Newspaper Page Text
BBM BM Hi PAGE SIX THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY DECEMBER 29, 1916 I ; S Tito Holiday festivities and the eel- taSS $ H2j ft cbration of the coming of the New H..fR' H 1 Year will be most enjoyed If Becker's "i H Best Is served in the home. A true, m H lb pure food beverage to serve with U H ' & mculs or between meals. $ I j j, HARRY GESAS, (ff B v LOCAL IHSTRIHUTOR. J? I vh&; $ v HI I PROFESSIONAL CARDS ; HI int. n r. aiAMiiintiiAiN HI riijsltlnn nml Surgeon I Office In Vlglln-llnnomo Iltock. I 1'ltlCK. UTAH. I H 4- H Hjf IH'iitnl KurRvuti H1 . booms 4-S. Vlglla-llnnnino IIIiIk I'itlCi:, UTAH H Hi Alloriicyatluv I H Vlglln-llonumo lllock, Hi piuci:, Utah I Hj T Hj FKlltUNAMI HKICKHKN HjlH Attornej-nt-I.nw I 'K' lit Judge building i HJB SALT IAKM CITY, UTAH. I M HB 4 riti:ii:tttoic ix woods i HjvK I H booms 14 nml IB, Hllvngnl lllock. l'ltlCK, UTAH. 1 M ' HB 8AMUi:i) A. KINO HB Judge building. HUH SALT I.AKU CITY, UTAH. H HB B MIMiS 1 MII.I.i:it. M. IT. A. A. I HJH Menisci! An liltet't j HIH Vrrmnnt building i f HALT UKK CITY, UTAH. I HB - ! CAllbON COUNTY AIISTIIAOT ! COMPANY H'B J. XV. Hammond, Mutineer. I Abstracts of Title furnished HHHl to Any I'leco or Tract In Hnstorn HB Utah. HfH fire Iniurnnco Written In tha HUM Beit Comiinnlri DoIiik lliulnru ) In the Htntc. Ileal Kitatr, Ilomli. HH Ete. HHK Oolilen Itule llullillne. HB lMHCi:. UTAH HH! - I SAYOY BARBER SHOP I HB Dnt In Town. Hatha In Con- HIH nectlon. Try U I'or Service. HB J. 6. CALLAWAY, 1'roprletor. H COLLETT'S II LUNCH ROOM BVJ U'lirn on unut u Hhort ordrr HJHJ mtwl run miro ou to tult IP )ur tnattxi Krr)thliiK moil- I rn and up to the minute We HA eatrr to thOMe who ure In luir- . HHJ ry. lterthlriK strictly tutnl I HIH tury nml of lilk'lut quality HI Tltr Doom W(t of Golden II Itulr II fa R. LEWIS HBJ p ritAOTioAn rnuMiuxn and fl) lin.TIN( v I Jolibliie rnuuptly Attoiiditl To. 5 H.H 3 UstlnmtcM riirnUlivl, 5j . 5 P,lP '" Tumrr lllock, SIulii ht. BUB 5 l'lionu 17B, lVlCf, Utnh. BJ WlAMJWArVftUVWVAVVIi'ifti H location notltcn tarried In stock at H Th Sun office HV&. WUIIDRAWNJS RESERVE 'M'lllll) 'llllMlotlMll. ITH N't Axllll III lixtirn t'lnli I'or n). oil k)ihI IhimU. I(Iikii Ik idiiIhIii mlllhiiM nf Iwrrt'ln if nil. Imf Inhii HltllllmMrtl Ml) H fPIMTM' for t It IIH Mitil nre Kltihttnl In hihI over 1wi1h IIkii Chiivoii on the OriHMi rlwr. wmtli of MIiihIo MhiiiI Crnvk. HrcordlliK to h Ixttfr recrlvvil ly II Htnnle) lllnr' h. I'hli-f of tin. Hit Irfike flvld illvl.Mm of IIih KdiiTMl I'iiIIpiI HIhIi-h kind of fit e. from tin- tlfimrtnrt nl of tin Inttrloi hi WiioliliiKtoli. I O The InndK. oinliriieltiK inure IIihii wNfiity thoiiMtiul mren. nre hIIIImIihI not inort' tlmn thiry milt in n inutli Mttrl illreitloii from the Huiiiilili tvrmliiiiN of iIih lir Mini Itlo OrHinli' mid Mre niirprlnlimlv mur mil riHid iiMiniHtluii Tlir huvo U'cn mi dur Hip olwi ruitlnn of oil xprin for fHr. Imi thulr liliilruiii l rv liil i'KwiitlM orilrr of the prmldfiit, ppiliiilM fuftlirr HpiHiilutlnn