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" HE Sill REACIES T1EM '. " START HE NEIHEAR IIT' B H Price 1 tho center of the coal mine flvll I ySfeitfeSJB flSK l "lfc1 WhenfeXer a xutmcrlber tnakV. n H VJ Carlmn count) with nn annual pay- I I ii II 5 P WMftJS&lTO'Srx sftjxAkfiV III ill ll lH jwymonl on miljrrlptlon to The? 8un. BH r II -all tho time lnerca-dng. tnoc 111 II I I Il---JTT325 II II I II tho nmo I. cajl In nlo, new. harp a-V-V H m"ro than fixe million of dollar, to 1. j II II IrSU-grfgvriii tfgfcgiT II II I II type. luvv Ing tho date pa d to. It I ur and railroad employe. The,e &l&' iisT fPkZS f T ?Ui" ."""V " 1"W .T1'0 HUn "' AnO HI r the Spenders of thU action of , S T "'5 " "a a" " tEX-" T lw0 lb plensitre or wttlng upjwm t.ih Advertiser In The Hun reaoh POLITIC A L L Y It i. l'Ull,H T our rtder' nam It would be HH ... ..,... r iIipi. neouln In tho mln- "tlec-llghted" with the opportunity of .HH M Tamp" ."id xitrroundlng rommunl- Entered an Second-Claw Matter. Juno 4. 1915. at tha I'ontoKlee at Price. Utah, t'nder the Act of March i. U7 doing n.. at the beginning of the ) H '. "V VOLUME 2; NUMBER "32 EVERY FRIDAY JANl'AKY 5, 1917 N" W H I COURT IS HEARING i THE GONTESTED ELECTIONS M si piux'iNfTs cofvit.d at B NOON lOUAx, FIIIDW. H XII tho Inlccwtctl Onoi Art Hcprc- S .cnted ly Watcher mid Attorney H cry Slight Cluing From the H Ofl.rlnl Iteturm Have Di'trtciiAil So H Knr Through Touiomm Hxcnlng. H Luigt (leorge 'hrhtinpn of Mt B itrutnt, accompanied lr ' M Aldor. iirt reporter from Mantl. arrived In H i. r Wednesday rxenlng lo hoar th H ntrxtcd election raiic of K. Hanlxchl H llliuk Hank ugnlnxt KiuII Ostium! m (lar Creek In tho matter of the M .. t year county eommlwdoncrxhlp H he cise wan filed before Jildtte Al- H rt II Chrlxtcnxon. the retiring Judge H the dlxlrht In December but, and H m on for It hearing yesterday H ThiirmluM uftcrnoou nt 3 o'clock H ll ntrnement of the wutmel on H tit xldvM and partleit Inleronled the H i . t4ultn of ('arbm Oundernon iiKnlnit H ixrt llrner and II O Hnillli st(ftlit Hl I H llordel nre voimolldated ltll H ihD Hjtntxrhl and Ontlun'd eonteM and H I three nre to be heard a uno. 1- H rill l: II ft Kehulder uild lVr- BH omnd KrUkKi n of Halt Ijke City are B rrprLiM-ntlnR the oonti-Htcen, llornley H ml llrynrr L A. Mcdce l the at- B run for tlundervoii and Hmltli m lly Ktlpulatlon nil formalltlen unu H iruvioim proof ure w-nhed by both H r den, wm Attorney Mcdee. nnd the V lallotM cait In nil the xovernl pre- B mrta of thi' county are to be counted. B ContrxtM n In their aimwer filed lo J tin complaint" or Huntnvhl. (lunder- in nnd Hmllli deny nil the nllexntloiiN BK made At the recount of the ote It Hfli J Turner lit reprcnentlnK Ounderaoii nd K T Olnnit I there for Hmltli 1 J II llnitnond repri-Miitii Haulio'hl. H Hl Prttlni'ln Counliil. BJI The tourt Id tnklnK tli prcilmtH In HJI their numerlciil order nnd at noon to- H iUj O'rldio) Mhen The Hun K'nit to H I rem linH yone throiiKh the bnllutH of Hp Winter Quarter. Heorield, Cnntli' (late. B Helper Harper. WellliiKton nnd I'rlte H ix in all The count nt HuniiMe B fid the preclnctM over wiulli will le BBa U me Into thin ufternoon upon the re- BBa . nacrr.blliiK of court. Then will come BH th other prut lnetn In their order. HB JgdRe Chrlxteiueii expeelH to fluUh HH th i uw tomorrnu exeliliiK Ht the 1 .tent HH Till