Newspaper Page Text
OVEMBER lme THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH-EVERY FRIDAY m PAGE JHREE j, L;JB PROFESSIONAL CARDS hnTi r ciiamukulain physician nnil Surgeon mil In Vlglla-Ilonomo Ulock. " 1'IIICE. UTAH. 4 rn" DlT I CLOWAIID I t'hylclnii nnil Surgeon ,-iff, Oicr Commcrclil llnnk I PHICB, UTAH j fpiTlt. (. HKKK.V Dental Surgeon noon's 4-5. Vlglla-Honomo Illdg., " 1'IIICK. UTAH. r,- rSiT ii. ii. ooi-rrMANN Dental Surgeon att e over Price Comm'l llnnk. PHICE. UTAH. - , rzzr iHTa. mci:i: i I Attornc)-nt-I.uvv I Vlglla-Honomo Illoek, t IMtlCB. UTAH I jurn irKiti.vxi inticKsr.v I I Attorncy-ut-Lnw J 717 Judge Ititlltltnrr i SALT LAKK CITV, UTAH I j. riii.ninticK ix woods i Atlnrney.ot-Lnvv I Rooms 14 nnil 1G, Hllvngnl Ulock. 1 jmuci;. UTAH. i r SAMUKIi A. KIN(2 Attorncy-nt-Lnvv Judge lltillillnfr. SALT LAKH CITV, UTAH. ' I IIt,i:s IX MII.LKIt. M. U.A.A. I I LIccum-cI Architect j Vermont Hulldlng I 8AI.T I.AKK CITY, UTAH. I I I CAIUIO.V COUNTY AHSTIIACT 1 COMPANY 1 .1. V. Ilnimnoiiil, Malinger. Abstract of TUIp furnished to Any Plcco or Tract In Kmtcrn Utali Flro Insurance Written In tho Hot Companies Doing Huslnes In the State Heal Kstnte. Ilonils, Etc. Gulden Itule Hulldlng. PItICK, UTAH - I C. R. LEWIS J PIIACTICAD PnUMIIINO ANH 5? I IIKATINfi S l Jobbing Promptly Attended To. S i lUllmale Piiruhdiccl. jj '! Shop In Turner HlncU, llnln St. S j Pimm I7H, Price, ft nil. The HlKheit Efficiency COAL Oct equivalent. 3104 Poundi. Unequalled For Storage. Will Not Slack. licit or Steaming and Heating Qualities. lAfciital Coal I Cote Co. Mine at Kenllwurth. Utah. Otn Offices, Walker Hank Did. SALT LAKE CITY. jjOn the Insurance;: ! Question ij m i mi firm ami jou'll come out Ij ! " right, lletter settle tho ques- i Hf n while you'ro on the que- j! I I llo'i What so very muny wise 5 i me n luno dono and are doing 5 trmlnl) can't lie umuui fur ou. J j: Let Us Make You Safe ! Ail we aak Is an opportunity 5 ji I) talk to ou about Insurance J 'I (l' any kind you may need, 5 , When and where uliall It bo 7 5 ! Rtay on the iuetlon until ou i i f Insured with 5 Lee-Nelms Co. j j! Corner Itoom. Vllla Building. 5 j! PltlCB, UTAH 5 WftrVVVftAuv-VWVVWVVWVyW N n,," aollceii carried In utocij a H T Bun office. H "THE SUN" WOULD APPRECIATE ITS .DELINQUENTS PAYING IP PROMPTLY The price of news print paper lias nth anew! until tho product such as The Sun uses costs more than twice what it dill a year ago. The Sun is now requesting nil its sub scribers to pay up their subscriptions and thereby aid I he Sun in meeting its exorbitant print paper bills. Many country newspapers, as well as the city publications, are advancing their subscription prices, but The Sun ha not resorted to this means of meeting the unparalleled condi tions faced by all newspapers. The Sun, evere since its establishment, has been ex ceedingly lenient with its subscribers, and believes tliev will now show their appreciation by paying up what thev owe, and that quite many will pay in advance. It is sel-v dom that The Sun duns its patrons in this manner, but it believes those who owe it will appreciate conditions and "come through." The label on each cony of The Sun shows to what date the subscriber has paid. Subscription money may be sent by pergonal check, nostoffice or express money order or cash by registered letter. Every remittance will be appreciated. "DO IT NOW." The blank paper alone from which The Sun is printed at this time costs around seven hundred and fifty dollars a year. The prediction Is it will go still