Newspaper Page Text
Hi' .' PAGE TWO THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY OCTOBERS, 1916 I tJIhsIlStm M IK I'OMTICAMjY, Itin'UllMCAN H.K Issued Kver) l'rlday, 11 W Crockett, HiBjT Manager. HijBjg Subscription, $1 SO tho Ycnr. .W i vi:nt MoritMsu without BBJ run hun: i htooi up ami cinr.i BBj flm i.v Tin: comjhimjation. BB( I iflrf ! ,IOII, 30-2S. PBtftl H )ml For President ml CHAItliKfl r.VANH 11UOIIKS BBJ.'jBfc of Is'0,v Vork. HiSEj ,'or vlce President B TOE CHAItLES WAHIIKN rAIHUANK8 M';uli of Indiana. Hiflj ju:i'Uiimcan stati: TicKirr iKli I'or United States Senator ff OBOIKIK HUTHIHILAND 1 if I'or Supreme Court Justice BB IS D .V. HTIIAU1" rfi Tor Governor ., fU NKl'llI I.. MOIIIMH Bfljn i(8 For Secretary of State BBi LINCOLN' (J. KnU.Y BBi 41 For Attorney General BB HAIIOI.I) 1' I'AHIAN BB lH For Auditor BB.fH johki'M junhkn BB ifstl Kor Treasurer BlgB DAVID It MADSUN H,irl For Bupt. of Public Instruction BB i li O CIOWANH BB j'fVg 1'resldcntlal Klectors (Ha DAVID JUNHKN BB &J1 T1IOMA8 HMAUT BB KB A. It. IIAWI.KY BBJ lit OltlttN HKIXY BlfJB fii;n:NTii judicial tickitt. Hl HkH "" DLlrlcl Judge JY'B JAMF.H W. CIIKUKY BB! tB For Dlitrlct Attorney pHjfin KIIKDKUICK i:. WOOUB MjfM COUNTY tickitt. BBJl MjM I'or Itepresentatlvn BBJJ jjKS T. J. I'AHMI.HY IBj' Stfl For Commissioner, Pour-Year Term BBJ pj CAltl.OH tlUNDKHHON BBJi fflffl For Commissioner. Two-Year Term jfjBj i:. HANTSCIII IBJ1 FlB ''"r Ulerk BBL JHwj i:. H. IIOKHI.KY BBJj fijtj For Treasurer BBJ IMJ A. IIAI.MNOHIl Jl naN I'or Itteorder BBJ JlM MItB. IIAIUIAIIA FOItltKHTKIt I dH For Attorney BBJ BBJ TIIOMAH FOUTH BBJ BBj For Sheriff l ooitor. cui.i.i.s'aiiAM HI 1 flJU For Assessor Bjj acoitnK j. dunn K fBJJ For Surveyor HiM JOHN It. l'OIIUUHTUU Ban Pui:ciNcr BBnJH For Justice of the Peiirn MflJ J. V. HAMMOND UHJ For Constable OIIHON I.AItHKN PBpJflJJ Itrnl proiiperlt) Involve one' ithll- pkpjflBl Ity to live well mill at cumulate n com pBpJjaH petence (or old nge How many eo PBpJOBl pie nro pronperoun todn PhPjB A liime line for rnlaulittlnK eleitlnn IHB reaulta In New York la the. fuel that pkUHI 'the enrolled reptilillcnua outnumber PBr .the enrolled ilcmocrnta by accnt) pkl flAl elfftit thoiiMiid. Bj JBpJ Moat of thou thirty tbouwtnd lieu b laH federnl Joba urnnted ilurlng the prea PBV J nt ndmlnlatriitlnn of economy, re. B HBb 'renchment mid reform nro now filled IpH tiy whnt Ham I-4-v in citlla 'true nnd pk pH loynl aona of the Houtli." B Hj It la anld tlUt Vance MiCormlik HH BH iaa titterunt'K to a Krent nnd exnril- H HH 'nily bitter tr when hu reud the ilw- HH HB 'arntlou of Demoerntlo Ktute Clmlr- nl "n Harrla thnt his KUhernntorlnl l -andldate, JuiIkc Heitbury, la n linn- ' Ired thoiuand rlroiiKer than la VI. B Hn ,n Sc" Viirk. HB HB In Itla nnnuul report of the uffulta HB ,f ,,,c Atililon. Topekti nnd Huntii Fe J DD -allrond for the enr eniltil June 30. M SB tl, Preiildent It P. Illple) plullih K olnt out thnt the Inerenae In nnM j nrnltiita la taritely due to the nr lit J Surope. The Krent demand for prod- J tela for export to Kurope did two BK hluga for the rnllronda. It iruilnl a HhsBm ihortaue of ahlpa. whlill muile It liu jBJ lOMlble for Pni'lfle Couat pniducera HBlHvJ n, Ihelr nit ri'liaiulle uround the BB lorn or IhroUKh the Cnnnl Henre BBBJHBj hey imikt ahlp b mil It nlao ireu BBBJBBjS ed auch nn urgent demnnd nnd ailih BBBJBBB tllh prleea thnt the ahlppera lould BBBjKB fford to pn the hlKher mil r 11 tea. BBBJBBJI foreoter, tuurlat troMd to Kurope BBHHH nt ahui off nnd our elllieua txere BBHB81& ompelled to do their tmirlnis In BBBjflBjfl AmerK'a, The Kan 1'rnnclnoo expoal- BBBBBBH Ion na In progreaa durliiaT tho flaenl BBBJbKH ear und InrKe numbera of Ifuaternera BBBJHH vent to the ronat to net the expoaltlon BBBJflHB ta prraldent of the road, ltlpley una BBBjHUN 11 duty bound to cvl the