JANUARY 12, 1917 THE SUN, PRICE, UTAH EVERY FRIDAY PAGE FIVE HhI BLUE DRAYS, "WO IT NOW," : : : CASTJLI5 JATK OAL. PajHon FJmti mid Mill Stuff. None IicMer. HtiNt'crit mill ITtfnlt Suit1, tvlinlcHiilc n Npechilly. Tiiin, HorNO JfihiiikctN, Wnoii Covith, Itetl IfilimkeN. COKN, vholc mid ruckcl, til living itrireN finally. Hny uml rni;i, ht hunt in fnivii, t always. i .i i . i J McKlTNIS FOUWAKDINti CO. " Phone 88 ttHIIIIIHIIIWHIMIIIIIIIllHIHIIHIItlllHIHlt TO THE PUBLIC ! Wo take pleasure lit making the announcement that the ,NBW YKAIt 1917 finds our stm In the best condition of our his tor). Never were our lines and equip ment In nil Rood n shupa to give what Is essential to r vicccssful communlt) INSTANTANEOUS SERVICE In keeping with our polk) of constant ecrvlie In thli tcrrltor), unci the appreciation ou have shown, wo wish to announce that n hnwi Just made a. REDUCTION IN SERVICE Charges) to nearby points arc now io low that It In ehcapi r to telephone than write letter tnn go cstra), messages Irl ril b) n lloup. hut one or of our ninny telephone linen Ik ulna's nt )i ur servlie REHEMER One of thu biggest nsscts In )our home In the Telophnm Eastern Utah Telephone Co. K iintmiiiinimiimn' H ' i:iGIIT IIAK OU) ckdaii;: : imooic WHISKICY. H And Everything the Illghcit n arado In tho Liquor nnd Cigar ; H ! Llns 8 ilCHARLESAVERILL!! 1 : 1'llIOK, UTAH lllilttNlifat I All kinds of meat for all M klndN or people. Our meats are HJ right and our price are right. Our many tuitnmrni nttist IhU fact Your faith In tin will nut be B ubuscd. We'll pick nut tho H choicest of cuts and send )ou Ihn ver) best In our Mock I .Corner Meat Market H ii. n. nofiints, lop. M Thonn 311 1 1 It Started In I I The Kitchen m i . . Avoid thu horror of Indlgrv ! tlon A sluUtiman ate Impure . food guvo him lndlKetlon ' . quarrt led with another states- ', '' inun presto, tho war wus on! . ' We posltlvul) will not sell ail) ',', Inferior, Impure or defective '. grmerles If we know It The i ' ' In nt In noiiu too Rood for our ; ' ' ! !l customers, and TIIBY AMVAIH . OUT it. ; ; We wunt YOU for u uustomtr ; . jj ' Farmers' and Stockgrowers' Store AAi.AAAAAAi.AAAlAAAlAlAAAA, 1 vyTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVFTvTTTT Swoka Bit Pride, Clear. Tel 162. PRICE Hi NEARBY A (' Kill ir. of Halt Lake City wns riLintl) nimid ns town nttornr) for ramie Ontl Trice's ke crot)l good nt this I lie nnd quite a Inrgfiimnunl In being put up b) local pi oM More frt'rht In going out of I'rloe at thlN tlmn for Uintah llusln points than for mtn) h the tin) Two or .Mr nnd Mr- J I Mm KnlRht'N ihlldnn nre quarantlnid at their home with the mwilo KViiIUlH) l.biuor llouxe U iidir tlnliiK In The Hun to bu) wool hldiN and m IIn nt top market prke. C'olktt'N I.uneh ltriim In now rutd) for InmlncNN at the former location of tin Kor.) In the Croikett hulldliik VIkIIii I Iron ontl II I ItOKirii nra nboui flxid up prmnntntl) In their new qunrttrN In the VIkIIu bulldlnic .MIkn lleiwle K lined) nnnouiieoN the arrival of no me of her new prlnR roodN In hatN and other mllllm r The Matt board of medlenl eKnm Ini rn Iiiin iidmltliil WIIIImiii II Itaxh, M I) of lluntlnicton lo prurtlc. mid Irlne J ('itimron