uttornoii for all lOllcertled BH -a IMilb iiKreo Unit there will not KKj ufflclcnt (haiiKcN to affei t the of- DAVIS mWM H lie nnd oiini; Netitlo Como Tocetlicr H At ttm htnto Ciipltul, H Youiik Azevedo U hopluK to win an H undUputed ilnlm to the featherwelKht K title of I'tah h Halt Uikn City tonlitht H Frlda) He will be itlven that H i nance, for hi opponent, Kid DuvU, H has a hold on tho crown, which he Hj ron Hrwrul )enm buck. The bout will K in for nix round. I)ul bvirun hU H rlne tarrer when tho ihort round H Knme ntnrted und rapidly forged to H tho front. He won thu featherwelKht H hamplonMilp and retired from iicivn H . irk without IohIiik It. B Azexedo defeuteil all tho local xtrlnB H nd bellnxed he hud a clear claim to VI t io honor when Kid DiuIh bobbed up Hjfl ti th ilt for tho iKilliIuja nnd de- H dared lie would lmu to defeat him H cforc the lalm would be Kod. The H i a ehould be one of the fieri et und B i .dli st tutu HtaKcd In I'tah for mime H me THE METHODIST CHURCH H I oi-illnl Vcl'-oini- Kilcndctl to All In 1 Mleiiil TIicmj rH-nUtfi. H Tilt re will bi Huudio mhool l thu H letlimllst t huri h ut the uhuuI hour H i ;xt Humla with preachliiK ut 11 i link of tho forenoon Hulijoct, Hj What 1h the Church Dood l'or" Tim B fan tlou i)f the oluirch an the ihurch H hiuld l Keen The first of u.wrltHi B threi Hcnniuiii on th mttleul i lu uf ChrlMtlaii truth V T,lc l'lu'r tno trmoiu of tho berlex i rre January 11 th, Hubjeet "What In H ii Minuter Good Tor" The funu- F'T t the mlnlater um tho mlnUter Mf tHiniUl be Been. January 38th. ul. $ -"i What Aio You Oood For?" v Tho function of the beliexer u the H ) ellovcr should be seen. B Bpworth league ut 7:30 o'clock of S the evening. Toplo. "Lifting Our I lleartu Oodward." Tho ladleM aid iid it reuular monthly bunlnewi HB vri'otmg at tho home of Mrs. J. A. c rockctt yesterday (Thurnday) after- PBHffi i) un BIH Ito II T. Zcldom extendu a mot Mi ordlal welcome to all to attend the K itthodtst church sen Ices MAKING A DIAGNOSIS. r a r - n i (in ( Sound -iKtt M I ACOTC ATTACK OP J I V "PROPlTl PRICE WAY THE ONLTf WAY An unuHual spccUicle of interest to the lutfllncas men und rcsl tlonts Kenernlly of Price occurrctfn the streeUi of the city this (Friday morning. It was nthinc Icsh than thu panning of the iniKhty United State mall jtruclw of the Duchenne Stage and Transportation company ovtVt)fe Price to My ton road to their destination u forcible reminder that this iH tho only feasible road to the reservation country twelve months In the year come snow, rain or sunshine. This truth has been apparent to everyone for io, tlwsc many montlis, except to the jostofflco department nt Wash ington, D. C. The cause of this unusual occurrence is the fact thai the Helper to Duchesne route is snowbound, and may continue so more or less during the winter. When net snowbound in the winter, it is n case of being floodbound in the tho spring and summer. And there you are. It is a fortunate thing for all that the Price to Myton road is always available in these emergencies, and n misfortune that the latter road has not long since been designated as tho official mail and passenger route. TAKE THEIR OATHS ON ARRIVAL OF JUDGE incomim; eo.MMihSioNiius nr.i.i) orr ron two days. Hmoi-ii In YrMrnlu), llowrwr, and Conxldrruhlo IIiikIui'kw Do no After Klcvtliiir' Allien llrjner Ah Chair limn hherlff