Newspaper Page Text
i PAGE TWO THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY JANUARY 12, 1917 1 RATES ON COAL ARE SOUGHT IN TRE MEASURE H mtUTorrur, H roniinllnn Won M lime I'mtcr Sim- B "') lo That Supreme B ilio stuic situation lnc I'p FT Ai-otiitil III." Ciitiii '(iiilil( rnlilj H During I'.i'l Vtx'lk Or 'leu H Tho propowd public utilities lilll In F i tn not rntllinl measure hihI doubtless Ht;' "III '' lirimtol toiKtldemhly before bo- HHHHY' Ing eimtlted IiiId a law ly the Utah HF. leglflalor. II Kit' members powt r K ntil)' nxi ended by tin' supreme court B. if tlin stnte, while I lie ilriift Include Hf ilmost every known runt moil I ty. Just El k give tlin ronimlwilnii mum thing l K ""rt "" ,n ""' wni "f rnlomnklng, Hm Mil purposes In fix u niHXlmnm rrciRht Hl on uml In carload lots within the B tatp. Thin arrangrment. It In ex- E olnlnpil. In to rpimiln In i Heel only H Iiiiik enough to permit 11 thorough In- Bi vcsllgiitlon liy Dip lommlsslon nml Ihp fixing or pennant nt rates In Its re- HHHHc tMirt tlin committee which dratted Hip v tiltl wild that Mil' maximum rnli elnusn k was Inserted wltli it view to Kit InK Hip iH-npIo Imuipilliitp ri'llof, Inasmuch ns BHHHH It might I"' ii eur tun heron Hip HHHHf wimmlsslon iiiulil uuikp Hip propi r j investigation iih to tlin eonl situation J TIip rnln In I m cod on n two Hums- I mil-pound Ion nml In Hxed nctnrillng pJH i Hip length of Hip Imiil Tor nny HHHKJ linn I up to twenty-rive miles h rote of HflflflH Ixly cents it ton lit uuthnrlxcd, ti nt)- n Ivn In rift) tn I li'H, sovcnt) cents. ri(l HJAVJI iii sovcnty-flvo inlli. ilghty-tlve HHHHHj 'enis; sctint-flvn to onu j miles, f l.oo. onu Ininilreil to oiip linn- Irril nml iwciity-flvn miles, l.0. H onu lilinilri'il tticnty-flvn to nun hull- I Irril fifty mllps. II. IB, mm liumlrpil 'if ly In mm liutnlrpil seventy-flvp jE mill. $1.12, mm liumlrpil eovpnty- tg lo In two hundred miles, $1 30, two jbl mnilri'il to tno liumlrpil MM) miles. ftl! 11,40, nml two hundred firt to ilirip HHHH1 iuIIph, II 60 HHHHI JnnsH DUI-lon or tho ltiite. In lnslarife win re mliiPM In mm llstrlnt tuivn rtijuji'il Hiinl riitiw to ---- I ompitltltn ixilnts, tlin lilll authorises hn iiihi or ulwil In lortncil ciimtrtnllvi 1" nllrnKo In Htm of nilunl inllitiKn. The mmtrtatUn iiiIIihiko In olitulmil liy iititlnK Hid iiiIIpiiki frniii tin h nlul nil nltipri In tlin OUtrli I lo u iimtmmi nllroiiil Hilnl. tlin niiiri'i-t to Hn iIIn rlil, illvlilp tlin tutiil liy tlin numlivr - if mliii'N nml mill tlin rt-milt lo Hip hi- Jl ual inlUnxn from Dm t-mnnimi point o Thn lilll iiUn tiriivlilpN for n illMmt k ( rntPtt wluro rlilpniuntN pnnn orr fl mirn limn mm Hun or njnti'in or mil- Jl oil. In nurh InnlnnitN Hip rnln ill- G 'Ida In tuMity-'Iwi ttnlN it ton to tlin J niglniitlmr linn nml Hip n mnlmlor In J irorntPil on n iiiIIihikii IiiikIn. No mil- fl oail, lumitir, In to rttvltn Ipm thnti t' wcnty-fhn ii-iitH ii ion for m rlip it-J aAll.UOAD OI'I'.ltATOHS AMI HUM. Kits MOUK OI'IIMISI IC 1 OpcrutliiK iiffliliilM of tin Dfimr j mil Itlo (Irumlp liHn Iippii In "i- J Imlnlln mooil iiiimI or Hip IIiiip for n j ii'fk or Ipii ilnN Hit iiMT Ihn pomI ! lluntlHii. Iiolli lit Hip ihIiim of I'nr on nuil Kuipry iiiuntpi. nml hi KmII nkp Clt nml hIiiiik Hip nmln Imp nml .rilllHllPN hn wpll. U tlin ijoihI MIH- hi hrr kpntM up tut ( Ihn ImiKi-r, liny mi, ilmlnm lliroUKlinut Hip l r- Itur) mtmmI will lmf Hip npMirtiiii- iy to ulupk up tltflr IiIim Willi wiffl- B lout or Hm tommoilll) lo MlllMluml t ny klinl or rnliroNil iIpIidn Hint iiin) ivur IhU slntpr. 