higher. E. M. BROWN SOON TO CHOOSE NEW LOCATION a. m. i;hi.i:y iii:comils mawciiiu or Tin: ;oi,ii:n itn.i:. I'limnr (MM- llltlur to Kuiimih Or Oklahoma, Nlu'iv ll Will linn n stun of IIU Own .1. (', I Viiiii') VMt I'rliv. MiihIii), mill l Well PlriiMil With Cooillllim UhiiII). J t' Prune) if New York Cll. prrniilt'lil of th I'umiwti) lintrltiK hln imiiw Mini hlfli Iimn nmtinil one hun dred unit ncnl Mttri throuKhiiui the Wit. NiirlliMeet Hiid the H.iulli. Mpelil KuiiiIh) In I'rlr, with K. M. Ilrowii. iiiHlutKer of the ItiiiriueiM here. I'nilll Prll'e the Kelltlemilll I'lilltllllleil mi to milt Irfike Clt ami while In that llnll IdIIm1 Klireku. PoeHlelln llllil otlur pnliitB where he Iiiih Interextii, Ini'hiillim neieml WjomliiK Iowiik on the wk) bark In (liithnm "ItiiKluem (onilltlnUH ter where I liu been the IIhnI hk well mi the We I were mer belter tlmn nl thin tlnif. nnd they promlM' In hold up Well fur tt IntiK lltne to tome." culd he to The Hun We lire expeolnll) Well pleaded with the wm IhhiKK are koIiik nl I'rlii' TliU Ik one of the er beet KtoreM we hne In mir big ihnln mi far mm the liiiolnetw dune Koeti." C M llrowu, iimiiHKer uf the Prlee Cloldin Itule. lew M lure In n eouple of weekN fur U'hiikhh and OklNhomn on n priMpeetlnu" trip, mm It wire In other word, he If ! have an In ter, it In one of the (lolden Itule en tiibllHhmeiitx nnd Im to pick out hl own biilitbiu lie will be (Uleieeded l' A M KIiIp) who etimti In Prhe im m rul montliN hko from Khiiihin nt the liiHliuue of Mhiihkit Drown Itn V Oil, who formerly wmn ut 1'rlie mm luiul inutinKer, Im iiIimi to lme ii Htnre iir rather an liilirext In one lie will phk IiIm own loeittloii, too. II. A. N.ih, who went from Prlee to Ari zona for the J (' Penne) Co . U Mill with the firm and In wild to be doltiK well both for hU mpo)cri and him Keif Miiuiiuer llrowu Iiiih built up ii milendlil bUDlneN for llln petiple at 1'rlie nnil the koIhk of hliiiHelf and bin Hplendld fiimlly will be rcKreltvd by ery many iIdm frlendu they lme made xoi'liill) and otherwlne ilurlliK tin Ir reNlilelieo here. A. M. Blllny. the new iiiiinnKcr after the flrt of the year, U a movt excellent himlnemi man uml will uniUeNtlnnably keep the (lolden Hub) up to tint ery high Rtan daril maintained In the piiM. The (lolden llule but rtneutly opened fortyfl new titoreii through- i out ItM big territory In addition to thn 1 hundred nnd twenty-fhn adxertUvd. ! Printer' Ink nnd inrrect hiiMlneM i methoilM ure two of the M'iretN of mie ' ecu with the (lolden Itule, , ! ihPi:rion to Pitoiiu i .MA1I, no.v tampiuhm: ! C M ChrlKtlunHou, pimtofflie In- upectiir with heaihiuarterM at Salt iJike (Mt, Im thlx week In HoutheaHt- i ern I'tali Numi roiiM (omplaluU hae 1 been reii'Hei) from Unit MeutlPn Hint the rural free delivery boxen liui i been tampered with, and Iniipertor 1 ChrlntluiiKon Iiiim been urged lo uwilit ! the local util horltlt m In uiprehendlng i the offender The penalty for turn- ' perlng with themi mull boxu Im Im- ! prlminment for one )nr or u fine of i one thouwiud dollar or both, limpet- I (or ChrlstluiiMin u)m the placing of u i fei of the culprit behind the bar will none to correct the ell ! muiiii thsts Aiti: to m: roitci:n in puiii.ic sciiooix J Strbt enfonement of the school i regulation providing- for examination of children for luUnuldi, faulty teeth J and other menacei toyliealth will ho required b) the tato nonrd of heulth, Vigilance on the part of puront and leather will be required to pro- tut the hcIiooI from the occurreuiu ' of an) epidemic of