Newspaper Page Text
IBJHHHHbHHHHbHbibHBHHH m I ' mm H ' hBI . s.B JfJhenaMerchant tfFT Kf , l&i' i Advertising: , ' HH H C t, the conclusion that there Is fi( I fcg3ra $. ,l"u,r" """ "J Intelligence H )!C h tan ndtertfso ho ought to K Ij I Hi I ,'llgSiSllwvnll nil III ill to make It profitable Onto you hate 1H k W.Uhc store nnd sec If that Is X v I I lr5?rSp2Vfil3l) I II I II started right ou u lit find It comp.r- U 1 M ,lrtru If nn s)tcm of ren- JV W fi JlktllS' 1L IIV ntltol) cas) to keep It going In tho " jjHI "nlnirh Persuade himself It Is NT xy -v- u ui1 "CSiS ' T Ny r,Knt ,, prodding jou hnt.e the , M b.d ci he bcllote then the next POLITICALLY RFPURIIHAN ground work of jour plan sufficiently ,7 M Mmtv him to do I. to b some- ,, , , 7 ' ttLrUt,UUMIN' secure nnd also that jou hate the , A M A w th w worth ndtortlslng En,ered " Sccond-Clm Mutter, June 4, 1916. at tho PoMoffl.e Ht Price Utah. Under tho Act of March 3. MM. rca, plrt of lCCCM , )ollr chnmt. , WM H-- V0LUME2JNUMBER 21 EVERY ritlDAY OCTOBER 20, 1916 V EM iSIG RUN OF Ti ISTUFFCOMING IN HanOTHCR GOOD WEEK PRE. DICXTED FOR CATTLE BUYER8 Hjp Receipts Much Smaller at Mlt B 10U1-I River Points With an Advance (Ten to Fifteen Cents With Moit H if the Cain on Aged Clan Local People Ouy Some Fine Olooded S ftJmt KANSAS CITV. MO. Oct 16-Cnltlo sBv" Icier distributed through lmt iflc i nd n Inrgor percentage Morn .JB axicni and feeders than heretofore Qmdltlont Hint helped tho market M-nllutn grade of kilting (terra gain- ta fifteen to t i ill) five cent ditr yflstthc week, with other classes stca Hir to strong Receipts todaj ore. lilrt) eight thousand here and licit Icr Sit outside mnrkits than nil) dny (ire uil) thU fall Market hero steady uflltccn cmts loiter KlIlltiK ntcrn ud best stocker ore nhout stiudy it wit n run of thlti cnttla toda), fott pod klllera Included, best licaty fed item nl UO.r.O (trass fed Mom In Mdtdtd loss Rood cuttle thnn hinto '.re a few at $SiO or bclttr. iiliort HI grass stttr t round 19 00, mi Hfimti nnd light woldit $6 00 to 17 10 nrc Ih n fair run of Oklnhomn crj heri, medium and light itlUiU at r7pi to $7 35, nnd hcv nl train of C'olorndo cattle, tin- tef steers itHlln? nt ICSJ to $7 2S Jed cowh nt I" HO to $7 00 Rho ittuff iwonk todny, cnnnira nroiind $KK, )ln roH $2" nood cowh IT. C. to FVJ TrO, mill com fid coh $7 2S or Klter More thmi B0 ptr cnt of tho apl lodn In t U lit cnttlo mid thU III ho nnothir kooil ueik for Imyi m Crtry grnlc In otfired nnd ncilptii acludf cntt!i from nil out tin YL High tin il I'nulintullo i nrllimn jold t $710 to $7 7 thin morning nnd liolre Colorndo isirlliiK to sr. to 47.W best two around $700 A fcrge number of clmip Mock Muri r liorc around C on ilthir n rtdurn tiro In bittir demnnd, n rood tun,, liiDorn lirro from Illinois nnd hcr Mlntm rait but price nr lnl Mind), rnutlni; from $0 2' to Sheep rccelpti Hiunlltr todn), tine thouvnnd luiid. ntul the uinrkit Uvinccd tin to tlftciii cuitH, illnrc rinlliiK uinkuiM nt other polntN llott or tho gnln Him on nged ulietp, (it cutn iilliiK up to $7W, hint) irtrllngi $8 2i. slillo the bent Imnlm trouglit $10 30 Niitlxi' Ininhn run FMrsi nnd uiiomii mid mil urouiid jSj for bint here ArUotmH nliw Wow the choice Wcnti rim mid about Itte ttntlu Feeding liimba mil nt lU'i to $0 8"i. but do not M't rot quit k l tlon iu n few wieka ago I'mllm: m Mend), ut $G2. to $f.R0 mid treeiliM firm nt $7 00 to $9f.O WOOL 18 BOON TO COMMAND ' C0N8IDERADLY HIGHER PRICE , Alttr innkliig nil ixtiimltu Mud) tf ikiI conditions. H W