Newspaper Page Text
) jaaafl n l Waterman's Fountain jplT fjRl The Sun carries at all ! I $SotthS " IffP Jii I times a complete stock I 01 m POLITICALLY, REPUBLICAN. of Legal Blanks, Etc. & - - ,'re,d " S ond n"' M" J Xl the Poatoffi nt Prl Mlnhl ruler the Act of iHrch 3. 1S7 A PLUME 2; XUMUCTl I. EVCRY FmpAY SEPTEMBER, 1910 B CATTLEPRICESON DECIMIN EftST DltOI' M (Hl('i(, si. (Otis MI KNSS Cll, to..-- Doe I" Mix ml sniil mill In ability ir Pin. Kir in Oil Mm li Hum tin Ir Plant in Ciipa ,1,, Mnrkitn Uiuir On Klllluc Mmp. Hut DOS" ""I'1 l'l u'" Th Sun Hill Hcrvlci KANHAH CITY, Mi. Aug 2i Cattle rice declined nround it dollar i hundred at Chlmgo lnl week, fort) I, i-vent) flvi cent In HL I -Mil anil thirl) to idxt) rent here, lowe luc to a lllxrnl ituppl) nml lunlilllt) of picker In Ret rniniRli nun to run their plant to rnpnctl) Tin Pan handle rnuntr) Kt good rain lint w-tk and marb) tcrrltor) checked It loading becnuw of tin decline, fiutu that reulted In n run of onl twcnl) thousand i attic hero todn), twelve thousand leu than Inn Mondn). The market wn ndlve from the tnrt, nml uleii were ten to tw ent) -five tent hlcher thnn the (low Inut week, itockcr nml feeder n iiunrter higher ml All thi Iiim of lnt vvt i k rcgnlned on Rood nmn tattle Feeder bu r bought n kooiI tnnii)' flrh) tecr t IT 60 In M 30 nml hhl on mini) that the) illil not Ret. which rtrenKlli itd the market nit nrouml Omm trfri old nl l 00 to If 10 nml fed teem up to $10 60 , Sheep rerilplM were ten thiiuwind had. mimtly from Ftnh nml Arltoim, went) thnn hundrnl henil brought In b) Hwlfl Imluileil Thce origin ated nt Mill fit). Idit The mnrket ten to fifteen cent lower on killing kind ami ulrnng on feeili m Threr load of Peer) lamb nld nt 114 IJ KtrnlKht, mil) lxt-fnur pound nml not thnlu Seven ram of II) run lamb, Huulvllle (I mil) M nt 110 SS. lxt)-vcii pound h -rag with it 30 per cent rort In fe, d r bu)cr nt l7S. Thcw fiedera rre not (lelrnblc. wi lulling lxt) pound nml lontnlnltiK n K"l mini) wrlnkl) InmliM. Choln liunln would he IroiiKht 110 Si to kilter tnilit) Uil tliere hern nn hen Top In Oil eitu ti'ilii) In 110 10 nml nt Oinuhn 119 :t I'nt wen art worth up to ITS: nethim 17 30. iMirllnK MOV, brredlmc wm 17 60 to 19 00 it ml feed Inccwii) f 3 00 to tfi.&0. HniiKr rlilp trt would Kit liMter rexiiltii If thev would ilhlilp their tihlpuietiu mort imonK the innrketH, nml not on("n irate iiiiiii) nt Oninlm whlih nml -in hnil thlrt)-elKht thoumml loiin Ufig wild firiemi tit twnl)flMt eenta hlKher loda) follow Intr n mod rl Iom lull- hml wek Top tlO 30, equal to tin luxt prlii ihiIiI l4l wcik. Retell In neveu tliiniiwni' hmiit I.Uht weliht Iiokm nml midliim eluht krouKht tin lop nml lini) lii'r up to 110 73 Itlllk of Will N MO 10 In 110 SO Order buirH IxniKht nne-thlrd of lh wril hirr Inm wrrk ail tli) took at tlu In kh exiept nhii' n tlioiiMirid hiJ ioiIh), imtklni; it Mr fil mnr ket Tlu nhurp i ompetlllon put rl m lnri tin to twoni) iriilN niMi. th oilur MIoiirl rlrr mirl mn to. la I - r Nlllui: llleli VinirdliiK to John II Heel) of Mt Ikaant HunpetK count) In rnJo)liiK an era of unpiirnlkliil irimperlt) In adlltinn to fair crop condition. Ht el) M) that tln heip lndnlr win new r before In ueh rxiellent lomlltlon "'h reientl) Hold ii thnuiuuid floik Ftamlioiilllet rweii for ten ilollnrn a "ad the piirihuHo I elnu maMe h) nn Italian woolicrnwer nt I'rlii Mr nn Hpite velllnK another thounnnd at Ilka fUiiro within u few iln)N l'roiimii WimiI ludiixlry. The Ainerlian Wool Improvement KHliitlon will l Incorporated dur lc th. mxt fiw dn)H nt HU Itko Ht) Thi HHxoclHtlou will devoir It If to priu thai Inktruitlnn nml ilrin nMrniiiin work In lonuertlnn with th" wimiI Imlnatr) It wilt be non. wllti nl and not embark on nn) com Wrilnl rntirprlnr. but will demon rte unit orKQiilar new method l h w bo prof liable to wool ROKen Mi nmnl II) 1 laim.. . flllCWClO, Aut. 37 rirr