Newspaper Page Text
W Hljj, j PAGE SIX THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY AUGUST 23. iolfl H j: A Little Match May m I Start a Big Fire : i 5 Von liMik )itil fur the rp- 5 ? J" mill" t'f nrcli'lii i and nr i H . Hint you hart protect hm fur C H ." )nur property. 5 F J We'll furnlxh Inxiirunep nt n I" ' HUB a( "KM eot. mi. I u will m-vir fHll i J" B '. a to mnkp you px.mfnrtnhlp In Hip B 1 tiiiHiKht nr wimt rmi ft rnr 5j B I S )nur jj Ii Lee-Nelms Co. i Corner Jtoom, Vlglla Ilullillnir, I'MCK, CTAH S WWAWAWAWWWwJ niitiniini iiTt i iTi i""i 1 1' ii Kraal :: PRICE, UTAH ii General Entering :: 1 and Geology ' Con I Mine. Dctrloptucnl I ; Irrigation Knglnct-n. Kami Hurtcy ! . ! Water Mranuirinrut IaimI Map llrldjcn nml lllglmn) Con. true ' ; Contracting llullilrr '. i Coal Aunljraea ' Mlnrrnl DrMMlt Kxanilmil ; Oftrrnlloii KfflclcHcy ', (irurral Contracting f SecoicJ Floor Silvacini Bld'g. i mihiiiiiiiiijiiim' MHiniMiin'iii'nrrriiM !p7LITEi ;: i:i(illT VIJAIt Ol.l) (')Au': - HltOOK WUI8KKV. I Ami Itverythlng tlm UlgheM . , Grade In (ho t.liiior nml Clgnr : CHARLES AVERILLi ; I'ltlUi; UTAH '. ! minniiiiiiniiinnf LARSFRARDSEN Manufacturer of Brick of All Kinds VnU adjoining llio Dentcr anil Ilia Ornmta Ilallro.ul com. patty on the muuh, three hlocki eat of depot Office nt home, corner, Main nml Hlxth trect. Intimate (iltt-u uiul l'rhv. Qunlixl On Application. I. O. Iloi 03 TIimiio 3.V l'Hlfi;iTll HMIIUlllllim liWir Cfirisfew I TRANSFER lf j and DRAY. i I t4QC I rerlvv Prompt attention ,, r JtWftaW i J" ,0" ,arKe or too vmuli for ' ' Hi n3 i freight i given our ' B ' I cE t n,,0,l,l"1 ' LM I I'lionn USt2 flllwR tmilHIIIIIIIIIHH !$ H ' l tmiiiiiHiiiiiiiiniini- Mm iUtahSalooni ii 'djy J v' 0e,1,r'i ilunager l" mki ' hlne"t Kcrt In llantern I'tuli '. H ilJfl! ' W,N,:8 MQl'OUB. ciQAns ; I ll'lWl WHOI.K8AI.K AND ItKTAII. Bil I liliil i I VAI m'ATJ! ,,EM'1 0N TA, i'l 1(1 HIk ! SOinPH NINTH 8T11RBT Ht '' WSfl'" ( I'itlCK. UTAH HSa 21 '' J'lioiie 71-A. K.' '1&' I ' IrUu1' "10 oo(l. FHal ' nniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHii nBr v 'A !,, MORE MONEY TO BETTEBJIGHlf i'Mi:m kiinu makiih i,nii:iti, AI'I'IIOPIHATION IWtucn sx MI s,.,,. 