MtClure. wcretir) of tho Nntlonnl Vool.row tn' c-noJIntlon, prHlcti nn mhatire tt,frt i fhe to Mx tintH n iwund for ool Immedlutol) btfore the clip lint prlng In tbe moat riant iwIk of wool In Urge mmntltlea In lth thlrt) nix centa n pound a reeehed nnd the pn diction of Me Cluri In for tho hlgheM price ever eled In tho recent hltor of the ool liidmtr). Indlcntlon Niim to bo Hint e lll recelio cry little wool from Auttralla next )our," nld MtClure At t'i nftiiio time, the forelmi di tnnd for American wool promises to Wo i much grentor With the nd tnce which I feci ttrtnln will romo na tthich will remnln In tffect tone period, Bait Uko City, which l the tenttr of wool Krowlug. will ct Wrlf nr n t,n nt denl of prosjicrlty An dlrettor of tho oxttnslun dm ion i ' tho Utnh Agricultural tol lie nt I)t,an. Prof Jolm T ('nine. III. !-n assembled flMirtH to show tt $9,'.00,5O0, represmtlng pro eJi f om woolKrowlng. Im '"i" ',0, Pltu m Utnh bnnkH na a nult of ' high prlco wool hna commanded Wi )i ir Professor CMne. eitlmnte lt there aro two million nhcop In 'Uli vhlle Nevada. Idaho, Vyo '"I nnd Montana support nearb thlr e!! r llllon sheop I'rcit nor Cnlne any fcemrnl Indl Mtlona point to a big Increase In numbor of ahctp on rnngeN of thU heei i enter noxt ytar mid that the 'od i try will b followed n one of 'be moit remuneratlvo In the West Omaha Live Stock Urmia, Oct. 10 Cattlo Receipts, Woi. ttendy Native steers, 0 7B '10 'o cows and holfers. $0 00 H"0, western steers. $CC0(r$$9 00: T steers, $0 2C$7 00 Btocktrs i feeder, $0D0$8 25 .Slitrp Rocolpta, 23 000, steady earllng $7O0J$8 00; wethers, "50($7 7Il; lamb. $9qo(Tfl0 25 At Kansas City Knsis City, Oct. 19 Cattle He lpts, 6000; steady. Prime fed "wrs, $9C0$U0O, dressed beef f ! COAL OPERATOR HIES jl'rohli ut or InilriK mil nt t on I mid ' ol i t iiiiinii) N No Imt Jatmn II 1 itttrnon r Halt Iwik t'lt) i f the Imt kti.iHn liKineiw men of all thin WeMern c.tmtr diet at HoI)hmmI t'ala Hundn) Imt De ramd wnn rexldent of tin lti(ll?n ilcnl t'oel hnd Coke rvtnlwny upera ting nt Kinllwiirth In Cnrl.n count) nnd iilwi prenldent of the Htnxrl-I'at-erwm HnrdMart ciuntwii) nt Hnlt like Ity Hi had ilnni ninth during hU rraldi nee In t tali to hi Ip liuild up thin Mali and mlall) I'urlxin niim t) where he hart targe Hinm nf inmiey tied up In eital and rnllroad iniir tli a. Ills death fluall) refill I pit from the effect nf a stniki t tmrnlysU which he Miffrreil nt 8lt ImU Cll about ilghteon mnnthn ng' "Ihortly nftcr the stroke he went to t'hliagn fur treatment whk-li helped him lw lltth and 1m it n Ji'iir ago he re III ned to Utah nnd later went to Call fotnln. In the hope nf reKilulim hln hinllh I )ii caned wan 6 J yt-arn of age when death rami In ii nw he tnlghl n termed n pl ilieer nf I'luh as hi eprnt miiili nf liU time here In the earl da) a an the rrprrrctitntlw nf a big whnlrnih hardwan ntnian) In Ht Uml He traxilid ntr n ntimler nf Wenteru HtntfK but Halt like Cll wan IiIm iiihIii hiadiiunrtera for thtn trrrltor) Mr IMtimnn then wtnt to Chleigii, when hi wiim ii inemlii r nf tin Well Ni llluar llardwan iiiiiHtn fur n nuinl er nf enra. Thirteen yearn ago he n turned to Halt Itke t'lt) and with (' N HlreMll .nrgmilifil the Ktreill I'uttriHin llnrdHHH enmimti) whli Ii tiMik ntir the old flrurm M Hunt llantHar nimiHiu) a liiinliimM, l-nttr the inmimii) llliilwl tn Weet Templi Mreet Halt lake City where It him nliiie dnm a whnhwile liimlneea XllllHlM I) When I' N Hlreell amaitneil the iiihiihKi mi nt nf tin Inilepi mli nt I'nal und