t' liiiltx wiin down fro.n lllawnthi on it Nhurt huiilniMt trip WidneNdn) nturnlnR on the mornliiK train Trunk U Ilurklo In fliowliiK u new line of Nprlnit NiiltlnKn wlilih nrrhid from the Kat Ourlnu llm prtNent week The liifnnt datiKhter of I'rof and MtN. A. C Hooer haN In en m rlounl) III with Kflppe.pm umonltt nt I'rke nradrm), hut In now muih Improved ItuMneiM In pkklnK up coimlder. nbl) with the local lioteln nlnce the holldA)N, which In oI)n ii dull wmi. ton with them A. Dupln or HprlnK Olrn recetitl) took ihariro or the ItlMrelile I'urk Miloon nt that place It wan former!) londutted h) T II. (Trent h) Atiph and MiKune Korwardlni: iHimimn) ha wiinii new nIkiin at 1'n place or ImhIiuimi that am not ralculntid to kei p the Iftah Kuil com pan)' produttN un der a bushel." as It were llenton Itandolph, count) ncNituior, has taken up IiIh dutlis at the tourt hourti and wilt Noon be well nlonK with this )cnrH nMefcmenlN of p ixiual and real property for t'nrhon lount) MrN. 1'riNton Nutter ihlldnn and nuriMi lift Hall Ivtke CID )mterda) for Houthiru California to i' ml tin win tir. The) will nturn to the Mnu Mile ninth In CnrlHin toiiitt) In lite "Pilnit JoNeph K. Iloldtr if XI) ton and Ho phlu U Hardy or Halt take ('ID wire iNNtird ii marrlaice Ikenfe on Monda) or thlN weik by Dtrk Morale) and were later marrltd b) Ilsho Albert llr ner. With Nome rhsnuiN In the Knwillno motor car which nctntly arrived rront Omaha ror rvlce on the Castle Val ley and the Kouthern I'tah rallroudN, tho same will be put In Nervlte lin. twirn Trice and Mohrlund Trice uindrmyynsumrd Itx AorK lust TueHila) uft r belnir i lod for the Christmas hillha)N. Thi teauh em nnd Ntudents Lvlro went nwi for n vaeatlon all returWd and interei lilt) ; their work with rtnewtd vUor Colton's In hnrvist Is no will ' nloiitc unds- the superintendent) of J. SI. Miller, who handles tho iusl ! i ess for tho Denver and Itlo Orando railroad In addition to oarlnK for hU I own nmtomrs wattired nil over the . NtaK AiUumeH In the prlc of Turkish ; elttnretH rutiKlnu from fort) -five cents . to a dollar a thousand nre announced 1 The Increase In rt or paper and ' oilier expenstm Is Klvtn as the reason The hlKhtr w hob sale prlns are suld 1 to roreshudow tiorreepondlnK advance ', In the retail trudt I) C McDonald writes The Hun I from Netvoastle, Wash nnd renews ', olleKlnnce to Uastern I'tnh best newspaper for nnothir twelve months I JiulcInK from the (.entleman's letter . ho Is prosperous IIIinseK and Mrs ' McDonald wish their Trkt friends 'u I hupp) and jirosperous Ntw Yeir' Denver and Itlo Grande trains are running prett) resularly theso days, ' ennslderlnR the weather they have to contend with Tho snows nre tho heaUest all throukh Colorado ror ! many years, while or the Wasatch ranee In Utah west of Trice unusual cold snaps have been fieqjtnt or lato ; When Anulla Nebekcr, United HUtes . marshal, delivered George Oroebll to federal authorities In Los Anjfelee this week ho visited OcorKo C Whltmore, bank president or N'ephl who Is con valesclnR nt Venice Marshal N'e bekcr recently received a letter from Whltmore In which he says that his condition Is much Improved Iteports reached I'tnh the first or the week that