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r hwhwhbh"""-"-- M m H vVhen a. Merchant 5Tl V jiiayigi Advertising sB i comf a ts the conclusion that there la j7 I I y&SffeS4laNN ah fcl l' IleqiiHes Judgment nnd Intelligence ' f ' ,hing he can advertlso he ought to (IK I 11 j '!-3JtlcM m! Mil III III HI to mnko It profitable. Onco you have ffHl War look c jut the store nnd sec If that Is M. If . I III Sr-Ql3f3tSliilW5) II II started Hunt on vv III find It compar- , jgjH all .l!, true If b an) system of rra- SZs7 yk- klvf:S7iJ2jLJi3-i & 4v !&v!k' AL' jV nt,r, """ to kl"'" ll BolnB ,n th if BHI M ni he can rmm1 hlmnelf It Is ' j u1 7""' ' N T rlKhl wn), providing oii have the fZI B .. I-J as ho believe, then the next PO I iXIfAI IV DCDIIDI l""AIl ground work or )our plan sufficiently HaH M ',' f r him to do I. to buy some- rULI I IUMLLY, K t KU bSLIOMIM . pnuw ,, ,, ou ,lnXe lh, '-? iH ihrK Hat ' "or,h ndvcrtlslng Rntered as Sccond-Clas Matter, Juno 4. Hit, at the Postoffke at Price. Utah. CnJer the Act of March 3. 1879. real spirit of success In ) our scheme. i'lEaH VOLUME 2; NUMllElt 19 EVERY FRIDAY OCTOHER 0, 1910. ISH 1 1 KANSAS CITY 1 STOCKISTS I Hi-Hi m r.ii'i-s or i5Ku stop DOWNWAHD TIIUM). H fn snppl) iiMrnily"Oii Ihcf Oil H tie I tut htrong On Ceiiinlr) (it-uilc IH surp mill I4iiiiIm Dec lint el Ma tt '" Al A" M"kt" ""K" IH T"t,' n ,'r"11' H f j in Hpeclal Service J . NHAH 1'ITV, Mo.. Oct. 2. Light " pis of cattle lifter Tuiwihty last . i .. stopped the dowmvnrd tcndcnc) -U t r s Colorado stock steers sell- ii ' it sllghtl) higher price Tliur d Toda) the stippl) Is thlrly-flve tli ind cattle. Including fifteen h ired calve, and prices arc slcndy c beef e-nttlc, strong on countr) ft Irs, Hlilpmctitit to country points Mocker and feeders last week inled to 43,566 head, one of the I t weeks at this market, though not a iird OffcrliiKs today contained 0 it ninety cars of Colorado rattle, r tl Western Hlope, embracing rllngs, twos and threes to feeder ' era nt IS CO to $7.25, mid horned k ing steers at $.I0 to $7.00, n few 1 nj killers up to $7.75. Panhandle crings Included stook steers at $7 17 j0, both rarllngs and ti, ihes around II I& to country buy rs stork heifers $7.76. eauner coins 4 5ft to $175 fat four) $0.40 up to 4 2a ftheep and lambs de lined material- 1 nt all the markets but week, lambs ' King flfls to scvcntWho (cuts. uns are llbtral toda, twent-flu i usatul here and prlti are ten to f 'teen cents lowtr again. lUah lamlm ( c Id up to $9 HO others at 19. SS and ' 3 BO, as tompartil with a lop of 'SO riportid from Omaha tiln I fdlng lambs sold tii to $9 BO Thlr- t loads of feeding lambs arc imsslng t' rough here tmln), bought on th r nge for Missouri parties, l-'at ews f I at 10 :6 to $ 76 llreedlug ewes k strong as comiwired with last rk, being lltiaffei ted b the dei lint fat stock, range $7.00 to $9.SS. fted. I i eMS $5 00 to $0 B0 Llogs are one dollar lower llian n k ago, packers halng suuessful- ' (iiforied their iimiuul break to that t'fnt lleeelpts wire twelve thoiis. 1 here toda), market flftei n to I nlj-flie tents lower, top $10 00, n tomiiarcd with u top 'f 9."i at ' r Missouri rler points, and $10 SB I Chicago Hulk of wiles $ 10 to I so toda Onbr Infers mld ten ' ;irs for both light weight lings, i. 1 medium weights. tHtckers lop $'t5 Quality does not average as r Ji as herutofore, average weights Idler, 174 pounds here last weik. i ( m:ui. sinivicRs I'oit . son or M.i'in (H'mhiiwiv nneriit sirvlies were held In Hie N tli Ward chapel Katurdn) nfter t i, K(ilember S3d, for Kph. the 1 ' A mouths old twin son of Nephl G nlrrson, who died Krlday, Heptem- - 2:d. at the fainll) home at l'rlie, til Ix-ltig due to plielimonlil, wis t Mt I'liasant l')ramld of the S9th. 1 hop Jacobs priMldrd at the