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I THE LABEL SHOWS g 7 HI h. l HU ,lm7 l" wh,ph ""nptlon has been 111; I If II L r&3&lffiJ&A2s ,Oft II II II II HH $ alhiuujrv paid tuThe Sun. If the label show JNi r . I mYSiSTTU KBZkl) II y ll II II HH mjU P W w Hun will appreciate u remittance. Un- P" " 'iv vj C-' ' HHH W der the Mtnl 1-vw n sulieerlptlon to a I' O 1, I T I C A I, Ij Y IlIU'l'lllilCAS HBiLbssi weekly newspaper cannot run lunger ..... . ..... . . nMissassssssi than it ) ear without pn)lng up Con- nntcred no Second-CIsM Matter, Juno 4, 191S. at the PontoMce at I'rltc Utah. Under the Act ot March 3. 17. Kassssssssss! ""' t"0 ""' VOLUME 2; NUM11EK .11 EVERY FRIDAY DECEMBER 29, 1916 IflH TWO MORE MAKING j CONTEST IN COURT Carlos Gunderson and II. C. Smith Begin Proceedings Against A. Bryner and E. S. Horsley. IRREGULARITIES GHARGED IN MOST PRECINCTS Through Atlurnc) U A Mcde. two .ecllon contest were filed In dlslrl. t uurt nl t'rlco hint Hnlurdu) afternoon, ne Mug that of Carl Ounderson gainst Albert Itrjnrr. anil tin other ll. C Hmllh ngalnst Krncsl H llnndey Oundorson wn the republican nom inee fur the four-year county commls Monsmhlp, while Hmlth wn the dtn iKTAtlc candidate for county lerk. The returns n eanvnmH'd showed that Mryner hail it plurality of forty-live ml Horsle) nineteen vote. The eon itd election on the other eommU leiiershlp of Hontiwhl vn. Ostium! In t rqme up for hearing on the Uh of J inuary. next, before Judge (Inurge ttrbttensen. hiiiI It In antklixited iIhhm two will tlosel) follow. In the romplarnl of (Itindersnn, filed illi the count) clerk, Irregularliln ere complained of In nlmiwt every preolmt of the count). One portion "f the eomplnlul . "That the con J.dtant I Informed and believe that recount of the ballot In the pre. lucid of Winter Quarter, ('nut In date. Helper. Price. WelllnKton, Hun otatde Clear Creek. Kelill worth, llla watha Htnrr and ut Hlandardvlll. minting onl such ballot it are le nail) cnt for him and counting mil) ueh ballot an were legally flint for Iho collleMec. will show the tontftst unt to be law full) elected to the office f count) eoiuuiiwtloiier. for the term vommendng January I. 1917. I a plurality of ten vole" The etateuient of II C Hmllh ruim ionic the Mine lluea mm thai of (Inn draon Ilia ronU-ntlou I that If u letttunt In made It will In hImihii that l (Hmllh) Men eleetetl b a iur.illly ir more than tnntnlne otea. The Iflclul lounl KHVe Itrxier llcl and iunih riH-n 1317 oten, and llorNle) i lii ulid Hmlth I '27 otea HAS FliNGipOH ffiili or .1. M. Mlllatil or Allouali Nild to IU In Hail Miiin. IUiorlN uroiind 1'rlre thla week are Hmt J M Millard, Iho Altonuh mir- haul, teletdinne promoter and real WtaUt man. In In ery bad nhapc flu iindully and that hU creilltora at I'rlio and uUuwhiro urn forulnaT -or trylmr lu force t ollertiona mwln' him. I lift lahllitiea locally lire unknown except that In I "rice he I reported to one round two thouiuind dollar. Ulllard wan lu Prlie on WedneNday ( Uit week with one of hla ho and flopped omt night at the homu of llobrrt .Me Kune on North KlKhth ctrect, the two ntcuplnir In the bane. mnt by permliwlon, Illnuolf ami cou mado on early utart from hero ,md were not later kccii by nnouo In I'rlcc Hint In now recalled. I4itr thu wo are reported to have ironn ihroiiKh Moab and Montlcello lu an automu. lie headed touuriU Colorado, Tho hiiNliiNM at Altonah, wild to be pour Nhape, In lu ulmrKo of Mra. Millard and A Hleluhlaw, u brother. it-law