'I'll In npllinUm In ) hnrnil Ii) tlin inniI iImhIitn im ui II. . latum (Ipuprwl MHiiHtfpr lloikui-ll of ho Pniiwr nml Itlo tlriimln whiiIk it mown Ihut Hip iuhI ltuutloii ImikN BHHl ntioli 1"AII Hm )imlN IihiI Hlmti'wr hhiI hpy I'uulil Imnillp. ' Iip lupl kmt 'nlurilay, "111111 hn Hip) will tukn uirn f liul nliout Ut) cnrN 11 1I11). mul tlin ( Ikplllioml of 11 liumlrpil IwIiie liprn to HHb, ny oiiulit to ninkn cir)imp rpel lint r, I ttiimltr If Hip iinopli risill) up- HHu irpilatn uliiit Hu nillroiiilN unrn up HHB iKnlimt ilurlmf Hm pimt niinHclnrm H ml colli Npnll whlnh follow pi! It At HHB imip plan 11 on Hm mmiiiliiliiN tlin HHJ lermomptpr rpKltprul forty iIsktokn kjIiiw irro, uml It u lmpl Iiiipom- J 1 Idle lo oprraln loi'mimlhpM How- HHJ mt, thirn wnrn two humlriil uml i'V- HHB nty-flM' iwrN IouiIpiI nt tlio uiIiipn )pn- I' itrilAy uml thrpn liuiulrnl mm will HI ?nve ttiurn toilu) Kr)thlnK In rum- HHj UK nriiuml In urimt flmpp, uml up HBg ui o piioukIi pmpt) noul tnrM to k!u HV3 lie mlni'N thrvn Imnilfpil ilull) tlit'lr I Hfffl AiHKinlliiK to imp of Knit Ijikp t'ID'N U IK ilmilurti, tlin trlnU In ovr In Hm m iipI vlluntlmi hiiiI Hinn will Im pIpiiD 9j f i'imiI to Mippl) nil wuntN from now HH Tlic trotlliln vhiiimhI liy Hip In- HH klllly of Hm rHllroMilM to IihiuIIp Hip HHJ MpmnntN fruin Hie 1nln.11 liy rrixi'i HH ' unow or ioIiI HPHtlinr Iihm nt l'Ht HHj tn uMUnomn, nml hu hIhiihIhikH' of HM I Will i'M'H now In wvnlluliU'. It In .Ip- HBBJ 1 H im) iimi: MM'A'iniim talks vur was ixm in 'i 111: isr M A. T. MllUr or Mult Uk. fit), mi HHH Itl tlnm ilkiMtilipr on Hm Dpiispi nml HBH tin Urnnilp In Hm tin) or tlm nIiimIp HHH j rutik. In MinpliHth In liU tltn iHrntloiiN HHH tint liy rwluiliiK Hm Irttlii tommm- HHH I mieli Hrvntpp liwtilMny mn lw mmle HHH 11 Hm ImmllliiK of rm Ai'tiinlliiK to BBI tiller. Im wen mm tiny uliln to tnku HHH I He hnmlrMl IimhIn iIuwii akilillvr Hum- HHH ' 4 nit 011 Hm 0I1I nliiKle inttk wlilili Imil HHH muuli litNtvlw uniile. 11ml ItrouHlit hn IB uuny mnptlm Iwrk Hn nncompllMli il IIiIh, Im uttya. liy ruilituliiK Hm nln if liU trulim 11 nil kIWiik Hm miikIiim p onnaKD which limy ooulil pull nt h HHHT eusoiialilo npixmL Inntt'iiil of u clow HHH IraK At Hm pruuut tlmo Iikoiiio- HHH ilvcn nru inullulilu whlili am Hiip- hB; ' MVfBHo. HYflT flHYHm. poncil to haul nbout three tlmpi- Hip loml or the llttlo enKlnpn or tncnty pnm nso nml n double trnrk make poMlble n much henvlnr traffic. Cnrlwii County liitvcn. ITtnh conl produpers lll Ip IiuM iip to the npproxlmnto nlue of 1780,000 thla nlntnr liecnun of tlin linmlllnK of fuel uhlpmentN. Thn eev ernl Inilcppnilent prodntern urn now 11 limit nctn tliiiumiml cnrlmulN liehlnil In thnlr nhlptnrntN It will lie ulifolntely Impoeellile for Hit in lo cnlih up with their Imtk or dprN linfori wnrm wenlher wIn In. which inrntiN Hint thhi Imnlnenx will Iw a ileml lo"' 8e)ernl producer Imvn orilew on HbiiiI whleli wets filed In Octolier At nn nvernRp tttl of forty ton to n mr Hm nnfllliil tmimiiw will nmount to two Ininilreil nml elKhly tliowennil totiN with nn nvprHf mIIIiik nlue nt the mint of I2.K0 n Inn. Hlilp Hnlllim lclii)nl. SHW XOItK, Jan. . Innldllly lo olitnln nml hn miiiwil 1I1 ly