'lliniMinil l(llllll. lit He ,SH'lll llcUKTII ItlHTl nml ( llltir On the Mlillnml Trull Mm liiiri't Sliniin In llio i'ftmliiK Mnlo I41111I Snlr IVoonnl. AHTI.K UAI.M. Ante l An ox Iwmllluro nr ImIhci'M rtx nml kpvpm thoiimml ilnllnrx wna HillliurUril thin ck fur work mi Hip roil lutriti Dwirt mi tin- Itpnivr nml Itht Clrnmle pt or Orppii lliur ,vi-trl lh" ln-n I nf lwt HirliiK rmiritn, tlipr-p to --on 111 it Hltli Hip iirppont Mate r ml Iip-ti-.n 'hIIp OmIp ami (Iri-n lihpr O It OlllUiilr nf (Irppti lllvpr. nnml- loininlmiliinpr. ihIIimI 1111 l. II. .lnr khii Pi-irptar to ttip MhI.. rtmil ami titatp nmil i-iiKlnipr. km: MiiihIh) nml h liwtrumptital In i-t. HtiK thM irl) atlpntlon to till imrilr. nlnr idiip nf rimil It will lw rpinptn-luri-il Unit Jpmp It JpHkra. utiitp irriiimnr ami iihiiiIh r nf Hip Matt mail iiiimnlMiiiin, in iiimiwii) with Miiikhn ami olliprti, tin- irlti mrr Hip iirnpoxpii ntntp nr t lit up. iIi-p nf roml In tin- oirhiK. Cm my Hnri'or I'hiIiIIn lutpr nmklnv .1 an i nr II roail In niinwii Hlth . A. Kllllnuk, utatp nmil iikpiii, hut It una harilh i-xpiitpil Hint nnytliliiK Mir tlur winilil In- iltini- until thin full. Mr, riiin-iiii- Unit ri-turni-il n li-rilaj frnin 11 tlult Willi hpr plr Mra Jim- Wlilillcli. ami Tamil) at Mnhrlnml. Unurti-rl) iHinfpri-m f Hip Kuipr utakp wiiH In-Ill at Hmrry Url Hntur ; ilny nml Humid), hut In- lm-pmpiit . I'omllllini nf Hip iHihir inmh- It wi Hint i-r fi-w frnin nut nf Iiihi i.irp j In iiltpmlnm-p I'rrnhli-iit Jimi-iili v. . MiMlirrln of Hip flnl i-miurll nf fpw I pnlv wna In nttpmhitiir 11 ml khp ! lmitriH'tlnm, hi tnlka IipIiik murh up prpclntpil h all Hump fnrtuniitp ph. ) oiiKh In Ik- In ntti-nilnnit- An imunl, , Hip KimiiI p,- of Hm,.r) ,hiM,., Ihi-lr li-llorx i-pr iiiimlitpmllnu ami ; trpitlpil tin-in flnp In i-ir wn Uultp 11 K-mil ihsil of ntrrpl lint . hull Uinulfi-iiti'lt Hip ImihI wirk III tlm lint of atiilp IiiiiiIn ihiw m-Iuk Hili-r ; Hm-iI pri-iinrntor) tn mh- 11 1 I'limn- lnh nn Hip IEHi of npxl miinlh Tin I lint iiinliilmi iinirly 11 humlri-il irmu Imnliil In all imrlii nf I'-m-rj iiuul ! lilili-r T 'V lrhii n-tiirniMl hump hml Tui-ailn Inmi u tnpnl-tuu 1 iiioiiHin' mlnniiin In Cnlirornl.i. , will Ii-iivi- In u fiw ilnya for HI l.nll. , Arlt, wliprn In. will mipi-rlnti-ml Hip Krmli- ami I1UI1 n hool work Hip ihiii- Iiik wlnlpr A wi-lvonip Iiouip Hirl , will llkil) h- alt i-ti ni-xt wppk. Mpmlprii nf Hip, Junm haml nrK-tn-1 hutthni left hmt Tiipnihiy for u luur nf i Wiimip tiiiiuty nml will. Imhli-utally. tipi-ml 11 row ilaa ill l'lh liki- TIip In iiiiIiUp In that 'ho iipml.i-r nr tin- iMtml nn all of Hip wiiiii- fiunlly nml miinhi-r nmoiiK Hn-iu Hip nuuKi-t opi-rnlor of Hit- tromlMHip In Hip ulittp. rount niirp)or 11 nil Mr. Tom I'iuIiIIk 11 n- i-utrrtitlnliiK u m-n Irlali miin nl thi-lr coxy Iiouip Hint U 1'iul ilU wiin In In- roll hrlni( lit pn'pr tain Hip liuty )nunKnti-r Hip fntiHirt nf Hip wi-pk uftrr hrlnc minim, initl from Hip hrhlup work ml mhiiIi of linu-r) rut" tunili- hl ;ipHann i-r hint Hiimluy pw-ullia" H. I'. Know. Hr., nr OruiiKPlll- to-porli-il 11 KPttliiK iihmi; ulrt-l) nt Hip Ijitti-r-ihiy rkilntN HoNplinl at Hull IjiKi- I'll), whrrv hi- la i'iiiimiIi-hvIiik (loin inJiirlpM r.ivlviil in nn uutoiii... till.