AKhmmh tin ultlidrawul of thr nil xlinlr IiiiiiU eowrM iilmimt four Iiihii HhlHt, MCtloiiK ullotti'd the utato for m luiol puriMiMti, known hh Him IImiim 1 16. It nml 30 In ihicIi of the town. xlilns ure not Includiil in tin with ilmn ul, thoiiKli it Ik known tlml Hiiue of thru' iitate iHH'tlouii eontHlll ShIii Hide iIi'miiiIh of oil The oil IhiiiIm ulllnlrHMii ure ileelK IMted hm Towimhlp II Hoilth, ItHUKe 19 Kht. louiiHhlp II South. ItitllKe 19 Vm hihI TowiiNhlpn 13 mid It Koiith Itnnite IX Kimt a! ' L i FOR DRESSY OCCASIONS. C'renui) Niitlii Is tlio fuhrli iihJ here llrulil nml Mtllihltiu lint lioth loiiildueil to lallil) trim hi1iiiii, k'lnlle. mllar ami roll hack cilITa Tills Uruldluc U llcr tlirend InlcnMiM'ii with red Tin 1'iiri'Hii of wi the ihimri .limit of uKrkultuie lHt eur limpped lu di tall the nrloiiM mill or Xt,7l9, tH0 mrt'H in wwiiivNu ureHH In tlilrt-ti ittntee To thmiwind liluelilll itud time hundred white wiiiKed iHoter Uuuku hiiii hem found to dentro) elitht thoi'suiul ontrii h ilio In h ulimle liio neiir OI)mplu WhhIi Smoku Elk Prldfl Cigar, Tel 162. INQUIRY INTO RAILROADS IS SOON TO BE RESUMED The Hon apetlnl HerUce WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 25. The conRreflHionnl joint com mittcc on intorstittc commerce, which hns been conducting the in quiry into Bovernmcnt rcgulntion nnd control of transportation, Inst week decided to suspend its hearing: on the subject and ad iourncd, subject to the call of the chairman, because of the pressure of other work before congress. According to the resolution cre- lliiK the committee. It li nitilriit to xtihmlt n report by Jutnniry Slli next It MriiiitlrrMootl ttint before that time the rnmmltlee will nk for nn rxten lnn of lime nml Hint the henrlns will lie rexiitncd Ht n Inter date, when onie of thoie who ulremly lme npprnrel liefore I he rotnnilllee will lie uiiritlmi ed further nml a great innny otliom will be henrtl It li prolmhlr, howev er, Unit the IniirliiKu will not be rrfttira eil until nfler adjournment of Ciiniei on Mnrch lib In nddltlou In rrtilnr routine mixlne the eommeno com mittcc of the two liouneH nre clurced with the Importmit duly of prepnrtnc nnd pn-icntlntc Iho leKlitatlon nxkcil for by i'retlilcnl WIIon to tnnke lm M4xllde a rnllriHiil strike without pre vious Inre-itleallon ThU will Icnre little or no time for the; conildernllnn of tlm general iUellnn of rullwny regulnllon. Country Wants Somtlhlnfl Done. MemberM of ConenM nnd otheni who nre lulereMeil In the lniiilr un dertaken ltj I lie Xewlnnd. Committee ItudKt that there In uo Intention of nbnnilonlnt; II It M-cmt iloiilitfnl ludeeil, If the country would ii-rmlt the mnttcr to lie dropiieil If tin re were evidence of a desire on tlio mrt of ('iitiRirmt to ilo ho The nut Imi wide cvlileniT of In lensl etokeil b) Hie lulllntleti of the New bind Impilo hIiow that the cf pie of the iiiiinlrj shlpiK-rn, uiiiMlin em mul lnelop. iu well nn rnllwu) men thelueltei mv nllie to the fait that the mlluuy Nltiintlou In hlshly mi nut Isfni torj