demro). ' two larKo fl)r-tor brlek build ln bilonR'nc to Bwlft & Co nt the tnck)nrd tonlKht. cnunliiK In" ' Jlmattd itt two hundrtd thouiand dol ri The flamra apread with aucW Pldl.thnl half of the fire appum ,u of the city wan called to prevent n pread to other Htrutturem To htop Hoc Clioltrn IDAHO TAIXH, Ida, Aur S7 Jour raaea of cholera In an many dlf i"nt herd of iiwlne In thU vicinity 'ourht Dr. If O. Hodle. atate veter inarian, here who will co-operate with Yr W A Hulllvan, federal lnpecto or Idaho In the bureau of animal In- B.U8try. In preventing the spread of jn dlaeaae Farmers will be orcun "d by thi of f Iclali and will work to 4 ther in flKhtlnir the cholera. t ' L ljniw hell liur Mirnil K-WHSRIt. Ida. Au;. 37 An op "n wbn tloaod here )tterda by a E4 known utockman for the pur Va'i of lambs of a aheeuman In ffl' the anlmala to be delivered HjPtember 1, 1917. at IS 'J3 per head "I'M GOING TO FIND OUT IF TJilS FELLOW IS GUN SHY." FIRST AID CONTEST TO BE HELD IN PRICE BETWEENJ1 FUEL TEAMS A. H. Covvle, vice prcriidenl and Kcncrnl miinitKer of Utah Fuel company at Sail Lake City, and J. S. Thompson, Kuncral Hupcrin tendent, were in Price hint Monday. The Rentlemen tell The Sun that the first aid and mine rescue contest between the Carbon county teams of Utah Fuel company will be held nt Price on the :50th of this month. The teams to particinate are Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, Castle Gate and Sunnyside. Excursion trains arc to brinK the teams and people from the camps named and n cry larKe crowd it naturally to be expected. The mines will be shut down on that c'ato that all who desire to come to Price may hae the opportunity to witness the ecnts. It is expected that all the other camps of the county will be well represented. The Sun will in a later issue publish a list of the contests to be entered into. locatesjnJnevada JiiiIbi' Ultllum II. I r)i I'riiillilne Uiw l low n of IniviIim !. I'rl. ikU of Judge William II l'r)e. who lift l'rlte reveral monlliN nK to to. .ill lit (.'nllforiibi, will Im mirprlmil to I iti r n that he Iiun nienll) mtuli Untied hlmi'ilf nt livrlmkN, .Siv, In tlir lirnilhr of hi profrwlon the Inw II will un l it pliiifiiri to thi in whn are iniiuled b) the him druU Ihrouiihout farlion count) nml litmlern I'liih to. know that hU prixi. pei In nn nf the brlKlilwt In hi m w hnllll t'nrlHin niinl) iiuit hud n letter illlain or un ntlnr imintr) it mure demrvliiK Ktiitlemun than Hon W Il llain II I'D i I'nr nlmi )isir hi flu id the offlie of count) uttnrne) here ii will it (It) uttnrne) of l'rlir for liilte awhile I In wiin aUo h member of the Im ul hi hoot latnrd at different tlmiN In nil hi iIihiIIiik iih n tit) it ml iiiunl) official, iih well a In IiIn private prnitlir, lie wu ever u niuare n the) mnkr thenu Uieo(l(N, Judxn 1'di'n hi w home, In the inter nf It fuxt deVeloplliK mill InK uKrliiilturnl nml nloikralnltiK mv Hon nml promlae to betomr one of the real Important cltle of the Huue liruili Htute It I kTiiwIni; rnpldl) nil the thin Ml VIvIiiii, JuiIkk I'rjrt onl) dniiKhter, In ut tiretmil nt Tallou, ,Se , while Kdwln, the hoii In tern porurll) In Montana, but Ixith are oon to Join their father In hi new home Thn IV)e urr n niiwl excellent fum III d mi) (It) or community should hi mud of ilulmlmr litem an real dent. The vi r), vrr mini) frh ml of fathi r nml win nml daiiKhter loon I ly wlih Hum health, wraith nml happlneaa' wherever their lol muy be cnat Tin Hun will keep them poatid on new from their former home for fifteen )rnr. ANOTHER l PASSES l'tillier of Mr CJonur IVupchU DIch At UN llomi lu limn Itlvir, John V, Hmlth un earl) pioneer of Utah and father pt Mr. Oomer Pea cock of Price. PAI wa Wedne. da) mornlna; after o'lon- lllne. Hur InK the paat few fear deieaaed had lived nt Oreen ItlveM Ho came to UtatiTn 148 from Ten neice and remained hero contlnu oualy alnce then, realdlng