In Hip dpimrture of mnny trnne-Allniitli' w M'UKer Mini frelKht uteHtnerN from IhU purl Ho III r or Hip khIIIiikn have Iti'tl I ilnferreit twenty-four hoiirn, whllu otliprn Iihp had to he nxtendpil fori) elKlit limit Kllher Imk or fnrlllllefl to deliver eon I or a ehorliiKo In the nmrkit vvhn mid lonlRht hy elPtimiililp men In hp reeponelhlt for the ftltunllon I'or montliN thern Iihn lefi nn oxeeptlon nl ilenintnl for marine 11ml In Hip I'nl li'il Klnlee, due lo thn ehnrtiiKe In Kurope. TIip mnjorllv of ntpamnhlim In Hip riKular trnfflr out or New York line In en tukltiR enouKh conl for the round trip, II vvhn imld UH'rnlorN tJriuit ltoimi-. n.KAItl'IKI.O. Tii. Jan. fl The Anuielnllon or llllumlnoiiN Conl Op emlora or ('1 utrnl Pennaylvnnlit hnve nilnpteil h reeotutlmi riHomnipndhm that nil or IIn nipmlii t Rrnnt their emilo)n 11 10 pvr i put lioniiK hnxpil on Ihn uien'N mrnliiKN ilntiil from Junii n r) I, l!U7. Thn opprntorn etlpuliitn Hint thn Ihiiiun ehnll Im iniappnliil nt mint m Hint urn rorcpd to nhnt down hppnilHn or elrlkna. JiutiPN t'urtpll, preelilpnt or DU irkl No S, tltiltpil llhip WorkerN or Aim mil. riHi'lved 11 iiipy of Ihn reno lulloti lonlKht vvllli it rupiiiit Hint he iiiIvIih- nil lociil tiiilonN under IiIk Jurln 1II1 Hon of the operntorn' 111 Hon. Alimit forl-flvp thmiMind mine workira nre piuplo)pil In tVnlrol I'piiiiii)IviiuIii .U I'olhv I'mtii lion. TOOKI.K, Jmi ft. A loptil iihiI iIpmIit thin week lei civ pit 11 nnrloail or conl for tlif pnblli ethoolN nud deeplle IiIn protpptN Hint Im vviin under ion tmi I lo ili'llvir II to Hip iiiiiflKniiii n moli or 1 1 1 lion n. montly or lori'lKii nx Iriutlou, iIpiiihiiiIpiI Hint hn dlKtrlliuli It out iiumiiK fiunlllpK. Thn ihiilir ui olillKid lo iiill for pollip prnlep llon. uml whin It wiin mnprlnlmul tliern wiin mi rnnl ciilfi rluK uu)wliprn lie ili'llviTcil Hip conl lo tlm hiIiooIn In pile of Dm th nil In of Hump nwt mhli d Altm'NII Till. tli CAMINj i'i:itst..i, ami 01 iu:it isr Halt Uikn I'll) lirokpm urn nklnK nliif t -lx ii'iitN ror nhnrpN or rllunil- aril Coal company while llilrn Ix centa H being offered Knight woolen mill, which cloieil one rf.ty last week for lack of coal, nate now rcaumnl, I'rovo denlera be ing agnln eupplled from Sprint; Can yon. "Itneolved that bpfore wlntar i'iiiipn ngaln my lilna will he fllleil with n hard, hluck aulHtnncc knoMn nn -mil ' la tho gl't of numprotiN Nee- phI i resolution throughout thl '.Vti rn country Twenty )enra ngo lnnt t'rlilny Km k HlirlngK. Wyo , coal waa ilnllvernl In Halt Lake City to euntomeni nt II 00 for lump 13 "i ror nut nml mine lark IS 49 The name price pre vnlleil ror CnMlu (Inte nnd Winter Qunrttra. In thoee ila)e there were but two producing mlna In Crinn eoiint), Winter yOnrtem nml Cattle (late All the other rnmpN or thin oiitity. tuelre producing one, havi ulnce len ileveloppil. A I! Bweet vice preeldenl. and I Ii. Clarll) nipi rlnleniletit or tiaiia porlMllon of the Denver nml Itlo Urande were In I'lah laet week hiiiI lllil looking Into the coal eltuatlon .They expreiweil Ihemiielvpa na Well pleaeeil with the movempnt or tntfflt eepeclally ciml, during tho pnat ft w daye nml predict that the pteetnt Nhortagp wilt bo overcome elnirtl) If favorable weather lomlltliiuii lon II mi c. taut Katurdn) the Denver nml Itlo (Unnde loaded three hundred and IwenD-four enra nt the mlnea In Car Ihiii nml Kmery