of Millard. The Altonah mer ha nt Iiuh two kiiin omt Id Colurado iot far from llluff City, and It U the ' ' nr of iHimv that he haa Kone there r fmaiKlal help from them, lu the meantime I'rlie debtor are proceed "iK to tr and Ket what la couiIiik to "iem Millard owea for an automublle he UKhl here and whKh he In how TAVelliiK lu and iiIno a mercantile UN for nu'rchandlM Hiippllwl hU t-re at Altonah, betide uumeroua Ithtr obllKatloiiN, It U tutld OlltNlde redltum hae ulw been pimhliiK him tch for menhandUe uiHounta. lie fui NiippoNed to be comfortabl well f financially until thu mutter men t iicd cumo to the vurfuoe Mlllanl tonner'y renliled at I'rlct i'l ha mau frlmiU here who riKret hear of IiIh difflcultlo rfaj )at l'rldo'a Helper Time .lumen Itolmulo, one of the promln- 'ut farmer of KprlnK Olen, I out Mill a ihalleiiKe to unono who iilnli they hae mined omo Kood 'ututoe thl eur. He hn some In ivldual potatnoH that weigh na hli;h five pound, nnd n collection of hlrt.ftvu that weigh a hundred ound Thu rent of hi crop was away oovu tho uwrnge In Uu, And he ould llko to hear from unbody who "ink they can match It.' LIVE mm MARKETS. The tarload of Jere mlhh cow whldi Arthur A. Tmlor nnd K C An irt ion purclmxd nt I'nitu for Moab people arrUed there lant Week IJorl D.iltnn, ilert Newell and frank Hhafer enme lu from the dewerl Vvl. nemlay with it email bunch of their tattle which the) wilt feed thl win ter lMlton tate that man) of the rattle on the ilewrt are In poor c4 dltlon, nnd unlem It itnnw wmiii there are ery apt to be ome heav) bee. - Miwb Time, lid I (I Wood and Allien llench i-MHie In from the HIk I'ark country yeflterilii), mom . Mottti'ft Time of the lid. to tend the hollda) with their faiulllnt. The) ruHrt that th water hole are freenliiK up nnd that now I liailly needeil for the onttlo. They have In coimtNiitly tide the hole nnd kiep the lee broken Up Only a little Nintw lull on the deecrt thl week, and latled but a few hour. Wnllnie A lwry, netretar) of the liiiNtern I'lah WtedKruwer' hmhicIr thin and hlnmelf n UrK owner of beep ihiw rniiKliiK on the ewntrrn item rt. mvm he hu limrd of no tm'k liMMien b) riiMin of the late miiim. In a few Invtaneeis he told The Hilll )e. terda), eheep Imxe (Hen NhoXeled out of the enow, hut the are feu. Tho Nliowrnll on the deeerl enul and to the Noutll of l'rlee I coiiNldernldy llMhter than lovntl) There are 1.100,(100 (ratlin lu New Mexico thl year, with ahlpiueut out of the Htate or two hundred unit e. enty thoiMwud head, aucordlm; to the annual ieMirt of the military laiard It ieHirt' cattle price, which rnuife limn tit so to lll.on, a not well nutlnlalneil fur the two.)eitr period.' A itradiial falllHK off lu ahlpinenl for the imut four ear I attribute! to the Mrbt iiuaraiitliie reKiilatlon which halt tut down the number of nhlp meitl orlglnatluK lu Mexico. The alilt of the cattle In the Male I es timated at fori) million dollar A I' I'litler. udtnul i h'ef for eeter of the t'lllted Ktale. In to be ut Hall lke Clt) next month to take up at the meeting of the national wool, grower and the lln Ktovkmcu of the country a number or matter of lm IHirtaneo Willi thoe who are unIiik the publli' rnngi. He will nlo give the reeult of Iho experiment which hMii been conduct) d by lint fnritry do lairtinent In regard to having lambing eniloNUre liiktead of permitting the lambing to tako place on the range. A number of feature. Including the motion pit lure film which thu depart ment of agriculture ha cnuned to be made depktlng the wool Industry from tho time tho fleeie I taken from thu heep until It I manufactured Into cloth, will be hown Oinalin l.lio Mm U. OMAHA. Neb, Dec. SK. Cattle llecelpl. 