- iii-ihli-nt In whh-n -r imrlu ,hiIih Hip flrnt of Hip mnntH Tlirtt- rM wpn- hroki-n ami i.Hpt imi.-n-i hp. tnlm-il whi-u tin- int. lu-lmtMMi; ('. V. llhhiinU of lliiuutltti ami wlih-h hit wim h-arnhiK In ilrUp. HiuipiI liirlh- (lu Hiiuw U aiiffprliiK frto-i U11I hrillup, mixlalupil luat Uwlupwla) whi-u a hnrw- Iip waa H.llnv Ml with him MIm rlli-lla 8i-l. whu haa y.-iit Hip wM tun .-r In. Itliihn if-n-MliiK ai-hool U hoinn for a (w ihtya' Ull hi-ron- rpniimliiK hnr work 'hu lull. William K. Klnir Iihk aohl hU farm to I'rpuhlput Imt I nul n fut iIUihwIiik of hi lit i- Ht'ivk Inlpr tltirfaiFulor to attpmlliiK Hip Ak'th-uliuriil I'ollvirti or Uinh m l.o. Kun tin- lomhiK lutpr Mra. KIiik will iuioniHin him iml ul ii-miiiih In-r lllill.N al tin- lut -utlon Tin- ppuii- Nwarm of ll-p lllti- KlrU of (iraiiKPtlllp putprtalupil nil Hip ntlipr aarnik at tho Iioiiip nt MIm IVarl Jpivkaa on Tup4ay A pro uriim wan Kltt-n ami Hip "I-i-um all 1II1I ilu-lr iwrtN in n tpr t-rptllt H.Ip uiiiumr nflir whhh lumh wim apivul in tin- lawn Thp rwr . r Hit ila ! mjcil In Knmpa, n-lnirlnK an.l mi forth No dron'-a wero n nn) of the hit pa nor a there nny fou hr.M.d Thp liirnl primary hiwtrlKtton hj I-IK plana iimlpr tvny for On- annual hainr and fair which will 1.0 hrld nn H. pttmlMir ltd fhrlKtopher Day Ik ImeW ln-mp for a riw daa aftpr nn i-xlondfil tint rt ftaktllle. In., whprp Mm. In n fi.lkx riPldi Da will n-turn (I rn- h irtl) aa hp llkpa that tountry mi-I pxpp-1 to Imate thrrp pprinnni-ni.) Chnrlpa .Mannrd inxcd throiiah IVrron Inut I'rlda) on his tva, tit the t'oppt-r (Jlohp with two iro4ir tlte hii)pra for Hit- property, hut on their rpturn It could not l- found out whe. Ilii-r or not, Hip unle waa n ko. How--ter. Mn)nnrd orderpil n local man In piwl niilli-pa In Hip rffct-t that he t III ri-ri-lvp lililx for Hu- Imullntc of lo rnra nf nrp from tho Olohc in I'rlci (or Klilpinent In Hip mneltera, an then muM l.p nomcthluK iIoIhk In Hip near future Mra. J. II. Clark of llltiKham In tin ilhiK with her mollipr Mr Thnmna I'liKiitp, nl I'rrtun. Dr and Mr. Ilrun- Itnulpy of Mnnh are I'irron tlnltor till week Mla llPiin llnlpha nf Kerrou inti-r-laliuil lant Tiiemy Ptunliis wllh a prpltll) nrrniiKcil