fu ll .al nnd offered (omfortlnK words to t1" bereaved, as did Hlders Joseph F' !) and Wllllum Olson who ul ho K In The ward choir furnished the m lc The opening pra)cr was de ll i red by James filaker and the clns !r. prajer by lllshnp Jacobs, Inter rr rt was In the Ml I'liasant ceme-Itr I Ml ItV COl'.NTV r.Xlll WAS srcvr-ssi'i'i iv am ways rlday and Hattirdny of lust week I r 'rj lounty held their first county f r al Castle Dale, It was a splendid f ss from start tu finish nnd the 'r t nnd egetnble exhibits were n t lurkable revelation even to those 71 1 are more or less familiar with "i resources uf that section The ti . people have Just completed n r tratk and fenced the Kroumls and i" ted a splendid new grand stand. M ire than three thousand people ' tilled the fair both dn)s and wit ' od the baseball games, bucking "tf3ts, riuei nnd othir nmiiHements U h were presented by the manage ""' t A number of l'rlie jieople nt 1 Jid the fair on both ilujs. '! and wi:m!inj ahi: rio l'i:K TONHJHT AT HAI.I.Y ""I" democrats of Trice will hold n ' e rail) at ClfivSjall tonight (Krl rti nt which IthoNspeakeni will be " V H King Senatorial candl iJt of the detiuotatlo ticket nnd H i! M II, Welling, candidate for 1 resa from this the I'lrst tongres ' "al district. Judge King neds no mr "'uctlon to the people of Price us T arntor, vv hllo Welling Is said to be ' itnd speaker After the rally there il be n grand bull to which evrry ' li Invited. Muslo by the enlarged 1 ' orcheitra I Oil A SIUDDY COMPM'.XION. Tnke Chamberlain's Tablets nnd a IH n diet of vegetables and cere ' Take outdoor exercise dally nnd 'sur complexion will bo greatly lm H -ved within a few months. Try It. "Ualnaule everyvvhere, Advt POP: "SAY. FOLKS, WHILE WE WERE FINDING FOUR LEAF CLOVERS SHE GOT A FLAT TIRE AND ALL THE GASOLINE'S LEAKED OUT." NHBBBJpfflLn N'lili'iiiv tu Ho I'iiohiI Oi toiler lltli II) iludge .liiliiixin. Si'iitente In the ism of the twelve members of the muster plumbers' as sociation who were found guilty of violation of the antitrust law by a Jur In the federal court at Halt lnke fit) Hiilurda) will be passed by Jus tice Tillman I). Johnson on October I Ith The maximum p nalty Is one )enr In the government penitentiary or n fine of tin thousand dollars, or IhiIIi The law, in cording to t'nlted Htates District Attorne) W W Itay. fixes no minimum pennlt). the sen tence In the chh depending upon the dlmrellon of the presiding judge. The master plumbers who were found guilt) were Charles J. Illgson, William K llUhiim, 1'nsler W Jones. Wllllum I tee. Henry (In en. William Itosslter, Parley James and I'rnnk O Cartlie), all or Halt Iiko Clt ; Chris Irving of Denver, James Macbeth mid A J Atkln of Ogdeii and John A. l'ors)tli of Price All of the defend nuts are members of the National As smlatlon or Master Plumbers, nnd w to plniiil on trial Heptember t:th The case went to the Jury at 1 1C o'cloik Hnttirdii) nfteriioou The Jur) dellvired ovir Its verdict for four uud a hair hours, returning with a verdict at I) o'clock. All the defendants were In the lourt room whin the verdict was nail, with one exception Wil liam I tecs, who has been III at his home for several dn)s, whose testi mony wns taken b) counsel for both sides .it his bedside In Hut form of a depotltlou. In the rendering of Its verdict the Juri made a recommendation or mer- O It was said by members or the Jury that an agrument had been made nmong the jur) men to come to lourt toda) for the purpose or mak ing n concerted appeal to Justice Johnson for mercy In the cuse, but it was later decided to abandon the at tempt "In view of Involving u epies Hon of precedent and good form" H. II Crltchlow nnd C. Ilo)e, counsel for the defenses both declared that they Intended to ask for a new trial In the