children' dlMinse. S Children suffering from cold In the heud, coughing, rash, headache, fever J or omltlne will bo required to stay from school until Ihesn )mptum PAS. While the mule will continue to be . the standurd draft animal In the t South, a gradual substitution of lua horses on the farms Is going on MESONS BURNED I'lie t ittle Hale Home of rormi-r Siiinilite Clilen. CAHTI.i: OAl.K. Nov I I'unernl rheM oer the renmlUM of P P. Miller, mi old Kmin te.Knier) m-ttli r. were held In the ward limine Inxt Hun da) lit I o'elutk, Kldern It (' Miller and o J Anderson being the speak er llurlul service were roniluetid nt Uiwrencc. where the ImhI) wn re moved for Interment. Illshop o N. Tuft dedlcHtlng the grnve P P Mil ler died at Mohrlnnd on October Still, aged .IS jenr. He wn born In Den mark, but emigrated to I'lali In 1871, uml lived In HUhfleld ami Ml Pleas mil nnd lutir hi Uiwrenre Alter hi wife tiled five yearn ngo he rami' to live with his son. P C Miller, and family at Castle Dale The dectwHeil wu hIwm)m active In thurtli work nnd had n hemt of frlvtid Oimrterl) -infereme of Kim r stake will be held at Cnstle Dale on Hulurdu) and KuiiiIh). Novi tuber I lth nnd I Jill. mecthiKN at 10 o'clmk of the foreliiMin and n'lliMk of the Hf terniMin at the new ueiulemy building. Mr and Mr Wile) Call and ihlld of (lrn. Ida. nnd MIm litla Hurt of the same place are V lolling In Castle Dale, the guest of Mr and Mr Jo seph I .ii in I unit fiimll) The) made the trip litre b) auto nnd wen nl ho aeeomimnled b) Uiwrence uml Mis Until I .u ml. who have been visiting In Idaho Call Is an old lesldent of Cas tle Dale, formirt) living on u rniuh down the creek. The P C llorrewin home whn the Hene of a small bliixn lil mgrnlng when the celling caught fire rinmu broke out iigulu after u short lime bill they weie again put out without liny srlous lo. Ilorreson humid til hand wmie In putting out the first fire uml had gone Into the shop when the second broke out 10 flSSISTJTEACIIERS llMrllmlloii llrumli of the Depart incut of l-iihor Will Aid. Information ha bteu reielvid at the University of t'lnli lo the iffeit that the distribution brunch of the I'iiIIihI Htute di purtment of labor Im undertaken to find emplo)inent for a large number of Instructors, who have applied for help, and co operation by the lotnl university Is desired In the work The department of labor hit ailed for some lime u an emphomcut bit reuu for other occupations, hut not until rcctutl) wu mi) attentloi paid to ubtalnlng position for teacher. The new depurtuunt I known n the Twieher' and Professional Hervlee division or the United Htales Kmploy meut Hervlie. Hiadquarter nre at Sit South Witbush avenue, Chliago, Ills The letter state thut no charge Is made for the sen he and that ull In structor nre Invltol to mnke use of It In no cast will an Instructor be rerommendid until the off lie, by means of seiinhlng examination of both upplUuut nnd reference, has satisfied Itself of the applicant's worthiness. PIONEERJflN DEAD rather of Prlct Young Uul) Piihm- ii) At Pnivo. Cunb) Kcott, a uutlvi of ProVo and 50 )tMtr of age. died Just Monday night ut his home In the Second ward at Provo from pneumonia. Deieused wus a son of the lale Illshop A. II. Scott ami hud lived In thut illy all his life lie hud served us u member of the tit) council uml had been aitlvo In public affairs loiully He was an Inductions muu and highly respettid. Iln Is survived by tils wife, four daughter nnd one son and muny bro ther and sisters. The iluuglitirs are Mr. Rthel Spencer, Mrs. Curl