Cnki iiiiiipati) nlHiiit ri year ago, doveaiMil iiMitlnued ax the mtlse liitid of Ok hardware iiiiiiiwii) until fullliiK h alth iimipellnl IiIh rrlln mi nt fmin nitlxi bimlneiM Mm I'ateriHiu huh with hi-r huelNind at the time nf IiIk death I 'ii in rn I i rtlna hihI Inti run nt will take idaie In ( hltagu A teligram from Mra I'littirnin tmlMil Hiimlii) e nliig list innlaliHil tin Infnrinatlun tlmt fin would pHKH thriiugh Hal IjiUi I'ltx mtirdii) tThtirwIn) I with the Imih nf Inr liu-lmnil new mm Id In r unit MiWhlnni) (ii-o in tie llinril AliiIii In liuir I nun. Tin miprtini iniirl of I lah Imn nr dirnl a new trial In tin i-aiH- nr l'ar Ihiii loiiiit). a iiiunli lwl enriHiralbin agalimt William T llainlltnti Iteiitim Itandnliih and Jim ph It Hhari iiifin. Ii r nr tin i omit) inmml.liiii and their iHtildMliell the NmeliiaH Mlirel) iiiilHtii) nf Ni w nrk IlllitoU rturtty imnati) Or I) Mlklejnhn Ni II M MhiUi II ami T II Ihiimaa In I In lower i-oiirt the earn IiivoImmI tin al ii gid lilt gal eMtKiidlturr if nullity fundi 1 1) member nf tin tnmiulwiliin for the irni iitlon nf tin herlff Thnmaa I Kclttr and tin iiimit) at torney (' (' MiWhlnni) for falluri tn ptrfnrin tin If reelirathe ililllea III infortlng the gambling law Tin Inwtr iinirt divided In faxnr of tin umnt) ImldliiK that tin eoininU-Hloin-rx Nnnt pilbllt tiinni) a linll IiIiihIk and ihi r udi red tin iiiwIw-h llaldi to iH-nalt) Ihi nmmlwlunir ntipeHled tin raw and the Miprtme oiirt hild tlmt tin) hIiiiiiM Ih ioiii mindid rather thnn iiiinlnlud lnlew nf tlnlr pIhhiIIiik whli Ii xliownl tliHt the eommhuilnner. In good fnllh at ti inpleil to illMhargi their !. I dot) hh thf) u mli rtnnd the taw Hlntuti were quoted In tin opinion, nhowlng tin cuprimi court h reiiwum for reerwl, and tin lower enurt was nrderid tn priHieil with u in w trial In ncinrdume with tin Iiwh Inn In exiireweil " FORMER PRICE YOUNG LADY MARRIED AT ROOSEVELT Tuwday!. a wtddlug was sol imnliid at the llr)ce homo on Statu strut Tho toiitructltig purths wero Chrinco I. Asliton mid Miss Hutol llr)ce, My the llooHntell Htnndnrd of last Ihnrsdn) Tho brldo Is the daughter of Mr Bnd Mrs V II llrjcc ntul l a charming and popular )oung lad) Tho (.room Is tho son of Mr und Mrs Leslie Ashton of Vernal nnd Is Interested In the Ash ton llardwaro toiiipany The happy oouplo will start housikioplng In their new home on fitato strtet and will be at home tn their many friends nftcr Ottober lMli steers $7O0ff$9 2 western stteri, IbOOITWOO. cows. $t50$7 2B. helf ers, $600fl$02. gofers nnd fev ers $B2Sfi$SlKI. bulls $liBO$0 26; calves $0 00$10W Slieeti -Ittcolpts 8000 nnd higher $7B)fi$S7R, wethtrs $,250$SOO, ewoH $C7Bfl7 40 Buy Band of Sheep. Mt Pleasant Otl -?''" Mo" si n of this city has sold to W A VjLtv ami J C Jensen of Pries we humre.l head of sheep The twcivo ii" .j from uer I eaJ for the older ones TI ey lw purchased ten head of fine ?eels erud butks of John I See iv noted live stock breeder o the 1t?Blvl"Bfaey1,,tt,ePrlC sixty fle dollars a head !Blu calendar on FOR THIS5EuSl ItlslltUT tOlltl ltl(.IN ITH CltlNt) ON M(M) I.S1. ( iliuliml (nit Hilar Qulikl) llx-il of II) .tuilgt llart II. t iiwiii the I lnt tun Iii)h of llie Witk Win n N Hint roil (It II Mntltix Wire taken 1 1 Ki n liiini I Itlgutloii. Judge Albert II ChrlMcniHin eon- .tl tbe regular ttrm nf dlntrlit enurt for CnrlHin tntint) at t'rlrt last Mnndn) A goodl) Mir(lon of the ill) wiih gttell titer tn tin mttlllg nf tin criminal i-almdurj whlth was one nf the Iphm lniinrtiine,lii till fount) since