Inwn imrty In mm-Pllini-ut to MIm Itntil Hninupin i.r Hall Irfikp I'll). The llp lllti- Klrla at IVrrop r-pi-nll) i-nti-rtnlm-il their awnrm leader, ' Mint l.lilu Jennpti. whit twite anon. Tor Hull Uike I'll), where he will al-1 tend M-hool I Mra. Alhi-illtHi Hnmilplmn anili dallRhler. Ilnxel. of Hull Uik Cll) are ' al rVrnin, tMllnit wllh Mr. Hamuol. iH.ira fnlher and mother. Mr. ami Mr Chi I Jpnnen, Hr. Joaeph reti-mou and wife or 1 1 In wiithu un- I'erron thdlor thin week Mr. J. C. Irf-mon ami iliiUKhler, Mra. Joneph l'eieron, of I'erron left Tupmlay inornlnic Ity trny of Hnlinn for Mnnil, wherp they wilt peml 11 i-oiiplp of week with Mr. IVpiI Hull. Tiipwln) 11 cnmplnir pnrly itnplnt line nf Clell I'pHp), liirl Aeord. Kil Crnttford, IIiikIi Joiip. I'nrle) I'eler. win, Dr D. I). Mi-Arthur, Mr nnd Mr. A. II Wlllliiina. Itel)n Untry, Ji-nnh- Ih-uioii, Delphhi I'etti). Kd ttnrd I. Cox, Knli- McMillan, Karnli Otpnn. Ilntllp Cox and (Veil Hlnnle Ion, ull of IVrrnii, relurm-d after a ten-day trip In Hip miiimlnliin. All re port hut Iiik had an excellent time. The Clot III I tie lllti- Klrln met Tiiendny nflermiou on III url hniine liittu. All Hip Klrln hroUKhl 11 Koodl) llp. of plcule and cujn)ed Hip iif terniMin In new Ink nml plat Iiik nut of door Kami-, Thorn- prenl tt ere Mr II V. Dullmi. Mr. II. (I. Jpiim-ii, Ml no Alta Al-ord. .MIm. Crlul Jptixell, Mlna Atlaiitn Iterir. Mlna I.I In Da). Mow JpiiiiIp Hiply, MIm Nnona Ami). MIm M)rllp IVterxon. MU (li-m-ta JorKi-nneii. MhM Harnh Hiium-u and MIm Con Heel). Mr J M. (Ir.tlium entertained Hip memhera of Hu- llayth-w HphiIIiik rliilt at her Iioiiip U'piIiipmIi) nfti-r-liioiit Thp mom were iKaiuHfully dpcnratptl wllh imrdpu flow em. The Ipwhiii wa Kltt-n h Mra II W Dal Ion and Mr llnmld 11. Jpiiph TIuhh-lirrtH-m werp Mr. H I' MmiM. Mr. U H W'ihhI. Mr It. W Daltou. Mr Harold Jeiini-n. Mr. IMmmnl Craw ford. Mra. A D. Kelh-r. Mr. Dm Id William. Mi, II. W. Wlllpy. MIm llaiel Ai-nrd and Mr. V It. Illtchle MIm Cryntnl Jennetl and Mr. C. II. I' ttprt- pp4'lal KMPtUa, MIm Vi-nhi- JoIhiium-ii eiilerlnliiiHl Inrormall) Mouduy afternoon for Mr. ICmieup Johanneii, Mr. Humid Jenwiu and MIm Crynlnl Jpnmin of Ml. I'lpaaaul. Mr. V. II. HiuiiiP ..f Kapruuipntu. Ciila., I vNltliic with relative and frh-mU fit Kim-r) tounly. t Mr II. C. Miller left Tui-ndu) (or nil extended tlnll to Hnupett- mid Halt Ijike i-ounth-. M'. I'eloreii Teii-ntou ri-luriied 10 her Iioiiip In I'nlrtletv Wpilue.lny, lid, Craw ford, liarl Aiord. Mr. Car le IVIcnuiii, I .lo).l Celt). Mm, iVd) HIliKlet MIm