eounllpa and nil or Hum wire on Hip rond to ileatluntlnn Hundn). More Hint three hundred pinpllea were rnrwardeil lo the mlnea Hundn) nnd from III In limn on mine opcrntnrN nre nmiireil Hint I In re will he no ilenrth of rnra. Hundn) being 11 (Continued on pngo four ) ' NEW LIMY HOOKS Coulrlhullmi of 'Iiicnl)-Mnn ol llltllN 10 lNM-nl lii-llliillon. Ilplow In a Hat of hooka Hint will be nilibid lo Ihn Cnrncgle llbrnr) elmtvpN Hlli prenent week, wi)a MlM Mntlle Hlrong, llbmrlnti. Mnnly'a Cngllah Prone, Htutnemiin'N Yenr Hook. High Hchool llebnli Hook. Hen nut In tlm llouen, I'errptt Tribute, Itleluiril Curve I. (Jueet or Ihn I'our-IHf Olovi r. Hang'tir'a I'oenm. Uoimlil HpnlN, lpeillng the I'Htnll)'. American MtrmlHrn, Drl T 1. The Melting Pol. I.lllln Hlipplu rd or Kingdom Come, l.lunoln nml thn Hhiplng Hcntlnel, Tlm World I'or Haln. , ItiilulHivv'a Itud, Angel I'niiwiirpe, A Voice Itl thn Wllitprnn, Hlor) of Wool. Mollur llooen Vlllngn, lloopN mid How to He Them. Kn ret (lurdeii, Junk Among tlm Indiana, Jnek thn Young Cowboy, Mnrk Tldd In ItutlniaN. (IoIiIpii Window a. Itoo.cvell'N Htorlea or the (lrent Wi al. COSTS IN PRODUCING COAL Tlio advanced cost of coal during tliu autumn and early winter Iiiih been liroiiKht hoinu with force to hoiiKcholdcrti iih well iih to many indiiHtrial intororibt, thinkH the Review of Review for .laiui try, 1917. So KeriouH has been this increuHo that iih a ronult of unlvornal coinplaintH nml protentH tlicro have been varloiiM official InveHtitrationH and remedial nteps proponed to deal with the, hih of fuel, l'ew of invo.stiKatioiiK and disciiHsionrt liuvo buen entirely free from prejudice or have taken into coiiHideration the fundamental economic facta connected with the owneinlilp 1 f the mines nnd tho mining, transportation and distribution of coal. AccordiiiKly a paper on the subject presented to the American JlininK' coiiKress at Chicago on November M, 1910, by Director Geot'Ke Otis Smith and C. Ii. Lesher of thu United States Keolojrical survey, atid reprinted in Science ami other scientific journals, in particularly welcome as it supplies the fundamental facts on which any present or future plans for government control or operation or ownership must be based. Such facts, it is unnecessary to say, fcldom appear in popular or jwlitical discussions, even if they are known, which may be disputed. In the coal industry the first cost or mining cost represents the value given to a ton of coal by the mine operator and mine worker, Including thu expenditure for wages, supplies nnd power, the op erator's selling costs nnd his overhead expenses nnd thu original or resource the royalty or depletion charge and tho profit or loss on thu sale. These elements vary greatly between districts and even between mines of the same owners in the same district. According to the paper, "it is not practicable to assign n very exact figuru to tho mining cost the census of 1909 indicated an aver nge of one dollar a ton for bituminous coal and $1.8G for anthra cite, but these figures are believed by .some operators to be too low. It is possible, however, to show in a general way the distribu tion of thi.f item the cost of mining is divided between labor, 70 to 75 per cent; materials, lo to 20 per cent; general expense at mine and office and insurance, 2 to 4 per cent; taxes, less than 1 per cent to 'I per cent for bituminous