moat of the time In the Dixie iountr Funeral nervlcea wtro held thla mnrnlnif at the tabernacle, followed b) Interment In the Price cemetery. IlrUImm M. Ooold of Wellington announceo In thU week'a Bun hla can didacy for the office of county naae. or, aubject to the will of the repub llcnn county convention Mr. Ooold U an old timer In Carbon county, hav ing realded hro alnce 1818 If nom inated and elected he f 111 fill the of fice with credit, MINIM MIST HERE Hnldir of Unix Creek ('iui)on (jial taniU Malni, short lll, J t' VuuHvra nf Muriiielte, MUh, wu n Wedncftda) vUllur In Prlie, atnpplng here between train m hi wu) tn Halt Itke fit) mid honoring The Hun with n romddi robli portion nf hU limited time The k nth man nml hi intwiilHlrN own twenty -nix hundretl in re of rnul Innd lying b tween lluree Chidiui and Kiinn)iildr lu Curtion enunl) und for whluli the) nevrrul ram uko imbl I'm Ir Hum flf t) dollar un atn Numernu anal). e how their iiwl to lie of good inking iiunllt), und 'whin the time iMiine' the prnpert) In In be ilivrt npul on a ver) large eule IliNddex the t'nrlHin (ount) Intireata, Mr VuiiKvrii Iiun a large bod) of ng rhulturnl Innd In Millard count). Hirer humlrid and twent) uire In n high vtnta of cultlvutlon nml whlih I .hi lug fnrmeil l hi two wtu. Hit mule to I tuh he lookid after txiinn large liiveatmeutii lu (IuiiiiInoii count), rolo, and nlao at I-udv lite mining proposition. He will vUlt Millard iiiunt) I k! fore returning Hunt An other aoii, who la nt the military train ing i amp ut Ion, will uicompau) hi fattier home In time to ntwr college OwIiik to hi limited time on thi trip Mr VnuHvni could not vUlt the krveral toal cump lureubout which he ver) much delred to do letter, linwever, he will n turn to ITtah nml more than llkel) go down Into Iron i ount), where neveral Mb hlgumlerN havi nn eje on the Iron on of that HUtlou Hi wu here home nliir )ear ago amV marveled ut the growth nf Prlie In thut Him Thn new Den ver nml Itln (Iruiidr depot nml the elegant hualnewt Ntruiturer are thing whlih bewildered him, u It werr The Hun keep him pol(d on the new of Carbon iiiunt) und IJanlern I'luh, but dK not photograph ull the ImprnvrmentN going on looallj, "The VanKvra," aald tie, 'have n tender put In their henita for Utah, which hain't an )et atarted tn grow. In Prke )ou have the making of a great town Coal and agriculture will no (ompllah It." 1'llti: IHZhTHOlK IIOMK OF HHi: CIIII4-' MOHO KINO Fire Wedneadaj i.lght about 13 o'clock deatroyed' the 'home of Morg King on South .Ighlh itreet next to tho Bmoot-Nlxiin Lvlmber compan), the houke and rAmUaiilng being a to tal Iom How the flro atarted I a m)tery a the famll) win aw uy at the time. Thn building waa owned b) Thonaii Fltagerald and wu Inaured for four hundred dollar, while King carried alx hundred on hU houaehold gooda There had been no flro In the houae alncc early evening, conaequent ly It la cnhlderable of a myitery how It happoned Typewriter ribbon and carbon pa per The Sun A. C. HOOVER THE ACADEMY'S HEAD movtn m ciiosi: i on piati: n Mimioiivrr. Hit. Utrr A. Jone, 1'ormi r I'rlml. (Ml, ,( o hall IjiUc Ity Pn lor or lllurl) Park I liunli H( v. II, T. Alilirw l Nn r lor I'rici Itln r iHliitmi ut. Humhi) ivenlng lml the thlrt) riventh MMlnn of the t.'lah Methodlat mlwlon inmr to a (limr nt Halt Ijike I'll) with the Mppolntmenl for the lomlng )iar Onl) n few ihnnge wire made lu the pnalornte. In Halt Ijlki I'll) Uev Will A Itett ntaln the imntoruti of the Flint MithndUt ihurih, Itiv K J. Mugor I ri mined nt lllff (hunh, Itiv Martin TIkiiiiun wilt continue In ilmrge of Heath and Waterloo i hurt hen, Hev U A June, former prlnilpnl nf the l'rlte nrad em), nmceedM Itev l K i'nrtir im IHiatur of the l.lberl) Park ihuruh Itrv Carlir In returuid tn hi own (onfereme At Ogden Itev F W Itretnull uweed Itev O F Hom wrller, who In n tumid lo hi own ioiifernir At I nrlmk