Cm li ra n uml Mlsse Vernu and Inex Scott, the latter of Prlie Irvln, the son, Is it student at Cornell Pnlverslty Mlss Inez Scott, a teacher In the high Hchoul at Price, left Tuesduy morning for Provo to attend the funerul. THANKhfSIVINO UATUS AUK 1 ANNOPNCKD IIY UMMIOADS Hales have Ik en announced on all railroads between all points of des. filiation In Uluh These tickets will be on nale ut reduced prices Novem ber 2SHh und 30th, good returning December 4th. A home visitors' rate to Southern California has lieen an nounced by the Salt I,nko Ilouto on sale November 25th and 28th. return ing December StOth, 23d und 29(h Smoke Elk Tilde Cigar. Tel. US. STEWART QUITS TO WORK IN BOX ELDER is st ccr.i:ni'ii (oi.oudo SCHOOL (.i:TLiaiAN. Hcllir salai), Wider I'll Id or 0htii Hoim und lor" Cnngeiilfll Sur roundings Hiiimiiih I'or Change llao Done Mmli lo Improvi Agricul tural lllleil-StN III 'lllll SMtlllll. Pn-r Hobert II Stewart or the ex tension deHirtmenl or the Agrhul tunil College or t'tnb at Uignn ha b-en appolntiHl to the same work In llox Klder lount) with headquarters at Urlghnm Clt), nreordlng to no nounieinenl mnde Inst Hnturdn) b) offUlnl or the agricultural college The appointment I mnde b) the board or i mint) commissioner or llox Klder nnd the chobe or a man ror Ihe plnce wn left to the college Professor Stewart ha ror a couple or )enrs dlreeted his uttpntlon to this work throughout Carbon und Kmer) counties, nnd he leaves here becniisi or n better solar), more congenial stir roundliigs and greater and more promising Held ror his line or work lie mm highly revommndeil lo the Hox Khbr commissioner l college extension officials when 'the) began looking around ror Ihe let available man ror Ihe plnce Professor Stewart during his time throughout the i miotic or Carbon and Hiiiery has mnde hi home In Price He lias done n good work In his line locally nnd will be missed not onl) b) many close friends, but by farmt r. stockmen, horticulturist and other who have learned to rel) on him us mi expert and who lias uf nil time been ready lo ndvlse and help nlotig with many dlffliult problems The court room In the old court house at llrlgham City has Im'vii turn id over to the farm departuu ut of llox Khler county for meeting pur pose ami a room adjoining will he used h n farmers' rending and rest room nnd llbrnry Pmreswir Htevvurl with hi wKe Is to leave Prhe about the first or next month ror Hrlghnui City to Im'kIii it vigorous campaign ror Improve mi nt on the farm end other Important matters. Professor Stewart' resignation I expelled to go In to the commission ers of Carbon nnd Miner) counties nt III their lomlllg meeting Professor Htewnrt Is suci ceded hero by Pror Wallace Hiilllvnu, who i nines from Hiott's llltiff Neb lie I appointed to tin plate b) the agricultural col lege and Is a graduate of the Agricul tural College or Colorado, He ha been slutioiiiil In Nvbrnka most of Die time since leaving school, l'rofe.sor and Mrs. Sullivan nre ex- 1 peeled In Price next week The for- mer Is lo bo shown over his territory b) the present Incumbent before the latter gocM to Hrlghnui Clt) IIHV PAHMKHH OP SOUTH HKitu i:.Ti:.shioN or 'inn: A II Tlllessen, section director of the t'nlted States weather biirenti ror I'tuh ut Hall like I'll), ha had u number or culls within the last several da) from homesteader, who aro proving up on dry farm laud In Southern IMali. Settler In the Mo deim district particularly have certi fied In their affidavits that the ell mate during the year 1811 was loo dr) for