Delphhi IVtty. MIm Ha rail 0i-uii and MIm JpiiiiIp U-iuoii are NpendlUK a week In Hip mouu la Imp Mr. (loorKP W. Itntmlou puti-rialu-til Tiipxihiy aflHrnoon for Mm C. H. IVurpoii or Now Mexico ami Mr H. I'. Hlintt. MIm Vent llrumlou I a tMtor In I'rlci- thin week. Cl'lli: I'OH CIIOI.IUtA .MOIIIIl'S. "When our little Imy, now 7 cara old, ttiu n Imhy he ttau cured of ohnl em morhiiH ly CliumlHtrlaln' Colic, Choler nml Dlarrhopa. Itenipd) " write Mr. Kidney Sn mo-i f Kulr Hiitpn, N. V. HIupp (hen ntlipr mpnilipr of my family Im ihI tlila tnluuhlp ineillclup fur col.e jiul ott trouhlpa with ifood aMllnfu, tioii 111J I Kindly pndortw It a u mini v of ex. ppthinnl merit." Olitaluai-ln ctery. wherp. Adtt. IHniion notice iarrle.1 In tok nt The Hun offlip ONE FLY SWATTED IN TIME KILLS NINE ' lr ,JXJJlVil.' '' TV I WB ARE SHOWINQ THE y I Le Chapeau Chic X Lc Chapeau Chic Rival Hats Sell at $15 to $20 Elsewhere. Whenever a new styl.e is introduced in the world of fashion you jP will find it on display at our store. There are scores of models X and each exploits a different style. t I X We are showing a new line of French and Velours just in from f the Eastern markets at from $1.50 to $5.00. 1 i ' I I Bessie Kennedy, Millinery, Inc. F otii r roit ci iti.icuiov (I'lll.llnhi I Dcpiirtuunt of the In terior. I H IjiihI Off ,e at Halt Ijikp Cll), I'tnh. AllKiiM It. I9K- N'ollce I hereh) Klteii that Ida Mat .Milton ulil of I'rlie. I'tnh, ttho nn Deteinher :. I HI ii. mad- Itenert l!nlr No. OCORI, (or ItHNItU. Hi-c It. HU'U NI51,. H4(NVi. NWl.NWl,. N4 HiiiI. Hie. 10. Tttp. Ifi Houlh. IhtniCP II ICilnt. Hall mU meridian, hu filed nolhp of Intention to make finnl proof, to i-itiilillih claim In Hip land alHiti- derlhed, Im fore Hu- ilrrk nf Hip ilMrht i-ourl, nt I'rlie. I'tnh, on Hip JUlli day of Hepteiuher. 1910. Claimant name a ttltniw Irvln linen. Martin M Olm-n, II. J Turner nnd II. K. Olnon, all of I'rlie. I'tnh. (IOCI.D II. III.AKi:i,Y, lli-Klnler I'lmt puh. AUK. I, lant Kept. St, WIS, noiici: rou i'titi,iciio.v Coal Kinry. (Km-. 1317, It. H.) Iiml Offhp Al Halt Utke Cll). I'tnh, July 31. Itil. Notice I herel.) Kit ell Hint William O Creer of I'roto. i.iunty of Cinh, alate of I'lah, Im till day filed In till office application lo purclmnp Serial No. 0I7H, under the prod aloiia of H.v. !7. C. H. Itetlee.l Hint lite, the HtNKti. NHHIiU of Hec. I. Tttp. 13 Houlh, ItniiKP it Kant. Hull Ijike im-rldlan. Ant and all iier.imn clalnthiK mUirnil) Hip lamln dpmrlli ill. nr ihmlrhiK to ot.Jeii for mi) rpa ihiii to Hip alp Ihen-of to Dip upp. cant. hould file th.