100 heudi kteudy. Native tcer, 17 60 to f 11.(0, cow and hei fer. I CO" to I8.6C waatem ter, Ifl.SO lo 9. ;, Texn deer, 10.00 to 170. totker and feoler. 1 6 00 to IS. 30 Hlletp Itecelpt. lO.tOtl head, Ntead) erllng. 19.1ft to ll.:i, wether.. ).to to til no. I ml. liauoiiN I'll) Mailicli. KANHAH CITY. Dee. US. Cattlo Itecelpt, 3100. head, higher Prime fed tr. ttO.M to 111.21. drtawetl beef tMr. tK.OO to wetern Nteer. t7 00 to f 10.3k. cow. to tk.tO. heifer. td.OO to tlOIU: bull. tt.tO to 17 to, tocker and feeder. JG.00 to fS tO. caltM, tG.OO to $11,00 Hheep Itecelpt. ItOO head, higher. IrfimlHi, tl2 7t to tll.St. earllng. 110.71 lo 11175; WMther. tH 00 to 118 00 owe. 18. tO to 9 It t (lra Thurila) afternoon of lat week an unidentified man wan picked up b) Mia erew of a freight trulii and the laidy brought to Price The dead man appeared to be a Her man, wu about 3S year of age and well drenaed The onl) thing found upon the IhmI) wua u memorandum book but thl contained nothing that would lead to hU Identity It I be lieved ho fell from the train nfter becoming benumbed with the old tho cold Itubber stamp and stump pad, badge, trade check, labels and ev erything In office supplies, stock tnm In aluminum, notulal nnd corpora tion seals, Htonclls, etc Tho Sun. THE LOSING GAME. ELLIS SENDS MAN TO LOOK OVER PROJECT 'iiti.MDAD. coi.o., i:.(ii.Ni:i: mmi: to n:m' crn,iyK. OiilliMik llrlglit for Pair .VIoiiiiiiiIii Water (lit CouiIiik hummer If the CllltciK of 1'rhv Diflde to tivpt l,roNe.ltloilKiigluvr Daufonl l I'lciiMtl Willi HU Itctvpllnii. Clllien of Prlte were liaudetl a very appreciable Chrlittna gift by the ma)oraud clt) council lant week whin that IhmI) b) ItMlutloil iletldetl lo ion hldir the da ii of A C Kill. Jr. and awHiclale to provide u wippty of good water for thl clt) It I u well known faut that nothing o retard the de- Vflopiuint of it communily a Impure water for diimextlc line. nn) among the flrt ui-tlon nuked l priwpiH live settler and luveator I a to the Noiirio and condition of water up pl). Tho action of the ma)or and tho (oiiucll In pulling the matter Hiuurely before the people I to bo commend ed, toid I it nti' lu the right direc tion 'toward overcoming our prenetit wnttr evil Thu plan of lontratt pro piMK'd by Kill and hi anooclale pro vide for the dell wry nf an mlHiuate amount of pure wutir to thu pipeline of the preaent )tem nnd III u man ner not to burden the municipality with a heavy bonded Indebtedne. M O. Dunford or thu firm or D.iu ford A. Douglu. (onNiilliiiK (iiglneer of Trinidad, Colo, ha been retnlmd by Kill and hi anwiclate temporar II) lo arrange come of the detulU of the Mtipply )tem. Thl gentleman Mloppcd over In Pi Ice on hi wu) Kat htkt I'rlda) to familiarize hlnmelf with Iota I condition and to meit ouie of our clllien. He delrwd to be under tuttd that the wUhe of ISIIIm were that lot a I engineer and tontratlor are to be einplu)cd III the i-outriu tloll of the line, and by thl arrangement the large amount of mone) niueear) lo wimpli'te the )atem will be ' b u reed among local iwople and bulnea Intereat )eueflted thereby. Thl spirit iv Idem Kl faith and the mutter Iwcolne one of mutual benefit and to-operHtlnn. Publli meeting a nerlea of them are being arrangetl wherein the iltlsens are prlvlleginl to ak iUetlnu