ColllhKliniii hubmltM LUt of Ht-pullm Other Mutter. fiirliou county' board of county tommlioiloiier mil rmid) on Tuceduy liiHt to take offlie, but there wax no dUtrltt Judge hro to udmlnlnler the ouOm. llowor, Judge (ItMirge C'hrl. tmumii cHine In Wodnexlay onlng to hold tourt utrduy und the oath were tmttrtlKy forenoon udmlnWWred. iHind were filed und toiudderuhle bimlnew wn dlipoited of during the morning hour nnd up to 3 o'clock of the ufternoon The onnttwtett ciIih tlon latHM of CominkwIonurH lienor und Ontlund took thaeo gentlbiueu to the dUtrlct court, where the) will be Interextttd ono until after tho re- ' count of the Mite in tho recent eltn -tlou I oxer. Other count) of fltern took the oallni of office und filed bond on Tuesdu) C'oIIIiikIiuiii Numr Deputle. Sheriff Oeorge Colllnghum uppeur ed uud nulimltted for tho uppVoxal of the board u lint of deputle In the vox--ural pretlncts of the county, xvhluh w'iih approved. His I'rlcg deputies ure M II. I.cute or Helper und Lar Kratidaen ol Price, ouch of whom draw two-thlrdv of the eulary paid Sheriff Colllugham. Tho nthcni ure V. A. Krank. Kenllxvorth; John Htu ley. Winter Quartern; A. 1). MacLean, William Steckelman and Hluhard Mo Dermald, Hlaxvatha; i: V 'Tucker. 8unn)ld Carlo Ialplai and Prank Cottrell. Helper. J. P. Corey, Cimtln (late, Weley IIIIU, Clear Creek uud John J. Itlch, Wellington, all of xxhoin Mrxe without expelive to the count). ItcKUlar .MectliiK Hale. Meeting of the board of oomniU liinrr for the )etir nre fixed for Feb. ruur) Ctli. Murth Ctli, April 10th, May nth, June 12th. July 13th, Augum 7th, Heitember 11 th, October lUth, No xember Ctli und December 1 1 tit All of the date for meeting for the )ear come on TucMday uxicpt the one In July nnd October Meeting nre for 10. o'llotk of the forenoon. The board elected Albert llrynrr a It ihulrman. County Attorney Hoffmann linked the commliulonerx to mime U A. McOee if Price a hi uUtant for lv month at a ilury of exeiil.flxe dollur a muuth. The proportion wuk, how. exer, tubled for the time being MIvm Margaret llorxluy nun eoii flrmed a deputy count) clerk nt twu thlrd the Hulur) of her principal. Mix IkirlNirn I'orrenter I appointed deiul) reconlor and Ml Viola olen. depul) treaxurer. The report of the count) recorder for the mouth of Do i ember, Ihi. wn prieiitt'd und np pitixed HetMiiitllliK motion hereafter ure to be done nwuy xtlth b) the tmmml our. After dbwuiwlou nil mutter ure to be dUpiwed of by xot$ follow ing u roll tall Niiuieniu bill were allow ed. After u late elou 5 exlurilio uf ternoon the board udjiiurnwl milijcct to the cull of the chairman. des mm IS SHOT Pi lit iiiiiig Mini Iking Itiiohetl to Suit ImUo fit) iloxpliul. Dezmond Murrlon. u young mun whone home I ut Price und tho win ol Mr. Mary MorrUon, wu hot at Ca tlo auto thU morning und I ut till hour being tukeu to Hr. Mark' tal ut Salt Luke City The Rhootlng I wild to be an ac cident. Deputy Sheriff Luto I on hi way to Custle Gate to make un Investigation und If he nrrlv In time will uccompan) tho young mun to the city. . The. numu of tho mun xvho did the Nhootlng cannot bu learned. Ha I being brought to Price by another of ficer of tho nhorlff force. Full Par tloulnra ure not at thin hour obtainable SAMSON EDW POTTER An liinrr) Count) Ploutt r Cullcil At Clexclniid ln! Siiturilii). HamiHin Kdgar Potter mmmI awa) at hi home nt Cle eland