K T Jtffer). chairman or tho lonrd or directors or tho Den ver and Itlo Orando had reslRned his plnee with the Hcenle llouto' How ever there Is )ct no confirmation of the stor) Jefrer) Is also preildrnt or Utnh Fuel eomps I) He s now tunr InR 80 )car or nKe Ownets or the Hnrdscrabble i onl mine above Helper n short wavs have bcRun Null iiRiilnxt the Denv'er nnd Itlo (Ira tide ror tlnmnRes or twtlvc hundred dollars ror Ihn allcR d oloek InR j't the Mnrtln )ardN crosslnR, which prevents access to the proper!) An Injunction to prevent the further blocking of the yards Is also on! oil for WalterN fitock rompan) feniurlmt Miss ARttes Rtuttl of Toronto Canada, as Its lindlnR lad), comes to tho Itku theater ror n two nlfihts inRngement next Thu red ) nnd Trldn) evenings The compuii) In cr) hlshlv npoken or b) the presN where It haN appeared In t tah Persons over 70 tetirs or age nre admitted rree to both per fornmnies MIsn Martha Ilrndle) was bad I) burikd ntxiu the fact last Trldn), but Is fortunate In not having lost her e)e sight front the explosion of a can or s)rup that had been placed on tne klti hen runse to warm The can was l nopetted and tin 1 been left b) one i( her brothers unknown to hir Miss Ilrndle) will not be disfigured, but tin accident might havi bien worse Alfred Hooker, father of Mrs J M Millard or Altonah, nged III )inrs, died nt the home or his daughter and the remains were brought here Hat urda) nnd placed beside those or his wire, who preceded him In the grave some ten or twelve )cnnt agii The old gentleman was n Union soldier nnd had made his home with his mm nnd dattghtir nt Altonah ror sivirnl )cnrN T ter I'nlumhiiN nnd Thomas Tngls, set Hon hands on the Drnvir nnd Itlo (Irnnde wire taken to (Irnnd J mil lion, Colo from (Ireen Itlvrr last week suffering from Injuries unstain ed lu a collision of two rullrond motor chtn two inlbs from (Jrecn lllvrr ColumbiiN Iiiih a broken leg nnd n hole In the top or hl head and TnglN a broken arm nnd evenl) tritslud chest ItccaUN) or the net iilt) or the rnild dillvr) or through express nnd beeniim r the rlvnlr) bttween the Hmtn l'e nnd the Diiiver nnd Itlo (lraude for this business, Train No ID, passing through Trice nt 6 15 of the evuilng will, henceforth have a sic ond section which ma) or ma) not run nitordliig to how late thu trains on the Hinla IV Urns nre when the) arrive lu Tueblo Colo If the trains arriving In Tin bio an two hotns ana thlrt) mlnutis late the sicond sictlon or Train No K will inrr) the expriss to Ogdeii nod make ronnectloiiN with other tmln which will take It on to Cnltfornli Thn Drnvtr nnd Itlo Ur.mde ri gularl) makes about eight hours fasti r time than an) othtr ruad i in: .i. v. ti.vm:v i-omtavv ItMHIN HMI'MIMX Kli.lllIM AMHItlCAN TOItIC, Jan, 10 John !. Tlrmuge, manugi r of thn Oolden Utile store In this clt), has returned home from u trip to Iowa, win re ho wmt to locate and open up two new stores for the J C Tenne) Co , one nt Hhenaudoiih und the othi r at Creston This makes u chain of about u hun dred und new nt) -five stores operate' b) this complin) throughout the I'nl lid Htates. All tmplo)es of this com pan) have bet n notified Hint nil In trraso umnuntlng to about IS It