rwlatlve to the uonlract and the term thereof and at w hlth time Kill will pluee hi proptwltlou opeuhandiHl be fore tho people for their conelderatloii. It Iwhoove the tltlun and taxwer to get together on the matter wi that prompt action ma) be obtained and rtllef hecuretl from our prevent de plorable water condition Hnglneer IKinford utter meeting nu merou cltlsen here lut I'rldit) after noon. Including Major Horale) audi membtr of the clt) con nil I. lift In the evening for hi home at Trinidad. Colo., where he will be until hIhiiiI New Year' with hi famll) -In the meantime he will prepare a consider able amount of data for u In con nection with the undertaking of his prjnoliml. He wu delighted with the reception uucorded him mid the mi' merous word of encouragement fur the proposition he represents The silver hould be wushed In very hot water that Is soapy and fltxin, then pour scalding water over It MODIFIED GERMAN TERMS OF PEACE GIVEN PUBLIC WASHINGTON, D. C, Dee. 28. Kollowinir n confuronco in Uerlin Tuesday between thu knitter unci AmbiiMmdor Gerard, thu American ntnbiiHsndor has advitted President Wilson that Ger many ia rcatiy to grant greatly modified peace tenns. TIiIh is thu information obtained from official circles here. It Ik known that several cablegrams were received nt tho White House today from Ambassador Gernrd, but neither the Wliito llousu nor Secretary of Stale Lansing would iIIbcush them. Thu proposal lo establish Poland ami Lithuania as independent kingdoms and the proposal to pay a Ilelginn indemnity, offset by nllled Indemnities, have been abandoned in the modified terms, it was learned. Other proitosnlH are: Kvncuntion and restoration of Helgium, Germany paying an indemnity for damages to persons and property on the ground that thu invasion of Kelgium was n military necessity. Evacuation of Russian territory upon condition that Russia f hull pay Germany an indemnity for damages lo persons and prop erty in tho invasion of East Prussia. Disposition of Rumania, Serbia anil Montenegro on terms satis factory to Austria. Hiiltmrin nnd Turkov. Restoration to Germany of all colonies in Africa, Kino Chau and tho Pacific Islands anil payment of an indemnity by tho allies for damages to persons and properly therein. Evacuation of Frqnch territory. President Hopeful of Good RcsuKh. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. U8.--.In Bplte of tho widu gulf be tween tho insistence of tho central powers for an immediate peace conference nnd the forecast of a unanimous refusal by the entente allies to enter such a conference without knowing Germany's terms In advnnce, the American government believes that tho ne gotiations in progress arc resulting in good. It was said with authority todny that until the door to peace actually is closed by one side or the other President Wilson will continue to hope that any discussion of tho subject will tend to hasten tho end of tlic wnr. Count von Hernstorff, tho Gorman nmbassador, returning un expectedly from New York, authorized tho Associated Press to make the following stntemeivt: "I regard tho note of my govern ment as constituting an acceptance of everything suggested by President Wilson in his note to tho belligerent nations of Europe." England SajH No Possibility of Conference. LONDON, Dec. 28. It is not believed In official circles hero that there exists any possibility of assembling n peace confcrcnco as proposed in the German reply to President Wilson's note, unless Germany