fueta In foro BBJ BBIj he atookholdera, ao that lhe will b BBJ BBI inder no mlaiippreheiiilon na to the BBl BBC au,p for ,,lpr lnrK,r Income It la BBJ BBffi ntereatluic to note, hoer, that BBH OMM xelt with thea umiaual nlda to rail- BBV WKM oad truffle, the iimHUi corned oul BBl Hfn frnotlnn oer A per cent on Ha prop- B aBlt r"' l'nelmeiit. BBh Hal 'inn i'h(ius or wail m fiStl Praldeiit W'lUon ohm It to lilmavlf BBk IB II nd to the oountr to ndmlt frniiKU BBM DCE hnt wnr aerea n multitude of pur- B 9WI "rH for "l" demiHratle irt H II mvj , nm). (l lim) (iiMiitcuua In Ita effwlM BBB Bnl ut It lma tertulnb anid tho nilmlii-1 BBl HHi ttrntlon n lot of frultleM explaimtlun I BBV HS nd argument. BBK HTO It haa, for exnmpla, enubled the I BBC ;) emorratlo party to uae emte, with Bb BBS ather nolay peralatoney, that there BbV BBI aa been aomethlnK Wllnon lma kept BBf Jj he counlr) out of BBHBBJI It haa enubled the benignant Mr , BBhJBBR ledfleld, Prealdent Wllaon'a H'orelr I BByJKR f commcrre, to explain h the nmti BBlSPi f living la Increaalnfc. It la uaed b the aame gentleman aa he ocpaalon for denjlng that the ex. LBKiBEid iortatlon of war auppllea hna an- BB81 hlng to do with the counto'a proa. BBBSSlt It lma enabled the ndmlnUtratlon BBBIjlH o boUter up the fulling revenuca by BBpJBjH ev)lrg a tax on munitions. BBBJBH It la ued to (emonatrate the aaga BBBIBBj louinets of Prealdent Wilson In up BBBinf toldlng the rights of American cltl- BBBJBJ9 ens on the high aeaa. BBBJBW It Is given as the reason, by .' of npologj' to tho paclflt. for the be lated recognition by the administra tion of the need of prepnrednw It affords n convenient explanation why nn thing In the last three ers hna gone wrong, although It neeounta In no way for hii thing that haa gon right. President Wilson may display nn abhorrence of wnr. but for his cam pnlgn managers the word seems to hnve a seductive nnd rheerlng sound Editorial Comments If J mi hail two tloMnra to Invest would )oti iruit It to the liuslnesi an purity of Joi pliua Dnnlols) Theli, why let I1I111 IiiiiiiIIc the millions Hint nrc to lie spent on tlio new nnt Judging by the slgna of Wnr Depart ment nrtlvlly the Administration I cunningly nrriuiKltig to bring Hie inlllllninen liome Jut In time to enable them to vole for Mr. Hughe". A Irnln of thought on n one-trnck mind linn lo be composed of shuttle cars. Three yinra ncn Woodrow Wilson was explaining thnt linrd times were pFjUmlndnil, but lie Isn't trjlng to squirm out of resoullillltj- for Hip present prosperity. The disaster lo Hie Mcinphjs mused very little excitement, Americans be ing iisimI tinwndnyii to i-Imk the nnv) on the rocks. Thin I)i mocrnllc Cotigresa has pass ed Into history profane history. President Wilson' speech of accep tance could linvc been phrased wen more succinctly In tho graphic words of Itosa Tweed, "What nro you going to do about It)" We en by Hie Interviews with the Mexican commissioner Hint the cam paign slogan Hila )nr In Hie Konorn Imnillt belt la "Thank (IchI for Womb row Wilson." Mr. Wilson's eulogy of Lincoln nt Hoilgenvllle was more literary but less sincere tlnin Hie one ho pn nnjinceil tioii himself nt Hlindow I.nw n. The new hnlf dollars will have nn olive branch on one side nnd 011 the other nn eagle, In full lllght. Wilson money. Motto of the McAiIini shipping law: "The tun never rises on the American flag." A Democrat's Idea of nn Ideal wiiUh dog of the Treasury Is n Pomiiierun Inn. Mr. Wilson la now busily engaged working the other side of Hie auffnigu ntrevt. The cnmpalgn iigents who two jcars ago were busily engngul thanking Oixl for Woodrow Wilson a em to be tuk lug their vacations just now. A record wasn't Hy only thing Hie Into Congrrs broke there's tho Foil eral Trensury. ' Congress didn't vvnnt 11 Tariff Coin mission composed of IU',000 men, those $7,000 