coal, ami 3 to 7 per cent for (.uthracite; selling expense, nothing to G per cent, ami recently to those items has been added thu direct and Indirect cost of work man's compensation, which may reach ft per cont for bituminous coal." Now the of selling coal must be considered, for it may he little or nothing for some producers who hell to themselves or direct to tho railways, or it may be as much as fifteen cents a ton for preparetl sizes of antracitc. Hut the important oloment is the tiansportatlon charge, which varies naturally with thu length of haul. In Hm lnl rutnle tratfli both rail uml watir bllumlnniiH nuil prolmhl) M) nil uvi ragi frelKht 01 luu ilollurn a tun In oilier hoi. In. the trHnnMrtH Hon i out more than the pciluil and aa wuile wrl or the countr) nn- Juxt now learning In morn illffli tilt to olitnln The value of ntal, like Hm Mil lie of no man) oilur commixltU, In h plan vuliip Tlm NVurawe freight i barge on tntlirai Hi la hlghi r than on bltumliioiia toaU flral. Iii-aiie Hm rat en urn higher ami wiinul. Iwimuiw iinorillng lo reHirta of tlm lnl ratute ummert'e loinmlaalon, all inov.'tioiit nnililtil. the iomI In tarried a great) r iluttttn. Then come the mnrkoting cost. Tho commissions of brokers, shrinkage and doturiorntion all figure, and finally thoro is tho largo cost of retailing. ImiuI half of Hu anthracite uml around 11 mr out or Hm hltumlimiiH coal U ielullil In lima than carload Iota, nuil Hi Hrauteat iiumtwr of Inillvlduula are illreUly winoerned In tin marketing or thla portion, ragnrilliiK tho pronta on uhlih , In re la the w blent divergetice of opinion The margin In Hie remit bunlmaa iHtwein niHt on tula nml prim ilelhireil U bttwucn 11 Si uml 13 00 it ton uml la not more thuii tnoiigh to givu nn tho avrriiKo a fulr profit Tho ahrlnknge nnd. In part, the deterioration nre together seldom less than 1 per cent or the weight nnd may exceed 4 per cent, nnd tho retail dealer alno must prnvldo In hi nelllng price for uncollectible accounts. Advertising Is a largo expense In pnrt carried by the retailer directly, but all borne(by the In dustry Tha largest single Item In the cost of retailing Is, of course, that rep rmentlng the labor of handling nnd the local cartage, which together make up alMiut half the marketing coit With all these various costs discussed nnd analysed, there re mains to be considered n primary one, nnmcly, the resource cost or thu cost to the operator of the conl in the ground, usually ex pressed as a roynlty or depletion chnrge. The present nvernge rnlo or ro)ntt) on anthracite l probably between thirl) -tin and thirty-five cents n ton on nil sites, which Is from 12 to II per cent of the selling vnlue nt thn mine The minimum rnto (about 10 per cent) In found In rome old leases, and the mnxlmum (20 to 27 per cent) In teases made In the Inst five )enrs. It V Norrls states that In tho late sixties, when the annual output of nnthrnclte wns around 10,000,000 tons, roynllliH were eight to ten cents n ton on pre pn red sizes, but that no chnrge wns mndo on thi smaller sties. In the seventies the rate rose to twenty-five vents on pre oared, one-half that utt pea nnd one-fourth on smaller sizes. Striking n balance between labor's share nnd capltnl's return, it would lie found Hint "the mine worker, the trnlnmnn nnd wngon driver together receive fully half of the price of the nnthrnclte de livered