case, mid, If their motion wus denied, to appeal to a higher court Three or the, defendants, how ever, have unnoiinccd their intention or accepting the sentence or the court, pnlng their fines and taking their punUhnient without further defense MISS J lYM: OAIISWKMj and i'hwk .vi:itii.i. mahhii:i At the home of Mr nnd Mrs. Chnrles Averlll. parents of the groom, Monday nt high noon occurred the marriage of their son Krnnk nnd Miss Ja)ne Carswell t)f Woodslde, Ilev T II. Zelders or the Methodist elyurch eff Mating The brlfle was attended by her mother and Tom Averlll bro ther of the groohu. Acted as best man. A number of Invited guests, close friends of tht)oung couple, witnessed the ceremony After the wedding a dinner was served to the assembled guests. The new I) weds left on the 1'4B o'olock train for Salt iJike City, where they will attend the state fair and visit for a ahort time, returning o Price to bo gin housekeeping In a now home pro vided by the groom. The numerous friends In Price or this happy pair wUh them u pleasant vo)age on the sea of life REPUBUCANPLATFORM llcMiliillou ilop(til At the (oiilll) Convention 1'rlibi), At the count) convention held Inst I'rliluy the republicans or Carbon count) restd nnd adopted the follow ing resolutions. Tint republican party or Carbon eount), In the county eonveiitlou as sembled, rcallilng that the stability ii ml prosperity or this government de pend Inrgel) upon the prim Iples whle li the republican part) of the na tion Invoke and earn out mid have Invokeel and carried out from time Immemorial. Indorse lxth the national platform adopted In Chicago In the national convention nnd the nomina tion of Charles IS, Hughe or New Yerk for president and Charles W. Fairbanks or Indiana for vice presi dent And nlso Indorse the state re publican platform as adopted by the republican convention held In Ogdcn In August, nnd the inndldates nom inated on the republican ticket at said convention. Itwillrlng also that the benefits that have accrtit-d to the state or t'liili through national legislation have been enforced mid brought about by untir ing efforts of our two I'nltcd Hlutcs senators it ml Culled Htiiten congress men, we heartll) Indorse their nets mid hereb) pledge our support of said representatives. I'urlher rcallilng that prohibition Is one or the paramount Issui-s eon fronting the people or the state or I'tah. und Hint It Is one law ir en ucled that will result In moro good to the cllUens or the state or Utah, and the maintaining or human effl ileno, than any other one thing; we ns delegates In convention assembled hereby reaffirm the state plutform with reaped to the pledges for pass ing a law which will prohibit the sale or nnd traffic In any manner of In toxicating llipiors within thu slate or I'tuh And we nlso hereby pledge to the veders or Carbon county that the nominees or thin convention will en force the laws, both In letter nnd spirit, with res poet to any prohibition measure that may Im passed, mid ns serv tints or the people use ever) effort looking to the strict c nforcement or ull the laws upon the statute bonks; as we believe that If the laws remain upon the books the) should e en forced, both In letter mid In spirit This convention, further realizing that the prosperity of any community Is closely allied with that of Its fin nnclal Institutions, nnd that nuy rec ognition furnished to these Institu tions tends tnwnrd the betterment of the people us a whole, und believing that discrimination In fuvor of any particular Institution aids that Insti tution to the detriment of othe r sim ilar Institutions, and that discrimina tion only gives rise to discord und dis affection, not only politically but otherwise, mid ft.allilng thel these matters have no plate In polltTcul