Is willing to make suggostions in advance regarding her ideas of tho torms of peace. COM, SUIll. '! M IN CHICAOO MMtKICT hOON CHICAGO. Dec 31 In the face of tremendous effort on the part if railroad, coal dealer and state ofll Itial to relieve the fuel famine w tilth now Krl the city, the l lie of coal I destined to sour still higher during i the t timing week Thl dlnurnglng .prediction vta made today by (leotge H Cushlng, editor or Illack Diamond, and conceded be t or the bet In- funned men lu the countr) on the ooal situation Ctuhliig voiced the opinion that all grade of coal will sell for fifty cent u ton morn than the highest price or last week. "These new price are record breaker," said Cushlng "There never was a time whun Illinois coal sold for )0. OS a ton before, and I uxpoct thosa figure will bo maintained for thu i next ten ilu). If not throughout thu winter." I Ijtbor shoitago lu the mines, made more acute by tho holiday cclebra itlon and the activities of speculators who hive been holding fuel within thu law Itching district ot Chicago I blamed fur the latent Increase THE METfjOWSTTHURCil SlM-cliil Sermon I'or .New War' II) Huv, II. T, '.elder, PaMor, Special .New Year' services at the Muthodlst church next Hunday with preaching at 11 o'clock of thu fore noon and Kuinluy suliool at 10 o'clock, Hiibjeut. "A New Year Motto." Kp worth league ut 7.30 o'clock of tho evening. Toplo, "llegln Ovor Again." Kti)M Uov II T .elder, pastor "This I the time or good resolutions and of the forward look The old, old prob lem, realisation or which Is thu hall mark or finenivs or soul, how to better one' self and to do bolter for other. Kver)bod) vvunta self Im provement. lAit u begin Iho New Year b, attending the aervlue next Huuda) A special Invitation to inon. There wu decided Improvement In the attendant o of men last Habbath. "Progress l our watchword. Wo urc beginning to grow, llrlng )our icir, )uur church letter and unite with u. A most cordiul welcome to all services HEAVY STORMS TIE m UP LOCAL GOAL H MINES ll CTAII ItAII.W IS NMVi:t I.N Bfllisl DAYH. bIibssssssI However, the 'I'nii k N .Now Ojk-ii nud Bl 1'nrt) Ciich or AImiiiI Two Tlioiuiaail ll Ton Ait MoiiiI Oilier lM)ortlo Hl In Curiam mill Hiurrj Coon tic Have Kl the Same INiwrlotiei- Cool New. JHfll Hnow storm or last Hoturday, Sun- Hl iluv nnd Momlu) lilt the coal nnd mil- IH road comimtile opi rating lu Carbon HH nnd Kmer) rotintle hard with the re- EHI mlt that but n smalt proportion of the ImH priMliiit from Imal mlnei that should Pul have gone out to the vvit ha been IliH moved. Hunday ulglit the Utah rail- sLLI wa running frtnn IhiMIe (late to fH Mohrlnud and (Iter ,rthlch the con I H proilmt or libit V-nlawk, Hiawatha H and Mohrland I moved wn snowed H lu nt severnl plaicti ami It wn nut tin- 1 lit rterda) aftiajwioii that u train H Wit frotteti throughj jH Huowpton niiil'Tiiiiv) engine were H inplo)iil lo bin k" the drlri nt V- H i ml ptaie In the llordon Creek sec-, H tint with the result that nt I o'clock H Msterda) u train or fort) ennt or coal wtiu through billed to Halt likn City H mid iMiliit lm titer on In Nevndn, Idn- H ho mi it III Northwest The mine nt H those three iatnM have In the mean- H Hun lfii Idle ror the bttk or rallrtiud H tar Todu) the Ullltml Htate I'ucl H omimii) ex pet t ear nnd If It gel H them woik will be reetinied nt the H thne pioperlle of the oimHiny to the H south H The branch line or the Denver nnd Itlo Oranile. whldi reoch Hprlng Can- H )on nnd