Judge t'lirlMeniMMi went nn the IHch Kiniif eight )er ago AlL.thee rant wtre tllxpiHHd nf Tiiemln) Htitte nf t'tuh Ktett Patient Imt ter) and nut nn hall t'ano ill.mliwiil Htate nr t'tali t ( A Prank al leged amaiilt on thlld unilir II )iiir nf agi Dlmnliwed Htnte nf Utah tn. John Pnneltkl. anwtilt with lull nt to tomtnlt miir tit r Plea nf nut guilt) ami trial at t for October 3Jd Htate nf t'tnh ta Jne Orukn oil talnlng mum b fntuil Plea nf nut guilt) entirnl Uiti r tllnmlnKed Htate of t'tah t Itnliert lliwtwlik. burglar) In the third degree Pint of ptlll liiiccn) and nonli need in toiint) jail until lieeembtr I I UK Htate nf t'tah v. Mek l.uku. mini ter) Plea nf rnrnltiitluu htci iti-l and it fine nf one hundred dollar nr a tniiidretl tin) t In tin ti inn') jtll lin ImwihI Htate nf Unit t Vah nllne llclnxr (iinililillng Iiiiiim nf III fame Pirn or nut guilt) mid trial w t fur Ottnhrr Iltli Htate of t'tah V. I It It ti tjturiue, rnwirllng tn liuinn nf III fame fur liroitlltlitloii and It w due Pasneil fur the prmi nt Htati of Utah t Ton) Olltittn. furnleiitlun Plen nf guilt) entered and it flm nf a hiiudri d ilolbira lin- HHMd Hliiti nf Utah t llild I'nX nltir etl) burglar) In tin m-tond dignt PIhm nf not guilt) t nti-rt tl and hearing set for Ottnber Ztth Htate of t'tah v llllnm Hhiiki), iiMwult with Intint tn commit fi Inn) Hrt fur Oltnbir Zltll Irfttt unit Million Prank Hmllh va l H (It row, t'tah railway and I'luh Cnimtriiitliiu itun wii) daiunge Hlrliken from eal t Hilar Prank l.liuharl t e (' Dliimeutl ami John IMiimmll. ault nn ait mint Panted for the preeent Ira l Wine t A U Itarkir ikli'l Jane liarkr iwlutoe true luiue x I aril I) ('nitiMiin) ami Drextl Htate I la nk of Ch lew go fnriHlnMirt Paiwisl fur the priH'lil t'tah Aai latltin nf Credit Mill t (lust Calaltjakl suit nn mtotint Plaintiff given until .Nntiinlur 16th tu amend inmphilnt 1' V I'lsk t. Imtd ami Huimii I'rantlKfii nnd Conwillil tied Wagun and Maihlne cnmimii) suit mi nut Het for NoMinlir 10th I' P Plk t iMrit and Hunan PrunilM ii, I'lrst Niitlniiiit Hank nr I 'rlie and Cuiisnlldated Wagon and Maihliu ttimiuiii), suit nil nnti Hit fur .Nut ember I Oth TliuiiiiiN lumii)ne t H llliiimutn itntl Tugii hull, iitlailiuii nt Mutlu i tn Mt iittui limt nt aside granted Int I) W'lnioi lltiriiu H Ituwill Mini otlitr. fundiMtiire Patwid fur the preNeitt t'tuh AwHiclutlon of Crullt Men t C A Pranks, suit mi mi mint le murrer oti rrulid nnd di ft iidnn gittii thlrt) da) to unwer llrown Hhoe enmpuii) t t'tah Ah sot Intluii nf Crullt Men mid Itttrl II Hnundir, suit Intuiting iiierchmiillse Deinurrir sulnnltti tl nnd uti rrulid mid defendant Kit in. fnrt)-fltt ibiy tu file answer Peter llurbogllu t. Turn 1'riiHoimn untl loin At)kes, suit on aieuiint Deinurrir otirruled and thlrt) da) git en In which tu file unnwer ilcDoniiltl I till I list ite und Invist' ment imnpiin) t O K Nt lni. tliim nkM Continued for term (lallgher Mm hint compini) I tnh Collieries lumpnn) mid II A thlliitt. Niilt mi Hiioiint Htrlikin from the tulenditr Price lltttr I'rult inmpuu) t J C Juiijen. damage Trial mt fur Nn. Minlitr 3d Price Commercial unit Hatlngallnnk s. Orangetllle Co-Op and II Crntt. ford und K W Pox. suit nil uule Het for Not ember 10th V Westhelmtr ft Rons tn. Vulerlo it. Pnmu. suit mi uuount Passtdfor the prestnt Max I'nwler t. Daniel Pnrd Mrs. If C Aikerman J K llrown C II. Aekermnn and II Cruln, suit for ni eoiintlnK Passed for the present Carbon Puel iiimpuny t Htundurd Puel tnmimiiy, suit concerning right of way Hut