snlarles being dcslgiuil for flJOO men. President Wilson's schrnie for com mission for evcrjlhlnit has been adroitly planned to make three Job for tit serving Democrat grow where only one would grow before. Vice-President Mnndmll an) a Mr Hughe la nil t'llio of the past. Quite true. Of stiiii'suiiinshlp, of patriotic performance nnd kiifu legislation. First fruit of the Adnituon bill The New York atrett car strike. sInful MUTILATION OF FAM0U8 SPEECH We nollie that the editor of Hit Democratic iiuuixilgu book, iiutdu ii of samples of "Woodrow Wilson' Wli nnd Wisdom," ho Inmpuritl with out specimen speoth b oiultllng tin phniso "ii prouil to light." Till Miltukw of lose majeste, to 141) the It nl. The hiI excuse for this sit of imilsMon thitl He ran think of li ttint there 11m) hImi bo time when I linuglit) IwuillxHtk compiler la tot proud in print lieu F la mining noon Advt NOIH'lt Foil Pl'llLICATION. Coal Hntr) (Keo SltK-SS, It. H ) Ijind Offlee nl Suit Uike City, Utuh, Kept 3, 1010 Notice Is herebv given that Htden Wutlla of 101 Mechlenhurg Aits, Suit l-ake C'ltj. county or Salt Ike, slate of Utah, who, on the 1 9th I day of Oi tuber. It'll, filed In this of- I flie coal deiluratory statement, Serial No. 016169, for Lota S, 6 und 7, Sec 6, Twp. U South, Itunge 9 Kast, und NKH of 8K?4 of Hec, 1. Twp. 13 South, Itnnge 8 Kust, Salt iJtke merl- Idlau, haa this day filed In tills offlee applliHtlon to purchase, Serial No 0IGK8, said land under the provisions uf Soctlona J1I8 to SSKS, V H Ilcvlsed Statute. Any and all pcraona claim- ling ndversel) Ihe lunda diacrlbed, or desiring to objeit for nny reason to 1 the entry thereof b) applicant, should file their nrriduvlt of protest In this ' offlco during the thirty-day period of publication Immediately following the first printed Imub of this notice. aoi'LD 11 IILAKKLY, Ileglster K. W Senior, 330 Judge Hldg., Salt Luke City, Utah, Attorney for Applicant. J'lrst pub. Sept 88, last Oct 27, ItlC. Pltl-SIDFAT SMITH ITTIlItS I'ljiw roil TiiK oppiuxsiu) Intervention In Mexico, or nny other eotintr where oppression holds sua) nnd despotism Is allowed to rule, wns Justified by Prealdent Joseph F Smith In hi closing aililriss of the eight) -sixth semi-annual lonfcrence of the Mormon church In th taber nacle Hiimlu) afternoon War, Presi dent Smith deplored The United State doe not want It, he declared, but he gave emphatic uttirnnce to his sentiment thnt It Is the diit) of n mighty nation to extend the hand of freedom lo nn oppressed people lie spoke n follow Now, I have Just one little short sermon Oct out of debt, keep out of debt, never mortgage oiir home nor )otir forms Put down Intempi rnnce nnd be wise nnd sober people Do not make war on, but love Jour neighbor. Keep the word of wisdom lie wle 11 ml modi-rate In nmusement nnd let jour amusement be Innotent nnd oiir enjovment pure Card pln)lhg Is nn evil; avoid ever evil. Honor the Hitbbnth day nnd divine nuthorlt) Keep otirsef pure and unspotted from the world. ever) body who enn, rnlse his own bread nnd ment Palronlte home productions nnd sus tain home Industry He not scoffer, but show kindness and )mpnth to nil. nnd especially to the unfortunate 'I. somehow, hnve n feeling In no heort that the glorious republlt of the United Ktnte, of which vve nre citizens lo)al nnd true, has n glorious destln) to perform nnd to renth. nnd thnt glorious destiny Is to extend lib erty lo the oppressed nnd, n fur 11 It I possible unto nil nation, nnd un to nil people 'Afler hearing Ihe remarks of President Pratt, with referent e to th condition of our people and lo the downtrodden nnd oppressed people of Mexico, thirteen millions of whom nre held under serfdom nnd slavery by the defendants of their conqueror, who could not wish devoutb, with nil their heart, thnt some mighty power, some just power hill pome