nt your house, nnd the same three classes of labor receive not less thnn hnlf the price paid by the nvernge consumer for the chenper soft conl. In n similnr manner the nvernge return on tho capital invested in land, mining plant, railroads nnd coalynrd mny be roughly calculated with the result that landlord, bondholder uml stockholder of conl compnny and rnllrond together receive nbout $1.15 from the ton of nnthrnclte nnd only fifty to seventy five cents from the ton of bituminous conl, nnd of cither of these amounts the mine operator's share is only n smnll fraction. There seems to be little hope of reducing costs in mining methods or unges, but the most promising source of relief seems to lie in re ducing trnnsportntlon chnrges through n shortened length of hnul. Though many n consumer's preference for conl from n dl-tanl rield over Hint from n field nearer home Is Imsed on sppclnl requirements, tho deciding eli ment In the preference of other consumers Is simply the prim, nml this. In turn, mny be largely dun lo a dlfrcrcntlnl freight scnle, which Is thus not In the public Inlet cut. If vve ndmlt tlm primlsn Hint It Is wasteful to burn conl In limiting coal Into conl districts or past such districts, cxcipl In so fnr as tpinllly requirements alnoltilcly deninnd thu long hnul conl Tho recent eastward inoveminl of the higher grndn con Is, In pnrt caused b) the export itcmnnd, mny Involve some Increase In the nvernge lencth of haul, mid thus In the tratispaitntlon cost of conl not exported, but, on the other hnnd, this en fori ed adjustment mn) lend somo consiimira to discover nenrcr home sources ot conl eqtinlt) well sillied to their purposes. Iteductloti In mnrkitlng costs In n reform so close to the consumer Hint he should be able to rind ror him self whntever relief In possible Professor Mead, of the University of 1'cnn Olvnnln. la nuthorlt) ror the statement that the deliver) or conl Is costing tho denlera fifty centa n ton morn thnu la ntcessnr) The pnper suggests thnt "the burden that seems Inevitable under unregulated private ownership of n natural resource like coat is thnt because the Innds containing these national reserves of heat and power nru tnxed and becnusc the Indlvldunl or corpora tion properly charges up interest at current rates on his Inrge holding, the consumer must pay n resource cost which takes intr account the long period of undevclopment." The conclusion is drawn thnt "n.i conl Is more nn Intcrstntc thnn Intrastnto commodity, nny regulation of prices needs to be under federal control, nnd to benefit both consumer uml produce such control cannot stop with trnnsnortntlon nnd mining costs but must stnnd rendy to exercise full rights ns n trustee of the people over tho conl in tho ground. Public regulation, however, vlll be fair nud indeed in the long run will prove beneficial to Mm Inndowncr ns well ns to the consumer, to tho mine worker as wcl' us the operator, becnusc nny such ngency ns the federal trade commission, in its control of prices, must determine costs; nnd ns wo interpret the present attitude of the whole coal mining indus try the operators nre willing to rest their ense on a fnir dctcrmlnn tion of actual costs on which their profits mny then be figured." ThiS'Fairulike Frock For the Debutante j lSlHHF!,,HHrK5S UhhBt VThhB Mm Wmm4mm fit HfSiira VHHJ M W Wiw WwM if s.VlA4HHHHM!f ' J AYi'. M