-lr a ff Ida tit of protint In till office durliiK Hie thirty day period of .uhlleatl..ii Imuiiilttiti-ly followInK Hi" flrnt printed Imiip of Hit iii.IUp. otherHlvp Hu- application nm hp UOCl.ii IUhXKICI.Y. ItPKlnli-r. CI ml puh. Auk II. lat Kepi X, I Hid. MMICI5 I'M I lilt KrivJliS UXI Offhp. Hall Uki- City. I'lah. Auk . HUH To Whom It Mat Comi-rn Nolle. I herel.) Klt.n that the mate of Ctah ha (lied In till off In- Unix of land. neleelPd l Hu. mIiI latp. under H.Mtloii B of the ait i.r ion Krpa. upprotpil July Ifi. ikim, h In. ileuiull) m-IiihiI laud. tl M. n,.i 0l7B(t HKHHWti. Hih- U NWtt NKW. He.. 3. NW,NH. NWi, NWM. HUUHKV.. He.. S. sV, NKU. Kee. JK. all In Tttp 13 Houlh, ItatiKi- II 14a t; HKdNWVi. H.h- I; NKi.Hl.i,,. Hc. II. Twp. Houth. ItaiiKP II Kant. Halt lke meridian. Tuple of Mid 111, mi far a the) re. late to Mid Inula I.) dpwrlptltp n I., dltlnlnn. Iiati- heen coiiiIuiiimhI M..ted lii thl nffii-p for inMHtli.n l- HID pertHHI Interpnted and hy Hip puh. lie KPnemll). DurliiK the periiHl of pulillcatloii of HiU until -. nr an) time thereafter and In-fore filial tip protal and certification under ih -iwrtmental ri-Kulutlon or April ss. Iji07. prntHKt nr contemn MKaliut Hie claim of the male to an) of Hie tract or mill. illt I. Inn herelulM-forp Uerarll. d. on tin- Kn.umt that tt. mm , more taluahle for mineral ihan fr nKrliultiiral piirMMP, will hi- rpcelt. til and noted for reiM.rt to the K-iirml hind office at Wa.liliiKtitn D Calhirpjai to protett or contet. within the time xi.wlfled, will In- ...nU.hred Uufflclent Pildt-nce of Hi,. i,.IH. crnl chnructer of Hie trait and the el(Httl..U thereof UlnK i.tliervtl. frpp from oI.Jp.-Hom. will l... approtPd tit thu MHtf (IttCI.D II IH.AKCI.Y ItiKl.tor. Clil IihIi. Auk IS. t Kept. . in iiii: citv jcmicc'.s iouiT. In and I or Clt f .riv Munhipi Corpnatlon. Cunty of friMH. .,? of tah. Hefore Artilur j JiuthP or the Cea.-e 1', lUrnVi. I'lalntiff t j..M,.h :l"r""J" The Klale of Ctah to the Def-mauni i.Mi are herel.) ..,..,, , r hefore the aim,. H,,ttM , L tpn da after tl a,.nw .. ,"ta , .'JI" mon. uit.ui u. if MH.Ba ,. "' "lnhUhlhtam.Wnl.1,,hr otheriti, within tttent) da,. ?, .r hi. a-rtiep. and defend the .,. ell' titled at hrouKht aBalnt ..u , reenter the mi in of U'Ts S5 ,.,'' paid hv the plaintiff , .llr,(l "" hen.flllnJuneandJuD'iMVTml c of our failure t., do r- i, ii ,nfllt '!' he render. , aKint )ou conlliiK to Hip ih tnnnd of the lorn- plaint tlltcii under my hand IhU 3d ilit) of AilKUit. 