Hie proierlle of the Carbon H Kuel company and Hie Htittidaril Coat H i-ompnny In the same territory have H hud about the same experience na the B I'nlled Hinte Fuel iiiinpany and the I'lah rallwn) nut of Castle dale. The line to Kenllworth wn alo In the same plight during the week n have been the other. The road I. how- B ever, now cleared from llelptr to HVHVJ KenllWjirlh. nnd small iiunntllle or oal have during the week been eut I'lah 1'iiel company inlne ut Win- BVBVH ter Quarter, Clear Creek nnd Utah Mine, all on brnnehe of the Denver H and Itlo (Irnmle, have not fared so HHVHVJ badl) ua have the other. Home In- H tirference with work lm been ex- perlemed, but nothing lo equal the H condlllons ut the thne camim of Iho I'nlled Htate Kuel, the Independent pHVH Coal mid Coke tompany, Hlnndard HHVHVJ Coal coinniiiy. CnrlHin I'uel company H and Hprlug Caii)in Coal lompany. At Winter Quarter. Clear Creek nnd H Ctah Mine henv) auovv urn nlwn) until I puled mid crew provided for such i mergt'iicle. At Hall Uiko Clt). Ogden mid lu H Idaho, Nevada and the Northwest, a !M well a nl the smaller town of Utah, the coal sltuatlorrl acute. Hugur fuo- HH Inrle. smelter uud Industrial plant 1 are shutting down for lack or roal. H Tint Denver mid Itlo flrande I prom- Islng car, nnd It U believed will be H cnpubln or coiling with the sltuntlou. H There will bo no coal hortugi If the H car come to Iho mine. The tool and M the miner lire In Carlton county. All H that I lucking I Iho railroad car. H inning to the oxlgeucle or the situ- H atlon, tint Denver and Itlo Orande Hl during the present week hu conceit- truti d all or ll available force on the opening of It branch line to the coal H mine of CurlHiu county, to thu end that several car of coul sidetracked bi twi'eii the mine mid Halt I-aku city BH wero reported lo be moving yesterday IH (Thursday) afternoon. If ntitlilng In- 9H terfcre with the operation of trains ll there will ho a plentiful supply of iflHH coal In Halt iJike City this ufternoon H nnd tho Ihreatened fumlne will be H Tho Halt lvkti City office of III.. ILiH coul operator were UKuIn flooded IBVI with telegraphic appeal ror fuel, uny 11 prlte yevterdn) offered lu dislodge tho , HH budly needetl fuel. The companies. Il however, vvere power leu to help the IH sltliutlon All that could be douti was to olivine thu coal fumlne snffMrer nt HH distant point that there wero mom ll than nine hundred car or coal on the Hl truck between Halt Uike City and the IH mines, nnd that herculeun effort were H being made to move them ll COAI, OPIIltATOItK 'IO SIIUK LLI nia.inr riio.M i.KcisiaTUtm H I'lxlng of the mnxlinuui freight, VHI charge on cool between point within HHI the state has been asked for by the Hrl Independent coal operators In con- bHI ncctlon with the proposed public mil- Bf Itlt-s bill. llepreseiiinttvek of the H various Independent coul operators sjl have appeared before thu publle utll- '11 (ties oommltt'e uppolnted by thu dem- H ocratlo steering committee nnd urged '1 tho enactment of a maximum freight :H ruta on coal for the purpose. It I as- IH serted, of giving the people of the IDH stutu Immediate relief from what I HoH termed exorbitant freight rate. flHII The coul operators ulso presented fflsasH their cusa beforo the Politico) Jto- hBbssM sea rcli association ut IU meeting at 9BU Halt Lake City u few evenings ugn KH Thu reason advanced for the enact- HwiH I such a law was that In case flBS8IS (Coacludod on paeo lro) piKvHsbsisssI