questions and ure Incompatible with the principles of republicanism Now, therefore, be It resolved b) this convention, that we pledge to the voters of Carbon county that the nominees selected, who will huve ohnrge of the funds and inuiios of Carbon county, shall muke deposits of ull such mone)s nnd fundi enuully among the three banks now existing In Carbon count), and shall draw from the funds In such banks equally und proportionate!), jto that no one hank shall be discriminated ns ugulnst the other DR. BEATTV INVESTIGATES I'phhinlr or 'Opholil IVvcr In Prlcv Due to Wilier Huppl). Dr T II Dealt), state health com missioner, wns In Price Haturda) at tending the rirst aid meeting and white here mndu Investigations con cerning the Dphold fever epidemic prevalent In Price. Dr. Ilcutly said the epidemic was caused by drainage Into Price rver from the towns above nnd iidvlscd residents of this city to boll their witter In the future. Investigation dim limed the fact Hint the water supply Is polluted, sild Dr lleatty to a representatlve of n Halt Uike Clt) paper on Ills return to .Ion, Water for Price mid several other towns In Carbon county Is taken from the Price river nail no steps have been taken to eliminate disease germs or prevent a continuation of the pres ent cureless custom, according to the slate health of fleer, who declares the situation serious. As u temporary safe guard Dr Heat I) ordered resldentsof Price to boll their drinking water nnd submit to Dphold vaccination A meeting of prominent illlieus was held In vvhb h Dr lleult) participated When ad vised or thn cuuse or the epidemic, the) pledged zculotis support or nny measure to obtain u pure water sup ply and promised to take the prelim luar) steps suggested to minimize the menace. I'or several )onrs the state board or health has pointed out the danger that exists in Carbon county on ac count or the cureless method or pro curing it water supply, but the warn ings fulled to evoke practical response until tho dl'easo threatened to sweep the clt) THE 01HHI ClOSES After ii lllg Week of run, I'm lie nnd I'lisllilloiiH PeiiMlng. The curnlvul-festlval held In Price during the past week came to u closo Saturday night lifter a most successful week In which the eltlxens or the town mid surrounding communities participated Haturday was the big du) on account or the erowds here to witness the rirst aid and mine rescue work put on by the different coal camps. Taken as v. wjiole, It wns a huge success financial)), nnd the church reullted u large sum of money which will go toward p)lng off the Indebtedness on tho tabernacle. There was something different each night III the wuy of amusements, those In charge spurlng no efforts In Hie entertainment or tho putrons The big event or the week being the min strel show whbli was put on I'rliluy night, so tremendous was the hit made by the performers that It was repeated Haturda) evening to a much larger crowd. The vuto for the most popular lady fur queen resulted In favor of Miss lluby llr)ner, with Mrs. II Moer second and Olenna Ounder son third . 0 real ctedit Is due those who had the affair In charge, especially the ladles of the ward, for their untiring efforts and work In making the car nival n success. The festivities of the weeli ended b) a grand bull at the city hall, paitlclputed In by a crowd that completely tiled the building, 'music bclnt; flirnlshed b) tho Price band FIRST AID AND MINE J RESCUE MEN CONTEST ' 1 r ' HI CASTLE GATE TEAM I GETS TRIP TO ZION ; Thousands Gather At Price to Watch the Coal 9 Miners In Their Annual Competition Good , H Showing Made By Every Camp Represented I ' The first aid nnd mine respite day held in Price lust Saturday H was the biggest event ever nutlctl off in this city. Early in the , H