for October 30th Capital Hleotrlo com pan) t II O CI) sb, ult on note Hit for Nutim. ber lt Htnndnrd Coul eoniian) t Cnrhon I uel company, dnmuges. Stricken from the calendar (I T, Olsen t AO Anderson retoter) of muney wagired on n foot rate Pawed for tho present Andrew Oman ts (leorge O Kra mi ne n and Murlu J Prandseu, admlnls. tratrlx of Ityrurn Praudsen, deceased, land I lllie and Irftr I rand-nil ton in ing water right Het fur Nntein lir nth (luieepil Anitelltlfl t Itli.lllft All selm i dltnrte Tn be talletl nt eon tt nn in i nf court and toiinrll It t MiKliiiiiin v Cnmenin Cal compant dainnge Paeeett for the present Jtilna ()Hil Hn lin tiers Knrll liar ry Haiimler, dltoree Pniweit for the present llertha Itetlo t John Ittdo, ill tone Htrleketi frum the enlendnr Prlte Trading eoiiian) t. J W Warf milt on note Het for Not em ber tilth Dtitnetiico Oberto ts Dnmenlen ON I In divorce Tn be heard ill etui. entente of the itiurt and counsel Pnihute anil (iiiinllniilili ICstate nf Karen Prnndsen, lncom petent Passed for the tircfont ISetate and guardianship of Mar) I 'til Mt Doiiiriilco Pnltu nntl Jatne Pultn mlnir Petition granted Kstnte nf (Irego Hlrnker dt censed Pnstil fur the tuesent Otatu of Hnrnh Jane Crnintr, de ceased Passtd, but to hi (tilled nt conteitlence of the court Kstnti of Hnrnh Ami Hhleld de tensed Aecount npproted and al low ptt Kslati nf J C II Honberg, decea ed Taken under ndtlsemt nl until OUolii r 23rd With the nbote ill so dlsposetl nf the enlidemnntloii fur right nf wa) sllir nr the Ketihtim Cunt colllplitiy against the Utah Pud imuiiin, con ci ruing right of wa) fur a tipple and otlitr con I mine prlt liege nt Castle (tale (lime on fur Inuring Thin e,aso prninlse tu eonsunie sitirnl tin) .Man) I Xpert ttlltnsses, uffldal nf the curii'inillon Intuitu! and iittorne) ore present at the trial SIX MINERSJNTOMBED Two Hundred Men Worklna Desper ately for Their Rescue. PAIIIMONT, W Vo , Oct -Six nen nrc known to hnto bun tn tombed nnd nine otlitr nro mUsliig iu n result of nn explosion of conl dust In Mine No 7 of tho Jamison Coil and Coke company today Tho interior or the mine, na well na the tlppto nnd other building, were wrecked by (ho blnst, mid although two hiinilrttl men nro working do pemtel) tonight to clenr nwny the ilebrlN, officials of tho company be lli'te It wilt bo noon tomorrow be font the reseller win enter ttlm working Ihu work of removing the wreck like Is being upt rlnti nitul by It II. Jnmlsoii of Pittsburg, gun nil niniia Mr or the compnuy, who happenod to bo In Fairmont today A ristue (tir from tho Pittsburgh station of the bureau of mine nrrltul tonight About two" hiindrid und fifty men aro ordlnarll) employul Iu the mine but tin) wire not working totlti). DIG INDIAN IS LATEST DONANZA CAMP Or UTAH llli? Indian" I tho name of n brand urn mining camp that Is springing up In Houtlitast Utah not far from Monli Ilatk of tho projict lire Col Pd IjOoso nnd Senator Hi id 8 moot nml nHsnclutc of the Dig Indian Mlu Ing company, Priron (I Pdirson, Hugh Peterson, llnrr .Morgan, M J. Morgan nnd u force of turpontor rtnchid the cuuip n few day ago nnd now nro eiikugid In laying out tho mw town, construttlng udciiuatn housings for tho winter und In re paring the slto for u propositi $100,000 mill to trial the largo ton lingo of low grnJo ores from tho Dig Indian Nli Is C Chrlstt iisi ii. a Salt Uiko City metallurgist, will hutn tliuro or tho metallurgical end of tho propo sltlon and his process will bo In stallid He will bo assisted by Harry