bint K.itur day, being at the time of hi dentil one of tlie oldexl rltlxcn there, both In )ean und rrxldrmo In the communtt). He wax born In lnnaxhlre (Kear Ity), Kng., November V, 1V39, uud wn In hi xexenty-xexenth )eur when Kummoned. Tho funeral tierxIcpH xvere held nt Clexelund on Hunday laM, u large concourxe of friend jtiitl neighbor from nil oxer the county gathering to pay their Inxt rexpett to the dead. The funeral wa conducted by Joxeph K. Iirxen, blxhcip of Clexe lund ward. The upcnker xvero lilder John Potter, Ole Jenxen uiidVllllnm T. 1.0 m ph. Deceaited I kurxued by forty-five grandohlldrcn nnd nine great grand children, bcxIdcH clexen on uud daughter. Theo nre John Potter ut Price, Mr. Ilnchel Greenland nt Ia'IiI. Mr. Kliuibeth lleattlrf. Halt Uike Clt), Jcfxeph Potter, Cleveland, Hid ney K Potter. Hiawatha, Noah Pot ter, Winter Quarter. Mr. Jenxln Welch, Uintah In Weber county: Mr. Klhel Maxwell. Marloy. Ida.. Tuoinux C. Poller. Halt Uike City, and Parley 8 uud Kdwurd II. Nexlen III Clrillid county Hainxou Kdgar Potti r unlgrnted to Utah In April. ISfcS. locating ut Win ter Quurter In Carbon county, where he llxed for a number or )enr. I.ater he went to Cleveland and took up a farm there, where he made a iuccck with the help of hi largo family. Ho wa un honorable und upright man ind will be mlHxed from the commun Ity where ho rexlded for ho long n time. "AN AMERICAN IDEAL" htor) IVrtuIn to the Fowl I'uuill) nuil Not to tho Human. NKW YOIIK, Jun 3 An Idtml Amerlvau fowl, In which will bo centered nit the good point of ull the good breed of h n. I tho object of experiment being conducted by the 1,'nlted Htute government nt It fnrm ut Helix- vllle. Md. Hurry M Ijimun. hwid huw- iMinilman of the government farm, ha been working for the last fixe year on tho new Amerl- ean product. Un explained hi experiment ut the annual poul- try xhow ut Mudlwui tpmre (lar- i den According to l.nmnn the now hen will huxe white plumage, )ellow leg, red ear lobe und a moderate ilxed comb. In U)lng cpialltleM und tho nine of It egg It will rexemblu the Leghorn U will hno a ninth motet on It bod) ux a Wyttmlotte. Ilarretl , Hook or Plymouth Hock The government furm. Lumou wild. plan to haxe n big exhibit of the new hen ut the poultr) xhow next xeuiton The publlo road of tho Uiiltetl State outfllde the limit of Incorpora ted town und altle had, January I, 1916, u total lougth of about 3,lfi2, 000 mile, of xvhloh about S77.000 mllw or 11.3 per cent uro Imprnx'Ml ; with so mo xort of lurfaulng. The mileage of xurfuccd road U Inuroax lug at tho rate of nlxtecn thotixaud (mlle per nnnum UTAH FUEL WINNER IN . 1 KETCHUM LITIGATION I Judge Albert II. Christenson Renders His fl Decision At Salt Lake City On jS Friday of Last Week. jk NOTHING AS YET IS HEARD ABOUT APPEALING ; 'mini finding and ludgnieHt "' Judge Albert II Chrbtteiwon of the Kexrlith Jildlrlul dlxlrltt. In the mat ter of the Kelt hum Cowl enili RgHltnt PleitMnt Valley CohI romtmii). the Dincer ant) lib) (Iran ile ntllnwd uud I'luli Fuel nimimhy. were ren dered but Frbl a nt Halt ltke Clt), where, by xtlpiilatlnn of the xexentl Htlorue) In the rnne, an ndjournmelit of court wn taken that the argument might be heard at a point whleh would be of convenience to ull eourerned. The docbHon wa In favor of the PloHKKUl Valley Coal iomHtli), reprv- 'xelitetl b) Van Cott. I '.III ft