Hlhl Unit Hill's tim-t be taken without iiniiiHift-ar) delay to miike ll mnhIIh for the rullroads to meet the crowltiK ueeiN of the nation Prom reimrl rtiTlviHl here It mrum mh Ihouuli nliuot eter rommeri'liil or rhiiImUimi him) bianeK4 luleretit In IIh cotintr) were euwiiiiil In rtudylnit the nil In utd ipictl"ii 'I lie t'liniiilMr of Commenv nf Hie I'lilled State hnii Ihimi eolidili tliitf mi elnbornle Impilr) Into vnrloiin pImim of the Htilijiit fur mnii moiillis Mst Mnn IikiiI nnd dlute umiiui'ivliil IhhIIcn lu eirrj lurl of Hie iouiitr have iiniiinlltecs imi eokimI In Mud) of the problem mul have Indicated n ileolre to eouio here nml preMMit their views. Niitloiml or ptnluillons of iniiiiufiuturirs, luuilor men, loul os'nilorH, whole-Kile mul re tail diiilerw, lmi expreweil throush reHolutlous tln'lr desire fur the uiilllcn Hon of the ) Mi m of rnllMiiy resulu lion, the Niitlomil IiuliiHlrlnl Tnilll LeiiKite, siisiklni: from the li'UHilut of rhlpivm usiiii; tlic rulhu)s, lm Imlon-iil exiluit feileml reiuilntlou proililllIK It I lieeompllsheil ill mnli i wuy ns to Kle full proliillou nnd prompt iiiljii-tuii'iit lu mnllem relutlm; In trHiikMirlnllou within the states Many Infertile Studying Problem. Alt these orumiluttloiirt represent prl imirlly the lilptcrt of the nuiutr), but Ihev are not the only ouex who are tukliii; ii hnnd In the dlhClissloii Tin' Investors of the iiullou, thmuu'li their own iiksiK'IntloiH ami UiroiiKli commit teeH n pri'sciitliic the suv Iiiks Imuke nnd other lliinnrliil ori:uultiitloiiK, ute pre purliiK to rIiovv the nifi'hsll) of linprov ItiK rullmad vretlll mul proleitliiK the rlyhts of thnc whose money Is Invest ed lu rallwn) ftecurlllcM rimilly the nillromU themselves, Inlui; vitally ion ii riuil lu the Improvement of exlstliik' loiidltlime ii n plumiliu; to submit their vlevvM throiiKh lliitr executives, opcr utliiR ortlclulM nml Irullle eH'rls ami lo ntoert thilr wlllluwneMH tomxept far reuihliiK feileml n-KnIrttiuu alum; Hues that will enable them to allr.nt uipltiil uml lo provhre the fmllltli's nuilpd for tin- prompt ami i lib lent handling of the couiitr) s lriuiNirtutlon business. Main Trouble le Too Many Maitora. I Not ull of these Interest are lu ae ord n k to Hie ii'imilles thut should be tnloptiil There mciuk lo Ih ii yeuerul amwiuent. however, that many or Hie illltkiiltlcK whli Ii confront the railroads mul whli Ii make It luioMile for thorn to tin -t the requirement) of the na tion's coiuiueree promptly mul satisfac torily u rise from the huphnziiril nnd ufteu i ouflli lliiic misisures of teKUliitloii Unit Imvu Imi'H udoptiil from time to time b) the fiili'rul government ami the fori) club) state uml that what Is I nciili'il Is a well ordcretl, H)sieuuitlc I silieme of federal reNuliitlnu thut shall over Hie whole nuiiitr) uml miike It Hwsile for the rallroiul to irovlde the titeiiNloii nml Improve! failllilM im iiiiillj neediil, while at the same time protiKiliiK full) the piiblb Intcre!. Hnkliiic the reiittvrv of so 6H in pituMiiiK