power that was equal lo the task should extend the hand of freedom lo those oppressed people, even If It costs the live of their oppressor. That Is m senti ment "I do not wanl war: but the Lord ha snld that It sha'l be poured out upon nit nations, nnd If we enpe It will be 'b Ihe skin of our teeth;' nnd I would rather kill the oppressor than to nllow the oppressor to kill Ihe Ili um ent " HOW CATAHHH IK CONTHACTIID. Motion ure sometime i thought IrM n lo ncglctt the cold which their ihlldriii lonlraet The Inflammation of the mucus membrane, nl first neiile. become chronic nnd the child hu ihruilc cutnrrh, n disease that Is seldom Hired nnd that may prove a life's liiinli n. Mun person who hnve till loathsome disease will remember having had frequent told nt Ihe time It was iiintnu tf d A little fore thought. 11 bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Itemed J111II1 lousl used, nnd nil thl trouble might have been avoided Obtainable tv er where Advt. NOTH'lt UMIHD ST.VIIW lAM Office, Halt Uke CIO, Utah, Spt. IS, 1910, To Whom It May Concern Nollie Is hereb) given thnt the state of Utuh has filed In this offlee llsta of lands, selected b the nld state, un der Section 0 of the nit of iiougress, approved July 10. 1X91, na Indemnity school binds, via Serial 0 1 S 1 7 0. NWUSKIl. See I!. Twp 1(1 South, Itauge 14 Urtst, 8KU8WU. Set II, Twp, 1 South, llnnge IS Kust, Suit Utke meridian Copies of said list, so fur a they relate to snld tract by descriptive suh-dlvlslons. have been eonsplcuousl) posted In thl office for Inspettlon l nu person Interest ed und b) Ihe public generall) Dur ing Ihe period of publication of this notlie. or un) time thereafter, nnd be fore final approval und tertlfleutlon, under departmental regulations of April it. 190 7, protest or contest iigulnst Jlte tlulm of the state to any of the tracts or Niib-dlvlslon In rein before ili-si rlhed, on the ground Hint the same Is more valuable for miner al than for agricultural purpose, will be retelved and noted for report to the general land office ut Washing ton D C Failure so to protest or contest, within Ihe lime spctlflcd, will b considered suffltleul evidence of the noii-mlntrul thurniter of the trait and Ihe selection thereof, be ing otherwise, free frohl nbjeitlon, will be upproved to the state (HH'LD II IILAKKLY, lleglsttr First pub Sept ::; last Oit SO, 1916 IN TIIK H'.VP.N'lll JI'IIICIAL Dlh Irlrt Court In and for Carbon County, Utah Catherine PuttrakU, Plaintiff, v. Ueorge Puterukls, Dofenilunt Siitiimou. The State of Utah to the said Defendant ou nre hereb) sum moned to appear within rwent) du after service of thl summon upon ou, If served within the county In which thl action I brought other wise within thirty da) a after service, and defend the above entitled action, nnd In case of our failure o to do, Judgment will I rendered ugulnst ou ncvordlug lo the demand of the complaint, which tins been filed with the clerk of anld uiurt This uctlon la brought to reetiver n Judgment dis solving the marriage contract hereto fore existing between )nii and the plnlntlff I O. HOFFMANN. Attor nn) for Plalntltf. Postofflee Address, Prlie, titan First pub Sept 16, last Oct 13, 1916 Nt men foh puiilicatiov (Publisher ) Department of the In terior United State IJinil Offlie nt Suit l.uke Ctt), Utah, Sept. 30, 1916 Notlie Is hereby given that James M, Peterson, of Sunn) side, Utah, who, on May 9, 1913, made dert entry, Serial No. 09706. for 8BWNWV4, HHNKU. NKUNK, Sec 10, Twp 1ft South, Ilange 13 I5nst, Salt Ijvke meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make final proof, to establish iliilm to the laud above described, be. for the cli rk of the district court, ut Price, Utah, on the 15th day of No vember, 1916 Claimant name u witnesses David Peterson, James Ol son und P. J Peterson, all of Sunny aide, Utah, and Marvin Olson of Price, Utah aoULI) II. IILAKKIA, Ilegls ter. First pub. Sept. 39; last Nov. 3. 