llller. Dixon. Kill. IIIIlic & Hehutder. the two law firm mentioned being of Salt ltke City, mid It. (1 l.ucn of Den ver. Coin, representing tho Denver and lllu tlrunde rullroiul. The prcx etico of I .u 4.11 In the vain wa he vntiNe of the railroad ttimpah) being named a it co-defendant llo)d, De xlne & cite of Ogden were the at torney for Ketelium Coal eompnii) Ciiiiilciuii Tlpplollt. On tho ttietloti of whether the plaintiff ImiKu tlgljt to eoijdsinn nl tlpplelte n it matter of law. the court I hold that It ha. A to whether plaintiff had a right to coudmen tho coke oxen xpnee for tlm pinning of plaintiff tipple, the court hold that It wu Included In the cougremilonal grunt from the t'nlied Hiate to the Denver uud lllu (Inutile Itallrtmd rum puny that Ix, u pari of the ground Included within tile two hundred reel right of wny for the narrow gauge railroad. The coke oxen xpuco a it xv hole xviih already put to n public tine, u.ld that plaintiff uxw wu not u moro htH'exnary public lixe than that to which It I already applied. On the question of whether the plaintiff could condemn the Mxty-foot right of wny from plaintiff proper!) to tho right of wuy of the railroad oompau), the court held that plaintiff had the right to condemn und wa granted thu right of wu from It property n xtrlp of ground xlxty fecit wide -doixn to within fixe feet north of the north erly or northcaxtcrjy rail of Truck No. I of the Denver und Itlo flrunde Victory Fur Defendant. The declxlou I u xlgual xlctor) for tlm defendant Oioth tho Denver nnd Itlo (Iraudo nnd tho Pleaxant Valley Coal company (Utah Fuel company), for It wa oxer the coke oxen "pace nt Citntlu (lute that the real battle of the litigation wu waged. Notulthxtund lug the plaintiff claimed that thu title xcNtcd III Pleaiuitit Valley Coal cum pan) uud the Denver und Itlo Oruudf xv n not properly acquired li the de fendant eorporatlon. Judge Chrlnteu win hold otherwUn. Thl contention U Involved In the Htuplitm Murk. Meed, the Plenibiut Vullny Coal oompuny getting title from Murk ome twenty fixe year ago Thl wa une of the hurdt fought cuxmi b) both ldo oxer heurd In the dlxtrltt court of Carbon county. AImiuI thirty day time wu eoinwnitMl In hearing th textlmony of u xmall army of expert uud wltumMtNC The coxt in the lltlgutlon will run Into the Ihotimilidx of dollar on eueh lde, and thl mi) not tie the laU of It It wu mild during the progrt of the trial ut PrUe that un matter who ot or won It the litigation would eventual I) bo utHiltled by u higher court. Ai yet. however. The Hun lut heard nu-, thing of nn uppwil. i Judge ChrUteneoii hu ul given a dec-lxlon In the eondemnittloii null of Carbon Ptjel vompuny uguliiHt titund ard Coul eompuny und O. W. llumU, wliereln defndautB demurred to thi right yf plaintiff to condumii ground for u tlpplenlto at Hulim. He holdi for tho defendant. The coat; hu been In thi court for several month uud came un for final hearing last mouth BIG THMMISED B Dtuxcr und Itlo (it-nudc Figuring On lfl New V-iir lludgcl. ll Pliiii for Hit expendltlirK (if cv"- '1 erul million or dollar b) the Denver JH nnd Itlo (Irniide to Improve the road' il ph)leal eoudlllon and add to It fl equipment lmxe been made by 11, U. H Mudge, tirexldenl. uud uro bijlng con- JH xldcred by the dlreetor, xvho art) now H going oxer the budget which Mudge H hn fl The Denver iiiul Itlo Umudn linn