monv) advanced on niltes in 110 anil Interrat tin i win in iii li no tlon with a Unit devi lupiueiit I'l-rderiik M. Keiwaton lapltaiut of .MIIIIInpolbi, Minn, tills Week fllttd suit In the I'nltwil HIhIis totirt hkhIusI the Kiucrj Count) ImiuI uml Water lompaii), of which M II Whltne) Is im med us prtwldent Mini A M Allen us st'tritHO Doth ure leslilfiits of SmU like Clt 0 A Ivermiu. inwlst ii lit utloriie) Keuurul and a former maldent of I'rlie. Is luuntlflml with the lorporutlou mid 1ms been iu ihurKe of ltd uffnlra to u tertiln i-x-tent for mime time punt The Koldu plover of tlm I'mlfk Ot'imu inlKrutes from Alusku to the Hawaiian Island Its f Unlit tukea It two thousand miles iutonm tin island lesa iu SCHOOL BOARD MEETS ItetirliiK 'lrutce I)Ih)m' of Suiiur oili Sllinll TIiIiik. At it mi'itlniC of the lotiwlldnted mIiooI bmird on the list of the month nil the mt'inlurs were present. Hut one of the new I) elected Iwxird wit till re upon the Invitation recently ex tended by the present hixtrd ror them to mi it with the ritlrlim trustee This wn C It June or Helper The eb rka nnd Jildm-s of i'etlon on le tmbr Clh Were ordered iwlil Tin Milnrles of the Jmiltora or Irtilldlngs at Helper, Winter quarters, Castle Oate nnd Hunnjrlde for the month of Novembir were Hllovved Mrs. Ardilt Allen nppenrtil before the bonrd lu rexard to mime lots she had bought from the bord lu the old mhool district tit Wellington and up on which she had paid flfl dollars. The time having ebvpscd for Mrs Al len to make good the remainder of the puriliHse prlie, the whole thing waa iHnwed up to the IihouiIiik trus ten. Two liotrs totaling ' six tlioiisaml and eight) dollars due to a t'rlce Imnk mid a Helper Imnk. mid maturing on Hetrtnbcr Sttli, were orderevl whl Mrs. Anna I'roxt Otte whs Instructed to dispose or some surplus mono in her hands by buying iHHika ror the domestic eileme ilepartnie;it of the high scliiMd Miss MettH June mul Mbm Mamie Young of the domestic aelemi de Itarlnieiit of the high mIiihiI are to serve h IwiiMiiet on the evening r lu tein In r 30th to the retiring uieliilr or the present iMwnl and their wives and also tint I in om lug oneM and their h- Iter Imlvps Mbw Irene .MtCluek) has relgnet a it lenilier In the Helfier district anil la Heeeeleil l) Kllen MrOillre ir llelpir. The tleaMlter la ordereil to s-t Mslilc h fund for Interest on tnoiio owwl In the slmpi or notes, IhiihIs nnd the like An audit or the booka or the pr.-s-lit lomrd mid of fliers under the I Mini has been ordered Tile iM.snl mteta again tomorrow frtaturimv) iEST STOfJIlS HERE ll N'itlon or I ji-tt-rii I tnli t out pletrl) ton nil Willi novv, I'rlie ItlVir Vnlle) mid isM-ial the ill) of I'rlie. sun bad no m plaints In i hus or a lm k of a vthlli Christmas Tin re was a alight sprin kling of the Ix'HUllrul lietvvevll mid night Katurda) uml daylight of Hun da morning Aim ill II oelmk Hon ila)rfore noon, however, the snow l Run to fall In earnest, eontlnuliig throughout the afterioMiu and night Htllioet iiiullliuollsl) IHIII well lul