lu the nf ti rnoon tin ordination of three i ler g)ineu tiHik plair Itev letter A loner of the Indiana ennferemr nml Ittv llradford T Flk of the Ni bra kn i onfereme were nrdiilmd elder, mid Itev Henr) Fr)ir of the Ftah inuferenii' vviin ordained demon NiIiilnii ut n Mudr, lliro urr the mlaelou appointment for the )ear IVI4-I7 Huperlntiud ent IMwurd Uilrd Mill, ruperlnteml ent Hiumllnnvlun iiiUnIoii. H. H Mork, lltsivir nml Mllford Himunl Allium, lllnghum Can) on. Thomna Munwurlng. Corlnnr und Trdnouton, II T l'lk, Kphrulm ilriult to bo aupplleil, Uignn, to be Niipplhd; Mlir ni) und Mldvule, IS K Mork, Ugden, F W llretnult, Purk Clt), II O Nor rlN, Irlir II T '.elder, Prnvn and Klbertn. Jame M McDonald, Itlih field Miir)NVite and Juiu tlon In he upplled Hull iJike I'lmt, Will A Hell, lllff K J Mugor: l.lberl) Purk !. A June. Heath mid Wntir loo, Martin Thoniii. TihwIi, Uiileil b F W. llro. Itonic M.loiiarlcs I 'If, Worker for Womnn' Home Ml alonur) amlety Halt T.ukn Oil), Hur rltt It Ijine), Oruir Andrew, Uiura J Adam, Ogili n Mabel I.amli und Mm J lon Welwler, Hlalnore, Ma in I Dunn and Hllzuheth Hihvvuh, Mo roni, Jeaunettn A linker, lllunthe Ijimonte, Hprlng Clt) Hthel lah und Pearl lill man, Jum Hon, Mollln Hnr gent Itev. J I.. Demaree. C C Hartxler, A C. Otlvir, Jr T P. Cook, O. F, Haaawellnr and !, K Curler aro re I turned to their reapectlve conference MUalonarleN I-ark, ISHxabeth Del II Mar) ale, Kthel U ltankln Principal of Prlco Academ) A C Hoover Profeajior Hoover I from I Montana JMiTi'u niPitoian:T it ' HUMJI l (.OOII PUO(.HM The Mutual Improvement aaaocln tlon have arranged for an excellent program ut the tabernuclr next Hun day evening at 7 30 o'clock aharp and the public la cordially Invited The program follow Opening Hone Congregation. 1 Pra)cr, , Violin Solo Krneat fJrlfflth I Clarinet Holo Klmer KJ, litrnm I Piano Solo Mm. Kdlth Martin ' Addrexs on the Mutual Improve- ment aaaoclatlon reading coureoMlaa Mattle Htrong Heading MIm Agnca Macl.ean I Addroa. Water Sanitation' Dr I It K. Cloward I Piano Holo Mia 7clla Fauiett Ilentdlctlon WILL JAM AN EIGHT- I HOUR LAW THROUGH I Democratic Leaders of House and I Senate Draft Bill At Behest of i M President Wilson and Present It ! WASHINGTON, D. C, Auk. 31. If congress enn pass nn eight ( H hour law before next Saturday midniKht there will be no railway 'M strike. President Wilson and the administration leaders in both , H houses arc bending every energy to bring about the passage of tho J b law. All the rest of the president's program has been for the pres- llffl cut cast aside. 1 M W. G. Lee, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trnlnmcn, told the senate committee on Interstate commerce this morning 3jal that if the railroad employes could get this Inw they would be will j u ing to arbitrate everything else. Immediately there was a scurry- , Ing of administration men to agree on a law and jam it through. M Follow ing is the tcxtof the bill agreed upon by the men : 1 A bill to establish an eight-hour day for employes of carriers M engaged in interstate and foreign commerce and for other pur- ?,. M poses. lie it enacted, etc., that, 1 M Section 1. Beginning December 1, 1016, eight hours shall in ' ,. M contracts for labor and service bo deemed n day's work and tho aH measure or standard of a day's work for the purpose of reckoning J flftfl the compensation for services of all employes who are now or here- j jl after may be employed by a common carrier or by a railroad which 1 JfLB is subject to the provisions of the act of February 1, 1887, entitled Jflfl "An 'Act to Regulate Commerce," as amended, and who are now or H may hereafter bo actually engaged in any capacity in the opera- IBlIM tlon of trains used for the transportation of persons or property jnaM on railroads, from any state or trritory of the United States or IHI District of Columbia, to -any