morning Hpecial trninHCliCKrtfi to arrive from Sunnysidc, Castle H Gate, Clear Creek, Winter Quarters, Scofield and the camps of the H United States Kuel company nt Hiawatha, Mohrlnnd nnd Black 4 M Hawk, as well as from other towns of the county. Many came in i M by automobile and other conveyances. The Castle Gate nnd Sun- i H nysidc bands were on the job nnd played throughout the morning, ' v H the Price bund playing in the afternoon. J H Winter Quarters NvS won tho Plrst Aid etmlest between' Die tewinis or the I'liiti I'uel ciimiyLnUi Hie remark able percentage or lI.3rt. I'or this nee ctmpllshnictil they will hold the beautiful silver loving cup for thn next )ceir. The presentation wus made In the dining room uf Hie Havoy hotel Haturda) evening after the marking bad been carefully com puled. The i up wns passed among the inemlHTs of the either team who were present, t'lati I'uel officials nnd others nnd 111 21 was presented to the I cum for such use an they desire. Kunn)slde No 1 received second place in the I'lrst Aid contest with it percentage of 1(7.13. Castle date No. - was found In be winner of the combined I'lrst Aid und Mine llesciie contest with it percent age of t3.:& I'or their skill they each received u gold medal offered annually by the compan) mid it trip to Halt Utile to give exhibitions let the state fair throughout the week. HiiniDslde No, I was the winner of see olid plain In the combined events with the percentage or 90 SO uud the members or that team are now wear ing beautiful silver medals offered by the compan) In his presentation speech, J, K. IVttlt, slate mine Inspector, highly iNinipllmenled the Ihi)r on their ex cellent work uud commented on the Interest taken Ho pointed out to the boys some of the wa)s In which the) fulled to show originality In solving the problems mid In bundling the work st out for them Throughout the day scores of visitors from outside the count) und those from home spoke of tho great vulue or the work nod the extruordlnnry wu) lit which It was performed. The Utah I'uel company wus hlghl) commended for the aid nnd encourage ment It bad given the bo)H III the work, Superintend! nt J H. Thompson and Chief Kuglueer A. C Walts were In terested spectators und helped keep things moving, Tho judges were Dr. P. V.. Kites of Hlnudurdvllle, Dr T. II. lleatty or Halt UVe, ntato health couimlsuloner, Dr. II. J. Ilahllly or Hillings, Dr. J K Crltchlow, Dr. C 8 Arthur, mid J i:. Pettlt, state mine Inspector, ull or Halt I-ako J C Hnow or Castlo Oslo und Oeorgo Con way or Hunuyslde were time keepers, W, O. I'orrester, recorder, nnd P, W." Da) ton or Castle date, unnouiicer, J. P, Hussell or tho engineer's office or Halt Iike took several photographs und rendered much usslstuuce. Two minutes wus given for the read -,( the, pnblcm In thn rirst Aid contest after the signal had been given to open tho sealed envelope In which It wus tontulned. The first event was for one man the time al lowed being six minutes nnd the prob lem being "lacerated wound In the confer or the forehead nnd lacerated wound In palm uf right hand. Treat." The vecoucl wns a two-man event and time allowed, five minutes, the prob lem being "A enr has run over n pa tient' left foot, cutting It off at the unkle Joint There Is severu bleeding. Treut und carry patient 30 feet by two-hand seat," Threo men were re quired for the third event und the tlmo allowed was IS minutes. The problem wus "I'lesh torn off back or left hand, left shoulder dislocated, compound fracture of left leg below lenco Treat the case." The fourth event was for the full team mid fir teen minutes was allowed for Its per fnrninuce, tho problem being "Miner hna been rescued following nn ox plosion mid has sus tin the follow ing Injuries Hum m luck of head and