Moiida) night At I'rlie the rail Is atlmabd I" have lieeu alatilt twnt I in lies on lh lev 1 1, while to the east, w.'st. north and will th It whs heav) HmflHil Winter Wuartirs and the upwr tamps or the eoiint) have at tills time around six ftet. as has also Coltou and Hol dier Hum in II To the east as far us Colorado the ground In Utah Is in ert il from three Imhea lu depth up ISmer) loiintv Is ale-i well supplied mm Is also the I'lntali llasln witlnii Ilrlefl). the storm has lmii geiural all over the nuiiitr) with rallrimil and ollur (mfflc In evir illrettluu torn pbtel) k not kid out or serloueb lin latlnd llowivei toiiilllloux an Im proving and trains are going prett) welt on nil road muring I'tnh I'lali stiMkmiu an profiting the storm lit this time In Ing a gnat tiling for tin m Lot nib no l"m oi live slot k an leporleil TWEHTV-FlVEjrilOUSAND .snli I'lletl guln-t Itullroiiil lUniiiM' of Suiiii)lile Writ U Kula II l'arrlsli who siiffereti in juries at the time of tin- wreik or tltf KuniDside i oath Ht I'rlte on liftfin her 7th. last, lias filed suit in dlntrltt loiirt at Malt l-kt I'll) agaliiat tin lenver and Jllo llrande for twenl) five thoUMHIIil ibdlam Mile alleges seiloiis perMinul llljlirle. The woman was on hti io n in Douglas. W')o. lo Wellington this loiiut). to visit rilatfveN when tin wmk iHiurrml Xht was among tliost taken to Hi Mark's Hospital ul Halt ltke i't for treatuitnt This Is till first ault so fl bioiighl 'iii the wreik, but others up i M-i leil to ' tlletl whiii I'or loirwtlug soil Mcldltv me ion of liurnetl lime Is prut ilvall) equal to uim Mild a hair ton of staked lilue or two tuna of ground limestone. In niai all Hi fee forms are of equal gradi mid piirlt) )imnafu iHNthmU fur the oiiirol of the fiHilmt of sweet Hilatoea a si Ions mid destruillve iIUm-him- in h-. eral stalee, have ben iI,vIohmI by the sihm1IIsIs or the agriiullurul dv-IMtrtmeut. The buieuu ot soils Ht Washington. 1) C, la Co-operating with iitn-nt mills, blast furiiaies uml wool scour era with the objtat of tumbling them to recover potash hh h bproduit wherever this proves to In, toiumtr i lull) rtiiHlble llulibir etmup uml etunip mh1, bailgen, trade ohouki, label mid ev er) thing In office euppllos, stock tags In aluminum, notarial and corpora tlon Bcaln, stencils, eti Tlio Run, I Genuine Appreciation ! I: I ; ; As the year 11)1G passes into history we desire . ;; to extend to you these few and simplo, words of II genuine appreciation of your splendid support i ! ', during the past twelve months. f ; No purchase has been too small to merit our ; ; warmest thanks. No net of courtesy to us has ' ii b'cen overlooked. All have their place in the ; !! green i)ot of our memory. " , " ' ;; We extend to you the warmest greetings of . ; I the season, nnd bespeak for you nnd those dear ! j ;; to you the ultimate measure of happiness nnd ! ! prosperity during the coming year and the years ! I to follow. ' 1 ; May fortune deal as kindly to you in the f u- ; ; ture ns you have dealt with us in the past, is our ' ', ! ', earnest wish. Sincerely, I I Wasatch Stores Co.! i' .. I! Stores nt Sunnyside, Winter Qunrtcrs, Clcnr Creek nnd ;; ; ; Cnatlc Gnte, Utnh. ; ; noiici: or APPMCATIO.V foil Cnltetl Htntea I'atent. 