li r nnt would he iilvtn them, beglunlnr Nov mlii r tst Inst )enr This will mean that taeh emploe will rttelve, or bus rertlvid, u tlieck ror baik pa) Tor Now miter and Detemlr, aver aging alMtut l!V) per cint or his sul ii r) In addition to this, J C Tennu, tlie hiud of this Institution, pern in ill) Insures Hie life of enih of Ihe em pIo)is or the iiimpan) In an amount equal to one )iar's salary or the m plo)id, nnd should nn) rmplo)n die while lu the servile or the lompan) his wife, mother or other hemflclary will rettlve this amount of Insurance. The annual eonvintlon or the man nt.ers will be held at Halt Uike Clt) next week, when thn inanagera or all the stores throughout the countr) will be pnsent, as well us those who will Income managers this )tar ?S COMING EKO THEATER TO NIGHTS and Friday Jaili l0jllj Teuturlng MISS AGNES STUTTZ or Toronto, Canada, IN TWO aitUAT TLAH Thursday Night "Sowing tho Wind" Trlduy Nl&ht nln a Woman's Power" Beautiful Gowns Special Scenery An A-l Co. Prices, 25, 35 and 50c I Old Tolks 70 Yeara Kree HMHIBSJI JUNE M0R5E NAMED Comrs to the United Motes 1'uel loin pnny (.cncrnl (ountl Im1 Sundn) It was announced rrom the offices of the United Htates Fuel tompnnv at Hilt take Cltv that Judge Charles W Morse hud been appointed that compaii) s general counsel It Is n position regnrdt d In the legal pro fission ns one or the most Important, cnrr)lng nn honorarium or no small proportions, nnd Incidental!) earning also a great deal or responrlblllt) Judge Morse will surtcett D I) Houtx, who has rt signed the place Judge Morse Is at prestnt presiding nt n trlnl or vltnt moment to thi people or three counties the ense or the Trovo Iteservolr compan) against Trovo Clt) nnd nil the wntcr users on tho Trovo rlvtr In Summit, Wasatch nnd I'tnh counties Tntll the trial or this suit shall have been eomludetl Judge Morse will oc cup) the liemh nt Trovu It Is ex petted that hi will assume his duties wllh the fuel compan) on Tel mar) lit Die office to which he has been appointed wilt not prccludi his en gaging In private prnctlte Judge Morse, upon the expiration or his ser vile on tin Halt take Clt) bench Monda) or last week had prtsldtd over his court ror sixteen )cars. Trior to that timo he had enjoyed an ex tensive law practice for twilvn )enrs Judge Morse Is quid) well and most favorably known to man) cllliens of Carbon count), whirn his duties with the tonipan) wilt meessarity brine him oftt n Judge Morse adjudicated the wutir rights of Trlie river n few yenrs ngo nt Ihe time sitting for Judge Jacob Johnson, who was ills-qunllfltd DOIKQS ATSUNNVS1DE Manual Training to He Added to Work At the School. SISWHIDU Jan 10 - parent tint hits mi cling wan hi Id In the sthool house Thursdu) tvnilng The movcimnt for Installing manual train ing In the Hunn)sldo sihools has been Ver) sucerssrul Almost enough mono has bun ralsid Ihe people having re sponded generous!) In stibstrlptlons, and that the boys will injo) n course In manual training Is a thing of tho nor rututi Trlmlpnl It IS David son xe(tN to Instruct the bo)s In tills work ns he has speilnllnd ixtenslvn- I) In that line Mr nnd Mrs. William MeCue spent Christmas and Ntw ears wlfh Mrs. MtCues