neck, elm pi , a ture or right leg below knee uu t umpound rrao. turu or knee-cap of left leg. Treat and carry 30 reet und unload " Home splendid rer 'Is were made the representative of Vlnter Quarters No 3 performing the work In the first event In exactly the Blx minutes al lowed. The average for tho nlsMsams I wus six minutes und SS seconds. The second event was performed by Hit , 1 I H team from Clear Creek In four tntn- H iiton mid 30 seconds, tho average for H thn six teams being five minutes and H let seconds Nino minutes was tho 1 time for Hunn)sldo No, 2, Winter H Quarter No 3 nnd Clear Creek In H the third event, tho nverago being H nine minutes mid SC seconds. Clear H Creek was also thn fastest In the full , H team event, the time being 10 mill' ! I' H utrs nnd SO seconds, with an average iH of 11 minutes und II seconds. Tho , H s)s(eui of markings nnd tho manner i' ; H of deducting points was ton compllcn- M ted for nn ttmnteur to fathom. ' CiiH following nro tho teams with their ' H captains according to position on the i 'l H field In the i'lrst Aid contest, tho team g EH expected to occup) position No. 1 hav- 'H7H log fulled to arrive. VITLiH No. 2 'Eftsl Hutlli)slde No. 1 ?iFH Captain J. W. I.lttlujohn r, H John Thorpe I' H James Wilson William Dunn P.bH Henry Wilcox (HaH Ham Cowley fMaH Winter Quarters No. 3 i H Cuptuln Horace Hlmpson t t H Alfred New rem . i lM Harry I lose C I , llnrry Hull ( f'pH H. C. Ilurvc) kfL'H Nluk Pettersen I BH N"' i'fliisl Hunii)sldii No, 2 f liiH Caplaln .eph Thomas I UB Dan lllshop J nH Ueorge Wells " il'lll I VI Hunter. I fll Oseinr Kvaus Villl Isaac Whlltakrr kflH No. nH Cuslle (lata No. 2 vTHisi Captain Albert Wardell iViH (leorien Wurdell ZliH Hrnest I.loyd , a Duvo Morrison i IH Harry Mathers ' illI James Thorpe ' " MH Winter Quarters No. 2 ,H Captain Matt flilhur , flH Tom Mlnuch MH Valentine Antxak " lfaK Vincent Illnnnkar , mJI John lluveu Bl No. 7 ' MH CliMtr Creek No, 1 I 3H Captain J. V. Hnddnw f S John Hrkllla I .PH John Herutnppl C t'D deorgo Hartley & U)M John llrrlnsou v ', H W. W. IMwurds 1 ' I H As near ns possllde to actual Mn M ! . H dttlons had been constructed for tho .J1, 4 Mine Itescue contest. The smoke E ! H house was rilled with formaldehyde ' ! Hl gas so strong that a man without a a aD helmet could not get within many iff , . HH feet of the open door. The problem if . bI roughly stilted was to rescuu a man i HI following u mine explosion. The man v- ' M had barricaded himself beyond the 1 H gasca caused by the flro and the res- i I HH cuing party had to go through a tun- 'm H nel, climb over u mine car, pass 31 ! Hal through the part or the mine where W (Hal the flro wu burning and where tho .If t Hjfl gus was deadly and bring tho matt !?, HH out over thu same route through IV'fHH i which they had gone In. One of the yH rescue purty vv as overcoma by tho 'Hi ; Hj gas Just a the man to bo rescued jjj Hfl i first The work Involved a complete In ' HH testing of all apparatus, a checking uji.Hal up of all material needed far tho iF'rHBl rescue and for working the way past 1 bHb the debris caused by the explosion i HH und a stretcher for bringing out the l)ilDfl I Injured man If it were needed. The jfjj 1 DHj i work vva performed rapidly nnd In- Bl I mur telllgently by the various teams and S 1 HH was watched with Interests by bun- vH dreds of spectator not only from W HH Price but from all over the county, lyp f HH . Many of the visitor remained over jgfjj s Hal for the carnlvul In tho evening and ftmm HH i the Castle Oate band plajed several Iffifi Hal piece during the day. Early In the 'MrH'! HH evening the Price band and the Cast! IWiMi HH (Clato band joined force and gave a Klfr Hal delightful concert on the court house ill! ft? HHl I luw n, '" Hal