successful farming They am Iwslng their application ror extension of lime ror final proof on this state ment 'The record of thn weather bureau show that precipitation wu far below normal In Hint )iicr, thus supporting the contention of the settler." till' IIY IIAIIID COVOI'l-S. MILI'OHD, Nov. 1, Dugs und .live stock ut I!' eel, twelve mile mirth or here, have been bitten by co)Ote sup posed to be rabid. Milch cow belong ing to Dan Hmlthsou were bitten n few nights ngo Pour dog have been shot, do Yor iiavi: houn stomach? ir )ou ure troubled with sour stom ach )ou should eat slowly and mus tlcute )our rood thoroughly, then take one or Chamberlain's Tablets Immedi ately after supper. Obtainable every w hern Adv I. location notices cnrrled In stock at The Sun orrice. Tho Deer that pleases and keeps on vllljfl IpleasinjThe beer you like day r3iij after day and week after week . fllpllijl It's like a true friend Improves nB BrJB on closer acquaintance. You never nlK BaaBB fict tired of Decker's Beat You i jm sUssB like It with meals or between meals MmSU vnH und It's so good for ou. Better jmttm Sll lay In a case or so keep on hand U EljB so that you will have some real re- JfAsflvHk Kfill frcshments to servo when friends K&JSFB I Kll drop in unexpectedly or otherwise !frfvvUB 1 HSH I to spend tho evening. feilrr 1 HUssI I HAHIIY CESAS, r$0$M 'ISH II LOCAL DISTlUltUTOU. l ' fl PIlOHATi: AND nUAUDIANHIIIP NOTICIS. (Consult county clerk or the respec tive signer for further Infornmllon.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS KMatu of Knrnh Janu Cramer, deceased, Creditors will present claims to tho undersigned nt her residence nt Price, Carbon county, Utnli, on or bo fort) tho 20th dny of Kcliruary, A. 1)., 11117. IjI:NNHJ I). MIDDLirrON, l;Xocutrlx of tint Kstalo of Sarnlt Jnno Cromer. Ditto of first publication October 20, A. I)., 1'JlO: (lata of Inst publication, November 17, 1910, NOTICi: roll PUHLIUATION (Publisher ) Departtnuut of tho In terior. Culled Stale Uilul Office) ut Salt Uiku City, lltnh, Nov 1. 1910 Notlcci Is hereby given that Tony I 'err) of Helper, t'tah, who, on June 3. 1IIIX, made Desert I-nud Kntr), Seri al No 010073, ror H'iSICU. Sec 19, Tup. II South, Itmige in Hast, Salt like meridian, has riled notice or In tention to make, final proof, to estab lish claim lo Ihe land above described, before J. II Mlddleton, United Stale commissioner, nt Price, Utah, on the l&tli day or December, 1910. Claim ant name it witnesses C J Krlckson or Price, Utah. Wesley Gentry or Kwell. t'tah, uml Pete l'ellcc uud Nil statu Upre or Helper Utah OOL'I.l) II HIjAKKLY. Heglster Plrst pub. Nov 3, last Dm- 8. 1016. Legal blanks nt The Hun Ofriee. COLLETT'S LUNCH ROOM When you wunt a short order meul we can servo you to suit your tastes. Kvcrythlng mod ern and up to the minute. We oater to those who are In a hur ry. Kver thing strictly sani tary nnd or highest quality. Three Door West of Golden Itule. PROBABLY. When the groundhog sees his shadow ho runs nnd hunts his hole. Funny. I wonder why? Well, groundhog day is so near tho first of tho month that ho may mistake his pursuing shade for n bill collector NOTICi: OP APPLICATION POIl Hassfl United Stale Patent 0IH383 In the BBsssssi United State Iilld Office, Hall Lnko (jkH City. I'lah. Otl 32 1010 Notice Is Hl hereby given thut the Utah Asphalt H compuii) it corporation, by J. Heber H Hlchard or Salt Ijike Clt), Utah, has WM made appllcatloii to the United Htales H ror it patent for the list Chance, Sur- ( HH prise No I uml Hiltin)slde No. II