pan nls Mr fnd Mrs J C Twnddb Mrs. I! ( Kirxlui and daUKhtcr, Itulse, ri ttirntd Haturda) after spi nd Ing New ears with Mr and Mrs. J II Hurrah at Hiawatha. C O Jensen returni d Ttirsdu) from Draper, where he spent the Christmas hollilajs. Mrs Ji nsen and bub) re malnid to visit u few weeks wllh rel atlvis nnd friends. Miss Viola hltlnker und MIsn Mur) illrown returni d Tursdii) after spend ing the holliliDs at their homes In Ml Thnsant nnd Halt take City The girls' It H club was enltrtulnid iTuisda) ivenlng b) Miss Utulse I.)-nn I Mr and Mrs August ('arisen en ttrlalnrd nt a watch part) New dear's I eve. The guests wire Mr und Mrs. Il-'runx Dlmltk, Mr nnd Mrs. (Irorge iHmlth, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Nn)lnr, .Missis Mabel McMlllin und Nellie I Marshall und Kvan Jones. ' Oeorge C Mtltejohii from Itulns jvlslied during Ihe holldii)s at tho home or his brother, J W I.lttlt John ' Miss Ituth Martin and Miss Irene I Thomas returned Tuemla) uller sp ndlng thn ho Ida) s at MiOIII Nov , and Kenllvvorth Mrs It Onlbnillh enlerlulntd ut dinner Ntw tars da) Mr nnd Mrs. J H Vnrner, Dr nnd Mrs. C It Tuhr Ing, Misses Kmll) nnd Mm belle taw- isili nnd Miftrs, J Williams, James I Moore, A Vurmr. II I Indies U Vur- ' ti r und II urner The Art und Kmiroldi r i lub met Halurday nftemoon nt Mrs. J W Lit tlrjshu's The ufitrnoon vvus spent Ii pla) Ing curds. Those present Were Min C II Tnhrlng, Mrs. A I) llndle), Mrs i: II llrenmr. Mrs. J II T.s sitto Mrs. O U lleokstiud, Mrs O W Hmltli, Mm. Jim Westflild und MInmis Irme Thomas and Ituth Mar tin Mrs. J Westflild . rrterts'nei' lha Mlssea Mm In lie und Kmll) tasen nl dinner Tuisda) evening Mr. and Mrs. (I U Ibtkstead en til tnlurd thn following ut bridge Hat urda) evening. Mr und Mrs (Iinrga Hmllh, Mr nnd Mrs n V, Tucktr, Mr nnd Mrs. C A Tons, Dr nnd Mrs A W Dnwd, Mr nnd Mrs. A D Had le) and Mlssts Irent Thomas nnd Ituth Martin Hubert O Hrlen lelt Thursdu) ror a week's visit at his home In (Irond IJunitlon, Colo He Is In the employ lor Ihn Wasntdi Htores compan) ' The HuniDsldn schools wire dlseon- I tinned Tuisduy In cause or n leak In tin iHilhr Our merfceili school trus. tee, Dr A. W Dowd, hus mun) men on the Job und sthool will be resumtd as soon ua tlu r pairs tun In made Mrs MiMllbn returned Monda) nlkht with her daughter I.) ilia, rrom Hull taki Clt) The little girl Is re covering Irom Hit operation ror ii'i ipundlcltls Messrs Vim Aver) nnd Wllford Huff of Castle (lute have In en spend Ing the past week In Hunnyslde on Utah Tin I company work 8)N M) ton's Tree Tress of lust Krldtt) 'if C Word, rerilvcr or th Trice to M)ton automobile line, has .tntkledu big Job Man) knoll) prob llems will come up to him It susms that one or the biggest thinks Ihe old romiHiii) did was to actumulite debts U Ward pulls this proposition out or the deep venter und onto sare ground he will destrvi and will ,et H feather In his i up Hut Ward will not be most In nef lit d Tho compon) nnd the towns of M)ton und Trice will be greutl boneflltd If Ward falls In his efforts ho will do no worse than most any other man would do Wo don't believe hn will fall Wo know he will not ir vvn all help him push through tho sand when low