1'Jlfi AUTIICll J I.Ki: City Juntk-p of the Tenet-. U A. Mi-Opp Attnrne) for I'lnlntlff. I'rlcp, Utah. Kimt puh. Auk 4; hut Kept. t. IVIC, MMICI( I'MTIID .STATUS LAND Of flip. Halt Uikc City, Ctah, Auk. C I9U. To Whom It May Concern: Notice I hired) Kit en that the Mate of I'tnh hi. filed in till office Unix pf laud, aelr-cteil hy thp wild atnte, under Hictlon C of Hn- ml of con Krenn, upprotpil Jul) IS. 1J3I. aa In demnlt) nchool land, tlx Hi-rlnl 017.971 nw;nim,. hi:i,nuj,. HWUNKI,. NI!V.HWi,. Hec. 13; NK'iSKt,, HKUNP.t, HWUNI.i, NWUHICIi. HKiHWt,, Hec. 13; HWUHISt,. Hec 19. NW.HW,, fr. 30; NWUNWU. NKtiHISU, Hec. SJ. NII'.NU!,. His S3; NKV,NK'l, HKt.NKi,. Hpc. 31. all In Twp. 12 Houlh. ItaiiKt- Kant. Hall like mcrl illan H. rial OI797S lit I. Hec. I; NKt.HKi.. Hpp IS. HIC(,HKW. HW'i HHIi. NWl.HWVi. Hpc 21: NK NK. NKItNU'U. HWV.NWW. Hih-. 2 HKHMt.Hei 3tl. I.t I. Her 30; l.o- 3 and I. He- 30; l.l I. H.-c. 31, all In Twp. is Hnuth. ItniiKe K at. Halt luiki- uieridkiii. I'onl.- i.r i.l 111. hi far ii Hip) relate to Mild tract h) dPM-rlptlti- mili-.lltlnlon. hate Im-ph lounplcllolliit) poled In thl office for Innpicllou h) all) per iniii Intereeted and hy Hie pulillc kcii trail) DurliiK the period or puhllca. thin of tlile nnlhf. or any linn tin re. after and In-fore final approval and cttrilfliallon. under ileimrtmeutal reK ulalli.n of April IS. 19(17. protenta or pontpt HKHlm-t Hip tlalm of Hip Mate lo an) of Hit- trait or mih.dltUion herelnhefore ilpm-rlln-d. on the Kround that Hip aauip I morp tiiluuhle for mineral than for itKrli-ultural pur Imhip. will In- revelled and noted for reiM.rt to the Kellernl laud office lit WanhhiKlon, D. C Cailuri- o to pro. tpt or poiiIpM. within the time app. I Ifled. will .p i-..nldered miffh lent i PtilleUIP lir III.. 11.111. Iiil,i..r.,l . I. ,.-..... of the trail and Hu- Neleclliinx there- i of. In-ltiK olhertthw free from nhji-c- ' Hull, ttlll In- approted tit Hie Mate ! II IILAKISI.Y. UeKlmpr ! ClrHlpuh Auk IK. hint Kept IB. I9fi xorici: -n, watki'i "cKiiiwiZ 1 KlnlP KiiKlneer Offlrp, Hult Ulto City. Clah. July . 1916 Notlco Ii henh) kIvpii Hun llnlph K, Clnttnrd. tilup po.toffhi. nddreii Ii Price Ctnh. hn iiihiIp application In nciord. ' an.P with tn,. riiiulrrmenl nf the tomplled Uitt. of utuh. 1907. nn ?i,in,lrLI.Vp "": 8"H",,M u r u,'. 1909. 