Chassis . . . $325.00 I H Runabout . . . 345.00 H il Touring Car . . 360.00 1 H jjl Freight delhered at Price 5.ll extra 1 H A. G. GUTHEIL, PRICE, UTAH jjfl II Ageat for Carboa, Emery aadifiraad Ceiaties I Jl