0183t In the United Htatca Ijvnd Office Halt iJiko City, I'tah. Oct it, 1916 Notbe Is hereby given that the I'tah Asphalt rompaii), n corporation, by J 1 tuber diehard of Halt l.akn Cllv, Utah, Ins made appllcAtlon to the United Htalea ror h patent ror tlic Ist Chance Hur prlso Nn I and HuniDslde So X ion Mitldateil plarer mining clalnia, liear Ing Mind nsphaltuin ami other Ibdro enrlsina sltuatetl In the Tltlwelt-ttlde-out Mining dUtrlrl. Carbon county. Utnh. c-imdttlng nf four hundred and neventy-nlne nnd eighty hundretlths (ti9R) acres, morn or leea. nnd de aerllieil as follows, tow II The Ijvst Chance claim Itelng 'he west half (WH) of the mmlheaet quarter (HKU) nnd the ast half (Kvi) of the aoulhwest quarter irnYK) or Peetlnn Kour'(l). The Hurprlso No I rlnlni l-elrig Uie northeast quarter (NKV, ) nt Htctlon four (I), all lu Township II Mouth. 1 binge 1 1 MnA, Halt Inke lw nnd meridian; The Hunii)sble No Inlui being the east half (ICV4) of the nor I Invest quarter (XWVl) of Heetlon ,1'oiir (I), Township H Hmith, Itmige II ICt. nnd the sontliit quarter (HWli) of the eoultu-ast quarter (MCU) nnd the Nouthenst quarter (SHVi ) nf tlio southwest quartef (HWt, ) of Hutlon Thirt) -Three (33). Township 13 Mouth. Itmige II Unst. Halt tJike buso und meridian The orlglnnl Imiillou nothc or tlie said Irfist rhniiee claim being of rec ord In the off lee or the count) n card er of Carlton emint). I'lali In Price, In the county and slate aforesaid lu Hook S. Page 190; the orlglnnl lot it tlon notice or the Hurprlee t 1 olalni In IbMik II. Page IIS uml the original location notice of the Huiin) aide No S elnlm In Hook II Page Sflt of Hah! record hh a foresaid The nearest known loiHtlon to the said eonsolldatfd 11 Chane- Sur prise No 1 and KuniDside No S rlalins Is the lllaik Jm k claim. Hurvey No 191 1. being port nf sold group mid heretofore imtcnted and the Hurprlso No 3. uneurve)ed I direct that tide notbe be pub llshwl In The Hun nt Prlee. Carbon county, state of Utah, for a period of nine consecutive weeks onci.n n nuKi',i.v llegbiter A V Tmlor. Clalnianfs Attorney, first publliHtlon dated Oil 37 HI A; last Dec :. 19 1 6 noiici: roit priu.icvriov (Publlslnri Di'tmrtiiK'iit of tha In ttrlor. United Htates ljtnd Office nt Halt Ijtke fit) Utah, Nnvimbcr 27, I9IB Notbe Is hereby glvui that Jame U TliomiHMin of Prhe I'tnh, who on July 30, IH1X made dei-ert html eutry, Serial No 0I0III for HK S, NW V, . HW M Kit U . X Sk. Twp. II Hoilth. Itmige 10 ICant. Halt IJike mi rldlmi. hu fllwl notice of Intt ntlnu to makf final proof, to establish claim to the land abovi deiarllxd beforo tin ilerk of the dlstrlit court, at I'rlie, I'lali. on the Cth iIhv of Junu ar). 