Morgnn, who has been Iu the govern ment i mplny a n metallurgist Mor gan, ns ttiu construction uiglneir, will have cliurgo or the i rtctlou or thu mill ONI! MN Ih Kll.l.1,11 AND NOIIII II IIXDIA INJI'ltl D Muk I'n mis, u luailir implo)id at the Cameron dial lomputi) propir tie Just tttit nf Castle (lute, wum K II It tl last Tuesday In nn uiddent there Nlik Turpurls, anothtr labor, er, was pulnfull) hut not mrlousl) In. Jured In the same incident Detail of the death of the one and the In Juries of the otlitr urn not ut hund J IC ''"Mlt, stule toul mine Inspector, mine down from Hul Uike City Tiles du) to Intcstlgutu und report upon the circumstances surrounding the death of the one nnd the Injuries to the other li:i:il AND HIO (UINDI HWCTS M.W DIKICIOItH DKNMilt Culo Oct. t7 At the annuul muting of the stockholder of the Dentir und Itlo (Itande llillwa) lomtiaii) hern today (leorge O Haven and Harrison W'llllan a, liotli nf New York, were elected to tho hoard nf '11 rettom The member re-eltited are 15 T Jeff re), II V Mudge Ocnige J Ouuld, Arthur Copiiell, K 1) d mis, Klngdon Uould, II II McAlpln. P II, Hush and Plnley J HHopard No other business c linportanf.i was transacted, It was said Hat on and 'Miliums take the pluiet of 13 !, llrown who was vloo f nlilint nnd n director last )ear, and 15 f Mention, who resigned from the director) six months ago Smoke Elk Pride Cigar. Tel lit. COMING TO CARBON i WITH NEW PROCESS Waste From the Mines and Coke Ovens Likely DHj to Be Turned Into Great Profits Be- wSH fore Much Time Elapses. HH IHI Tho Soltn) Process compnn), a sub sidiary of tho Sctult Solvn) compnnt, Mondny filed articles of Incorpora tion with tho secretary nf state to do business In Utnh Tho compnuy U expected to begin exploration work on tho snlt teds west of Ureal Salt I.nko nnd In tho salt mnrshca for potash, which tho United States ktologlcnl survey show exists thtrc The Soltny Process company Is n chemical compnnw controlled by tho onl) concern In tho United Htnte furnishing tho tnr for tho tonl tar dyes which nrc mndo In this coun try. A Snlt I.nko City bnnkcr, who hn the account of thu Soltny Pro cess compnn) ny that In addition to boring nnd drilling wells to gel nt the potash formation tho com pnny might inlnrgo Its scope mid go Into the conl fields or Kmcry nnd Car bon counties nnd uso the great pile or slnck conl there Coming to Carbon County. The article of Incorporation, which wero filed by C 8 Vnrlan. nt tomey for tho compnn). place the capital stock nt $18 000,030 mid until" J h Hllsbeu nn tho agent The nrtl cles state Hint tho rompau) Is to ou ter Into buslnts In this state fot thn purpose or Hie mnnufneturo or chtmlcnls, boring mid drilling for chemical nnd mining mid mniiufni luring of chemicals for mt chanlcnl use" Mr Vnrlan said ho knew until Ing of tho operation or the company other tliim It filed tirtltli or luror porntlon hire ror the devilopmenl or tho n sources or tho state One Snlt l-nko City banker louters ANDREW PETERSON PASSES Mr. ami Mrs. (itiirgc Mi Dt rinalit Hi ro I 'or tin- I'iiiii nil Mr nnd Mrs. (leorgt McDirniuld of Hoiinrsit, Coin wire In Price ) ester da), n turning tiume from I'irron I Kmer) t mint) The) wt re uillt tl tin re 1 1) the divath nf Andrt w Pi ti rson of Hint town mid the fiitlitr of Mr. Mi Dirinultl Diteusiil wa t lis year of age mid had lived In Hint r tuiiiit) arounil ttttnt)-flte year I'll nt ml st rt Ices wiin In Id fur this old and respettul tlllxen Wi tlnwilii) last iittintliil 1 1 man) frU ml ami ndgh liors