1916, Smoke Elk Pride Cigar. Tel. 161. rilOPOSED AMENDMENT TO Till! rONSTTTUTION. HOl'SE JOINT ' HESOLITION NU.MIIKK SIX. , A Joint Resolution providing nn amendment to Section 17, Article ' 7, of the Constitution of the State ; of Utah, relating to the dutle of , tho Auditor and of the Treasurer He It enacted by tho Legislature of the State of Utah ' Two-thirds of all the member , elMcd to each of the two houses con- , ourrlng therein 1 Section 1 That It Is proposed to amend Section 17, Article 7, of the ' constitution of the state of Utah, so , that the same will read as follows , 17 The auditor shall be auditor , of public account. The public mone)a nhnll be deposited b) tho treasurer, ' under the supervision of the board of , examiner, and ns provided by taw. . Sec 2 The secretar) of state Is hereby directed to submit this pro- posed amendment to the elector of ' the stnte nt the next general election , In the manner provided by law , Bee 3 If adopted by tho electors . of the stnte, this nmendment shall take effect January 1, 1917 Approved March 17, ltl&. STATU OF UTAH. ' 8HCItF.TAltY OF STATB'H OFFICK ' I, Dnvld Mattson. secretary of state ' of the state of Utah, do hereby certl- , fy that the foregoing Is n full, true , and correct copy of HOUSK JOINT HF.8OLUTION NUMIIKIt SIX pro- ' vldlng nn nmendment to Section 17, Article 7. of the tontltutlon of the , state of Utah, relating to the dutle , of the auditor nnd of the treasurer, ns ' nppenr of record In m) office In witness whereof, I hnve hereunto ( et my hand nnd affixed the Orent , Seal of the State or I'tnh. this 2Zd , tin) of August, 1016 I DAVID MATTSON Secretar) of State ' First pub Sept 1, last Nov 3, 1916 , PltOI'OSHD AMHMIMF.VT TO TIIK ', CONSTITUTION. SHNVTi: JOINT . ItKKOLVTION NU.MIIKH UKIIIT. Proposing An Amendment to Article 1 13 of the Constitution of the State , of Utah, relating to revenue nnd 4 tnxntion. He It resolved by the Leglilnturo of the Slate of Utah, two-thlrdn of nil ' membera elected to each of the two house concurring therein Section I. It I proposed to amend Article 13 of the constitution of the state of Utah, so thnt the same will rend us follow' I The power of taxation shall never be surrendered, suspended or contracted nwny All taxes shall , be uniform upon the same class of property within the territorial limits . of the nuthorlty levjlng tho tax, nnd shnll be levied nnd collected for pub- llo purposes only , 3 The legislature shnll provide by law for an annual tax sufficient, with other source of revenue, to defrny Ihe estimated ordinary expense of ' the stnto for each fbynl car For , Ihe purpose of pa) lug the state debt. If any there be, the legislature shall provide for letting n tax annually, sufficient to pa) Hie annual Interest ' and 1 -in 'p ' ' r ' debt, within , tvvent) Mr from the final passage of Ihe las treating the debt 3. There shall be exempt from tax atliill 11, 1 ll ft.. 1 lilted States of ' the state r.tinMe cities, towns, , school illntrU .r, munlilpal corpora tion nr 1 'I'r -Ie, lot with . the buildings thereon used exclusively for either religious worship or rhnrl- ' tnble purposes, and plate of burial , not held or used for private or cor 1 porate benefit. Ditches, canals, reservoirs, pipe nnd flume tinned and used by In- ' . dividual or corporation for Irrlgnt- . Ing land owntd b) suth Individual or corporations, or the Individual member thereof, shall not be separ ately taxed so long na the) srnli be owned nnd used exiluslvel) fi.r such purpose; provided, that mortgages upon renl and personal proper!) shall be exempt from taxation, nnd thnt tho luxe of the Indigent poor may be remitted or nbntrd nt silt h time nnd In sui It manner as inn) be provided by law. i The legislature