other statu or territory of the United mUaM States or District of Columbia, or from one placo In a territory to 'jPHH another place in the same territory or from any place in the Unl- iBI ted States through a foreign country to any other place in the Hial United States. VH Section 2, That the president shall appoint a commission of llaH three, which shall observe the operation and effect of tho institu- 1mB tion of tho eight-hour standard work Any as above defined and the HH facts and conditions affecting the relations between such common wl carriers and employes during a periotl of not less than six months IfljH nor more than nino months, In the discretion of the commission, IPhU and within thirty days thereafter said commission shall report its HM findings to the president and congress; that each member of the iSI commission created by tho provisions of this act shall recelvo such il compensation as may be fixed by the president. The sum of $25,- . I! 000 or so much thereof as may be necessary be, and hereby is, np- , 11 preprinted out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro- h fLH printed for the necessary and proper expenses incurred in connec- . Kaaaaaal tlon with the work of the commission, including sularies, per diem, , Q traveling expenses of members and employes and rent, furniture, liH office fixtures and supplies, books, salaries and other necessary lll expenses, the same to bo approved by tho chairman of tho commis- Hjjl olon and audited by the proper accounting officers of the treasury. I (ll Section it. That pending the report of the commission herein Ifll provided for, and for a period of thirty days thereafter, tho com- ftll pensntion of railway employes subject to this act for a standard Ml day'H wage and for all necessary time in excess of eight hours shall 91 be at not less than the prorata rate for such standnrd eight-hour !9H work day. isbMN Section 4. That any persoir violating any provision of this act SwiaaM shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined ifll not less than one hundred dollnrs und not more than one thousand iMaM dollars, or imprisoned not to exceed one year, or both. fufll The bill, it was said, was submitted to the brotherhood chiefs 'JlB and nppiovcd by them. Then it was turred over to tho house llH leaders, with orders to put it through the house tomorrow. qlaaaaaal Railroad brother hood leaders explained tonight that the strike JIB order, if not rescinded, would be simultaneously effective through- isiBi! out the country Monday morning nt 7 o'clock, Eastern time. The olB hour named in the orders distributed among the trainmen in the fflfll Eastern time belt is 7 o'clock, while different forms went to those tfll in the other belts designating 0 o'clock for tho men in central llflH time, 5 o'clock in mountain time and 4 o'clock in Pacific time. taaaaP UTAH RAILROAD MANAGERS HOPING FOR THE BEST, liH BUT STRIKE PREPARATIONS ARE BEING MADE fRH SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 1. Although greater optimism pre- If S vailed in most quarters the managers of the local steam railroads Mfil continued preparations yesterday far n general strike of tho bro- ' jiB therhood members next Monday. The most ominous step, perhaps, ftlaaaaaaaal was the closing of the hotels of Yellowstone Park and the concert- tlll ed effort to clear tho park of all tourists taken In by the various nltaaaaM railroads. rfl More than four hundred tourists taken into the park by the jliaH railroads were hustled to the various gateways yesterday and MnklHai started on the way homeward. Tho hotels were closed as quickly BBiH as the visitors were gone and the hotel employes will bo taken BlffiH from the park today. It is understood that several of the camps HoPS will be kept open until the regular closing date, September 15th, HuH&n for the accommodation of automobile parties. ViHfffliJa1