ami all hi i lose n lallve mime thlrt-rivi In all exit pt fnur nr hi grumlihlldrt n Intirmiut was at Per run Mr Mt Di rnuilil, who I inaiiagtr of the Wustiti Htnrc cnmiaii) ut Hum erst t stale that buslnes loiitlfllons Iu hi hi ( Hun nf Colorado wire nivtr bettir Ihuu now I'ruhlblllon ha liclpul ult dasHi nml the mi re hunt and liusliits mail (tir)wlitrt I pro. riling gi ut rail) b) Hit new leglslnlun nlong ' dr) llni Worklnguii n are wearing bitter clotlus nnd hate mori muni) for thtlr fuinlllia since the su loon wtnt nut of (Xlsttnu The mint ut Hoinerm t lire going ut full input It) the trouble Iu Colo rndn, u In t'tah ut Oils time. I Hie ni art It) nr rullrouil cur llowivir, reller along these lima I In sight Tin re ure mi) iiuinlur of Utah people nt Homi ret PMOMV llS THIHIt-ONi: DOI.LXIt Oltr. IO UIIIIK ON C J Cruff, supi rlnti mlt nt nf the Puloma Mining uniipan), trltis from Heat i r i mint) that probubl) In it wuk that thu new station on the six. hundred foot let el will hi flnlshul und then work will be n sinned nn the ore bud) maklnr out Into tho moliso. nlte ThU was cut u short time ngo by u drift finm thu six hundred and flto fett of or reported In tho fact The main shuft will lie cur rlul to the seten-hundrtd Crntfsays that n new vein of ore I In Ing opened up time hiindrid rm out from the collar or thn sliuft Hnmpli from It gate return of thlrly-one dollar u ton They curried 1KB per tept lead und 1 G ouncea sliver This ore I u carbonate Numerous Price und Car lain count) ptoplo ure Intirtstul In Palomu iih stntkholder to whlth the iilmve will be pit using news . If. IHIIKI.N IINDH IID WIIMIII H IN i:hrritN I 'I Ml There Is a popular Jest about wtm ther olmertor to the efrect that storms bad weuther. ettttra. nre or '"red b) them siijh Wednimhi) Ball J-ike Teligram A Ii Tliles.en a he wished, sincere!) t I.' I, while on u trip between Prh t an 1 Castle Dale, that this were t . Had ho been uhh to he would I ve stopped the ruin und dried the mud which was set erul feet deep und like glue Ho made the trip b) nuto staite, and he anil three other passengers had to get out at frenuent Interval to ft the stage out of the mud Theen was inspecting co-operutlte weather stu. ttons In that tlclnlty nut with the nlnis of tho cotnpnny do ILbiH clnred tlint It will try to get potash IHLbI from the snlt beds nnd marshes, but ainiaaH Hint II would not undertnko to ex- iHI tract potash front the vmter of H Orcnt Salt Itke, ns the process ha not bei u tho success which the pro IH motors clalnietl for It Ho said that bsbbbbbbb! the conipan) would go Into Carbon count) nnd uso thu slnck coal there EaUalna In cxperltnent In d)e making A DsassBBBs! representative of the compnn) wnn fll snld by the bnnker to hnto bent here H recently nml to hnto made nn Inspco- H Hon or tho potash fields, ns described H by tho United State geological stir- H ey nnd nlso of the coal fields H May Erect Factories H It wns said Hint tho Soltn) pro cess company la onl) tho exploration H cojnpnti) ntul that when It finds tho H di posit It la looking for tho Smet HiBiLal Soltn) rompnti) will como Into thu H field nnd. c red factories The Smet- H Solvny rompmi) tins plnnl nt Dun H bnr, Pn . Wheeling, W Vo , (Inr), Ind , H Mllunukoe, lluffnlo, ChlcnKo, Clove jH laud mid n number or other Knstcrn H cities, win re cither coke ovens or H tho gns plnnts glte them tho slack H to work upon Tho first plnnt In this ' H country win re the Holtii) prociss wns H placed In operation wna on tho coke H otiiiH of the