con- , H sollilated placer mining claims, bear- BiiH Ing wind nsphnltum nnd other i)dro- iiiH carbons, sltualeil In tho Tldwell-Illcls- H out Mining district. Carbon county. Utah, consisting of four hundred and j H sevent)-nlne nnd eighty hundredths H (479.HO) ucires, more or less, unci tie a follows, towit ' H Tho ltst Chance claim being tho west half (Wi, ) of the southeast iiH quarter (HUU) uml Ihn tat half JuH (KV4) or the southwest quarter iH (,Hv) or Section Pour (I): flH The Surprise No. I claim being the IH northenst quarter (NKU) of Section Tiifl Pour (I), ull In Township H South, 4jLssssl Itmige H Knst, Halt IJike lme and 'TH inerldlan, I MH Thn Hiiuuyslile No. R claim being I IrfflH tho east hair (UVi) or the uortliwett H iHH qtiarler (NWU) or Hecitloii Pour (4), J, iH Township It South, Itaugu It Hast, I. H nnd the southwest quarter (HU'H) o( H BSH the southeast quarter (SHU), and ik H the southeast quarter (HIU) or the M RH southwest quarter (HWU) of Section B RH Thirty-Three. (33), Township 13 f) 3HH South, Itmige It Ibtst, Halt Itke base f' nMsH und meridian Jit H The original location notlclt of the m fB said Itst Chance claim being of rrc- W H onl In the ofricti of the county record X H cr of Carbon count), Utah, In Price, 1 BkiH In the county nnd state aforesaid, In ff H Hook 8, Pago 190; Ihe original Iocs- 1 H lion notice or Ihe Surprise No. 1 flBHsH claim In Hook It, Puge 318 and the IHsssssssl orlglnul locution uolliu or the Sunny- IHflfsssssi sldo No, 8 claim In Hook 14. Page IBH S09 of said records a aforesaid, JRESll Thn nearest known location to the RfffB said consolidated Uist Chance, Sur- iBHrB prlso No. 1 nnd Hunnysldo No. 8 claims jJ'BfrB Is the Illnck Jack claim. Survey No, iSiKJft'H S9B4, being part of said group and ' 1 fiPMssssssl heretofore patented nnd thn Surprise Tiff Mssssssi No. 3, iinsurveyeil, J' I JH I direct that this notice be pub- 't sUsssessssss! Ilshed In The Hun ut Price, Cat ban HHH county, statu of Utah, ror n period of I'sPSVsssss! nine consecutive weeks. F'rlsll OOULD II. HLAKKLY, 1 KHissssI Heglster. 'fiilsssl A. V. Talor. Claimant's Attorney. 3 RLssssi Plrst publication dated Oct. 37, 1916; li WjiH Inst Doc. 39, 1916 ?, kSH NOTICi: POU PUHLICATION. V iSM (Publisher.) Deparlmnnt of the In- fl ivSM lerlor. United States Ijtnd Office at 1 -ilssss! Halt lie City, Utah, Oct. 33, 1916, Ii wH Nolle u Is hereby given that Mary Ann -jj 'j Young of Price, Utah, who, on Octo- '1, ftciH bet 27, 1009, made Desert Land Kn- W'mtM try, Serial No. 04971. for WHHWU. Jf J'fflsssl Sea S2t NHNWM, NWNW, Sec. 'J IJH 27, Twp. 13 South, ltange It Hast, '' I JJHE Salt iMko meridian, has riled notice ' I HBVH of Intention to make final proof, to i KH establish claim to the land ntiovn de- 8? sWBssssssl scribed, before J II Mlddleton, U. 8. M ffrSsssH eommlssloner, at Price, Utah, on the ? Kwssssssi 3d day of December, 1916. Claimant 1 llssssss! mimes u witnesses J 11 Mathls, Ar- U IMSbssssssi thur Illrcli. J. H. Lunqford and Iondo !B)ssssi IJingford, all of Trice, Utah OOULD 't UssKsssi II. HLAKHLY, Hegbitor. ii fllfl Plrst pub. Oct. 27; last Doc, 1, 1916, 41 Hssssssl 1 ' - , - W SSBSBBSSSsH Nutlves of Porto Hlco make u fairly I ESPBH permanent ellow d)e tor textiles wj BuHI from )hu roots of turmeric, which f MmLH grows" wild over a constdurnble part rv Bssssssssi of the Island y IBM I SAYOY BARBER SHOP I L IM nest In Town. Daths In Con- J MNIsssl noctlon. Try Us I'or Service. tftUMfssfl J. fi. CALLAWAY, Frrklw. jf m$U Wr fSssssss! stfsssssHsskSlH HHHHHEHHHHHHi' $m