gear avatleth nothing" Bmoke Elk Trids agar. Tel 1C. HiLHLHLHNHMLMi LORD BYRON SAID: I "The best of prophet of the future is the H pnst." No ambitious indhidual can nfford to H iKnorc the precepts nnd example of those who H have demonstrated that industrious savinir is H the sure foundation for financial success. H Start the New Year with it saving account. Pl It will be n source of constant inspiration to cf- fll feet many small economies. You will be made ll w clcomc here. Four per cent paid on sa Iiirs do- 1 posits, interest compounded scml-nnnunlly. pl Price Commercial & Sayings Bank Price, Utnh L 1 SOCIETY 1 Mr and Mrs O O llornir inter tnlned at dinner Monday n number of Invited guests. The Tuesdt) night llrldge chili f sunn d Its uu clings this vviek Hfur it vaintlnn or severnl wc.eks Miss Hnr Itara Torresler was thn hostess ' u-s da) Mrs. J It Hharp and Mrs. U K Whtlmon vvtre IiosIisscn Tmwlav evinlng nt n dlnmr party nt Ihe home ol the Inttir Covtrs were laid ror twent)-thrre Atler the dlnmr bridge was Indulged In MrN Trunk 1.. Iiuiklu entirialurd about n dozen or the little frli lids of her children, (Irrtihm nnd Churlrs, last Monda) ivmltig at a birthday part), rollowed b) n plrtun show i n tertnlnmrnt at the Kko The two chlldnn's I Irthda) dales nn the same Mr und Mrs. Carlos (lundi rsou of Trln wen tin lompllmintid guisls ut n dinner part) glvm Monda) even ing or last wiek ut Ml TlmiMilit h) Mr nnd Mrs. Urlck Ounderson Cov i rs were laid ror Mr nnd Mrs Cnrlos (lundirnon. Mr nnd Mrs. John Oun derson Mr and Mrs. Vtrnon (lundir snn, Mr and Mrs. Tntll Monson, Mrs. Curtlss Ounderson nnd Mr nnd Mrs. Krlik (lundrrson Ni w dear's night uu ispttlnll) Joll) part) had an outing In the form of n bnbsltlgh ride to Castle dale, win re dam Ing was enJo)ed until the earl) hours of Januar) Id At 12 30 o clock Dr and Mrs. K M Neher InvllnL thn entire part) to their homi, while n ilellrloss buffet luntheon wns srved Those present Wire Mr nnd Mrs. T N I loss, Mr, nnd Mrs J K. Theli. Dr nnd Mrs T. II Hlopnnski),H II Taj lor, Mr nnd Mrs. H V. Hn)der, Mrs. Dolly Ilruoksbank, llinr) Ituggerl and Miss l.lxxle Ituggerl - Helper Times, Cth. MS. JOHNReWLEV HAD lllglil) lleHftiil Woman ut Hprlug (ilcu I'usM-N Avvuy. Mrs. John T Itowti) or Hprlng (lien died nt her home Inst Friday morning or heart disease and dropsy, agi d (7 )ears. Dictastd wus an old sdtlrr or litis inunt), hnvlnt; resided hire ror nvir thlrt) )iars Tunirnl senlcis were held Hundu) ufti rnoon ut 3 o'clotk In the meeting house, Inter ment taking place In the Hprlng Olen citnetir) Hen lies were ounducted by It C Joins or Helper, the oholr singing 'Homo Time WVII Undir stand,' ami pra)ir by II Vondir Hhiilt Holo, Tuce to Kure, ' by Mrs. Vander Hhult 15 H Horsley was the rirst speaker nnd related the high character or Mrs Howie), wllh whom he had bten acquaint! d ror many )eurs. Mrs. Vnndtr Hhult sang 'Oh, M) Knther," und Klder John Totter spoke or the charitable actions or Mrs Howie) and or her motherly de votion to her family. Thn services were tonoludid b) thn holr singing 'I Need Then Kver) Hour' und bene diction l) William Trost or Helper. The meitlng house wan rilled to Its capaclt) Hisldes thn husband thtro