1917 Claimant naun ns wit nwHuw Itirnard It. Mi Donald Mi bin T. Ilnrmou M C Allred and irou II (Iiimiioii. all of Price, Utah iini'Ml II lllaKUI.Y ttegUtir flrat pub Dee .!, Us. Jan 1917 .NOIICIC I'OH PI'III.H riON (Publisher i D. imrtmint of the In terior Culled MtatiM lliul I'ffl't lit hall iMke i'lt). I'tah. If.tmiar i. 19 lit Notbe Is hrth glv, n Hint t Mrs Kate Kgan, widow if John U Kgan det eased of (igdeii I 'tub who on Mm is, iftii, madi llomtstind Kntr) Kerlal No for riHt, of, MSS.Het- 95 HWViNW'v, NMWIi, 8e. -n. Twp II H. Mange 11 K Halt I .ake ItaiH' and luerlillau bus fib d no ble of Intention n maki flve-jtar prtaif to eslafdhih claim to lb. laud above lies. 1 llted, Itefoit tilt leglebr and Itcelver United Htates land of-, rite, ut Halt !.uke Clt). t'tali m the IM da) or Januar). 1917 unit bv two1 or the follow in,, w lint sat s I . C r the ulerk of the district niiirt at Prln,. Utah, on the lid da) of Janunr), 1917 Claimant names as witmaeeH frank Algei Kd llannon IT stun Nutter nnd Kd bee nil of Prl. Utah OOt'bD I HbAKKbY Iteglster First pub llei S. last Jan I." 1917 Itubbur Htamps and Mainp pads, Imilkim. trudo checks, laliels and ev-i er) tiling In of flue supplies stock tagal In aluminum, notarial and corpora tion mills, Mi Hells, etc The Run I 1 1 Try The Bun for )our Job work. ' j coiwrm uoMws kuic Tht wife or u congressman fruiti t ' small place lu Ohio complaint il to th 'cook who bosaca things lu hit Wash lligtnn eetnbll.ihinenj "The lurke) linn no riavor said th. Mad) I cant find an) mini in th. I inline meat mid batk lioini tlieyd hanll) give to tin lilga mi ill n mess tf stuff mm that plum pudding )tu hand etl us last night Whtn'tipoti eHik sin I ld tndiilgintb anil replied "Well, liuiiii. )oull git tVtr them rut at notions after a while HoIim niter ami friends or Tb. Hun have the right to order I heir legal notlnw printed In The Hun Trustees Hair, eieeutont' and adminltrator uotlcKsji, sherirr'a eab-a estray nnllit-a ami aettlemeuta of c-stntea come iiinli r Ibbt bending Onb r t lit ni pnnteil in The Hun We will see that Ihev ar Inserted torreutl). wlibti Is Iritp .n int Power lo regulate and even in ilenin all impure Mtiurea or water In the stale will Ii asked by tin stal IxHtrd or lieultll III H bill Willi II is Ik Ing dratted l Hr T II Heath stub health lommlMsbmer Now the ImxiM ncn rigulate water s'tiin-es In . asen o Impurltv only b) suing lo ahab t nut same I I'm a gnat conviulenee l lu si parati workbag ror i u h 1 1 ' work one has en linnd FREE I or a Hhort tun. onl with i .ob gallon or uhiskv o lt tie ot our best Culfirnli Port RR E E! o KENTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE Phone 1.13. Price, Utnh. Cm) Delivery, Phone V t We Deliver the Ooo i HHTiiTuni inn iiniim-tr :: price, utam :: General Engineering i; and Geology il ! '. ', '. ', Ctiul Mluu Dcvclopinciil ; I Trrlntlon Kuglnci'O l'uriu Survc)s !! Wuttr Measurements ) ) TjiiiiI Mups '. ', bridge mul lllgliwn) Couicirur- ;;,..tiou :: 1 ' CouirnctliiE builders . . Con I Aual)fceti ) ) Mineral DchmUs Kxuininetl ', ' Ojicrutlon i;fflclcucy , , (icncrnl Coutructlng . o H Socoi) Floor SilvagHi Bld'g. ;i lt t MtHTttnHH