191 nnd 1918. t appropriate four hundrid elKhty (ISO) ucrcfpct of wnter from Miller Creek. Carlton oiinty. i'tnh Kd wnter will h dl xerted at t whleh hear couth If iIhk we 1330 feet from the anuth. tte.t tiirner of H- 37. Twp, IS Houlh. i Itch for a dUtunce of 20,210 feet u, '."wJ fr,,m J"ry l.t tn April lt mid from Kepiemher 30th to De-'-""her 3lt. clu,itp. f paoh'Var. In n r..M.rtolr emhrmed in Ih, ,,rth ! iurter of K.v. 39. Tun ill ml meridian The center nf Hip h,,. M-.umllK dm will i"i, ' . wet ,,oo fe.t fr,m, the "iirlli. rr.;,:;rr vh' ,u,rtu " i.r. . rt,"il nnd unmJ from "He of ph. , er to 200 u,r Tu ""-l"'"-"'-'! In Hec 38 " Tap II A,,,!!,. ItanitP 10 aM Ti., it ' . "' ' ""'iNtllliHl I.) H fee of Jrr 2,. ,9, ,U " """"""' nf Ph AUKUaisi.' SnT'-ke KhTprlde Cigar. Tel. ,52. " D0LLARSTHAT 7 I BALANCE Er;-''fc,ur i ii S '-3; ii; ; i"u , 4' ' fj " urm e that ::' J ll II ' l In m r Hlllnfn. TCH5, oil- Mi Tlllinx 1 MH.Us Iltini mi,,,, i(7 MOAIt. AUK IX Wh.le utt Iok In hull. I ii iipw rjnxer u S JI.P Knuth Klk M...,niTi"v? a HlPttiirt. a riniKcr or KUUe t foni-, urfred n neriorn, ifrM, pt.-rdny. The nxe h. ttg. w- ?. Khuued from it Iok mid the Utr " Into hi lilt foot, n.crlng the , InrKcnl lop. I'lrat aid wjin adml lered and then he rode uai, j()hs hoi Ihlriy inth-a to HUmllng t , cum medical attention ' ; Bmokc Klk I'rldc Clear. TL HI ' ?.W.: ltm "'""'.litiir (l'nlillnhcr ) Dcpnrimrnl of ih ti-rlor. V. H. Uiuil Offio- .t Kate f City, AliKllnl l, I9K N'ntlcfUt' ' h)' Kltctl Hull Hnmiiel M Wrllcf v lor. Ctah, ttho, on Otti.i,,r p (- made llomcntead Cntri HrUI ,l 01 191 1, fur H4HW'4 K.1 51 !U NWU. Him-. 2X, Twp 1C Houlh. u n It Hnl, Halt Ull,.- meridian, htil IU noth-p of Intention p. nui,. A. u, cnr priM.f. to i'tn, , cUlm t n- land nlmte ilen.rll.cil In-fore th t , J ' nf Hip dlntrlit court nl faith? I ;J?' I'tnh, un Hip S9th da) of Hrites " IVI. Clnlmanl imme nn ttu " II. H. Nn).-. C It Ujilirman. II irrlf Mill nnd Trunk Nn)r nil i.f Vk frlf. Ctah (IOCI.D II I UKi:i,Y r Inter Tlral puh, Auk IS It I H(jt :i p S PRICE wl eomiNd ims ! S Alt Klndi of wl. S Soft Drinks, Flavorin; Syrups, Candy and t Drum Gas. f J GimmI liclltcnil Al Yourlh" $15 I I I'romptly. w , jt o S Tlionc IM. Trice, lux I ?rVWVWWVWUVWVVWAHl D J ,.'.' r i i-lckei R"vi I If AcouSfflisicwiisti; SlfOULD SUDDE.NLYSTRIK I . IrOV FAR IS TIIC DOCTOJ??-, With a telephone fl your home he is In BH next room. Tlllsme3PRkl prompt assistance, rewOT from pain, life saved. p you going to let anotw" day go by without a wm 11 phone in your home' q( Why takes cliancejil The cost is trifling t cqu. service to you-priceu Drop a card today 'I JWh nautcrr. Ctah Telphon ! ITUc Ctah 0ffi4!. and have a repreJL tive call and "STTS: how little it costs toJJWIBh a telephone in house. I Western EleiW I TELEPHONES Kuaranlec oubcin