aru lilt rive sons and one daughter, Mrs, John U llr)nerof Trice und several grandchildren Merchants coupon books In all de nominations Tho Hun HITS THEJUWCiES Hit. ( ( Iturwlit- Now Hn Home fH to tlu frloiin Ink rlor H I lev IMwnrd talrd Mills who sue 'fl ei riled Dr Talbot ns superintendent lHH or the Mi Ihodlsl mlselons lu Utnh ll and who is will known to man) Trice jH people has bet ii promoleil to become jH superintendent or tin di pnilnient of IH the frontli r of tin board or home IH mlssliitis und thurth extension of Ihe H Melhodlsl eliurih, with Inntruotlonn jH to assume his new duties ut (into. Th tH Jurlsillttlon lovers Ihe eleven ltotk H Mountain and Tat Kit Const Htates. H nnd the olflie of the stipirluteudtnt H while nomlnnll) In Ing In Thllndet- t phlii, will rcntl) be In Halt tako Oil) -H where his fnmll) will continue to re- yt side Dr Milts silitisMir as Utah H superlnti ndeiil Is the Itiv John J iH taie or the Colorado confirinie, and H it risldeut or (Irnnd Jtiuttlon M During his visit to the Host Dr H Mills preuihid for Hev A C Ollvtr H Jr Hev Ollvir wus nuntl) nl Uu ri ku und lias u good uddriss on the TW Morin in Itillslon. whlih he Is alv wKM Ing with grenl ncceplablllt) Dr J 91 C llltkei formirl) lutstor of First church nt Halt take Clt) wus mil In H Columbus It w lit re he Is now nl th North Aviuue thurth In New York IH Itev C C llnrtilir, recent)) or Trice B and Trovo, wns Intirvlewed He wus H sailing the lit xt week ror Capo Town M (Africa) win me he expected to go B twint)-flvi hundrid miles Inland to HHJ his station In tin Congo mission HBl IOUND A HtlHIITIHNO. H I II Wlxitu, Farmers Mills, N Y H has usi d Chamlterlalu's Tablets for pHl tears ror dlsordt rs or the stomach und HHl livtr nnd mt)s, Chunibi rlaln's Tab- HB lets nre lha best I have Ver usi d HJ Obtainable ever) where Advt HH Vernal will soon have a new hospl- BH tat, which will cost f00i) and will to H modrrii In eviry rtsstct HH Let Us Join Hands I For a Prosperous Year o HH Kvtn ir wn hud no couvlclloiis HH lu Ihe mnttir, our ytars or deal- HHJ Ing with thn public have con- HHJ vlnred us thut 'honest) Is the HHJ birt policy" HHJ Honest goods ut an honist HH prlte has built our business to HH Ihn splendid trade wn now in- H Jo) H We want to Join hands with Hja )ou lu u tompart that we will HJ continue to adhere strlrtl) to HJ this Hilli) And we believe HJ our buslniss rcpulatlou und HH policy will loinmanilpollo) will HH tammand u gtmrnus share or H )oru patronage during the nun- HJ lug )eur H With this understanding wo HJ rollclt )our continued tonfl- HH dence und support Our spo- pH tlaltlts nra fresh und cured HJ meats, iHiultry, fish and veget- HJ ables and everything In the sta- HJ pie und fresh groceries lint HJ Carboa County Commis- I sion Compaay. I I ; 1 MRS. BDTTERMAKER! I Wc make a specialty of printing; Htitter Wrap- pern and can guarantee you absolute satisfaction 9 in this regard. I Our inks are guaranteed not to fade and the quality of paper used Is Pure Vegetable Parch- t ment the beut made for thin purpose. H You don't need to fear about our prices being H too high, either. Ah a matter of fact they are I lower. I PIIICE, UTAH T 4 - ( iHHfJHHfHfiHHHHH