r 'HHHTylSV From Hie l"atlie Kloren"o Hoia Kashlon Klim. FOlt nil tliosu win) rnn still Klvn their nut in Hm teens tticro U iiollilng iiion iipproprlalu thnu tlm ilaiulng fruk of mine lllmj sltifT And, i on t wry to oxpoctittlnua, such .1 frock Ims (cenernll) n long I en no ot life, for n knnI nimllty of tullo luu tlm wontliiK iHiwvrti of far stouter material- ami n moat witUfjIiii; vvny of prlimIiK Inio "11'k.m lit this fairy llko enwtloii two ()pna of flliny Httiffy nru I'oinbliieil-tho ruHClnutlui; novrlly known na wlllo tlio-wUp, ho cleverly iianinil hivauiio It tma all thn elusive clianu of thin tilfln cmiturn. ami n tullo of it texture Hut might lmvo been woven lij tho fairies. Tlm will o'-tlie-wIni, vvhUli fnriiis tlio ovenlross, Is of blue, nil InUiixe'imlliint bluo ttir.t the Prencli claim for their own, nml over It ore scnttrnM sliver flowers It U ilniad to dUplny a rainbow pcttlcont of tullo. pnstel pinks anil liltios nml Kron havliiK bcou motttiteil layer upon Injer. Tlicro la n wldo snsli of miimo antln, one Icnulli of which trolls along tho tloor nt tho kldo, formlni; that up to ditto nppenilni;o, tho train A fold of tho flesh pink tullo softens tlio do col let ago and outlines tho arm open Inu. ANNA MAY. He Had Nothing I to Wear j So ho missed nn Importm t meet ing. He also missed a stroke of hitrlnesx. Ho hnd several fnlrl) good suits, but they nil needed cleaning and pressing Don't he 1 caught In Hint predicament When I jour clothes become soiled nnd H wrinkled from wear bring them to I us. Wc mnko them look like new I We give them new life We pro- I lung their usefulness New spring suitings being shown. Frank L Buckio Price, Utah H I.AMM WCPMPArfV. CHICAGO V NOTICi: TO WATint t'SKItS.--Hlntc Hnglneer'a Office, Halt Ivik Ijike City, Utnh, Dec 19, 191C No lice Is hereby given that tho 'Inrk't Valley Irrigation compnny, whose postofflcc address Is 8nlt Lnko City tUiih, has mnde application In tic eordancn with the requirements of tin Compiled Ijvvvs of Utah, 1907, a amended hy tho Sesilnti Iaws of Utah 1909, 1911 and 1015, to npproprlati ten (10) cubic-feet of water per sec ond from Dugout nnd 1'nco Creeks Carbon county, Utah. Tho wntcr from Dugout Creek will be diverted nt ti point which lies 1000 feet north ot thr northenst corner of the northwest riunrter of See. 1, Tvvp. II Bouth Itnnga 12 Knst, nml the wntcr from I'aco Creek will lie diverted at n, poln which lies 300 feel east of the north east corner of thn northwest quarter of Hcc. 3S, Tvp. 13 Bouth, Itange 1 Knst, Halt Ijike bnso nnd meridian Tho water so dlvirted will bo con ve)ed by mentis or ditches nn nggre gate distance of C880 feet and there iimiI fmm April 1st to Heptembcr 3nih, Inclusive, of ench )ear, to Irrl gate mm thousand nrrr of land cm brnccd In Hecs. 2 nnd 11, Twn. II Kouth, llnngo 12 Hast, In addition the applicant wishes to npprnprlntn one thousand (1000) ncre-feot of wnter nml store It from January 1st lo Do eembir 31st, Inclusive, or ench yenr In n reservoir imbrnced In the south west itiurter or Her 36, Tvvp, 13 Houth Itnngu 12 list. Thn center or tin Impounding dam will hear north HI ileg. SO niln east 1494 feet from Hit northwesl iiirner of Kit1 2, Tvvp II Kouth, Itange 12 llnst, at which point thn water will hi n Imsed and used ns n supplcmcntnr) suppl), to Irrigate Ihn laud above descrlbtd. Tills ap plication Is dpslgiuiteil In tho state ( n H glneer's office na No. C7N7. All pro tests ngnlust the grunting or anld np I plication, stating the reasons thin ror, must bo made by nfflJuvIt In duplicate, aecompanlrd by n fee of S2.S0, nml filed In this office within thirty (30) da)s nfter tho completion M or the publication or this notice. W If I). IICDItH, Klatn r.nglnei r. M Dale or rirst pub. Dee. 29, 10U if dale or completion of pub. Jan 2! 