shall not Im pose taxes for the purpose of nn) count), city, town or other municipal corporation, but may, by law, vest In the corporate authorities thireof, re spectively, the power to asses und tolled taxes for nil purposes of such co poratlnn 6. The surface ground of nil mines nnd mining 1 Inims, both placer and roik In plate, eonlulnlng or bearing gold, silver, copper, lend. Iron or other valuable metals, nfter purchase there of from the United State, shnll bo taxed nt 11 value not greater than the price paid the United Slate therefor unit the surfute ground, or some part thereof, of audi mine or claim, is used for other than mining pur poses, und hu it separate und Inde pendent value for sikIi other pur poses, In which cue said surface ground, or an) part then of, so used for othtr than mining iiurpr-es, shall be Inxed ut Its value for such other purpose a prov bled b) law, nnd all machinery turd In mining, und nil properly nnd siirfuce Improvement upon or appurtenant to mines and mining claims, which have n vnlue separate and Independent of such mines or mining t lalms, shall be taxed na provided by law All lands con taining coat, granite, stone, marble, on)x. gas, oil, h)dro-carbons, g)psum, or other valuable mineral deposits, other than those enumerated nbnve In llilii 8mi linn, nftlte tinrf-)ina.i tlirnf from the Unltid States nnd all prop erty nnd surface Intprov invents upon or appurtenant to such lands which have u value searate ami Independ ent of all such land shall bo laxtd na provided b) luw In addition to the usenent of the surface grounds Improvement und muihlnery of mine und mining .lalms all mtnea and mining 1 lalms nrodnclng net pro. ceeds shall be taxed ut a value not to exceed three time siuh net proceeds. 0 An accurate sthtement of the receipts nnd expenditure of the pub llo monc) shall be published an nually In suih manner as Hit legls luturo may provide. 7 The rate of luxation on prop erty for state purposea shall never ex ceed eight mills on each dollar of valuation to be apportioned as fol low Not to exceed four and one half mill on each dollar of valuation for general state purposes; not to ex ceed three mill on each dollar of val uation for district sihool pur posts; not to exceed one-half mill on each dollar of valuation for high school purposes, that part of tho state tax apportioned to ' high school purpose shall consti tute n fund to be called the "high sohool fund" and shall be apportion ' ed to the cities and school district ; maintaining high schools In the man , ner the leglslatuie may provide And . whenever the taxuble property within the state shall umount to four bun ' dred million dollars, the rate shall ' not exceed five mills on each dollar of 1 valuation; unless u proposition to In ' crease such rate, specifying the rate proposed and the time during which , the aame shall be levied, be first sub- mltted to a vote of auch of the quali fied electors of the Mate a, In the B I This Store Makes a Spe- (I cialty of Catering to Men jl I and Boys for Their Needs jl in Wearing Apparel jl XHH ZBH ; XHH ZBH ZBH And is better equipped than nny other general tH ! store to satisfy your wants in this line. We ? planned months ahead nnd can show you Kail W and Winter goods in the largest vnriety nt pmr IB! tically last year's prices. f in plain and fancy cloths, from the beat makers, ) ; fnultlesB in style, workmanship nnd fit. 1 ' ; Nobby Suits for Young Men nnd Boys. Large ' vnriety of Overconts for the big and little men. ZBr Z B Z HI Z Bi jl Wasatch Stores Co. 1 7 Bl' ; Stores nt Sunnyaide, Winter Quarters, Clear Creek nnd 1 Castle Gate, Utah. m H 1 UTAH FUEL CO. II Miners nnd Shippers of , H Carbon County Coals $1 $ ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COgtf $, Carbon County Coals Are the Best. AVJVJf-fH : bbbbbbH In the Market for