or- ll dcrcd n largo i.uanllty of xteel nnd In IH the xprlng the rela)lng of a number 'H of mile of track with heavier ralU IH und lHillaxtlng will begin. A number H of the branch line of Utah ure to re- H reive heavier rail and the miln line -B of the road In Cutontdo und In Utah I to be H Under extlmafi- of J. (I tlwyn. chlel engineer of tho road, the Utah line of the roinpnny ure to receive nlmoxt three million dollur for Improve- jM lllelit uud betterment. It I wvld by B offlrinl III touch with the situation. HHVJ rile purchnxc of more eiiulpmrnt Ix ' among the recommendation which the illrettor will take up M FARM LOANJEANK Mm Something Over Ttvcntj-Om Tliou- H nnd Dollar Atrcuily In Hlght, -H Carbon county I to haxe it farmer' H loan bank If the plan now formula- H ted work out alt right. Itxt MondK) 'H it meeting of the Iturul Credit uo- H tlon wu held ut Price nnd dlreetor pH The dlreetor' ure llinry (I. Muthlx. H John II. Puce. It. F. Johiikoii. WlllUni ll A Thii)ii uud A. .. Murxhall. The) H meet tomorrow (Saturday) to perfect H tho urganlxiitlon und to cletit n preil- 'H dent, xlte prexldent, it xeeretury nnd H it trouxurer H At tomorrow meeting n committed H nt three will Ihi appointed to make JH the upplleutlon for u barter to the 'IJI uulhorltlr ut Wuxhlugton. D. C. At fll the Monda) mo-tlng J V MuelCulght H Herxcd it thalrman H There I nlread) tdeilged twenty-one H thousand dollar, mora than enough H to get the Institution xtnrted. ,H MORE RAJ1R0AD DOPE Talk llcvlvtil or I'tah Hallway llcliig JH Hun II) Malt l4ikc Itouti. H Thut the Halt Utke Itnute I pre- -H paring to effect n truffle nrrungement H with the Utah railway, which I now rLI operated by the Denver und Itlo .Jl (Irunde und rotixlxt of u trunk from aH Proxo to Thlxtle und ntxo from Ouxtlo 'H (lute to Mohrlund In limery county, I ;H now taken for grunted, although of- 'H filial of both rottd und of the United H Htuto Hmeltlng. lleflnlng und Mln- H Ing company, owner of tho Utah H railway, decline to dlutix the matter H The Halt Uike Itoute, howexer, ha or- 'H dered a thouxand eteel coul ear for iH Immediate delivery nnd It U freel) H rumored In railroad circle that thexo H rat J ure to be put In nervine In the tH Huxteru Utah coal field. M The report I current thut thn Unl- H ted Htute Fuel company I to oxer- H c le II right In It ugreement with the H Denver und Itlo (Irunde nnd take over jH the Hue and operate It between Pruvo H und Mohrlund, the coal to lie handled H the balanee of the way b) the Halt H Ucke llnute It l unilerxtiMid thut H negotiation to thl end an now un- H der way In New' York B HAILHOAD (iOIte TO ItChOlll! AVJ OF KUVIUIAI, UTAH HllliHI'.XIIlN AHJ Axxlxtunt Oenurul Freight und I'm- U uger Agent William Wurner of the HBI Halt Utke Itouto, In rtu.poH to the M urgent reciuteit u( u 1'imlmr of xheep- HBl rulxor of Ijfgreu, KuumI und Dun- BB bar thut cur be ent to thut Neetiun HJ to ave forty thouxand kheep (lowly HHJ perlxhluy; In the xnow and for want of food, lut Wedueday arranged to lend u number of speelal truln to bring the xheep to Lynmlvl. illuek lloak and Mllford The latter plnec nre udupted at this time of the your H for the proper oare of the tiheep, arid , Wurnrr oxpreed the hope that It IShJ I would not bo too lute to iiavo them, HJ The inunufaoturo of carbide I. a ' BA tiew Induxtry planned for Nexy 'eu- , tHH land HV flBJ