9 1917 n noik r t:Mriii sr.Ti'.s lam Of flip, Halt liko Cltyv Utah. Dec. t. IUIH To Whom It Mny Com urn H Notlin Is hereby given Hint thn stall H or Unit has (lied In this office list of I mils s lei ted by Ihn anld stnti fl limb r Hettlon ft of the act of lougrias ppMveil Jul) HI. IS9t, us Indimiilt' SI s hool lamK vis Mirlnl 01HB07 ffl SW'iNIPi Hn. 17, Tvvp 13 Houth fj ,ltnng I j I.Ht, NKtiHlii, Kei 10 M ITivp IG Soulh, Itiingn H Kant, nnr H M.'.SW'h K.'. It, Twp 15 Houth l.iligi S list Halt iMkv mirldlnr M Copli -i of said lists so far na the) r. Iih I i siul trails hy descriptive sub dill tins hav. Iippii .onstiliiiiiiisl I i ltd III thla off he ror Inspection l jH ili person Int. lesttd nml b) the pub- 3D I gun mil) Itiirlng thn period of publication ot thla notice, or nny llnu H thiruiflir, and before final itpprovu m and cirllHiatlou, limit r department!! H r. gulatlniiM or April .'5, 1907, protest or (oiitista ugulnat the i lalm or tin fB tiitr lo any or Ihn tracts or suh-dlvl H hIoiih hereinbefore dtacrlbul, on thr H gritind that thn aame la more valuahli Jlj ror mineral thnn ror ugrlculttinil 9 purposes, will hn recelvid nnd rillteft W report to thn general land otflcn a' Washington, D l rallurn ro to iro teat or contest, within tho time sped H fled, will hn considered sufficient ml ileuru of the non-mineral ehariicttr" o" thn tracts and the sukctlons thereof U being othervvlsn free from objection will bo npprovpil In tho atntn, (101M.I II IIUAKKI.Y Itpglster, H l'lrst pub, Dec, 22, Inst Jan 19, 1917 notici: roit I'um.ic.vriov. (I'ubllsher) Department or tha In lerlor. United Htatea Ijind Offloo n Halt iJike nt), Utah. D.cembor & 1910 -Not Im la hereby given thn Mrs. Kate Kgan, widow or John II rgnn deceased, ot Ogdnn, Utah, vvhn on Ma) 211, 11)15, mndo Ilomeateai I'lif), Hi rial Vo. 014614. for HUM o M:,. Hei 35, HW'NW, NKBWk Her 30 Tvvp 11 H, Itango 14 i:, Hal I ake bnso nml meridian, tins filed no lb i or Intention to mnko flve-ea proof, to establish claim to tho lam I nhnt described, before tho reglste nnd receiver. United Htatea land of 'rice, nt Halt I.ako City. Utah, on Hi 22d dny of Januim. 1917, and liy tvv of thn following vvltueama before Hi ilerk of the district court, nt 1'rlcc, Utah, on thx 22d dn) of January 1917 flalnmnt mimes na vvltnessi Prank Alger. Kd Harmon, I'm stir Null, r and H.1 !.en, all of I'rlce. Utar OOl'U) H III.AKHI.Y. Iteglster I'lrst pub Den 8, last Jan 12, I91i There wire tut from the nations I fn est In Him flMiil yea I 1910 six tins I ilrel four million nine humlretl nn tmut) thouaunil hoard f. t or timber or this amount 119 183 000 board r vvaa mt under fn iim. pritlleg- 42 (155 Inillvlduula. In all, 10.81U iih or tlmlier wire made, ot which 97 l1 cent wcr. under n hundred ilollar-i I value. Indltutlug tlm extent to win " the hiinieatnailur, rancher, tnlmf small inlllman uml othera in need or limited iiiantlt) of timber dm v up' the foroata. Hmoke 131k Prldo C'lgur. Tel. 152.