Horses, Mules for Mines, Ufafafafafaf Grnin, Mine Props, Tics, Sprags nnd Vnrio hyVVH Y Other Local Products. gfHjH I HOME INDUSTRIcTITROBbI ? bbbH Gcnernl Offices Seventh Floor Judge BuildjBBBBBBBBBJB Like City. Mines nt Clear Creek, Wf Quarters, Castle Gate, Utah Mine nntVH Y Sunnysidc, Carbon County, Utah. wHH bbbbbbbbbI MMIHIIMHIHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIeWWjB I CT 110 OCT IID "r" f"r niHffl LCI Uu ULI U" "" guarantBBBBBBBBBB In over any hBBBBBBBBBJ YnilR TdVF stove of the mime site, to 1BBBBBBBBB j. IUUII OIUTL rrnm Katurda) night until BBBBBBBBJ morning with soft or t ilBJBBBBBfl stove dues tills. BABBBBJ ii WEETER U U M B E R Co!H ""in h mniii n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u i n 1 1 1 h-h-sBjBBJ A. KOPF'S STUDIO 5 All Work Guaranteed and Prices Reasonable. $ J PHOTOGRAPH WORK OF ALL KINDS Up Stairs Over Commercial Bank. Phone 17. Price, Utah. J tir next prere.iing tlniion, shall Iiiivh paid a proper! tax as sensed to them within the state, and the inujurll) of those voting thereon shall vote In favor thereof, In such manner us may be provided bj Ian 8 The making of profit out of public moiiBjH, using the same for uny purpose not authorised by law. bj any public officer, shall be deemed a felony, and shall be punished as provided by law, but iMtrt of suiti punishment shall be dlMiuallfleatlon to hold public offlee 8 No uprftoprlatlun shull be made or any expenditure authorised by the legislature, vv herebv the expenditures "I !.no """': '""''Ing nny fiscal jear. "??". e.xteU tne ,0,B tax he Pro vided for by law, und applicable for such appropriation or expenditure, unless the legislature making iuch appropriation shall provide for levi" Ing a sufflilent tux. not exceeding the rutee allowed in Section S of this or tide, to puy such appropriation or expenditure within such final , ear This provision shall not apply to ap propriation, or expenditure, to sup press Insurrection, defend the state, or assist In defending the United Htatea in time of war umieu .hJ?i i 'No,nlnB In this constitution sha I be construed to prevent the T eg islatuie from providing a stamp tax or a tax based on Income oicupat "' license or franchises "I'unon, Hee, J The seiretar) of state Is hereby ordertd to give thl. prooos! i tlon to be published In at lia.t one newspaper In every county In ?RS su e where a newspaper is minted and publlshid for twoP montli m. i ceding the next general election P Sec 3. This proposition shull s submitted to the electors of this ta-e at tho next general election f r tlf approval or disapproval All offl 1 I builota ustd at such election uln I have printed or written therron tne words, "I'or tho amendment of Arl' " 11 of the Constitution, relating to M' latloii," "Yes," "No," and shall othf wise be prepared nnd submitted It tl i eleitora ua muy lie otherwise lrov I ed by law, and said ballot shall I J reeolvtd, counted, and ranvussed, a' l returns thereon be made In tin un manner nnd In nil respects as la r ma be provided by law In tho cuse election of statu officers, I Bee t. If udopted by the cle t of the state, this amendment slii i tnke iffect January 1, 1917 Approved March 20, 19IS, l BTATi: OP UTAH. , SKCKKTAHY OP BTATK'H OI I IC' I. Uavld Mattson. secretary of state of the state of Utah, do hereby certl that the foregoing Is a full. "ie?,,V correct copy of BKNATK JOINT Ilr, iOMJTION NUMIlim KiailT-pr posing un amendment to Article 1J r 1 the constitution of tho state of V ta I relating to revenue and taxutlon, ! appears of record In my offifc. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my bond and affixed W Oreut Heal of tho State of Utah, t" 2Jd duy of August. 1916, , DAVID MATTSON. Secretary of ', jl'lrst pub. Sept. 1; last Nov J, Typewriter ribbons and carbon P" I pera The Bun. Legal blanks at The Sun Office.