Jones & hniighllu Stool H cotnpnny In Pittsburg H llermnn Solvn), Intcntor or tho H prociss. Is n (Iirmiin lltlng nt Utif- H falo Ho has been experlmiiitlng In t H tho extraction of potash nml tungsten H on The ngetit or the compnn). H Hllsbeo, Is expected to nrrlto In )H Uloh any dny to represent the coin- H pnny In Its experiment lllH MK DEMPSEY WINS ' ; "" aslslsH llnvititr, llo dtMit I'ull It tl Hounds 'H guliis UiuUtlllo H Plghtlug Dick (1111m rt of liiulstlllc, H IC) , Inst Mnndn) night llvttl up In hi H iilekuunie lung tnough to glte Jnuk jH Drmpse) local llglit-liitit) - weight, it ,H nn rr) lime, mid Hindu Jack go the full j M tin round to win the declsluu The ' aaiaailBH iniitih wa In Itl nt Hall Luke Oil) be ; LBH fore it lurgt trowil and there were i ILaiBiBiBa enough dust itinleat to satisfy the IViiibibibh bug I cH Pur six rnuinl the battli r "sliil- f H leil ' for tin must tmrt und ellnulied, ' j IH bruke nwny anil sparri it fur u few mo- i H mt nl In monotohuii fnslilun Iu the ij H Mitinlh bowivir Dtnipsoy demon. fl iibibibh Mtratetl hi silt trior strength nnd lie 3 iiiBinifl gun lu pound Ollbt rt iiround the ring, ! V H In the iml fiiut the diclsloii of Hi ! i ' Laininifl n ft ru ut the (lnt of the lentil ses- Ji H slou wum applauiltil by the irowd ' 111 H (Illbert i mild do little with Dniip. , f H st) on the Infighting, as he found, the i H Halt Uikir tun tough for sliortarm jij H Jnb. Till fud broke down the major J ' , H offir-lve tuctlt or the tlsltor Dt mp- J I H mi) I will known nml inurh udmlred ' X ' LaiBiBa Iu puglllstli tire lis of Carbon count). J H hut lug In the past fought ut Price nntl I. H in arli) point uu two nr thnn iiihii- J H slons. , R H CONFEREES APPOINTED '! a i iNai Pi lilt mid Mli ii tn , Mil In Issuance or 1 raJassH Hullillii On I'tnli OrcN. ') UPjH J K Pcttlt stale coal mine In ,1 sputor und 1 U Allen, fldtl secre- J I IH tary for the t'tuh state hoard or eon. 1 j Uaaafl mrtutlou, respettlttly, were mimed M RLH Wi'ilnt stln) lust b) the lousertutlon 0,il LIsbbbbbI (ummlsslnn to confer with it commit- KI ' , LwH tie from Hie national burtau or con. f't fHalfl sertatlon relative to Issunnce of a bill. ill 1 (SbiH letln on the on of Utah The pro. j '', RHkH postd piiblltntlon will euro dt scrip- N HiH Hon of the regions In whfuh turlou ' i i' fiffliiH mineral nre found und Indicate thdr I I 7 nLH talma. i t t( gJLH hH SIAIi: I'VIU LOShlU, ' $L ( HaH HHPOHTS Attn M(JNIIH'.I m '.VSM 'Published stutemtnts relative to vf I FfllH I lie nlleked loss or pruflts of thu statu J , UH fair, which nctntl) dosed, urn with- a A asais! nut authority und Iu most Instance . ftTH Imorrect." said J a MoDonuld, prits S If M blent or the state fair association, yee- ! I HHiH tenia) MoDonuld su) tho liourd saw U, ' HiH Iho Indications of the coming bud fi j HrH weatlnr and cuuculltd some or the JI ( BhLbbbbI more ixpenslte reutureu He su)h ' ' j RH whin the book hate been bulunced s saSH It will be found that tho loss Is nut J (. H half a gnat us repurtel, At IH m.w e.ou.N nun i:u j H HH Wurnhik of a new tounterfelt tin i dollar note hute been ruiilvtjtl from 'ijl inH W'ushlngton, D C, b) V J Call ilian, ti vHffiLH chief or the Intermouiit du division or im WMB the ITnlted Htatts seoro srvi(e Ih J !JW Hll nolo Is n counti rfelt of thoo Usui. I SBM K&ibh by the federal rcserte b ml. n f. (jl BH umlnnttn of the head of JftvkVon hi PtB show a (he face and hale dirker than Pl. B&jj&IH tint sliudlng rolli 4 on thf Rvmilne H svlilH note. mBi S'liifl wt mm